Newspaper Page Text
Jity Site rill's S ulc.
ilst Tuesday in Dccemboi
before the Court Hot
between the tun il hoi
Worn hi tiaras 1 Roto:
!. Hit isitihil from the
will be
city or
n by
'b'trt of
Common Plain on 1 of Oyer an 1 Tortninor for the
city gt Sevan ii'.i, at the instance of Thonliu
Pnrso anJ John Murchison, ct. nl. vs. Reheccn
Hassell i property pointeti out Itv plaintiff's nt-
tomay -LEVI 3. 11USSI'LL, Sheriff.
.. ,> .? ia0
City SSierllt‘»s Sale.
t first Tuwdny in December next, will
_ bo sold, heforo tho Court Hottso, iu the city
of Savnnnih, betwoeff the muni hours or sale,
Lot No. 9, bounded by ami butting on East
Brond-sLrcet on tho west, on the north by lot No.
7, on tho eastby lotNo. 10, on fire south by lot No.
11; containing IK) feet front aud 165 fbotm depth,
together with all tho buildings and improvements
fhcrfcon; levied upon by virtue of fi fa’s issued
fiorti tho Hon. Court of Common Pleas an 1 of
Oyor and Terminer for tho City of Savannah, at
the instance of John 13. Gaudry ct. ul. vs. Henry
Sagurs and James Sugars. Property pointed out
by plaintiff's aUormes.
oct 31 213
O N tho first Tuesday in December next, will
ho sold, before the Court House, in tho city
of Tavonnah, between the usual hours of sab*,
Ono Mahogany Sideboard, one pair Mahogany
Card Tables, ono do. ends, one Mahogany Dining
Table, nineteen straw -bottom Chairs, two pair of
Shovel and Tongs and one Fender; levied upon
by virtue of a distrain warrant issued from tho
Hon. Ittferir Court of Chatham county at the iu*
itance of Robert H. Pet i.jrew, trustee of Eliza
L. Pettigrew, his wife, vs. Alex. H. McDonnell.
Property pointed outbv plaintiffs attomies.
oct 29 LEVI S. RUSSELL. Sheriff
(Jodrgla-CluitUtim County.
W HEREAS. Cyrus Stedunn hath applied
to tho Hon. tho Court of Ordinary of
Chatham Countv, forlottersof Administration on
the ostato and effects of James II. B. Foster, late
of Chatham County, deceased.
These are therefore to cite aud admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of the said de
ceased* to file thoir objections (if any they have)
to the granting of tho administration of the estate
of the deceased to tho applicant in the Clerk’s
Olfico of thasnid Court, on or before tho 31stday
of November naxt; otlicnviso letters of ndnriifis-
trafinn will be granted.
Witness, the Hon. A. Porter, ono of the Jus
tices of tho said Court, tho 31st day of October,
A. I). 1339. EDW’D G. WILSON,
oct 31 Deputy Clerk c. o. c. c.
flNETY dnyaa
application will he
N nwilv tn tlm Planters’Dank ortho Stnto of
Co irgin, for renewal of lost script, for Fivo Share.
Stock of said Bank, in the name of Alary C.
dthteddo. S. PHILBIUCK & CO.
eng Id f. ______
F OUR mondu after dato, application will ho
made to tho Jiwticos of tliti Court of Orilin-
n v for die Comity of Camden, for leave to sell nil
tit i real and p ‘i-oml estate of David Tnotnoa, kito
of (aid county, deceased,
aug 20 Ol \V. THOMAS, Adm’or.
Exccntor’s Sale.
W LL be sold, agreeable to an order of the
Hoy. Inferior Coart of Burke Co., while
sitting for ordinury purposes, in tho town of
Waynesboro, -on the first Tuesday iu January
One tract of Laud, belonging to the estate of
Eiishn Anderson, late of said county, deceased,
lying on the waters of Rocky Creek, joining lands
of Jumes Anderson and U. Miller, and containing
fourteen hundred and twenty-four (1424) acres,
more or less. Sold for the benefit of the heirs
of the deceased.
oct 83 209
Administrator’s Sale.
O N the first Tuesday in December next, will
lx* sqld, before the Court House, in Chat
ham County, between the usual hours of sale, the
following property, to wit:
LotNo, JO. with improvements thereon, Wash
ington Ward, city of Savannah, violated on Bry-
Also, LotNo. 435,containing490acres, more
v or less, lying and being in Appling county.
Also, Lot No. 47, contaiumg 250 acres, u
less, in Rabun county.
Also, Lot No. 16*2, cotitlining 202J acres, more
or less, in Houston county.
Also, 2 Shares Planters’ Bank Slock, of winch
$80 per share has been paid in.
Sold by order of tho lion, the Justices of the
Inferior Court of Chatham County, when sitting
far ordinary purposes, for the benefit of the heirs
and creditors of the late John 1). Cole, deceased.
BENJAMIN L. COLE, Administrator,
oct 4
Adminlstmtor’s Sale.
O N the firrt Tuesday in December next, wjjl
be sold, before the Court House, in Hunts
ville, Liberty county, the following Negroes:
Nanny, Elsv, Mary and Nancy, the property of
the tffetate of John N. Way, and sold by order of
the Court of Ordinary for said county, for the be
nefit of the heirs.
oct 3\VM. N. WAY, Adm’or.
Georgia—Chatham Cpuiii)'.
To nil worn it may concern.
W HEREAS, Wm. Henry Fitts, Administm-
tor of tho estate of James D Fitts, kite ol
Chatham County, deceased, hath applied to the
Hou. tho Court of Ordinary of Chatham County,
for Letters Dismissory.
These are therefore to cito and admonish all con
cerned, to file their objections (if any they Imvo)
In tho Clerk’s Office ol' the said Court, on or be-
fore the 16th day of March next, otherwise letters
dismissory will be granted.
