Newspaper Page Text
v ■ v 1$ Hfrhd yHftf
f ,lC i, puUishetl In the
jntttcs delimit,
.nxvr OOLLAliS per annum, pamhte in
nr FIVE DOLLARS for Six Moutlis.
«K rt ' 0r , At llitmihllnnii.H I
- ■ • ... .
. . • » * ■ »•
* iml a halt’ lnr e;icil iruortioll niter, per
Ole Clerk-* oftlio Court '
Lf rv t'nt npplic itinu lit. bean in idu for
P^j* Adurnitratiotl, mint bo published
fj r y n\Y8 nt leant.
I " bvKreciitoM nml Acliiilnlrtmtom for
flmditon to render ill thoimccouttt*
1“"’ MWu-dSIX WEEKS,
t if Nenroetbv Executor. nml Adniinin-
“ " ,|| 0 ,,| piili|e miction, oil the firnt'lW-
• inontb. between the mini hour, of
I 11 ,. i| ico of Public Sule« in. the County
rthe Letter* Toil inieiit iry. of Artininntni-
r,(;uirdi:itnhi|i liny linve been granted, tint
r ... DAV « notice tlioreof ill one of t' e
f finite* of thin SUte,’ nnd nt the dooref
igurt Home, where .itch «.itc« ore to bn
L’co for leave to ecll Negroes, must lie pub-
Iforfuiir inonthe. before nnv order nbndute
I , ,„ ,d L - tliermipon by the Court.
r„nt„r,t Get to hv Kxoculnrs. Administrn-
klfiliir inn miidlie.published SIXTY
B before the I iv of Side. These sides must
j|e ft the Court IIouso door of the County
kebthe property!(eeititnte, end on the first
Iiynfti'e Mmiihihonvoon the lioiirsofieniu
Irn'uiimd four in tiie ultemnoii. No snle
Cnlaiby Invalid, unl«M no expressed in
teitweuwnt. ....
iliciliomhy Exccntcrs. Administrn tom nnd
Lai |„ the' Court ofOrdinary for leave to
L| imnthc published FOUR MONTHS.
Lofpersonal property (except uegroesj
J,t ( , amiilitwt ite estates by Executors’ nnd
listratow lmut bo udvertised FORTY
Liralion-tbv Executor* and Administrators
trr> Dirtnuwory, must bo pub!i-<liud SIX
|infon.« for foreclosure or Mortgage* oil
e mint In* advertised once a luoiitli for
Irsofl'ie Court of Ordinary, (nccomprml-
In copy of the bond qf agreement) to
|tic< to land iuu*t lie advertised Three
t» at least.
Jtfrmlcfliindor execution* regularly grant-
lie Court*, must bo advertised THIRTY,
-under mortgage execution* SIXTi'
- Lies of perUliiilde property under cr-
I'onrt. intHtbo adveriicU. generally, T^LN
| In-fore the day of sale.
|dverlbcmcut*\vill be punctually attended
All Letters dircc'cd to this Office or the
Enlist bo post paid, to entitle them to i.t-
To Let*
[7ie two story Dwelling and Garden In
IcJifoa Ward, opposite the Free School,
p! occupied by .Sir. J. 13. Lewi*. Pos*
bill be given on the 1st November. An-
Fifty Dollar* ilcward.
I Runaway on the 20th J uly Inst, froin the
lubscrilier* hi* Negro Man, SAWNV.
[Hois aboiii 23 years old, 5 feet 8 or U in-
fc»w hull, very black and likely, has rath*
jjw sepulchral voice, un.l a deep sicatrice
He. He was bought of Mr. Hugh Hose,
Ireiira since, and 1 believe was brought up
kco about 10 miles Uhnve this city. *
|vfi reward will be paid for his delivery iu
Ejail in this Stale, or to the subscriber. ’
ickosawhatcUec* Lands.
wtbscriber oll'em for sale, a Tract of Land
late in llio lid District, linker County, em-
pOOacres, which comprises every vuri-
Je most superior soil. Tue tract is fur-
[jit slight improvements, and can be en-
I iu geographical dimensions to any tie-
Vteut. As an lulditiouul consideration to
Vr, reasonable terms and protracted ere*
For more miscellaneous itilbnna-
ants can address the subscriber nt A-
169114 tno
Porclici* A La Uocltc,
Bit tors j|e on .iccoinmodaliiig luruis, No.
■id ‘4 Castor Oij, m lj()^ortud sixes;
^gallon; Jjpts.Tiirnciitine, do. do. do.,
id 0Luber cJalu, Cteam Tartar, lirun-
iptiur. Duicii M.ulder,Glue, rfmills.Salt
'"a, Black Lead, Lump Black, L-urp
^8. Borax, crude and refilled tnJu.o,
■lid dpant.-ii Float Blueing, ilippo, Jat
I . ,, * , * ■*'“* iiippu,*
irj.Laloinul, Arrow itoot,Bnaiu»li Flies,
|M iim i. Hake, Nutmegs, Cloves, Oiiu
|Jte, Black tiud ninnn*
■ i/r7ii i Ti. ^ lo vos, t;m-
I''-Hlaclt uad Cayimim lVm-r, Uingur,
Pfder, .liner, Cutbulimo Soda. Tart u 10
late a.iu, Suit Turmr. Sul Aimuoiuuc,
i^yjgdWIwS Won, Oopkl.
1,.,' . . •■•••■eueii.i, UCUA.IIII, V/UIIIU.
Ip.®/^ rub ‘ c iDpmwand dtyrax.Koco
If mi^i^ - 8 I ’ Aratns, Washing'
Eteh"' " 1|J Bar-
■o. t .;i L'i 0 ’ u *' lum l atent uar-
Uo *«e»ot. Sage, Elder
renmrioy.ll, 1 hormiglnv or I. Liverwort,
K iud'?' H>|iiilU, Uuinino,
lH.!, 'i,' |ll ' rine - Mwiodc*. l’ot
■•bia-., 0l) ua B ; auit p“p
, ■
C A .a
n«. aaa—voi. xxxvi.]
Oily Trensiirei-'s OIUcc,
T np' i-b • ,«-»*».■<**<. let Nov. 1833.
tlL following Lot. are in urroar. to tlm rity
for grottnd mut, to wiu
Nok 3 II, 16, 10,
HMJ.'4'I, DO. 51. 50, 58, 6!), 61, («.
