Newspaper Page Text
Flour, Oil fijc.
200 bbls superfine Howard Street Flour
bbls Linseed Oil
50 Firkins Goshen Butter
100 H.'k’ S Muscatel Raisins
100 Kegs white Lead ground in Oil
10 do hlaqk Paint
5 do Spanish Brown
2 bDls Putty
I audios and for sale by
4 3 s HALL fc HOYT
ftariun-n'lTFaieiiL Hal nice*.
ires constantly for sale by
y all sizes, co T c HAT tvABD.
nnv 1 5 4 __g
To Rent,
m The store recently occupied by the
jan 4 e f
Corn Afloat,
• toh ' ,s
jan 8 6 ___
~ Yew o k)i)8,
Jame > .Inderson £5 Cos.
B\VC. just received by the late arrivals, a
large assortment of
British, French £5 India Dry
Among which are,
White and black Merino scarfs
4.4, 6-4 and 8-4 Merino shawls, and lead col
oured borders
6-4 fancy silk Hdkfs and Collaret bands
Elegant black, white and col’d French Crape
Super blk, white and col’d Paris-made Kid
p.j do do beaver do
Black fig’d silk, new pr.Merns
Assorted braids and wide Velvet Ribbons
Calicoes, Ginghams and Cambrics
Sewed, tamboardand plain Muslins
Tortoise shell, horn and bone Combs &c.
ogsther with their former large supply of
Wen. Worsted, Linen and Cotton GOODS,
hicli .nakes their assortment general and coin
ete 6h ,V<” 8
Fork , Ale, I lay, $c-
ANDIVG from brig Hope, at Taylor’s whf.
i 50 bbls prime Pork
31 do mess do
20 do do Beef
20 half bbls Fly-market Beef
58 bundles Hay, 52 bbls Apples
54 bbls Ale, first quality
160 casks Connecticut stone Lime
,r sale by C C. GUIS WOLD St Cos.
jan 9 7 __ _
iless i'ork.
4 i bbis Mens Poi4t, Landing awl for sale by
}UI 9 7 J W I,OXO.
To Planter-s.
BHE Subscriber has on hand & v.'ill continue
to keep a constan Supply of
FLOUR. COILY # pno visions,
‘ith a general Assortment of such articles as
e required for Planters The Goods will be
>)d at Savannah prices, and Produce taken in
ivment —lie Solicits the Patronage ol those
lanters in the vicinity of St. Mary’s.
In Stove,
2000 Bushels Prime Flint Corn,
3QO bbls Superfine Flour,
ith a genera! assortment of Dry Goods, Hard
are aiut Groceries.
t Marys, .Vow. 17 17
Douglass & Sorrel,
lAVE for sale—New Maryland a bite flint
100 barrels prime M iscovada Sugar
10 hhds do N O do
14 bbls Loaf Sugar at Low prices
10 pipes Colmenar Wme
A few lihJsof prime Havana green Coffee
)9 bbls Howard street flour, selected for fam
ily use
120 do Baltimore Rye Whiskey
6 tons Bar Iron
Hollow Ware
Spanish Segars
cveral very handsome Oil Cloth Carpets, dif
ferent sizes
. Spanish Tobacco, &c. h 44 dec 28
Coffee and Sugar.
50 bags’ prime green Coflee
30 hhds prime Sew Orleans Sugar
Jading from brig Belvidere, for sale by
dec ‘27 JOHN LATIIROP & Cos.
Mackerel, Gin and Figs.
Just received by Brig Serene.
SO bbls no. 3 Mackerel
50 do Gin
50 Drums fresh Fig*
Also in Store,
30 bbls N. E. Hum
5 hhds Do
1 20 bbls Indiapoint Gin 4.
150 Jo Potatoes
10 kegs Ist quality tobacco
10 do 2d do do
30 boxes Candles 4 5 & 6
1 50 do Soap,
10 do Chocolate No 1
20 do Sperm Candles 4& 5
30 do Fresh Raisins
50 bundles wrapping Paper etc. etc.
• orsale by BENJ. F. TAYLOR,
_- ,an * 12 Rices Wharf.
~ CAUriMN.
m‘lE public are hereby cautioned not to
>* trade for a note of hand for ninety Dollars
interest, dated 20th June 1821, by John
ryers, and payable six months after date to
Fho’ l ' ce3 > or bearer—Also, one note,
jtwenty one Dollars and interest, da
_ th June 1821, i signed by James 11. Con
1, ’ ? ''‘l Payable on or before the Ist day of
v .~L to Coolidge and Sikes or bearer.—
said notes having been stolen from the
” 5Cr ‘ Jer on the night of the Ist Dec. 182!.