Witness, the Hou W» Thorne Williams, ono of
tho Justices of the said Court, the 10th day of
September, A. D. 18:19.
sept 16 Deputy Clerk c. o. c. c.
Gcorgln-ChuUiuiii Doiiutj*
To all whom it may concern.
W HEREAS, Audrew Dixon, Administrator
of the estate mid effects of Daniel Foley,
late of Chatham County, deceased, has applied to
die Hon. the Court of Ordinary of Chatham
County, for Letters Dismissory.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all con
cerned, to file their objections (if any they have) in
the Clerk’s Office cf the said Court, on or before
iho.3d d.iy of January next, otherwise loiters dis-
wissory will be granted.
Witness the lion. A. Porter, ono of the Justices
of the said Court, the 3d day of July, A. D. 1839.
jlily 3 Deputy Clerk c. o. c. c.
F O'JU months after date, application will he
made to tho Hon. the Inferior Court of Bry-
a l County, when sitting ns a Court of Ordinary,
lor leave’ to sell nil the real estate of Catharine
Sikes, late of said county, deceased, for the bene*
fit of die heirs. SAMUEL SIKES,
Administrator with the will annexed,
sopt 27 186
I»r. lUcJfiiim’s Elixir ot Opium.
ileal prepoftt
F OUR mouths after date, application will be
mado'to the Justices of tho Court of Ordin
ary for tho County of Camden, for leave to sol! all
the real estate and bank stock, belonging to the es
tate of Joseph Thomas, late of Camden County,
ang23 174
A LL person* h ivhig claims against tho late J no.
liuiley, Esq. of CainJencounty, are request-
e i to nrest nt them properly attested’, uid those in-
doLtcd, wdl please make immediate payment to
Jefferson, 3d Oct. 1839.
oct 7 19*2
A LL persons having claims against the late Je*
J.M. rami di Cuyle-,Esq. are requested to present
them p.operly attested; and those indebted will
please make payment to
WAl. IL CUVLER, dual. Ex-or.
1 oct *2
Gcoririu—Cliuill.l.11 Co.i.t.y. For publishing, ill the town of Irwiuton, Alaba-
To all whom it may concern. inn, u Weekly Newspaper, to be entitled the
HEREAS, llenrv F.Willink. Executor of VltWlN’l'ON CHRONICLE.
* AV1NG heard many complaints ot mo want
the last will and testament of David Pidge,
late of Chatham County, deceased, hath applied to
the Hon the Courtof Ordinary of Chatham Coun
ty, for Letter* Dismissory.
’ These are therefore to cite and admonish all
concerned, to file their objee iotis(.f any they have)
in the Clerk's Oifice of the said Court, on or before
the 3d day of January next, otherwise letters dis-
missory will be granted.
Witness, the Hou. Elias Reed, one of the Jus
tices of tho said Court, tho 3d day of July, A. D.
j illy 3 Deputy Clerk c. c. c. c.
Georgia—Chatham County.
To ull whom it may concern.
W HEREAS, William Law, Administrator
of the eitate and effects of Mary M. Huig
and Agnes Ilaig, deceased, has applied to the
lion, the Court of Ordinary of Chatham Comity
for Letters Dismissory.
These nro therefore to cite niul admonish all
concerned, to file their objections (if any they
have) in the Clerk’s Odice of the said Court,on or
before the 3d day of January next, otherwise let
ters dtsmissory will be granted.
Witness, the Hou. Win. Thorne Williams, one
of the Justices of the said Court, llie third day of
July, A. D. 1839.
jnly 3 Depiity Clerk c. o. c. c.
Soaps. Ac.
fllWO cases old English Windsor Soaps, su'.ta-
X ble for family use
10 boxes Castile do., 1 case Toilet do. uss'd
20, baskets Sweet Oil, superior
600 lbs. PipeClay, 3 cases roll Brimstone
60 lbs. Calomel, Eng.; 50 oz. (Ininhie
12 groce Clark’s Friction Afutchc*
600 lbs. Chloride of Lime, 2 casks Flaxseed.
Just received, and for sale by
White Wash Brusncs, Ac.
T WELVE doz. White Wash Brushes and
Heads, assorted sizes
24 doz. fine Shoo do.
60 do. Thompson’s Paste Blacking
Just received, and for sale by
• oug23 • G. It. HENDRICKSON.
Tobacco unit Ssitifl*.
F IFTY groce Airs. Miller’s Fine Out Tobac
co, 6bbls. LorUInrd's Scotch and Muccoboy
Hnufl^ £ bottles; 20 jars course Rappee and
MaccOnoy do. Just received, and for sale hy
sept 16 G. 11. HENDRICKSON
O NE pair elegant Brass Counter Scales, upon
a br;«£s standard. . For sale low, by
Washing Notin', Ac.
O NE bbl. Washing Soda, 2 do. Sal Erntus, 2
do. Pearl Ash. Received and for sale by
oct 5 A. PARSONS.
matches. •
(7MFTV gyocc Clark’s Pa*ent Friction Matches,
- superior to all other kind.*. Just received
id for sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON,
oct 17
Georgia—EttitigJiuiii County.
To all whom it may concern.
“Y¥7*HEREAS, Eliza Mcijahugnn. Administra-
▼ V trix of the estate of Wm. McMcGah igon,
deceased, has applied to the Hon. the Court oiOr-
diirtrv of Etliingluun County, for Letters Dismis-
Tiiese are therefore to cite and admonish all con
cerned, to file their objections (if any they have) in
the Ci» rk’s Office of the said Court, on or before
the 6th day of March next, otherwise letters dis-
missory will he granted.
Witness, the lion. C. Powers, one of thejitsti-
ceaof the said Court, 4he 6th day of Sept A. D.
sept 6 c. c. o. e. c.
