Newspaper Page Text
- - --—oao. .. - ——-a . .a —sr -^sa
Nt'U'ftpxiwr 4’liauge.
Uu Thursday (.tomorrow) morning, the Sa-
V iOib 11-publican” will be resumed under loyal
auspices, by Mr. J. E II vyes.of New York, who
proposes to establish bimself permanently in
the Tiibliehing business in tins city.
Alter to-day the ” Loyal Georgian” will be
merited iu the ''Republican,’' and the publisher
w ill retain a friendly interest in the united
papers. This arrangement meets the approba
tion ot the military auihorities of the city, and
We certainly hope it will be acceptable to the
ell iz. us generally.
For the present, at least, but little advertis
ing patronage can reasonably be expected In
HaVanuah, and newspapers must exist on tbe
profits ttl their circulation. Tbe high price of
paper and other materials, as well as the in-'
c r ased cost ol labor will reduce their profits to
i mere pittance, and it is but just aud proper
that Air. H »>•«•» should Im|i wl«l little barri-Et
the present excitement and novelty produces,
in enable hint to stand successiuliy when tbe
patronage of the army is removed aud circula
tion falls to its natural limits.
Air. Hayes has be rr connected with the New
Yo;k “Tribune” lor sevoiul years, ns rep rter
aud has considerable exp .-riunce In newspaper
busiuese, aud -an extern ive acquaintance among
literary gentlemen, lie was formerly connected
with the Boston “ Travi lei ” as war correspon
tieiu lor that paper. He is a ..young inau of su
peiior abilities, and we b <vc no doubt will make
u paper every way acceptable to the military
authorities aud the citizens of Buvauuuh.
The duties ot the proseul publisher ol the
“Loyal Gcorgiau” requite las undivided atten
tion, and after to day uu more copies of the pa
per will be issued, but the Publisher, as before
rem.uked, will coutnbute all in his power to
make the “Savannah Republican” interestin'’
to the reading public.
In dropping the Hen lb resume the Sword,the
publisher desires to express the earnest hope
that Trace may soon bo restored to our beloved
country aud Troepcrity follow iu its iootstepb—
that the Star aud Stripes, the glorious Flag ol
Freedom ui"y soon wu, e over every
section cl the land aud leboluon uo longer curbe
the nation wiHi Rb haleiul inllueuce.
iue foliowiDg cx.iuct from Special Field
Older No. 140, issued iy Majoi cieueral Sher
man, dated Htc. iifivti, and received by me on
the 87.n iu&i., is pubh heu ior tUe iniormaliou
01 those eoneei ued. lhe register will be kept
at Aidciman Bngfiu .’s Gouuiiug Hoorn, on me
H. I>. Akkold,
Mayor ul*Savauuah.
lire mayor will lurlher give public notice
that the time has come when all must choose,
Viz : to remain within cur unto aud conduct
the. i. :ei, c« as good C. ..zenfl, or depai t 111 peace.
He wul ascertain the names ol all who choose
to leave A ill, -an 1 repoit Lhoir names and
lcbmei.ce to the f. B Qiailoi master, thaL
U-casuies may be taheu to tiuusport them be
y uu the iines.”
PuWer of the Nation.
It is a curious iaet, ’.but notwithstanding the
gi drain upon the. irte Stales, by the demand
for soldiers that have been made at intervals
dui mg tbe past three years, the population ol
most Ol me Stales bus actually increased at a
rapid rale. This lact is alluded to iu the au tites age < f lire Tu-idcut ci the oailed
Scales, Irom which we make, the following ex
tract. :
the election has exhibited ihe fact that we
do uol approach exhau-.ion iu the im
portant branch or toe naliuual resumes..—mat
ot living uit ij. While .t i:. melancholy iu reflect
that the Wat has tiiioU So many graves aud
caused mourning $> so im ly trcui.s, it is some
let lei id Know mat compared writ the survi
ving the fatten have b. cu s-> low. While Corps
auu lJ.visious and R'gimeuls have loruied aid
10 ugUt and dwindled a,iu guue out oi existence,
a gieat majority 01 the uieu who coinpostu
them are tlrii living. the same is Hue cd the
naval service. The elucuou returns pr ove Halt,
tin many vo els could uni else be louud. The
Stales regulai y homing eleeiious both uow
and lour yeais ago, to .wit : California, Cou
tn.elKUl, Delaware, lUiuois, iudiaaa, lowa,
Keuiucky, Maim, MuiyiauU, Massachusetts,
Mulligan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nuw Tlamp-
Bune, New Jersey, New if or ii, Ohio, Oregon,
4 eiiii j ivaoia, KuoUe Island, Verinoui, West
Vrigiuu, ana Wisconsin, east 3.962,011 votes
liow against 4,370,222 cast then, showing an
aggregate uow oi 3,303,211, to which is to be
adueu 33,702 east now in the new Slates oi Kan
Bus and Nevada, which iiiaie6 did uol vote in
ibbO—thus swelliug me aggregate to 4 075,773,
aud the net lneiease during the tUiee ytais and
a hull ol war to 145,751.
A labie lo appended th jwiug pal tieuiars. To
till;-., again, should bo atitlod Llio uuuibcr ot ali
fcoltiieis iu lot. Held iioui 'Massachusetts,
lulatid, New Jersey, Delaware, Ipdiuua, Illinois
and Oaitioinia, who, by the laws ot those
Stales, could not vote away l.oui then' lioint ,
ana vviiicu number cunaot be less thru 90,009.
iNoi yet is th is ail. The number in organized
teiTiLoi'ieß 1s triple now v. hal it was four years
a; u ; while thousands, while aud blagk, join us
as tLo national ana-, press back the insurgent
liuet—so muob is shown atUiuiatiVely and lieg
aliVety tiy Uie t.lcetiou. lt is not material to
Hr quite how the m.-rcase has been produced, or
lo snow that it would have been greater but
for the war, which is probably true ; the im
purlunl tact remains demonstrated that we
nave mote ineu uow than we had when the
war began; that we aiu not exhausted, nor in
process oi t ihaustion; that we are gaining
Sl.ic.igtu, anu may, t< uKk-hu, .........a,U ,ne vSkn
lest indeliuiteiy. t his as to meu.
1880. 1884.
Renlucky 140,210 9i 300
Maine 97,918 115,141
Maryland...*. 92 602 72,703
Massachusetts. 109 533 175,437
Michigan 154 747 102,413
Minnesota... 34 799 42,534
Mitao'iri 105,533 90,000
New Hampshire..., 05 953 09111
New J :i.-;cy 121,125 128080
New York 075,150 730,004
Ohio . 442 441 470,745
Ortgou 14,410 14,410
Pennsylvania 470,442 572,097
Rhode Island 19,931 22,187
Vermont.. 42,844 55,811
West Virginia ;... 40,105 33 874
Wisconsin 152,180 148,513
Total 3,870,223 3 982,011
igMlsas 17 234
NCTuda 10 528—33,762
Total 4,015,773
“I'Bells peppermints on Sunday,” remarked
» good old lady, who ktpl a candy shop, “be,.
Cause they caines ’em to church and- eats ’em,
and keeps awake to hear the sermon ; but if
you wants comfits you must come week days.
They are secular commodities.”
A good deal ot tbo coosolation offerod in the
world is about as solacing us the assurance oi
Hie man to his wiie when she lelt into the river:
“You’ll find t round al. the bottom, my dear.”
“Good morning, Jim.” “Good morning,
Dau ; Wrtat’s the news?” “Auotbei glorious
Victory —what’ll jou drink ?" “Starry, Dan.”
December‘doJ, 1804. j
No. 1. i
In accordance with orders received, the un
dersigned has assumed command ol the eily.
The following Stall Officers ure announced :
Capt. VV. T. Fokbks, A. A. G. and Chief ol
Capt. 8. B. VViiKBLOCK, A. A. A. U.
Lieut. Col. A H. Jackson, Inspector.
Capt. Moses Vbale, Aide-de-Camp.
Capt. John J. Canting, Aide-de-Camp.
Lieut. VVm. C. Akmok, Aide-de-Uauip.
Capt. lua B. Sevmouk, Provost Marshal.
