Newspaper Page Text
hpublished in Iht
Jbiiics Clfiand,
per annum. payable in
I 1 *' . Qf lor r-r. Monlll^.
■"'^lVMVcokly “ Hir|Mil>lirsm,»
1,1 . Pic, (Monday, Wed
nlliec oftho 11 Daily
1 the intelligence
TubiSei ill POPWi'M
1 iMVi: DOLLARS porminum,
r-■ for fix months.
” al 1
the usual rates,
-t, ami Thiriy*
lion after, pur
All A(lvoril«oroB" to P ,1 ”Wj
« Ij"!:acL CUatio 11 j.> the Clcrla ofths Cour/.
n'r liinrv. Unit application li i< been mule far
n f A dm inistrali cro. taft.t be
“untTY DATS .it least.
v.ln bv F.xocutors nnd U fiir
& "'"'^rf^vwT''• ks 1 t " 0,r “ ccom ' ta
EuSHfWw** bf Exocntor. nnd Admiiiis- pubic on tho Dr.tT.iM.
,l0 DL ii.eutl>, between tho usual hour, of
&«Swt» Si,Ice in I ,-amity
£ t ieitere Tests,u.mhrv, ofAdmmlstrJ
Ilinirdiunahil, may have (.con granted, firet
n'tv. iin'ii ii tin*innI' Ll one of lb,.
Abe znzettos of thia.Stito, nnd at tiio doorcr
‘ where «uch sale. uro to bn
Xcw Gooi’n
T Jil’. ■ nlj.irilirrliiL-1, t:t dnudriot. vpiungi'
Loin hriji Snvimii. il onil si.ip Colin, n l. r^e
anil extensive nssortn.cnt of in!tvc.t i tyle of fan
cy tint! Staple Good., con .-is ting in pin t of d.c foil
Unvmz articles, vie t
100 pieces Cordovn Kerseys
No. 90S—Vo!. XXXVI,]
[Whole Xo.—-97,03.1
Lies for leave to .oil Ncifetos, must he pith,
id fur four months, boforo mw ordor absolute
„n he inndo thereupon by the .Court.
SiluofRcnt Katatehy RxecUWrs, Adinmwtrii
m Kdinns. nnistbe pnh)shod SIXTY
*Vs before tbo day of Mile. ’J hfeo snlesimist
indent dm Court House door of tho County
which the prnporty is sititnte. iiiul on the first
" « ho Mouth.botwcon tin. hours often In
n.nniiiu and four in tho oilornoon. No sale
r.l.™ !o d.,y is valid, unless so expressed in
Anp'licniienshv'f'XCcntcr., Administrators mid
fe;ii. c ;3i3S«ffissss“
Sales of personal proporty (except negroes)
,'testate mid intestate estates by Lxecutors mid
Cn'utrators uinst ho advertised FOUTY
livfij • * ' .
Applications by Executor, and Adminisirajors
r litters IJismissory, must ho imbitshcd SIX
Abniicationsfor ibroclontra of Mortgages on
•alestntc must lie advortisod ouco a month for
Orders of the CourtofOrdnlnry, (accoinpnnt
iritiin copy of die bond iof amoBiontJ to
Ac titles to laud must ho advertised Ttlaan
Emnat least. . . , ,
SherJTssaleinndor cxeciHtons regularly grant-
I by the Courts! must ho advortisod T UlRTY
Uyd—finder mortgage executions SIXTi
AA'd—Sales ofperisiiuhlo property under or-
mfCoim.uniHtbe advert wed, generally, TEN
AYS before tho day of wile. -
All Advertisements will bo punctually attended
* All Letters directed to this Oflico or the
Ijtor, must be post paid, to ohtitle them to at-
Irtiou. “ .. '•
garden Seeds,
HUE Bubscriber has just' received per brig
. Madison, his supply of fresh Gurdcn Seeds,
ranted to be of best Quality? and the growth of
leans, kidney, half moon and Valentine; Beet
lyTurnip, blood, white, Scarcity and Mange
[ortzel; Cabbage, early York, Buttersen, Drum-
[id, Bergen and red Dutch; Carrot, early horn,
Li long orange; Cucumbers enrly framed, long
Jen ami prickly; Lettuce, early ice and loiif
leu; Mellon, Citron, Pine Apple, Nutmeg mu
llltnani; early Cauliflower; Onion, silver skill’d,
land white Portugal; Okra, curled Parsley,
•per,long sweet Spanish Pease, Dwarf, Mar
lin, Clmrlton, Ditto Inmerinls, Washington,
Ihop’sProlific and Tall Marrowfut; Itadish,)ong
Irlet, short top’d do,white turnip do,early frmn-
Liitl black fall; Squash, early hush and long
|ck necked; Salsify, Tdnia oos; Turnip, early
i, large flat Globe und Rutabago; Pepnci
is*, Water Cress, white and red Clover, Lu
me Grass, &c. For snle by
bwluiul’s Fulmonnvia, or Vc-
Kdnblc Demulcent.
cnse9 of obstinate Catarrh; in Coughs,
whether urisiug from recent or neglected colds;
Itthuat and as an auxiliary and means of pro-
ypbef IVoin tho threatening symptoms of ap<
Irl'lPuinionaty Consumption, no medicine
fg *‘' ,:, nsnpon the confidence of the in-
e medicine
l\ nn?!i ??® ,ct ‘ ve n»d troublesome symp-
l\ lillLo ilillt — -- 11 -----
I s jTu expectoration or phlegm, pain
iJJg which constitute prominent fea-
oo H«*tomplaint, thut the Piilmonaria was
jftctl, and hasinuuifosteditsmp8t valuable pro
lix equally useful of course in the relief of
W n, ji c °lds, arising from sudden changes of
itner, from wearing damp linen, &c.
