Newspaper Page Text
From the London Morning Chronicle.
Proud Queen of the Ocean! the land ot the fi ee!
Once hope of the nations!—What trance is on j
- thee ? , ,
Why. so still, and so voiceless, upon thy blue :j
While the Greek bleeds again o’er his forefath
er’s grave?
Remember the land of the patriot and sage,
The lone light of mind in a barbarous age;
The ark of bright freedom that %av’d her for
’ man,
When Slavery’s deluge the earth overran.
The parent of heroes —the bravest and best
That e’er smote the plumage from Tyranny’s
And left the examples which make us believe
What miracles Virtue can dare and achieve.
The parent of all that to mind cah belong—
Tlie Orator’s power—the enchantment of song
The treasures of Science Philosophy’s plan—
And History teaching the grandeur of man.
Such, Greece, were thy glories when grand and
Thou sat’st in thy beauty on Liberty’s throne;
And thy brows were adorned with the chaplets
most rare.
Os the beautiful arts which bloom’d lovingly
And these do we owe thee;—and now that thy ;
Again soars to glory o’er ages of shame,
Shall we leave thee unaided to fight on that shore
Which Freedom libs written with names we a
dore ?
Oh, rise! and avert from our age the foul stain,
That Greece fought for Freedom, ami fought on
in vain!
While the Nation that boasts of the Christian’s
best fame,
§aw her temples consumed in the Mussulman’s
flame !
<^h! let not this tale be through time handed
In letters of shame, and with History’s frown,
That Britain look’d coldly on Freedom’s dread
* lass,
Avhile her soldiers were Greeks, and her ban
ner—the Cross.
The late Earl of Chesterfield was universally
Tateenied the Mncxnns of the age in which he
he lived, l)r. Johnson addressed the plan of his
‘dictionary of the English Lunguage to him, on
that account; and his lordship endeavored to be
grateful;, by recommending’ tliat valuable work
in two essays, which, among others, he publish
ed in a paper, entitled, the World, conducted by (
Mr. Edward Moore, and his literary friends.—
Some time after, however, the doctor look great
offence at being refused admittance to lord Ches
terfield, which happened fay a mi, take of the por
ter; and, just before the work was finished, on
Mr. Moore’s expressing Iris surprise that Johnson
did not intend to dedicate the book to his Lord
ship, the lexicographer declared he was under
no obligation to any great man whatever, and,
therefore, should not make him his patron.—
me, Sir,” said Moore; ‘'you are certain
ly obliged to his Lordship for the two elegant
papers he lias written in favor of your perform
ance.” “You quite mistake the thing,” return
ed Johnson; “I confess uo obligation ; I feel my
own dignity, Sir; 1 have made a commodore An
son’s voyage round the whole world of the Eng
lish language; and, while I am coming into port,
with a fair wind, on a fine sun-shiny day, my lord
Chesterfield sends out two little cock boats to
tow me in. lam very sensible of the favor, Mr.
iMporeJ and should oe sorrv to say an ill-natured
hing of that nobleman; buts cannot help think*
, >'g he is a lord amongst wits, and a wit amongst
Mr. Glover, the late dancing-master to the
royal family, being in company with Picard, the
fencing-muster, and the conversation turning up*
oil their different professions, each master sup
ported the superiority of his talent over that of
the other. At 1 ngth words arose very high,
and it was agreed to determine the dispute bv
arms, next morning, in ilyde-park. The com
batants met. When Picard drew his sword,
Glover drew his kit, and began to play a minuet,
sa mg, “Why don’t you dance ?” Picard was
very angry, exclaiming, He did not understand
being trifled with. “No,” said Glover, “1 don’t
trifle with you; this proves the superiority of uiy
profession, as y ou can do nothing without an op
ponent: whereas 1 can amuse without the assist
ance of any one.”
The late lord Bolingbroke, on his return fiom
France to England, had concerted, with lady Bo
liugfaroke, a Scheme for ingratiating himself with
George 1 This was to be by means of a young
>adv, whom lady Botingbroke brought over with
her, for the purpose of throwing her in the
king’s way, in the hope of her captivating him.
