Newspaper Page Text
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sergeant; on I in ll e »
private. And rash liowl
SS*». ^ , v £rtSi" fce‘8J» 9
Uets»bont23r®"": nn ’ (1 likely, hnsnilh-
^rs«T* h,u l p
f'^ NOni.i: A. HARDEE._
WSWl Uoiwr County, ent
ile mtiio JdU oompriaea every von-
“oil. The tract to fur-
No. 910—Vol. XXXVI.]
[Whole No.—0»,008.
‘The true rielies of life is Health.’
W E know that health and the ability to labor
constitutes the wealth of the great mass of
the people in this, us in most other countries. To
preserve, therefore, that health by natural means
is a grand moral and political scheme,to fulfil which
requires our utmost attention. The unprece-
deutedpopularilyauduuiversulupprobatioii which
WjSESXM •» any do-
difionul consideration to r -.._ T - v - rr
»i«nt. n® . term* ami protracted ere- tniii medicine hns achieved throughout the United
more misceUaneousinforma-1 States, the Canadas, Tents, Mexico and the West
LlZSErn** subscriber at A- Indies, fully justify Ur. Peters in warmly and con-
erw* * «• ., „ subscriber at j
can address tm jj AL1 >\ VI N.
dint do 1
scicntionriy recommending them to the special ut-
| tuition of tlio alllictcd.
Dr. Peters has spent much time in experiment
ing with different Vegetable Medicines lor discai-
os of tho liver, and now oilers his Vegetable Pills
as the best, most convenient and cheapest Medi
cine that cun he prepared for gouorul use.
Ono great quality of his Vegetable Pills is that
they have tho alternative principle combined with
their carthartic, or operative qualities, or that they
| W T citizens of die United States, i a: i not only cleanse tiro stomach and bowels by pur-
l ,0lM » for a very largo sum utid from, hut they regulate the liver, change tho mor-
’ • * ited Dr. Magnin, of Paris, bid secretion, strengthen tho digestive organs, pt>
1UI > making this astonishing rity tho blood, invigorate the circulation, and gives
Until the appearance of the "Luchin tone nndenorgy to the nervous system.
Fhbout thrceyears since) it was thought They are mild and pleusunt in their operation
t! nbiuts which it speedily overcomes, and convey utmost immediate conviction of their
Kwf ilie reach of human remedy, us for utility from their first dose. They can be tuken
If i thousand years, tlioy had ballled the with sufety personajpf any age; and the feeble,
dinrenuity-ef *h° most profound pjq& 1 ttio infirm, the uervotis and delicate are strength-
- «•«»!«! Phis Cordior; I tnedhy their operation, because they clear the
system of bud humors, quiet nervous irritability,
and invariably produce sound health.
Tho Vegetable Pills are a sure remedy for jaun
dice, sick and nervous hooduche, dyspepay, cos-
t iveness, sickness of the stomach, heartoi
illl '
j tncinc—Ou 1’Jbllx-
"ir dc 1* Amour*
iL.ta.iho plearare of oiraomic-
/■e Unite*! Stales, t:»;
sum and from
fctorjtai ccloUrntoi
,ukI right for
|55£7£ world. TO* Cordi,
IX mat advantage of tho human
I nlLivilintl globe. Ur. Mngnin soo
T HEIbllowing details of a Schkmk or a Lot*
tk«v, to bo drawn in December next, war
rants nsindeclaring it to bo UNPARALLELED
in the history of Lotteries. Prizes to the amount
lic. It is true, thcro are many blanks, but on the
other hand, tho extremely low charge of 8:iO
per Ticket—tho anu nuriuku of the Capi
tals, and the revival of tho good old Custom of
warranting that every prize shall be drawn and
sold, will, we are sure, give universal satisfaction,
nud especially to the Six, Hundrku Fiuzf. Hut-
To those disposed to adventure, wc recommend
early application being us for tickets—
when tho prizes are all sold, blanks only remain
—tho first buyers have the best chance. Wo,
therefore, emphatically say—DELAY NOT! bit.
at once re-init and frans-mit to us your orders,
which shall always receive our immediate atten
tion. Letters to bo addressed, and applications
made to SYLVESTER &. CO.
150 Broadway, New-York.
KT Observe the number, 150.
$709,000!U $500,00011 #25,0001
(I prizes of 820,000!!
ii prizes ol‘ ^15,00011
» prizes of $110,00011
03 3 Tho richest and most magnificent Scheme
ever presented to tho public iu this or any oili
er countrv.
actually cashier of tho Citizens’ Bunk.and A.Bou-
dotiin, Esq. actually cashier of the Consolidated
Bank, us Trustees, as per Act passed before A.
Mazurumi.T'sq. Notary Public, oil tho 2d of May,
18.18, and the properties transferred unincumhei-
cd, for tho security of the fortunate Prise Hold-
Monp. of Dhawiso.—100,000 tickets, from 1 to
100,000, will he put in one wheel, ami GOO pri/.is
with the hluuks, in another. To every number a
prize oi blank will be drawn, until all the prizes
are determined, leaving tho balance of numbers
in the wheel blanks.
KPTo Envrons Asn Punt.isHr.ns.—-Having re
ceived Newspaper* contaii.hgtlin above Scliomo.
from twenty-two Suites and Territories, besides
several of tho British Provinces, we are satisfied
with the circulation, and therefore request that
such paper* us have not, up to this time, inserted
the advertisement, will he pleased not to do »,o,
and that all the other papers will insert it onco a
week only, until tho 1st of December, and for*
vvurd us their accounts.
15’3 Broadway, New-York.
july20 J511
lilious complaints, fevers of all kinds, and if taken
.tthedcoioiHlwosso vast os to render a t fifo commencement will iuvariably check their
inossiblc, disposed of tho recipe and p. ogress, and save the patient from a protracted
i under obligations of secrecy, for and dangerous sickness. * They are invaluable in
i{’under obligations of secrecy,
d the United Stutc*, and other conn*
u>rvinz France olid Italy for himself.