^Columbia Ward—Non. 3, 4,8,3,10,13,30, ai
.Elbert Word—Not. 0,10,11,18,13,15,10,20,
#M4, 32,33,34,37, 33,40. ’
■ ■Frunklfn Ward—No,.3,4.8,n, 11, 17,18,2).
22,25, 23,23,30, 31.3*1, :I5,30, 37,118.
Now Franklin Ward—N'o.,. 3, 4,5.
lirocn Wardr-No,. 2, 0,10,13,14, 15,10, 20.
22.25,2!). 37.33,40. ’ ’ ’ ’
Jack,on Ward—No,. 7,8. 13,14, 15,10. 17,
21,22.23,24.23,30,31,32,33, 30, 37, 38,42,43.
44, 45,40,47.
[WTtolo No.—07,021
Janpor Word—\o«. G, 0, 7,8,3,10.
Lalayotlo Ward—No,. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7,8, 0,
23% 1,: 4 ' 9,10, U ’ 18,10,
Pnlarki Wanl—No*. 1,2,3.4,6,10.
Warren Word—No*. 3,5.10,12,10,20.21,23
Wothingion Ward—No,. 1,2,3, 0,12,15,17,
18,10, 20,31,23,24,20,38.
JOSEPH FELT, City TreMurer.
Take Notice.
Iftho rents due nu the above named rts arc not
paid on or lioforo the 1 ltli iust., I snail on the
morning of the l*d.h insi. proceed to re-enter said
lots, iu couformity to Ordinance.
,wv5 A. HAIIMON, C. M.
Trench ClieiiilcnlK.
S ULPHATE (fuitiitic, Bolpliiite aud Acetate
of Morphine, Croron Oil. Oil or Black Pep.
per, Krcosote, Pineriue, Prussic Acid. Iodine,Em
etine, Ext. Niix Vomica, Ilydrodate, Potussa, &e.
Just received per Newark, mid fursalqhv
w ~ iClvf
1WFNTY boxes Colgate’s No. 1 Soup. For
* 7AR80N
sale by
Lip Salve, Ac.
O rro Rose Lip Salve, Patey's Cold Cream,
»‘e.d French Almond Paste. A fre.-li supply
oftijesc elc^aut articles, fortho cure ofeimpped
Ups. face, dec, just received and lorsnlc by
novO G. It. lll.NDUICKSON.
Otto Hose Lip Salve.
R ECEIVED, u fresh simply of Otto Rose Lip
Salve. For sale by
octll A. PARSONS,
Bcwni'c of Simrloiis lrmtatiou.
G EO. \V. CARPeNTLR’S Compound 1 x-
tractof led m i moss, Carrageen, or Irish
Mom. Slippery Elm. Horoiiound. dee.,a valii iblo
remedy lor colds. cougliH, dyspepsia, dyhculery,
d'nrrhuM, catarrh, uni all utilet;ou* of Uie breast
aud lun s. For sale by
Ciier &
The true Verb mint Cream.
T HIS delEriitthl Cream u warranted |o betlio
true extract of Verbetnt gentlemen lining
tender faces or strong beards, would iiud it Uio delightful s ipomcimus compound ever of
fered in the public, it makes a beautiful heavy lath*
er. nnd uflnr shaving, leaves a delicious fragrance
of tho Verbein. and preventing the ficc fnun
chapping, which in goncrul, other soups irritate.
It is only for s do by
Market So. sign of tho Golden Globe.
nov 18
•ctuall)* cxrtiierofthe Citiz. tin'll ank. and A. flnn-
r »be CoiuaUdated
VNE\AM I* I.I4» »! AMMO I'll
.I.alwiiowmgdetadjiof n ScHmxor a Lot- H mir «. .
tkry, to be drawn in December next. xvar. iV. n *V n * Pf/ Act passed before A.
rants its in declaring it to he UNPARALLELED iS?£ ,,rHI,, i , *J , ‘ w b Uublic. on the 5M of May.
m the history of Lotteries. Prizes to the amount rd fnr tr V ls, '‘‘ rrei1 nnincumber.
HAVE x£vku BEFunn uaKX oPFEtiKu to the pub- ^ 1,0 * t ‘ cur,t y of t,M » lortunatc Prize Hold-
lie. It is true, Uiero ure many blanks, bm on tlm ' •
. wiua.nn, ml, |l|| lllf*
0 »n ! , * ®*bxtmoly low charga of >,20
per rickut—thu asunumber of the Can-
TAt.s, and the revival of the good old custom of
tvnrrantiugtiuit every prize shall be drawn mid
sola, will, W4 nro sure, gw# universal satisfaction,
mul especially to tiie Six Hundred Prize Hol
Lump Oil, dec. !
F IVF. hundred tr;. 1 pure Speira. Oil. (full
*(rvtii»i,) S«»U do. Mtminer strained do.
Alaojlgdoz. Lump Chiinuies. Justrcethed, nd
for sale by - A. PARSONS
L* |i. ’ ’ T 1,uu ui uergumot, uura-
■J' ,Ue h*.Roseunuy.itose Cedrutor
l '• 8 "“l-u .tool, l'nik Hoot,
IL» Bool, (Ionium. Uuuasi,
■Sflln.i, c “loineiij Owuetunil
l ^k.irndboide. TooU. l'owdor-,
lil I lix ‘r °*.Bark. Ex-
ftltlin I),\\r * U *'OKir OI uurK, LX
K i!.H i' v “• Aicoi.oi
P' ““‘•horn, Curboiialo, Ainiuo.nii
l«n!vS C 'm S, .' Varnl,,lc<1 “'»1
IwaiaV V 1 *' 1 ?" 10 fixture, llollck’.
Irilh n„M n, » U U *?' U^luyV Cububs
fJniia.Hutler’Hund u
S W‘%, BurclayV : Cububs
bbortM ,,' er l Huu d Henry's Magnesia,
J « n.!i • l ! , ' t ' lh,,1 ‘ cos ' Evaw, So*
t£ Sm “‘“i Hooper'.
Il Tnrff, P r "fl Brilisli Oil,
BtTlin,, Balaam, Opodeldoc,
T«huS7i"°" * ! J r “ Water.,usmanl'i
U'-e. J IVeiSlL 00 " 81 ' SyrUP ’ AP °'
“ l “ 1 G1 e Hsil, ’ s Co-
Clo.H« y *x, w ? terH ' dn - <lu - Toilet
»aoui 5t°*jNu.k,.J.auinl ,| o, Rose
Eiyfcrt Oil, Oldridge'.