Capt. (j. L. Pakkbk, A. 0- M., Post O-nfl tor
Capt. James Gillette, U. S., Post Commis
They will*be obeyed and respected according
The offices of the General Gomiuancliog, and
of tbe Adjutant Generals aud Inspector’s De
partment, will be in the Central Kuil’Eoad Bank
building, next to ihe United Stales Custom
House. Office hoars lor ordinary business from
10 A. M. to 3 P. M.
Tbe “Wees of the other Staff Departments
wilt be lu the Exchange building aud vicinity.
Brigadier General U. S. Vols.
City of Savannah, Hee. ;J4.h, 1804. )
No. 2. f
L For convenience in military government,
all that portion of the City lying east of Bull
street, is designated as the Eastern District;
that lying west ol Bull street, as the Western
Col. VVm. B. Woods, 76, h Ohio Vols., is an
nounced as Provost. Marshal of the. Eastern
District.' His Headquarters will be iu the U.
S Barracks, on Bull street.
Col. H. A. Barnum, 14'J.h New York Vols., is
announced as Provost, Marsha! ol ihe Western
District. His Headquarters will be near ihe
corner ol Barnard and South Broad streets.
All applications for protection of persons and
private property, or lor redrtsi of grievances,
will be made to the Provost Marshal ol the D.s
trict, or to the nearest officer ol the guard.
11. Each Regiment on Provost duty will
be held responsible lor the peace and good or
der ol their respective sections. The Provost
Maishals ot District.; w,ll number the sections
assigned to these regiments.
111. All public aud private - properly will be
protected; and whenever necessary for such
purpose, special guards will be assigned.
No private property will be laken or used
against the consent oi the owneis, except upon
an order irom proper authority.
IV. Offleeis aud others, entitled to quarters
for private or public use, will make appiica
tluu to Biig. Geu. Easton, Cbiei Quartermaster.
V. Ali persons wilh.u the City, who have
been in any way connected with the rebel army,
will repo, t without delay to Gupiaiu ira B. Sey
mour, Provost Marshal, (office in Exchange
budding,) and there register tueir names.
VI. No cit Zeu will be anested except for
misdemeanor or upon w riUeu orders irom these
Headquarters or Irom a Provost Marshal.
VU. Ihe Fire Department ol this eily has
beeu represented by the civil .autboiilies as
highly efficient. Mr. Casey, acting Chief of the
Fire Department, is authorized to continue
operations, and will be bold responsible lor
ihe faithful perforuir.i e ot fits duties. Ail
members oi'ihc different ids Com nan ir.- wil
continue subject to orders, and neglect of
duty on their part will he duly punished. In
ease of fire, the Provost Marshal oi the District
wilt send immediately strong delaeumeuis oi
guards to preserve oriior in the vicinity.
Vlil. Those persons connected with the
Wattr Woik3 and Gas Works of the City, will
continue to perform their ouiies as usual. The
Manager ol these Works will apply to the Pro
vost Marshal ol the District iu which they are
located lor futiieie-ut guards for the protection
of the Works, together whir the fuel and other
material pertaining to them.
IX All soldiers li u id within the city limits,
absent from Ihefr camp, without pastes from
heir respective commanders, wid he arrested
and scut to ibeir command..
X Oapt. Silas Spire is announced as Harbo r
Master of this Fort, and is invested with iuli
uitUority for the transaction of business in his
Department. Office on Hay, opposite Drayton
Xl- Cit’zins desirous of leaving the city So
go within the Rebel lines, will make applica
tion at these Headquarters. They will be trans
ported to our interior picket line.
XU- Citizens desiilu.e ot provisions, can
make application at ihe City Store, where they
will be supplied upon th? order oi Dr. Arnold,’
Mayor of the City.
XIII. R-veille will be beaten at O F, M. Tat
too at 3 F. M. Taps at 9. Alter Taps, ail
listed nun found on the streets who are not on
duty, and who have uot proper pusses, will be,
ai rested by,tbe Patrol. Suspicious or disorder
ly characters will also be arrested alter that
houc. Care must be taken iu carrying out ibis,
order not to make improper arrests oi eit zsus
who may be attending to their lawiul business
iu an orderly manner.
By Command ot
Brig. Gen. John W. Geaky,
„ _ _ , • Commanding.
W. T. Forbes, A. A. G.
Military Division of tub Mississippi, V
ln Che Field, Savannah, Gu., Dee. 26th, 1834. )
No. 143. „ j
The wiv.y oi oavciLiniu «>,u suiruuuuillg enun
try will be held as a, Military Fast and adapted
to lulure militaiy uses, but as it contains a pop
ulation of some 20,000 people who niHst Vie
provided for, aud as other citizens may come,
it is proper to lay down certain general princi
ples, that all within ns military jurisdiction
may understand their relative duties aud oblm
I Duriug war, the Military is superior to
Civil authority, aud where interests clash, the
Civil must give way; yet, where there is no
conflict,every encouragement should be given
to well disposed and peaceful re
sume their usual pursuits. Families should be
disturbed as little as possible in their resi
deuces, and tradesmen allowed the free u.e of
their shops, tools, tea. Churches, schools, all
places of amusemeut'and recreation should be
encouraged, and streets and roads made perfect
ly safe to persons in tbeir utuil pursuitr.—
Fasses should not be exacted within the line of
outer pickets, but if. any person shall abuse
these privileges by communicating with the
enemy, or doing any act of hostility to the
Government ot the Ui.iteJ States, ho or she
will be punished with the uuuosl rigor of the
Commerce with the outer world will be re
sumed to ari extent commensurate with the
wants of the citizens, governed by the rcair;c
lions and. rules ol the Treasury Department.
11. The Chief Quartermaster and Commis -
sary ibe Army may give" suitable emptoy
k ' *
| meat to the people, while aud black, or trans
port them to such poiuLs as they ebottee, where
employment may be had, and uiuy exieud tem
porary relie* iu the way ot provisions and va
cant houses to the wot thy aud needy until sued
time as they cau help themselves. They wiij
select, first, the bin dings lor the netersary
uses of Hu: Army ; m il, a sufficient number
ol stores to be turned over to the Treasury
Agent or trade stores.* Ail vacant storehouses
or dwellings, and all buildings to absent rebels,
will be construed auo used a* belonging >o tUe
United Slates until 6i>eh times as their titles
can be sealed by the Courts of the United
111. The Mayor aid City Council of Savau
qah will continue aud exercise their luncuous
as sueh.and will, in noucert with the Command
ing Officer ol the Post and the Chiot Quarter
master, see that the Fire Companies ate kept in
organization, the streets cicaued aud lighted,
and keep up a good understanding LeLween
the citizeus and soldiers. They will ascer
tain aud report to tbe Chief C. 8., as soou as
possible, the names md number ot worthy
jam .lies that need assistance and support.
Tbe Mayor will forthwith give public notice
that the time has come wheu all must choose
their course, v z : to remain within our line.;
ami conduct themselves as good citizens, or de
part iu peace. He will ascotlaiu the names
of ali Hull choose to leave .savannah, aud re
port their names and residence to the Chief
Quartermaster, that measures may te taken to
transport iheui beyond the Hues.
IV. Not more than two Newspapers will be
published in Savannah, aud their Editors and
Proprietors will be held to tbe. siriettsi aceouu
tability, and will be punished severely iu person
and property for' auy libelou- 1 pub iealiori, mis
chievous matter, premature, exaggerated
slalemeiits, or any comments whatever upon
the acts of the constituted authorities ; they
will be held accountable even for such articles
though copied Irom other paper;.
By Order ot
Major Geusrul W. T. Sherman.
l. m. day ion,
Aide de-Camp.
luventive Kmerprlso.