** 10-
Frederic Selleck,
HAS just received and offers for sale, Low
for cash, produce, or town paper only,
30 bbls prime Muscovado Sugar
80 do Howard st Balt superfine Flour
20 do Rye Whiskev
20 and > No 3 Mackerel
10 do N Gin 5 hhds Rye Whiskey
2 hhds imitation Jamaica Rum
15 bags prime Havana Cotfee
1000 bush. Liverp. Ground Salt
5 tons Swedes Iron assorted
5 do Hollow Ware, Eng. and American
30 ns Cotton Bagging
10 casks Cheese
1000 pounds Share* Moulds
40 small boxes No 1 Soap
40 doz Carolina Weeding Iloes
100 reams Wrapping Paper
16 doz American Axes
20 kegs Dupont’s Powder
Shot assorted
iJOO wt Bacon, salt.petred
Brown Shirting, Plaids and Stripes
Plains, Calico, Shoes, Hats
And £lmo''>t every article suitable for town or
To large anil convenient
dSßlsto-v: and Cellar fronting Barnard street,
in C Gildoii’s new brick Building, rent very
On New York and Providence, for Sale as a
bnve. 35 dec 17
HAS just received an extensive assortment
ofSINGLE PLAYS, making his present
collection of Tragedies, Comedies, Operas, Vie
lo-Dramas, Farces, &c. equal to any in America,
among which are the foil owing new ones :
Mir undo la, a Tragedy, by Barry Cornwall—
price 37 j cts.
Damon U Pythias, a Tragedy, by ; Richard
Shif-1, F.sq author of the ‘'Apostate,”—-25 cts.
The forest of flozenreahle, or Travellers Be
nighted, a Melo-Drama, by J. Stokes —19 cts.
The Warlock of the Glen, a Melo-Drama—l2
The Lady and tfie Devil, a Musical Drama, by
W. Ditnoiui—l9 cents.
The Promissory JVote, an Operalta—l24 cts.
dec 18 ‘ 36
Coffee § Flour.
9 Hhds prime green Coflee
400 superfine Balt Howard street Flour
For sale by
jan 3 2 F, WILLIAMS £<f Cos.
New Goods.
H Johnston’s Square,
AS received by the latest arrivals
Extra fine and 2d quality Bombazines
FigureAFrench Crape Dresses
do Nankin do do
Merino Mantles
34, 4-4 and 8-4 Merino Shawls
Plain and silk Hdkfs, for Tut bam
V. bite and black Crapes
Plaid Ribbons
Gentleman’s silk Cravats
Super French cloths and Cassimeres
do Shepherds blue and oik do
Blue bali Twist Ifc Uc.
Which with an extensive assortment ofSta.
pie and Fancy Goods, are tflered on accommo
dating terms t wholesale or retail.
N. B The remai. N g stock of white & mix’d
Plains, will be disposed of as cheap as any in
market 4 jan 5
Landing; from selir Adeline.
50 bids prime Pork, 30 do Reef
12 do Mess do 100 do Union Gin
In Store,
20 hhds Jam. Rum, 12 pipes Cog Brandy
14 pipes Holland Gin, 9do Piet points do
6 do Fagle gin, 12 bbls Apple Brandy
10 hluls N O Sugar, 25 bbls St Croix do
8 bbls Loaf Sugar
80 boxes Soap and Candles
80 kegs Noland 5 Touacco
130 bbl Howard s! Flour
Teas in whole and Catty boxes
20 firkins butter, 3 ton Shot assorted
12 bbls Newark Cider
Fly market beef in half bbls
SO’ boxes Raisins, Coperas, Negro pipes &C by A MORGAN,
jan 8 6 Jones’s up‘. e, TW ,v. f
For Sale, a great bargain
FlVLjnmd'ed and seventy -seven acres oax
and hickory lands, about 26 miles from Sa
vannah, on which there is a good dwelling house
and other necessary out buildings, the above
land joins the river and Fbenezer creek.
5 prime field hands will be sold with the a
bove property. Persons wishing to purchase,
will please call on J B HERBERT if Cos.
jan 8 6
To Lent.
find possession given immediately.