Georgia—E ill :i*^aam County.
To all whom it may concern.
W xIEREAS, Thomas II. Brew, Administra
tor of the estate of John W. Graham, de
ceased, has applied to the Hon. the Court of Or
dinary of Etnngham County, for Letters Dismis-
These are therefore to cite and admonish all con
cerned, to tile their objections (if any they have)
in the Clerk’s Oifice of the said Court, on or be
fore the 2d day of January next, otherwise letters
dismiss!)ry will be granted.
Witness, tlie'IIon. C. Powers, one of the Jus
tices of the said Court, the *2d day of July, A.D.
july 5^c. o. e. c.
ter, receiv
oct 18
?viiii? Water.
A odpp*./ oi Congress opring Wa-
'vod per brig Savaimaji, and for
'JlXbdxes superfine English Mustard, in bot-
J ties. Received and for sale by
oct3 A. PARSONS.
Port Wines.
hand—50dozen sup. old Port Wines, sui*
J table for tile sick. For sale by
Refined JLiquoriee.
V SUPPLY of the above article, of fine quab
ity, for side by
rig 19 POR HIER & L \ROCIIE.
For Coughs, Colds, "Ac.
>ECEIVED, a fresh ,supply of Currant Lo-
C zenges. For sale by
oct 2 A. PARSON3.
Indelible Ink.
ilHREE doz. Wm. Kidder’s superior Imlcdi-
L bio Ink, received and for sale by
oct 4 A. PARSONS.
French Spices.
.WO bags Black Peper, 3 do. Pimento, 1 bbl.
L Nutmegs. Received arid for sale by
july 3 A. PARSONS.
Seidlitz Powders, Ac.
pEN groce Maynard & N.oy’s Seidlitz Pow-
\ dors, 6 do. do. Soda do. Just received, and
sale by
Grey Heads.
TKINSON’S Vegetable Dye
L- Do. .Turkish do.
.vlatld’s Essouce of ’I’yre or Imperial Dye
Do. genuitie Macawor Oil, highly recoin-
aded for changing grey* *or re l*liuir, whiskers,
. to a permanent and beautiful brown or black,
supply just received, an.I for sale by
Georgia—Fillu^liuin County*
To all whom it may concern.
W HEREAS, John M. Luca*. Administrator
of the estite of William McGalngin, de-
deased, has applied to the Hon. the Court of Or
dinary of Effingham County, for Letters Dismis-
These are therefore to cite nnd admonish all con
cerned, to file their objection* (if any they have)
iu the Clerk’s Office of the said Court, on or be
fore the 6th day of march next, lojtters
disinissory wilt be granted.
Witness, the Hon. C. Powers, one of the Ju*.
ticcs of the said Court, tho 6th day of Sept. A. D.
sept 0 Clerk c. o. e. c.
Geoi**ria—E Jiil^huili Comity.
To all whom it inay concern.
W HEREAS, Mr*. Naomi Weitman,widow,
Administratrix of the estate nnd effects of
Matthew Weitman. deceased, hath applied to the
lion, the Court of Ordinary of Effingham Coun
ty. for Letters Dismissory.
These are therefore to cite nnd admonish all
con ?ernod. to file their objections (if any they have)
in the Clerk’s Office of the said Court, on or be
fore tho 26th day of January next, otherwise let
ters disinissory will he granted.
Witness, the lion. C. Power*, ono of the Jus
tices of the said Court, tho2jth day of July, A. D.
july 26 Clerk c. o.n. c.
of a Newspaper ui this town, (to bo con
ducted in a gentlemanly like maimer,) the under-
’signed have been induced, by the earnest solici
tation* of many friends, to embark in'the under
in assuming tho duties consequent upon'such
un enterprise, we leel deeply cousc.ous bl’the re
sponsibility which will devolve upon us; nml
knowing, too, the diversity of the human mind,
wo cuiiuot flatter ourselves that wo will he able
to plkask ALL, but so far as our humble abilities
extend, we wilfat all times be found striving to
elcwitc the standard of truth aud correct mor
al PRi.ioipi.K9. It will bo our object to udvo-
cato ull such measures as arc best calculated to
advuuce the prosperity of the Eastern section of
our State, abounding as it docs, in so many na
tural advantages, and usa necessary consequence,
especially to promote the interests of our own
town. Our aim will be to render our "paper use-
Iill nnd valuable to nil classes of the community—
in short, Literature, Useful Information, Agri
culture, Foreign and Domestic intelligence, will
each receive a due proportion of our attentiou.
In regard to Politics, wo deem it necessary to
say, that we shall give tho general Political intel
ligence of the whole country, while at the same
time, a* conductors of a Free Press, we will
fearlessly, aud without favor or affection, advo
cate unci support all such measures us will, iu our
opinion, promote our general prosperity us ti
People, and Uie perpetuity of our Right* and Li
Our pnperwill bo purely Republican, os prac
tised by those groat Apo.-tlo* of Liberty—JKF-
FlRoON and MADISON—preferring them os
our guide, rudier than the .new-light, self-
styled Democratic U-ipuhhcun* of the present
day.. Wo are “strict coiistsnctiouists” of the Fe
deral Compact, and shall, therefore, oppose all
schemes ol improvemsnt, except by the
Stiles themselves, as a part of that "American
System” which has proved so ruinous to the South
aud which wa* attempted to be fastened upon us,
under that most plausible and specious pretext,
tile "GENERAL WELFARE.” Believing, us
we do, that it is the duty of every good citizen to
cherish with jealous care tho "Union ok the
States, and tiie sovereignty of the States,”
and os this cannot be dono without a strict adher
ence to tie Constitution itself, • we shall not be
sparing in our denunciation of the attempts which
ure and : ave been made by the lute, us well as the
present, Administration, to control, not only the
monied facilities of the Government, but of the
entire country. YVitli regurd to the .question
which is now ugitating the country relative to the
currency, we now untiesitutiugly declare our
hostility to the thrice-rejected Sub-Treasury Sys
tem, tending as it does, in our opinion, to
crease of Executivepower, which has already been
c almed mid exercised to an ularuiing extent, ill
more instances than one, if’not by the present in
cumbent, by bis immediate predecessor, in whose
"footsteps’* he is endeavoring to tread.