IM. Hair Powder, Pulfa and Box-
IS? S5PW Volatile Salta of fan-
I r - Milk Kn’ 111C A U an, l puusenUi
l.'-’olJCr, **' P. r “ uln °* Soapa, Ver-
10ihJffi?' ra '. L, P l “ Vfl . with' u full US-
Ig^'jflfl |i„„,
I'EcanS’t Too ' Jl Ke >'“ n,1| l For-
1 ° r other ?.",!!!} Un . tl,0 » ! a large
hliyl-iS., 8 111 Y 10 line—wliere
Ea‘i,lL." , c ° lm 'fy merclraiiui uro
Xan, *5 e lor themselves.
Opposite tho Market,
”>«» ol tho Golden Globe.
Swat tit’s Vermifuge.
HIS retnedv counteracts Uio whole train of
a. diseases arisiuir from tho debility of tho di-
get five ortrans or u depraved condition of tliesto-
liiNcliiiiid bowels.
Most of the diseases ofchildron originate in ver
minous affection*. , ...
Worms destroy the nourishment which is in
tended by nituro to support life.
; The immediate elfect of Hwaiin’s Vermifuge
are to trauquilizo the stomach, clo .r it ot ucidous
phletnn. dissipate superfluous bilev increa.-e the
grastic juices and promote Itealthf digestion.
It al e' i res sicli headtiche. and is an antedote
for tlm Cholera Morbit# of our confitry. diarrhuja,
fever uud ague, aud that cluss ol di^otises wmeli
owe thiir origin to a disori’.ered state ofiho sto
mach und bowels. . ,
This remedy expels worms by giving healthy
action to the stomach and organ* of digestion.—
Thsip if nothing in its composition to ki.l worms.
They are seldom seen after its use. and the p -
tient improves iu heulUi. color and appetite.—
Those remedies which kill worms must of course
injure the stomach m itcrially, and the cause of
many serious oompjaihtf. This fact has been ma
terially neglected by the faculty/and the error h is
never been discovered until Hvvaim’s Vemiifigo
proved it to the entire saufuction of every family
who has used it. .
The medicine is no less efficacious in many of
the discuses of grown dissipating those
morbid secretions wliicli’prqducq.dysentery, diar-
rhan. cholera morlms. piles, lever and aguo. dys
pepsia. acidity of the stomach, foul hreaili. and
tin. diangreoaljtentrucfons con loquentuponbiliou.
disorders. ,
It is uow in general use m most parts or ti.o
world, panrili'c. rcaidcnt in lliu country, lr«T8|.
lure goinx into tliu interior nr voyaging into din-
taut tropic il dim tea, (insulated from medical tal
ent) would find Swuiui’s Vermifuge of groat utl-
Kept constantly on Itond, und Tor talelay
„0V n Solo Agent lor tlm Slate.
3 o thowd sposedto atlvcnuiro, wo recommend
eaily application being madu to u* for ticket.
when too prizes are all «oid, Maitlts only remain
—Il.o Itr.t buyers Have the best chance. Wo
Inert-lore, iuiy—UI LAY NOT! bill
ut unco reamt und true,-nut 10 us yottr orders,
wlncn shall always receive our immcduito atten-
t on. Letters to bo utldrossod, and uptil.cattoiis
made to SYLVtSTEU 4 CO,
15d Broadway, Now-York.
[I-J Ob-en-o tiie munbor, 15tl,
Sroa.OiHtlll 8303,0061! SOX,0001
«* prucs nf tl2d,«l)«!l
a prizes oY 813,00011
3 prizes ot S 10,00011
KJ I lie nc.ictu aud must tui^umcoiit Scheme
ever pi cm mul iu tliu public m tins or uny Oih-
urtouiia-y, '
J . ViCiLetu only tlanni-N.
AuiUriU.i by un AU ij iltc l^ufutice AtuntUg
1 J rlorutu t aud uuutrUm tinxctiuiis of tlic Cum-
liuatiuicrs, tii tiujf umir.r the mine.
"I'LUIllPA, DECK lid, 18.VJ.
«CHMIu f \ liAMIl,'iON, .Managers.
bYLVLtiTJStt iV. C'U. luli UrouUwuy,
Nevv-Yo.k. Bole Agents.
10i) l (X;ti i.Ci%eu,itoutNu.l upwards,iu suocttsuion. inuj.awhot ti.u LugiolaUvu Couu-
cn oi die T urnlory ot • .urida.
Cn ip.7o!—SoMi—\vi.erc.rstiiu E'ourt House
of Duvm coun.y, is m uii unauisiied statu and
uiuru aiu yui uuu uud owing upon tiie same, mo-
n.owji.cuit is iinpuiu ioo Diirduu-
*o«.« •* *ux upon ms peop.e of Duval, auu wiieru-
us, it laue.'ir.b.u iop »y iuoMi»uid sums »H4com-
p out o imi.tinas well tor ti.o greater convu-
n ejc. o. me>uui.on tf jiuiicu, us lor the
cou j.t p irpo-e o. an A&LhuAy, lor which pur-
* 0ix; •** L.o said oiina.u^, w*uu compiutea,
is UciCqIicO. 'ibuie.o.c—
Mkc. 1. Be .t etuctud by the Govcruoruud Lc-
gislalivo Loiuiu.i of the 'i'errilo»y of Florida,
liut it ftuait uud may boiawtatior Joseph B.
Luncaa.e#, Lai tit D. iiuii and tv'ilium J. .Mills,
i r *ny t\vo ol u.eut under the dtructiou oi u.e
Goitiiiy Court o» uu\ai Coumy, to raise sue..
mi it oi siiaisot money bj .otu.-iy .tis teb schemas
u» they liui/ Ucetu | p.oj luu-.-nd d»uab;e: Fio
Vtdvsd, Uiut uie si'id pv.suus siia.i b.nd tiiuUiselvea*
iu nuuu uiauuur us the Court Miail duect, well
uud uu y ;W 4'oitduct such lottery iu 9 ood la.tu, to
upp.uptime tile p.OLeuus to u.e oujuci ai.ovu «u-
icd.—Fasted,i‘ol>. 7cu, ldd4.—Approved, Feb.
By a recuient, bearing date the 28di of Febru
ary, JoJJ, (iitj above Jo.-epu Luncaster, Isaiaii D.
