Newspaper Page Text
** It published in the
ClTV OF 8*^ ANN All»
■ jnoicfl Cldnud*
i^ffijat tlio officeoft'’" >J
«"'(In,"containing tlieUitolllgonce
SW'vEii in the Dally 1 nt
I P«„< ILI.AIIS P er
1 fl „ V TflRP ooi '-ARS
for six inouuis.
: 8c 'I mlf f" 1 ' CI, °h in-i'i lion idler, per
. mS ho"pJtbUnhed
tfltTV Jjvccutor* 1 *^ Administrators for
|d*« b \ r-editor* to render in their account*
Kin tun »<« ‘Vifi »• umt k 8.
Ti« V; ll v H !rm •shy V**f>r.nt«>r* ® n d Admlnia-
^of niihlc •«cU«m, ou tliu firstTuos-
,K*n>“ ,lb, ’ t f*C.wMn *0 natal hour, of in tho County
P,Uu«rdii«n* W™J ai#rcof of die
W ,lxTt „„4‘ of tilts State, “t"' nt Ito tloorcf
fco«rt»“ UB0 ’ " rhot0 SUC ' 1 M ' CS " r ° ‘° b *
V' ■ r rlcttvr to sell Negroes, must be pub-
liuttrt for lc ^ hefnro any order abeolule
%d for four the Court.
|| lie intuit! 'inf up ^ AdntinlstraJ
^ 0 ^ ttC: ‘llan utrutll'n pnbUsM* SIXTY
rind Gttnrii'en . • ^ T ( low Hides must
j b ul'ie Court llnti-e door of Ihe County
pidonttnc . .aultmto, and on tho first
W.KXn5.,»t*een the hour* oTtcn in
r l,y , - n id fut.ri..tho oflernoon. No rule
h^'CftUy i.valid, unless so expressed in
|Jdrcrtisciiteitt. Administrators and
|PI^ W rt.Srtif^in 1 >r V for leave to
Plane io ygSLt' FOUR MONTHS.
( " 'r'l'iersiiiial* property (except negroes
iHorpen- u»t F I -t , |.:, 0(m tor» nntl
£5SjSw??» udve^tUed FORTY
]L R M „°rdi'o Court of Ordinary, (ticrompnni-
adcr 1 of "to Co or. fcf agreement) to
IdlAdverttcmcnttvrti be’pnnctuolly attended
I > Ml tetter, directed to this Offico or tho
L;'L ;!!o po-tpaid,to entitle them to ut-
llStistration of locality,
tiitrdcn SccdSi ,
HIE ntbSStM hnr. just r«e vcdpcr hng
\ Madison, hiMuppty of fre* h Garden Seeds,
LtX bo ofbeit quality, and Utc growth of
fc kidney, half moon aud VolontinoiBeet
IrTurnii., blood, white. Scarsity and Mango
fcl- Cabbage, early York, Battersea, Dn.m-
LBtrtten and red Dutch; Carrot, eltHyboni,
jioMoniinet Cucumbers early framed, long
la and prickly; I-cthico, early ka and Ion
J Mellon, Citron. Pine Apple, Nutmeg an
ran earlv Cnnliflower; Onion, .liver Ain d,
»l white''Portugal! Okra, etir ed Pnr.ley
ii,er,long t.vcot Spantffl Pea.o, Hwarf, Mar-
S, Charlton, hloo Inipenuls. AVusliington,
to', Prolific and TuUMnrrowfat! Rndish.long
del ilrarl top'd do,whito turnip do,early fratti-
wi'blaeli fall; St)tiit»h, early and long
It necked:, Tomatooai Turnip. early
h^rie iiat lifobe »nd R.ttabacpi Pepper
. Water Crew*, white and red Clover, Lu-
ttvJamV* Pulmonnrhi, or Vc
r goinblc Ocinulcont. ,
I raw. of obstinato Catarrh; in i r . ot M l fl '
jbethentiMUifrom recant or negleoted cold.,
nitbma; and in an auxiliary and mean, oi prc-
ll relief from the threatening sviuptomo of tip-
tin* Pulmonary CotninittpUpti, no metbeino
met claim, upon tin, confidence of tho in-
»l linn the above medicine.
M. for the ntllictive mil tronhlejotne »ymp-
of cotigltinff, expeotoration or phlegm, pa u
i hreail, &c" which oonttltttto proimucnt fen-
of the complaint, that the Pntnwbam won
* uad lias inaiiifnsttid iuinost valuable pro*
liueqnnlly nwful of con wo in the relief of
'iitnd cold*, arisina from vudden changes oi
r .;s; „ cari,,s da «tp"ru?.uT 0 dv.
[ mny23 '
f(7 r "/ ~
grandest ornament belonging to the humuu
fhune. How strangely the loss of it changes tho
couutenance nud preumtureiy brings on tlio ap
pearance of old age, which causes many to recoil
at being uncovered, and sometimes even to shun
society to avoid the justs and sneers of their ac
quaintance; die remainder of their lives arc con-
sequcntly-spout in retirement. In short,not evon
tho loss of property fills the genorous thinking
outh vvidi that heavy sinking gloom as docs tho
D.;s of his hair. To avert all these‘unpleasant
circumstances,Oldridgo's Balm of Columbiu stops
tho linir from falling olfon tho first application nud
a few bottles te*torc» it again. It likewise produ
ces eyebrows nud whiskers; provents tho hair
from turning grey', makes it cqrl bountifully, and
frees it from scurf. Numerous certificates of tho
first respectability in support of tho virtues ofOl-
dridgo's Balm, are shown by tho proprietors.
