Newspaper Page Text
till! mm tiwtiH
js -—rag -MCZZXZT-
Cltlzeua’ Meeting.
Pursuant to the call of Mayor Arnold a large
meeting of influeu ml citizens was held at the
Masonic Hall, at 12 o’clock lo day, for the pur
pose ol taking into consideration 14 matters re
lating to the present and future welfare* of the
city.” •
* On moliou, Hr. Arnold was unanimously
called to the Chair, and addressed the meeting
as follows:
Fellow Citizens of Savannah :
At the request of the Aldermen of the City
Os Savannah a large number of the cit
izens, 1 have convened you together this day
lor you to give expression to your views and
tent!men ts in the try ing state of affairs in w hich
you arc now placed. It is for ns no longer a
crisis. The crisis is past, and it i# for yon to
decide upon the particular line ol action each
and all oi you may determine to pursue.
Our action is to be determiued solely by our
situation, as we have no authority or power to
speuk for others outside of our limita. But
we are the judges of our own situation, can
epouk lor ourselves, and ought sir to do, by all
the considerations of prudence, and 1 will sav,
common sense and humanity, to mitigate if we
can, the effects of the heavy blow which has
fallen upon us.
Onr city contains twenty thousand inhabit-
Cants, without food, withouL fuel, without any
remunerative industrial pursuits, without any
place ol refuge, qut off irom all connection
with the country. The heart slckenu at the
picture thus presented.
It is to mitigate, as we caunot
avert, the terrible suffering by all the means
which reason and common sense may dictate,
regardless of all abstract views. I have weigh
ed the matter anxiously and have artlved at a
positive eonelnsiou that there is but one course
to pursue. -But it is not my province as calling
the meeting, to say more at present. When
the city wds takeu, through me as Chief Magis
trate, you asked protection. You all know that
it was granted to you, and w« all feel deeply in
debted to Brig. Gen. Geary for his conduct us
Commandant of this city. Having convened
yon imd in part my views, it re
mains lor you to appoint a Chairman oi this
A. S. Hartridge add Robert Ertviu were ap
pointed Secretaries.
The following gentlemen were appointed a
committee to repot t resolutions expressive of
the sense of the meeting, viz: Col. Rockwell,
Aid. Lippman, D:. Willis, Aid. Villulongu, Mar
tin Duggan, J. G. Mills, W. H. Weed, Aid. Lafth-
lison and Alii. O’Bryne ; and altera brief ab
sence, reported the foi Lowing resolutions,
which were unanimously adapted :
Whereas, by the torluuca ol war, anil the
surrender ot the city by the civil authorities,
Savannah passes ouce more under the authori
ty of the United antes; and, whereas, we be
lieve that the interests ol the city will be best
subserved aud j demoted bv a full and free ex
pression of our views in relation to oor present
condition, we thei efore, the People of S ivau
nah in full meeting assembled, do hereby re
Ist. That we accept the position, and in the
language of the President ot the United States,
seek “peace by laying down our arms
nntl submitting to the national authority under
the Constitution,” “leaving all questions which
remain, to be adjusted by the peaceful means oi
legislation, conference and votes.”
Jit's ofvltZ, 3 d, That laying aside all iHffoccn.-ca
and burying by-goues iu the grave ol the past,
we will use our best endeavors once more to
bring back the prosperity and commerce we
once enjoyed.
Mesolved, 3d, That we do not put ourselves iu
the position of a conquered ciiy asking terms
of conqueror, but we claim the immunities and
privileges contained in the Proclamation and
message ot the President ol the United States,
und in all the legislation of Congress iu refer
euee to a people situated as we are, and while
we owe on our part a Btrict obedience to the
laws ol the United Slates, we ask the protection
over our jieiious, lives and property, recogniz
ed by those laws. *
Kesolved, 4th, That we respectfuLy request
His Excellency, the Governor, to call a Convec
tion ot the People of Georgia, by auy consti
tutional means in his power, lo give them au
opportunity of voting upon the q.iesLiou,
whether they wish the war between the two sec
lious ol the country to continue.
Resolved, s th, Thai Major General Sherman
having placed as Military Commander of this
Post, Brigadier General Ueary, - who has, by his
urbanity as a gentleman and his uniform kind
ntss to our citizens, done all in his power to
protect them and their property from insult
and injury, it is the unanimous Uoeire of all
present that he be allowed to remain in bis
present position, g-nd that for the reasons above
stated, the thanks of the citizens are hereby
tendered to him ami the officers under his com
Resolved, 6 th, That au official cony of these
resolutions be sent lo the President r f the Uni
ted Stales, the Governor of Georgii, General
Siieiuiau, and to each, the Mayors ol Augusta
Columbus, Macon aud Atlauta.
'fbe Secretaries were directed lo furnish Brig
G> n’l Geary with a copy of the Resolutions.
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Post Officii,—The Military Mail Agents of
tho A troy, Messrs. E. R. Martin aud M. M. Mc-
Cauley, liaveopened the Post Office in Savannah,
ami are ready to receive all mails, and despatch
mail matter to its destination.
m~ Gen. Williams, commanding-Twentieth
Corps, lost his Sword Belt (Russian leather,
with three gilt stripes,) on the 31st iust., in this
city. lie will pay a reward of ten dollars to
the person finding and returning it. His head
quarters are on Parry street, near Montgomery
street, 'i’be reward offered is more than the
intrinsic value ol the Deft. If the belt is left
at ibis office the reward will be paid here.
Tine First.—We are pleased to utr.ounce, as
a niatier of record, lhat the schooner Mary
land, Capt. Calhcart, yes ten fey, was moored at
one of ciir wharves, she being the first sail
vessel that has umved since the re-occupation
of the the Union forces.
Correction. —An awkward error occurred iu
the printing of Special Order No. 4. in onr col
umns yesterday afternoon. Lieut. Cbas. H.
Moyer, whose appointment as a staff officer was
announced, is Assistant inspector on the staff
of Gen. Geary, Commandant of the Post.—
Lieut. Col. A. H, Jackson is Chiel inspector.
Theatre. — We leurn that the Metropolitan
Opera Troupe will open tho Athecteam, ot
the east side of Chippewa gqaaie, on Friday
evening next, with a full company of first class
performers. The troupe embraces, among other
distinguished actors, (be world renowned jig
dancer, Thos. P.-11, and Prof. WonLwortb.—
Some aeiusouionts ot this character are re
quired, and we have no doubt the Metropolitan
Opera Troupe %ill be welt patronized.
JSgf Head Quarters of ih i‘Commanding
Generals.- Gen’! Sherman hat- his Head Quar
to* at the bouse of Mr. Chark Green.
Gen’l Howard at the bouse 0 Mr. Moiyu-eux
fate British Consul at Savannah who is now in
Europe. ,
G«d’l Slocum’s Head Q iartei-0 ire at the fate
residence of Hon. Jno. E. Ward.
Gen’l Geary, Commandant of the Post, has
lu- affioc In the fhtuk building ar.ct door to the
.luslQHi ilouse.
“I-ojal Georgian’’ Hall!
Mr Editor .-—You are tbrice welcome iff the
field where you have chosen to labor. Kvery
one can see that the work of the sword is near
ly finished in this region, and the broad field is
growing white lor the harvest of the pen. The
hour strikes for the campaign of the thinker to
Nor will ibis be so important as many sup
pos". The candid historian finds in the victo
ries of argument and reason the real turning
points of national destiny. The splendid
achievements of Geu. Sherman and his gallant
army wonld some time fade from the memory of
men if they were ffol perfect and by that change
in the seutimeuts of the people of Georgia
which can alone render a permanent peace pos
And that change, although inevitable,
must be wrought by the frank and fearless use
of the tongue and pin. At present the winged
words can be sent where they caunot be spo*
ken, hence the duty of every friend of peace to
encourage your enterprise, on the success of
which hangs so much of Georgian history for
the next ten years. •
Go bravely on, dear sir, and in every conflict
remember Webster’s method of escaping un
pleasant debates: “ There’s room enough
above,” said he,and then he would commence a
sentimml so pure, a truth so divine, that all
hearts instinctively yielded their homage there.
