Newspaper Page Text
Flour, Oil fyc.
‘OO bbls superfine Howard Flour
’3 bbls Linseed Oil
50 Firkins Goshen Butter
<UO Boxes Muscatel Raisins
l/j Kegs whitfe Lead ground in Oil
;0 do black Paint
5‘ do Spanish Brown /;
2 bois Putty
Landing ami for sale by
jw 4 3 H ALL & HOYT.
jearborn’s latent Haliuces,
f ***■***},
nnv 15 2. ■
To Kent,
m The store recently occupied by the
subscribers in Budoch , s buildings. Ai
8 „ 4 e 3 Jones’ Building.
Com Afloat,
1500 bushels Maryland Corn, afloat, so- sale
jan 8 6
James Anderson Cos.
B y;; just received by the late arrival*, a
.rge assortment of
ntisli, French India Dry
Among winch are,
White and black Merino scarfs
4 4j6-4 and 8-4 Merino shawls, and lead c. 1
(nil'll bordf rs
fi-4 fancy silk Hdkfs and Collaret bands
Elegant black, white and co.’d French Crap<.
Dresses ( ,
Super bik,- white and cot’J Paris-made Kiii
),> ‘ do do beaver do
Hack fig’djs'dk, new patterns
Lisortcd braids and wide Velvet Ribbons
blicoes, Ginghams and Cambrics
iewed,lamboard and plain Muslins
tortoise .shell, horn and bone Cntnbs !<c.
gather with their former large supply of
den, Worsted, Linen and Colton GOOD
icli their assortment general and ro.
Ite Oh j-'e 8
Cork, die, Hay, t^c.
ANDING from b:ig Hope, at Taylor’s will.
159 bbls prime Pork
31 tlo mess do
4 9 do do Beef
c 0 half bbls Fly-market Beef
58 bandies May, 52 bo's Apples
54 bbls Ale, first quality
lfitl casks Connecticut stone Lime
■ sale by C C. GIUSW OLD Si Cos.
an 9 7
iiess cork
0 /tcjs.UUw l*orki Guiulntg and £>rt)a b..
W 9 7 .1 vv i/.mi
To Planters.
PIE Subscriber lias on hand Ik will contour
, to keep a constant Supi-lv ot
th a general Assortment of such articles
required for Planters. The Goods will h
it at Savannah prices, and Prod ice taken i’
rnent. —He Solicits the Patronage ot thus
inters in the vicinity of St Mary’s.
11l Store,
?'OQ Bushels Prime Flint Corn,
3'Jj bbls Superfi r.e Flour,
itli a general assortment of Dry Goods, Hat li
re and Groceries.
Marin, Xov. 17 .7
Douglass t# Sorrei,
A.YE for sale—New Maryland suae flint
I Corn
100 barrels prime M rscovado Sugar
10 Hints “ilo N O do
14 hbisLoaf Sugar at Low pfices
10 pipe-. Cohncimr Wine
A few hhds of prime 1 i avana green Coffee
0 bbls I Inward'street flour, seleAed for fam
ily use
120 do Baltimore Rye Whiskey
6 tons Bar Iron
Iloilow Ware
Spanish Segars
veral very handsome Oil Cloth Carpets, dif
ferent sizes
Spanish Tobacco, &c. h 44 dec 28
Coffee and Sugar.
50 bags prime green Cottee
3j hhds prime New Orleans Sugar
ruling from brig Uelviiiere, for sale by
dec 27 JOHN LATH BOP & Cos.
Mackerel, Gin and Figs.
Just received bu lit ig Serena,
50 bbls no. 3 Mackerel
50 do Gin
5u Drums fresh Figs
Also in Store,
30 bills V. E Rum
5 hhds Do
~0 ( bids ladiapoint Gin
150 do Potatoes
10 kt gi Ist quality tobacco
10 do 2d do do
boxes Candles 4 5 8; 6
50 do Soap,
lo do Chocolate No 1
20 do Sperm Gandies 4!k 5
30 do Fresh Raisins
50 bundles wrapping Paper etc. etc.
For sale by ‘ 11ENJ.F TAYLOR,
i 12 Rices Wharf.
JiHE public are hereby cautioned not to
, trade for u note of hand for ninety Dollars
interest, dated 20th June IS2I, by John
layers, and payable six months after date to
■trilidgk and Sikes, or bearer—Also, one note
1 jtand For tyventv one Dollars Mid interest, da-
M'Udi June 1831, i signed by James H Cdn
and payable on or before tlie Ist day of
I;‘ v ’ to Coolidge and Sikes or bearer.—
■9 sau ’ notes having been stoluu front the
“scriber on the night of the Ist Dec. 1821.
