Newspaper Page Text
: ■ Hit.
tlT.—Vol. XXXVI.]
[Whole No.—07,009.
County, etn-
peters: pi
clients, mill cun lio on-
linioirsions to any no-
itionnl coiwidorution to
‘ noted ere-
subscriber fit A-
( < 0 Encinc—On I’lJlIx-
® .in I’Amottr*
. JSJf has flie pleasure of onnouuc-
«„*of the United Stntoa, tl nt
, t ihrii very largo sum mill from
L°™1 rinlit for nwkiug this tutelilohjng
T ruS uio nppoarauco of tlio "Lucum
Louitooiyit" .incojit w no thought
j(abouiuir^^ h;% mmma Aih, overcomes.
>11 narU
U proved
Chi for; mid
eriod of its
■ w great, that it
"nUlvccivilizod globe.
‘Til© true riches of life Is health.’
W E know that health and the ability to labor
constitutes tho wealth of tlio great mass of
every van-1 ^ people in this, «*§ i»i most ether countries. To
ho tract ia *ur- , )reHCrv ‘n, therefore, Unit health by nutural moans
is a grand moral und political scheme,to fulfil which
requires our utmost attention. The unprece
dented popularity and universal approbation which
this medicine has achieved throughout the United
States, the Canadas,'Texas, MoXTcoiuul the West
Indies, fully justify l)r. Peters in warmly and con
scientiously recommending them to the special at
tention of the afflicted.
Dr. Petors has spent much time in experiment
ing with dillePent Vegetable Medicines tor discus
es of tlio liver, and now otters his Vegotublo Pills
us the best, most convenient and cheapest Mufti-
oine that can ho prepared for gcueral uro.
Ono great quality of bin VegpKibfb Pills is that
they huvo the alternative principle cmhhined>)tlv
theircarUiartic, or operative qualities, or that they
not only cleanse the stomach ami bowels by pur
ling, but they regulate tlio liver, change the mor-
jld secretion, strengthen tlio digestive orguns, pu
rity the Wood, invigorate the circulation,and gives
touo and energy to tho nervous system.
They are mild and pleasant in their operation
overcomes, QJl( j coaVtt y utmost immediate conviction of their
utility from their first dose. They can bo taken
with safety by persons of any age; and tho feeble,
tho infirm, the nervous and delicate are strength
ened by their operation, beOaQso limy clear the
system of bud humors, quiet nervous irritability,
80 and invariably produce sound health.
The Vegetable Pills are a sure remedy for jaun
dice, sick and nervous headache, dyspensy, cos-
tiveness, sickness of the stomach, heartburn,‘all
T HE following details of a Bchkmk of a Iajt-
tkuv, to bo drawn in Duccmbor next, war
rants us in declaring it to bo UNPARALLELED
in tho history of Lotteries. Prizes to tho amount
lic. It-io true, thero are many blanks, but on tho
other hand, die extremely low charge of iftgO
per Ticket—tho and number of tlio Capi
tals, and the revival of tho good old custom of
warranting that every prize shall be drawn and
sold, will, we uro stiro, give universal satisfaction,
tuid especially to tho Six Hundred Prize Hol
To those disposed to adventure, wo recommend
early application being made to us for tickots—
when tlio nr
lied the
t ho* acquired u
irlv sought for
KZnd e «V«. v»Bt» to render
libls dianoted of tho recipe ond
mtor obligations of secrecy, tor
the United Btates, tuid other coon-
leniii" France and Italy foriimi»c!!.
subscriber poaaosed himBolf Of tlio
id now liasteus to give the in-
of iigeucy tho benefits of Ins
dial do Lucine,” or, in English, “the
1’ nil the various cuses of languor,
finil dcliUitution, it is nn unluiling remc-
iicniiully its province to impart choer-
(0 the mind, as health aud vi-
|y But the peculiar virtue on which
<>• biased, is the facility and certainty
I it reuores the-virile powers when they
udeitroyed by diseaso, time, rqckless-
r of tlui numerous causes which termi-
prostttttionof those functions.
»aoa with tlio generality of really good
t, this Cordial contains nothing of a mer-
. deleterious nature, among tlio tuAny in*
l which compose it; but is, ttt the sumo
r pie, vet soellicncioiis, that while it cun
-u.e nroslratcd energies of a giant, an in
line lUitft only with impunity, but with
sof society ore u
t which would ho
Jt from it, we cannot enter into un nn-
Js inestimable Cordial here, or publish
|the ilooumeuta which have been receiv
ers of the blessings it has conferred oil
lof despairing individuals, lint this we
1 hear remarking-—that it has been fte-
A that thorn is *wnrc?ly ever, if*any such
rll,us natural barrenness, or us natural
a of the pnfcrennt functions in eitlicr sex;
"Te,tlial tliose evils uro the effects, of
s,ond maybe, speedily subdued and
..c use of “Le Cordial de Lncine.”