1 may 23
l,S® r Itcsloring the Hair.
rub Lnsadn Oil is so denominated, because it
1 uccinposed of vegetable ingredients,aud its
pc* ore pre-eminently displayell in.tlie follow-
pexpecLs: It possesses properties of the most
irions imture, which ermHcutns die scurf nnd
Ppuritics ohhc jiourishes the hair and
| jits in falling oil’ and lessens tho liability of
In, l gr(! r v; 8tren gthcns tlio weakest hair,
■promices n luxuriant growth; gives a vigor
|l. ,r "bmluoon produces an inimitably nat-
run, and prevents its falling out in a damp
K «!. re ’ d,,rin lf exercise; rendors tho iiuir
or artificial, hcantilnlly soft ami
Cl."' 8 nn ^estimable gloss and plcas-
Kw? 0 lo trcsHCH—in fine, renders the
|^®r; r “ , . Hce, *daiUly heantiful, projnotes the
i '"J'lskew, eyo brows, tmutnehes, &c,
8 . T aflccts arc. strikingly benefi
lnnRfw ict !y innoxious,:and- may wuli safety
iff 11 *o the youngest i - * ’*
Hniron •” *" e y®» n «e«l infant; it eradicates the
L l J lcr « ,1, l superior to combs, soaps, &c.;
Iitdinn p en . 8nnt 10 die jnfiint, gradually
Kimi.w . r , nnd augments its growth so
l*inn„ n b , Dawt .‘ ful imnd of hair. Preserves
TLmsil * violoiit exercise, and is
L | e,lt ut, lity for persous travelling liy sen
Em . P i rv ? 8 tbe 1‘air, rendering it peculiarly
• on a i n . ,w ?y* dressed, 1ms wonderful ef-
lil ! r ni hot or cold climates, nnd is
s'> estimation by distinguished persons
\ »y ^ Brandy Peaches.
i m i c « r n»nl Jolly^ft do Brandy Poach-
le Jy’ J1181 received per brig Lumnr, and
and retail by tho Proprietor,
lee75 P - wl , . Savannah, Gn.
'^cents per bottle. nov26
lfri, ’Tootl ur f f s p 8l U>ply of Chlorine and
Eteeth i! forclonnmgand nreaerv-
' ' deceived and for sale by
J*. grandest ornament belonging to the human
trnmo. How strangely the loss of it changes tho
countonance and prematurely brings on tho up-
puarance ol old ago, which cuusos many to recoil
at being uncovered, and sometimes even to shun
society to avoid the jests nnd sneers of their nc-
qimintnticc; the remainder of their lives uro con
sequently spent iu retirement. In short,not oven
tho loss of property fills tho generous thinking
voutli with thnt .heavy sinking gloom as does tho
loss of lus hair. To avert ull these unpleasant
circumstances,Olffridgc’s Balm of Columbia stops
the Imir from fulling otl’on the first application and
a few bottles restores it again. It likewise produ
ces eyebrows and whiskers; prevents tho hair
ftom turning grey, makes it curl beautifully, nnd
trees it from scurf. Numerous certificates of the
first respectability in support of the virtues ofOl-
drulgC’s Balm, are shown by the proprietors.
(CFRoad the following:
Robert Wharton, Esq. late Mayor of Philadel
phia, has certified, as limy ho seen below, to the
high character of the following gentlemen.
The undersigned do hereby certify tlmt we have
used the Balm of Coipmbia discovered by J. 01-
dridge, und have found it highly serviceable not
only ns a preventive against the falling off of hair,
but ulso a certain restorative.
Methodist Minister in St. George charge.
No. 80 North Fifth-street.
JOHN P. INGLIS, *.WI Arch-street.
JOHN D. THOMAS,M. D. 103 Uace-st.
JOHN S. FUREY, 101 Spruce-st.
HUGH McCURDY, 243 South7th st.
JOHN GAUD, Jr. 123 Arch-st.
The aged, aud those who persist in wearing
wigs, may not always experience its restorative
a nilities, yet it will certainly raise its virtues in
10 estimation of the public, when it is known that
three of the above signers are more than 50 years
of age, and the others not less than 30.
[From the Mayor.]
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ?
City of Philadelphia, j
I, Robert Wharton, Mayor of said city of Phil-
ndclphin, do hereby certify that I am well acquaint
od with Messrs. J. P. Inglis, John S. Ftirey, and
Hugh McCurdy, whose names are signed to the
above certificate, that they are gentlemen of char
acter and respectability, nnd as such ftfll credit
should he given to the said certificate.
In witness whereof, I Iiavo hereunto sot my hand,
: [L. S.] and caused Uio seal oftho city to ho uf-
fixod, this sixth day of December, &c.