KTllcad the following:
Robert Wharton, Esq. Into Mayor ofPbiladol-
>hin, Ima certified, as may bo soon below, to tlio
ligli cliaracter of tho following gentlemen.
The undersigned do hereby certify that we linvc
used tho Balm of Columbia discovered by J. 0T-
dridge, und havo found it liighly serviceable not
only as a preventive agaiiistthe falling oil’ of hair,
bill also a certain restorative.
Methodist Minister in St. Georgochnrgo.
No. 80 North Fifth-street.
JOHN P. INGMS, 301 Arch-street.
JOHN D. THOMAS, M. D. 1G3 Racc-st.
JOHN S. FURF.Y, 101 Spruce-st.
HUGH McCURDY, 213 South7th st.
JOHN GAltD, Jr. 123 Arch-st.
The aged, nnd those who persist in wearing
wigs, may not always experience its restorative
qualities, yet it will certainly raise its virtues iu
tlio estimation of the public, when it isknown dial
three of the above signers are more than 50 years
of age, and die others not less dinn 30.
[From dio Mayor.]
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ?
City of Philadelphia. S
f said city of Phil-
5100 Dollars ChiilJetfRC.
T HE Genuine PRENf‘11 PILLS ngninst nil
dioTll/ACIC NOSTRUMS of tlio ago for
tho cure of * * *. # * *
The French Pills nref applicable to all cases, (hr
either sox, (warranted free from mercury,) nnd
possesses groat advantages over the Balsam* nnd
nil liquid medicines, by being entirely free from
•melt, nnd consequently do not oftbet the breath,
thereby provonting the possibility of a discovery
whilo using them.
Besides this importantndvnntngothey nover dis
agree with the stomach, and iu the first stages of
the disease they usually cllect a cure in a few days,
widi little regard to diet or exposure.
Iu die most obstinate stages of the diseaso, they
ftr© equally certain,having cured many after every
odior remedy had failed. Ill short, they havo been
so universally successful, that tlmt the prnnriotor
challenges any one to pro Jucc a remedy or coital
certainty, under a forfeiture of Three Hundred
Dollars. For sale by
T. M. & J. M. TURNER.
Price ljt2 per box.
tmg 5 104—1y
Ujirden Hecdii Crop of itDJO.
TYOll salo by POUCHER it LA ROCHE,
die following:
White Obion,silver «Wti Scotch Kulo,green curl'd
Yellow do
Red do -
Early Blood turnip Beet
French Amber Sugar do
White Silesia Sugar do
Early Orange Turnip do
Long Blood do
Long Mangel Wurteel
Long Scnfict Carrot
Long Orange do
Lofig Bloou do
Early Horn do
Guernsey Parsnip]
Early Cluster Cucumber
Long do
Long Green do
Early short green do
Mark enoc', for pii-kla
Sup’r Watcrincflois
Large Muskmellon
Tine Nutmeg Mellon
n. _
ni Hi
llarriflon'8 Specific Ointment,
F OR the euro of White Swellings, Scrofulous
and other tumors, Ulcers, Sore Legs, old and
fresh Wounds, Sprains and Bruises, Swellings
and Inflammation*, Scald Head, Women's Sore
Breasts. Rheumatic Pains, Tetters,. Eruptions,
Chilbdins, Whitlows, Biles, Corns and External
Diseases generally. It is likewise greatly superi
or to uny medicine heretofore discovered for tho
chafed backs uud limbs of horses; furring worms,
chapped lips—and in short, for every external bo
dily evil that may lull to tho lot of man or beast:
For sale l»y
T. M. &-J. M. TURNER.
Price 50 cents per box.
nug 5 HM—ly
Fairly Dutch or Spring
Flat Turnip
Early Garden Stone do
Largo English Norfolk *
White Flui do
Largo white Globe do
Red Top Flat do
Yellow Abcrdcon or
' Bullock do
Oulu's Yellow Hybrid
(uew) do
Rutabaga or Swedish,
(yellow) do
Loug Tankard or Han
over do
Squash or Bell Pepper
CnycAne do
Purple Egg Plant
Curled Cress or Pepper-
Large Cantelopc d<»4- « Broad Leaved Cress
Green Citron do T * ,r —-
Bush Summer Squash
Dutch Summer Squash
CrooknOck Winterdo
Cocouniit or Purler do
Mammoth Pumpkin
I, Robert Wharton, Mayor of said city of
ndelphio, do hereby certify that I am well acquaint
ed with Messrs. J. P. In8» 8 . J° Uu . Furo 1 >'» a, * d
Hugh McCurdy, whoso names aro signed to the
above certificate, dint tlicy are gentlemen of char
acter and respectability, and os such full credit
should ho given to tho wndooTtifiouto.