i Cordial is also an imhibltublo cure
eet, ami tho Fluor Albus, obstructed,
lor painful Menstruation; also, for tlio
of Urine or the involuntary dis-
It is likewise nn invaluable and
Id medicine in cases of Chronio Errup-
'ie skin, mil in the dropsical infections
it important to the American Public,
d States proprietor of the celebrated
ial, or Elixir of Love, begs to lay be-
g community, the following certificate,
Ihai received from the iuveutor, tlio Ultis-
r.Magiiin,of Paris;
hto certify, that I have disposed of tlio
innakiugtlie Lucina Cordial, or Elixir of
jdako the right to sell it throughout tho
wleaof North America, to John Winters
r*l!,M. I). My reasons for so doing is,
Vtmnwdsto me for tho above Cordial, of
lyuthe inventor, are so numerous, that I
neto supply all die orders fromFraiiccaiid
bilious complaints, fevers of all kinds, and if tuken
at the commencement will invariably check their
progress, and suvo tlio putient from a protracted
and dangerous sickness. Thoy ore iuvulnablo in
nervous and hypoeondricnl lilloctions, loss of up-
petite, and all complaints to which females alone
ure subject. They operate as u mild speedy purge,
aud uro usufe aud certain remedy tor worms in
children. „ _ r
Extract of a letter from Dr. Gumoy, of Now-
Orleans, Lu.Oct. 9,1837.—‘Thuve received much
assistance in my practice? especially in
and ycUow fever; from the use Of Peters Puw. I
presume that, ou un average, l prescribe 100 box-
perniontli.” . ... ,
Extract of a lettor from Dr. PritOhard, of Hud
son, New-York, Juno 3, 1830.—“1 was aware that
Dr. Peters wus ouo of the best chemists in the U.
States, und felt assured that ho would some day
. (from his intimate knowledge of the properties oi
herbs aud drugs) produce un efficient medicine,
and I must acknowledge that his Vegetable Puls
fully respond to my expectation. They are, In
deed, a superior medicine and reflect alike upon
the chemist, the physician, and tlio phylosopher.
Extract of a letter from Dr. Wmucs, ol Cin-
clmuti, Feb. 2,1838.—“Your Pills are the mildest
in their operations, tuid yet most powerful in their
efi'ccts, of any i have, ever met with m my prac
tice of e ghl und twenty yenrs. Their action on
who'n tlio pri/.c.i ure all sold, blanks only remain
—tlie first buyers huvo tlio best chance.' We,
therefore, emphatically say—DELAY NOT! but
nt once rc-mit und trans-nut to us your orders,
which shall always receive our immediate atten
tion. Letters to be addrex.-cd, and applications
made to SYLVESTER & CO.
“ 150 Broudway, New-York.
(CP Observe tlio number, 150.
8700,000)11 8000,00011 833,000!
a pi’izos or 830,00011
S prizes of 813,00011
R prizes of 810,0001!
KP Tho richest and most magnificent Scheme
ever presented to tho public in this or any oili
er CGUiniy.
Tickets only 20 dollars.
Authorized by nn Art of the Legislative Assembly
of Florida, and under the directions of thc’Com-
missioners, acting under the same.
FLORIDA, DEC'R 1st, 183!).
SYLVESTER & CO. 156 Broadway, *
New-York, Solo Agents.
100,000 tickets, from No, 1 upwards,in succession
Extract from the Luws of the Legislative Coun
cil of the Territory of Florida.
Chap.7G1—No.22—Whereas tho Court House
of Duvnl couiity, is in an unfinished state and
thero are yet due and owing upon thu same, mo
nies, whicliit is believed will impose too burdeii-
somo a tax upon die people of Duval, and where
as, it is desirable to pay those said sums and coni-
p o*.e the, us well for tho greater conve-
n ouco of tlio udmiiustmtion of justice, as for tho
coubtc purpose of an Academy, lor which pur
pose ill purt, tlio said building, when completcdi
is designed. Therefore—
Sec. I. Be it enacted by tho Governor and Le
gislative Council of the Territory of Florida,
That it shall and limy bo lawful lor Joseph B.
Lancaster, Isaiah D. Hart and William J. Mills,
or any two of them under tho direction- of the
County Court of Duval County, to raiso such
sum orsum&of money by lottery, branch schemes
a they may deem appropriate und tdvisablc: l*rt
vided, that the said persons shall bind ibemselvoi
in such jiimtmcr us the Court shall direct, well
and truly to conduct such lottery in good lUitb, “
actually cashier of tho Citizens’ Bank, and A.Bou-
dnuin, Ecq. actually cashier of tho Consolidated
Bank, as Trustees, as per Act passed before A.
Mazureuu, Esq. Notary Public, on tho 2d of May,
1838, aud the properties transferred unincumber
ed, for the security of the fortunate Prize Hold-
Mode of Drawing,—100,000 tickets, from 1 to
100,000, will bo put in one wheel, aud GOO prizrs,
with the blanks, in another. To every number a
pirize or blank will be drawn, until all tho prizes
ure determined, leaving tlio balance of numbers
in the wheel blanks.
B3“To Editors and Puiu.miRiis.—Having re
ceived Newspapers containing the above Scheme,
from twenty-two States and Territories, besides
Several of tho British Provinces, wo are satisfied
with tho circulation, and thereforo request that
such papers as have not, up to this lime, inserted
Uiu advertisement, will be pleased not to do so,
and that all the other papers will insert it onco a
week only, until tho 1st of December, and for
ward us tlicir accounts.
1GG Broadway, New-York.
July 20 1511 *
M .it the guard he
i the other w.'trliiui-n. and
ippropri.ite the proceeds to the object above sta-
led.—FuBted.Feb. 7di, 1WU.—Approved, Fob.
lllh, 1834. "
By ugreement, bearing date toe 28th of Fcbm-
nry. ltW'J, tbeiibo.e Jn<o|ili Loncastor, Isaiah D.