>3ii 12 wnf it)
Frederic Selleck,
HAS just received and offers for sale, Low
tor cash, produce, or town paper only,
30 bbls prime Muscovado Sugar
SO do Howard st Balt superfine Flour
20 do Rye WTnskev
20 da No 3 Mackerel
10 do N Gin 5 hhds Rye Whiskey
2 hhds imitation Jamaica Rum
15 bags prime Havana Coffee
1000 bush. Liverp. Ground Salt
5 tons Swedes Iron assorted
5 do Mellow Ware, Eng. and American
30 ps Cotton Bagging
10 casks Cheese
1000 pounds Share .Moulds
40 small boxes No 1 Soap
40 d< z Carolina Weeding Hoes
100 reams Wrapping Paper
16 doz American Axes
20 kegs Dupont’s Powder
Shot assorted
1500 wt prune new Bacon, saltpetred
Brown Shirting, Plaids and Stripes
Plains, Calico, Shoes, Hats
And almost every article suitable for town or
— 3 ‘ ar s e an, J convenient
tiiUUiStore and Cellar fronting Barnard street,
■ C Gil Jon’s new brick Building, rent very
On New York mid Providence, for sale as a
hove. 35 dec 17
SAS just received an extensive assortment
* of SINGLE PLAYS, making his present
olh-oUon of Tragedies, Comedies, Operas, Me
o-Di iimas, Farces, Cite equal to any in America,
ong which ar? the following new ones :
■ Hi-andoa, a Tragedy, by Barry Cornwall—
price 37i ets.
Shim on if Pythias, a Tragedy, by f Richard
1, Esq. author of the “Apostate,’’—2s cts.
The I'o est of Rosenivalde, or Travellers lie
•i. gated, a Vlelo D ama, by J. Stokes—l 9 cts.
The W hit-luck, of the Glen, a Melo-Drama—l2
The Lady and the Devil, a Musical Drama, by
‘.V Dimond—l9 cents.
The Promissory Note, an Opefatta—l2£ cts.
lec 18 36
Coffee £5 Flour.
9 Hhds pr ime green Cofl'ce
400 superfine Balt Howard street Flour
For sale by
fan 3 9 F. WILLI AMS £4 H,
JNew Goods.
H Johnston’s Square,
AS received by the latest arrivals
Extra fine and 2d quality Bombazines
Figured French Crape Dresses
do Nankin do do 1
Merino Mantles
o 4. h Hi ami o-cr i*t. -*..
Plain and silk Hdkfs,/or Turbans
White and black Crapes
Plaid Ribbons ‘
Gentleman’s silk Cravats
Super Ft each cloths and Cassimeres
do Shepherds blue and oik do
Blue ball Twist ilc ofc.
Which with an extensive assortment ol'Sta.
on- and Fancy Goods, arc offered on accommo
.gte.g terms t wholesale *>r retail.
\ it The. remaining stock of white k mix’d
hams, will be d.sposed >fas cheap as any in
feVe* 4 jan -5
G,Hiding’ from sclu* Adeline.
50 bbls prime Purs, 30 do Beef
12 do Mess do 100 do Union Gin
In Store,
O.iihds Jam Rum, 12 pipes Ccg Brandy
:4 pipes Holland Gin. 9do Piei points do
6 do Eagle gin, 12 bbls Apple Brandy
.0 hhds N O Sugar, 25 bbls St Croix do
8 bbls Loaf Sugar
Hu boxes soap and Candles
.SO kegs Noland 5 Tobacco
IJO bbi lliAVaivl-st Flour
- Teas'in whole and Catty boxes ]
w r* fii kins butter, 3 ton Shot assorted
13 blits Newark Cider
Fiv market beef in halt bbls
3 J box .-s Raisins, Coperas. Negro pipes Btc
For sale by A MORGAN,
jan 8 ’ 6 Jones's upver wharf
For Sale, a great bargain.
wjMVV. inndred and seventy .seven acres oa’
and hid ory land., about 26 miles from Sa
vannah, on which there is a good dwi lling house
old other necessary out build l ngs, die above
haul joins the river and Kbenezer ertek.
5 jirime field hands will be sold with the a
bove property. Persons “.‘"-biiig to purchase,
will please call on J B LERiir'RT£# Cos.
jan 8 ’ 6
I’o iicnt.