We expect to encounter many perils, many ad
verse winds; yet, aided by the strong breath of
public favor and support, the trade winds of our
world must waft us clear of our troubles—we
dare ruise our anchor, unfurl our sheets, und ven
ture boldly upon our new und untried course.
Wlmt shoals and quicksands, what rock* and hid
den peril* awit us, "ala* we kowu noli” Let us
but clear.the harbor, nnd got fairly "under way,”
then we will fear nothing. Nor is this the vain
boast made when danger is far in the distance.
It is oar firm determination, made after serious
thought, nnd weighing well the dilficultie3 wo are
io meet with.
The Chronicle will be issued os early ns tho
necessary materials can he oh Limed from Ncw-
York, which will bo in December or early in Jan*
uuiy next. It will be printed on a largo imperial
sheet, containing twenty-four column*, with en
tire new type, und will not bo surpassed in beau
ty by any paper in the .Southern Country.
Terms.—Three Dollar* per annum, payable
invariably in advance. *-(•
Irwiuton, (Ala.) Oct. 10, 1839. font 22
This is i\ now chemical preparation, containing
ull tho valuable Medicinal qualities of Opium. in
• a natural state of combination to tho exclusion
of its noxious principles. ecu.
F ULL proportions of the greatest number of dermei
the noxious principles of Opium, are con- of, In t
tainod in Laudanum, Puregorio, Rlackdrop, Den
orcotized Laudanum, Extract of Opttim nnd such
other opiate preparations of this class hitherto
made, and to which uro justly attributed tboso
disagroeableoflectsupon the stomach and nervous
system, which so frequently follow their opera
tion, and limit their usefulness.
This Elixir may bo adopted in all those oases in
which either Opium or it* preparations are ad
ministered, with the certainty of obtaining till
tlicir seHativo, anodyne and anti-spasmodic ef
fects. without any of these disagreeable conse
quences, of headache, nausea, vomiting, consti
pation, tremors, nnd n train of otlior unhappy
symptoms, which are often u* distressing na those
which it was applied to removo.
The Elixir or Opium is not only superior to the
artificial cninpotitius of Morphine, ill its being
more mild, permanent and uniform in its effects,
but the preparation possesses also a superior tid
vantage to their solutions, in not being liable to
decomposition or deterioration from variable tem
perature or long keeping: a serious objection to
which the latler nro exposed.
Finally, Morphine, not being tho full represen
tative of Opium, cannot alone, and that in artifi
cial combination too, produce al! the characteristic
effects of *o triumphant n remedy, when so many
of its other valuable principles ns Codein, Nur-
cein and Mcconic Acid aie excluded.
From Dr. Chilton, the eminent Chemist of Now-
York, in proof of tho accomplishment qf this
Dr. Jolm B. McMtinn having made known to
mo the process by which hu pruparse his "Elixir
of Opium,” mid wishing mu to stuto my opinion
concerning it, I therefore say, Unit the process is
in accordance with well known Chemical laws,
and that the preparation must contain all the vulu-
nlfio principles of Opium, wi t ho vU those which are
considered as deleterious ami useless.
J. It. CHIDTON, M. D.,
Operative Chemist, &c.
New-York, Dec. 29,1836.
Having witnessed the ellects of Dr. J. B. Me-
Munn’* Elixir of Opium, \ye are of opinion that
It b a valuable preparation, and rucounuuim it to
tho patronage of the profession.
F. U. JOHNSTON, M. D„ Physician of Uio
* City and Marino Hospital.
JOHN VV. FRANCIS, M. D., Late Professor
of Midwifery in Uio College of Phys. und
Surgeons, N. Y.
JOHN C. CIIEESMAN, M. D., Surgeon of
New-York City Hospital.
to tho Murine Hospitul, N. Y., and lute Sur
geon iu tho U. S. N.
JAMES WEBSTER, M. I)., Prof, of Anato
my mid Physiology iu the Geneva Medieal
College, N. Y.
New-York, Feb. 18,1837.
Dr. Mitchell’s trial* of the Elixir of Opium in tho
New-York, Feb. 8th,,1837.
Dr. J. B. McMunn—Dear Sir: I have made re
peated trials of your "Elixir df Opium” in Uie
ui, in Council assembled, and ii
ed by tho authority of Uio same.