11 irt und Will u-u Mill,, did, for ceruiincon»ider-
tice of o gill und twenty yean. -
t :e ch) le, and hence on the impurities of the hloou
« evidently very uttriirising." , .
Ctr.iui.oTTK, N. C.Jun. 1, 1837,
Dear Sir—1 have made frequent use of your
J’ill, m the Incipient wta«e of buieus (ever, uml ob-
Hlinuto conBtipulion of tire bowdat al»Oi ■'* «>« ««• |/onfoimitv to'tl o uuid Eegislntivo Act,
le^inenCof.the Hpleen, chronio d.HeMB. el the Me a 1.8c n.idf&lIu.uil;on all
liver, sick headache, generaldcbildy,end m u leu- ,^ d ;. iu , r „ st m „j mo potvers vestc<l in
-1 hove found them to be very ellcclive. “*m by the abo™ rccilod Act of .the LoSiriature
of Florida. , _
Extract from the valuation ol Gcorgo Phillip Ma-
nouvrier and Jucob de Cordova, lio'lwt the city
1 of Ncw-Oricaiw, made und sworn to on the 19Ui
day of April, 1839: . .
Ttmt the said George Pillip Jiauouvrier and Ja
cob Cordova, appraise mid conscientiously and
honestlkvaluo the property known under the name
and uppell itionof ••Bank’s Arcade,” in the city of
New-Orleaus, at Six Hundred Thousand Dollurs,
ses have found them to be'very _
J. 1). Boyd, M. D.
MKcin.KNnuRo Co. Vn. Fob, 7, 1837.
Having usej Dr. Peters’ Pills in my pi notice mr
tlie last 12 months, l hike pleasure- in giving my
testimony of their good etlects in cases ol d)s-
nepsiu, sick headache, bilious levers, and other
discuses, produced by inactivity ol the liver. ^
Tiioy i re a safe and mild uperieut, being the Dost
article of the kind 1 have ever used.
George C. Scott, M. D.
This celebrated Medicine is for sale by all the
principal Druggists ill Savannah and throughout
the United States; the Ciumdas, Texas, Mexico,
uml tlie West Indies. Price 50 cons per box, with
full directions.
nng 5 ; J64—ly
I’orclici* 4c La Roche,
O FFER for sale on accommodating terms, No.
' 1 und 2 Castor Oil, in bottles assorted sizes;
and bv the gallon? Spts. Turoentiyc, do. do. do.,
-Emoirt and Gleuber Salts, Cream Tartar, Brun-
stone, Sulphur, Dutch Madder, Glue, Snuffs,Salt
Petre, Alum, Black Lead, Lamp Black/ Lamp
An Ordinance
rpO amend and consolidate tho various ordin
X ances of tho city of Savannah, for estab
lishing, organizing, and regulating u regular night
watch or guard for the better protecting tho city
of Savannah, for regulating the pay thereof, and
for other purposes connected therewith.
Sec. 1. Bo it ordained by tho Mayor and Al
dermen of the city ofSavaiiuoh and liumlets there
of iu Council assembled, and it is hereby orduhi
ed by the authority of the same, That from and
after tho passago prtliisordinnnco, tho night watch
or guard for the protection of tlio city of Savan
nah shall consist of a superintendent, a deputy
superintendent, und three division sergeants und
forty-four privates. .
See. 2. lie it ftirthnrurdahied, That the said su
perintendent, deputy superintendent, and divis
ion sergeants, shull be elected by Council at tho
first regulur meeting in each and every January,
and the privates shall be appointed us is hereinaf
ter specified, and the pay of tho said superintend
ent shall be eighty dollars a month? of tno said de
puty superintendent sixty dollars a month; of each
of tlio said division sergeants thirty-five dollars a
month, and of each of tho privates twenty-five
dollars o month.
Sec. 3. Bo it further ordained, That tlio said of
ficers shall be armed at his own expense with a
sword or hunger, and a pair of pistols aud provi
ded with u cartotich box to coutaiii mid bo filled
with six rounds of ball cartridges; uml each of tlio
said watchmen or privates shall bo furnished with
a good und sutlicient musket and bayonet, also
with a oprtOlicb box to belt round tho wuist, to
Contain and be filled with twelve rounds of ball
cartridges, and one spnro flint, all which arms and
nccutremcnts for the privates of said guard or
watch shall bo furnished at the expense of die eit»
and the said officers and privates shall each be fur
nished nt the expense ol the city with a rattle,
wh'c5 shall be used for the purposu of communi-
.cutiou'witii each odier, giving an alarm when He-
cefttfarv, (except in cases of hre, when tho alarm
shall lie given by tlio discharge of.tho musket ns
heretofore,) and if any other person or persons,
except the suid otficers and watchmen, after tho
setting of tlio guard, shall ilso u rattle of similar
construction, or any instrument producing a sim-
i’nr sound, within the limits of the city, lie of she,
if a white person, shall for each and every such
offence, on conviction at the police court or before
Council, bo fined in a sum not exceeding thirty
dollars,to be collected and enforced in the usual
manner; und if the said offender lie a slave or
free person of color, he or she shall ho commit-
tod to the guard house, und shall receive not ex
ceeding thirty-nine lashes, at the discretion of the
.Sec. 7. Be itftirther ordained, That it sha’l be
tho duty of tho officer in command at the guard
house, whenever, at tho time of dismission of the
guard,he may have a prisoner or prisoners iu
charge, to leave on duty at the guard noitse, a suf
ficient force to keep such prisoner or prisoners
in custody until tlio polico court hour, when it
shall ho his farther duty to deliver them at tlio po
lice office, (except on Sundays, when the said
prisoner or prisoners shall he dealt with as the or
dinance regulating tho police court provides,)
and iho Mayor, actiug Mayor, or any threo Alder
men may enquirii into tlio circumstances of each
case presented for examination, and make such
order thereon, or affix such punishments, either*
by lino or imprisonment us tlio laws of tho State,
Iho ordinances of tho city, and the nature of the
case require, and ong-half of the iiuo collected
shull ho paid to the arresting watchman, and the
oilier half to the city: provided that no flue shall
be inflicted lor any oiio offence, beyond one'hun
dred dollars; and if tho said prisoner or prison
ers be charged with felony or broach of tlio ponco,
thu Mayor or Alddrmeu presidium as aforesaid ut
tho polico court, uiuy at his or their discrcliou or
der the prosecution of suid prisoners, and turn
them OAcr to a magistrate of, tho county for that
bee 8. Be it further ordained, that the sum of
fifty couts sludl he demuuded and received at thu
guardhouse for tho apprehension of ouch uml
evory slave and person of color arrested under
tho provisions ol this ordinance if she or ho he
demuuded alid released before eleven o’clock P.