Caution.—Obsorvo thnt each bottle of the gen
uine Balm hns a splendid engraved wrapper, on
which is represented the Fulls of Niagara, the A-
gent’s name-, &c.
•A fresh supply received nnd for wile by
T ^o!lt>>'s ElmlloiiKc.
Ill'. Genuine FRENCH 1’ILLSngnimtnll
the QUACK NOSTRUMS of ffingo for
uio cure ot * » « « « e .
The French Pill, nrc npplicnble to nllcnsos, for
cither sox, (warranted free from mercury,) and
poMoiise, grontiulvnnmite.'. over the Dnluam.itfci
'['eJiciiK,. by being entirely I'roo from
» nnileorncqnenily rtonot effect the broath,
Beside, this important udvniilsgcllicy never dis-
ngreo with the stomach, und in the first singes of
£S?n»?? 0 . ll >oy usually eil'cct n euro in u low duys,
with littlo regard to diet or exposure.
. I? 0 " 10, «'iiinte stages of tlio disease, they
ere equally certain, having cured many odor every
oilier remedy had tailed. If, short, they Imvoheoii
so universally successful, that that tho proprietor
challenges any one to produce n remedy of equal
certainty, under n forfeiture of Three Hundred
Uollars. Forsiilo by
„ . .. T- H. & J. M. TURNER,
all Price $2 per box.
MI »S lfi4—ly
I Han Isoutssncciflc Ointment,
^ hecire of Whip. Swellings, Scrofulous
andolhcrtmnors, Ulcers, Sons Legs, oldand
iresh Wounds, Sprains and Bruises, Swellings
and Inflammations, Scald Head, Women’s Sore
RrenHiH, Uhemnrtlic Pains, Tetters, Eruptions,
Llnlh ims, Whillows, Biles, Corns and External
Diseases generally. _ It is likewise greatly superi-
ortoanymedteme heretoforo discovered for tho
chafed backs nnd limbs of horses; I'orriug worms,
chipped bps and in short, for every externalho-
ihly evil thnt limy full to the lot of moll or beast
For sule by
T. M. & J. M. TURNER.
Prtco 50 cents per box.
5 104—ly
Ncpttsboro Fcinnlc Institute.
1Yr«: “"“MRS. LUCIEN LATASTEinform
, '•** fl ,0 »r friends, that Ute above IiiRtitution will
he opened on Monday, the 13th of January,1840.
iney mvite their former patrons to renew their
support, assuring them,tlmt no effort will be spur-
oil to giVe satisfaction.
Their rates, fbra term of five months, will ho
as follows:
Rending, Writlngnnd Spcl-
'!»«■ , ,, 912 or $9 per month,
lor any period less than
one term
The above with Geography,tgld or $4 per month,
I he uhovewith History,
Grammar nnd Arithmetic,$ 18 or 4 J per month',
All tho higher branches of
English, $20 or $5 per month,
French, Spniush, and Lat-
in, each, ^20 or $5 per month,
Music,Piano or Guitar,each$2o or SG per month,
Uro oflnsmnnents, ^4
_ Board can ho obtained in the Borough. The
Prmeipal does not design taking any boarders.
Those desirous of further information will ad
dress us by letter nt Miliedgevillo.
flee 6 243eo\vr
Look at This.
T HE left hand halves of tlichillsnamed below,
were mailed to the address of the subscriber
on the Gth February last, ut Greenville Court
House, South- Carolina, by Wm. Choice, which
have not come to hand, and the probability is they
must he lost. The several Btmks are hereby noti
fied of my intention to make un application, after
due notice, for new notes on the return of tho right
hand halves, which are now in my possession.
#20 Bank of Augusta, No. 238, auted 3d Sept.
1836, letftfr A.
#20 Bank of Augusta, do. 170, do; 3d Oct. 1828,
letter B.
20 Biuik of Augusta, do. 890, do. 2d Jau. 1827,
lifter A.
20 Bunk Columbus, No. 852, dated 2d Feb. 1832,
letter II. b.
20 Bank Columbus, No.351, dated 1st Sept.1831
letter II. Ii.
20'Bank Columbus, No. 053, do. 9th Dec. 1830,
letter H. h.
20 Bauk Columbus, No. 1448, do. 1st Oct. 1829,
letter II.
20 Bank Columbus, No. 1200, do 1st Oct. 1829,
letter H.
20 Bunk Columbus, No. 2G2, do. 7th May, 183G,
letter H. h.
20 Bank Columbus, No. 12, dated 1st Jau 1830,
letter tom.
20 Central R. Road, No. 775, do. 3d June, 1836,
letter A.
20 Bank State of Georgia, No. 997, do. 1st Sept.
18 dim, letter A.
20 Battle Durien, No. 1078, do. 1st Dec. 1832, let
ter B. h.
20 Mechanics’ Bank Augusta,- No. 10, do. 5th
Dec, 1834, letter A.
50 Mechanics’ Bank Augusta, No. 63, dated 7th
April,'1835, letter B.
100 Mechanics’ Bank Augusta, No-59, dated 1st
A Ocsimhlc Offer.
T O RENT—The subscriber’s Store, on his
wharf, well adapted for a Ship Chnitdlbry
Grocery, or any business connected witlt ship
ping. It is needless for him to say titoro of this
advantageous offer to those who would desire to
embark 111 that line, as it is well known-to he one
of tho best in town.