“First pure, then peaceable,” is a formula on
whose meaning we may all ponder with a profit
proportionate to our.candor.
God speed tho right. H. G.
Commandant of the Rost.—Gen. John W.
Geary ; office in the Railroad Bank, next to the
Custom House.
Adjutant General.— (Japt. W. T. Forbes ;
office in the Railroad Bank.
Assistant Adjutant General.— Oapt. S. B.
Wheelock ; office in Railroad Bank.
Inspector.— Lieut. Col. A. H. Jackson; office
in the Railroad Bank.
Assistant Inspector.— Lieut. Chaa. Moyer;
office iu the Railroad Bank.
Fbovost Marshal.— Capt. I. B. Seymour ;
office in the Exchange.
Commissary of Muster.— Capt. K. H. Wil
bur; office in the Exchange.
Ordnance Officer.—Capt. W. E. Goodman;
office in the Exchange.
Chief Quartermaster. — Brig: Gen. Easton;
officer corner of South Broad and Montgomery
PotT Quartermaster.— Capt. O. L. Parker;
office on the flock, opposite Custom House. ,
Commissary of Subsistence.— Capt.' James
Giselle; offiue on the dock, opposite Custom
Harbor Master. —Capt. Silas Spicer, 8d door
east from Uraylon, nortn side ol Bay Street. Office
hours from 9 A. M., to 12 M.,and from 2 to 6% P. M.
In Charge of Assignment of Quarters.—
Capt. Geo. B. Cadwailader, A. Q. M.; office No.
130, South Broad street.
SA VANE AH, OA., DECEMBER 37 th, 1864.
Ship Molacco, , from Hilton Head, with for
Schooner P. Boyce, , from Hilton Head, with
rial. •
Revenue Cutter Nemcha, . from Hilton
U. S. N. tug John quiet, , from Hilton Head,
with passengers.
Steamer Canouicus, Bennett, from Hilton Head,
with passtngera.
Steamer Island City, Ketrhum, from Hilton Head,
with surveying schooner In to W.
Revenue Cutter Ncmeha, , for Hilton Head.
U S. bl. (itg Johnquist, , for Hilton Head.
Steamer Lmii-bnrg, Young, for Hilton Head.
Steamer Cauonicns, Bennett, for Hilton Head.
Per Navy tag fiohnqnist, Irom Hilton Head—Ad
miral Dahigren.
Per steamer Canouicus, from Hilton Head—Gen.,
Foster and family,
§m gwhwtiswmfnte.
Oapt. cfc A. Q, M.,
J3KU Office hours from <J a. m. to 4 p. m.
dec23 —t f
mA E young man enquiring for BRIDGET and
1. MARY BURK ran find them by enquiring at J.
GRAHAM’S Variety Store, corner of Congress and
D ray t on street s. dec2B 3
For Safe
ONE Letter Press
1 large Platform Scale
1 chest Wheclrlpht’s Tools •
il kegs assorted Nails
0 Cross-cut Saws
1 keg 10 ox. Tacks. Enquire at
rtec27— 2
Union Barber Shop!
BSTAtfILW, a mil'.iect of Prussia, who has ta
• ken the oath of allegiance to the Union Gov
ernment, has permission from the Commandant of
the Post to open a
eArtsmn shop
oil the corner ol Bryan and Bull streets, opposite
the Pulaski House.
SHAVING and HAIR DRESSING performed by
T‘ • VVKLS always ready for customers.
Call aud h ,ve your Beard trimmed and your Hair
dec-17—(14w* 9 BERNHARD STAMM.
Sword Belt Lost!
"VST **■•** tro-paia u.i mo mumoisnatiknAl.
} V OFFICER’S SWORD BELT, foul in this city
on the 21st inst., to the headquarters ol Gen Wil
liams, on Perry street, near Montgom ry street,
t - »• IMISf 'OK CIIHItEN*
(poUU CY, ior che< k on New Yo»k U. S. De
positary, j. A. LYNCH,
Captain ami A. Q M
jpgf" Office, corner of Jones and Abercorn stree c-g,
WANT El*, six Rood drivers for six muJet earns,
discharged soldiers preferred. Wages, SBS per
month and rations. Apply to
J. A. LYNCH, '
Capt. A A. Q M. Ait’y Brig., 15th A. C.
&T Office, corner of Jones and Abercorn streets.
1 r)0 ® rey good Quality
5 pieces Irish Liuen
20 yards Colored Silk Velvet.
200 pair Whittemore’s Cotton Cards
10 cases Old Tom Gin
1 bbl Jamaica Rum.
For sale by
dec7- 2 lid Broughton street..
ON Broughton street, one door south of Oliver A
Douglass’. Every one wishing anything in this
line is resptctfuliy askeflto make one call.
novJO—o* gAitf 4,
11l Hi: undersigned, as Agent Tor the followtn g
A snrauce Companies, is prepared to in sure large
mounts on all classes of risks that arc insurable :
Georgia Home Insurance fwiupauy,
CAPITAL *. 1500.000
Or. Jas. F. Bozeman. President.
D. F. Wli-Loox, Sec’y.
Florida Home Insurance Company,
CAPITAL $500,000
Jno. I). Atkins, President.
Jno. B. Elton, Sec’y.
Augusta F. auii M. Insurance Do.,
CAPITAL .' $200,000
M. Wilkinson, President.
J. C. Faboo, Sec’y.
(iritSu F. and ill. Insurance Company,
CAPITAL $360,000
C. H. Johnson, President,
W. J. Jossey, Sec’y.
Stonewall Insurance Company,
CAPITAL $200,000
W. P. Inman, President. .
M. Cole, Sec’y
Merchants’ Insurance Company,
CAPITAL $200,000
J. H. Montagus, President.
R. Whitall, Sec’y.
Petersburg Savings and Insurance Do.
CAPITAL $300,000
D’Arcy Paul, President.
C. R. Bishop, Sec’y.
Southern Ins. aud Savings Society,
CAPITAL .$5(10, uoo
K. 1). Mcllwatne, President.
Quin Morton, Sec’y.
Firemen and Merchants’ Ins. Do.,
CAPITAL $100,00(1
Jos. White, President. *
. 8. Stevens, Sec’y.
Farmville Insurance Company,
CAPITAL $200,000
H. K. Warren, President. .
J. W. Uunnington, Sec’y.
Danville Insurance Dompany,
W. P. Ci.ark, President.
E. J. Bell, Sec’y.
North Carolina Stock Insurance Do.
CAPITAL $200,000
Dr. E. Ny« Hutchinson, President,
J. M. Springs, Sec’y.
Eufaula Home Insurance Doiupany,
CAPITAL $500,000
J. G. L. Martin, President.
P. D. Woolhopter, Sec’y.
Alabama Insurance Dompany,
CAPITAL $200,000
W. C. Bibb, President.
fi. H. Metcalf, Sec’y.
Eufaula Fire and Marine Ins. Do.,
CAPITAL $200,001
K. B. Young, President.
C. R. W oods, Sec’y.
Woodville Insurance Dompany,
CA PITAL $300,005
Wm. Woods, President.
J. G. L. Martin, Sec’y.
Merchants’ Insurance Doinpany,
of mobile, ala.
CAPITAL $200,000
J. C. Dubmse, President.
- D. Hubbard, Sec’y.
sep7 A. WILBUR, Agent.
Thu undersigned, having been appointed Agent
tor the following Georgia Companies, id prepar
ed to issue policies to the amount ol
One Hundred Tkouft&iul Dollars,
in one rlsit. ana on ttre most tavoraro? ——
Southern Mutual Insurance Do.
ASSETS $300,000.