M., hut if demanded and released ufter that
hour,'thou the sum of ono dollar shall bo de
manded and received for each person us afore
said, and tho said sum shall in all eases he equally
divided between the arresting watchman and the
city, aud if it he not paid before eight o’clock the
next morning, the srid slave or free person of
color shall lie committed to jail, there to rjmuun
until the said linu and all costs uro paid.
Sec. 9. Be it further ordained, That if nny of
the otficers or privates of the saiif city watch, af
ter having tuken up uny prisoner or person in the
execution of their duties, shall receive a bribo for
liberating any person so apprehended, or if any
of tlio said otficers or watchmen shall be guilty of
violent, injurious or improper conduct whilst on
duly to uny person or porfons, or if the said offi
cers or watchmen shall iu any manner misbelm e
in, or neglect their duties as watchmen, tho said
offender, if a private, may ho fined or dismissed,
or both, nt tho discretion of the Mayor or actiug
Mayor, and his bond may also he pm in anil; and
tho'said otficers may also ho fined or suspened d
or both, nt the discretion of tlio Mhyor or acting
Mayor, which suspension shall bo reported % to
Council, at tho next regular meeting thereof, or
sooner if tho Mayor or acting Mayor tuny deem
it advisable, und tho said Council shall act oil such
information, and reinstate or dismiss said officer
as said Council may deem proper; mid whenever
any officer is thus suspended, qr whciievoritmay
he necessary to fill any vacancy temporarily, tho
Mayor or acting Mayor sluil have tiie power to
II! 0111-
with tho
shall he st
report themselves
iu tho sam i manner will
under pnin of fine for ab« it • •, cud u r
absence of any of tlio regular \\ n*oi
or more of the supermunerai
may reqpUe, shall be emplojx
cy or vacancies lor tho night, and :
numomries not in actual rtwice si
guard houso in all cases of alarm,
plojfeil as the officer may direct; unft
ployed the Haiti supernumeraries shuL
same capacity, and ho subject to tho
and discipline as tlio regular watchn
salary of such supernumeraries on actual
shnlfbadetluctod from that of tho absent
watchmen, and tho former shull he paid
rato ns tlio latter; and suid sUporuunic
take and subscribe the same oath and ~
bond ayd security as prescribed in
regulur watchmen, before their nai
tored on the list of supernumeraries,
over u vacancy shall occur in the city .
moans, it shall ho tlio duty of tlio Mayor to appoint
a person from tlio list ot ■upemuiuerarie i » sup-
- 3anothersu-
ornumerary in tho room of tlio individual thus
transferred lo the ref’ ‘‘* L
make shell appointment and fill such vacancy, un
til thu next meeting of council; and Council shall;
nt ail times have the power to till any vacancies,'
in the same manner as the vacancies of other of
ficers of the city uro filled; and the Mayor or not
ing Mayor, as the head of the police, shull have
und exorcise a general superintendence over the
officers and members of the city watch, aud may
nt uny timo direct the mode and places iu which
tlio watchmen shall he stationed, and shall give his
directions accordingly to the officers in command
ut tho guurd house, by whom such orders shall ho
obeyed and distributed.
Sec. 10. Baitfiirthorordained, That one watch
man shall ho stationed during the hours afore said,
in the steeple of the Exchange, and shall be fur
nished with n good und sutliciuut lantern, and ho
ply such vacancy, and n
jrnumerary in tno roni -
rniHfcrro’t to the regular watch.
fctec. 17. Be it further ordained, That it shall bo
the duty of the superintendent of the city watch
to retain tho arms of the watchmen in the guard
house, (excopt wheu required for duty) and at
least ouce in every week thereafter to inspect the
same und see ilia - , they arc kept mi l prcsrivcd in
» forth* ordained, V-‘
pay of tlio ofticors aud privates i
shall he retained in the city trea?!
shall have become due, to meet any tines in
ed, hut tlio Mayor or acting Mayor ma\
discretion, and under tho circumstar—
case, give uu order or draft ou tlio trdi
officer or private for such portion oi soon pru-
served pay us in his discretion may *““'**
and tho suid draft or order shull *
by tho city treasurer out of thu
.8oc. 19. Be it fnrthor ordained,
ances and parts of ordinances cori
this, hu I all other ordinances and
oncel militating against this
t ic same are hereby repealed
Fasted in Council, 23d August, aware,-- v
[I.S.] HO ITT M. CHARLTON. M.iyor.