Bhe was a natural daughter of Ferioljthe Fiench
ambassador at Constantinople, by the fair Greek;
of whom rile Abbe Frevot has given us so enter
taining a novel. The lure, however, did not
take. Though the girl was an extremely pretty
l>funette, sue wanted that German corpulence
which was the king’s taste. Lady Bolingbroke’s
Collateral negociutjotis were nevertheless not ab
solutely without offset. She had often supped
with the king, and made lord Bolingbroke’s part
so gi.od, that it was not without reason imagined
that, if the king had lived to return from Hano
ver, he hud a very probable cliance of coming
into die mimStrv, and even of supplanting Wal
pole, not at that time so firmly fixed as he was
F*t* Sale,
On board ling Almira, Hunter's Wharf.
luu lliim-j.SinoK’d Herring
1 7 do God Eish
A few half barrels No 1 .Mackerel
liO pair fine Calf skin Shoes
12 do Seaatans Deck Boots
leb 16 i 40
Just Opened,
Three doors south of the City Hotel,
J, FOURTEEN trunks of the most fashionable
blue, black, drab, parson’s grey, corona
tion and slate colored cassimere Pantaloons —
. some of which are extra sizes
’ ■ 5 do blue, black and buff cassimere and cloth
! Waistcoats
4 do Toilinet, Marseilles and silk do.
Anew supply Linen and Gotton Shirts
2 cases Merino Shirts and Drawers
14 bales real Tartan Plaid Cloaks, from 10 to
§l6, extra sizes
It do blue and black Coats, §l6 and upwards
4 do fine and extra fine Surtout Frock Coats
and Waterloos
! trunks best quality half Ilose, 3 pair for §1
Ladies Silk Stockings, §1 50
Gentlemens rib’d Silk Stockings, §2
10 cases gentlemens Elastic witer-proof broad
and narrow brim HATS, §8
Imitation Beavers, §3
4 cases best quality silk Umbrellas
1 trunk Wellington Boots, §4.
feb 22 45
JT iHK Cargo of Schr Charles lying at Bullochs
Wharf,—For sale by
fi b 14 38 L. H. SAGE A Cos.
Kentucky Tobacco ,
5’ hhds prime Kentucky Tobacco, landing
Iron ship Union from N O. for sale bv
te;. 18 E. WILLIAMS & Cos.
| .4 ** ~
Coals for sale.
J’ ST landing from brig Robert-Quay!e—
200 chaldrons of COALS. Apply to
ft I) 20 and Mongin's wharf.
English and Classical School.
JT. JORDAN respectfully proposes to the
citizens,of Savannah, and its vicinity, to
open a School, as soon as sufficient encourage
men< mav oiler tor the tuition of pupils, in the
vari< is branches, of Arithmetic, Reading, Wri
.irtg, English Grammar, Geography, Latin, and
limit’ .lents of die Greek Language, at the fol
low! i g reduced prices.
Writing, Reading, and Arithmetic §5 perqr.
Eny ish Grammar, Geography, tic. §6 do do
fiat i/Greek, E. Grammar, Etc S7 dodo. He
! ptb< #cs himself that every attention shall be
palt Cos the advancement of the morals, as well
asy flier education of his pupils; and that lie will
use fcis utmost endeavours to give general satis
fact |>n to those who may honour him with their
patronage. As ho is an entire stranger in Sa
vatmui, and his arrival here merel. for tuitions,
he cai give no external pledges of the rectitude
of bis character, but hopes that lie has within
him, what may entitle him to the good opinions
o a'l, who become thoroughly acquainted with
his pri iciples.
Those who are pleased to honour him with
heir patronage, may find him at Mrs. Batty’s
tnanliug House, lohnst oil’s Square.
jn 2*2 18+r.