11 Ht aud w ih.B'ii Mi.h,oid,ior curtuiiicoiiMiiur-
at oils, in cotiio.mivy to t..e s t.d Lu^tAiunve Act,
dul oi igu into^e. iu dt dc ilauiLtou u.i
tiie.i n .Iualia in.crust, utni t ie novvers vested m
t oui o» uio above neiteil Act ot the Le»}*utuue
oi f io. id a.
Extract 110*11 (lie vitlti.tlion of George l'hillip Mu-
uouvnu. utu aucoaue Con.ov.i, do.uoi ti.u uny
of Novv-Oriuans, nuuu aud sworn to ou tue lbut
day 01 April, 1 akii
T.tat the e-aiu George Fillip Munoitvriorund Ju-
cob Lomova, uppiaise uiiu C0UsC<ei!huu»iy und
hon; vuiuo L.uptopuriy known nudut then nnu
aud uppa J’.i ouoi • uaiik s Arcade," in uie city ol
Noyv-u. teaits, ui a»x Uuuurea l'housuud iionurs,
-Tiie property under tliu appellation ol
“City Hotti oi “ii.M.op’sHotel," ui u.e saulc.ty
ot .SeW-U/teans, at t oat llaudrud uud TYvemy
|i3cMr!I , 8 C |V R -?Pl , ' ;c Snitif.
PftofLfH* ‘ l "l>poo Siinlf, lose
Bca H ), | Lanllonlainanulacturo. For
“ P0R ^^la^ooh E|
Tlic Wan About Towie
B y Cornelius Wcbbe, author ol Glunces or
Life, u Novel, in 2yols.
Nun Darrell, or the Gipsy Mother,by the author
of The Heiress, Merchant** Daughter, Prince and
tlic Pcdlur, Ac. 2 vols.
the Roy. John A
Christian Keepsake, edited by t
Clark/ with cbntributions by Monteoinery^ Rev.
uiarRiWHiiiioiiMiuiiiiuH'’ . v n. 1—
Tho*. Raffles Cuiitui h un, Rev. W. Jay,Bishop
Ives, Bishop Smith, Bishop poahe,and oUierem-
inentwriters, with 9 plates.
Religious Offering, edited by Miss C- II. Wa-
teriimu, with 10 cti.Tnivings- •
The Pearl, or AfTection’s Gift, with 0 eugra-
Tho Gem, with 7 engravings.
The G.ft, edited by Miss Leslio. 9 engravings.
The Literary Souveuir, edited by W. R. Bur
ton. Kl engravings. _ ....
The Violet, edited by Miss -Leslio 0 engra-
vings; ,,
The Poets of America,juustrJtM by one of nor
Painters, with numerous illustrations •
The Works of Lord Bacon, complete In avow.
8vo. Loudou edition. . . .
Gil Blus, translated by Smollett, m2 x ds. royal
3vo. illustrated by Jean Gigou, witli u/ wards of
bOO engravings. London.
The Curiosities of Literature, by D Israeli, 1st
und 2d series, complete in I \ol. Lorn 10n-
Vire. r , ^ KUCHB,
®*gnol the Golden Globe,
—^Upbosite the Market.'
lc by ttjube Paste, received and
Thousuuu jJo liis."
Tliu''Deeds ot t..e Properly and the Stock traus-
In iv Jai trani o mu L oimius-ioiic-rs uppoaivd
by U.o sa.U Ac. 01 Uu LugiMuiUie 011 io.uia,ior
lliu security oi uie Ptize Homers.
npiCiKtia suacutut
1 Prize—Tau Arcaue—4t\i lout, o incites, 4 lines,
onMugttEiilu-«Uuui; lUliFei, li meues, uu
- Nalcauz-stiuut; feel, u fucties, on Uiu-
viui-suuut. Homed ui about ,000 pur
uuiiuiu. liohars.
\ ultiud nt 7UU,0UU
1 Prize—City Hotel—102feeton Com-
mon-strum, l4u luet, d, ou
Lamp-suruut. iUuiedul ,?«io,000.
V altiuu at
1 Piizo—jjwetling Iku e, (udjoming
tue Ai cade; i>o. JU—*4 leot, 7 ill-
cues irom, on .ViWiiuz-Mtreut. item-
Ud Ut ^1,-vJJ. V allied Ul
1 Prize—Ditto (udjOtaiug lliu ArCiide,)
No. 1-2—&> feu* from on*
st.uui, AveuiuUat^l,zoO- Valued
1 Prtze—Ditto—No. 23, uortl.eust cor-
ncr-of lE.s.n auu Custou HousC-st.
40 fuel hoik ou Uathu, ami 40 fiuet
on * raukim-<uuut,oy J27 feet deep
011 LUMoui Hotisu-suvul. ituiuud
at$i,5jd. Valued ut
1 Prize—uitlo—No, z4r soutwestcor
ner of Basin un i House*
street; dulcet,7 mcUe« on Dusiu,
32iuut, 4 iiici.usou Fiunkl.n, lz7
feet,10 , tnctiusdeopui f.ont 01 Cus
tom Ilouze st. lL.-n.ed ut ^r,o00.
V.iluud ai
1 p r i , t —Duio—No. 339,24 feci, 3 in- un lioyul-itivet, by 12/ leet, 11
inui.os deep. Ketuod ut $i,4Ud.
Valued at
1 Prize—260 Shores Canal Bank Stock
$J(lO OmCII,
1 Dido—200 do. Com. do. do.
] Diito—loft do. Meciittuica’ und Tra
ders’ do. uo.
1 Diuo—iUOuo. City Bank do. do.
1 Ditto—it-Ouo. do. do. do. do.
] Ditto—ItOtio. do. do. do. do.
1 Ditto—Ol) do. Exchange Hank do. do.
1 Ditto—UI) do. do. do. do. do.
1 Ditto—75 do. Gus Light Bank do. do,
1 Ditto—2o do. do. do do. d«- do.
1 Ditto—13 do. Machin.cs’ und Tra
ders’ tto. do.