Donfederate F. & M. Insurance Do.
CHAS. F. McCAY, Pres’t.. WM. McNAUUUT, Sec.
GAI’ITAL $300,000.
Southern Insurance and Trust Do.
HENRY BRIGHAM, Pres’t... .E. C. LeGRIEL, Sec.
CAPITAL $1,000,000.
Oglethorpe Insurance Dompany,
CAPITAL , $1,000,000.
JAS. McHENKY, Pres’t J. T. THOMAS, Sec.
Home Insurance Dompany,
CAPITAL , $2,500,000.
Empire State Insurance Dompany,
CAPITAL , $500,000.
GKO. 8. O’IiEAR, Preß’t H. L. JEWETT, Sec.
Dentral Georgia Insurance Do.
BKNJ. F. ROSS, Pres’t, ..A. R. FrEKMAn, Sec’y
CAPITAL $500,000.
Stonewall Insurance Do.
W. p. INMAN, Prest... MO&KB COLS, Bt>c
CAPITAL $30(5,000.
(.rifliu F, & M. Insurance Do.
O. a. JOHNSON, Pres W. J. JOSSEY, Sec
CAPITAL $350,000.
I Augusta F. &M. Insurance Do.
CAPITAL $300,000.
Great Southern Insurance Do.
CAPITAL $2,600,000.
$W~ Applications by mail, giving full description,
Ot property offered for insurance, including adja
cent buildings, will receive prompt attention.
Athens. November. lfiiia Iftii9B
Church Oireciory,
Christ Church, Episcopal—on Jobiison’s t>qaa tc .
Right Rev. Bishop Elliott; Assistant, Rev. Mr. co
Bt. John’s Church, Episcopal—on Madison Square.
Rev. Mr. Mcßae.
St. Paul’s Cbnrch, Episcopal—on Calhoun Square.
Independent Presbyterian Church, corner ol Bull
and Bourn Broad streets. Rev. Dr. Aston.
First Presbyterian Church, on Monterey Square,
closed for'the present, the pastor, Rev D. It. Porter,
being Chaplain in tue Army of .Tennessee.
Baptist Church, on Chippewa Square. Rev. 8. Lan
Lutheran Church, on Wright Square. Rev. D. M.
Trinity Church, Methodist, on St. James Square.
Rev. A. M. Wiun.
Bt. John the Baptist, corner of Dtayton and Perry
St. Patrick’s, corner of Liberty and West Broad
A, Verot, Bishop Diocese of Savannah; J. F.O’Neil),
Sr., V. G.; ltev. Peter Whelan, Rev. Chas. C. Prm
dergast. Rev. P. Dufau, Rev. H. P. Clavreni. Resi
dence, corner of Perry and Drayton streets-
Beal Berith Jacob, Armory Hall. Rev. J. Rosen
Seld, Rabbi; Rev. Simon lierstmann, Reader aud
Congregation Mickva Israel—Synagogue, Wbiiaker
Andrew Chapel, Methodist, Rev. Mr. Ellison.
St. Stephens, Episcopal.
First Baptist, on Franklin Square. William Camp
bell, Pastor.
* Second Baptist, on Green Square. John Cox, Pas
tor. *
Third Baptist, on Lryan street, near Fahm. if.
Houston, Pastor.
Fourth Baptist, on Liberty, near Montgomery sts.
Isaac Brown Pastor.
executor's iNcrnce.
THE creditors ot thrf Estate of George W. MoAt
ltstir, deceased, are orgeniiy requested to
present their olutun, for paymeut, to the uuuersigneu,
representing all the executor* aud executrix, as tb-.<
heirs of *n and Estata dosirt a speedy disiripution.
AU persons indebted to tal 1 kata'.a will likewise
make payment to ClIAh. B. HaKDEK,
pot 81—l*w#w Executor.
(fSOBOPA, BROOKS OOirSTT.-—’ To »!> *\or
T it may concern: - ,
Whereas Mr- Laura Oo Y riit apyiyat tfco'Jo-w
of Ordinary Co- Ls<l«r* if Dismission n» (-• ormis
tYator on the estate of Jcbn Cook lat* O' sai-i 11 uidv
These are, therefore, to ■ and admonish - *
it ratv wincarß, to ‘in arid at rear before so I ■- '-'w t, ’<
make oh’-JCtion (if stp' the> hxroi on or : ra tui
first Monday lu April ceil, otkurv-iso **t»<*
’vOs be rrented.
October l#th, 18S 4.
J. S. Md ALL,
oet2o ■ ‘ !nsr ”
C 4 BORGIA. BUO'-KS COUNTi. - o a.i wh >u i
I may concern. •
Whereas, i>. uarri on wib apply lo the Court
Ordinary t>r Loiters A Dt Ta MUm Ji ns t: c estate o!
ij.O. Wilkies, oi.aif coufiiy, dec-sa» i, having fu.lj
administered, . ~
These ata. therefore, to cite a? 1 admonish a.>
parties mteroctod, whether kindred r creditors, o
'show cause (if ant they have) wiihii VUo time pre
ooribetl l>y .aw. why 1 tiers should no be granted t
cam applicant. „
Witness .T G McCall B*q., OJ. ary o! Brock:
ooud-v, this 19.1i day <>: October. 1861
oe'9o ,T D. Mr A LT., o b o
biVi SK »i OA # A —UJ-AAXHaja JG I IJX S' I—<•' * 1
whoro .it may concern:
Whereas, Harvey Sh.pparJ wlh St ‘>y at tn
Oonrl of Ordinary, (or Letter* Oismissary *• Adatiuls
.rater oil tho Estate of John iie. and, of ssid conv
ty deceased.
These are, therefore, to Oita and adatom,a at
vhoi;i It 'urv concorn to bo and Bpponr before 'S-t-
Omr to make objection (if any they havsi on or lie
iore the arst Monday iu March next, othorwls • sen
(6Hers wil’ bo grartsd.
Witness, Dooifnick A- O’Byrne, Esq,.
•tbathara Oonnty tbl* sth dav of aeptesnbor, 1 04
oufiO noFIKiW t
wiiom it may oonc«on:
Whereas, John I. &eis;or, Administrator do bums
non on the estate of Dari ! Koi‘«er, has a-plied tc
ooe to be discharged from the ada intsirat'on of sai :
These ara. there oro, to cite and a Doouish all and
singilar, the kindred and crod tor.., to file then obfoc
tions. If an. they have. In m. olii.'u, on or bolore the
firs, MONDAY Id April next.other.vis i dlsroisiou WiH
Ise grantee lo ilia appi oant.
Witness ihy hand and" omotai rig. gtore, Shis, tsr
Ist day September, ISB4-.
F. ri. ricBKAO. Ordinary*. O
J lEOKHIA, MoiNTOou U'/j.iTY.--TO all wo
\J It may ooucern—
Whereas, Jjaura'T.Harris will apply to the Court - o:
Ordinary ior iMjtler. - smisrory as Adpiinlslrairixof
the Estateo‘ J. F. Harris, deceased,
These ar.., inoroiore, to die and admonish nil prrlle
lateresiod, whether kindred or creditors, to bo at.
appear at my Court within tho time prescribed by las*
to show ennao, if ocy they have, why bettors
uot be granted to said applicant,
Wltnes-,R A. Btan, K-sq, Ordinary for sSclnl .s
eounty, this 4th day of October, ISfr*
octl* « A. <>, « '
Ci K()RGIft,.BI4OOKd COUNTY'. —to ah whoa., tt
$ may concern.
Wheieas, John Hancock has applied to roe
lorLeforsof Guardiansh’p of too minor bo is oi
E. O. Dagos, lat of said county, deceased
Theflesre, therefore, to (diesue admonish al* whor
Umar ooiicsro, to be and appear fcehaa said Cc.ur'
■ take abjection (If any they have) on or before the
iirst Monday <a January next, otherwise said eUc e
will be granted.