“®.. I I.........If nl* tlir
and dangerous sickness. * They
I nervous and hypocoiulricul infections, loss of up-
| petite, aud all complaints to which females alono
fWCieT vWg r roww imu . V | ],kuki,u»u uu vuiuyuumii iu wmui iuuiu«v.n »iuh«
L mbscriber possesed lumselt ol the are subject. They operate ns a mild speedy purge,
. .. i Ii.ratnna III i IVII till* 111- I B...I . ... M .....I ....iii.i.i l.n. «, i.rluu Hi
L K crrt f and now hastens to feive the in- a nUrottsufo und certuin remedy tor worms iu
f lute of agency the benefits ol his children. . ’ «
1 ' Extract of n letter from Dr.^Gurncy, of New-
Orleans, Ea.Oct. 1), 1837.—••llxayo received much
assistance in my practice; especially in jaundice
und yellow lever; iromtaeusoot Peters’ Pills. 1
prosiune that, on an uver.ige, 1 prescribe 10'J box-
s per month.”
-uuowcww | Extract of ulotter lioni Dr. Pritchard»of Ilud-
But tho peculiar virtuo on which BQU) Now-York, Juno 3,18!W.—“l was aware that
* is based, is the facility and certainty |>eter« was one of the best chemists in tho U.
, ititsoicslhc virile powers when uiey I States, and felt assured Unit be would some tie/
destroyed by disease, time, reckless- (, roin j,j 6 mtunato knowledge of die properties
pto.1 de I.ucir.c,” or, in Euglirf*. “Uie
loiiJial," i" n gi m’rai invigorntor Ol tholm-
In nil ttiu various canon of languor, |
,„j debilitation, it in an tmlbiling rume-
tMiialiy itn iirovincc to impart tliect-
iddncision to tlio ntind, an lioollli und vt-
Vickcls onl by an Atl
, 20 dollars.
the. LtgMutive Assembly
j 0 f tlio numerous causes \Viiich termi-
prostration of those flwctlons,
in with die generality oi really good f u jjy respond to my e:
Ms Cordial contains nothing ol umer-1 ^ucd, a superior medic
herbs and drugs) produce an elllotonl medicine
and 1 must acknowledge that lus Vegetible Pill*
expectat on. They uro, in*
f/ Florida, ami under the directions of the Com-
vtmu.ntrs, aitinif under the same.
FLO HI DA, DEC II Dt, 1831).
SYLVESTER iV CO. 150 Broadway,
* New-York, Sole Agents.
100,000 tickets, from No. 1 upwards,in succession.
Extract Loin the 1 Laws of the Legislative Coun
cil of the Territory of Florida.
CiiAr.701—No.22—Whereas the Court House
of Duval county, is in an unfinished state mid
there aru yet due and owing upon the same, mo-, which it is believed will impose too burden
some a lax upon the peop.c t f Duval, and where
as, it is desirable to pay those suid sums and com-
pec ti.e, as well tor the greater conve
rt encj oi the adniiiiistnition cf justice, as for tho
. oauic purpose oi all Academy, lor which pur
pose u part, the said hudduig, when completed,
is designed. Therefore—
us of Sec. J. Be it enacted by the Governor und Lc-
line, gislativo Council of the Territo.y of Florida,
Pills Tnat it sliull and may bo lawful tor Joseph B.
I may
Lancaster, Isaiah D. Hurt and \\ illiam J. Mills
c rany twb of them under tho direction of tho
deed, a superior medicine unu 'reflect alum upon crany two ol them under tlio direction oi me
Bio chemist, the physician, and the pitylosopiier.” County Oburt ol Duval County, to raise suc.i
Kjtract ol u letter from Ur. Wumo.., of Ciu- » or miui. of motley by loneiy, in. ich Kbemoa
LthiiCoi— -
leleterioua natdre, among the many in*
fcbkhcompose it; but is, ot the isumo . MUIHJlo , u , eiier v... r — ^, . ..
1 ink yet so efficacious, that while it can c j nn „ti f e | K o 1838.—-Your Pill* are tie mildest a uiey limy deem propnate»*nd dvuab.e: 1 rt
e prostrated energies ol a giant, an in- iutheir operations, und yet most poweiful in their 1 •'•' , ***' " ,n '**“ “""** * ,u 1 * *»«
• it, not only with hnpuhity, but with 1 • - ’
Vided, dial me said pci&uus shall b.ud themselves
edicts, oi any i liavo ever met with iu mv prae-1 In such niuiilier as tuo Court shall duect, wen
Uce of e xhi ..mi twenty years. Ti.eir uctiott on and truly to conduct such lottery mgood luith, to
t .e Chy le.and henceon'tlie imp unfits of the blood nnnmnrmtn the nroeeeds to the ou.ect above sta-
is evidently very surprising.”
CiiAiti.oTTK, N. C. Jan. 1, 1837.
of raciety ore unfortunately such
Hiding die benefits which would bo
from it, wc cannot enter into an an-
inestimable Cordial hero, or publish | p) ear si r —j havejiiudofrciiuont use of your
documeniH which have, been rccoiv- pj|| a j tl u, c j„ c .pi e nt st ige of b lions fever, and ob-
*n of the blessings it has conferred on j gfiiiiitu coustiputioiiol mo bowels; also,iu the en- j
despairing individuals. But tins we ]argement of the spleen, chrome diseases of the
ear remarking—tliat it hod been de- || vt . r , Hlc u hoaduclio, general debility, und in all cu
tout mere is scarcely ever, il any such gQ8 i luve found them to ho vi*rv etlkrtive.
J. I). Boyd, M. D.
Myxki.ksbuho Co. Va. Feb. 7, 1837.