after tho passage.of Uiis Ordinance,
1 uvful for any person to put up any gutior oi
spout, to convey filth iVom kitchens, into any
street or lane of the city, und any porson so of
fending, shall forfeit aud pay a line not exceed
ing fifty dollar* for each mid every oft once, mid
the said gutter or spout shall bo lbrUiwith remov
Sec. 2. Bo itftirUierordumed, That no privy
shall liorcaftor be erected withiu the limits of the
city, uulcssthe sumo bo built or sunk wiUi brick
or stone, at least six feet below tho surface of the
lot upon which it is sunk, mid built nt leust one
foutahovo Uui surface; and if any person shall vi
olate this section, ho or sbo, or the owner, or los-
see of the promises, shall forfeit and pay a sum of
not exceeding fifty dollars, for each mid every.of-
fence, aud the said privy shall bo rebuilt in tho
manner prescribed by this ordinance, or bo filled
Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That it shall not
bo lawful for any person to cast, Uirow out or suf
fer to fall from the second stories of their buildings
within tho limits of the city, any balo* of cotton or
other goods whatever, but tlit/same low
ered by a snilicieut rope or tuckle, in so graduul a
manner nslo allow person* passing under, siilli*
cient time to pass out of the way, mid the occupi
er* of buildings out of which such cotton or other
goods shall he cast, thrown, or sutVeiod to faff,
cont:ary to the provisions olltlii* ordinance, shall
berieemed tho olVondere,«nd shall,for each and
every ollencc, be fined in u sum not exceeding
fifty dollars; provided that Uiis section shall not
be construed to allow persons to stop, and there
by prevent the lowering of cotton und other
Sec. 4. Bo it furUier ordained, That if any per
son shall appear in any of the public streets,
squares, l.mesor docks, iu this city, iu u state of
nakedness, or who shall in any manner wlintsoev-
-er, wilfully make any indecent und fiublic expo
sure of his or her person, or of any other person,
he or she m ty be arrested by the city marshal or
city constables, oruny white person, nnd shall be
fined for each and every such offence ill the sum
not exceeding fifty dollars, if n whito poison,and
whipping uot exceeding fifty lashes, if a slave or
free person of color.
Sec. 5. Bo it further ordained, That it shall not
be lawful for any person to swim or baUie in the
river opposite the city; that is to say, from tho
western side of West Uio western side
of tho Eastern Wharf Company, at uny hour uf-
ter seven o’clock in Uie moruiug un il sunset, un
der the penalty of not exceeding liliy dollars, if a
white person, and whipping upt oxccoding. fifty
lashes, if the offender be u sfuve or free purs an of
Sec. d. Be it further orduiued, That no horse,
gelding, mare, colt, filly, mule or juckuss, shall ut
any time be permitted or allowed to go ut large
within tho litniLs of the city, and for a violation of
this section, tiio owner or owners of such animul,
shall be fined for each and every offence; mill
each mid every such animal running or going at
large in a sum not exceeding five dollars; und tin
City and Marino Hospitals, mid find il to posies* 1 cixy m irshal or city constables shall take up Uio
tho anodyne and sedative power* of tho ordiuury s ud animal if the owner thereof is unknown,und
«• —s.« — *•—*— **— ‘ impound the same until the said fine and all cost*
are paid; uud if the said uuimal be uot cluimed iu
tell days, it shall be Uie duty of Uie city marshal to
sell the same ut Uie pound, giving ut luitpt 5 days
notice in one of die public gazelles of the city, of
Uie description oft the animal and Uio time und
place of sale; and lie shall pay the net proceeds,
ufter deducting the tine and costs, into Uie treasury
of Uie city, subject to Uie order of Council, who
m iy, and ahull cause it to bo paid to tho owner of
such animal so sold, when required. .
Sec. 7. Be it further ordained, That't shall not
Havana Scaurs.
F IFTY thousand superior old Havana Segars,
several choice brauds. Connoiscurs will do
well to examine them. For sale by
T WENTY boxes Colgate’s No. 1 Soap. Fo
sale by A. PARSONS,
oct .2
O NE hundred dozen Maynard & Noye’s supe
rior Black Ink, in half pint bottle*
50 do. do. do. Red do.
2 bbl*. do. do. Black do. by the /pil.
3 do. do. do. do. 2d quality,
for marking cotton bag8,&c. Just received, t.nd
for s lie by G. R. HENDRICKSON,
oct 3 >
Otto Hose Lip Salve.
R EO ElVED, a fresh supply of Otto Roae Lip
Salve. For sale by
oct li A. PARSONS.
preparations of Opium, without producing Uie
excitement, headache, nuusoir mid ebu^tiputiou,
which in many cases render those preparation* ob
jectionable. Il* effect* are more pcrmuuent than
those of Morphia. Yours, &c.
Resident Physician New-York Hospital.
Those who take Opium mid its ordinary prepa
rations, cannot be ignorant of the fact that its dis
tressing and pernicious ^fleets result from the
operation of it* deleterious principle*, mid that
the tremors, languor aud lassitude with which its
devoo3s are aline ted, mid for which they repeat
the dose to relieve, are sensations of its own cre
But in consequence of the exclusion of those
deleterious principles from the Elixir of Opium, it
is not liable to derange the functions of tho sys
tem, nor injure the constitution and general health;
thence it* high superiority in all those cases, in 1
which the long continued iind liberal use of Opi-
ntos uro indicated nnd necessary to allay pail and
spasmodic action, mid induco sleep and compo
sure, ns in cases of fractures, bums or scalds,cun-
cerous ulcers, and other painful affections.
An l to those persons, who, from necessity or
vitiated indulgence, have been accustomed to the
use of Opium, this preparation will afford u gra
tifying substitute by winch they may relieve them
selves from the thraldom of pernicious uud too
frequently inveterate habit.
Directions for using the Elixir of Opium.
To a child a month old, or younger, give from
half a drop to n drpp; to a child about six months
old, from 3 to 10 drops; and to adult*, from 10 to
60 drops, (hud even double or treble that much, if
file pain and other symptom* lie severe mid urgent)
mixed in two or three tea spoon’s full of water,
according to the size of the dose. As tho ndui'n-
istrntioM of every medicine should he govern d
by its effects, it is proper to begin with the smallest
dose; und increase or repeat it at proper intervals
until the desired ©fleets ure produced.
03* JOHN B. McMUNN. of South Middle
town. Orange County, New-York, who alone is
the discoverer of the Elixir of Opium, is the
only manufacturer of it. Aud none can bo genu
ine without his name written iu full on the outside
It is to be had of the principal Druggists and
Apothecaries in New-York, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Boston, and iu most of tho priucipul cities
uud town* in the United States.
sept 23
Freiicli Oltciiiicnis.