The subscriber would also inform his friends
tlmt ho bus embarked in tho Steamboat business,
nnd his services, or those of his second son, John
F. Guilniartin, can he always hud at his wharf,
for those shipping, &c. by the Rtoamera Beaufort
District and tne Despatch, at all times.
N. B.—Also to rout, a spacious three story
House, heretofore known as “The Independent
Hotel,” fronting on the Bay, in East Broad street,
well adapted for a Boarding House, with a Ten
Pin Alley, Bar, &c. attached, nov 26
the following:
White Onion,silver skin
Yellow do
Red do
Early Blood turnip Beet
French Anihef Sugar do
Whito Silesia Sugar do
Early Orange Turnip do
Long Blood do
Long Mangel WurtEoI
Long Scarlet Carrot
Long Orange do
Long Blood do
Early Horn do
Guernsey Parsnip!
Long White do
Eurly Cluster Cucumber
Long^ do
Long Green do
Early short green do
Markonoes, for pickle
riiip’r Watormollon
Large Muskiuellou
Fine Nutmeg Mellon
Largo Cuntelone do
Green Citron uo
Bush Summer Squash
Dutch Summer Squnsh
Crookneck Winter do
Coconnut or Porter do
Mammoth Pumpkin
Large Yellow do
Lain sugar loaf Lettuce
White head early do
Green do largo "do
Cabbage Hoad do
Extra do Uo do
Brown Dutch do
Long white sum'rRadisli
Enrly scarlet short top do
Loug Salmon do
Long scarlet do
Scarlet or Cherry Tur
nip do
White Turnip do
Yellow Turnip do
WhilnFnU Spanish do
Black do do do
Early sugarloafCabbage
Enrly Dutch do
Early York do
Arklie’s early dwarf do
Large York do
Early Drumhead do
Early Bullock’s Ilourtdo
Large Bergen do
Large Drumhead do
Flat-or late Dutch do
Green Savoy do
Green Ght'/ed do
Red Dutch do
Colewort, or Collnrds
Enrly Cauliflower
Late do
Cesarean Kale, or Cow
dec 7 214
Scotch Kale,green curl’d
Sea Kalo
Early Dutch or Spriug
Flat Turnip
Early Gardon Stone do
Lau:o English Norfolk
White Flat do
Largo white Globe do
Red Top Flat do
Yellow Aberdeen or
Bullock do
Dale’s Yellow Hybrid
(now) do
Rutnlmga or Swedish,
(yellow) do
LongTankurd 01 Han
over do
SqnaBh or Bell Pepper
Cayenne do
Purple Egg Plant
Curled Cress or Pepper-
Broad Leaved Cress
Water Cross
Large smooth red To-
Yellow Tomato
Vegetable Oyster
Solid Celery
Summer Savory
Dwarf curled Parsley
Curled do
Round Leaved Splnagc
While Mustard
Browm do
Long White Okra
Short Green do
Giant Asparagus
Bene Plant
English Sorrel
Largo Scotch Leek
London Leek
Sweet Marjoram
Sweet Thyme
Lemon Balm
Enrly Sugar Corn
Chinese Prolific do
Eurly Washington or
June Peas
Bishop’s early Prolificdo
Largo white Marrowfat*
Dwarf Marrowfat do
Dwarf Prolific do
Early China dwarf Beaus
Eurly Mohuwk do do
Early six-w eek do do
White Kidney do do
Red Marrow do do
Flower Seeda, assorted
Fresh Oarden Needs.
Satin Ribbons, dee.
Just received per G. B. Lamar.
S ATIN Ribbons, Muslin Bands
Muslin Edgings and Insertings
Silk Hosiery, Thread, &c.
For sale by AVERY & JOHNSON,
Sweet Scented Powder, Ac.
12 DOZ. Otto Rose Scented Powder
6 do. Violet ,do. do.
6 do. Plain do. do.
Also, Pow'der Boxes and Puffs. Received and
for sale, by
oct25 ' A. PARSONS.
May, 1835, letter 11
100 Mechanics’ Bank Augusta, No. 71, dated 1st
1 variety.
ii con H ltiUc n.opo.
nv i?,’ .“ yAU “"flerlor
Nov.'iSSl, letter Ai
20 Bank Milledgeville, No. 4251, duted 2d Sept.
1836, letter'A.
100 Bank Milledgeville, No. 436, do 3d Jun.l@37,
lett&j? A. ' *
100 Pluuterc & Mechanics’ Bunk Columbus, No,
59, dated 9th May, 1838, Letter A.
50 Plan. &- Mech. Bank Columbus, No, 330, da-
ted 2d Nov. 1837, letter A.
50 Ins. Bank Savannah, No. 18, dated 8th pec
1829, letter K. .
NOTICE.—^Threc montlis after date, applica
tion will he made to the (above) different Banks
for new notes, the left bund half of said hills he-
‘“ S l03t ' WILLIAM SMITH.
Ti'ottpvillc, Gn. 15th Oct. J6A9.