THAT elegant three story brick tene
tilnSil ment Dwelling house and Store, corner
of Barnard st. and Bay Lane, the Dwelling-house
contains seven large and spacious rooms, Cellar
Kitchen &c, the store is large, and an excellent
stand for any kind of business, the rent wili be
very moderate until the first of Nov next.
Also—a Brick Dwelling House tn Bryan-st.
containing five rooms and Cellar Kitchen, new,
and in complete order.
Also—a Dwelling House and Store, corner of
Jefferson dnd St Julian-st. a good stand fora
Grocery Store, rent low, apply to
Paper, Fork, Coffee, &>c.
Landing, ‘
4 cases, containing common, superfine hot
pressed Letter Paper, Foolscap, and Folio
Post Writing Paper,
3 tons sand Sheathing do
1 case account Books, 1 do Quills
20 bbls No 1 and Mess Pork
20 bags prime green Coff.e
100 boxes Soap and Candles
50 bbls No 1 and 2 Mackerel
2 tons Cordage
6 pipes pure Holland Gin For sale by
jan 15 12 Exchange-wharf.
Just Received,
5.000 lbs Scotch Patent Cord.'go
3.000 do common do ail sizes to 5
inches round
10 bbls Burton Ale
100 boxes No 1 Soap
Hyson in chests, 13 lbs and C lb-, boxes j
Young Hyson iu 6 lb do
Souchong do
40 boxes Imperial Gun Powder do
And for nale bv
dec 20 38
Seasonable Dry Goods,
OTp Cheap for ‘cash !! !
U HE subscriber has for sale, at his Ware
Room, No. 7, Commerce Row, an assortment
of the following Goods, which were purchased
in New-York at auction by the package on
the best terms, and which he w ill dispose of at
a small advance:
Extra superfine London Cloths, blues, blacks
and drabs
Middling do do
Extra sup. Cassimeres, drab mixtures, white
and buff [lilies
4-4 Irish Linens in half pieces of various qua
-- Dowlas, 7-8 Droghedas, and 3-4 Long
l.awns, 10 qualities
8- 9-4, 10-4, 11 4 and 1-4 Rose Blankets
Blue Plains, Vestings, and Wire Cotton
Irish Diaper
Plain, pearl edge, striped, embroidered and
pound llibboi s
Floss Cotton
Glass, Ivory, gilt and suspender Buttons
Black and white plain and embroidered silk
Hose, fiiik Gloves
Cotton and silk Webb Suspenders
Velvet Ribbons, Ginghams add Calicoes
Book Muslins, Scotch Lawns
Inserting Trimmings
Blue, pink and green figured Sill: Gauze
White and black Lace Veils
Imitation Merino and Dresses
Elegant striped Silks
Cravats, worsted Trimmings, fancy Lace Tlkfs
Sislersoy Hkfs Sooty Pounds
StripedLenos, Figured Book Muslins
Britannia Hkfs, Linen Cambric do
Purple Shawls, Carlisle Girgliams
Needle Work Ruffles, &c. &c.
6 bbls of Cherry Brandy
6 do Columbian Coffee, and
4 patent Balance Beams and Weights com
The subscriber’s arrangements will enable him
to receive from New-Vork by every arrival,
such other articles in the Dry Good lint as the
market may need.
dec 5 n—ttf26 FRANCIS L SHAY
Ma h ogan y Filmiture ,
Piano Forte .*, Curled Hair .Matrasses
Feather Beds, Chairs, Spc.
rBHIF. subscriber, agent for the well known
1 Factory of D I’HYFE, in the city of Nt w-
York, respectfully informs the citizens of Sa
vannah, that he has brought to tins city a large
Ri full assortment of C ABINET FURNITURE,
consisting of the following articles
Side Hoards, with and without Liquor Cases
Sets of Dining Tables, single do.
Sofas and Couches, Rosewood and Mahogany
Pier Tables, with marble tops, Card Tables
Tea Tallies, Breakfa-t fables, Dressing Ta
bles, with and without glasses
Rosewood and Mahogany Work Tables
do tU> Writing do
Secretaries, Book Cases, Bureaus
Double and single tv .si: Stands, Ward Robes
Butlers’ Trays and Stand-;, Piano St> ois
Music Book Cases M rhogany Chairs
Curled Maple d<, Rosewood do.
High pits; lii si woo a Bedsteads, Fieldjdo
do do Mail- ganv do. Field do.
do and Curled Maple tlo field do
Dressing Gfasses, of every description
Piano Fortes, the newest M"3ic, &c.
Douiile and single curled tun Matrasses
do do feather Beds aft. he best quality
A large assortment of Chairs.