The English Traclice;
VST VI'K MKNT, shewing some of the Evils
and Absurdities of the practice of the En
glish Common Law, as adopted in several of
the United Sia'cs. Price 50 cents.
Kicherand—§l 00.
PERCY ANECDOTES No, 11, on Humor
Do. No. 12, on Imagination
Plains of Chippewa, a drama, as lately perform
ed in Savannah.
VIRGIKIUS, or the Fall of the Decemvir; —
Just received and for sale by
feb 23 45 Johnston’s square.
For a few days only.
THF. subscriber respectfully informs the In
habitants of Savannah of his arrival from N.
York with that valuable article
OEVJUjYE blood leech.
The above valuable article is an excellent
remedy against all inflammations in the head,
eyes, &c. rheumatism, gout, old inveterate ul
cers, or any local pain where blood-letting is re
quired, as they can be applied so near the part
affected, without the least danger.
Apply to T. A. BAY’ ING,
At the Cixv Hotel.
feb 21 44
Boots and Siloes,
At Reduced Prices.
eiMIF. subscriber intending to close his bust
-1 ness early in the spring, offers for sale iris
stock of fresh Bouts and Shoes, wholesale ami
retail, at unusually low prices— amongst which
-300 pair ladies’ morocr.o Slippers,plain Laces,
village Laces, bvid'e ties amt broad straps,
with and without heels
300 pair ladies’ superior quality black moroc
co broad straps and village, heel and spring
heel walking Shoes
500 pair women’s black roan morocco Slip
pers, of various qualities
700 pair gentlemen’s fine nailed and sewed
calfskin Shoes, of a superior quality
800 pair children’s morocco and leather Shoes ’
and Boots, thick and thin Soles
Ladies’ prtinellosnd ‘amask satin Shoes
White and colored kid do
Gentlemen’s fine Washii gt m Boots and dan
cing Pumps
Men’s good strong lined and bound Shoes
Negroes’-thick Bpogand and coarse Shoes
Boys’ fine Shoes, nailed and sewed
Misses’ black awl colored morocco and leath
er thick and thin sole Shoes
Day 8; Martin’s Paste Blacking, ?;c. Sic.
(tjpOountry dealers will find it to their ad
vantage to Call. JAMES ADA VIS,
South aide Old .1 leu ket Square.
feb 21 n>44
Just Received ,
100 kegs fresh Ilogs’ Lard
10 puncheons Jamaica Rum
feb S3 c 46
Grand Lodge of the Stale of
k GRAND Quarterly Communication of the
HL Grand Lodge, will be convened at the
Grand Lodge Hall, it i the city of Savannah, on
Satitr lay the 2nd day of March next, at 10 o’
clock, A. M.
The Grand officers. Past Grand officers and
members, and the officers and past officers oi l
subordinate Lodges within the state, are here-j
by requested to be punctual in attendance, as, in i
addition to th? annual election of Grand Ofli
|cers for the ensuing masonic year, other husi
| ness of importance to the cralt, will be submit
ted for consideration.
Bv order of tlie M. W. G. Master,
JACOB I>K LA MO I TA,Grand Sec’ry.
The Augusta llerald the Millidevilte Journal
& Louisville Sentinel are requested to insert the
above twice.
Drafts on Philadelphia,
At khort s.gbt, for sale by
feb 19 42
Seed Rye.
6 bbls Seed RYE—For sale by
feb 17
HAS removed from York-street, to Col. Den
nis’ house in Congress-street, opposite
the Merchants’ Hotel. feb !9
STOIIKSE Paintings will remain in the city on
<L& ly a few data longer, therefore such of the
public as have not been gratified with a view
of them, would do well to avail themselves of
every fair day that occurs, otherwise they may
indulge too much in delay. A portrait of Gen
Jackson, by Mr, Vandetiyn, reputed to be a very
faithful likeness, is received and added to the
collection. 37 jan 13
Elegant Furniture,
THE Subscriber informs his Iriends and the
public, that lie has now on hand a general
assortment of the most fashionable Furniture,
made in the city of New York, which he will
dispose of at reduced prices, for cash or town
Side Boards of various patterns
Secretaries and Book Cases
Grecian Sofas
Setts of pillar and clawfeet dining Tabjes
Breakfast Tables
Pillar and claw Tables
Card do
Gentlemen’s writing Tables & book Cases
Work do
Bureaus, Wardrobes
French Pres* with door to the end
j Lad ies’ dressing Tables with glasses
Candle Stands
Wash do
4 post mahogany Bedsteads pattelit joints
Curl’d Maple do
Plain high post field do
Easy Chairs •
Elegant fancy Chairs of various patterns
Windsor do
Clocks and Cas-s.