1 Ditio—15 do. do. do. do.
JO Do.—each JO share.-, of tho Louisiana
Statu Bank, tfiUO each, each prize
10 Do.—each 2 sliures of $100 t*h,
each pnzu $201), of tho Gus Light
200 Do.—each J sliurc of $100, of tho
Bank of Louisiana,
200 Do.—otic a 1-share of $100, of tho
150 Do.—each 1 slinrc of $100, of tho
Union Buuk of Florida,
wife Of.l’"'"''''."—loo.nrKitick.t,. from 11„
imMmi. will liu put In am wiH-ol. nttrt 5ri-l nrt» »
" . ' “. bluuk., m nnalhcr. To uv.-rv mMlor n
pnzo orbl ink will be drawn, lin'd all die prize,
are determined, leaving Uio balaneo or nmiibcre
111 Ilia wheel III ink..
KTTo F.iiitoiis .tin Punr.MiiEa,.—Ilivinere-
coivodNcvv.p iprre con', linlrr the above Sebeine,
Irom riventy-two Shte. and Ten-ilorkw, he.ide.
.i-veral of Uio Province. w« are •tillxfied
wiili Uio circnlatiim. and Uierefore reipie-i Uiat
-ncli paper, as have not. n|i in liii. lima, in-erted
Uio .adveHite-iiieiit, will lie plea«d tad to do so,
and that ull Ilia iithor papers will in.ert it onen a
week only, tmlil the 1st of Dccciiiher, mid lor-
ward us their accounts.
150 llroadw.v; Now-Yolk.
JtilfW 1511
4 Stvtiltu’s Piititicon.
8 the in onipar.mce ciu l luxury .ol tho ago are
Imsteiiiiiit the ravages of seoilnitie com
immL planus, and rendering the hluoil mure impure and
os t.iuii. in Is have destroyed their con-million.
hy nephcting to apply the proper remedies lo
itch. Swann. Panacea umsi he and jiisln-cn
uoro thm I.'oidily yuluahlo aa a certain and all'oo-
t Ml iiieau - of fj ,<: oriuj them topuiIuciho-iithuttJ
vigor. Fu»v lamilics uro wholly exempt from
scorbutic nllcciinn* which exhibit various symp-
unis, ns oruplionJ, lllcerations, dihih.v, low of
appttl'.o ami ilejeeiion, all arising limn iuipuie
h ood, and if not properly atteuded to. produce,
die crcnli-.t injury lo tho coUaUluUon, and may
lie imp irted lo Ilnur bD,priug, bwnim's Pan; •
can is reconmieii led ut this .v-ason oi lliu year, as
an invaluable resioratrio of die system, Uiorcby
invigorating the con.mnliun end eiuhling ns to
h.-nr the debilit iniig uiVoci. of the aiiimiieraeiiion.
Il IS conveyed by the circulating fluid., und cor-
reel, their teudcticy to ell those dire ise. widen
origin Uu in u vitiated blood, diseusud liver, du-
nmyeil appetite, or prodrinoiijon to office'ion of
thu litmus. iVc. No ouu, nowuver, is mlvikcd to
u<e it without convincing themselves oftlio ituih
ofwlnt is here stited.
This medicine is now used with success in n!J
parts ofiho world, und is gaining great reputation
in England.
From Dr. Valentine Mott.
Pmftaor of Surgery in tho Uiiivemity of New-
Y«rk. Surgeon ol the N. York Hospiuil.A c.
I h ivu rope np.lly used Bwaiiu's Pun coa both
tn t!is Hospital and in private practice, und have
a'way* found it to lie a vnhmMe iu chi on-
c. svphditic. and scrofulous couipmiuts, nnd in
fbst.n itu cu umoiiH affiect : ons.
From the Y*nrious impos lions which have been
nrncii<ut! by adulteration. Ac. even to ti e extent
of perjury, for the purpose of imitating Uio medi
cine. Is sufficient to prove it* u.liu tuv in tiie dis-
eascsin wliichit ha< bm>usufficiently pioven to
ivivecured. Ui» nnnccusMiry to wiy furtlHir iu
relat'on to this Pan »rea. Other than to 0 union the
pu lie* 11st to del jteiios mix’ Kswiiclilnvo
iM'on tn.ide to impose ii| 011 t .e i.uontnL The
•ietittine article cm always ho found ai the More
oftlio subscriber, who is the sole agent lor this
State. A. PARSONS, DruzirLt
nov 8 220
From lliu Pennsylvania Inquirer, of May 3,18*31.
Uowtttitl’B Twsiic mixture.
M L EDITOR—Much as t'10 powers oft'.i'a
favorite remedy havo been ex.oiled,*
not omit th : s opportunity of declaring my decided
conviction tli it every account of tho sanative vir
tues of tho Mixture will bo vended to tho full ex
tent. Whatever he the character o "the complaint
—whether unequal tertian—doublo or simple
purlin—however varied lie its type, attended
with syncope, apoplexy, vehement spasms, xvitti
cohlnc w and stupor—whatever its thir‘ili*m. whe
ther ve mil or autumn d. laying the fouii'Ltion for
visceral affections, and other slow but unerringly
fatal iindadies—however irregular in. their inva
sion. nml uncommon in their appearanc e—in
line, wlntcver lie the a*ro. i licMvncru.w, 01 l.ab ts
of tiie patient, tho complaint aj.ko bids adieu on
the due administration of lliu Tonic Mixture.—
This is no high-wrought panegyric for ti.o exper
iment. I speak only from what I posit ve'y know
—^however fltcet«hl other preparitioiM may
!iavc been, there can be li'.tle reliance placed upon
timni wlion comparad with tliis nrticlo. By strict-
Iv following tlm directions that accompany the
bottle, we find it acts upon the most scientific
principle—for, it seems to autiejm'e tho return
oftlio* old fit. and excites a *troug reiction, and
powerful glow over the whole system; and thus
to pro occupy the ground, nnd by d'sMrhtug the
regularity 'ofthe type, to subdue die intermittent
nltogctlior. Under such a course of medicine, 1
have boon astonished to notice with what haste
the disease heats alarm tor a retreat, and the pro«-
tinted strength of the system rallies, ft is a pow
erful. Y'et mild medicine—snlntituting cahniMf-,
tranquillitv.and balmy place of p lin.won-
rinoM, and restless nights—1 retiovatiou of long-
lo<t stretritli and robust heiilt.h, in lieu of feeble
ness mid emicintion. And I confideii Jy be'.icve,
and I predii ate my opinion upon tliu most sub
stantial proof, that under whatfivor sky—in what
ever corner of the earth—whether upon hill or
valley, wherever fever nnd ague makes its appear-
.nice, there -also will “RoYvand's Tonic Mixture’’
find its way—tho happy desideratum, the perfect
antidote. N. LEE, M. D.