All tin- .< >ove articles will be .. arranted to
stand ihe donate, and the subscribe invites the
puolic generall} to call and view, fort vemselves
o his Repo \iory,
Church Buildings, opposite Gibbons’ Buildings-
N. B. she subscriber has brought out one of
the best workm n, and will a'Und to those who
wish their Furnitur repaired or varnished,
nov >2 6
i he Jifucncan Gardener.
■ i\R, a Treat se v>u ,ne situation, soil,fencing
” w and laying o.>. of Gardens, or the making
and managing Hoi Beds ad given houses, anti
on the prerogation and cultivation of the seve
ral sorts of Vegetables, Herb . IJ-uits a Flow
ers, by Wm, Cobbett, price &1
the time for every kind of work in the Kitchen
Garden, Fruit Ga'i den, Orchard,Nursery, Shrub
fiery, Pleasure ground, • lower garden. Hop
yard, hot house, and Grape Vines, for every
month in the i ear SI 25
Being a plain practical ti eatirc on the art of
Husbandry,, designed to promote an acquaint
ance with the modern improvements in agricul
ture gardening, and the management of Bees,
by Frederick Butler, price 75 cents.
A view of the cultivation of FRUIT TREES,
illustrated by cuts of two hundred kinds of fruits
if the natur 1 size, by Wm Coxe Esq. $3.
An epitome of Forsyte's treatise on the cul
tivation al m:".ag. ment of Fruit Trees, %%
PLII.UI.GGI or the philosophy of Agri
culture ar, I Garden'll g, by Erasmus Darw in, M.
li F Us S- 50 For sale by
jan 12 10 Johnson’s square.
The subscribers offer for sale,
TjO obis Fmur
40 do prime Beef
25 do do Pork
100 bundles Hay
lOu boxe. snap Ist quality
20 da Port Wine dodo
Received by lute arrivals
ian 10 s3 Jones’ wharf.
Drug b) Chemical Warehouse.
. . It the Corner of
lUtaker and Congress streets, Shad’s Buildings.
Medicines, Perfumery, etc.
\I ARRANTED Fresh, and of the first qua
’ ‘ lity, at the Lowest prices. Amongst’
winch are
j Antimony crude Rhubarb root’
Alcohol do powdered
Aloes soct. do liepat Red Percipitate
Arrowroot, Aiinisseed Rose water, Rosin’
Assafetida, Alum Bust of Iron
Angelica root Gum elastic, Spatulas
Angostura bark Scales and weights
Aquafortis Marble mortars
Antimonial wine C raposi i<m do Don do
Arsenic Ivory reject n pipes
Acid muriatic, do nitric do syringes
do nitrous, do tariaric Syringin qua, is inbox*
do sulphuric do pints, do h piius
Bark yellow, do red do male and Itmale
do pale, do in qiull Congress & spring watt
Balls t'apeva Lemon acid
and Canada, do Peru Soda powders
do Tolu Gits of Lemon
Barbados tar Cologne water
Borax ref cl Wash balls
Burgundy Pitch Windsor soap
Bole Armenia Transparent do
Beeswax yellow Liquid do
do white Lows perfumed do
Brimstone roll Naples do
do refid Pomatum in sticks
Caster Oil American do in pots assorted
do do W India Hose water
Castor Russia Lavender do
Camphor ref'd Fancv vials
Calomel ppt Essences ass’d
Cantliarides, do pulv Sal Ammoniac
Cammomde flowers do Volatile
Canella alb. do soda
faraway seed do Rochelle
Cardamon seed do Tarter
Cascarilla bark clo Epsom
Cassia, C innunmn clo Glauber
Castile snap white do Niter refined
do colored Solut Arsenic flours
Cloves, Cochineal Spts Ammonia
Colombo root, do powd do hartshorn
Cnalk prepared do Lavender compriM
Coriander seed do Wine
Cream artar pulv do camphor
Corrosive sublimate do Nit Dole
Carmine Sassafras bark
Conserve roses Sassaparilla
Caustic Lunar Sponge fine, do course
Dragons blood Saffron Spanish
Digit.les do English
Dovers powders do American
Epsom salts Eng. Savin* senna Alex
Ether sulph. Ergot Spermaceti
Elder blossoms Snake root Virg