With a general assortment of Mahogany Boards,
Plank and Veneers. Furniture of every des
cription made to order, by
On the Bay, nsxt duo >■ west of i/.e City-ljuteL
feb 14 d§_
Family Butter ftj hard,
30 ft: kins best Goshen Dairy Butter, which
is recommended to private families & boarding
20 firkins Lard, landing from ship Augusta
nnd forsaleby A. CORNWALL.
feb 15
Coffee. &c.
400 bags greet. Colfee
40 bbls do do
400 bbls No. 3 Mackerel
20 qr casks sweet Malaga Wine
Landing this day from schr Caroline, at An
denon’s wharf and for sale by’
Pork , Beef, &c.
9 hbls Mess Pork, city inspection
198 do prime do do
14 do mess Beef
73 do prime do
22 hhds Whiskey
200 bbts superfine Flour
20 casks Cheese
25 casks patent Shot, all sizes
30 bundles Hay
10 hall hbls Vly market Beef
30 hbls Union Gin
20 bhls I.oaf Sugar
50 boxes Soap
50 do Candles
50 kegs first quality Tobacco
60 firkins Goshen Butter, first quality
50 kegs White Lead
33 do ground Verdigris
29 do black Paint
10 bhls 1 amp Black
4 hbis black Varnish
2 Gigs, plated Harness, at Tlensler’s
for sale by C. C. GRISWOLD fc CO.
feb2t 41
*Y. O. Flour,
500 bhls superfine X O Flour fresh fr the mill
150 kegs Lard—apply to
_ ri ’ 21 H C W’TLLT AMS
Prime Green Coffee £?c.
70 hags Havana green Loll’ce
10 bU is prime Sugars
Landing from ship Clio—and for sale by
feb 21 _ 44 F. WILLIAMS Cos.
•Hearty executed at the Mu'sein;i o[/‘ce.
Tp’ilF. subscribers infi rm heir customersand
41 friends generally, that they have received
from iiie factory of Andrew Rankin, Nevvatk,
New,Jersey, a genera! assortment of Mens and
Youths’ HATS, is follows:
Mens’ first quality Beaver Hats
do do Imitation do
do first and second quality Castor tlo
do fine Korain do
Youth’s Fine and Fancy
Mens’and Boys’ Wool Hats— all of which are
warranted equal to tiny inthe place, and sold
on reasonable loons bv
feb 26 48h
Whiskey, Flour, ftje.
30 hhds Rye Whiskey
50 bbls Balt, superfine Flour
3u do N York city Inspection prime Pork
20 do do do Di cf
6 hhds rectified Rum
20 bbls >‘ E Gin
50 boxes mould Caudles
3 hf pipes ?
3 qr casks S Superior old Port Wine
8 boxes No 10 Cotton Cards
For sale by
feb 26 48 J. LATHHOP & Cos
Just Opened
At PF.TER DREGE’s London Ware-House,
f|BVO trunks extra fine white Cassimere fasb-
I ionable PANTALOONS, at Eight Dollars.
feb 23 46
r|AHE subscribers to the Washington Ball who
I did not obain I ikets, are requested to
call and pay their subscription to Messrs Nesler
& Grigs at the Bar of the Exchange,
feb 26 48
N. E. Rum ftf Domestic Goods
35 bb!s N E Rum
3 bales Domestic Goods.consisting of Plaids,
■'tripes, Chi ck* ami Shirtings—landing from
brie Frances, and for sale by
feb 25 c 43 Taylor’s wharf.