03 s The Geotemn,Atigu»ta Ohroniclonnfl Sen-
tinel, Sotuhem Recorder nntl Columbus Ilernhl
and Sentinel, will ulenso publish tho above week
ly for throe months, nnd forward their nocounts
to tuq at Troupville, Ga. for pnymont,
oct 31 20713m
W. S.
'V , ASif2uj[ , ’ erio1 ' “ niQlc ' fo|,s " 10
jlaii' Oil, Bears Oreasc and I*o-
■ra/TACASSAR Oil, EnkHsh, do do Aincrtcan,
IyJl Ward’s Vogetahlo Oil, Boars Oil,do Greaso,
Fomntmii, in pots; do in rolls, Aldrich’s Balm
Columbia. Just received and for sale on accom-
^^kSE^stilwell, %
Corner of Broughton & Whitakor-sts.
Uov 20 Ouimsito the Mansion lionso.
1 0 BBL
.ptdes’juslrcceivod per brig Now.
f Hanover, and forsalo by ,
Boslicii Butter.
FIRICINS Goshen Butter, just received
iHJ nnd for sale bv
Iron, Nails an«l Ruin.
O NE thousand mid 48 bars Swede’s Iron, as
sorted; 300 casks Nails do, 50 bbls Rum—
landing per brig Pandora, from Boston, and for
sale by L. BALDWIN,
nov 28
Caracas Cocoa.
AfrilVLBS. Caracas Cocoa, just received
andforsnle by
Navy Bread,
6^ BBLS. Pilot and 50 bbls Navy Bread,just
JlO rr 1 ‘”I |' 1 * ^ ^’
nov 23
received and for sale by
T OP’D seed Onions
large ginnt Aspara-
Large Blood Beet
Mangle Wmt/.el do
Blood Turnip do
Early York Cabbage
Large do do
Green Glazed do
Sugar Loaf do
Catdillowcr do
Largo Dritmhend do
Early Horn Carrot
Long Orange do
Early Astriiighum do
White Cabbage Lettuce
Imperial Head do
Ice Coss do
Early Dutch Turnip
Largo Flit do
Red Ton do
Largo Norfolk do
Rutabaga do
Hanover do
Early Windsor Beaus
Sieva or Carolina do
Horticultural do
Red Speckled do
Early Mohawk do
China Dwarf do
Refugee or 1000 to 1 do
Aspurngas Roots
These Seeds are in fino order, and warranted
Round Spinach
Whito Solid Cellcry
Scarlet short top Radish
Long Scarlet do
Turnip do do
Large Bell Popper
Long Cayenne do
Do Smooth Parsnip
Large Red Tomato -
Early Bush Squash
Crooked Neck do
Nutmeg Motion
Cautelope do
Citron do<*
Red Onion
White do
London Leek
Squash Pepper
Double Curled Parsley
Purple'and white Egg
Lar^e Marrowfat Peas
Do Dwarf do do
Early Frnmo do
Do Monouch do •
Do Clmrlton do .
Grooms Dwarf do
Sweet Sugar Corn
Golden Sioux do
Tuscarorado, See.
a 1 r LM A? 1 1 18 ’ * * * 1 11C r C*S , A'Cr
A m * mve revived,
XX Black, blue black, hrowu, claret, green,&c,
West of England Cloths
Black, mixt, brown, striped, &c. Cnssimeres
UX °SatiS b uCk> brown » fi roen » &c. Premium
Heavy mixt do. do. for‘servants
Jemw, Linsoys .tc. do. do.
Heavy Dufttl Blnnktts Arfe
Also, fino ribbon hound Whitney, Rose, &c.
eel‘25 Smith »iile Afonximem Square.
New Fall Uoo'ls.
•wusiiiiu by (
3 m./i AND 4-4 Scotch Giiightima
ii m 11 ', I-ewnx, Huh Linens
urown IloJIuncl, do. Hnmihon Runnel
American l’rmw, Worsted Gloves
Worsted mid Cotton Hosiery
South iltls iMontiment Sqnnro.
oct 2
H AVE jiiat received rram New York, tho fob
lowing Fancy Goods, vizi
1 box emli’d climigcuble BonuotRibbons, a
Slilomlid article ’
1 box snp’r fig’d Sntin do
I do Ihncy Frencli Silk Bngs
J *»'Bonnot Ribbons
5 Whito Not Veils
1 dozen Not Slunvls
1 do Silk emli’d Scarfs
1 do Plaid do do
J do Thibet do do
4 pcs brown and black Silk Fringo
1 do Phillvgratmiiy
1 dozen Iniimt's Waists
10 do Nuns (Dutch) Lnco
Togotiter widi various articles in fi,o Fancy line,
imv Hi Son lb side Market Square.
fis Freeh Kid G^ef V&JOHNSOIf -
Uo black and col’fl sewing silk do
Do while do do
Do black do Mitts
Du long whito Kid Gloves
Gents black and col’d Kid do
Do woolen do. Boys woolen do
Do silk do |
Ladies and Gents silk Hosiery
Gents Lambs wool mid Merino A IIoso
Do heavy wool .J IIoso
Do Merino under Shirts nnd Drawers
Welsh, Merino, Saxony, H.nnels, warrant-
od not to shrink when washed.
Thibet Wool do, Brocha do
Rich Plush Mnntillnk, do Ciicanea! Tippets
Do do Ladies Hut Ornaments
Thibet aud Bayadere Scarfs
Rich silk do,.plaid Cashmere do.