■In ivilJioss whereof, I havo lieroiiuto set my hand,
[L. 8.1 and caused tlio seal of tho city to ho af
fixed. this sixth <l:w of December, &o.
Caution.—Observe that each bottle of tho geu-
nine Balm litu a .pl.DJi^cttsraved wraitiUjr on
which is represented tho bulls of Niagara, the A-
gent’* name, Ac.
Scollsboro Female Institute.
their (Viends, that the above Institution will
he opened on Monday, the 13th pf January,1S40.
They 'invito their former patrons to renew their
support, assuring tlu-m,that no effort will bo spar
ed to givo satisfaction.
Their rates, fora term of five months, will bo
as follows:
Reading, Writing and Spel
ling, §12 or §9 per month,
for any poriod less than
oue term.
The above with Geography,$ 10 or §4 per month,
The obovo with History,
Grammar and Arithmetic,§13 or 4J per mouth,
All tho higher ’branches of
English, §20 or §5 per month,
Freuch, Spanish, and Lat
in, each, §20 or §5* por month,
Music,Piano or Guitar,onch§25 or §(Jpcr month,
Use of Instruments, $4
Board can be obtained in the Borough. The
Principal docs not design taking any boarders.
Those desirous of further iiifbrmatiou will ad
dress us by letter at M illcdgevfllo.
decG 243eowr
Large Yellow do
Imirl sugar loaf Lettuce
Wliito head early do
Green do largo do
Cublmge Head do
Extra do do do
Brawn'Dutch do
Long white sum’rRadish
Eurly scarlet short top do
Long Salmon do
Loug scarlet do
Scarlet or Cherry Tur*
niji do
White Turnip do
Yellow Turnip do
White Fall Spanish do
Black do do do
Early sugar loaf Cabbage
|*i. bli. I ,*.lnl. .I..
rly Dutch do
Early York do
Arklie's early dwarf do
Large York do
Early Drumhead * do
Early Bullock’s Heart do
Largo Bergen do
lairga Drumhead do
Flat or late Dutch do
Green Su voy do
Green Glazed do
Red Dutch do
Colewort, or Collards
Early Cauliflower
Lato do
Cesarean Kale, or Cow
dec 7 244
, For llottorlng the Hair. I
[HIE Cmda Oil is so denominated, becanaci it
r hcomposod of vegetable ingredients,and its
Joes are pre-omiiiciilly displayed in the lollow-
(rupecta: It posseasos properties of tho most
(ilnou* nature, which eradicates the scmTund
iritie* ofilie hair; nourishes the hair and
Uiu falling off, and lessens the liability ol
I to taro grey; strengthens the weakest hair,
IKodacwnluxuriant growth; gives a vigor
phair which soon produces an ininntably nat-
an*l prevents its falling out in a damp
"*sphere f or during exerciso; renders tlio hair
natural or artificial, .hcautifttUy soft and
untjheitows nn incstimahle gloss aud pleas*
I pwfurao to the tresses—in fino, renders the
Kdre*.slran«condontly beautiful, promotes the
Ktijnfvfhixkers, eye brows, mustaches, &c.
l«Wdrfn’* hair its effects are strikingly beneti-
!• ^perfectly innoxious, nnd may with safety
wl to tho youngest infant; it eradicates the
T ™*Miernml superior to combs, soaps, &<M
^ly pleasant to the infant, gradually
Pwnstlie liair, und migmonts its growtli so
JH'odncea beautiful head of huir. Preserv cs
bathing, violent oxerciso, nud is
"Mnept utility for persons travelling by sea
J*^*rvea the hair, rendering it peculiarly
r* m ' w«l nlvvuya dressed, has wonderful ef-
Uje hair in hot or cold climates, and is
estimation by distinguished persons
"•WeTOlc mill retail \iy tho Proprietor.
r*;Uoirl(, 4<J0 Broafiwtty. New-Yotlc, olid I'y
Hpn*, Ity A. PABSON8, Agent.
BuVaittitih, Go.
"Dwtlt per bottle. nnvtiO
J?»*W Johly & Brnn«y Peaches.
I| fiOZ. Currant Jolly ,‘iO do Umndy Pencil,
if ?• Itttt received pRr brig Lamer, end
l7 . C. L.MoNI3H.
Look nt This.
T HE left hand halve* ef UichilHnaincd below,
were innilod to tliu address ol the imlucnhor
on tho Cdt February la»t, at Greenville Court
HoufC, SottUi- Carolina, liv Wm. Choice, which
have not count to hand, ana the probability t. they
must lie lost. Tho ncverul Hank* are hereby boll-
Red of my intontiou to make on application, alter
due notice, for new notes on the return of the right
hand halves, which are now in my nosseaMim
$20 Baiik of Augusta, No. 238, dated 3d Sept.