Having used Dr. Peters’ Pills in my pinctico for
th^last \2 months, 1 take pleasure in giving my
testimony of their good ertects -iii cases ol dys
pepsia, sick headache, bilious fevers, and other
discuses, produced by inactivity of the liver.—
Tuey i ro u’rnfo und mild aperient, being the best
article of the kind 1 have ever used.
Gkohok C. Scott, M. D.
This celebrated Medicine is for sule by all the
principal Druggists in 8avuiuiuli and tluougliout
tho United States, tho Canadas, Texas, Mexico,
aud tlio West ludies. Price 50 ecus per box, with
full directions..
, ang 5 104—ly
An Ordinance
rpO amend und con solidate the various orditt-
JL Alices of the city of Sayoimih, for estab
lishing, organizing, and regulating a regular night
watch or guard for the better promoting the city
of Savannah, for regulating the pay thereof, and
for other purposes connected therewith.
Sec. J. Bo it ordained by tho Mayor and Al
dermen of tiie city of Savanhuli and hamlets there
of in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordain
ed by tho authpruy of the same. That trom amt
alter die passage of this ordinance, the night watch
or guard for the protection of the city of .Savan
nah shall cofisist of a superintendent, a deputy
superintendent, and three division' sergeants and
forty-four privates.
Sec. 2. Be it further brdnined, That tho said su
perintendent, deputy superintendent, mid divi -
ion sergeaum, shall be elected by Council at the
first regular meeting in each anu every January ,
uu I tho privates shall bo appointed as is hereinaf
ter specified, and the pay of the said superintend
ent shall be eighty dollars a month; of tiie said de
puty superintendent sixty dollursainontli; of each
of the said division sergeants thirty-livo dollars a
month, and of each of the privates twenty-five
dollars nmuuih.
Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, Tlwitthe said of
ficers shall lie armed at his own expense with u
w vord or hanger, afld u pair of pistols and provi
ded with a carlouch box to Contain and be tilled
with six rounds of ball cartridges; and each of the
said watchmen or privates sh ill lie furnished with
« good and suflicient musket and bayonet, ulso
with ft cartouch box to bolt round tho waist, to
contain aud be titled with twelve rounds of ball
cartridges, and one spare flint, all which arms ami
accutremeuts for the nrivutos of said guard or
watch shall he furtusUeduttlie expense ol the city;
•lid the said otlicers aud privato* shall each be fur
nished nl the expense of tho city with it rattle,
w.i c.i sliull ho used for tlio purpose of conmumi-
c.u.011 with each other, giving an alarm when ne*
ennsary, (except in cares of lire, when the alarm
shall be given by the discharge of the musket ns
heretofore.) and if any oilier person or persons
except tho said oilioers and watchmen, alter the
See. 7. Be it furtke o.da . cd, That it aha l bo
(lieduty of dm odicer in coimnanl at the gum.
house,'whenever, uitbe time ol* dismission of tin
gutird.he npiy have a prisoner or prisoners in
c.iargo, tu-loavu on duty utthe guard houre, asut
licient force to keep such priiOner or prisonerf
in custody until the police court hour, when it
shall be bis further duty to deliver them at tho po
Leo oilico, (oxcept on Sundays, when thu said
pri soner or prisoners shall he dealt with ft* the or
duiuice regulating tho police court provides.)
and ho Mayor, acting Mayor, or any three Alder*
men may enquire into the circumstances of each
case presented for examination, tuid nuke such
order thereon, or atlix such punishment*, cithei
by fmo or imprisonment a*the laws of tho State,
iho ordinances of the city, aud tho nature of the
case require, and one-half of the line codecteu
shall tie paid to tliu arresting wutehinan, aud (lit
other half to the city: provided that no fine shall
be inflicted for any one otlbucc, beyond oiio inn
dred dollars; and if thu said prisoner or prison
er* be charged with felony or breach of tlio pence
tlio Mayor or Aldermen presiding ns aforesaid lit
the pouch court, may ut hi* or their discretion or
dor tiie prosecution of said ‘prisoners, and torn
them o.or to a magistrate ot the couti.y tor that
ever the!
Sot. '
or HCI ! .,
or or achifit M iyor shall nproim h
ptlie, and ritv.cni of the Uni‘e.
nnme.i shall he enter in the Mayor’s
w.ih f 10 super nur.dcnt of the w.iti*
-In 111>. st led “siipern ii.uaruM.” a
re j or. themselves every n’ght ut f
iu the sam j tu mierwi h tlir oil
under pa n of fine for /ib.<* nn •,
absence < f any of tho n g.d ir ’
or more of tko supernumeraries, i
may ro pti.e, shall he employed to
cy or vacuncie*' for the u ght, on 1 all il:
n uue.aries not itiucfoal «• r**;ceshall r
guard liuu-e in all ea cs of uia.iu,-ftnd ti
ployed an the oilicerfiiiiy direct; and w
ployed the said .Hupenmiueiftrie.i shall stand iu tho
«uue capacity, and be subject to the same ri *
and discipline ns tlio regular watchmen, it 1
salary of such supernumeraries on actual i
shall*be deducted from dial of the absent r
watchmen, nud tlio former sliull be paid at the si
rate as the latter; and said supernumeraries shall
take and subscribe t!ie same ox hand give tins Aunt)
oon i and security a* prescribed in tho case of tho
regular wutoiiijiuu, before their names shall bo on- .
trrud on the list of supeiuumcrnries. And when
ever a vacancy shall occur in the city watch by any
means, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to appoint '
a person f.uui tho list of* supernumeraries to sup-
icy, and also o appo’nt another «u-
i tlio room of Use individual thus
8ee 8. Be it further ordained, U at th^sunt of
flfiy cents shall ho ileinunJed und received at ti e
guardhouse for tlio upprctiens.ou o each and
every slii\e and person ol color arrested under piovisioii.H oi tins orduiunce u -he or lie be
demanded uni released before eleven o’clock 1*.