One great cause oi our rup.u advancement in
the mechanical ails undoubtedly arises irom
the eneuuiaigeuicnl which our Goveiuiucut Ua?
held out to vue mveuior, iu uwurding him pro
tection for a limited number ol years lu the
sole making aud using ol his mveuifou. The
admirable working oi our patent law tty stem
has produced wonderful changes and great ini
provemeuts in tue several branches of the in
dustrial arts withm ihe lust bail ceuiuyy, aud
although me policy ol our patent system ban
US origin in England aud tiue extended oVci
most ol iue counmesoi Europe, J et, line eveiv
other mature ol puOile policy luuuded oil in
teiJlgeuce aud mvoiviug me clevatiou and uis
liQCLlou oi uiiiu, the system of protecting Lire
auiboiß of new and usolui inventions Is uea
lined to display ns moot gignu in works upon
tills contiueut. Auierieaus arc ail mveuior. iu
a greater oi less degree. Vie are analytic—ai
’Waya uu the alert ior souiathiug novel—always
ciiauglng, mod'lying and improving—while
many oi our ueigUUursol older Couuiries have
settled down uuu oteo’me'sycthetic. Necessiiy
causes us lo invent, ami we create necessities
that we may ecu in-ue inventing; hence, -we
nave astonished tue World l*y the V'goi ol dm
growth; almost at a single Oouuu we have
placed ourselves upon a level Witu the greatest
empires oi aneieut or. modem tildes, and With
in me short period ol one generation we Lave
equalled, uuu promise to surpass Incur ail.
War doe..* not stop ttie progress oi invention
in lUiscouutry ; it partially ui.ui the inven
tive xniuil in atiuihoi cLicetion, and it suggest,
novel ideas »tried are rapidly graspeu, auu
new needs which are quickly supplied, ii an
iuv uluerani* Vessel it, cailcu Encsson
and in the pi terse place where u is required,
il improved arms are needed, wo ti.ui ■.hem
leuily lor use ; 11 improved lenrs are necessary
ior cue coinlort oi our brave soldiers in me
Held, we have tented cities springing up uls
around us. Thus like me lairy iu me fame o.
■'Ciuderelia,” me spirit oi invention Las only
to wave bet magic tvuud, and lusutuuy sin
supplies our wants.
In tbe meantidie, iuveniors are not idle at
home ; they Xind it a uccesslty lor labor saving
machinery in workshops and uu farms ; am.
Lhcy proceed immediately to lurutsh ,uo uuxil
lanes. Thus, Ironi the boundless resource?
oi bis prolific mind, and the judicious on
eoui igement ed our patient laws, LUc iuveuioi
is—iu Wat a- well as peace—tbe »apptier oi ms
country’s needs and tue conservator ol his nu
nous’s honor.
[From the Army and Navy Journal.
Chaplains are oflieers in the United States
Army, clothed iu any lasbion, doing their will
lu any kind ol way happening bandy, iu
morals, good; in spirituality, good, better,
"Our regiment has one aud the oflieers dont
know it. Your regiment has one una tbe men
ylou’l know il. You regiment bus oue and no
body knows it.”
A chaplain is generally a good mau and at
home Was Useful ; but in tbe Army is Uurdiy
evy so, iu a particular manner wnh bis regi
mentru ntr as the making ol its moral torce
goes. Every other man in the military organ
ism has a depuruneuL of duty that oilicers and
soldiers are bound to respect, whether it is
mat ol general m-chief or company cook. You
must attend wilh respect to youi duty, con
nected as it may be with the orders ol a senti
nel, or, u you please, any oue under authoiity.
That mau wbo does nis duty wi.i lorce you to
yours, il you are disposed to liegieet n wbtu L
concerns mm and nis place; but Congress bat
ot deled cbapiuius into a patn wuieb no man is
bound to respect iu a military sense, lie must
presell once each week it practicable, but no
man is ordered to go aud hear dim. Tbe regi
uieut is gov erued by order in everything else
but cbuich going.
ivieu grow into the habit til doing duty only
as luey are loid, aud ino discipline ol a soldier
is bitch that his longue, hands aud leet arc con
tinually subject to ‘ orders; aud win-re is the
uiau mat can or dare dislu* l> uus who is obey
mg ordei s ? Does uol a good regiment tret in
polled coucoit and uuisou lo Obey, an J only
obey? Yet tire ulliee ol chaplain in mil out of
the spirit und lorce that govern the regiment
to win its own way against it. For thisieasou
it is unappreciated.itiriJ unfelt iu a very great
measure. An ordinary chaplain is never eoui
plimcuteU unless someone is dying, and the
grim monster forces alibuflou to nim and (may
1 say ?) tiis sacied ottied; or sonic one is Wound
ed a.rd G erieus takes me place ot nurse.
lu eiVH Ilia where men arc tree, a minister
nets up.his pulpit, and they attend and Llior-
rovu hts ministry. Many fall in u> V e
witn him and his sanctury anu pay a good sum
lor tneir annual support, simply because th y
cauuot do wilhcu. Lliem. The same minister
may come into tne Army with a huuduil ol his
hearers whj would ’pluck out their eyes lot
him ” But wheu they become soldiers, and ht*
by their u fiaence their chaplain, ibis love and
revelcncc ior him soon wears away. Iu ino
portion as they arc moulded into miiiiary ha
otts iris oilice becomes neglected as a nuisance
or an unnecessary expense to the Government'
it a chaplain is ordered to preach to hit,
regiment once a week, should not that reg!
incut be ordered to hear as often ? Men can
never be taught tactics utile s in obedience to
orders, though they should foifeil their lives
to the enemy. So met* in tbe Army can never
be taught the principles and habits ol aright, ous
man, ii left to their option to attend'Divine
service, if oue chooses to atteud, some call
may lake him away iu the midst ot ihe service
and disiu: b btuh him aud it. A chaplain whose
privilege it is fT receive his regiment with their
side arms al an appropriate hour each Babbath,
feels daily me.nlal devotion lo his duly, and his
B'udicsand associations will te ardent and
worthy tush meeliugs, and the general aud
numerous duties of his oliice ; tut ii men go
when they choose nncl cau be exctijed from
oiher duties of minor importance, they think it
a gracious favor to ihe chaplain that they have
gone’; then, ol culTse, he as a m in of prudence
and independence cairhave uo pleasure in such
au aud eace.
Tire Voicqfroui tlie Army,
i he following lyi’ic was written by James G.
Glaik, a successful tang writer, who is the au
thor of “ Fremont's Battle Hymn,” “The
Ohildien of the BaiTe Field,” and “Let Me
Die With My Face to the Foe.” Mr. Clark
is wall mid lavorul ly known iu this vieiuiiy.—
IE 1.
From the West, where the livers in majesty run.
Am! the hold in'ghlanis catch the last kiss oi the
Prom mo East, where the Gentile saw Bethlehem's
From tue Bcuth, where the beami ul summer is
horn; •
Prom the North whom the lakes are like mirrors
And tuoauuimu wooes frame them in purple and
We cme lu the name ol the nation aud God,
To ciusli tlie last vipei troru Lii city’s tod.
Btamioutof oar f urili.-ht, bewaieol our wrath,
Ye huUuUs that wuum r so ou the fugitive’s path.
Who over your countri’s deslruclion would glea
Aud treasure the knife tuat U a mod a. h.n luroal ;
lo follow the t hieftai , who, yoked with the knave,
Renounces a file with the noble at and brave,
Aud leaving ihe eagie- ol Preedom, can take
To ihe nest oi ihe bus- aard or den ot the snake.
NoTnore shall the Noi „h, with a gng in her mouth,
Bow down to tue sell oieeen.g lot Us of the South;
:No mote stall her Cei dieu from merry ,
At the crack of their V hip or Uie ciunk of their
Our legions will face U e red fires of death,
And like icicles melt ii the cannon’s not breath,
file they ask for repot .- that wul tarnish their lame,
ur “ peace 1 ’ tliat-is bin u. with dishonor and shame
Thrice blest be the hero who gallantly st rives
To -liie'd what the -U.. »?-«-•(*( *viil. -hair
lives ;
But cursed be ihe vultures that least on the slain,
Than croak that the mountain hires hattlu in vain ;
Ann woe to tue louUeiS, and woe to their tools,
vVheu the laud shal remember Us traitors aud
When s rpents are wr.thlng in dust and disgrace,
And ihe cuUdieu ot liberty rcigu iu their place.
Let their deeds be recounted with hate and disdain.