ttTT’Ono of tho best recommendations that can
he given this medicine is tho following:—Physi-
ci.imliving in Fever and Ague districts, who have
20,000 become ac.i'tainted with its effienry. arc in Uie
‘ habit of ordering it to be used in their own pruc-
White IsGAdt Ac-
“I ifirh KEGc) superior English WhUo Ijuil
IUU 200 do do Amcrjcun No. 1 &2
1) bbls English I.inscod Qil
1) do do Chulk
.10 do do ( Whiting
5 do Alum, 6 do Salt Petre
Just received per Savannah und Coromando,
nnd for sale by
RAO Prizes. Sl,A00,000
(0* It shall be at the option 01 tno winners or
Prizes of Bank Stocks, cither to take the Stock
itself, or the par value thereof in cash. -
The rrcc'ptsof the sale of thoT ckotsnre, and
will bo, deposited in the Citizens , Consolidated,
Canal, Union und Carrollton Banks, in the nmne
of the Managers jointly, witli J. 13. Pcmiult,Lsq.
I.c Cordial dc latrine—On l’Elix*
, ir do I'Ainoar.
r piIE iiilmcrilmr Ium tlm rlo.nure of ni-.tintihc-
.1. mg to till! c'llizuiw of Uiu United 8ui!c<, I! u
III! tins purdiued, for n verv liircc mini and troir
uie mvciitor, the celehruled Dr. Alagnin, of Paris
Uiu rccipo anil rlt-lit lor mxkinj! liii. nilonixlilii
inua.ciua. Until Urn appeiiranco ol' Uio "Lnoim
Cordial," (about Uireu rcare«iiicu)it wol tliim-l,
Uiat tho complainu Wlltcb it npecjiiy overtomu.
were buyoiri Uio reach of Imimiii remedy, a, 5n
lipivard. of a thousand ycure, they liml huillid II,.
wisdom uud inxemiiiy of tho mostnrblbtltad p.'i\
siciau. III ull parts of Uie world. Thi. CoWia' 1 ,
however, to thu great udvauhige of the hi
race, . 0011 proved ilself lo he the dusidenttimi .u
loilgioujjUtfori and accordingly, nnlwithstaiidiii
the hnej period of its existence, il has actpiired!
celelmly so greot, Uiat it i. eagerly sought lo,
throughout toecivilized glolic. l>r. Magnin soon
limliug that thu demand wus so vast ns to render
a supply impossible, disposed oftlio recipe am,
right ot .lie, under obligations of secrecy, lor amI thu United 8uites, and oilier coun
tries, only preserving France ami Italy for himself.
1 bus luis thu subscriber possesrd himself or tlic
1UV|UU.I0|« secret. uuJ now hastens to yivc Uie in
habitants of Ills lute of agency uiu benefits of his
"iai Cordial dq Lucille,” or, in Fneli.h, “the
Lucan Car dul,'; is eg. naral mvigoralu'rorthchu-
mail irainc. in ull thu various cases of lunguor,
lassitude and debilitation, it is un utl&llingrnftq.
dy, ai it is uqdally ils province 10 impart cheers
tailless and ducis.ou lo liu mind, us heulth uud vi
gor to the body, liut die peculiar virtue on which
its celebrity is lined, is the facility, and certainly
with which li res ores lliu virile pmvi'rs when lliey
have bceu destroyed by disease, trine, reckless
miss, or any of ti.u numerous causes which termi
nate ill the pronrulioii of those functions.
lit common wit!, the generality of really good
medicines, rids Cordial contains nothing of u iiicr-
curi il or deleterious nature, among tho many in-
gradients which compose it; but is, ut the same
lime, so simple, yel so elllcaeimis, that while It cun'
renovate the prostrated energies of a giant, an in.
him may use It, not only with impunity, hut with
The usages of society nro iinfiortiinatelv such
that, notwithstanding tho benefits which would lie
sure lo result limn it, wo cannot enter into uiiuii-
alysisor tliis inestimable Cordial here, or piihli.h
many of ilia documents wliich have been receiv
ed, us vouchers of the blessings it has conferred ou
numbers of despairing individuals; Rut tliis we
cannot forbear remarking—that it luis lieeii de
monstrated that there is .cuicely ever, if nnv such
thing at all, us n itiiral barieiiness, or as natural
imbecility of lliu pi oercnm li.actions in either sex;
nod. therelbro, tlm, those evils are the .Abets of
artificial causes,and maybe speedily subdued mi l
removed by Ilia use of "Le Cordial de Lucille."
The l'.ttcina Cordial is also an iiiduhiiahle cure
lor the (ileal, alld lliu 1-hlor Alims, obstructed,
didicult or painful .Menstruation; also, for iho
incontinence of Urine or tho involuntary dia.
charge thereof. It is likewise an invaluable mid
imr vailed medicine iu cases of Chrome I rnip-
lidhsql the skin, arid in the dropsical airections
oi Uieugcd.
.Mos. important to llio American Public.
"ho United .States prourielor ol’ tn*.>
..u.xtiuiuiait or i.iLXir 01 Love, uegs to kiy be
fore the community, tbe following cemicate,
which be ii is received from the inventor, me illus
trious Dr. M.tgnin, ol l’aiist
"This is to ccrtiiy. Uiat I huvo disposed of the
recipe for making the Lucia 1 Cordmi. or I lixirof
Love, mi l also the right to oell it throughout the
Uuited gtatesof NorthAaiorica, to Johii Winters
HoltlerwoiLM. D. Myreusousfor po doing is.
that llio ileintiuils to uie for tiie above Cordial, oi
which I. am the inventor, are so numerous, that 1
ninuimhle to supply all the orders from France ami
Ituljr uiuiiu; and have thurcfoiu disposed of the
privileges voncimicdln this uud other certific les
of a like ttmire, in o:der to generjlisethe benefits,
of my discovery tlirou^ijoju tiie world.
Given under my baud at Paris, on this nineteenth
day of Jumuiry ■ in theyuur of our Lord, eighteen
hundred und tliiriy-eight.