$20 Bank of Augusta, do. 179, do. (Id Oot. 1828,
20 Bank of Augusta, do. 890, do. 2d Jan. 1827,
20 B*auk Columbus, No. 852, dated 2d Feb. 1832, fy sale, by
20 Bank Coiiiinbus, No.351, dated 1st Sept.1831,
20 Banl<<Coliunbli», No. 953, do. 9th Dec. 1830,
20 B*ank Columbus, No. 1418, do. 1st Oct. 1829,
20 Bank Columbus; No. 1208, do 1st Oct. 1829,
20 Bank Cuiumbna, No. 202, do. 7tli May, 1830,
20 Bank Columbus, No. 12, dated 1st Jan 1830,
20 Central It. Road, No. 775, do. 3d Juno, 1830,
20 BankStnlo of Georgia, No. 997, do. 1st Sept.
20 BankDarieu, r'lstDec. 1832,lot-
20 Mechanic*’ Bank Augusta, No. 10, do. 5th
50 Mechan^cs' , Jlaiik Augustn, No. 63, dated 7th
100 Mechanics’Bimk Augusta, No. 58, dated 1st
100 Mechanics’ Banktugusta, No. 71, dated Ut
20 Bank Jliilo'dgcviUo, No. 4251, dated 2d 3cpt.
100 Bank Milledgeville, No. 430, do 3dJan,1837,
100 & Mechanics’ Bank Columbus, No.
59, dated Ulh May, 1838, Le-ttei A.
50 Plan. & Much. Bunk Columbus, No. 330, da
ted 2d Nov. 1®^, letter A. _
50 III*. Bank Savanindi, No. 18, dated 8th Dec
NOO^Ce!—-Threo months aflcr dato, iipplicn-
A Desirnlilc Offer. .
T O RENT—Tho subscriber's Store, on !ua
wharf, well adapted for a Shin Chandlery
Grocer)', or any business connected with wnp*
ping. 'It is needless for him to say more ofUiw
mHanMgoouo «i(Yct to would desire to
(•mhark.iitthnt line, os it is well known to bo one
ofibo beat in town. . . „ , . . . ,
The subscriber would also .inform his friend*
that ho has embarked in tho Stonmbnnl UnsinoM,
nnd his services, or thoso of his second son, Joint
F. Gnilmnrtin, can ho always had nt Ins whnrt,
for those shipping, &c. by the steamers Beaufort
District aud tlio Despatch, nt all times.
N. B.—Also to rout, a spacious three story
Houso. heretoforekitowii ns “Tho Independent
Hotel,” fronting on tho Bay. in East Broad street,
well adapted for a Boarding House, with a Fen
Pin Alloy, Bar, &c. attached. ttov -U
Satin IUblioM, «tc.
Just received per G. B. Lamar.
S ATIN Ribbon,, Mn*liu Blinds
Muslin Edging* and Inserting*
Silk Hosiery, Thrend, &c.
For sale by
Sweet Scented Powder, die.
~t 4") DDZ. Otto Rose Sceuted Powder
0 Jo. Violet do. do.
0 do. Plain do. do.
Also I’mwlcr Boxcanud Pull’d. Rec-tvcdand
.Goshen Butter. .
-t FIRKINS Goshen Butter, just received
111 mid for sale bv
Iron, Knlls and Bum.
O NE thousand and 48 bar* Swede’s Iron, as
sorted; 300 casks Nails do, 50 bids Rum—
lauding per brig Pandora, from Boston, and for
sale by
nov 28
I T°oth Wash.
E»?t v «d,'g. firesh supply ofCblonue mid
y™Toath Wash, for eleaningoiid prewra--
■ IU
M 1 kelli.
ilcceivod and for stile by
k. , Steel Pens,
[£,Pe«hS«l variety.
Caracas Cocoa. ,
LBS. Cnrncns Cocoa, jus* received
and for
Water Grew
Lirge smooth red To
Yellow Tomato
Bond Celery
Summer Savory
Dwarf curled Parsley
Curled do
Round Leaved Sniuage
White Mustard
Brown do
Long Whito Okra
Short GreeU do
Giaiil Asparagus N
Buiie Plant
English Sorrol
Largo Scotch I^eck ^
London Leek .. VL
Swoet Marjoram
Sweet Thyme
Lemon Balm
Early Sugar Corn
Chiucso Prolilie do
CIOt«t»« CnMNllllCICN, Ac,
A VERY & JOHNSON, have,received,
Black, blue black, brown, clary!, green, Ac.
M'estof England OloUw
Black, inixt, brown, utripetl, Ac. Cnssuncres
Oxford lliixt, black, brown, green, Ac. Premium
Satinets - '
Heavy mixt do. do. for soi'vanla
Jeans, Limeys, Ac. do. do.
Heavy Du fit I Blanket*
Abo, fino ribhon bound Wkitnoy, Rose, Ac.
oct 23 South side Monument Square.
Received bv G. B. Lumar.
3 m /i AND 4-4 Scotch Ginghams
7E* Fine Long Lawn*, IjisIi Linens
Brown Holland, do. Hamilton Flannel
American Prints, Worsted Gloves
Worsted uud Cotton Homoiy
oct2 South side Mqimmeqt Square.