M., hut if demanded and released alter that
hour, then the snip of one ilolh r shall be de
ni mded ifnd received for cacti per.-ou ns ufore-
8AiU,uiid tiie said sum < lull in all cases be etpiaily
divided between the arresting watchman and the
city, and if it Lc not paid before eight o'clock the
next morning; tho said slave or ireo person < f
color shall bo commuted to jail, there to remain
until tlio suid tine und all costs are paid.
dec. i). Bo it further orduined, That if any of
the otiicers or privates of the said city watch, af
ter having taken up any prisoner or per. on in the
execution of tiioir'*, sliall a bribe tor
liberal ng any person so upprobenjlcd, or if any
of the said officer* or watchmen sliull ho guilty of
vfolynt, injurious or iu p oper conduct whilst on
du.y t« any person or pursuits, or if the said idfi-
coi» or wutcumcn shali iu any m inner misbehn •
m, or neglect their duties as watchmen, the sum
oil’etider, if a private, may be lined or dismissed,
or both, at the discretion of the Mayor or acting
Mayor, and his bond may also be put in suii; an I
tho said olllror* nray al o be linjdor smpened d
or both, at the discretion of tlio Mayor or acting
pi/ such vacancy — ‘ ’-* ,L ‘
e mmicrary iu tl._
transfer.« / io die regular vva cli."
Bee. 17. He it farther ordained. That it shall bo
t'le d.tty of the superin undent of U.o city watch
to reLiiti the arms of tlio watchmen iu the guard
l.o l o, (except when required for duty) and at
le.wt one a in every week -.hereafter to inspect dm
same and soe tha tli y art kept ttui preserved in
gi od order.
Bee. 18. Beil furdier orduiuod, That one mondirt
p iy of the oilicers and privates of the city wuteh
*in'!l be retained in the city ironsury after tn
sh ill h ive become due, to meet any fines
cd, but tho Mayor or acting .Mayor m iy,
drcrchon,-and undqr tlio circumstance* of tlio
c se, give an order or draft on the Ire
oilicer or private fir such portion <
served pay us in his discretion m
and the .said draft or order shall I:
by the city treasurer out of tho cit,
Bee. 19*. Be it further ordained, r '
one * « and parts of ordinances corresponding with
t!i s, on I nil other ordinances and parts of ordin-
’ance.s militating against this ordinance, bo, and
t o suite ure hereby repealed.
Passed in Council, 23d Align ft, 1830.
Cr-s-3 ROOT M. CHARLTON, Mayor.
At.est. Joskkh Fxi.t, c. c. pro tan.
act 21
appropriate the proceeds to the object above s
teu.—Eas ed, Feb. 7lU, 1834.—Approved, Fi
11 By tra'rtiraent, bearing a.itu tlio 28tlt of Fahru- ieTung of tho guard, shun uso a rattle of similar
ory, lead, uie abo.e Joratili Laucaater, Inait'h Dr'cottstruotioii, ur ottv imlrtitueiit producing n stm-
11 irt and Wm am Mills, did, tor certuincoiuidor* i ar sound,xvitiiiu tlio limits ol tiie city, lie or she,
(,u natural barrenness, nr a* natural
rt thc procrcunt functions in either sex;
IfW, tliai Uiosc evils are die efl'ects of
tunes,and maybe speedily subdued and
|y the use of “Le Cordial de Lucine.”
a Cordial is also an indubitable cure
jet, and die Fluor Albus, obstructed,
Ipiinfitl Menstruation; uIbo, for tire
* of Urine or the involuutarv dis-
eof. It i.f likewise an invahiabie and
xlicine hi cases of Chronic* Errup-
F *kin, unJ in die dropsical affections
irortant to the American Public.
dStates proprietor of the celebrated
lial, or Elixir of Lova, begs to lay be-
fouuuuuily, the following certificate,
ti received from tho inventor, die Ulus-
Maguin,of Paris:
| to certify, that I have disposed of die
gthoLuciim Cordial, or Elixir of
e right to i ‘
porcHcr A liii lCoc*ii<»,
O FFER for sale on accommodating terms, No.
Fund 2 Castor Oil, in bottles assorted sizes;
tho gallon; SpD*Turoeuuue, do. do. do.,
,l V* | wick, la lasses, ourux,«:ii"»> *«*« «o«u«w mdigo,
XmnK 0 !’ 0re . 80 numerous,tbut 11 Coiolimand Bpumsh Flout Blueing, Hippo, Jal-
ropply all the orders froniF ranccuud op, Rhulmrh, Calomel, Anow Root,Spanish Flies,
;?fra efor 4 d \ B P 08ctl ,®f Camphor, Manna, Flake, Nutmegs, Cloves, Cin-
ra j ,n . ,8 ,ul( * °!! ,cr certificates nau , on , Mace, Black and Cayenne Peper, Ginger,
re, mo.dertogtnmlisetliebtmfitB, L Curry Powder, super. Carbonate Bodu, Tarfinlc
ixl S 0 ?«?2 ,t - l 10 W0 1 r ! (1 - . Acid, Rochelle Butts, Balt Turtar, Sal Ammoniac,
\*L ? o nl * ur,8 » on 5 118 nme’eenth (Jmu Aloes, Guriaic, Aimnonia, Benzion, Copul,'
• y i‘l aro our Lord,eigbleeni Shellac, Mastic, Arabic, Opium and Styrax,Rose
^"'kraste magnin I tt, “ 1 D "'°" ***** An w ' ,s »" g
iPellac, '
7 important medicine is for salo hv
"»° Henvoll, No. 129Liherty^treet,
Wormsecd, Digita’los, Senna," Scpiille, Uiiinine
Morphine; Iodine, Pipermo, Hydriodato, Potass
Hu -
afions, inconfoimiiy to tt.u said Logislauvo Act,
duly ns ign.mto Mt s s.Bc midt tit, H.unihon nit
then- ri 0 lic ana interest, and tne powers vested in
t .e*n*by the uoove recited Act of die Legislature
of Flor.du.