Emery fine ih> Seiickn, squills
do Nol, 2 and 3 Storex, salts hartshorn
Elixir paregoric Sugar Lead
do vitriol Syrup squills
Extract clcoter do simple
do gentian, do Lead Tail Emetic, Tapioca
Flour sulphur Tinct Aloes compil’d
do benzoin do Myrrh,
Flak seed. Fennel do do Valerian
Filings steel, do Iron do sn ike rt,“'t
Frankincense do Assafuctula
Glauber salts tio Benzoin comp’d
Galls Aleppo do Cantharides
Galbanum, Ginseng do senna
Gold Thread do Rhubarb
Gentian root do bark huxhams
Glass Antimony <lo I’eruviaii bark
Ginger race do Opium, do castor
do powdered do Muriat Iron
Grains paradise do columbo rout
fium ammoniac do Kino, do Jalap
do s> negal do guiac, do Valerian
do arabic, do powtl do Gentian comp’d
do kino, do benzoin Vinegar distilled
do tragacantli do squills
do guac, do Myrrh Vilerian root
do shellac, clo Copa Vitriolataled Tartar
do mastich Vitriol white, do blue
do gamboge do green
clo scamony Patent medicine Vc
Helebore black Batemans drops
do white British Oil
tiiera I’icra Essence peppermint
Honey, do of squills Stoughtons bitters
Hoffmans anodyne Godfrey’s cordial
Isinglass Steers Opodeldoc
T'tcacunnhaor luppo Turlington* balls
Jalap, Juniper berries DaUieys carminative
Laudanum Daffs Elixir
Liquorice root . Harlem oil or medeca
do powdered, do ball mentum
do refined Oil Wormseed
Lime water, Lead do Fills, Lees New London
Magnesia Lump do do Windham
do powdered do Andersons
do small square do Hoopers
do calcined do Calomel
Manna flake, do sorts do Opium
Mezereon, Musk Prussian Blue, 1 2 & 3
Mustard seed, Mace Fig blue, Kings yellow
Nutmegs, Nax vomica Drop Lake, No 1 £l2
Opium, Orange peel Flake white, Garraine
Oxymel squills Ivory blaca, lamp do
Oil pennyroyal Indigo Spanish
do turpenti te Black Lead, red do
do tunsey, do olive Litharge
do peppermint Terr, de senna
do spearmint, do savinJCaster Oil, ir. phials
do rosemary Peragoric . do
do origamum Laudanum do
do cinnamon Antimonial wine do
do worm seed Tinct Rhubarb do
do Lavender do Assafetida do
do wormwood Bals capevia do
do aiuiis seed Sweet Oil do
do juniper SptsLavend, com. do
do V doves do camphor do
do almonds, do Lemon do- hartshorn do
do bergamot} do sweet Niter do
do sassafras do Turpentine do
do hemlock Calomel do
Oil Fennel Jalap do
do Spruce Tartar Emetic tlo
do Wintergreen in mottles,
do Vitriol Wine bitters
Ointment mere Spts hartshorn
do Ualsicon do Sweet Niter
do Cerate do Turpentine
do Simple Sweet Oil
do Red percipitate castor do
do Spanish Flies American and W 1
No. 1 7 Vol. 28.
1 ink root*, Pearl Ashes Spanisn w ting
Pearl Barley Ration stone
Powdered tin Pumice do*
Plaster mercurial Powdered blue
do Burgundy pitch Copperas
do Adhesive Vermillion, Chinese
do strengthening do Eng.
do Drachy lon Verdigris, Dish Glue
do gum, do bl : stering in vials.
Quassia Ess cinnamon
do rasp’d Quicksilver do'Lavender
■ss Lemon Clown do do Evans’s
Calc’d Magnesia Dergamott
i.osoni sails, rhubarb Spring Lancets
Peruvian bai fc Tootn instruments as’d
Ciielteiihaif salts Bough s, C.:Jia pots
Hei rvs calc’d msgnesiaMacabhy snrff
Stomachic bitters f iq'nid blacking
Worm Lozenges French do
Aromatic Toothpaste Black sealing wax
Hinckley* remedy foißcd wafers ass’d do
the piles Tooth brinJies com
l ev rl’ov d’ fp oo silver wire 3 and 4
Thompson's ey c ater, rows
lar. ; c and small Cupping ar.d T.- paning
Paten! Itcf: ointment insiiun eris
I'ef*.. I.iquorice Male bud Ten ale silver
do in boxes, do com catheters
Patent spting'l msses Whi’S leather skins
common uo Eng. miistaid by the lb.