.thul possession given immediately.
THAT elegant three sjory brick tene
'Ui*ss- ment Dwelling house and Store, corner
of Barnard st. and Bay Lane, the Dwelling-ho-s.*
amtains seven laige and spacious rooms, Cellar
Kitchen one, the store is large, and an excellent
Stand for any kind of business, the rent will he
very moderate until the first of Nov next.
Also—a Brick Dwelling House in Bryan-st.
containing fit e rooms and Cellar Kitchen, new,
and in complete order.
Also—a Dwelling House and Store, corner of 11 and St Julian-st. a good stand fora
Li” eery Store, rent low, apnly to
jan 14 11 Fit EDI- IHC SELLECK.
Paper, Pork, Cofiee, tSjc.
4 cases, containing common, superfine hot
pressed Letter Paper, Foolscap, and l'olio
Post Writing Caper,
3 tons sand Sheathing do
1 case account Books, 1 do Quills
20 bills No 1 and Mess Cork
20 bags prime green Coffee
ldO boxes Soap and Candles
50 bblsNo 1 and 2 Mackerel
2 tons Cordage
6 pipes pure Holland For sale liv
lan 15 12 Exchange wharf.
Just Received,
5.000 lbs Scotch Patent Coydage
3.00,1 do common do all sizes to 5
inches round
10 bids Burton Ale
100 boxes No 1 Soap
IL son in chests, 13 lbs and 6 lbs boxes
Young llvson in 6 lb do
Souchong do
4J boxes Imperial Gun Powder do
And for sate by
dec 20 38
Seasonable Dry Goods,
‘Jj |) Cheap for cash ! ! !
vJ HE subscriber has for sale, at his Ware
Boom, No. 7, Commerce Row, an assortment
of the following Goods, which were purchased
in New-York at auction by the package on
the best terms, and which he will dispose of at
a small advance.:
Extra superfine London Cloths, blues, blacks
and drabs
Middling do do
Extra sup. Casstntcres, drab mixtures, white
and buff [lities
4 4 Irish Linens in half pieces of various qua
-- Dowlas, 7-8 Droghedas, and 3.4 Long
Lawns, 10 qualities
8- 9-4, 10-4, 11-4 and 12-4 Rose Blankets
Blue Plains, Vestings, and Wire Cotton
Irish Diaper
Plain, pearl edge, striped, embroidered and
pound Ribbons
Floss Cotton
Glass, Ivon, gilt and suspender Buttons
Black and white plain and embroidered silk
Hose, Silk Gloves
Cotton and silk Webb Suspenders
Velvet Ribbons, Ginghams add Calicoes
Book Musnns, Scotch Lawns
Inserting Trimmings
Blue, pink ami green figured Silk Gauze
While and black l.ace Veils
Imitation Merino and Dresses
Elegant striped Silks
Cravats, worsted Trimmings, fancy Lace Hlcfs
Sislersov Hkfs Sooty Romals
Striped Le*ros, Figured Book Muslins
Britannia Hkfs, Linen Cambric’do
Purple Shawls, Carlisle Ginghams
Needle Work Ruffles, &c. &c.
-6 bbls of Cherry Brandy
6 do Columbian Coffee, and
4 patent Balance Beams and Weights com
The subscriber’s arrangements will enable him
to receive from New-York by every arrival,
such other articles in the Dry Good line as the
market may need.
dec 5 11 —ytf 26 FRANCIS L SIIAVi
dfahogany Furniture ,
J’iano Fortes, Furled Hair Matrasses
Feather Beds, Chairs , J*c.
fIMIF. subscriber, agent for the well known
* Factory off) PHY IF., in thecily of New
vannali'rfii'if'iie’ Has'f Sa-
Ik full assortment of CABINET FUR’AYV i'AtT,
consisting of the following articles :
Side Boards, with and without Liquor Cases
Sets of Dining Tables, single do.
Sofas and Couches, Rosewood and Mahogany
Pier Tables, with marble tops, Card Tables
Tea Tables, Breakfast Tables, Dressing Ta
bles, with and without glasses
Rosewood and Mahogany Work Tables
do do Writing do
Secretaries, Book Cases, Bureaus
Double and single Wash Stands, Ward Robes
Butlers’ Trays and Stands, Piano St.-ols
Music Book Cases, Mahogany Chairs
Curled Maple do, Rosewood do.
High post Rosewood Bedsteads, Fieldjdo
do do Mahogany do. Field do.
do do Curled Maple do field do
Dressing Glasses, of every description
Piano Fortes, the newest Music, &c.