Extract from the valuation of Gcorgo Phillip Ma*
tiouvrier ami Jacob do Cordova, bo Ji of tiie city
of New-Orieans, made and sworn to on the ldifi
day ot April, 183'J:
That tho said George Pillip Munouvriernml Ja
cob Cordova, appraise und couscteufiously und
honestly v uluo U»o property know u under die name
and uppe.ln.onol •• Bank's Arcade,” in me city ol
New-Urteans, at Bix Hundred Thousand Dollurs,
‘•The property known under die appellation of
"City Holer or-Bisnop’s Hotel,” in uie stud city
of New-Orieans, at Four Hundred and Twenty
Thousand Do hrs.” ,
The Deeds ut the Property and t .c Stock trans
ferred in trust to die Commissioners appointed
by flic said Act ol the Legislature of Florida,lor
the security of the Prize Holders.
feplciKlUl Schcuic:
1 Prize—The Arcade—sidtiJeei, 5 incites, 4 lines,
oil Magazine-street; 101 feet, 11 inches, on
Nutcnez-street; 12u feet, U incites, on Gra-
vier-sfieet. Rented at ubout Jp37,0U0 per
nunum. Dollars.
Valued at 700,000
1 Prize—City Hotel—*102feeton Com
mon-street, 14ti feet, U incites, on
Camn-street. Rented at $125,000.
Valued at 500,000
1 Prize—Dwelling Home, (adjoining
tho Arcade) No. 10—24 feet, 7 in
ches front, oil Nutehez-alreot. Rent-
cd at is] ,200. Valued ut 20,000
Prize—Ditto (adjoining the Arcade,)
No. 18—23 tect front on Nuichez-
streot. Rented ut #1,200. Vulued
ll:irrisi>n’N .Specific oiiiiin'csit,
X j^Ull the cure of White Bwulliug*, Scrofulous
. nn to hcfttimors, Ulcer*, Sora Legs, old and
fredi Woiinls, Sprain.' and Briil.-t**, Swellings
oil l Inflammations, Braid Head, Women’s Bore
Breasts, Rheumatic Pains, Tetter*, Eruptions.
ChilbuitM, Whitlows, Biles, Corns and External
Mayor, which suspension shall be reported to j Diseases generally. Il is likewise grearf
Council, at tlio next regular meeting thereof, or 0 r to ny medie’me heretofore, discovered foi
sooner if the Mayor or uctiug Mayor may deem , cnaf.d backs and liml 8 6f horses; for ring worms,
it advisable, aud the said Cotincil shall act on such ; c fo,pj ,.,i bps—and in short, for every external bo-
inform il ion, and reinstate or dismiss said officer
as said Council may deem proper; and whenever
any officer is thus suspended, or whenovor iMnay
he necessary to fill any vacancy temporarily, the
Mayor or acting Mayor shal l.ave the power to
make such appointment and till such vacancy, un*
" ^ I:
I!* 1 *^ I,lirl f“ I CitronFiowcrs,Juttijiur,Suuku’Rttot,Pink Root,
John v EnsfirV* » 1,1,1 ' i in I Vulerion and Mazeriou Root, Gentian, Quassi,
•iTunci llifrara it Cmiullii, Mttgneala, lump und culcmed; Sweet und
,b]t » Uu,'?’ Olive Otleinandliottlee, Tooth Powder*,
► Wood V No T P nd , U ' “"ffi’ 0 ”* Peruvian Burk, Extruet und Elixir or Barit, Ex-
[ T00 “'y, No. 05 Poydrus-st. Now-1 ttJClof0o inro; Rein Wux.Gmn Myrrh, Alcol.ol,
"■ '** Carbonate, Aimiioniu
er l and in Savannah by
twl,.,,?' 'V.'JliNURICKSON.
P* bottle, with full directions.
t:i the next meeting of council; and Council shall
at all time* liavo the power to fill any vacancies,
in the s nne manner as the vacancies of other of
ficer* of tho city are filled; und tlio Mayor or net-
iug Mayor, as the head of tlio police, shall have
and exercise a general superintendence over the
Oilicers and members of Uie city watch, aud may
at any time direct Uie mode and plates in whic:*
dily t*\ il that may fall to tho lot of man or beast.
For side by
Price 50 cent* per box,
dk J% M. TURNER.
ang 5
. , warranted fresh and
„ - Oitic Mixture, Houck'.
Punuceu, Swuim’u Vermifuge, Barclay’* Cttboba
and tdurauparillu, Butler’* aud Henry’a Magnema,
Peter*, Flibbert*, Braitdrctli*, Leu*, Evans, Se-
gitro*, Phelps, Beckwith*. Galliglian*, Hoopor'a
and oilier Pill*! Batemau'* Drop*, British Oil,
Hurluun Oil, Turlington, Buisnin, Opodeldoc,
Scmlder'* tSc Thompaon’a Eye Water*,Bernard’*
Uiurrlm-u Mixture, Morton’* Cougli Syrup, Apo-
, i.tliecury’fl Scales und Weiglits.
PUENPHImtlF®* • .. Perfumery, &c.—Premiss’ and Glessm 9 Co-
IACK NOW, T!I P 11 lugne, Lavender and Eye Waters; do. do. Toilet
, KUSlIlujia of tho agu ior g" a , )S ,] 0 . do. Extracts Musk, Jessamine, Rose
* * * I i‘n. .1— .1..'u #Yil raidriibrids
I Roll;,, ,
“i’ld'euldo to all cases, lor Ba ] m 0 f Coluinhia, Hair Powder, Pulls and Box- 1 Ditto—50
'wiMvanii™ roll \ lm ;, rc , u 7-) 11,1,1 es, Odoriferous Compound, Volatile Salts of full-
fitiue. rr °' er MS Balsams mid cy „atteras mid colors, in cut glass und pungonts;
'Usequenav&W* ’ e ? rro ! 11 R“ s « Water, Milk Roses, Cream of Soaps, Ver-
|tub> a,/““( ellect the braath, bonin Cram, Cold Cream, Lipsalve, wtdt a lull us-
[tea, ” posubiuty of u discovery
sortmeiit of other articles ill the line.