Witness my hand this 251 h Nov , 1664. *
novSD J. S. MoOALL. o o. o
I whom i. may cone rn :
Wheieas lav ua K. w ilson nss aiplicd to mo for
Lrttf i: of Adminls ration on the estate of James
.10. Wdsoi, lata ol said o„\il iy, deceased,
Tho o are therefore loeit ial! perrons iateroated to
Me iheir o (actions, If they have ai.y. n my uffl o on
or befora the ss Kind Monday in Jaunary next, other
wise let ors w II be g. anted to the applicant
Giver under my omul a id official sig ,ature, tide
16 h <b;y of N veoibor, 1664.
r° So F E. TSS’CAU. O. E, O.
J f»jrtW»A—EF-.jNtiilAMf COUNT I —do si,
Ilf whom It may con corn:
Whereas, Samuel B. BiJdonhsck iiß9 applied to me
for Leitere of Adrotni.tration on tli _• eetaie of Eliza
beth L. Ba k y, lato of sai ■ county, leceasod,
Those aro, merefore, to ou,e and adnionisu ml partial
Interested, whether kindred or creditors, to be and np
pear at my Court within the lime proscribed bylaw,
io chow cause (if any they have), why lettf-re ehou!
not be granted to said applicant.
Given nn.lor my hand t-ud official «)snalure this 15H
day of November, 1664,
novßO F. E. TEBSAIT, OrJinavy K, C.
dS K it ki « S A—BfiOOKd OOU JTY.-To *1
Vd( whom It may conoero:
Whereas, H. Brown will apply to the Court oi
Ordinary for Letters of Dikroisoloa as Adasinutiatot
on the estato of W. B. Brown, deecas; J,
Those are, therefore, to cite and a monish all sne
singular the kindred and creditor a dt 3 Id deceased to
appear at my office, oa or boforo tho -fr»> Monday lr.
May next, lo show oauso wh? lattou tboa'd co be
granted the applicant. •
Given under my hand and official si aturo this 9t:>
day of.Severn, or, 1364.
nevU f ' * "
/ . JK4M*i«»A~BUCOi» COUNTY.'—T» all wnou
VJ? it may concern:
—V- W (V. ll.*t] ijl li.r. L'dUr
ol Cr.ituary for LeuJrs .: ,c I_v r auc|,|„,:irato
on tho os an; of J j*«o H. Groover, late of said count
,1» • ased:
Those are therefore to cite and admonish sP parties
Interested whither kind red. or creditors, to do and
appear at th s Court, w the liiat; prescribed by
low, to show cause (If auy <4hey havo> wav .aid letters
.should not bo granted.
Given under rnv hand and official signature this
29th day of Sept., 1934.
00 il J O. MoOALL. o n- ft.
so hi! whom It may e -.ucern f
Whereas. Mr . 8a ia’ Yates will apply to 'be Court
of Ordinary of Brooks Bounty for Letter ; of Aiioito-
Imration bn tho eriath 01 Daiius Ya'o-, lute of
»»i«l conn ty, and ceased,
Thoso are, therefore,to cite Endadsxi/Lksi, wjisro it
may concern, to be aij.l appear before sskl Unjsrt, k<
make objection (if any they h*Vo), on or before ts«
firs! Monday In January test, otherwise aid loi
ters will bo granted.
W tneis this 7th day of December, IS6I.
deep J. G. VoUaLL. O. B. 0.
Gi ISUiIMitIA—U IUTUAH.iJ UNa Y.—ao ai
[ wi,om it may concern :
Wheareas Uonry H. Jones will apply at tho Court
of Ordinary tor Lot era of Guardianship on tho person
and propo ty of Surah B. Wbi e, a minor arid orphaif
child ol William P. White, late ol said coun y de
cease 3
These are, therefore tocito and admonish ail whom
It may cone. rn, to e and appear half re sad Court to
leak, objection (li any they' have) on or before the
(hst MONDAY in Docomber lcx'., otherwise sato .eV
ters will be graeied.
Witness, Domiciek A E’Eyino Oidiroiry for Chat
ham County, this 12 h day ol Out b3r, 1.561.
DdMINiCk A. to’BYi.NE, O. O’ C.
TShiittifl iA—o'iiA - ; gab.uyuiri~f ~Zi.
It rn ay etr.corn ;•
Wltereas, Willitm it. Norris wbi spp y »t ito
Court >1 Ordinary for Issuers CUarHsorv t Admic
istrator on the osuto oi A F. Wiiitbsck, tote ol n
county, doceasod: v
These are, therefore, tc olio and admonhh all wic
Itniay concern, to be and appear bttoio id Com t •
atak-j objection (if any they have) on. or b.iuro the !c
' Monday in Deeembsr next, othorwis# said ett >rs wil..
be granted.
Witness, Dominick A. O’Ryrno, H-j., Utdi-.a,,
Chatham County, ihls £d day of Jun-t IS4»,
f«S nmneicv » f-i-trs:
I 1 BNIitGOi, CHATHAM OliUfi-Y.-To a!
\ST whom It may concorn:
Whereas, do hi; L. Williams will apply at the Com,
of Ordinary for Letters Ilismissary hs Admimslra
ter on the estate 01 John W, Kelly, mte I said coun
ty, doooassd:
Thau ate, therefore, to cite affd a<iisou h all whee
,n may concers, to be and appear b#,oto aid Uonrt. t
make objection {!! any they have,) or, or. (Tore the fire
Monday in February next, oieerwire sgi- 1 letters wil
bo grant, and.
Domlniak A. O’Byrtin, Esq, Ordinary to
UUs.thsro ooonty, this Ist day cl Auaract, >664
snsii nwwh'if * ohvbs* a a. a.
O To ail («hom it may concord :
Vr i*o.v.*s. Mm.-.-t'e-g w'll a'idvht t'lo Court o
Ordinary for Letters Oismissoiy as 'Atoe utrlx on the
Estale of Kigiuu id B rg, late of said ccan v, tie
There are, thoreforo, to cite and 1 dmonieh at
whom it may oi-ocern, to bo aa.l ansrou before said
Court to mol e objection (if a.iy th«v h.n >) on or be
fore the ftrtl Monday iu Hay noxi, oticrwlse sai
letlers will bo granted
Witness: Domlulal A. O’Byrne, Ordir ary for Ohav
ham co«. ty this 25th day or October, 1: 64.
oct 2t« LOMIct CK A ti’y f KnE, o. o J
k?) TY.—To all whom )* may concern. >
Whereas, Msry A Furman will apply U tbe-Covrt .
Ordicary for Letters Isrniss ;?y as Ad Intel a;rbf or
the estate of George D. Furaau, lat of Utiattan ,
ooanly, a-ceased.
These ?r,i, therefore, to cite and add nf*h all whom
It o’ny concern, to bo and appear oafor said Court if
mitko - •/■'i on 01 boiore Un
first Monday in Marrh next, otherw'ie sad ieltws
wifi bo granted.
Withes*, Dominick A O’Byrne, keo Ordtcsrv ! o-
D.'.vtaam County, this blit dav of Scotefuber, It 64
r-- ' vivtor » UK 0 - e
/ 4 e-t fi! il ts i .t -CHATHAM COITNTY -i ■
\Y whom it may eoncori!:
Whsroas, William E. FJfnn wiff sppl,
at tho Couit of Ordinary for Loticrs fMsnrnso,*, ~
Administrator on the estate os Mary A T. r ly; L
late of (JhatiiHin co;«;.ty, deceaseji:
Those ttavreforo, to cite and j Imootsh all whom
It may consam, to. he and appear bt-ioro said (lour t 1
make objection (If any they have) on or before 1
first Monday uwst, other wise raid loiters wi.
be grunted.