Attest, Ju»i:pu Fki.t, c. o. pro tcm.
yct21 •* - ~ | j
Hurrisim’s Sue cl tic omi
F OR tlio cure of White Swe
midothcrtmuon, Ulcer.-, 8
fresh Wound,, Sprain, awl
and luflaimnntion*, FimM il>
Breasts, Rhenmaric I’ain-, Tellers,
Chilbains, Whitlows, Biles, Corns and 1
Diseases generally. ■ It is likewise g
ortosiiynieiliciuc heretofore disco
chafed backs end linihe of Uorscss ft
chapped lips—end in short, fur cvci
dily evil that liter ti.ll to Utc lotot ,
Fur sale by ^ 111'..\ IHUC
, Prico 50 edits por lio...
nng 5 '104—dy
i discovered i'u
“Tito pi operty known under the appellation of
"C'itv Hotel ■ or'-Bishop’sHotel," iu Uie said city
of New-Orluans, at Four Hundred und Twenty
Thousand Dollars." ' ,
Tlie Deeds of the Property and t :e Stock tpms-
ferred ill trust to the Commissioners appointed
by tlie said ACt of tlie Legislature of Florida,for
tlio security of tlie Prise Holdurs.
gplciidid Scltemc:
1 i. r i /x ,_The Arcade—d-ri feat, 5 Indies, 4 lines,
on Mugaaine*slrcet; 301 feet, 11 inches, on
Nutelic/.-streeli 120 feet, 0 inches, on Gra-.
viev-street. Rented ut iihont 1|37,000 per
Mayor or acting Mayor.
bee. 4. Bo it Further ordained, That it shall bo
tlie duty of thu liiperintemlcnt or deputy super
intendent, whichever limy be on active duly ut
tho time, to visit the watchmen at their respec
tive wards and stations iu each mid every night,
os often us cirtnuistanccs will permit, audit shall
bo tlio duty of tlio sergeant on active dnty lo vis
it the respective wurds uml .stations ut least once
during each watch.
See. 5. Be it further,ordninod, That from the
l,urry rinvuei, mi|.. .. -----
Acid, Rochelle Suits, Salt Tartar, Sul Ammoniac,
Gum, Aloes, Guriaic, Ammonia, .Bensuou, Copal,
Shellac, Mastic, Arabic, Opium and Styrax.Rose
and Dutch Pink, Pearl Ash, Sal Arams, Washing
Soda, Mustard, Isinglass, Pearl aud Patent Bur-
lev, Clmmomilo Flowers, Bouoset, Sage, Elder
K lowers, 1 Vimyioyul, Tlmi ougliwort, Livurvvurl,
VVormseed, Digitulus, Selma, bqml s, Uuinme,
Morpliine, lodme, Piperine. llydriofliitc, Potass
Sillphate, Potass, Croton Oil, Oil Blank Pepper,
Oils Mint, Sassafras, Lemon, Bergamot, Curn-
wnv, Orange, Culiobs, Roi*nary,RosO Cedrat or
Ciirolll'luneis, Jlllliptl ,Siilil,e foK 1 piKKOut,
Valerian nnn Miizcrion Root, Geulmir, Quossi,
,, . Ciiuollii.Miigiiositt, lump mil eiilcinodi Sweet and
am, and Dupiiy, ltpser &. Jones; 0 |j vo Oils ill flasks ond bottles, loolli Powders,
™“)' Mi A. Siuitos and B. JEmerapnt Peruvian Bark, Extract und Elixir of Burk, Ex-
Woodly, No. (j5 Poydrns-st. New- t rjc t nl Ooinin.Rein Wax,GmuMyvrh, Alcohol,
Spirits N.lre, Ilartsliorn, Carbonate, Ainmotim
OjI, Kreosol/ , .. . ,
AUo, Fntciti Medicines, warranted fresh nml
tiuiinn:—Kowluud’s Tonic Mixture, Houck «
Jverjr thioughout the world.
■xder my liuiif! »t Piiris, on thisiuiieteenlh
^JD'iuiydh theyour of our Lord, oighteen
ibelluc, )
m Merritt, \ > V .tnesHes.
gMy important medicine is for sale by
"tenilolderwoll, No. 129Liherty-stieet,
j Charles B. Tyler, No. 70 Chesnut-st.
'fi in Baltimore by Roberts &.At-
ui M. Baroque; and G. II. ‘Tyler;- in
f City by TohiaVWatUins nnd Charles
wrgetown by O. M. Liutlmcum; in
P John E. Eustico; in Petersburg by
1 Prize—City Hotel—162 feet*m Com-
lhon-street, 14G feet, G inches, on
Cump-strcet. Routed ut
Valued at
1 Prize—Dwelling Homo, (adjoining
iho Arcade) No. 16—24 feet, 7 in
ches front, on Natchoz-Htreet. Rent
ed ut $ 1,200. Valued at
1 prize—Ditto (udjoining the Arcndo,)
v No. 18—23 feet front on Natchez-
tstreet. Rented utJjll,200.. Valued
1 prize—Ditto—No. 23,' northeast cor
ner of Basin und C vision Ho use* at.