For sale on favorable terms,
dec 3 Sonitl^side^MomunGut square.
Safnets -i
new stylo 1 4 # Frrncli Prints
do. English Calicoes
bluck and col’d Scotch Ginghrnte
Ivontitcky Jtinns
W bite Flannel
Red do. various qualities
Muslin dc Laincs
100 5-4, 6-4 and 8-4 Chineillc Shawls
50 Merino Shaw Island Mantles
400 Shawl#, various styles and qualities
100 pieces French and English Merinos
50 do. Pongee Silk Hdkis.
20 do. English Spittnlfield Silk do.
50 dozen Wolen Gloves
20 do. Mens Buck and H. S. Gloves
20 do. Ladies II. S. Gloves
20 do. do. Silk and Colton Gloves
_ . and Long Mitts
60 pieces col’d nnd black Silks,newest stylo
2 cases Canton Flannel
20 pieces new stylo Cassintcro
20 do. Vestings
10 ‘ do. Brondclotlis, vnrious qualities
30 boxes Bonnet, Cap Taffeta aud Belt Rib
100 dozen silk, worsted nnd cotton Hose and
Half IIoso
10 boxes Satin Ribbons, from No. 2 to 22
48 Ladies white Florence Bonnets
100 colored Bonnots
White and colored Satins, col’d Florences
White and block Crnpo
Black Love£imw]g, black Bomknsins
Nuns Hoods, nnd n general assortment of
lesirnhlc goods. For sale by
New Goods.*
A RUNNETT has also opened Store No.
,7 Waring’s Buildings, with a Inrge and
splendid assortment of Millenary Goods, consist
ing in part, immely:
10 boxes Ladies Florence Braid, Split Straw,
Leghorn, Straw, Bruid, col’d English and
_ , common Straw Bonnots
50 dozen col’d Nun’s Hoods
40 1.0X08 Bonnot, Cup, Sutin oml Tnfebt Ribbons
, ? nells, vnrious styles nti.lquulitits
Cord Silks, Florences, Satins, &c. and a great
variety of fancy goods, for sule ^vholusale or retail
vor y low- nov 11
fresh and of the best kinds, just received nnd for
sale low, by G, R. HENDRICKSON,
dec 5 242
Q TAR or'' Pot Mari-
O gold
Share Moulds*
TON S Share Moulds, for sale by
nov 28
N. B, & II. WEED.
W. H. * S. Rogers,
H AVE just received per recent arrivals from
N. York, noarly their fall supply of Frencli,
German, Italian and English Fancy Dry Goods,
among which are the following articles, viz:
Ladies rich Plush and Silk French Shawls
Do. colored and hlupk Ostrich aud Cashmere
1 case finest Florence Braid Bonnets
1 do. super. Irish Linens
15 cartoons Puris omb. Capes and Collars
30 pieces Wash Blonde aud plain Quillings
5 do. WeirGrode Lyons Lace
Thread Edgings and Insertings , '
Valencine do. do. and Bendings
4-4 and 5-4 Wash, .Spat, Square and 11-
French worked Cliffs, Blonde Veils and'Puris
Clmntilln Veils, Eng. Collars and Twist Shawls
Mohair Notts, Bags and Scarfs
Muslin Paris emli’d Shnwls, 4-4 and6^1'
Black Luce do. do. 1-2 nnd 4-4
Caps, Insant’s Waists, French Flowers and
French, English and American Prints
CjiqllYfl, Mous. de Lnincs, Velvets and Silica
Tartun, Rob Roy and Kahylo Shawls
Bomiej, Bolt and Can Ribbons
Ermino-atid Fur Collars
Silk, Worsted aud Cotton Hoso.
ocd31 Sou 'Square.,
Starch aiul Blue.
T HIRTY boxes Cologate’s superior Starch, 2
cases do'English Fig Blue, landing from brig
A ixivil^fA nil’.-l (in* ouln hv
Augusta, mifl for sale by v
nov 28 , G. It. HENDRICKSON.
Musk Geranium
Double Frencli Poppy
Tricolored Chrysanthe-
Doublo June Piuk
Jack’s Pride
Double FrenchMorigold
3Iourning Brido
Golden Coreopsis
Double Larkspur
China or India Pride
China Aster
Rose Campion
Scarlet Mulope
Love Lies Bleeding
Sweet scented Arcadia
Evening Primrose
Canterherry Bell
For sale by PORC
dec 13 ‘ 249
Flower Seeds.
Crimson Trefoil
Double Hollyhock
Crimson Velvet Cox
Velvet Marigold
Double PriuccsFenthers
Variegatod Balsamines
Sweet Peas .