GaspurJ Dulliic,
William Merritt,
This liishly important medicine is for sale by
John \Ymtcfs iloldenvell, No. 129Liberty-street,
New-York; Charles B. Tyler, No. 70 Chesmit-st.
l’hiludelphiu; nml in Baltimore by Roberts & At*
y 1.j. * '■ •—
kiiifou.Jobn M. Laroque,-nnd («. : R. Tyler; in
Woshiii.'ton City by Tobias Wutkins nml Churlus
.Stott; iii Georgetown by O. M. Liiitlmctuu; in
Richmond by John Iv. Euslice; in Petersburg by
Braggs Thomas, nud Dupuy, Uoser &. Jones;
aiul iu Norfolk by M. A. Suiifosnnd B. Emerson;
and by John Woodiy, No. 05 Poydrus-st. Nuyv-
It cun olso be found at all the principal Drug
Stores in Soutii-Carolinn. and in Augusta, by Hu-
viland, llislcy & Co., Thomas Barrett & Co. und
Nelson Curler; uml in &uvminali by
Price $3 per bottle, with full directions.
aug 5 1G4—ly
From tho Harrisburg Intelligencer of June. 1333.
Mr. Wyeth—Having long been afflicted in my
fimily with Fever nnd Ague, and huvuig-tr'ed ev
ery mentis to get rid of it without avail. I at leiigth
met with your advertisement of Royvqii I’s genii'
ine Tonic Mixture, which 1 determined to try.
After using it, my wife wus entirely restored to
health, bavins suffered for fifteen months from tho
debilitating effects of Fever and Ague, und is now
as hearty and stout us she ever was.
Ilurrjsbiirg. May 22,1833.
A largo supply of the above valuable medicine
just received from the Manufacturer, and for sale
wholesale or retail by
Sign oftlio Golden Globe,
nov 1*2 Opposite the Market.
dnrdcii Needs, Crop 1839.
VOUCHER & LA ROCIIE is, and will 10
ceivo in a few days, a large assortment of
Vegetable, Flower and Bird Seed, the crop of
1839. Also, in daily expectancy, a beautiful arti
cle called tho Chinese Tree Coni. Tho above
Seed \-i warranted to produce large vegetable* aud
fine .flavor. Planters nnd otlnrs are invited to
call and examine for themselves. All of which
will be sold low for cash or city acceptances.
Sign of tho Golden Globe,
nnv 4 Opposite tho Market.
Tooth Wash,
C HLORINE, Oris and kreovaj lootn Wash.
highly recommended for whitening the teeth,
nitrifying the -breath and imparting a healthy ap
pearance to the gums. Just received, per Wil
son Fuller, and for snle by
Forjlto Toilet.
UMEltY 1
irowii, English d__.
Cassiinere.—Drab; 1
4 ilinels—Blue, tlfnl,
SiHnendore—Ehsiir ami kniltod, w
Hosiery— Lninlia Wool, Vigonia,,
eil Coiltin.
aiovog—Colored mid wliito lies! in,
Silk and lleuver
Umbrella::—Silkand Cotten.
dtocks—Satin, and BoniLa-in, tvitli bow. and
Crnvnie—Plaek Italian arid fuUey coiored. Also,
Merino Skirts.
Brushes—Cloth, hnir, noil and tooth.
Handkerchief-;—White Silk, plain, red and figui’
od. Just deceived, add for icdn by
oct 22 No. 2 Shad’s Buildings.
Stwncnderfi, Siispcndfiri.
rjiUE suhscriher hus iioyv (m hand,a very large
assortment of Snspendeni, vizt Superior
-'Vnstic Silk Net, do Gum Fhistic, do Buckskin-
do, J'xtra Silk Elnsflc aud Cotton! all of whichi are
olfored nf his usual low price,
uovil G. S, NICHOLS, Market Squtra.
jlcrino Under Shim & Drawers.
riilllundersimied has a full supply of Under
J. .Shirts and Drawers, which will be sold low
lor cash. G.’S. NICUOLS, .
nov 11 Market Square,
I.iucn nni| Cotton Shirta.
J UST opened, a complete assortment of ready
made Shirts, viz: Superior Irish Linen do.
1 Liii,. I . . i _ l, , m, .
CoUon witli linen bosoms, do French Gingham,
xyarraiiied not to fade; do Boston Prints. andTEng
lish twilled, which will he sold at a small profit,by
nov 11 G. S. NICHOLS, Markut Square.
H W. II. S N. ltoRcrn,
Ay E just received per recent arrivals from
N. York, nearly their full supply of French,
German,'Italian and English Funcy Dry Goods,
h and Cadi
English Funcy Dry Goods,
*mong which nro tho following articles, viz:
Ladies rich Plash and Silk French Shawls
Do. colored und bluck Ostrich and Cashmere
1 case fitiefd Florence Braid Bonnet*
1 do. Miper.'Irish Linens t
15 cartoon* Paris emb. Capes and Collar*
:39 pieces W.ioli Bfirnde and plain Quilling*
6 do. Weir Grode Lyons I^ice
25 do. Thread Edgiiigs nnd Inscrtinga
10 do. Vulcncinc do. do. und* Beading*
20 do. 4-4 and 54 Wash, Spot, Square and IN
hni<m Blonde
'French worked Cutis, Blonde Veils and Paris
Bands -
Chantilla Veils, Eng. Collars and Ttvist Shawl*
Mohair Nett*, Bug* nud Scnrls -
AI ll-tlili Pnrirt einlt’il .llinu'li J J a
Mud in Puris cmlrd Shawls, 44 nndfM
Black Luco do. do. N2 and 44
Cnps,'s Waists, French Flower* and
French; English and American Print*
Chilly*, Mous. do Lnincs, Velvet* uml Silk*
Tartan, Uoh Roy nnd Kahyle Shawls
Bonnet, Belt nml Cap Ribbons
Ermine and Fur Collars
Silk, Worsted and Cottou Hose.
!i side 1
oct 31
South side Market Sqnare.
Patent nietliditeN.
opodeldoc, Tt **
Received uud for sale wholesale and retail, ouac<
coiiimodutiug terms by
Corner of Broughtou & Whitaker street*,
nov 10 Opposite the Mansion House.