40 l'eet front on Basin, and 40 feet
on I’runkliu-street, by 127 feet deep
oil Custom llousc-street, Rented
at SI,500. Valued at
1-Prize—Ditto—No. 24, sautwestcor
ner of Busin and Custom House-
] V street; 32 feet, 7 inches on. Busin,
nt the principal Drug
gfijjtla-Ciifolinu, Olid in Augusta, hy i Ia-
e .v Co.; Thomas Barrett & Co. uiid
ler » ana in Savonmdi by
i,,„ , G. it. HHNHitlCKSON.
I fa per bottle, wjlh full direeftons.
02 feet, 7 inches on
Franklin, 327
i front oi Cits-
s Cci
Dollars Challenge,
jmino FilENCIl PILLS ngainst nil
iORun,, 1 .. ‘ i lLiio ogninsi un
hrf At . K -NOSTRUMS of the ago for-
, h Pdls nrc appUcatile to ull cases, for
Mte(l free from mercury,) and
-avuntuges over the Balsams and
liy being entirely free from
C2?'l e £V ‘fenpt effect the Jneatli,
e? “ie possibiliiy oi a thscovery
I, .SjvPPrtahtadvantage tiioy never dis-
i.|> 8tou 'ach, and in the first stages of
«rS yWy i £ euro inn few days,
i s rd to diet or expOHureifi^aS,; ^v
teJvT^W 8 .°f tho disenso, they
v ” u ? c .wwtitlimiiynller evbry
l ', Iu short/they have been
successful, that that the propriqtor
, Induce u remedy of equul
'.a loriuitmo oTiM'lirnu Hufidred
lhmocmi.SwainfsVerinifugo, Barclay’s Cubebs
uml Sarsaparilla, Butler’s and Henry «, Magnesia,
Peters, Hthberts, Brandreths, Lees, Evans, Sl-
gures, Plielps, Beckwiths, Gnlliglmns, Hoopers
mid oilier 1‘illst Bateman's Drups, British Oil,
Hurioan Oil, Turlington, Balsam, Opodeldoc,
Sendder’s & Thompson's Eye U atera,Bernard s
Diarrluea Mixture, Morton’s Cougli Syrup, Apo-
Ihccary’s Settlesmul Weights.
Perlttmery, &c.—Prentiss’ and Glesstn s Co-
legite, Luvendor and Eye Waterst do. do. Toilet
Soutts, do.' do. Extracts Musk, Jessamine, Rose
mul'pergnmont, do. do. Bears Hd, Outrages
Balm of Columbia, Hair Tamto, ’I f
es, Odoriferous Compotmd, Volatile Snl s mi.
ey pallet ns und colors, meut glios mid pimgeute,
Rose Witter, Milk Roses, Cream ol Soups, Ver-
bmdn Crmn Cold Cream, I.ipsa vo, with u lull tut,
sortment of otlter urtieles S tho hue. .
Ilistimnmtts.-Eaoeets.A’ootli Kovs.nitd 1-or-
cens Scalpels, Cupping Instruments, Dissecting
l*Ki ives, Surgeon Medics and Scissors, Cupptug
Glasses, Nipiilu Shells and Bt^tlcs: ahn, a l | ir S l!
SSarticles in thelme-whero
nhysicimts, pl,mters eounuy merelumts are
-Fn/lted to ea'lland e.xmmnp for tlieuisekos
for sale by
ptr liux;
, nml
light Ji
i* Silk do,
Ml Gfov,
invited to call
oct ft
Opposite tho Market,
Si g n el- the Gulden Globe.
j ilium
torn Hoffsmst, Rented at 81,000.
Vulueil at „ _ .
1 Prize—Ditto—No- 339, 24 leal, S ni
ches ou lloyal-street, hy 127 k’.et, 11
inches deop. Rented ut $1,400.
Valued at
j p r j ze —250 Sliarcs Canal Bank Stock
-TjlftlO each,
1 Ditto—200 do. Com. do. do. -
1 Ditto—150 do. Mechanics’ mid i Hi
llers' do. do.
1 Dilto—101) do. City Bank do. ill).
1 Ditto—100 do. do. do. do. do.
1 Ditto—MO d<f- d’>- do. do. do.
1 Ditto—50 do. Exchmigo Bank do. do.
1 Ditto—50 do. dO- il«-' 1 "•'
i Ditto—'35 do. Gas Light Bunk do. do,
1 Ditto—25 do. do. do do. ‘j”- 110 -
1 Ditto—15 do. Mechanics 1 und 1 ra
dars’ do. do.
i Ditto—Jo itp- ,>*o. do. . <>'>•
on Do.—each JO dwrcsof the Louisiana
State Bank, $100 each, each prize
10 Do!—each 2 shares of $100 each,
each prize $200, ol tho Gas Light
200 Do.—each 1 shave of $100, of Om
Bank of Louisiana, , ,
200 Do.—each 1 shnre oi $100, ot the
' Now-Orlomis Bank, ) ,,
150 Do.—each 1 share of $100, oi thu
Union Bunk Of Florida,
commence their tour of duty ut tho hour of mile
o’clock ut night; mid from die first day of October
(inclusive) to tho first day of April (inclusive) ol
each Vcur, tho members composing the city watch
shall assemble at the guard liouso und commence
their tour of dnty at eight o'clock nt night, at
which respective hours lira guard house bell shall
ceuse to bo rung, and tlie said members sliullcou-
tiimo oil dnty nutii twenty miuiites before smi-
l-iso or tho ringing of the hell tlio next morning,
at which signal tiioy shall repair mid reassemble
nt the guard home, thero to bo dismissed or raj
mined ascircuinstmico may require; put they »hul!
not take up any slaves or porsous of color after
daylight without good cause, and the said-city
watch shall be subject to the orders of the May
er or noting Mayor, and may he compelled to do
any further or'other duty, either by day ,or by
night,, whenever die Mayor or acting Mayor muy
deem it advisable or necessary, to detnoud Ilnur
services. . . , . ....