ULPIIATE Quinine,.Sulphate mil Acetate
of Morphine, Croton Oil. Oil of Black Pep-
,KrcoBi>;e, Pineriiie, Prn?si& Acid, Iodine, Em-
0, Ext. Nux Vomica, Hydro-late, Potassa, &c.
4 1 received per Xuwark, mi l for sale by
ie»3 it.Jit HENDRICKSON.
IB'Wiin: of SpuviDiis Imitaiioji.
G 1 GO. W. CARP ENTER’8 Compound Ex-
I’ tract of Iceland moss, Carrageen, or Irish
Moss, Slippery Elm, I Iore!iound, &c., a valuable
remedy for colds, coughs, dyspepsia, dysentery,
diarrh-ca, catarrh, and all affections of tfie breast
and Imi's. For sale by
For the Hair.
T IIE Casadu Oil is so denominated, because it
is composed of vegetable Ingredients, and its
virtue* are pre-eminently displayed iu the follow
ing respects:* It possesses properties of the most
sambr.ous n iture, which eradicates the scurf and
all impurities of the hair; nourishes the hair und
prevents it* falling oft*, and lessens the liubility of
li air to turn grey; strenghen* the weakest hair,
and produces a luxuriant growth; gives u vigor to
the hair which soon produce j an inimitably natur
al curl, and prevents its falling out in a damp at
mosphere, or during exercize; renders the hair
either natural or arufiei d,beautifully soft-anti pleas
ant; bestows an inestimable gloss and pleasant
perfume to the tresses—in fine, render* the hair,
dresstranscem’a itlyhcaiitifd,promotesthegrowth
of whiskers, eye brows, mustaches, &c. To chil
dren’s Imir its effect* are strikingly beneficial; is
perfectly innoxious,and may with safety be applied
to the youngest infant; it eradicate* the dandriff
easier anlsuperior to combi, soaps, &c.‘; U ex- to tho infant, gradually strength
en* tli3 hair, a id augments its growthsoasto pro
duce n beautiful head of hair.. Preserves file hair
ufter sea bulling, violent exercise, and isofpre-
j eminent utility for person* travelling by sea or land,
‘ preserves the hair, rendering it peculiarly pleasant,
and always dress id, bus wend irfiil effect* on the
hair ill hot or cold climates, and i* held iu high es-
tim ition hy diniuguished person* abroad.
Sold wholesale aud retail hy tho Proprietor,
Thoi. Quirk, 499 Broadway, New-York, and by
appointment, by
A. PARSONS, Agent,-
sept 29 Savannah, Gu.
Lump Oil, Ac,
F IVE hundred gi l o:w pure Sperm. Oil, (full
strain ad,) 2'0 dp. summer n'ramed do.
Also, 12 doz. Lamp GjiWriToV/’Justreceived,und i >n i y, well aborted,30 to50lbs each. Jiut
for sal© by A. IVAR80N8. receive:!, an I for sale by
aiigM I sept 18 . 0. R. HKNDIUOlfsON.
TllFTY l oxesPatent Steam R.-lined Coufec-
tho tremors, languor and lassitude with which its be lawful for any person to smoke u segurorpipe
, .; u .t— 1 in any of the streets, lunos, alleys, wharves or
public squares, within the city of Savannah,audut
the penalty of twosdollurs for the first oft.eiiee,
und uot exceeding five dollars foreuch subsequent
odeuce, if file offender bo a white person,and un-
dura penalty not exceeding three* dollars, or whip
ping not exceeding ten stripes, if the oiVender uu
u slave or free person of Volor.
Sec. 8. Be it further ordained, That if any
horse, mure, gelding, colt, mulo, ox, cow, or calf
or any other animal of like kind, shall be found at
I irgc in the city , whose appearance should be of-
fepsivo to the sight from its poverty, sickness or
sores, the same shall be removed*by the marshal
or any city ollkerfrom the precincts of the city,
at llie expense of the owner or owner* thereof;
and if any person shall resist or oppose any offi
cer in the dischurgc of such duty, he or she shull
be lined in a sum uot exceeding fifty dollars.
Sec. 9. Bo it furtlior ordained, That if any per
son shall water uny nniinal of any kind within 30
feet of any public pump, (excepting tlicomnpat
the base of the Exchange,) he or she shall be fin
ed, if a white parson, in a sum not exceeding 30
dollars, and if a sluve or free person of color, in
a fUm not exceeding thirty dollars (to be paid by
the owner ol such slave) or bo whipped not ex
ceeding thirty-nine lashes.
Sec. 10. Be it further ordained, That it shall
not be lawful for any cow, steer, heifer or calf to
be or go at large within the limits, of tho city,from
the j-eltmg of the sun to the rising of the sumo,
und the owners of such cattle so found ut large,
siial forfeit nnd pay a sum not exceeding five dot-
liars for ouch and every time, any such animal
may he found at large; and it shall bo tho duty of
the city marshal arid city constables to .take such
cat Ic so found at large contrary to the provis’ons
of fill* ordinance, and impound them until fiiu
sa d tine and all costs arc paid; und if the suid an
imal be uot claimed iu five days, it shull be file du
ty of the city iimrsliul to sell the sume at the
pound, f r*t giving nt leust five days notice in one
of the public gazettes of the city* of the descrip
tion of the animal und the timo and place of sale;
and he shall pay the net proceeds, utter deducting
ti e fine and costs, into the city treasury, subject
to the order of Council, who may, and shall or
der the same to hu paid to tiig owner of such ani
mal, when required.
Sec. 11. Be itfiirdinr ordained, That any bull
found at large within file limits of the city, shall
he considered us a uuisuuce, and may be killed by
any person.