NiHiilantfl Riiiniuc, &Ci
i?A OZS. Sulphate Uuinino
10 do do Morphine
1 case I lake Manna
1 do Sontia, 1 do Hlnihnrb, 1 do m
Received nud for sale on accommodating 1
by JOHN E. ST1LWF* *
Corner of Broughton nud Whitaker
uovlO Opposite tho Mansion
b* •• *nr *
P RENTISS' extract of Rose, Musk, Jessa
mine ami Bergamot
Do. fine and sttnernne Toilet PoYvder.Roso scent
Edo’s sup. Musk and Rose Persian Scent Bags
Genuine Russian Bears Oil
Rowland's Macasar Oil
Oldridge’s Balsam of Columbia
Pomade u la Rose, Savin, Jassamino, Orange und
other Odours, in pots und rolls
Coggershall’s sn’r Connossiers Soap
Palmer’s sup’r Cream de Savon Rings
Siip’r Verbena Cream, a delightful article for
Lowe’s ce!c!irated Shaving Soaps
Prentiss’ variegated Soaps, suitable for the tablet
Powder Puffs and Boxes of the latest patterns
Cologne. Luvendcrntid Rose Waters, of vuiious
manufacture and assorted patterns
Espirit dc Rose, Cold Cream, Lip Salve
Otto of Roses, sup’r Rose, Cinnamon and AN
iiioikI Soaps, in bars
CutGlj-** Bottles, a large variety
Fine und course Tooth Combs
Nail, Tooth and Clothes Brushes
Vignette, Napoleon. Mudammonselle, Victoria
mul GIubs Buck Hair Brushes, of excellent
Pocket Bo ok 8, Scissors, Razors and Razor
Glenu’s Indian Dye, Vinegnr Rouge
MUk of Roses, Orange FloY\*er \Vuter
Oil Citron Flowers, Shaving Brashes
Salt of Leiuou and Roses, in Eng. cut glass bot
tles, Amoniac Vinegar
And other article* in the Perfumery line, for
sale wholesale or retail on accommodating terms,
Sigqof the Golden Globe,
oct 15 Opposite the Murket.
‘Tim true ricliosot' life i» lioaltli.^
W E know thut health and Die ability to labof
COrirtituUjftlhe wealth of tiie great mass of
toe people in Cos, us in meat other countries. To
preserver, then miu, timt ficultii hy natural.means
is u 4 rand moraiundpulii .cal " I’ullii which
requires our, utmost attviiUou. Thu unprece^
dented popularity and universulupprobation which
this medicine has achieved throughout the United
States, the Ciumdas. Texas, Mcxicoiuul tfiu West
ludics, Fully justify pr. Peters in warmly and con-
sclent.oiifly recouunenduig them to Uie specialet*
teut on of the ulllicted.
Dr. Puturs lias i.iientuiuch time in experiment
ing with different Vegetable Medicines tor disco**
cs of the liver, und now oilers his Vegetable Puis
as the best, most convenient and cheapest Medi
cine that can he nrepured for geuorul use.
One great quality or his Vegetable Pills is that
they have tiie alternative principle combined with
their car tliartic, or operative qualities, or tliat they
uol only cleanse the stomach and bowels by pur^
ging, Imt they regulate tlic liver, change tliu uior«
bid sccretiou, strengthen the digestive organs. pu*
rify the blood, iuvigorate thu circulation,and givee
tone and energy to the nervous system.
They are imld and pleusaut iu tliolr operation
and convey uhuost immediate conviction of their
utility from their first dose. They con be taken
with safety hy persons of utiy age; und the feeble,
tho infirm, the nervous uud deheute are strength
ened hy their operation, because they clear the
system of bad humors, quiet uervous irritability,
and iuvariukly produce sound health.
The Vegetable Pills are a sure remedy.for jaun« ,
dice, sick und uervous headache, dyspepsy, con-
tiveuess, sickness of the stomuch, heartburn, all
bilious complaints, fevers of ull kinds, and if taken
at tho commencement will invariably check Uieii’
progress, und save the patient from a protracted •
and dangerous sickness. They ure iuvoluablo in
neivousund hypocondricnl affections, loss of ap
petite, uud ull complaints to which female* alone
ure subject. They operate us a mild speedy purge,
and are a safe uud certain remedy for worm* in
Extract of a letter from Dr. Gurney, of New-*
Orleans,La.Oct. 9,1837.—"lliavo received much
assistuuce in my practice; especially in jaundice
and yellow fever; from tliu use of Peters 1 Pills* I
presume Uiat, on un average, 1 prescribe 100 box
es per mouth.” .
Extract of a letter from Dr. Pritchurd, of Iiud*
SlistKci’s’ Herbs.
I LAN DING from ship Gaston, a full supply
J of Shakers’'Herbs, comprisingCntnip.Fox-
glove Hnrchouud, Snge,Pennyroyal,Thorough-
wort, Liverwort, Bonesef. 1 Thyme, Mint, Worm
wood, Worinsoed, Elder Flowers/Slippery Elm,
&c. in 10 oz. 80/.. aiicl 1 oz. packages, suitable
for funiilius uud country merchants. Foi* sale by
Sign of tho Golden Globe,
oct 15 Opposite the Market.
son, New-York, June3,1830.—"I wasuware that
Dr. Peters was ouu of the best chemist* in the U.
States, and felt ussured thut he would some day -
(from his iuliiuuto knowledge of the properties of
herbs and drugs) produce uu efficient medicine*
and I must acknowledge that his Vegetable Pills
fully respond to my expectation. They are, in
deed, a superior medicine and reflect alike upon
the chemist, the physician, aud tho phylosopher."
Extract of u letter from Dr. Waines, of Cin*
cinnati, Feb. 2,18J18.—"YourPills lire the mildest
in their operations, and yet mott-powerliil in their .
effects, of any I have ever mot with in my prac
tice of eight »nd twenty yeurs. Their actibn on
Urn chyle, uud hence on the tin purities of theblolxl
is evidently very surprising."
Charlotte, N. C. Jafl. 1,1837;
Dear Sir—lliavo mude frequent use of youf
Pills iu the incipient stage of bilious fever, and ob« j
stinutu constipation of tliu bowels; ulso, in the en
largement of the spleen, chronic diseases Of the •*
liver, sick headache, general debility, aiid iu ull ca^
ses have found them to be very effective.
J. D. Boyo, Mi D4
Mecklenburo Co. Va< Febi 7,1837.
Having used Dr. Peters’ Pills in my practice fbr
the last 12 mouths, I take pleasure iu giving my
testimony of their good effects in cases of dys*
pepsin, sick headache, bilious fevers, and Other
discuses, produced by^ inactivity of the liver*—*. ’ 1
They are a safe and mildirporicnt, being tlie.bost'
article of the kind I have ever used. '
Georoe C.'Scott, Mi D*
This celebrated Medicine is for sale by nil the
principal Druggists in Savannah and throughout
the United States, the Canadas, Texas, Mexico,
und the West Indies. Price 50 cens per box, with
full directions. fl
uug5 101-rJy