^iniportaatnilvn,,., .1 I Instruments.—Lnucets, Tooth Keys and l or-
“•loinsch !I •^ lUl § etl » 0 y boverdis- ceps Scalpels, Cupping Instruments, Dissecting
rmoXSi Ul ° ? r ^Btages of Knives, Burgeon Needles and Scissors, Cupmug
Glasses, Nipplo Shells uml Bottles: also, u largo
assortment of other articles in tho line—where
tiyuiciuns, planters und country merchants uro
ivited to emlaitd examine for themselves.
Opposite tho Market,
oct 3 Sign of the Golden Globe.
5 5, del « r exposure.
..tain- ^ of the diHonso, they
|or«| e by eUl,ro oi Three Huuured
¥P«V J ' M ' TIIttM-'Vt
Vai'icguted Scented Soap.
1 TUFTY boxes Variegated Bcented Boap, in
. calces und bars. Just received and lor su c
j prize—Ditto—No. S3, northeast cor
ner of Basin and Custou House-st.
40 feet front on Basin, and 40 feet
on Franklin-street, by 1S7 feel deep
on Custom House-street. Rented
ut $l,5ul). Valued at
J I’rizu—Ditto—No. S4, eoutwestcor-
nor of Basin and Ctislom House-
street; Jd feet, 7 inches en Basin,
Sleet, 7 incites on Franklin, 127
(hot,KHinchesdeepiu front oi Cus
tom House-st. ilenicd at gpi.UOO.
Valued at
X p r i Z c—Ditto—No. 33!), 24 feel, 8 ill-
cues on Royal-street, by 127 feet, XI
inches deep. Rented at Spl,4ull.
Valued at . „ , ■ ,
1 Prize—250 Shares Canal Bunk Stock
.tflOO each,
1 Ditto—200 do. Com. do. do.
1 Ditto—150do. Mechanics’ und Tra
ders’ do. do.
1 Ditto—10U do. City Bank do. do.
1 Ditto—1U0 do. do. do. do. do.
1 Ditto—100 do. do. do.’do. do.
Ditto—50 do. Exchange Bank do. do.
Ditto—50 do. do* do. do. do.
j Ditto—25 do. Gas Light Bunk do. do.
1 Ditto—25 do. do. do do. do. do.
1 Ditto—15 do. Mech.ufos’ und Ira-
dors’ do. do.
1 Ditto—15 do. do. do. do.
20 Do.—each 10 allures of the Louisjaua
Suite Bank, #100 each, each prize
10 Do.—etch 2 shi res of $100 each,
each prize $200, of thu Gus Light
200 Do.—each 1 share of ^100, of tho
Banlc of Louisiana,
200 Do.—ci:oh 1 sl.uro of t^lOO, of the
New-Orleuns Bunk,
150 Do.—each 1 share ol $100, ol the
Union Bank of Florida,
- 20,000
' oct 23
French ntitl Euglish LIieimeals.
F IFTY ounces Freneu Sulplmte ammue
10 «tlci. tie. Morphine
3 doz. pltitils do. Croton Oil
3 do;, packets Jamo./ I’evcr powders, Eng.
Just received, and for salo by •
0(133 A. PARSONS.
if u white person, shall for each and evory such
otfonce, on conviclionut tiie poliao r oiitt or before
Council, lie lined in a sum not exceeding thirty
dollars, to bo collected and enforced in the usual
inatuier; and ifFho said oliender he u slave or
lice person uf color, lie or she shall lie commit,
ted to thu guardhouse, and sliall receive not tx
ceailing t iirly-nhl ! tasties, atliie discretion of the
Mayor or tii iing May or.
Sec. 4. Be it further urdained, That it ihall bo
tile duty of the snperiutetident or deputy super
intendent, whichever may he on uctivo duty at
the time, tu visit tlio watchmen ut their re-| ec-
tivu wards and stations in each and every night',
ns olieu as cireumstuuces will permit, und it a ..all
be tiie deity of die sergeant on uc.ive duly to vis-
it tlio respect,ve words and stations ot least once
during each watch.
Sec. 5. Be il furthor ordained, That from tlio
first day of April (inclusive) to tho lirsl day ol
October (inclusive) of e tch Year, tlio members ui
the city watch shall ho at the guard house, and
commence tltcir tour of duty at the hour of nine
o'clock at night; mid from the First day of October
(inclusive) to dm tirst day of April (inclusive) of
ouch year, die members composing me city wuteh
sliall ossoinhle uuliu guard uouio and commence
their lour of duty at eight o’clock at night, at
which respective hum s tho guard house bell sliall
cease to be rang, and tiie said members shall con-
tunic on duty until twenty minutes lieibru sun
rise or the ringing of die bell tlio next morning,
at which signal they shall repair and reassemble
at the guard ‘hous'a. there to he dismissed or re
tained as circumstance may require; but they shall
not take up any slaves or persons of color alter
daylight without good cause, und the raid city
match shall be subject to {he orders of the May
or or acting Mayor, and may he compelled to do
any flintier or oilier duty, either by day or by
night, whenever the Mayor or acting Mayor may
deem it advisable or necessary, to demand tiieir
tiec. 6. Be it further orduinod, That it shall be
the duty of the superintendent of the Aty watch,
or oilicer in command at the guard house, to dis
pose of tho watchmen in such a manner us that all
parts of the city may he equally guarded and pro
tected, as far as possible; and he snail divide the
privateai'in two divisions to be denominated the
tirstaiid second division, each to be commanded by
a division sergeant, and each division to be distri
buted as aforesaid, when onuctivo duty; uml on
ly ono division shall be on active duty at a time,
except in cases of alarm, or other necessity, wuen
they ahull be inarched to the place of danger or
necessity, as tlio oilicer in commund, or the Maj
or may order; and the watchmen shall be so re
gulated, ns not lo be every night in the same ward,
but they sliall be allotted to the various wards and
places within the city alternately and in rotation,
and the said watchmen shall putroi und watch
throughout the respective ward* and places as-
iigned to diem during, the night; and the Haiti of
fers and privates of the city watch are hereby
For Ui€? Toilet.