And their names ou J mentioned with Judas aud
Who would strike down the truth that a race may he
Ur Beil it in secret to robbers aud knaves ;
One raises his hand w.thu murderous rod,
At the brother whose tvota was accepted of God
One stands ou the grave of liir holier days.
And kisses the inastei he basely betrays.
By the martyrs whose lives ate the beacons of time,
VV hose death made tue cross and tho scaffold sub
By the graves of oar brothers, who fell as they
Per ihe gift which the blood of our foreiathera
By the lie.. Veils, where the world of eternity rolls
O’er she armies ol eun.ii witu its armies of souls,
vVe swear that our hemes shall behold us uo more
Till the laud tsiedeemed or bedewed wnu .our gore!
What flood Wut* to jfluve stone anti
(.From the Mon ginnery Appeal, |
111 the event that Gen. flood tiuds the de
fences ol Nashville too lormidiible to justify an
attempt to carry them he will move w the left
ol tbe city aud snake Clarksville, sixty-five
miles below, on Lhe Cumberland river, bis
ueutiquarlcVs lor tbe winter. At the same
tune ne would can! ure Fort Douelsou, thirty
live miles below, nu Lhe uver, aud Fort lieury,
winch is iweive miles from Fort Douelsou, ou
the Teiiß river. Thu would give us the
command ol bo h iavers, and iroin the position
a Clarksville tue army could draw ample sup
plies Loin the prcdpelive couuLies ol Christian
1 odd and L igau, in Kentucky, vVUhiiia radius
ol twenty live miles of ClarJcsville there arc
not less tbau th ui y lirst class tl auriug mills,
anti Lhe supply oi Corn and meat in that section
is n.exiiaus idle, besides, recruits would dock
to our ranks by thousands, and wheu spring
opeus ihe army would occupy a commanding
position, be supplied iu every particular, and
greatly increased as numbers.
How SoLLumts Marry. — lhe Indian Military
Gazette describes tbe mauner in Wait U soldn ia
obutiu wives ii'our tlie gills’ school luThu CeUq
tiy ibe usual mode of procedure is, mat
Wueu a soldier up; Lea, iLr. u -U thq captain oi
ms company to Ibo commanding oUlttr, for
permission to select a wile iroin oue oi these
nidii.u ions, ihe. mmaudiug ollictr communi-
I.IUU, stating ihe pat .aeuiais oi tuewouid-ne
benedict’s ape, character, e e.—i t course a good
char, c er is sine qau non —and, ou the receipt
oi a lavorable rep.y, the soldier is dispatched to
tbe.station where tbs institution is situated,
vvtib a lutroducliou and a month’s
leave, lie is there introduced to the young
lady wbo has been selected f»t him, and favored
with an murview, iu tuepie .euct , ol course, of
the diuciael matron BhouiU the parlies be
mutually p eased wilh each other, they meet,
iu a similar mauner, dally fora week or fori
nigbi, until the marriage ceremony takes plate
The,arrai gemeuts are couuuetcd by the matron,
and tlie trousseau is proti led by tbe institution.
The applicant is uot bound Lo propose to lhe
lirst maiden lu whom he is presented any inoie
than she is lo accept his proposal, hul, should
he desire it, is presented to a tccoud or third.
Ue is uol allowed, however, as is generally be
lieved iu (he Army, lo see the whole assembled,
and throw bis hauukerehieß ala Hullau, to the
ol ject ol his choice.
vVe think, il tue mode of procedure were
geuqraliy known, there would be many more
applicants among the most respectable non
commissioned oilicirs to obtain wives from
these institutions than there are. The general
belief among soldiers is, that all the girls are
paraded in ranks like a company ol soldiers,
each girl having a slate suspended to her neck,
and that the applicant waij.s down tne ranks
and writes his name ou the sluLe ol her whose
appearanbe pleases him most, it is needless to
say that as soldiers arc, by reason ot their ex
clusion irum the tompany ol the fair sex, the
mcßi baehlut beiugs on earth, there ia not a
mau but would rattier plunge into the hottest
lire of a battle thau undergo such a learlul or
deal. It they kuew how tbe arrangements were
ae; drily c.uried ou, the affair would be divested
ol most of its terrors.”
Upon the same suljeei wo tiud Lhe following
specimen ol amatory correspondence, which
has been published by lire Central India Times,:
‘•Kumpteo, August 12. h, 1361.—Mr. , I
was told that you had one Daughter Fit tor mar
riage, aud 1 hope V>e wilt come to Agreement
ou the subject. PI rase send word by bearer.—
Corporal , Company, Ist balialiou
Royal Regiment.’ Dur readers must admire the
practical turn of baud, and absence of lalse
delicacy, which suggests au answer ‘by bearer,'
w lihoul giving either ot the parties concerned
cn the other side any unnecessary lime ior con
Wit anti Humor.
The first apple was eaten by the Urat pair.
Men slip) ou water when it is frozen, and on
whiskey when it isn’t.
Teacher —“Come here you young seatnjj ansL
get a souud ptukiuvr.”
.Scholar—“ You mu’t got no right lo spank
me, the copy you just set me says so.”
Teacher—“l should like id lihar you read that
copy over lo me.”
Scholar—“ You shall. [He reads.J “Let all
the ends thou almost at be thy country’s,” &3.,
&c., “and when you are ipauking me, you
ain't aiming at no such end.”.
The following despatch weut thro’ by tele
graph amonih or two since: “Charley and
Julia met at 4 's yesterday—quarrelled aud
parted forever—met again this morning, and
parted'to meet no more—met again this even
ing and were married.”
“Boys,” said a village schoolmaster, “what,
is the cause ol all tnir noise in school to day ?”
“ft is Bill Sykes, sir, who is all the time im
itating a steam engine.”
“Come up here, William ; if you have turned
into a locomotive, ii is high time you were
switched oil.”
As two urchins were trotting along toget her,
one of them fell aud broke a pitcher he was
carrying, lie commenced crying, when the
other boy asked him why he look on so.—
“Cause,” said be, “when I ge* home mother will
whip me ici breaking the mug.” “What,”said
the other, “ain’t you got no grandmother i; viug
at your house ?” “No,” was the rt ply, “ Well,
1 have ; and i might break two mugs and they
dareu’i whip me.”
A fellow contemplated in utter wonder the
dimensions oi a bystander’s feet, and iu a tone
of astonishment, said, as he surveyed the man’s
proportious : “You’d have been a tall man ii
ibey hadn’t bent you so far up.
Fat was a volunteer, and got sick. The first
question that the surgeon asked him wus ;
“Fat, are your bowels regular ?” “No, sir, be
jabers, Fin a volunteer,”
COUNTY. V? al! whom it may concern: Where
ss, Mfcry Ac:n O’Coiuior wil! apply at the Court of
Ordiunry for Milters Dismiseory »• Adiuiuistratrlx
on !h« estate < f Patrick Price, late of Ghatham
county, J; aiasnd.
Stole hie, theretoro, to cite and adiuontiih all whoa>
it may concern, to be a:.d appear l«oh>re it.;:! Gonrl ! . i (if an,' they tiave) ou or >ui>..v ih.>
:irat 4A nday in Uvxemler noil .it.Uerwiso s d-! le’.oTi
wHI bo gam ted.
Witness, Lb-minick A. G’, Esq., Ordinary for
Ci.rtthinn county, this Kith day of M ;>< f> ‘ l.
nvyt't I'OMIK'I'K A fv »’ C
O CIHriSTY. To all whomit may coiiotu: Wte.e
i»s, Jacob Weinheimcr will apply at the <,'ourt of t>r
ilhiary for Letters of A.dmiulstmtfou ou the estate of
Jacob Waliea, laleol Chatham county,olaceascd.
These ara, therefore, to cite and udmuui?i' ail vvhorn
it may Mtwm, lo he and spiwar before mini < a .art, Li
make objectiua <ll auy tlie.y have) on or oefore
drat Monday in November uext.otuorwise said letter?
Will be ,'roXiled.
Witness, Dominick a. O'Byrne. Esq., Gnnuary
for Chathaia con atv, this 3d day of October, Ins 4.
OCU* DOMINI- H. A. O'HVKNE, f\. o, o.