Witness, Dominick A, O’Bynso, Ssfj.,Gr ’.lnury ru
Uhsthaw cons ty, this 26th day of August, i8«».
sepfO * PrmiMrnX A rWcTBHF o e n
41 KOBGi —BROOKS CnCAI’Y -.0 a.i aLo
V. 6 tt may concern:
Whereas John o,lk has applied to me (or Letcrs
of Administration on the eslato oi G. It. Dukas, lato
o. sai 1 com ty, ceceiieed,
This in, then loro, ti cite i-s.l admonish all oon
cerned to apucni a my office iu Wo Imo prosenbod
by in*, to show came *,iiy .otters g.ocl-f not be grant
ed '.be kppiidfiD . '
Givsn under my hanJ :11 i ofliefa .it-Esiuro, t iis9ff
dav of November. 16«4.
nov!4 i ff ilctJAi.L, Ordinary
to’- T 1 .—To. s’i whom it m;-.'- <t0 8 ,.-eni:
•'•rr.ii. Am :«to(P W Uer wifi apply a; the Cour
•f Orfi-oarkfcr • ef'cs Die issoryas .T -outor on th.
t>-U*e 01 Margaret i'i'liail Isle of srbi oo'inty. and
- .'*ae il
Th * ” V’. ff oretore, to cite ai.-l aij':' 'n!r,!i a
toiom ii :tcy aorconi. to, b and apooar boiore sal-:
' nr ' rp-: eo’jc-ston (ii any iliey have) on or be
for 'be Hist M n-'ny in Jaidiary noxt, otherw-sc
> aid latter* will ho cimled,
Wltaoss. Dominick x o ; Byrne, Ecq.. Ordlha.y ioi
■ ibaiuma County, life Ist day o: July, 1364.
I V nmnjKmfr * .i.pycMK a < -
j Et’ltwlA b nrii.ll c UliiSl i Y — lO, a.
\4 who it tt may cot com: •
Kh.-Kas, Masco M I?aviwill apply at lite C nrl
of Ordinary for sum Di-mlreoiy a AdminiaUr-. toi
■II the OBtifte of Daniel bhiree, lals of aid county, do
These arc, there!-rn. to olte ail pefsons-teteresk and
>o bo and npperr . ' ,-.y office on or bbforc the -r.
Monday la April -ul, to file their objections, it
‘toy have *.»■>/, oii.B ntve said Lcdteis will be graulot'
to the uppiici'-nt.
W.i ior-s, Domini k A. CSgroA Esq.. Ord nary oi
hatha. .l c .inty icir 3 I d-.v ol October, 1364.
0c.4 * DOMINICK A.O’BYIiNB. o a.« .
O'S’A'.Ckt C ( 44 K6R6I A—iFFlNtlliAct
0 (10 V It'i i -To ai! may concern:
when'Elina hot u Craha and Thomas Brannon
will -r 11» to Ur- i-j-.rt of Ordlua y, on the first MON
’ 111 • ext. to be discharged from the adhlie
istratiou 01 -Jic ortuto ol Wil'lam F Graham—
These tre, ibereicrH, to cite ah.l adino, ,»h ah two
tins inteo-bie>; to by and anuear a: the Coutl oi >-
.iinary, >rto!a the time p. -scribed by law
.0 fiio tho . ob;cotions, if t!- 0 y anve ar-y, ol
wise t -.'ttc.of Duroiesion will bo granted \o «
Given under my aantl snd officls slznaturs
4tb .lay of 5,0. leather. ISfit. r. u -ncBEAU
S"roß6 O' <•
ay. ,4VA6U < A—U Os Ki r, ~tAIUCPI k, —B.ta 1
whom it may concern:
Whereas, D. ii. Kirkland and Joseph Kirk .and wu
.ppiy at the cjnr, of Ordinary lor Letters of .dmm
istritioa or. tho estate of Timothy Kl kland, late ol
ti id enun.y, decoa.e >,
These ute, thereiore, to cito and admonish all w
il may conceru, to be end appear bofere said Goer' to
aako objection (if any they have) on or before the.
first Monday In Janus-y next, otherwise sshl iv'toe;-
wiil bo giaiitcd.
Witness, thii, TiU day of November le6 ; .
novlS PAlTih L f'T n n.-.
< - h-' -v. . —v,l-tor ii.v;.! fivuti 11. -it ai
Df whomit may concern:
Wm rear, Jmu-13 E, Bw, at will »• ply at the Onur
1 I'rdinary for LoiUtrs of “cun
tebfem-tota annexe,” on the estate ol Baiali 0
A yd iatn of Saul coun y, dec. aee ,
’i'eeso are, thereiore, iocite and a.imontsh all whoa
it may concent, to be and appear before eaid Court to
aako objection (if any they uave) on or before the 2u
tonday in Jauuaiy .text, otherwise said - letters wil
>e granted.
Witness,Dominick A.O’BiTse,E*q. Ordhicry its ChaL
a'jtf.frtr, tfcU 35 t» Jay of X 2-. vember. 1.863.
nnvSC * a -•* <* «t
/ I . OitGiA, LIBEitTY tiiiUei I —so an
VF who e. it 1. ay co.tcera.
vvbores.9, Valeria K McFail, wil! appiy to the
tCourt of (iidiiiary ior h-t. r? ,01 All mum, union ol
he ertaie s 1 ui James K jteFa.i, ilees-sej,
These are, Iheretoro to o:.o uui aousoulsh an p r
-ions interested tone and appear-et my office 01, 01
lelore the second Monday ii January next ioflie toe 11
ibjoctionn(i. any they hr-,vo( otherwise said left re
iil> bo pi anted,
Witn'T*. W. P. Girardeau Kfq ordinary for Libeity
eoanty, 2.1 day December 1864
de 5 W. F. GIRAkDKRU o 1.0.
( (EUSGtA—hlEhitl’l OOUN'Vi —to tali whoa
or it may concern:
Whereas, Oharlss 8. McKinne wil, apply so thr
'fourt ol Ordinary ior Letters Dismi.-sory as Adminis
trator on the obtain oi Wasbiingtou Wiuts, deceased;
These are, in jrolore. to dm aud. ada.ocl*:. bli whou
:( may concern to be and apuou. beforo si-id Hour 11
luukeoblac.u: .f any they have) on or oeiore ib
..tret M • :t ftnuary a«st, othbiwiso ssid tetter
’Ui K ylfi : u:-
Witness, W, P. Girardeau, Ssq., Ord narv tor «*<
tiriy covi: y, this ales June 1564.
lo '.W I > r ! 1
Gt EOStfiA—BU' UKS uoUNiY —To ai, wl om a
\ may concern:
Whereas, J. A. Magruder h»s applied io me ior
Le ters ol auatdiausm .ron the person and property
of Emt a O and John j. t: agrujer, minors under
14years, roßidents o! aai! county,
Abuse are to cite and admonish ail
par.loc Interested, wh. tfior kindred or creditors, tc
!>e and appear at uiy uoart, within the time pruscr'.b
--■ and by law to show cause (if any they have) wnj net
leu should not be granted »o said applicant.
Mimers my hgrid oosi.
nov26 T O. Vo!ALL,O B O.
/ t hOittilA, hi. ia... OU .nil, —iO uu suss, 1
VJf may concern,
Whereas, Wm. Biitch will apply to the Court o!
O dluaty «f Brian county on the firs. Monday ic
Novemi-er no .t for Letter, of Dismission as Guar
dian of Angelina Barber. .
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish at par
ties interested, -whether kindred or creditors, to b,
end appear at my (Juurt wilhiu the time proscribe i _
taw, to bliow cause, it any they have, why lolbfi
should not be granted to said applicant.
Wilnest Win. ii daymans, jssq. Ordinary 1
Brvan county, this 20th .ay of Bcpteiuber,!364.
SCI 22 WM. U. HAYMANS, o. • 0.