8ec. G. Be ^further ordained, I hat it shall ho
tlie duly of tlie superintendent of tlie city >vatch,
or officer in mmnnpnd at the guard house, to dis
pose of the watchmen in such a maimer as that all
parts of tlio city may be equally guarded and pro
tected, as fiirns possible; und lie shull divido I ho
privates ill two divisions to lie -denominated tlie
firstmid second division, each lo be commanded bi
ll division sergeant, ami each division lo ho distr.-
huted as aforesaid, when on active duty; and on-
h- one division shall he ou native dnty ut a time, at
except ill cases of alarm, or odier necessity .when
they shall he inarched to the place of dancer or
necessity, as tlie officer in command, or tlio May
or llliiv order | imd tlie watchmen shall bo su rv-
aulated, ns not to be every night in tlio same ward,
hut they shall lie allotted to tlie vvious wards mid
places willlin tlie city alternately uml in rotation,
ami tlie said watchmen shull patrol and wutch
throughout tlie respective wards and places as
signed to.them during tlie night; and tlie said of
ficers and privates of tho city watch are hereby
required to arrest ut night, mid lake mlo custody
all felons mid rioters, nil disorderly or suspected
person* who may lie fumut wandering qrUmsbo-
liaving themselves, or in any manner disturbing
the public pcJco or quiet; und nil persons who
muy in any manner nsatniU or oppose or resist
them when engaged in the discharge oi their du
ty dud nil slaves and free person* ut color, who
may lie found out of his or her house or enclo
sure, after the ringing oil llm guard house bell at
.fight, unless tile said slave or tree person ot col
or ho accompanied by a white person over tlio
shull give the ularm to the citizens in ull proper
cases, hy tho ringing of tho Exchange hell, und
hy hanging his lulttem ill the direction from which
the cause or alarm seems lo proceed; ami a sen
tinel shull always, during guard hours, or whilst
tho watch uro on dnty, be stationed at tho .guard
houso door, whose duty it shall bo to eammunit
cato any alarm to the oificcr ill command, and to
the officers add privatus not in ilctnal service; and
0,1C0 tho guurd liouso Loll shall be rung in all oases of
Sec. 11. Be it further ordained, That no watch
man assigned fi r the first watch or divisicn sha 1
have his watch or station unt 1 tho relief guard
shall hove rolieved him at his poqt; nor shull
“* ‘ ondgi
any watchman assigned for the second guard leave
his ward or station until tho hour for discharging
tho guard shall have asiived and been announced
by the ringing of the guard house hell, or such
other signal as tho Mayor or Superintendent may
1 Sec. 12. Bo it further orduined, That if any per*
son sha^he convicted bofore the police court or
council for resisting, opposing, or molesting uny
of tlio officers or inemhors of tlie city watch in the
execution of his or their duty, the oflender inav
he fined in a sum nut exceeding ono hundred dol
lars for each and evory oilence, to be collected
and enforced as the laws undprdiuunccs provide,
and the said officers or privates.of the city watch
arc authorized and empowered, in cose of urgen
cy or: necessity, to demand the aid and assistance
ot; nny Citizen or.citizens, and nil and evenr per
son refusing or neglecting to give such aid or as
sistance when required ,may, ou conviction before
t .0 police court or council, be fined iu a sum not
exceeding one hundred dollars.
See, 13. Be it further ordained, That it shall be
f io duty of the superintendent of tho city watch
to make out a monthly pay roll of the officers and
members of tho watch, to be presented to the May
or ot actiug Mayor on the first of each month for
his approval and order thereon; and the said su
perintendent shall make a report in wridng’to the
Mayor or acting Mayor or uny tlirco Aldermen,
at the polico office every morning ot 10 o’clock,
in which he shall detail the order and routine of
the several divisions, sub-divisions and patrols/
note the misconduct or irregularity of every and
any watchman ou duty, aud shall relute tlie occur
rences of tlie night, aud tlio deputy superintend
ent shull report to tho superintendent the occur
rences of that portion of the night in which ho
may have been on duty, to enable thd superin
tendent to make the report required of him by this
section, and shall attend at the police office at 10
o’clock for tlio further explanation to tho Mayor
of such occurrences.