Double and single curled hai. Matrasses
do do feather Beds.>tl he best quality
A large assortment of Chairs.
All the above articles will be arranted to
stand the climate, and the subscribe, invites the
public generally to call and view fort letmelves
at his Repository,
Church Buildings, opposite Gibbons’ Buildings
N B. The subscriber has brought out one of
the best workmen, and will attend to those who
wish their Furniture repaired or varnished,
nov 12 6
l he American Gardener.
• a Treatise on Lie situation, soil, fencing
i P and la\ ing out of Gardens, or the making
and managing Hot Beds and green houses, and
on the prerogation and cultivation of the seve
ral sorts of A evetables, Herbs, Fruits and Flow
ers, by Wm, Cobbett, price gl.
the time for every kind of work in the Kitchen
Garden, Fruit Gaiden, Orchard. Nursery, Shrub
bery, Pleasure ground, Flower garden. Hop
yard, hot house, and Grape A'ines, for every
monih in the rear, R 1 25
Being a plain practical treatise on. the art of
Husbandry,, designed to promote an acquaint
ance with tlie modern improvements in agricul
ture gardening, and the management of Bees,
by Frederick Butler, price 75 cents.
A view of the cultivation of FRUIT TREES,
illustrated by cuts oftwo hundred kinds of fruits
of the natur 1 size, by Wm. Coxc Esq. g3.
An epitome of Forsyth’s treatise on the cul
tivation and management of Fruit Trees, S2.
PHILCLOGIA—or the philosophy us Agri
culture and Gardening, by Erasmus Darwin, M.
D. F. li. S. S3 50. For sale by
jan 12 10 Johnson's square.
Tlie subscribers offer for sale,
100 bbls Flour
40 do prime Beef
25 do do Pork
100 bundles Hay
100 boxes Soap Is* quality
20 do Port Wine do do
Received by late arrivals
jan 10 sS Jones’ wharf
Drug § Chemical W arehouse,
.... . -'ll the Cm ner of
alaker and Congress stteels, Shad's Buildings.
Francis j. lay,
Genuine Prugs,
Medicines , Perfumery, etc.
11/’ARIfANTEU Fresh, and of thy first qua
... li: y. at the Lowest prices. Amongst
Which are
Antimony crude Rhubarb root’
Alcohol ‘ do powdered
Aloes soct. do hepnt Red Pcrcipitate
Arrow root, Annis seed Rose water, Rosin’
Assafetida, Alum Rust of I rou
Angelica root Gum elastic, Spatulas
Angostura bark Scales and weights
Aqua fortis Marble mortars
Antimonial wine Composition do Iron do
Arsenic Ivory rejection pipes
Acid muriatic, do nitric do syringes
do nitrous, do tariaric Syriugin quads in box*
do sulphuric do pints, do h pints
Bark yellow, do red do male and female
do pale, do in quill Congress Sc spring vvalr
Balls Capeva Lemon acid
do Canada, do Peru Soda powders
*!° * °!u Salts of Lemon
Barbados tar Cologne water
Borax refd Wash oalis
Burgundy Pitch Windsor soap
Bole Armenia Transparent do
Beeswax yellow Liquid do
do white I.ows perfumed do
Brimstone roll Naples do
do ret and Pomatum in sticks
Caster Oil American do in pots r*. ted
do do VV India Rosewater
Castor Russia ■ Lavender do
Camphor ref‘d Fancy vials
Calomel ppt Essences ass’d
Cantharides, dopulv Sal Ammoniac
Cammomile flowers do Volatile
I Canella alb. do soda
Caraway seed do Rochelle
Cardamon seed do Tarter
Cascarilla bark do Epsom
Cassia, Cinnamon do Glauber
Castile soap white do Niter refined
do colored Solut Arsenic flours
Cloves, Cochineal Spts Ammonia
Colombo root, do powd do hartshorn
Chalk prepared do Lavender’d
Coriander seed do M ine
Cream ! artar pulv do camphor
Corrosive sublimate do Nit Dale
Carmine Sassafras bark
Conserve roses Sassaparilla
Caustic Lunar Sponge fine, do course
Dragons blood Saffron Spanish
Digit:,lts do English
Dovers powders do American