Q AM?HfMA—BRYAN WU oi—•£.. alfwuoui
Whereas, John Bustler will apply to the Ootirt ol
Ordinary so- Letters L'isuiissoiy at Lcri;au ol f
B. and Geo. tt. Stun--n.
Theso arc, tbo:c*lora to cite sr <: adrocnlsh all wu -. ,
it may concorn, to bo red appear ttoiare said Court 1
make objection (i( any tliev have) 00 or boforo lue i>
Monday ia April next, otherwise said letters wil
bo granted.
W linctas, W. H. Layman, Orditsrv for Biya 1
county, this 2IiU day of doptembor, 1564.
rep 27 W. if, HfiVMA J, o n 0.
{i BW Si* G 1 A— LIBERT i OVUssv !.-io
4J$ wbo-ti it may concern:
Whercaa.CHas. ii. HoKione. Administrator tip on t,
rstate of B. Lawrence Winn, late of said .-.oar:-. ,
ieces.-tati, will apply to the Court of Ordinary 01 ifi
ooai iv, for Letters DitEilstory,
These are, therefore, tocito and adN.enl*U ivilwi on
It tß.y oonoena, to be end appear before said (kicr; ,
dam objection (if auy they have), on or hewru ,h>
irat Monday ia January next, Otherwise said icitoi
will bo granted. ,
YUtsaaa, W. F. Qiravdeav, Baq,, Ordinary for Überi
lonr.ty, this 21st day of June. IS6-L
leM W p GlUA'tWtarr a t r.
Cl U.OUUI-A—C INCH COUNTY.—i'o all whom it
If may concern:
W lierea*, Joseph Bass has applied to mo lor Lei
tors otGm. dtonsfiip ol the person and property o
the minor hairs oi Isaac b| ikes, late of said county
aecea ad,
These are, therefore, Jo oita aud admonish ail ac
singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased
to file their objections (if soy they have) in ay o filer
wilhiu the time prescribed by taw, otherwise lottos
will be granted to the appiicaut.
Witness my hund his November 16th, 1864.
novl9 . * H. MDRQAN. o. o. o.
s r KbRGtA-Cf.IHOU CUUNTY.— io ai, whorT
Jl If may convern
Wholes,*, John F. Smith has applied to me for or/-
tori! nf Admlras-.atieii oa tho estate' of Jackson
Lee, lata of uald county, deceased :
These a e therefore tn citoa„d admonish all parlies."
whether kindred or creditors, to be and appear at rcy
Court, within tne time proscribed cy law, to show
cause (ii an» they have) why Letters should not be
granted ,0 s ~and applicant.
Wtines* my tiand tfifi Oct. 251 b, 1864.
Oct'/S * to VOKflf N. an n
ty St«.RGIA—CJ.iNCU tiOUrfi i.-ruul wi.oa
S' it may condom:
Whereas, Maty A. Davis hr* apjllcd to mt
for I eitore 01 A iniiUto aiioe on the eslnte of Win
L Dials, late of s? id county, 1 e :rated,
ihose are. tocteiore, tv cite and admonish all per
c na conceme .! to (iiaw cause (t( any can) at my ol
See on the first Monday in Ja nitty next, why Let
his of Adroit Dilation should not fie granted said up
and rcani
V ■ iry htad lliia Dec. Cih, 1664
dr<9 H 0.0.0
l \ *;■■■*»<.-•. A A—CHiNUH (JOhhT»,-Io siiwi.ot'
V3f It Kiny ooncCrn:
Wneruxs. Guilford L- at ngor has applied to ro
fo Lotierß cf oiin.inito.ra in on.the orlsle if Joseph
•1 Oi hon. oi said county, deceased,
These are UtnreA.ire to cite arid admonish ail t aitie-.
iulcrestea, whether kindred or ctuUHors, to be n:
appear at my ' wiito,, Ui—.p,[SO. .Kto.l l, r ■
to show oaja), if any they tuive, -s : fi tiers should
ucl be granted to »«id appiicaut.
Witc-iss inyhund thlt D< cchber 6 h, 13 f.
ilf <9 * H , >v4leprs .* (
l iA ifi ua Ultoulf ta—tulava VHAUr.i 1, —
k.) To all whore it ntAy concern:
Whereas, c.vira Bi at .tas applied tc me fu
Letters 01 Adiaiulstration on the estate oi Jsaict-
K'glrt. late of laid eonnty, deceased—
'(‘Peso are, tii relore, to cite ab persons, wh* cr
klrrjrcil or crodiiors, so be and appear at my oific co
or beforo the first Monday in January next, fils
tbuir objections, it any they have, why letters ot Ad
tnihislraiion should nol ha granted to the appli nt.
Wi ue*s tins 11 h day of Nov taper, IS 4
i.ovld ii. KURGAN, 00c
EORGIA, OLINON (Ue iY -Six months at.
Y.H ter date l wil; make app-i ati rn mo Liouor
soio the uari oi tVidii.ary 01 s,i I a>u rty forLetto »
o' Dismtssioh ss A tmioisirator oa the eslate oi Sea -
horn Laa’.i 'ger, late of satd soanty, dr eased.
TL.s doptoinhor VJ .fi, 1 864.
se * ~ Administr tor.
s fi bu roioi iheea a 90: David Edmonson, lato
o raid co’nty, liecessed
Yon nro horeov rrot’fio 1 that I will app’y at tho next
Janicry 10r.,: of tie Court of Ordinary o; sa'd county
lor the app intmont'of three nr more freelt lders of
arid county, to ute « estate, according to
law, ainor g the hoirs o sail dec lasod.
dec9 Arlm nlstra'rix.
Adminisorator’s otice.
ALL persons having demands against the Karate 1
J Screven . urner, doceatod, are r quo and to
ha and them In duly certified; and those Indebted to
said KBlato to make ■ aymentto
ootfi R. T. CI BBON. Adn inlstrntcr.
Buggies for Bale.
GI?F Double Buggy; one co top Buggy; !>olb in por
ted order. For tale by
declO—2 • A. R. WEIGHT,
Protestant Ep seopal Church
P. K. C. Fiibiitliiuj; Assoeiutioii,
KEV. F. M. BUBBAUL), O. D. »
BEV. (i. M. EVEKHaUI’, A. M. { h-DhTORS.
For 5 raenths $ 5 00
For ti mouths K) ihi
For 1 your 20 Ul
For Army or Hospital distribution, a deduction ol
26 per cent.
xtlt commniiicatious should be addressed “Church
Intelligencer, Cuailolie, N. C.”
oct 26— law4t*
* Uthohc Jouruai,
IN view of the fact that, mo Catholics oi .he ,Cou
lederate bbates are wilhoUL au organ—that they
nave no newspaper to communicate to tnem religious
instruction aim luioriuabuijj, the faHuiiais ana other
olhciul aocuiueuto ol the Bishops aim Pastors of the
Chutcii; to enliven Lue caii-h aim insl ruet the miuds
01 those m tee the undersigned propose e« .
tablismug sneh ah organ lu the city ol Augusta, Ua, '
uui design issuing the nrsl number about the Ist
October next.
The object 01 the “Paciiicuior’’ wi(l be :
Ist. To supply, as lar as possible, this great neces
sity, and boauVoeale, in an eminent, sounu
OatnoUe doctnuus aim Views, piesenled in me true
oatuoLU spiut ami tone.
2d. ii wot he-ottered to the Catholic Bishops and
Clergy Ot ihe entile Cpnieileracy an a medium lor
publisniug their official communications; and, thbre
iore, appeal, is bn-mioimhUi'.u l- 1 »'Hi I
and support.
am li win contain items ol Cutliolic lulolligeuco
irom all pacts ol tfie wolld; and arrangements wi If
tie made wilii mis view to obiaiu catfioiie jour
uals aud publications through tne blockade o. oth
4tfi. it will contain a Foreign Department, in which
a summary oi newsoi inienisl 10 readers of loreign
inrth will ue given.