WTlO" ST ItogTcru, -
H AVE ju«t received from New York, tlio fol
lowing Fancy Goods, viz:
1 boxemb’d clmngeuble Bonnet Ribbons, a
splendid article
1 box sup’r fig’d Satin do do
1 do fancy French Silk Bng»
1 do Plaid Bouuet Ribbons
6 Whito Net Veils
1 dozen Net Shawls
1 do Silk emb’d Scarfs
1 do Plaid do do
Ido Thibet do do
4 pcs brown and black Silk Fringe
1 do Phillyirmininv
1 dozen Infant's Waists' W
10 do Num( Dutch) I^ico
Together with various articles In the Fancy Hue
nov 10 South side Market Square.
Detdi nblv Dry Goods,
R eceived by
Indies French Kid Gloves
Do black nnd col’d sowing sdk do
Do wliito do do
Do black do Mitts
Do long white Kid Gloves
Gents black and col’d Kid do
Do woolen do, Boys woolen do
Do silk do
F.nrly Washington or Indies and Gent* silk Hosiery
Juno Pens ■ Gents Lambs wool and Meriuo \ Iloso
Bishop’sontly Prolifiedo I)n heavy wool 4 Iloso
Largo white Mnrrowfut* Do Merino under Shirts and Drawers
Dwurf Marrowfat do I Welsh, Merino, Saxony, Ac. Fluuueit, warrant-
Dwarf Prolific do ed not to shrink when washed.
Early China dwarf nouns 1 Thibet Wool do, Broclia do
Early Mohawk do do Rich Plush Mnntilla*, do ClienncalTijipets
Early six-week do do Do do Ladies Hat Ornaments
White Kidney do do Thibet and Bayadere Scarfs
Red Marrow do do 1 Rich silk do,'plaid Cashmere do.
Flower Seeds, assorted For sale on fuvorahla term*.
dec 3 South side Monument nqnnre
ftoo b, Von C»oo<!§
r pm; ll!’ «iiin i • 1 n • « M *1 "I’l ||«'W "I” ! n ‘*
JL from brig Savuimah and hi ip Celia, u lor r .o
tud extensive assortment ef inowest style of ri n-
y and Staple Goods, copfisting in perl of flic fol-
owing articles, viz:
100 piece* Cordova Ivcneyd
120 do. Sutinets
new style 4 4 French Prints
do. Englith Calicoes *
black and cord Scotch Ginghams
Kentucky Jenns
White Flannel . *
Red do. various qnauliea
Muslin do Lninc* •
100 6-4, G-4 and 8-4 ChhttHre Shuwls
50 Merino Shawls Olid Mantles
400 Shawls, various stylos and qualities
100 pieces French and Em cliA Merinotf
50 do. Pongee Silk HaKftft
20 do. Englit h Spittulfield Silk do.
CO dozen Wolcn Gloves
20 do. • Men* Buck and H. S. Gloves
20 do. Ladies II. 8. Gloves
20* do. do. Silk and Cotton Glovctf
and Long Nfltts
. 6G piccos col’d-and black Silks,newest stylet
2 cases Coff.tnn. Flannel
20 qiieces new style Chuoumero
20 do. VosvW* . ,
10 do. Broadcloths, various qualities
30 botes Bonnet, Cap f XtJT^tn and Belt Rib*
100 dozen silk, worsted and cotton Hoac and
Hqlf IIo*3-
10 boxu* Satin Ribbon?, flora No. 2 to 23
48 Ladies while Florence lionuete
100 cmored Boniicts '
White aitd rolnred Batin*, col’d Florouce*
White afid black Crape . .
Black Love Siiawls, black Bombasins
Nuns Hood?, inid a general assortment of
lcsirnbln goods. For sole by
oct 29 A. BENNETT.
W. II. I.loy«l—Miuitct Square,
H AS just recfivnj P«f recent orrivalo,
2 doz Muslin Collars
4 do English Frilled do
3 pcs black Silk Fringe, 2 do Wire Blond
2 do black fancy Blond
12 do Thread Laecs, Gdo German do
. 8 do Lisle do, 3 do Wire Edging.,
4 do Blond Quiling, 12 do (Plain Swiss
14 do Beltings, 3 do MnnUlIu Lace
4 do Grecian Not do, 5 do Bobbinet Isiro
8 do Snittnlfield lldkfs,13 do Pongee lldkfs
4 do pfniu Silk do, 3 do do Sutin do
6 doz Guuze do, 4 do ftincy do . •
G do embroidered «lo \Jr’
5 do Gents Brora Glove*
4 do Ladies do do, 3 do do Kid do
3 do Gents Buck Glove*
2 do do II. S. do
8 do Indio Rubber Susneiider*
3 do super do do do
14 pcs uncut Volvet Ribbons
Also, a splendid assortment of Plain, Figured
and Changeable Silks. nov 30
~~ Caiinl UToiir.
DDLS superfine" Canal Floor, just land-
VF Ing and for *nla on wharf, by
Fresh Garden Needs.