In O' L’t (J In
cIX i"l days after date apiilicai ion will btrmade
i« the tloiiorable the Urriiua.-y oi < halharn couu
. ty for leave to sell lauds belonging lo W ill. J'oiiard, 1.
in. c. T. J. WALbH, Guariliau.
Bept. 28, IWA. or.t:-)
Legal Notice.
HIXTY days alier dale application will be made
KJ to the Houoratilu the Court ot Gi'diUar/nf Chat
uam county lor leave Ur sell lot aud improvements
No. US, Green W ard, city ol aavauuaU, belonging lo
tbe estate ol Heury L Cnlberl, deceased.
■-n i> KOK HitK'l’. Adou'r.
OelOt'ev- llMh, 04-*
Lamer ol Hull itud Urouiflit'iu sireels,
Mod e’s Old Stulid,
WILL keep constantly ou baud—
Ht-vaua and t ;<>iida%egars
Smoking aud chewing Tobacco ,
happe and Boult
Briar Root i'lpes.
Also, ,
sßalionery, Ac.
Windsor and Toilet Soap
Playing Gardu
Euglisnaud coulederale Mat.* lies
Dressing Goaibs
English ihasiard
Shoe Blacking
Imported Willing Ink
Pishing iiooifs and Lines. uovU-ti
Dl'Ririß iiSTiiiLLSUjjiLfV'i',
IharAKUßliao UK 1 UHI.IL
Si.(»isaotf<cd >-i» Hit li>r»yfo»i m»«i, cowl*
ui tfvm nitost, Htiiir cue iAiia r«*lttiui»
oi 4lae uuhsvriusr.
I'jStSXki sodtciihar, grateful for past favors, beg!
B leave lo inform ins naeuds and ike public gonei
m.y, that be is now yrepurcii to Dye all Uoiora iu tlit
iicst svyie on Silk and Woolen Drosses, Shavvit', Ac.,
also, ‘r'aoio Cove a and lie* pc shawls cleaned ru
aiaact.edlll me I;,et luauiior. liaoies’ hid and Do*
tkl.'i ufovesCleaned in the cost Loiruonstyle,
TUfc aaltSCilber begs rouyu to slate that he i« n.o«
prepaiod tOiLeha, Uiehta nil*- press Lain os' BolUihU
ami Fiat* m the moat iiuuiouaiiie styles. 'Tormf
I'intttlU’il ii>cU iiJLU UltitUlfcU, a* inti)
txj ru.]UU'o«i, iu tu fcfuuti auj/isrun atylo w&icii gtu.
kv vFcixi i’ 1 -.a#-in ti>* »rJiO UKJijUi ior
KOUNtt Liam HltiiU M'HDOh,
tUi/aCd lusjtitutiou opi-sus ou Afonduy,
1 lOih Oct >l)* r, Under au eiiiCieuL aud experienced
corpoOi Teachk»e, luminbmg a complete oducatiuii
iu au accompli cued and aty«e.
Hcuioi OepaiT.moui under Kev. 0. ii. &ing\ Princi
Junior l>cpattment under Al:s. L. 15. Wright ♦
Primary Oep trtxuent uaucr Aiiaa Kale Cluauey.
Prencii, German and m.isic uud» i MadeuiuiiSi ile A.
Grupon, oi tue ceiebraled FrcnCb Bcuooi iu
C.baiiefetou, lately ol the Lucy Cobb iUdtitule, and ol
dibtmguifiherl aueccett iu Icacuiug.
iirawing, i sic,, under Emma Wray,
a lady tuui Uepartiuent iu tue
stituLc.wUeu under luecUarge oi tb.; Kt. It v. Lir.iiop
Eugiipbaud Matucmatical sludi a, wit h Belles Let
ters und Anc.ent Lbe negular Ouursi).
For which tuition: ben ou Junior c-0;
Primary per term. Modem languages, Drawing
& c., at Teacnor s rates. No other extra cuar^ea.
Three terms, beginning 10th Oeloberj£olh January,
and is*, ot May, n*ak»j up the scholastic year. The
general contiui et tne school by the Principal, and
tue several r-aawc uinlei Ihcu dill*-rent teaCi,* iSa.
! ivcictouu-r.-l Uki rnittiu Y7i jTubLcyo Abaci
euiy, viz: Jadgc Win. iiUW, {.Tail man ; Einitop El
liott, W . Thorne W illiaiUß, Johfi K. Ward, Itev. Ur.
Axoou, Jobu W. a ii. A. Alteu, aud 11. D.
Weed, Ertii a. Also tue Clergy ol Lhe city auu the
patrons id the school.
♦Mrs. W. is lately of Atlanta and au accomplished
teacher , highly rtvonunenued by Pishop Elliott and
her iorinei patroiai.
La Betraite,
I’reuth aud Eugibli
ftfiiuo! for has l.aiiies,
r No. 35 Liberty St., cor. Whitaker, 3av’li, tin.
JkADjt&lk. A. LaCOB'L’K, Triucipal.
TilMlSßcUoui wilt he reopened on MUiNt)AY,OcI
A tom, next, with a iuli and ellieient oi
'l eachor.ol Kugiish, French, German, JHusic* (Vocui
and iusLrnmcniulj, i’amting and Drawing.
For turtUß, Ac., apply at the School. Fciorenc.i Is
abo made hr permission to Uie lollowtng genii emeu:
Rev. Bishop -billion, D.i>. Kev. Geo. Raster,
Rev. <J. F. McKtte, Uou. Sol. Cohen,
Hon. A. Porter, Mr. tiy. Williams, Ueo. liollock, Mr. W. N. Habersham,
Air. Tiros. Wayne, . Air. K. V. Legriel,
Mr. T. P. Huger, * Mr. Geo. Owens,
Mr. J. Richardson, ilr. J. A. Wragg.
Mi. Geo. Cope, Sepl4—Sawti
Y ft Y.
m»IH Present Session will close ou the Si'lth ol
A July, a lid the classes will be resumed on the 'itb
or Septemher. Tne scholastic year will be divided
into thuesessions, commencing Kept. 7ta,'UeC. 23vi,
April 9th, aud ending J uly 9f)th, istih.
Hoard, Washing, <fec., during vacation, JllU 00.
Board, Tuition in French and ftnglish, washing,
Doctor’* Fee, and oidinary infirmary chagres for Hie
First Session, f 175 in cash, aud one hundred pound#
ot bacon; Muslc.ou Piano aud Harp, eachs6o; Draw
ing, with materials, S4U.
Not over eighty pupils, and none under the age oi
nine nor over that gi uiteeu, for the lirst entrance,
will he received. iniyh—esßwAflsAlawtiw
New MiislcT
IAVKR6UGEN, Waltz, Stodart $7 00
J Afiemiou, W'aiiz, W. H. Fa oo
Morning Star, Waltz, lieyer a ou
The Mother of the holdier Boy, fichreiuer i Oo
Gipsey Countess, Glover 3 00
Nil very Shower (Instrumental) Uaiiinhack 3 0U
Just published by
New Bvaksaad Music
S3I ITH’S English Grammar—Richmond edition
ConiederateFirst Reader, “ “
Confederate .Spellin'. Book, “ >•
- M*|>w teas tern Viigfrna and Norm Uarollna.
The Duties of a Judge Advocate.
Digest ot the Confederate Military aud Naval
Somebody’s Darling (Hewitt) oo
I’ve brought thee au ivy real (Wood) */ v oo
nova)—2 JOHN C. SCtfKtCtNEK A SON.
Sclijjl Books.
Greenleaf’s Common Arithmetic
Dodd s do
AicUuU'cy’s Fourth Reader
Mitchell’s Ancient Geography
bullion's Latin Grammar
Bobbin’s outline of History
Quackenbo’s Post Lesson in English Composi
Fasquelle’s Nfp ileon
Pinuey ,16 Ladois’ S tench Reader,
THE undersigned takes this opportunity lo in
form the public that an improvement has been
made to l his establishment, and she is uow prepared
to furnish Breakfasts, Dinner J aud Suppers at. the
shortest notice. Passenger# by the C. It. Road rau
be served with Breakfast in time for'the Gull K. K.
ti*u; al o, Dinnet will be served to passengers wbo
may arrive by Ihe Gulf ft. R. train In time fort lie C.