F.psom salts Eng. Savin, si ijna Alex
Ether sulph. Ergot Spermaceti
Elder blossoms Snake root Virg
Emery fine do sencka, squills
do No 1, 2 and 3 Storex, salts hartshorn
Elixir paragoric Sugar Lead vitriol Syrup squills
do gentian, do Lead TartT.metic, i spim
Flour sulphur Tiuct Aloes compil’d
do benzoin do Myrrh,
Flaxseed. Fennel do do Valerian
Filings steel, do Iron do snake root
Frankincense do Assafcetida
Glauber salts do Benzoin comp’d
Galls Aleppo do Cai tharidcs
Galbununi, Ginseng do senna’
Gold Thread do Rhubaib
Gentian root do bark liuxhams
Glass Antimony do Peruvian bark
Ginger face do Opium, do castor
do powdered do Muriut Iron
Grains paradise do Colombo rout
Gum ammoniac do Kino, do Jalap
do Senegal do guiac, do Valerian
do arabic, do powd do Gentian comp’d
do kino, do benzoin Vinegar distilled
do tragacanth do squills
do guac, do Myrrh Vilerian root
do shellac, do Copa Vitriolatated Tartar
do mastich Vitriol white, do blue
do gamboge do green
do scamony Patent medicine iic
llelebore black Batemans drops
do wliita British ttil
Hiera Picra Essence peppermint
Honey, tlo of squills Stoughtons bitters
Hofl'mans anodyne Godfrey’s cordial
isinglass Steers Opodeldoc
Ipecacuanha or hippo Turlingtons bat s
Jalap, Juniper berries Dalbeys carminative
l.audanum Duffs Elixir
Liquorice root Harlem oil or medeca
do powdered, doball mentuni
do refined Oil M’ormset and
Lime water, Lead do Pills, Lees New London
Magnesia Lump do do V.'inuliam
do powdered do Andersons
do small square do Hoopers
do calcined do Calomel
Manna flake, do sorts do Opium
Mczereon, Musk Prussian Blue, 1 2 k 3
Mustard seed, Mace Fig blue, Kings yellow
Nutmegs, Nux vornica Drop Lake, No 1 it! 2
Opium, Orange peel Flake white, Garmine
Oxymel squills Ivory bluett, lamp do
Oil pennyroyal Indigo Spanish
do turpenti te Black Lead, red do
do tansey, do olive Litharge
do peppermint Terri tie senna
do spearmint, da savin'Caster Oil, in phials
do rosemary Peragoric do
tlo origamum Laudanum do
do cinnamon Mtlimonial wine tlo
tlo worm seed Tinct Rhubarb do
do Lavender do Assafetida do
do wormwood Bals capevia tlo
do annis seed Sweet Oil tlo
do juniper SptsLavehd, com. do
do Cloves tlo camphor do
do almonds, do Lemon do hartshorn tlo
do bergamot} do sweet Niter do
do sassafras do Turpentine do
do hemlock Calomel do
Oil Fennel Jalap do
do Spruce Tartar Emetic do
do Wintergreen ix mottles,
do Vitriol Wine bitters
Ointment mere Spts hartshorn
do Balsicon do Sweet Niter
do Cerate do Turpentine
do Simple Sweet Oil
do Red percipitate castor do
do Spanish Flies American and W 1
Pink root, Pearl Ashes Sr.anisn w and
i carl Barley Ro’tleo stone
I owdert’d tin Pumice do
Plaster mercurial Pow dered blue
do Burgundy pitch Copperas
do Adhesive \ erniillion, Chinese
do si l engthening do Eng. /
‘lo Drachv lon Verdigris, Irish Glue
, do gum, do blistering ix- vials.
(iu.issia Essciilnamon
do rasp’d Quicksilver do Lavender
;.ss Lemon j'os'n do vi ’’ Evans’s
Gated Magnesia Bergamott
Epsom salts, rhubaib Spring Lancets
Peruvian baik ‘l oot h instruments as’J
f'heltenhan; salts Bougiek, Ga.ia puts
Henri s calc’d n-agncsia'Macaboy sni ff
Stomachic bitters l.itpbd blacking
Worm Lozenges Fret ch do
Aromatic Tooth paste Black sealing wax
Hii,cl;levs remedy lorßc-d Wafers, a-s’d do
the piles Tooth brushes com t
Fever Powders 00 silver wire 3 and 4
Thompson’s eye water, iows
large and small Cuppingar.d Trepaning
Patent Ech ointment iiistrumcnts
ItefM Liquorice Maie owl female silver
do in boxes, do corn catheters
Patent spring Tiusses W hite leather skins
common do Eng. mustard hy the lb.