Satin Flower
Double Dahlin
Dwarf Sunflower
Princes Feather
Dwarf Rocket Larkspur
China or India Pink
Bottle Pink :
London Pride
Morning Glory
Love in a Mist
Pink Lavalom ‘
Purple Larkspur
Golden Coreopsio
New striped Marigold
JLadd, Tuppev A 8istare»
O FFERibrsnleon good terms,
150 hhds first quality Cuba Molnsses
300 bags good,fair and prime greeu Cuba Coffee
150 do superior old Jnvn ’ do
50 mats very fine old Manilla do
Hhds prime Porto Rieo Sugar
25 boxes,Boatou refined Loaf do
10 bbls first quality crushed do
20 half chests sunerior Black Tea
60 half boxes Baker’s No 1 Chocolate
50 bags heavy Sumatra Pepper
100 boxes Negro Pipos, lurgo sizes
500 Deinijons, assorted, 1 to 5 gallons
200 whole and half boxes Bunch Raisins
125 pcs 42 inch Dundee Bagging
200 kegs Cut Nails, assorted
50 casks Brown S|out, quarts nnd pints
50 baskets Clmmpagnb, Anchor and Ivey
50 boxes Sparkling Hock
200 M Spanish Segars
4 pipes Holland Gin, Beehive and Hourglass
2 mufpipe8 Loudon Dock Brandy
10 do do J. J. Duptiy Sc. Co. do
10 do American do
300 bbls Connecticut Gin, Phelps & Gowdy’s
100 do Boston do, Eagle brand
100 do do Ruin do
• 30 do superior Baltimore Whiskey
10 do do old Monongaljela do
100 half pipes and quarter casks Madeira, T ort,
Sicily Madeira and Pico Wines
100 bags Shot, assorted
300 Grindstones nov 26
Philadelphia Beef.
3 BBLS Rounds, in finp order, just rooeived
per brig Now Hanover, nnd ftir sale by
. Seasonable Goods.
UQTHS—Black, ihvirihle green,
piive, blue, dork mixed nnd cadet mixed ui d
lirown, English double milled.
Cassimores--.Drab, black, dark grey and striped.
Satinets—Blue, drab, cadet and dark mixed.
?'m n m—Ulastir and knitted, also Extra Ends.
Hosiery—Lambs Wool, Vigouiu, while and tuix-
qcT Cotton.
Gloves—Colored and white Hoskiu, Bitcksldn,
Silk aiid Beuver
UmhrelUw~»ilk and Cotton.
Stocks—-Satin, mid Bomhusin, with hows and
Cravats—Black Indian and fancy colored. Also,
Merino Skirts. , ’ .
Brushes—Oloth, hair, nail and tooth. ' >
Ilandkercluefs—-4Vliite Silk, plain, red and figur
ed. Jttst received, add tor sale by
oct22 No. 2 Shad’s Buildings.
F ‘Bry Goods.
ANCY Aipeens, Miirceilies Crib Counter-
puue8, white Morseilles Counterpanes, as
sorted sizes
White nnd col’d r.ottcd do do
Blanket Shawls, low priced Red Flannels
Bleached mid unbleached Canton Fluimel
English blenched do do
Low priced Satinets, Kentucky Jeans
Black and blue black Bomhasins
Welsh Flannels, Thibet Scarfs
French and English Merinos. For sale by
n °v 25 1 No. 2 Shad’s Building.
Rouse Furnishing Goods.
Q_/fl 10-4,12-4 snd 13-4 French Quilta
O 3-4,6-4, 8-4,10-4 and 12-4 Table Da
6-4, 7-4, 8-4,10-4 and 12-4 Scotch Damask Table
6-4, 7-4 and 8-1 hrowu Da»nc.«k uo uo
3- 4 mid 4-4 Scotch Dnmnsk Napkins
5-4, 0-4, 7-1 and 8-4 col’d worsted Table Covers
4- 4,5-4, 6-4,7-4 and 8-4 do cotton aud linen do do
5- 4 worsted Piano Covers
Col’d, worsted and do cotton Stands mid Toilet
Whito Marseilles Toilet Covers
Scotch Diaper, Huckaback, Crash,&c.Towelling
Birds Eye and Russia Diapers „
Pillow Case Linens mid Linen and Cotton Sheet*
Idoyil—Market Square,
AS just received per recent arrivulu,
2 doz Muslin Collars
4 do English Frilled do
3 pcs black Silk Fringe, 2 do Wire Blond
2 do black funcy Blond
12 do Thread Laces, 6 do German do
8 do Lisle do, 3 do Wire Edging
A 1° S Io,,d fttmlnjL 12 do I»Tuid Swiss
14 do Beltings, 3do Mantilla Lace
4 do Grecian Net do. 5 do Hohhi
do Grecian Net do, 5 do Bobhiuet Lace
8 do Spittalfield Ildkfs.lft do Pongee lldlda
4 do plain Silk do, 3do do Satin do
5 doz Gnuze do, 4 do fancy do
6 do embroidered do
5 do Gents IIrose Gloves
4 do Ladies do do, 3 do do Kid do
3 do Gents Buck Gloves
2 do do H. S. do
8 do India Rubber Suspenders
3 do super do do do
14 pcs tineuL Velvet Ribbons
Also, a splendid assortment of Plain, Figured
u j Llmugenhlc Silks. n ov 30
. — r tiFloU; _
50 perfino Ctaiwv jfinur, just land-
, ing mid for sale on wharf, by
w ^ Oil, *c.
BOXES Sperm Candles,4’s, 5’sand 6’e
Wmetr Sponn Oil
Dp refined Whale do
Spring do do
Right Whale do
Hollihurt Fins, Onions, Potatoes
Tongues nnd Sounds, Codfish
Butter nnd Cheese, Spices
Soap, Tallow Candles
Whole and half bbls Canal Flour
Half and nr do Buckweat
Lonf and Brown Sugar
Hyson, Young. Hyson und Black Tens
Wooden and Stone Wore
Fine Culf and thick Boots and Shoos
•’ . Wines and Liquors
Nails, (assorted,) Ploughs, &c.