R. ft. train, which leaves atß o’clock 3U minutes.—
Lunches, Ac., prepared at the very shortest notiee.—
Game of every description constautly on hand.
This establishment has been kept open during the
summer for the Accommodation of ottlcers, soldiers
ami citizens gem rally, aud 1 respectluily ask your pa
Hamburg Lager Bew at f 1 SO per glass.
tJ 'ff AT K 411 ifiKOfffiiX, ITi V i H.I HI
4. < GIINTY. J-: ■:11 whi' i it n-fiv c. -•
'“'he. g-r, Pisi ; Stem* v.t • ■. -j j,. ;
Court f*’ * <a ! a of Viiminfid" i'ou
on itin aibUtar Os J. ■ Webh, fate o! - aid < n c .
Those ate, tin . , a'r.d ; ,ou : . h ail
ii .ORycormnra, rt .and -vt feff-., .-- ; ,ij„
m:. k . obfoCT.irm ~p '~ : r-,-i
j* m No'eaY : .thfirvi?" , ,
vt‘ r . yt-athd
'-VII,IH<S*. Bomini-H. Visa, ,a> q•:■’ ' . v ffw
VU .: ■, u coauts •! " h :. .'.rA-ni. m!„ ~ ;
se.naii* -■■ . ■■ r- -
hf'i'A'li'B 4'K«*ISG?A» <iu ; It? Asi
n COUNTY •’’« ■ -v- . • ,Vh.
as, Johanna No*: u will apply at'the C-mri oi in fi.
naryloi I.eitev: . Ae.i.iip-ri- PioD on thf of
Julius J. Nev'"’- I ■’ of Ghatbsin eourov, de
ceased. •
These are, th a.-n-.-e, to cite ajj-i ada-onisi’ a!!
whom it may CO' v;". to be and appear before said
Court, to make t je-tiou(if uuv they liavc) to, or in
tore the flrat id* nday m November next. g;. *.r*.-
said tetters wit! V granted
VViUiees, IXi!ji i w>. A. o’ifyrne. Ssq., Ordinary of
Chal Hhm co.Bnt). this'l9th fi«> of Etna ember > :t.
sep2B—l. ItINICK A D’Bjf-ii'v'i’ O >'■ f?'
H'ii'i’B oV GKOltl-iIA 'cWATHAIfI
C? COUNTY.- To ;;1 whom it .may concern:
Whereas, Carol) . Webb will aoply ,i the Court'of
Ordinary for Let . -a of Administration, cum tentu
tnenio annexo, on the estate oi Amos Webb, late or
said county, uec* used.
't hese are, tie More, to cite and admonish all
whom it may concern, to lie and appear before said
Court to make objection (if hi y they have> on or
before the first M relay in November next, otherwise
said letters will hi' * ranted.
Witness, Do: 'i A. O’Byrae, Ordinary tor
L'liathaiflcounty, Ic nth day ol deptemher. I .
sep’JU* D I tNICK A. O’BYRN K, <>. C C.
o fiVl'h nit-' iiii.itti' -A- GAIA alk V :i»
W tfere&s,Heui>- c.* leeanua «Mli -*
Ordinary for L, tiers, of Adrainistratioa ou the estate
of 8. Psrkmau tialsey. late of said county, de
These arc, .therefore, A cite and admonish all
whom it may concern, to be and appear before said
Court to mak--*ohiectum ill any they have) on or be
fore the first Monday in November next, otherwise
said Letters will be granted.
Witness, Dnmiuick A. o’Byrne, Esq., Ordinary for
Chatham County, tins 14th day oi Sept., 1864.
septs _ DOMINICK A O’BV'.NK, u. 0. G.
l*j COUNTY.—ToaiI whom it m.aycouceru: T. D.
Harrison and Elizabeth Lang having filed their p* li
lion,'in proper fuim, Lo me, praying I, r Letteio of
Administration ou the estate of David Lang.
This is to cite all poisons concerned, kindred and
creditors, to lie aud appear at the next January teim
of the Court of Ordinary < f said county, aid sho.v
causif any they can, why i.eucia of Administra
tion should not lie granted lo T. D. II rrison unit
Elizabeth Lang. M. A. CRAW to KD,
novlo Ordinary.
B'l'A'l’K OU (VEOUiin, COAI'U am
COUNTY. —To all whom it may concern ; W uere
as, Jane At. Horns w*ll app yat tin Court ol erdr
uary lor Letters Disiuissoiy as Admuosiruinx ou
the es ate oi Mary Jane Harris, late oi said county,
'These ure, thc.el'oio, lo cite and admonish all
whom it may coucc. n, to be aud appear before said
Court to make objection Ul any iliey i.avej on or be
lore tue first a.ouday in May ucxl, otherwise said
letlera wil* be grautcu.
W itueßS, Domimqk A G’Hjrne, Esq., Ordinary
lor Chatham conmy, this 3d cay o. November, laCl
i uov4— * DoMlNlt K A. O’BYKNE, U.G. C.
C(»r (iCCOrCt i A, t llATliaitt
COUNTY.—To an whom it uu;. cone ru: Where
as, Mary Ann Egan will apply at Lue Court ol Drill
u.try tor Letlers of AiitaHuisiratfou on the estate ol
Daniel Egau, late o! bald Celluly, deceased.
I t.jsSt..e, thcrdiore,, to cite ami auiuiunsu all witon
,it may concern, to oe and appear boiorc s-.uu Cpurt u
make objec.doi: (if any they ha,'.-) ou or''Havre tit.
first iS anday In Dec. mber next,other wise said,
will be grained.
Withers, Domini, k A O’By rue, E-cp, Ordinary for
Chatham county, this 31st pay ol October, lt-fi*.
uovl —* DUMiNICK A. oTfntlS, o. o. o.
STa'iH *n r (li'.Ol«iia t till I'UAill
COUNTY.—T O all whom it, may concern: W uere
as, Wilfraia Cupers, til'., wiil app y at me Court o*
Ordinary for Letters of A imuiistiation ou tue estate
ol David Cordry, isteoi sTnTßßiuniy, decedSeJ.
These are, therelore, uhpjste anu admonish all
whom it may concern, lo btrand appear before sum
Court to makeohjeCiion (it any they have) oh or Ire
lore the lirst Monday iu December next, otherwise
s»\d loiters Will he granted.
Witness, Doinii.n k A. u"Byrne, Esq., Ordinary for
Chatham county, this 13uh day ol October, lain.
OCU6 D> iMI NICK a.O’HYkNE, o. c. c.
COUNTY.—To a.I whom it m..y concein: W here
as, Mary Lovett will apply at Lhe court ol Ordinary
for Letters of Administration ou the estate ol Jayco
Lovett, deceareU.
These arc, therelore, t.o cite and admonish ali
Court To aiiaueoTq c turn (jf any tney have) on or he
lore the iii st Monday in D.ccmb.r next, otherwise
said letters will be gianted. •'
Witness, Dominick A. O’Byruo, Esq., Ordinary
for Chatham county, this J3th day oi ectober, 1 til
octli—« DOMINICK A. O’iiYKNK, o c o.
24*10 OF UfiflßfiU, CHAMiUIIU
0 COUNTY.—To ail wh ,m it may concern: Where
as, Herman A. Crane will apply at the Court ol Urdi
nary for Letters of Administration on ihe cstule ol
James L. Oliver, late of said county, deceased.
These are, therefore, to cite and auiuonisb all
whom it may concern, to lie aud appear belorc said
Court to make oolectiou (if any they h ,v Lon or be
lore the Ist Mondry in December next,otherwise said
letters Will be praiileo.
Witness, Dominick A, O’Byrne, Esq , Ordinary lor
i hathain county, this liith day cf October, lMnl.
0ci.12 DOMINICK A. O BYRNE, o. 0 0.