OP’D seed Onion*
large giant Aspuru-
Large Blood Beet
Mangle Wartzel do
Blood Turnip do
Early York Cabbage
Large do do
Green Glazed do
Sugar Loaf do
Cuuliflowcr do
Large Drumhead do
Early HwivCiifiM-
Long Orange do
Early Astringham do
White Cahhugo Lettuce
Imperial Ilcau do
Icu Coss do
Early Dutch Turnip
Largo Flat do
If ml Ton do
Largo Norfolk do
Rntubagn do
Hanover do
F.nrly Windsor Beans
Sievn or Carolina do
Horticultural do
Red Speckled do
Early Mohawk do
China Dwarf do
Round Spinach
Whilo Solid Cellory
Scarlet short top Radish
Long Scarlet do
Turnip do do
Large Bell Pepper
Loug Cayenne do
Do Smooth Parsnip
Dirge Red Tomato
Early Bush Squash •
Crooked Neck do
^JuUnug Meilrm
Cantelope do
Citrou do
Red Onion
White do
Stiftnslt Pepper
Double Curled Parsley
Purple -htsd white Egg
Large Marrowfat Peas
Do Dwarf do do
Early Frame do
Do Mououch do
Do Charlton do
Grooms Dwarf do
Sweat Sugar Corn
Golden Sioux do
New Goods.
A BENNETT luis nlso opened Store No.
l\.m 2, Waring'* Buildings, with a large mid
splendid assortment of Millenary Good*, consist
ing in part, namely:
10 boxes Indies Florence Braid, Split Straw,
Leghorn, Straw, Braid, col’d Euglish and
common Straw Bonnet*
50 dozencol'd Nun’s Hoods
40 boxes Bonnet, Cup, Satin and Tafeta Ribbon*
10 do Belts, various ntyle* and qualities
Col’d Silks, Florences, Satins, Ac. and a great
variety of fancy good*, for buIo wholesale or retail
very low. ’ nov 11
Seasonnfclc Goods. ~
B ROADCLOTHS—Black, invisible green
olive, blue; dark mixed nud cadet mixed at;
brown, English double milled.
TTgsgnmrtU 1 *—T/rui), »inciY,nnin gnygmt Hfltpccl.
Satinets—Blue, drab, cadet tuul dark muioJ.
Suspenders—Elastir and knitted, also Extra End*.
Hosiery—Lamb* Wool, V,igonia, wliito and mix
ed Cotton. _ , ,.
Gloves—Colored and white Iloskin, Buckskin,
Silk and Beaver
TtmhreHui—anj. ^...i Cotton.
Stocks-Satin, and Boinbosiu, with bow* and
Cravat*—Black Italian and fancy colored. Also,
Meriuo Skirt*.
Brushes—Cloth, hair, nail and tooth.
Handkerchiefs—Whito Silk, plain, ted and figur
ed. Just received, ndd (or «do by
oct 22 No. 2 Shad's Building*.
Caudles Oil, Ac*
/^A BOXES Sperm Candles, 4’», 5’e and O’*
Zj\j Winetr Sperm Oil
Do refined Whnlo oo
Spring do do «
Right Whale do
Ifalliburt Fins, Onions, Potatoc*
Tongue* and Souud*. Codfish
Butter nrtd Cheese. Spices
Soap, Tallow Candles
Whole and half bills Canal Flour
Half and qr do Buckweat
Loaf ond Brown Sugar .
Hyson, Young. Hyson ond Blaok Tea*
Wooden and Stone Wore * -»
Fine Calf nml thick Boots und Shoe*
Wines nnd Liquors , '
Niul*,(iu*sorted.) Ploughs, Ac.
•Just received, nnd for sale by
B. N. DOUGLASS, Aue)eux f wharf.
Menhaden Fish, for plantation Use, on consign
ment. 239Jr dec 3
Dlivid’» Coinpouittl Creosote
*ooth Wwill. ...
!ile vrgciable preparation for clean-
iftiltemug aifirpwwcrving tlio Teeth.
restoruig spongy anU dissased ui|ins to a irotar tl
and healthy atato, purifie* tlio mouth ami
the breath, preventive for nnd cure of the room
ache, canker, soreness, and tlio various ufleetions
of the mouth und throat, whether occasioned by
mercurials or dtherwise. Prepared only by T.
Davis, AI«nuftctuijff£0Dy||iiM|jBBk^MMMg
For sale by PORCin’.K A LA llOCIIE,
dec 27 Sign ot the Golden Glob-
Boston Itniii. a ‘
tZfl IRON bound bbls Boston Rnm, landuig
3\j from ship Eli Whitney, and for sale low
Refugee or 1000 Jo 1 dolTuscarorado, Ac.
Asparagns Roots |
These Seeds arc in fine order, and warranted
dec 5 212
Nnvy nreadji „ ,.
BBLS. Pilot anil 50 bills Navy Bread,just
> 2: reo.iveilan,lforsalebji ATT . RgoN
S TAR or Pot Muri
gold v
Musk Geranium
Double French Poppy
Tricolored Chrysanthe
Double June Puik
.Tuck's Pride' *
Double FrencUMarigold
Mourning Bride
Golden Coreopsis
Double Larkspur
Crimson Globe Amarrtn-
China or India Pride
China Aster
Iloso Campion-
Scarlet Malopn ;
Love Lies Bleeding
Sweet scented Arcadia
Shore jlloulds.
2 TONS Share Moulds, for sale by ’ .
nov 23 N. B. A- 11- WEED.