P ill N'l'lSS 1 extract of Rose, Mtisk, 1m»*
mine and Bergamot
Do. fine and sunerfint* Toilet Powder,Rose scent
Edo’s sup. Musk and Rose Persian Scent Bugs
Genuine Russian Honrs Oil
at any time direct uie mode ana places in ,, mv i Jlll( p. jUnEasnr Oil
M 1 ”«•Hri'lfl”’* B’&rn J Columbia
directions accordingly to the officers in command
ut tiie guard house, by whom such orders shall bo
obeyed mid distributed.
eyed aim mstrumieU. . . 1 Coggorshall’s su'r Counossiers Soap, That one watch- Craamtla Savon Rim
l’om ufejj |a Rose, 8'iviurjMS’*;uuinc, Orange find
othor Odours, in pots und rolls
man shall be stationed during the hours aforesaid,
in the steeple of tho Exchange, and shall he fur-
uisiied with ugood ami siidicieut hintcrn, and he
shall give Uie alarm to Uie citizens iu all proper
cases, by the ringing of the Exchange bed, und
by hanging bis lantern in the direction from which
tho cause of alarm seems to proceed; on la seu-
tincl shall always, during guard hours, or whilst
t’ni watch are on duty, be stationed at the guard
house door, Whoso duty it shall be to eommtiui-
eato any alarm to the oilicer in commund, and to
Uie oitieers and privates not iu actual service; and
the guard house b.U shall be rung in all cases of
Sec. 11. Be it further ordained, That no watch-
mill atsigne J fi r die fust w.ucli or divis.i n sha
l jjve iii»W4tch or station tin: I Uie relief gi u.d
shill have relieved him at hs post; nor shall
any wutchin n assigned for the second guard leave
hi* ward or station until the hour for discharging
ilit* uu ml shall have arrived and been announced
by fiie ring ng of the guard house hall, or such
other sign d ul the M i) or or Superintendent may
de* gntto.
Sec. 12. Be it further ordained, That if any per
son sh dl bo convicted before Uie pol ce court or
council for resisting, oppoRng, or molesting any
of Uie officers or members of the city watch in uie
^execution of his or their duty, die offender may
be fined iu a sum not exceeding one bundle.! dol
lars for each aud every otferree, to be collected
and enforced us the laws and ordinances provide, .
un i lire said oilicers or privates of the city watch j c.ifier nl
tire authorized and empowered, in case ol urgen- " ” nl
cy ornece sily, to demand the aid and assistance
of any citizen or citizens, and all and every par
se r refusing or neglecting to give such urn or as-
* s: nee when requiredjinay, on conviction before
tli i police court or council, bo fined in a sum not
exceeding one hundred dollars.
Sec. FJ. Be it further ordaiued, That it shall bo
He duty of tho superintendent of tho city watch
tu make out a monthly pay toll of Uie oilicers und
members of tlio watch, to be presented to the May
or or acting Mayor oil the first of each month lor
hi* approval and order thereon; uud the said su
perintendent shall make a report in writing to tho
Mayor or acting Mayor or any three Aldermen,
ut tiie police office every morningat 10 o’clock,
iu which he shall detail the order und routine of
tlio several divisions, sub-divisions and patrols,
note the misconduct or irregularity of evory und
any watchman oil duty, aud shall relate tire occur
rences of the night, and the deputy superintend
ent shall report to the superintendent the occur
rences of that portion of the night in which he
may have been on duty, to •enable Uie superin
tendent to make the report required of him by ti ii
section, and shall ntteud at tho police office at 10
o’clock for tho further explanation to Um Mayor
de ftavon luuffs
a, u dc lightly! article (be
Pulmor* supT
Sup'r Verbena Cream,
Lowo’s c’-j'e’jrutcd ShuvmgSoaps
lVontiss’ variegated Soaps, suitable Ibr tho tablet
P.nvdor Putfs aud Boxes of Um latest patterns •
Cologne, Lavender end ltoso Waters, of various
manufacture and assorted patterns
Espirit do Rose, Cold Creatr* Lip Salve
Otto of Roses,*mtjj'r Rose, Cinnamon and Al
mond 3uupri, iu burs
Cut Glass Bottles, o large variety
Fmo and course Tooth f
N-iil, ” ooti and Cloi, Nauotcqi
amt GI ss Hi
■Pqck o'. Bunks, Be
* Sirups
Gdill’s lml uu Dyo,
Milk uf uo.-cs,Urui
Oil Citron Flowers,
tlio, Victoria
of uxccilont
nml Razor
11 rushes .
Suit uf Lemon uml Roses, in Eng. cut glass hot-
lias, Amonino Vinegar
And o-lyr cricies in Ut* Perfumery line, for
sale ivbolesa'e or retail on tieroiumoduting terms,
Higu of tint Golden Gto'-ie,
oct IS Opposite tiie M.trket. -
Great Iltit’Kiilits. . : tf.
T HE atibscriber will dispose of itis stock of
Ready Made Clothing at very naluecd prices
Filler at wholesale or retail. Cuuntry merchant,
a id oilier* desirous of purchasing, ure invited to
call and examiuo for themselves.
Splt'iitUtl SUuxvls, Silks, Ciiullys
aud Klouslaiuu dc Gaines.
Pcrsliip Gastut.