Sec. 12. Be it further ordained, That if any
person shall at any of the public pumps, wash uny
an In d,-carriage, clothes of any description, or
any other thing, or do nnv other act whereby filth
or dirt of any kind shall be thrown upon or near
any of the said pumps, lie or she shall forfeit and
pay u fine not exceeding ten dollars, if a white,
person, and if a slave or freo person of color, he
or she may bo whipped, not exceeding, twenty
lushes, unless file owner of such sluve, or guar
dian or friend of such free person of color will
pay tho fine imposed.
8ec. 13. Bo it further ordained, That if any per
son shall wash or dry any article* of clothing, or
expose the same for tho purpose of drying, in the
streets, lanes, or squares of the dity, he or she, if
a white person, shall he fined in a sum not exceed
ing thirty dollars, und if at slave or freo po.'son ol
color commit the said offence, lie or she may be
whipped, not exceeding twenty lashes, unless the
own.r of such slave, or the guardian or friend < f
such free porson of color willp iy the fine impos
See. 14. Bo it further ordained, That it shall i o '
bo la vful for any porson to cm o hides, whether by
mo ui* of salt, exposure to tho sun, or otherwise,
within tho corporate limit* of the city of Suvan
n ib. and for each violation of this section, the of
fender shall, if a white person, pay n fine of not
exceeding thirty dollars, and if u slave or free per-
fo.i of color, in a like penalty, or he whipped at
ti e discretion of tho Mayor, Chairmuii, or uny
two Aldermen.
Bee. 15. Bo il further ordained, That it shall 1 o
the duty of the marshal to reqireRn removal o
any hides, cured or not ; which may be offensive
or in the opinion of the health officer injurious to
t'ie health of the city ; and should the owner, pos
euazor or cluimnut of such hides, neglect or refuse
to remove, the same within six hours from the pe
riod of his or her liuingso required by the mu renal
the removal shall then bo made by tho marshal or
juiycity constable, at the expense of the owner,
posses :qr or claimant, who shall, in nddifion there
to, foK ca fti und every such refusal or no^loclt; be
Itowiuuit’s Knlydor,
F Oit tho luce und skin, and of vital importance
to t!ie support of female loveliness, rower
ful of etfect, yet mild of influence, this admirable
specific (a preparation from the most delightful
balsamic exotics, and perfectly free from mineral
or other pernicious admixtures, possesses balsamic
properties of surprising energy; it eradicates tan,
freckles, pimples, spots,redness, and ull cutaneous
erruptions, gradually realizing a decidedly clear,
fair und softskiu; transforms even the most sallow
complexion into radiant whiteness; renders harsh
and rough skin delightfully soft and smooth; im
parts to the fine, neck and arms, a healthy aud ju
venile bloom; and, by due perseverance iu it* ap
plication. promotes a free and uninterrupted cxer*
c se of those important functions of the skin, which
arc of the most necessity for the preservation of
health and attainment, und continuance of a beau
tiful complexion.
A Iresh supply of this valuable article just re
ceived, nnd tor sule hy A. PARSONS,
nug 5
Uuzois anti Itazor Strops,
A SPLENDID assortment of combined Sil
ver und Steel Razors, of excellent work
manship, iu cases, of various prices. Also, San
ders, Emerson, and Mechis' Razor Strops kept
constantly for s-ile bv
Sign of the Golden Globe,
n,, g 13 Opposite the Market.
Ktowlaiiti’s Tonic Mixture, Ac,
ECEIVED per ship Gaston, a full supply of
itowkuii’s Tonic Mixture, for fever und
ague; Sulphate Quinine, Piperme, Iodine, pure
Morphine. Sulphate and Aceutute Morphine.
Musk iu Pod*, Oil Black Peper, Croton Oil, Hy-
driodute Potass, Soda and Seidlitz Powdoni,Lon
don L*i*tard, iScc. For sale by
S IN boxes Leftwich’s Cavendish Tobacco, on
band, fttnl for sale by A. PARSONS.
oct 4
S t _ , I'ntent Jlarlcy.
iloz. I{uliiruuii'n Patent Hurley, received
end for vile liy ANSON PARSONS.
hub til
, Stvc«t Oil.
nil* li .“''SKr.T3 »:i|)eno; Sweet Oil,
¥.y imported, tin Toil tong, Just loeeived
i nd lor goto ny
°c( 30 O. tt HENDHIUKSON. ‘
. ‘no to rue or Her own ItgTfo'V^'WwiJ
wjtlm, dm limits onhoolty!VkJ
ly, nnd each*
!‘ “ powon, bo fined in J.em'" 1 '"'*
mg tlnyty duliurs Tor each ,uii no1 «
Olid. iT « .love or IVee person o? cX" UI ??' ■
ed in 0 sum not cxcocdinir
whipped at Uio discretion*oTUsb m° lu *'«
»»» or any two Aldermen. t
beluwTiil io r q ny o w n er°o r ngelft’ ^ ^ 1 '' ^
mill, to expose or cause to bo
loop or many Ofiier manner tffi i" 1 "e
by tj.o smd mill, so as to »“bjeetd t0 , f B P'*<
the person so offimdAu tuny be r l , "«
exceeding otto ImndmS In f„rs HP ««
snel, offence, and dm said
by him or her, or on fi,i| llro to do™
moved to a proper distance by the c?t’J
tlio expense ol the owner or axmt { w
Sec 111 aohT.mherord.S.Tbsti,,,
be lawTul Tor any person or StSil
or deposit, or cause to bo cast, thrown n. /'l
ed in tho bnvonnab river, or on it, bml i
high wa ll mark, within tho extenji "^ b ,
dicuonnl limits of the city oT Snv.i, „Sh Si
or .W substanco oTwhatever™™
winch might In any degree, lewon filffi.