Sec. 14, Bo it further ordained, That the pri
vates of the city watch shall bo appointed by tho
Mayor, hut no’ person shall bo appointed unless*
he is a citizen of the United States; and every of
ficer and member of the city, watch shall tukcuiul
subscribe tlio following oath or afiirmution: “I do
solemnly swear (or affirm, as tlie case may be,)
that l will, to the best of my ability, diligently and
c irefully discharge all tho duties required of me
ttsrcunt&iu, or Ueutouaut, or sergeant/ or private,
(as tlio case mav hu) of the city guard, und cou-
For tlie To
P RF.NTI8S’ extract of Rose,
mine and Bergamot
Do. line and superfine Toilet Po]
Edo’s sup. Musk and Rose Per*
Genuine Russian Bears Oil *
Rowland’s Mncasur Oil
Oldridge’s Balsam of Columbia
Pomade a luRoae, Surai, Jtuwo
other Odours, in pots and
GoggcrshaU’s sti’r Coimossiers
Palmei’s sup’r Cream de Suyoi
Sup*r Verbena Cream,
Lowe’s celebrated Shnving Si
Prentiss’ vurieguted Soaps, sui
Powder Puffs and Boxes of the I
Cologne, Lavender und Rose V
manufacture nml nssorfed
I’.spirit do Rose, Cold Croum
Otto of Roses, suji’r <
moud Soaps, in hi
Cut Glass Bottles, a lai,
Fine and course Tooth
Nail, Tooth and Clothi
Vign 'Ate, Napoleo'*
und Glnsj Bi
Pocket Books,
Glenn’s lud an D;
Milk of Roses, Oi
Oil Citron Flowei
Salt of Lemon and
ties, AmouiacVii „
And other articles in tlie
sale wholesale or retail on u
• Sign of tlio Goldc n
oct 15 Opposite tin
.oiisclle,- Vic'oria
of excellent
•rs ami Razor
i ; ,
glass hot-
vy lino, for
Oi'cat Uargi
T HE snhscrihor will lii.qic
Ready Made Clothing at very re<
ivholesalo or rettul. Countr
cither at wholesale or rel ^ .
and otliers desirous of purchasing, are invited to
oct 17
do. • Morj
^5 • j, „i,„il I,., or the untioii ol tho wmnorii of
of ten veMfl, of "bo provided with un open form in nil tilings to the ordinance*, nih-a, regain-
written ticket drawn nn accordiiiK to the direction fioiu and orders respecting my duty, 50 liolp me
' . 1 k» .’nmo wh;to ^ !M | thqJVlayor shall order copies ol such
or affirmation to be printed in a book, to l e ob-
tffiied for thut purpose, and each deponent or af
firm uion shall tijko and subscribo to the said oath
or affirmant before the Mayor or acting Mayor,
irus of
Hfltlciulitl Shawls, Silks,
aud Mouslaiuedc S*uiiacs.
Po^ihip (iastqiti
1 CARTON rich Broche Shawls, latest stylo
2 doz. rich printed Thibet Ildkfe. ,
5 super. Tartan Shawls, be-t quality
2 doz. super. Mouslin de Lain.! do.
10 pieces rich Pool de Soio
2 do. supr. plain Rips do.
2 do. figured B. B. Silks
S’ do. splendid printed Cli ffy, latest style
10 <!(». rich Mouslindo Ldiucs
1000 yards Iingmin Carpeting, at $1 per yard
10 pieces very supr. Irish Linen, -fece from
any mixture
J00 do. Velvet Ribbons
30 do. super, and low price While Flannel
10 do. do. do. Red do.
5 do. Green and Yellow do.
34 doz. very'cheap Linen Cnumric Hdkfs.
5 pieces super, black Rouiba-.m, some very
cheap l :
10 do. do. do. % Crapes
Old Silk Tafffita RibboiH. Mourning Cap do.
Colored Florence and Grode Nap Silks
Ladies’and Gents, supr. II: S. Gloves
ladies’ aud Miss ex’ whitb Cotton llosu
' Black Silk Cravats ~
Black Sillc IIoso. and Ilulf IIoso, plain and
ribbed y •
5 p'pees Steel Mixed Snfmets
5 do. Kentucky Jeans
1Q0() yards super. Aprcn Checks
J O doz. new style Head Hdkls.
. For sale on favorable terms, hy
oct 15 1 PO-
oY the city ordinances, und signed by some white
person having tugal authority to sign tho mine,
and die said person* tint* arrested shall ho ciuricd
to tlio gntinl house, ond tho white prisoners shall
he detained until die next morning, when they
shu'lhc carried te the police epurt its hereinafter
d : rccted; provided nevertheless tliot no wlnrn
1,'orsen shall l>o detained at M gmud limtso ;tn-
css upon duo enquiry made ol tlie arresting offi
cer or watchman, it-shall appear to the officer ut
commuidal tlieguardhouse, thut'thero w-ts-jlffl
cuuse for tlio arrest, and provided ulto, that no
white person sitnll ho locked up many oi t ie pris
on room* during tlie niglit, unless from refrm to- JjI
tv ofMickutcou luct, or hy reason ol the, number u -ell
oT priEom-rs in custudy, aud stie.i commement —
el-ail' lie deemed intecssary
und tho same ahull be kept among tho rcco:
Sloe. 15. Be it further ordained, Thituo officer
or private of file said city watch'shull act ns such,
until he has taken und subscribed tlie said oath or
uTirnmtioll, oud also givou good and sntlioientso-
c U'ily ( o consist of one or more resident citizens
and .u'luliU'iiits) to tho Mayor'ami Aldermen
ShaUei’B’ Ho|’h;*
L LANDING from ship Gaston, a li
of Shukera',Herbs, comiirLsing Cutmp.i-ox-
g eye llorohoupd, Suge.J'ennyroy d.Tlinrimglv
wo.-f, Liverwort, Bonesct, Tiiyme, '.lint, onn-
wiiod, Wornmoeih Elder Flowers, Slippery Elm,
&2. in lO.oz. 8oz. und 1 oz. packages, siutablo
lor ffimilics oud conntiv merchants. 1 or sa.e hy & LAHOCUL,
Sign of the Golden Globe,
oct 15 Opposite the Market.- ■
ooth Wash. r „ , ,,. ,
Oris und Kreosot Tooth H rs i,