6ih. it will eoutalii, also,a Literary Department,
in wfiicli will be given Sturies ol a religious or mor
al character, Foe try, assays, &c.—designed especial
)y for the amusement aud instruction ol Calfioue la
dtesaim children.
6th. it vyiil also contain a weekly summary ol news,
the markets ol tne principal cities. dtC.; and selec
tions ol a miscellaneous character.
7th. Rs political tone will be eminently Southern
and Republican; advocating most strenuously, as its
iiurnd miuites, Feace—a speeuy aud honorable Fence
-ior our mstrai led country; nothing, at the same'
time, that it is tne essence of Republican Govern
ment mat Lhe powers ol ihose who govern emanate
irom lue iree consent anU choice 01 the governed;
!.ngi tile subjugation of a pai.b of a Republic by an
other part I. a hereby in Republican principles and
a ooutraiCiCiioii m terms; thht tne A boa non Coiispi
lacy ol the Northern BUtl-es had dissolved the Union
even before IJue beginning oi the preseut war; thai
the south wm. iorceu to se'.ect her own mode ol Gov
ernment; that slavery is nut piuiitiuted by the Law of
Nature, or tne Law 01 Uluist, ucuer certain couut
,10ns; that Lhe conditions nc.e.-r.i. y to tree Slavery
uoiu Moral and Onri'ouau censure, must ue tuUillec
ny the owners of Slaves; that War is one of the most
dreadlul scourges with which Divine Frovidenci
visits Nations in Hi justice; that the cause oi al! lies lu sin; and that by attacking sui anil
immorality we aim ihe ileatn blow at wars and public
calamities; mat retaliation in war, which may, some
times,iu thejuugmen. ol him wnohas thesupremuau
thonty, become a matter oi absolute necessity, is to
be checked and restrained; and is m direct opposition
to the spirit ana maxims 01 Ghrixt, as leading lo the
honors that have characterized Fagan wariaro in
times past, or disgrace now the savage proceedings
•it Indian Nations; and, finally, that, il we abstain
irom siu, and tut up pure suppliant lianas u> the
t’nrune of Moicy, we win, at tne t-inie appointed in
the Counsels oi Div e justice ami wisdom,'deserve
Lhal Uod withdraw His chastising hand, aud ret- 101*
10 US peace, rustaLd trauqtiiluy.
Tho "Fucilicatoi” nui ne published weekly on
good paper and clear type at
Eight 101 Six Mantas, or Five tor Three Mouths.
The earnest co-operation 01 the Bishops and Clergy
of the Catholic Church, as well as the Laity, is re
npecumly solicited iu fiirthermg this good work. Wi
nave already received the approbation oi the Bisho;
of ttaa Diocese.
WALSH & BLOMfi, Publisher™
Augusta, Ga., Aug. hfiifi, 1564. augdl—u
.Until farther noli. 0 the Pulaski Houh
will not receive any hoarders to furnish
them with meals. Itisonis can be rented and iodg-
proem ed on reasons bic terms.
Dec, filh. 1t64. « deed—6
A Card.
MA SK4 JS IE iillhK long celebrated in the
treatment 01 Fk-Uauk Diseases, hereoy otiers
iier professional services to the Ladies of Savannah
Having had all the requisite adv images, she ib confi
dent ol her ability to relieve ihe 'Bufferings ol her
«ex, to whose peculiar complaints she exclusively
devotes herself. References to eminent physicians
given if required. Residence at the corue,r of Ferry
ami Montgomery streets, udice hours frorny a. m.
until 4 o’clock p. m. novl—l wl2
QNE CASK Confederate Grey Caeslmere
1 case Dark Jeans
10 doz Merino Undershirts
B ack Alpaca
Mourning Calico
Black Flax Thread
Hair Pins
6 bales Cotton Osnabnrg
For sale by
novis—o Dewitt & Morgan.
For Bale,
’ /sgtto A FINE Saddle und Buggy Horse
wsßjgja& Ue is both kind Stud gentle, and will be
ypn sold ci;enp il a; plied lor immediately.—
JBhS3* B *w For particulars, apply to
,dR. B. F. ULMER,
dec - cor. Broughton and Price sts.
laivolrc oi' Hardware
2,000 English Cut Tacks, as
’lOOO papers Heel Tacks, 4 and R, in pound
100 gross Iron Tai.le Spoons
50 doz 3 in. Iron Chest Locks
55 doz Iron-Pad Locks
100 doz B(af» and Iron Curry Corqbs
tO pair English Trace Chains
10 doz Shoemaker's R isps
A-sortnn nt of Mill, Bastard and Taper Fties
Assortment ot Englisli Hook* and Hinges
25 dor. Halter Chains •
Sewing and Peg Awls
For sale ny .
novie—lw D: D. COHEN.
MA tSO IFSK, by the first of December, iu
the central part cl tovvu, with 4 to 8 rooms,
gas and water . Address Box 362, Post Of-,
tlcc, Savannah. novl 2—2*
SSO Reward.
OTOLKN from a house in Margaset street, on
kj Sunday morning, 13Ui uist., s-veu Silver Table
Spoons, with thelmiial- '‘E. A Il.”on tiie handles.
The above reward will he mid for their recovery
Apply at the Morning News office. novls—3
SIOO Reward
CJTO 4.EN from my house on William street, on
{to the night of the 14th, several articles of Clothing,
such ns Ladies.’ Dresses; also, one Overcoat, one
pair Black Pan's, oue Black Sbawi, and several ar
ticles of Jewelry.
novffi 1* (’HAS A COOPER.
% For Sale.
ANA No. 1 BLACK HORSE, eight years
AiiOold, kind and ty ntie m th<- harness and nu-
LL&-L.,|,.r the saddle. Enquire of Messrs. BLOUNT
& DAWSON _ xiovl6— 4*
riUIK subscriber has removed to the store on
A Whitaker street, formerly occupied by Mr. C.
Cannon, and will open this day a fine lot of Groce
rlesfjitst received by blockade.
11: v15~9 E. EHRLICH.
For Bale.
ASfiOUNE aud lot at Blick*hear, No. 8 A & G.
R. K. The lot is about live acres. The house
contains aix comTortable rooms, amt a hall 18x20
feet, two store rooms and kitchen attached, ntables,
carriage house and wash room. On the lot are two
fine wells water, a firrowing orchard of poach and
apple trees, and flue garden, For further particulars
apply to AND. M. ROSS,
tt Ufthk State of Georgia.
IT. ii 1 FALL.
'savannah, ga,
CoudiiMed by tlwe Sinleu us out
1 .i)dv oi Mercy.
THE Fail 80 »l«n of F is fnetl*. t?on wil o: a
Sfipt mb r 15th and eloseFobrus r 16 b, 1666
Tketiiirimr fta-si 11 aili.ioui . emu - Febroaiy 16t< and
elo e July fill, wi >1 r uo ! i examtns .on and die
ribet on ol p.fciul -ms, at whica tbs parents ani
groudi ns. n» nl»r> riends m h» insdiiuto., are in
vued to nfteui'.
Ters s per fl ssion.finclodfrg Board snd Eng
lish Tui ion payable in adv avoo S6OO 29
French .' V 6 Os
V.nelc on ths F ano, with uje 01 Ins.reinent.,. 60 00
Music on « e Gu k- r 40 Oi'
Crayon Drawing snd Fafi.i ug in YV i.te-r C010r5.....
0r5..... v » OO
Orieulai rtinting 16 00
Fro ov *1 orkar.J Uuibrtddory ... 10 Do
ifi ax Fruit and Flow. rs. 16 JO
Bummer Vae lion if spout at ihe Academy... 160 00
There la in the AOAddmy asepar . e department o»
Day Pupils.
Tirana ear, sjcsmom .
fforSoDior Oiaases 20 JO
For Junior Claasu«.. N -« 00
For Preparatory Ulseecs 10 10
Kxirn charges wifi bo the saroo for 16 ic at lor the
b ardurs.