1 CARTON rich Broclio Sliawls, latest stylo
2 doz. rieh printed Thibet Hdkl's.
5 super. Tat tan Slum is, beatnuality
2 doz. super. Mouslin do Lidno do.
10 pieces rteli Pool de Stiio
2 do. supr. plain Rips do.
2 do. figured B. B. Silks
8 do. splendid printed Chtdly, detest stylo
It) do. rich Mouslin de Laincs
1000 yards lingrain Carpeting, at $1 per yard
10 pieces very snpr. Irish Linen, free from
all felons und rioters, all disorderly or suspected
persons who may ho found wandering or Imsbe-
Jmviug themselves, or in any manner
Uie public peace or quid; and tilt persons who
may ill any manner assault or oppose or resist
then! when engaged in tlio discharge of their du
ty, and all slaves und free person-, of colpr, w ho
may lie found out of his or her house or enclo
sure, after tliu ringing of the guard house hell at
night, unless tlio said slave or free person of coi
ns ho accompanied by a white person over the
ttotl Prize.*. (Jtl,500,OOO
ETU shall boat tho option of the winners of c01n,n
Prizes of Bunk Stocks, either lo take tho Stock
itself, or the par value thereof in cash.
Tboreci pis of faosao ol’ UieT.cketsure, und
ivSi ho, deposited in the Citizens’ , Consolidated,
Canal, Union and Carrollton Banks, in the name
of die Managers jointly, with J; B. l’errauit, Esq,
required to urrcsl at night, aud titko into custody ol such occtirrcuccs,
.M i'.lnn. mi,r! rioters, all disorderly or suspected See. 14. Be it further ordaiued, That the pri
vates of tiie city watch shall ho appointed by the
nee of ten years, or ho provided with an open
written ticket drawn tip according to tlio direction
of tlio city ordinances, and signed by so
person having legal authority to sign tl
some white
person Having tegui uuiiiuuij »ign tho same,
uml die said poisons tints arrested shall lie carried
lo tlio guard house, and tiie white prisoners shall
ho detained until the next morning, when they
slm’l ho carried to tliu police court as hute.nuut r
direc»!i; provided nevertheless tliat no white
person shali bo detained at the guard house tin-
‘ ion due enquiry made of tho arresting olfi-
watelunau. it shall appear to tlio oilicer iu
unt il tin) guard house, that;lhcro was just
cause for the arrest, and provided also, that no
w hite person sliall ho locked up many o| the p;ts-
_a.» two vtmfit. mili'iH from retrot to
on rooms during the ni£ht, unlc»J firom relratto*
ry or
o’" prisoners . .
shall be deemed uvecssofy,
M iyor, but no person shall be appointed unless
lie is a ci.izen ol the United States; and every of
ficer aud member of city watch shall take ifnd
s the following oath or mfirination: “I do
sjlcmnty swear (orullinn, as the c.i^o may be,)
tliat l will, to tliu be^t of my ability, diligently and
cTrefully discharge all the duties required of me
as cupuiu, or liuuteiiaitt, or sergeuut, or priva’e,
(as me case may be) of tiie city guard, and con
firm in all dungs to the ordinances, rules, rogula-
tons and orders respecting my duty, so help me
GoJ. u And the Mayor shall order copies of such
or atfirmutipn to be printed iu a bjok, to I o ob
tained for that purpose, aml'each deponent or af
firm I'ijti sliall take and subscribe to the said oath
or alfirinant before the Mayor or acting Mayor,
and the same shall be kept among tlio records of
Sec. 15. Be it further ordained, Tli it no oilicer
or private of tlio S lid city watch shill act us such,
until he lias taken and subscribed the said oath or
a finnafio i, and ul-.o given good uml suflicient su-
c ui.y ( o uonriwt of on j or more reskk utcit'z^us
aid n blunts) to tho Miiydr and Aldermen of
toms ouriiig Ro r>c»>. ****.* "- - . the city of t3uvanhi\h und "hamlets tlv reof. for tlfo
vicDmccn by reason of Uie number wc || conducting of himself in all th : duties re-
isoners in custody, and such con'hiement j q l; r«d oi h m whilst employed on tho city guard,
• • * 1 1 the said kccu ity shall be iii the Bum of fri b
100 do. Velvet ltlbbofts
30 do. super, and low price White Flannel
10 do. do. do. Red do.
5 do. Green nnd Yellow do.
34 doz. very cheap Linen Cambric Ildkfi*.
5 pieces super, black Bombasins, some very
10 do. do. do. Crupes
Old Silk Taffeta Ribbons, Mourning Cup do,
Colored Florence .md Gro de Nap Silks
Ladies’and Gents, sunr. IL S. Gloves
l*adics* and Misses’ wwte Cot.on Hose
Black: Silk Cravats
Black Silk Hose aud Half Hose, plain and
5 p cce* Steel Mixed Satinets
5 do. K .n ucky Jeans .
1000 y.ird* super. Apron Checks
; 0 do/., n w style Head Hdkfs*
For sale on favorable criiis, by
oct J5 - 1UJ
Sutikevs’ Hei'b .
L LANDING from ship Gasmn, u full supply
of S.tukers’ Herbs, comprising Cutnip,r ox-
g ove Horuhound, Sage, Feiiuyfoy d. Thorough-
wort, Livorwoit, Bonetet, Thyme, Mint, Worm
wood, Wormsecd, Elder Flowers, Sfippery Elm,
&<j. iu 10 oz. 8oz. nnl 1 oz. pucka;
for families and country mo*.chant*.
Si^n of
oct 15 Optrosite die Market.
is, suitable
For sale by
Golden Globe,
Tooth B'ns t
C t ILORtNE, Oris ami Kreusoi Tootlt
/ hiVlily recomuioiiiled for whitening tf.i
nnrify’ng tit* breath and imimrlinga Itral
p; a-iin ;o to tlio gilins. Just received, per