Evening Primrose
Formtoby’ BC '1’ORCtlEIl& l*ARO
dec' 13* 249
|C01L8 U “ ,C n<>JPC
r iHHI| r'"-,”' “ very minerior nrticle, filr sale
‘J! Bf .y WASH Burn, lewis & co.
, w
minor Hairts. . ( ’, .
itJi, lr,,< l" a,lt y Hums,lnmlin'3IYo.nbrig
ijr ‘Unovor, mill for sale by
CAuellcs. { If.
U*,* ,,oxe8 4 > 5 and 6‘Sperm' Candle.i--
it-to rcc 1 nml for .nlo by
l';' „r C ;! 'n V on.(;s: nm ro;!va r ,l llioir acoounls
4. s^?R OU.' El'«^»l>i 1,0 America".
PS JlKcoivoa and for sale on acoom-
modating terms by p gTILWEI , T „
W. II- * s. Boros,
H AVE just received per recent arrivals front
N. York, nearly tlicir liill supply of French,
German, Italian and English Fancy Dry Goods,
among which are tho following articles, vizi
Ladies rich Pltisb anil Silk French Shawls
Do. colored and black Ostrich und Cashmere
1 case finest Florence Braid Bonnets
1 do. snpor. Irish Linens
15 cartoons I-aris emb. Capes nnd Collars
30 pieces Wash Blonde nud plain Gainings
5 do. WcirGro do Lyons Laco
25 do. Tinestl Edgings and Iusertings
10 do. Vnlcncine do. do', nnd Ucudings
20 do. 4-1 and 5-4 Wnsh, Spot, Squire and Il
lusion Blonde
Freuch worked Cuffs, BlonJo Veils and Paris
Cliantilla Veils, Eng. Collnrs mid Twist Shawls
Molinir Nells, Bags nntl Scarfs
Muslin Paris null'd Shawls, 4-4hndM
Black Lnco do. do. 1-2 and 44
dins, Insnnt’s Waists, French Flowers and
Wrouths .
French, English n»d AmonCnn Prints
OhaHyi, Molts, do Lmnos, \ elvets mid Silks
Tm tan, Roll Rov mid Kahvle Shawls
Bonnot, Bolt and Cun Ribbons
Ermiuo anil Fur Collars ,
Silk. Worsted and Cotton Hoso.
octl.ll Sou Square.
BBliS Ap^jViltreceived perbrigNcw
duo 3
Starch and Blue.
T HIRTY boxesColegato’ssnpcrior Starch,t
cases do English Fig Blue, landmg ftom brig
A ”»v;fe and - f ° r “c. b k HENDRICKSON.
Flower Seeds.
Crimson Trefoil
Double HoUvbock
Crimson Velvet Cox
Velvet Marigold
Double PriuccsFeathcrs
Variegated BuUuiuines
Sweet rons
Satin Flower
Double Dahlia
Dwarf Sunflower
Princos Fcatlior
Dwurf Rocket Larltspur
China or India Pink
Bottle Pink
London Pride
Morning Glory
Love in a Mist
Piuk Isavatt-ra
Purple Larkspur
Golden Corconsio
New Striped Marigold
Diy Goods.
F ANCY Alheens, Marseilles Crib Countcr-
nanes, white iMarseilles Coimterpaues, us-
sorted sizes
White ond col’d notted do do do
Blunkcrt Shuwls, low priced Red Flannels
Bleached andtinbleached Canton Flaiinel
English blenched do ‘ do
Low priced Satinets, Kentucky Jeans,
Black and blue black Bouibasins ^ *
Welsh Flannel*. Thibet Scarfs
F ranch and English Merinos. For sale by
jiov 25 No. 2 Shad’s Building.
from tho wharf,
dec 27
liSMiuuN iu»» 4«wiy «•
3C0 hags good, fiiir und prime green Cuba Cotree
150 do superior old.Tuva 1,0
50 mats very fine old Manilla do
Ilhds prune Porto Rico Sugar
25 boxes Boston refmod Loaf do
10 bbls first quality crashed do .
20 half chesu superior BlneltTea
50 half boxes Baker’s No 1 Chocolate
50 bags heavy Sumatra Pepper
100 boxes Negro Pipes, large sizes
500 Dcmijons, assorted, 1 to 5 gallons
200 whole aud half boxes Bunch Uaisrna
125 pcs 42 inch Dundee Bagging
200 kegs Cut Nail,, assorted
50 casks Brown Stunt, quarts and pints
50 baskets Champagne, Anchor aim Key
50 boxes Sparkling Iloek .
2 °4 nipesklotiand*Gin, Bcoliivo and Hourglass
2 linlf pinos London Dock Brandy
10 do no J. J. Dnpuy & Co. do
300 bbl^Comiecticut Gin, Phelps & Cpwily’s
100 do Boston do, Engle brain.
100 do tlo Ruin do
30 do superior Baltimore AVhiskey -
]0 do do old Mouongtdiela do
100 halfpipes mid qiuirter casks alndeira, 1 ort,
Sicily Madeira and Pico Wmes
100 bags Shot, assorted
300 firindstonea ■ nor ..
House Furnishin-4 Goods,
8 , 104,124 slid 134 French Guilts
.3-1,04, 84,-104and 124 Table Da-
mask .,.