No deduction made for absence over, t In <: so ol
tong sickness, irregul irlly tn alto ndance au-1 eaiii
of pGiH.tua dy t:> school hours, will subject the up’.li
to uismis al.
knrtser p rtloulars can ba leached al -the Ac .Jo
my. cepv
t hATRASX At ADi hiTS .
iTMUB reorganized instttftioc w!l‘ \ ■fa
A eii on Monday, Oeioin-r 10it),.u -im an otii
uient and exportencod coipc of Teachers ;
.1 comp elo odue .lion in au scoouiulisted and UlOl
oug.i stvle.
senior Deimrtmont under Rev O. B, King, F.iu
junior DepsilDuct - Mifi L. B W.igbi*.
Plimary Depar.mcnt—»trs Kaie Oluekoy. '
French, German ana -n c—Mademoirolle A
jrnpon, loimer'y 1 1 tho celebrated French School in
Oharlento t; l-tely if .he Lucy Cobb Institute, amt ot
disunguisheu sccuss in tot clung.
Draw,eg. Fainting, Ac-, under Mire Fromv Wray;
a lady filling 1 his -epjrluinu in tfie Montpelier In
btituti. w unde; uie efiargo oi the Rigid Bov.
Bishop hi.licit.
khiglisli and Malhoroatinai siadles, with Bol! 4
Lettres and Ancient Langnageu fur .. the ii 'gumr
Course; lor wh eh tult on in auvanoe:
Itenior Dei-artuirm ffi'i pu term
Junior Departmont. 60 “
Primary Dei t ronoa 40 “
anode, 11 lionguugoß, Dr. wii-g Ac., at Teacher 3
rates No ot er Vile , chaigov.
Three ieims. bcgloniog oct. her 10th, .J.nuaij
yOiri ana May Ist, nukes "p iho Scholastic year.
The general oomroi of tne School ey ihr Prm. ipt!
and theseversLroo'ina under thud difiorens touch rs.
F.itrESKNOAS —J he Beard 01 i'rcstooß ol Ouatnam
Academy, Judge Wui. iiaw, Ujapman; Btoaop Ji.l
liott; Bov. Dr. arson, W Tsornu Williams ..obn
W. Anderson, Jo.,n h. Ward, li D Weed, A. A.
Allen, Jttßq. a iso, to the Clergy oi the city and
natrons oi the schoo..
•Mrs. W. is late!/ of AtUc.ta. and au aaobaipiish •
od Tesoher, liiglny r ooarui.iadea uj -.>.>> K-diott
nod !>"r .1"" ’r natrons ’ wVili
i lassical JSciiool tor Buys.
ItHIS School is now op.ia ai thu ~c even House—
eutrance on Oougrees street. Instruction bj
urn neat Tea her. in all department 0.1 study, espe
cially in that of Ancient and Mo.fcru Lidiguuges
ncvßti U
_A_ ~b£» O _IL) J±i.
Auctioneers and Commission Merchants
G H N Eli A it A. U E N T S ,
Negro and ’Real Estate Brokers,
Formerly of Memphis, Term,, late of Atlanta , Oa, 4
C*W now be found in AUtHJSTA, Oi„ Broad
At eot, oppoeit>• the notch ’iho At
omic la once mt r** a*o i xtcr.fii*e ottiib lehm: nf-~jcTiio
Pi\,of-r* hob < ff re eilra indtioemcotß to ail Who
wish £Ot»cJa gold o» aVxed, to which iv. attache i l»ig*
rooms tor the Bait* Ko-piUf &«»d ikntiding of
?n»H« for Stoic, >—.. n.-OTfl i! BPJJ'U
>t toi tyJjjitZ') •urs, jron can ho Arcade
without an? e«iH. lmo roviO
w. a. Johnson;
rtp.yr ts
JAMJIb BAJNKb, 9 g, a'jiuD
Attorneys at leave and Soliciftcr»
Hi Ghsnees"v,
• Jlj A. Hi *U C! IT Y -
C&limbia t'Dßiuy, Last Florida.
£%?~ WHS promptly attend to el! business entreated
lo their 04 re,
_ aug2 ts
I am manufacturing the following Oils,
which are offered to the public at the aanexed
Chemical Machine Oil 125 per gallon,
Faint Oil 10 “
Tanner’s Oil 10 “
Refined Rosin Oil 9 “
Crude Rosin Oil ... 3
All orders promptly aueoded to.
not a?—SO* ■ * . Augusta. Oeoigia,
STOLEN on Tliuisday nigot worn the
of A. a, Solomons »Uo...vH rota Ring fe War
ring’ll I>rag Store, two City Lamps *im '-aa'oc.ors
a Liberal reward will bo paid .or* > • 11 D' ta
ihlel cr thieve*. JOa»:lM LfTCAAN,
Hhfllrn ar: ’»t< »
AlKtllKilS'i BAXOlt’a SA laSJ.
WILL be sold before the Conn done) do r in the
t wn oi Qiiiimtm, Brooke county, La , wiiuia
t’-o Itgalnon.h of tale, on iho ii '• Thee.lfty in Jann
a y next (1865 ) the Land Ml), gii gto the estate of
.f, mc« i'a lit, deceased, i,.t . o< Hr .'k- r- er.’.v. o >n
-m-cing It i art*or, mw. —)■ -*■ —,jit too snili ol
:aa m Simmons, 'V. ti W .u, U. Nielstili, a,.U
Olliers, i'nepsco bas apo-i >t a very fine cotlige
dwollli g, c id taming six iarg«r ««, fireplace to oath,
w. h oib r entail room* aUacool, gin bon to and
cr, w and all other o tbuildings nootss r 'lh rj
a e 800 ions of open land up n ms plac >, wlilel* pr »-
tlu :0* m 11. There are 160 „creu c r more 01 n .iiuu. ck
laud o th i bee-, q-iallty apo i the place, and it is eud
lo be one si tbo moat denlrublo tre cis ot ,and in lb.
county. The re wautieg a saleliooio, tea lr.rn V.ti
kes raids, would do well to a lend tao s le. leans
,:a novl9 t,l \VM tl HARP!Sf AdT.’r
NoritiM 'so uKireostw .%Kt«#B*
n KOitOia BifOOKS OL ti t —All persons ul
lx debied V> Ur. Loary rila .iy, late c> rai > county,
dec-,Bred, -are hereby uuia.ui to c.rne i.iea.d aid
ectt.e mi ilios., who have ol .dais a„un;s. hh e.ia o
are reqiioslcd to present tue . forpa.-m ot to the go
deralgnod, proven a. ite ARLY, Fx’.,
Qoitir.itn, On., Wov 15,136 L law4,v novla
ON the fl'st Tu.eday In ,f nuary nett w tl be er.ld
at Q dtmac, Brooks county, <?«.. fihio,, a woman,
n 2 and about thtriv lour y,» s, a very god cock end'
washer, with her ihreo t h Id. bl, Robert, I'avnl and
Th .mas, aged 12. 8 and 2 yours Sold as the p oporty
o the estate ot toot V. ttignililav hue ol 6.yen a- unly,
deceased, tor divist, nam ,cg ih-i h ire
T. and. HOTKiSS,
dec6 td Adtuinlclraor
AI.L peraou- having c aims « sinst 'he cstnto oi
Waruiei Molina, ciecoiuei will posonUhe aamo,
duly attested, wtthm th- time proGorlbed by I w; and
ail pe r sins lndeht il to said esiato mast make imme
diate pa,hint to We R Morris, who is aalhorlaed
by me lo ceceipt ter Uie same.
Oh til ijaadded K- "*lr,x.
UN flLfo thsr n tloe tin, j’JLASKI HOUSE will
rot rec.dve aey Boat ets to turuish th.-n: with
tseals. Booms can be .ented and 1 aging pneared
on reasonable to.un
dees v W. H. 1$ XX<IB£,&6£R A ut,»i