Durable Ink in car. is tiers
Pei! ink pow ler Ground Gmger, race do
Black vto Pi I boxes . lovt.;. cinnamon
V.ul co'ls, buttle d® Ihtirr Quito
V\ ax uip-.-rs Churches cough drops
Ni.rei.bergii do for cough?,CoUls^on-
Pateut Lint sumetions, asthmas,
T humb Lancets 6.0 ; c
do Common Cephalic snufi', for ca
d clew leys tarrhs.
Shipmans Unvden Seeds, assorted, in b oxes.
A general assortment of
Surgical Instruments, Shop Furniture,
Phials, assorted,from half th am to 8 ox.
ifc. dj’c.
All those who wish to purchase, will phase
call and examine for themselves. j f<ll i
Paints. Oil , Window Glass,&c.
THE subscriber keeps constantly for
sale, at his store in Whitaker-street,
nearly opposite Col. Shellman’s Mansion Douce,
a large and genera: supply () f
Paints. Pamters , Articles ,
IViudhW Glass, Varnishes, OiU, djv.
Which he offers al wholesale and reta.l. a', the
lowest pruts for cash, produce or approved
400 kegs London ground white Lead, in 28,
56. and 112 ib kegs
100 ktgs American do
10j do Spanish Brown
lOti do Yellow Ochre
100 do Venetian Red
50 do Black Paint, 20 do Verdigris
500 gallons Linseed Oi , in bbls and tierce*
<FO do spermaceti Lamp Oil
100 do Spirits Turpentine
60 do Copal Varnish
50 do Japan do 60 do Rosin do
20 packages Gold and Silver Leaf
3 tuns \Vintnyj, 1 (j., Paris vvni'e
50 lbsChrnm V. How, U 0 do hue Smalts
200 do Utiich I ink
50 doChiiit t Vermillion, 500 do red Dead
300 do powcu-icd I.tioaige
2 hhds E'igfish Lamp’ Black, in 1 ib £ Ib
and i ’b papers
30 boxes 10 by 12 English Crown Win low
6 (io 11 ”15 and( do [Giass
6 do 11 ”18 do do o
6 do 12 ”15 do do do
2 do 12 ”16 do do do
4 do 12 ”18 do da do
4 crates do dp do
4u boxes 10” 12 Fi*ench Glass
10 clo t ” 9 American Giass, branded
10 do 7 ” 9 do do Elliott CJ Cos.
10 do 8” 10 do do ristol
10 do 8'” 10 do do Elliot D Cos.
20 do 8” 10 do do Peterborough
10 do 8 ’ tO do do Cincinnati
5 do 9 1 1 do do Bristol
5 tlo 9” ! 1 do do Elliot ti Cos.
40 do 10’ 12 tlo do Bristol
10 do. 10 ”12 do do Elliot Si Cos.
16 do 10 ’ 12 do do Peterborough
20 do 10 ”14 do do Elhot Si Cos.
1 do Large Picture Glass
Flake White St’ nc Ochre
White Lead, dry Spruce do
White Chalk lellow dopowd’d
Kings Yeilow Gambago
Patent do Carmine
Grange Orpiment Prussian blue No. 1
Englisc Vermilion Blue Paint
Drop Lakes, Pose pink do Verditter
Venetian Red, dry Powder bine
Red Chalk Distill, and Verdigrisj
Ivory biaak, Blue do Blue Vitriol
Black Lead Pencil do dry
Spanish Brown, dry Green Verdi - ter
Purple Brown Mineral Green
Terra de Sienna French do
do do buret Olympian do
Turkey Umber Copperas
English do Glue
Rotten Stone Pumice Stone
Gold Bronze ltosin
Copper do Sandpaper
Dutch Metal Putty nish Rrusher
Paint Brushes assorted Fine Camels Hair Var-
Sash Tools do do Tools
White-waSh Brushes do do Pencils
Scrubbin do Japan Geld size
Sweeping do Oil do do
Hearth do Pallet Knives
Dust do Gum Copal
Clothes do 1 do Sin liac
Shoe do do Arabic
Fine Roman Ochre Sugar of Lead-
Orders .from the country will be thankfc v
received and punctually attended to
N. B. All sorts of Colors prepared for use,
and directions given for using them if required.
■i an I 1
Gin, Raisins
Just received -per sc hr Gen Hawes}
50 bbls Rutenhurgli Gin
55 do C.arke’s dp
85 boxes Muscatel Raisins s - ". quality
60 do Hlbom do
10 bble Greenings in nriu:e oder
For sale by 46 3