(TtuoUNTY.- roall whom it may concern: Where
as., James E. 1'..p0 will apply at the Court of Ordi
nary ior LettersDismissoiy as Administrator ou the
esta’.e ol James C. Thompson, late of sain county,
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all it may concern, t <be and appear before said
Court to inane objection (l any they have) on or he
me the first Monday in May next, otherwise said let
era will be granted. •
Witness, Dominick A. O’Byrne, Esq , Ordinary for
Chatham courtly, thia 11thday ol Uc.oiler, 1804.
octl2 DOMINICK A O’BVRNB, o u. o.
CT COUNTY. -Toali whom it may concern: Wnc e
as, Timothy Rc .ly will apply at the Court of Ordi
nary for i etter oi Auuiuiist ration on the estate ol
John Reilly, la e of said tounty, deceased.
These are, Ue r. lWe, lo c te and admonish all whom
it may concern, to he and appear tutor.' said court
to mane objection til any they have! ou or before tuu
first Monday in December next, otherwise said let
tors w ill bo granted.
Witness, D. ininiek A. O’Byrne, Esq., Ordinary for
Chatham county, tins lu;ir day of October, ISM,
octl 1_ ' DOM IN ICK A. O'iJjRN E, O. C. C.
dtatb or « Sio ft a ia, chat mam
l-j COUNTY. —To all whom it may concern:
Whereas, Dr. John D. Fish will apply al the Court
of Ordinary for Letters Disraissory as Administra
tor on the estate of UonryL. Leopold, late o! said
county, deceased.
These are, therelore, to cite and admonish ali
whom il may concern, to bo and appear before said
Court to make objection (if any they have) ou or be
fore the first Monday in November next, otherwise
said letters wlli ; e granted.
Witness, Doib.iM- O’Byme., Esq., Ordinary foi
nbatVuua County, One 18th (lay of April, 1384.
ap;l3* •«(MlNK’ft 4 b’HVUM’ '• O p
fcl 'S’ A ‘S' it w G EVBhI A,(|pTia *
W COUNTY.—To ali whom it may 'concern: Where
as, .Margaret Procter will apply at the Court ol
Ordinary lor Letters of Administration ou the es
tate of Catherine Powers, late of said county, de
These are, therefore, to cite arid admonish all whom
lt may concern, to be and appear before raid court to
mato.ybieclton (Ik, any they i. ~.ticlo..i **>,•
‘ second Monifisy in January next, otherwise said lei-
Lerr wili t:*e granted.
Witness, Don-Uiltk A. O’Byrne, Esq., Ordinary for
Chatham county, this 151 h day of November, 1884.
_novlß -* DO MIN ICK A. O’BYKNE. O. C. C.
ufj’rii di l ' uifuftiii.i, o*tATTiTifS
(3 C< 'UNTY. —To all w. out it may Concern : W here
in?, Augustus P. Wetter will apply at the Court of
Ordinary for Letters DtsmiHrory as Executor on the
estate of Siarga ci 7’eifair, late of ssid county, de
Those are, therefore, to cite and admonish ali
whom it may concern, to tie aud appear before said
Court to make objection R 1 any they have) on or lie
fore the first Monday in January next, i Uiorwl q
said letters will be granted.
Witness, Dominick A. O’Byrne, Esq., Ordinary for
Chatham comity, this Ist day of July, l‘ ‘ii.
c 5( OCN'l'Y.—To ali whom it m..y concern : Where
as. Octavos Cohen and Wm. Hunter will apply at the
Court of Ordinary for Letters Dismissory as Eyecu
tors on the estate of William 7'. Goouwin, late oi
said county, deceased.
’l’hese are, therelore, to cite and admonish all
whom it may concern, to beunu appear before said
Court to make objection (1 any they have) on or Be
fore the grst Monday in January next, otherwise
said letters Will be granted.
Witness, Dominick A. O’liyrue, Esq., Ordinary for
Chatham county, this 23d day ol Juno, lsM.
junq34 DOMINICK A. O’BYRNK, O. C. O.
ft * BOUNTY.—To all whom it may concern : Where
as, Mai; Ann O’Connor will apply at. the Oonrt ot
Ordinary, for Letters t’i cui’l, nry as Admlrdstratrlx
on the Esiatecf < 'apt David O’Connor, late of Chat
ham county, deceased.
There are, tharefoye, to cite and admonish all
whom it may concern to ho and appear before said
Court to make objection ( kany they have) on or be
fore the fits’* Monday in December next, otberwiao
tut!■) lettcre wii’ K *> granted.
W'tUua«, osvnUirick A. D Byrne. Esq.,o'dirsr»for
Chathamfjousty, this 18th day cf May. 1384.
V S.. i —'AO. 4.
and 1 KOlfLli, i t :OLSCO®N'A'V.-Wa-re
VI as, Susan u. Yu Uie upp,,es to mo for LoifoiS
oi Administration oi the: , ...e «f j .ha v,. a'leku
er, late of *&’H < •an., ii. .-.u.
These are, ih. a ,to . quae all jmrson* con
cerned lo file 'j. • , on or before ' in; first
Monday iuJauu . . ,te , ohjeotfoa... - ,„y
have) Hi mho ■■ . Wise Le'iers O.
A. min.strut ion . .. *1 uiu -,•, ... ...
Given under and ... . uetai sQnud*
November SHitn, ■ >
HOVBU—» C. n*a j w\ , Ordinary.
cT'ITK O.' J. ->*' »a, rtair.ii ,ju‘
IO la. a p.
(emeu baton i ah-. ... of *>Ca>:. it, *«.», AuiTu
Holccmn, late oi so le .u:iy, *atp..r.ea tins i;.. .n
--lestuu.uil' I"'< peril LI ;• 1 -p. .. . .'. in.*..*.,
uu the estate e - c .. a .*.i■ ~ . Lhat, i.
teittis of tb* ia • t*l.<,ii ..Hi vt?.*r: in
tbe Clerk oi *.u* .a, . . .... oi *nu a. .j,
-Oiile other lit. ,'i .a-.. : pe, n, n. l. a. v 0 airtr
the pUUiitullo/i Id 'll I'.iiaiioe, lluin *, -■in; Vi. ,1,1
onjection is ii'iin ■ c*, ,p< ..uo. nt.
wivea under my hai, ..... „iu mi - *-am e, this
6th day ol NoveuJ- >, : i
John D. j. cu,
m vfl u n a „
DTA’MtOI 6t, dia , \\A i ... |.
O TV.—To an Vi i may con -• . ~ *
cusiow G. li. li'., (" said »ute ana county, u*i
app.leuUdu: nd L.ipe .-. ol , .i ~"e. traifol. On .no
estate oi Jol.n, wn.. , . , K-ianu arm a*.-. , -. ,-y..
vester, uecea. ed, la;-- -I saw. County sue - ..*.e,
These ar*, Uie; ■■ .uu lo cite a.ib S' ..”i.a.., a.i and
singular, Utc kindraq adcreottore ol -. "; Odeascd,
tone and appear a. ■ utiu: ■ *vif,.., ~ » r.*.- ~.e-scribed
scribed, iai*i -row cause y any Uur/buvcj
why Letters ol Adari -;• atndi on ill- ■ es-ate ol vio
deceased suouid m issue to siltd app'leant..
Given uuut rmy • o and and i.-ucai vignatme, tin*
November U elaiji 1864:
i JOti.i U ilUilWi.
novifi u.:. ., (.rducHv w . c;
■ • -G GO** t,s •* a . .*, ,< ■(,..
TJ !. the firs* r s *a— so._. in .!.... in.. y,l _* r wiii u* -via
at ihe court House door ui «aia county, van ili
iawiul hours oi, lot oiTa. and numeer tuncy Uve
fSJ), in Uie Second (2a> Di.-trie* el su'd eoiuity;
eiie lot. at PkUiiu Arkuon, oh Uu. Brunswick a. 'l
hany Ii- R. Butd us the property or James ay. Lew
is, deceased, for Uie heneul oi the heirs and credi
tors of saiu deceuued Teima cash. Tin* Noteiboua
2d, 1864. ’ -cTa.ICI.Y LEWTb, rr.";;’;..
nov7 JaMES M McCOOL, Adan'r.