6-4,7-4,8-4,10-4 and 124 Scotch Damask Table
Covow * t .
04, 74 and 84 brown Damask do do
34 and 4-4 Scotch Damask Napkins
54,04,74 and 84 col’d worsted Table Covers
44,54, 64,7-1 and 84 do cotton uud linen do do
54 worsted Plano Covers
Col’d, worsted and do cotton Stands and Toilet
Whito Marseilles Toilet Covers
Scotch Diaper, Huckaback, Crash,Ac.Towelling
Birds Eve and Russia Diapers
Pillow Case linens and Linen ami Cotton Sheot-
Super Irish Linens, free of cotton
‘Rich Curtain Chintz, iu sets f
Drapery Muslins, Furniture Dimity
Oil Clo’ths, green, crimson and drub Moreen*
The above goods were selected with, care for tins
market, and will Ito sold on accommodating terms
South side Monument Square.
To Plnnlere.
P EAS and BEANS—Early China Dwarf
Beans, early six weak Bairns, wliito Kiduoy
Beans, rod Marrow Boons, early Washington or
June Peas, lnrge whito Marrowfat-Peas, Dwarf
Marrowfat Pons, enriBChnrllon Peas,DworfPro
lilic Poll*. A full supply just received oftho crop
of 1839, and for solo by
nov 30 PORCIIER & LA %pCHF..
nicKIcby-ConipIctc. '
T HE Life and Adventures ofNichlBS Nickle
hr, by Charles Dickens, with nunierous ilj
litstrati’ons’by Phiz.
Do do, cheap edition, with 2 plates.
Alfred Do Rosami or tlio Adventures of n
French Gentleman; by Gee. W. 5L Reynrida, 3
' Count Dumas'* Memoirs of bis own time, in
eluding the Revolution, the Empire, and die Res-
torntion, by Lieut. Geiieiul Count Mullueu Du
mas, in 2 vols. . . .
Jack Shcpperdconmlete in-Jvols.
BuLtV American Flower Gsrden Disectoiy,
new edition. , . ‘
Ellet’s Essay on file Laws n(Trade in re/orence
to tlio works of Internal Improvement uttlie IJ.
Slates, 1 ehhime, 8 vo. ,,
Pliilndclphio Beef. .
3 BBLS Rounds, in line Order, jnst received
nov 13
Clii-istmas Pi'cseiits.
L ADIES elegant Iloso Wood, Shell, Mahog
any nntl inlaid Work Boxes
'ElpgmItCIlineal Work Boskets
Toilet Bottles, richly gilt in grpnt vanoly
Essence Boxes, limey
l’eorl, Shell, and Ivory Cord Cases
Gold nml Silver Pencil Cases
Puzzles and Alphabets, Dissected JIaps, forchd
Ginuesof Graces,Dominoes, Battledors, Concell
MusicafBoxes, Aecordians, &o. Just received
dec W ,0r S “' 0 ^G. R. HENDRICKSON-
30 Go'iblf Vor J” R,C0 ’ } prime arUele.
F ‘dec U l7 l ' y WASHBURN, LEWIS & CO.
Negro Pipes.
4 q BOXES Negro Pipes, landing fropl brig
40 Wilson Fuller. Forsuleby
Swedes Ivon nnd Nails.
H rh/kfk BARS Swedes Iron, assorted so
LOUU zes; HOOkega Cut Nails do do
I F do“l7 by WASHBURN, LEWIS & CO,
Boston A Handle*
Market Square, Savaiiuuli,
H AVE In Store, aud m e receiving per yarmu«
arrivals, u full supply of Groceries,Bugging,
&c. Auioug which are-
10 hint*. St, Croix Sugar
11 do. Porto Rico c*o.
00 hags Coftea . **« '»
150 pieces Bagging* 42,43 and 44 niche*
,50 coils Bale Rope
100 Iba. Bagging rwitie .
10000 do. Baltimore cured Baron, Ilauw^ides,
ond Shoulders ' ‘ . *■ i
3000 bushels henvy f Maryland Seed Oats ^
Canal and Bajt Flour, whole and 4 bBls.
10 casks and 25 boxes Goshen Cheeso
10 kegs choice Butter , , ■
20 A, 20 J, and 20 4 bbls* Buckwheat Floor
10 boxes Sperm. Candles - 4,:,, -
5 pipes Otard, Dupuy Co s. 4th. proof
5 do. Seignctto do. do.;,-
- 5 do. Hoilaud Gin ;
20 bids. Pedeh Brandy - W
30 do. Rye Gm, 30 do. Whiskey ri
20 do. Ruhr . • ■■ -.4
Madeira, Teneriffe, Port and Sweet.Mala- •
go Wines
BtlUflr nnd Wine Biscuit
Almonds and Raisins, Tobacco
» 10 tons iron; assorted
75 kegs Nails, &c ,
All of which they offer on accommodating. 1
oct11 - • '
10 2 casks Currants, 9 bags Walnuts
1 Pnrtnerson Cheese
12 hexes Copers,-J2 db Olives
Jnst received and for sale by
d«»21 . I B.