tyutor in said ri ver, ormiy port thereof wf j?J
’limits aforesaid, nnd cacli and oveiy -liM
Tonding, shall for each nnd every mcE£l
mod m a sunt not exceeding ono h,Sf
lars, if tho oftender bo a white MnXjS
slwo or free person of color, he i r
whippod not okceoditig filtv lashe, ISfl
one hundred dollar, which may hi imfaJT
r,tFor„ , er d,, “ voorftco ~5
forleiln'rosinciirre r dncdwX! ,l :3!l^
collected and enforced in tho im ul ,. r r l"
hy law, and my half of tho money rsSS
end linos olid lorfeitures, shall he given , a”
former, and Uio oUier half shall go to “
See. 21. B<j it further ordained, ThstiJi
aucos or porta of oriUnnnce* corrosnoofi W
this orfiiiiaiico, be, and the same are CL
nera Jded, and that ull ordinances utd
dinauce* mdituting ugain*t fids 0 rdin 3 L hT
the same are hereby repealed. ’
Pussed in Council, 2d Angus., . uw
[L.s.i R. m. charlton;mi,
Attest, Josxpu Felt, c. c. pro tan,
oct 9
iriomlu’H JLIIe Fills and i»h«
T - rsars .BllteWs
IILSE medicines have long been II
appreciated for their extraordmaty a*,
mediate po wers of restoring perfect health to
soils suffering under nearly evory kind of di
to which tlieliumau frame is liable.
The proprietor rejoice* in tho onnortuuhr
forded by the universal diffusion of tfie daily h
for, placing his VEGETABLE LIFE I
within the y no wledge and reach of even „
dual in the community. Unlike the host of j
uicious quackeries which boast of ventiT
gredioiits, tho Life Pills nro purely and nolt
getublc, and contain neither mercury, anii.
arsenic, nor any other minernl in any fora i
ever. They are entirely composed of ex*
from rare und powerjiil plants, the virtuesofi
though long known to several Indian tri
recently to home eminent pliarmaccnticak
ure altogether unknown to file ignorant
ere to medical science, uud were never I
mmistored in so happily efficacious a
cause tliev possess the poworof restorii ,
piriug emhersof health, to agio wing vigori
on. tho constitution, us the Phmenixuaijl
restored to life from the ashes of its own “
tion. The Plulmix Bitters are entirely y<
composed of root* found only in certain,
tlio western conutiV, which will indilibivcurel
VFitS AND AGUES of all kindi; wiU
fa I to eradicate entirely nil the effects of m
infinitely sooner than tho most powerful
rations of Sarsaparilla, and will immediit*
tho dotbrinination of BLOOD TO THE
never fails in sickness incident to young
and will be foimd a certain remedy in nl
nervous debility und weakness of tlio
paired constitutions.
-As a remedy for Chronic and !i
Rheumntigpi, the. efficacy of the Phffieoix
will be demonstrated by the use of a migwl
Tiieusuul doso of these Bitters is hrilftwwi
full, iu water or Wine, nnd thi« nuantiu* m*yi
ken t.vo or three times a day, about half anl
before meals, or a (csss, quantity nmy be taw
all times. • To those who nro ulllicted witn
gestiou after meal*, fitose Bitters will Pit
valuable, ns they very greatly increase the
of the principal viscera, help, them to pi
tlicir func ions, and enable tho stomach to
charge into the bowel* whatever u one
Thus indigestion ia easily and speedily m
appetite restored, and the months or
ant vessels being cleansed, nnirition u J
and strength of Ibody and energy of uim
hopoy res fits. . mr ... i
for lUrthnr narticulurs of MoflMjf ““
and r luioiiix L ilt rs, apply Moffrtl
5i6B oa way,New-York,wheretber“j*
oh ni ed lor 25 cents, 50 cent! and JO F'
ai:d tho Hitters for $1 n #2, P«/, bo „ ",
oils co t ficitos of the woiulerf .l eftic J
mar be there iusiiectcii. arT0 ,
For sale hy A „riinvtoii
At his Store, on tho Bay, corner cr I)"'”
nov 23
Rowland’s Enlmoniwltt. #f
actable Demulcent
TN cases of obstinate LntonfctJ» wj
X wliethornrisingfrom recent o.n J■ gJ
in Astlima; nml ns an nnxiliary on /J
sent relief liom tho tlirenteiimg siro p ' g
proaching Pnlmonary ConsutupU M 0 , ^ |
Inis gi cater claims upon the co.ino
v .lid titan ti e above niedifiiw.
It is for tlio end .t. .j,—«
tain, or congWng, “P“ l ®'S „ pionun *
i i the breast, &c. which cotw H'"
lures of tho coniplaun, that 1 *‘ lva loaWell
designed, iindliasniaiufcstciiiUinosl 'j
* It'b oiptdly nsefid of course ijij^ >
cough* and colds, arising j' r ° & c .
weather, from wearing dump "TJarTOIJ
For sale by |
1 tT» DOZ. Otto Koto See ten «
\_JL 6 ,io..Violet do.
(i do. Plain .J Rectirtil
Aim, Powder Boxes und I nils,
for side. Ity A . pAIl50V!.
<»owl»i*d’s Sj toaf 1
|,t III morovinj and yMjoltonJ^
I ion, rendering tlio SBt 1
p rant mil for removing t^ received.
&c., warrantedgeii'ilni.. r-ijdNIOKS 0 -
* 1 ■ by
nug 10 ■ —-~-r Ac ,
White wbi ie V
TTUVO Ilnudi 0.1 kegs L»t
JL warranted . a
250 do. AnirriciivV'- 1 , A;,
JO 1,1.1s. KnS'.i* 1 * J,!. Clmlk
.50 kegs Spanish Bro'™> chl0 ine Gr^
: ,100 tors Paten L.t'C^.hil « (,S
superior txrUe o
&e, Jus roeeived. and 1 >r -
■ sept JO' U '