U'iAl fc OF G EOUGI.i, GJL XNN 10l .w
IO TY. —The uis-ritiatee i or Lire esLate ol iaobert
oialloru, Uvccuscti, late ol sjiiii uouiily, are Ik ivtjy ho-
Uiied-liiai wc will apply, m tcixus u»i Liic law, Lo cue
(Joint Oi OldillUiy ox extU C Uiuy, ou .be Mou
tiay iu April ucal, ior l.iie appoiuiiiiciie ol ( oluiuio®
sioiivi.4 co (livuit: trie t.stateoi biiiii ueCead-ti txuujMki
LneUeng aud QihUnmtees i ntiUcii tilerJto, iu tciuus
oi Uie ijw iu. 6iieu cab -b made au<4 proViUuu. ‘iu.d
tile 12ui auy ui November, lytrl*
oMiTUckY A. Oi AFFOXO), A liu'x,
AfiAA. hUlLxiirii, Atuu’r.
C'l fccOJhkCiJLAj t'aMlm C'Ottt ii . —»
JTab, Jouu M. Lxecuior of Jauie: re*
prcaeuL* to the (Joart, fu uio poutiou, v ui io- H id
entered in lecord, tiial iie Uu 6 luiiy eetcieu %i vines
iiiug’e estate.
'i Ida ns, therefore, to cit - ail pi raons; con e*ued, to
dhow cauij©,- ii auy they can,
jfioulu not bo oiflcharged, tthd rectiv i i i>ia*
mißßion, on the that Monday m April, loUS.
hovd M. A. citAW Uidiinry.
1 ( 'Xif(ii:TVß’!i No'UCli.—All in
U defiled to the estate oi the laid will HIM M J'ea
ceeK, deceased, arc ireach} notified to make lnnneiii
■le payment, and all ttioce wno nord eiarnart against
the said estate nrfi requested to present r eiauus
as lire iaw uirects.
* I*. PRITCUAitD, I . ,
D. ii. alcddNaL j, [ L ‘ tB -
Valdosta, Ga., oct. 12, 1804. octl3
ole J, t-j OF tiEOiIGIA, C i,u» i ikAJJ.
O OoUHTY. —To a whom it mu.. IP.. a,rv a.
John cairningdam Win apply at tne Coe., ii c .dl-
Kiry ror Letters oi Admunstratroi, or i,« es
■ne or Janies Freeborn, lule-ol sad count?, ..eceas*
i hese are, therefore, to cite and admonish ali
■viiom it may concern, to he auu appear heiore eaic
'unit to make objection <n any tlu-.y nave; on or be
.ure tue urst Monday ru November next, otuerwiso
•a.U teetters will ire granted.
VV lineas, Dominick a.. U'Byrne, Ssq., Oulmary lor
haluiuu county, Uno Ist Uay ol DCUmer, Ilitti.
octs Doißiail -K A. O’BYRNK, O. C. C.
* A.l'it OJF *« EG if Li i, CJtiA S lis
K 7 COUNTY. —To all Wtoru it may co.icoru:
V hei end, George Geiueinicn wiil apply al uie,
4 Urciihaiy lor Ls ti.eis ill h. laair.t.:ta a. 10. ji -
ate of Henry Harmann, lam oi ..aid county, iei-eat
These are, thctelote, to cite 'tad adrureiish *;i wSm
t may concern, to be :u..: -tp; . ... : C 0... . t.i
aakcohjectlon (and any Urey have; on or beioie ute If.
•- juukjr in Wove a her , < r'-,l». c,. . ■ -el,.
■Mi on granted.
w lUuon.. Dorur/itcir A. O’Bvnm. io-.u.- G...ali : . »ior
• (USQram county inn l»i b nay of lieptcuioer, 1.1, ».
Sep2o Ji MuN ICK A o'llHFfY, O c. U.
4#ff VStfltiiiiA, CiJ-Si. i'i i .lift
sj Cc-liNTY. To air Whom u may • ondem: v. eero
-B, M. B. Milieu will apply at kt Court of < di
—ary lor Letters Dieuussoiy us a ami . etratoi eh.
nuns non on ti n t.-lal.o ol Richard*. Wi.ii.,ms, de
These are, thrretora, to cite and admonish aL
./horn it may content, to [re a:u: ~,,t, t s£* h. lore said
Juurt, (to bathe oiijeetion (i any Urey have/- w or
j‘iore the. firs' Tonday .u Ja..Mtry (..u ~.. ... ■,>
raid letters w.u he gr.ti \t*l.
Witness, Dominick A. u r ...E-q,, O: .. ; j . L
aintUium C-vhJtty, this U):n ",.y o' Jun.i .
Rlneil 1' jMJNICK •i,,
J'fA'fß t:y UKWK'Ht Y, «.»» '■ . .(j
j Ct'tliXTY.— To all WCtMla It ii. t oo :. . .
a, Elizabeth A. KOib - apply c
ird.uary ior Lt ter a Disic .*s> . - .1. ar. . . .xo*
re <•‘>l aloof V. ilriam .e. Koru, u-o o; • ,
leceased, >
Tuese are, th* refore, to cite andadmonivti tli «. han>
t may concern, to he and appear berore saie t <
Ala: objection (if any they have) on u i.: ; u-tta
iftt Monday iu -April next, cdhevwise tar.. \s<r
ers v?;ii he granted.
Witness, uor ..ruck A. O’Byrae, kaq., Ordit.ary for
uatiri tea count 1% this 4 a o»v ol t ctobe- t .
■_o ts—* Nil • A. ■ a
Executrix’s Notice.
A I.l# persor # having cla ms agaruat the estate >i
iiLteauiiel Mciina, deceased, will present taesame,
duly attested, within the time prescribe i oy is*-.;
and all prison: indebted to said estate rriTi:, maxa
iarmediate [ray ue .t to Win. if., who is i a
tUorizcd by un to receipt ii r ihe ssuio
oc!14 (Qualified Executrix.
; LXE€llToii’f» SALE.
f |t H F.ii Ei v ill be sold h fore tire Court Ho -e
A door in tie town ol tjnumau, Brooks coug y,
ou the first Tuesday in January next, between tho
usual hours of sale, ihe ioliowing prep lty o: Jo in
Edmonson, d-.-ceosed, Lu accordance .. nn Lhe win of
said deceased, viz: twenty-one likeiy negroes; soul
fora division among lUehoiiß. Teiins made known
ou the day oi sale. Oct. 2ath, iSt.4.
oct27 J. R. KDMOI3SON, Ex’i.
A!.L persons indebted to the estate of the into
Jacob Waiter, oi the city of Savannah, OtiHtfc ...»
county, deceae and, are hereby notia and to make iminj
diaLe payment an i all those who hoid claims aga ast
La., said estate are requested to present tiierr eia. j,
as the iaw directs.
JACOB WtslNilKlMKft.
novS—* ‘ Administrator.
—r nr pereoar having dcurand t against the estate
,tJL oi John webb, dc .cased, willnsent th j’saojc,
duly attested, with, a lhe tine prescribed by Rw; end
all persons indebted to said estate must rnaxj im
mediate payment to
F. H. bTONE, AiraT.
Savannah, •!V4. i:ovlo *
Legal Notice.
ALI. persons having claims against the estate of
Owea O’Rourke, deceased, tale of the city of
savannah, Chatham county, Georg; r, are notified to
present them, dnly attested, wtitnn the time pre
scribed bv law; and all indebted to sard estate will
make payment to
> rovl2— * Qualified Executor.
Legal Notice.
ALL persons having claims against the osttraof
the late Major Josr ph L. Locke, will present
them, duly attested, within the time prescribed by
law; and all persons indebted to the. sam estate will
make payment to the undersigned.
WM. J. BULLOCH, Kyecutcrs.
Legal Notice.
AL L persons having claims against the esta of
John Finlayson, p'.tca ed, will person: >. are.
duly attested, within he time pror *. and by i»;
ana all indebted teßaid estate will nik • payer .o
ANDREW M. R’.-SS, i Qaalitrc*;
iKti2 John McCONaguy, i Execu rs.
To Sent.
1X0 1 14 rooms on the comer of State »nd Jyher.
’ son streets. Apply within.
r.ovis-3* EDW. B, MOYLAN.