Durable Ink j,. cilJ inters
Re. ink powder Ground Ginger, race do
Black do I'll! boxes Gloves, cinnamon
Vial corks, bottle do Bain; Quito
V. ax tapers Churches yough drops
Nurenbergh do for coughs,cplds,con
sumi rions,,
I numb Lancets „ js; t c
do common Cephalic snufi, fur ca
do clew leys tarrhs.
Shipmans Garden Seeds, assorted, inbuxes,
A general assortment of
Surgical Instruments. Shop Furniture,
Finals, assorted, from half drum to 8 oz,
•v.l those who wish to purchase, will pV as“
call ad < xamine for themselves. jan 1
Paints. Oil, Window Glass,Ffe,
F 11L subscriber keeps constantly for
salt*, at his store in Whi taker-street,
nearly opposite Col. Shellmar.’s Mansion House,
a large and general supolv ot
Paints. Painters’ Articles,
D indmv Glass, f urni sites. Oils, igc.
Which lie offers at wholesale and retail, ai the
lowest prices for cash, produce or approved
400 kegs London ground white Lead, in 28,
56, and 112 lb kegs
100 kegs American do
10 ) do Spanish Brown
lOd do Yellow Ochre
100 do Venetian Red
50 do Black Paint, 20 do Verdigris
5::3 gallons Linseed On, in bbls and tiercel
3’ 0 do spermaceti l amp Oil
100 do Spirits Turpentine
60 do Copal Varnish
50 thi Japan do 6’Jtlo Rosin do
20 packrges Gold and Si'ver Leaf
5J lbs Chrome Yellow, TOOSo DTile .smatw
200 do Dutch Link
50 do Chinese Verniillion, 500 do red Lead
300 do powdered Litharge
2 hhds English Lump Black, in 1 lb $ !b
and J lb pipers
30 boxes 10 by 12 English Crown Window
6 do 11 ”16 di d„ r Glass
6 do 11 ”18 do do , o
6 do 12 ”15 do do do
2 do 12 ”16 do do do
4 do 12 ”18 do do do
4 crates lo t h) do
40 boxes 10” 12 French Glass
10 do 7 ” 9 American Glass, branded
10 do 7 ” 9 do do Elliott &Cos
lit do 8 10 do do (.-pistol
10 do 8” 10 do tlo Elliot k 1
tO do 8” 10 tlo do Peterho;-’ h
10 do 8” i0 do do C: u-i
5 do 9 11 tlo do Bi-ratoi
5 tlo 9” 11 do do Elliot ft 1 Go.
40 dp 10” 12 do c! br-s'i
10 tlo 10” 13 J.) do F.;1i... -n.
16 tlo 10 ”12 do do Peti .boivuhh
20 do 10” i4 vio •ft . Ei';..-; 6. do.
1 do Large Picture Glass
Flake White St.-oe (lehrs
‘Vhit< Lead, Jty Spruce 00
V\ mi t Jalic Ye bo-,.- (t; 1 :. ‘v.'i’d
Ki gs Yellow Gamboge
Eateui do Carmine
•’range Orpiment Prussian blue No. I
I- nglisc \ erm.iion Bine Paint
Drop Lakes, Pose pink do Verdi tier
Venetian Red, dry Powder blue
Red Chalk Dist-ib and Verdigris j
Ivory bla k, Blue do Blue \ itriol
Black Lead Fetich tlo dry
Spanish Brown, dry Green Verdi h-t
Purple Brown Mineral .Green
Terra tie Sienna French do
do do bur’t Olympian do
Turkey Umber Copperas
English do Glue
Rotten Stone Pumice Stone
Gold Bronze Rosin
Copper do Sandpaper
Dutch Metal Putty nish Brushes
Paint dm-hes assorted Fine Can els Hair Vac-
Sash I Ovds do do Louis
Wlutc-wash Brushes do do Pencils
Scrubbin do Japan Gold size
Sweeping do Oil do do
Hearth do Pallet Knives
Dust do. Gum Copal
Clothes do do Sin ilac *
Shoe do do Arabic
Fine Roman Ochre Sugar of Lead
Orders {from the country wbl be thankfu y
received and punctuallv att noed to
N. A. All sorts of Colors prepared for use,
and direction's given for using them if- -4.
J al) 1 > -
Gill, iiitlSihlj .jC.
Just received per schr Gen Hawes,
50 bbls Uutenhurgh Gin
25 do Ciarke’s do
85 boxes Muscatel Raisins sup quality
60 do bloom do
10 bbls Greenings in mime order
For sale by 46 8 M ANTON
No. 18...0...V01, £8;