Just received, and for aulu by
B. N. DOUGLASS, Ahcieux’ wharf.
i “MU,
Menhaden Fish, for plantation uso, on consign
»nont. 239^p dec 2
David’s Compound Creosote
Tooth Wash.
A N agreeable vegetable preparation for dean-
XX. smg, whitening and preserving tho Teeth,
restoring spongy aud dissasad Gums to a nntural
and healthy state, purifies the mouth and sweetens
the. breath, preventive for nnd cure of tho tooth
ache, canker, soreness, and the yarioini nflection;?
of the mouth and throat, whether occasioned by
mercurials or otherwise. Prepured only by T.
Davis, Munufticturitig Chemist—Price 50 ceuts.
For sale by POHCHER &. LA ROCHE,
, Opposite the Murket,
dec 27 Sign of the Golden (^ob
Boston Rum.
DION bound bids Boston Rum, landing
from ship Eli Whitney, and for sale low
from the wharf.
dec 27 GEORGE II. MAY.
P To Planters.
EAS mid BEANS—Enrly Chinn Dwarf-
Beuns, early six week Beans, while Kidney
Beans, red Marrow Beans, early Washington or
June Pens, large white Marrowfat Peas, Dwarf ‘
Mnrrowfiit Pens, early Charlton Peas.DwarfPro
lific Peas. A full supply just received of the crop
of1839, and for sale by ,
Super Irish Linens, free of cotton
Rich Curtain Chintz, in sets
Drapery Muslins, Furniture Dimity
Oil Cloths, green, crimson und drub Moreens
The above goods were selected with care for this
market, mid will be sold on accommodating terms
nov 13 South side Monument Square.
Christmas Presents.
L ADIES elegant Rose Wood, Shell, Mahog
any njid inlaid Work Boxes
Elegant Chineal Work Baskets
Toilet Bottles, richly gilt in great variety
Essence Boxes, fancy
Pearl, Shell, and Ivory Curd Cases
Gold und Silver Pencil Cases
Puzzles and Alphabets, Dissected Maps, forcliil
Games of Graces, Dominoes, Battledors, Cancell
Musical Boxes,Accordiuns, &c. .Just received
and for sale by
OA HHDS Porto Rico; \ • • . .. . '-
Oil 50 bbls do ( piano article.
For sale by
BOXES Neg’ro Pipes, binding from brig
48 Wilson Fuller.
dec 10
For sale by
Swedes Iron and Nails.
BARS Swedes Iron, assorted si
zes; 300 kegs Cut Nails do do
Nicklcby Complete.
T HE Life nnd Adventures ofNichoIos Nickle
by, by Charles Dickens, with numerous ill
lustrations by Phiz.
Do do, cheap edition, with 2 nlates.
Alfred De Rosann or tlio Adventures of a
Freuch Gentleman, by Geo. W. M. Reynolds, 2
Count Dumas’s Memoirs of his own time, in
eluding the Revolution, the Empire, and the Res
toration, by Lieut. Geueiul Count Mutbieu Du-
Ua, ii«2 vols. ^
Jack Slicpperd complete iu 2 vols.
Buist’s American Flower Garden Directory,
new edition.
Filet’s Essay on the Laws ofTrnde in reference
to tho work i of Internal Improvement in the U.
States, lyftliune, 8 vo.
Just received by --
Boston dc Handle,
Market Square, Snvi ltnah.
R AVE iu store, and are receiving per various
arrivals, a full supply of Groceries,Bagging,
cvc. Among which are—
10 hhds. St. Croix Sugar
11 do. I’orto Rico do,
60 hags Coflee
150 pieces Bugging,'42,43 and 44 inches
50 coils Balellopo
100 lbs. Bagging Twine *
10000 do. Baltimore cured Bacon, Hums,Sides,
nnd Shoulders
3000 bushels heavy Maryland Seed Oats
Cannl mid Balt. Flour, whole and £ bbls.
10 casks and 25 boxes Goshen Cheese
10 kegs choico Butter
20 20 4. and 20 b bbls. Buckwheat Flour*
10 boxes Sperm. Candles
5 pipes Olayd, Dttpuy &, Co’s. 4th proof
5 do. Seignette do. do.
5 do. Holland Gin
20 bbls. Peach Brandy
30 do. Rye Gin, 30 do. Whiskey
20 do. Rum -
Madeira, Tenerifie, Port and Sweet Mala*
ga Wittes
Butter nnd Wine Biscjilt
Almonds and Raisins, Tobacco
* 10 tons iron, assorted
75 kegs Nails, &c
All of wliich tliey offer on accommodating ternta.
oct11- '
Almonds, rniTnnts anrt Citron. ’ .
IIIIUS, VUITUUIS ituu (ylll'l
Q BAGS’ Ahncnt-s, 12 boxes ^Citron
For aalo by
dec JI
. 2 casks Currants, 9bags WalUUta
1 Parmerson CheesO
12 boxes Capers, 12 do Olives
Just received and for sale by