HAS in addition to ins former supply—
Superfine Muslin Robes and Flounces
do 4 4 ami 6-4 plain and fig’d- mull mull
Muslins, do to do Book do
do do do Nansoak Muslins
Fine Jaconets and Cambric do
Superfine thread and bobinet Laces and cap
9-8 fire printed check and stripe Muslins
4-4 Caroline Muslin Plaids, (anew stile)
3 4 and 4-4 striped and plaid Camoric Ginghams
Hair cord ami 6 4 Cambric Dimity’s
Fine white and col’d bordered muslin cravats
and imitation Cambric do
Blk figurtd and colored Irish Poplins
do do do Bombazetts and Bombazines
do Nankins and Canton Crapes
Yellow and blue Nankins
Dark striped do
Russia (trill and Long Lawn
7-8 and 4 4 Irish Linens in whole and hf pieces
5-4 Irish Sheeting
Brown Rolands and Scotch Dowlass
Long Cloths aid white Homespuns
5-4 Cotton Cl cks
Superfine IT and blue cloths and CaSsimeres
Ladies beat quality white and col’d Kid Cloves
do do wht and blk English silk do
do and Gentle urn us do do do silk Hoze
do do Cotton do of every description
do do Cas’or and Reaver Gloves
Holts and Nuns host quality Threads
(lemmings do and : silver eyed Needles
A quantity of the best Oznaburgs on hand
witli sundry other articles, for sale low at
the sig iof die Golden Fleece, Gibbon’s
Buildings. 41 feb 25
Dry (ro’ ds
subscriber hat jo*- ed from Net,’
fe. York,’ per . hip Augi.s: ither late ar
rivals, aing* su ■iycfS ’-'Fluey Goods
well worth the at’v’:'. iui \ *and countrj
iner. units, wjli b-s Id ued prices for
cash— viz : v
Super blue, block, v'.ri ‘/Intbs
and do do .• C'ssimerCs
do 4-41 “ sf. in half it c s
do damask Table Ci-'riis, Iran. 3-4 to 10-2'!
An assortment of English ami French black &.
white Silk Lace Shawls
Do do do Veils
l)o do si'k i lose
4-4. 5-4, 6-4, 7-4 and 8-4 rich Silk Shawls
black Nankin Crapes
Black silk Florentine
Black and mixt Canton Camblets, for gentle
men’s sunmner wear
Black India Sarsnets
\ complete assortment cfDomestic Goods, viz:
V. S ..rown and white Sheetings
Do do Shirtings
Checks, Plaids, ‘Jc. —For sale bv
feb 19 42 JV* . 7 Conime rce Kota
Ooslien Buttor.
nj'WENTY-five firkins of fresh Goshen Dairy
< BU fTEH. of a superior quality, for sale by
the firkin or smaller quantity.
Also— 2o firki:i3 I.ABD.
feb 22 45
ihliare Moulds, Pork, Gin §c.
Landing from ship Corsair,
3 tons Suave Moulds
5b bbls fn-;n:e Pork
71 do Union Gin
In Store,
60 bbis prime Pork, 26 do Mess do
15 do mess Beef, 47 do prime do
20 do Loaf Sugar, 50 boxes Soap
50 boxes Candles
260 hbls superfine Flour
39 firkins prime Goshen Butter
13 casks Shot, well assorted
40 Its bbis lly market beef
8 fibs Cherry Brandy*
3 marble Chimney Pieces
161 e/.sks Connecticut Stone I.ime
50 kegs manufactured Tobacco
< ’ey ant Gigs at F Denslers, for sale by
jan 16 C C GIBS WOLD &Cos
Lansing’lnirgli Ale.
5 bbis Toppiu’s Lai.ringburg Ale of a stipe
tor quality, and'ing from shi Garonne, and for
j tn 39 25
; Far Liverpool.
I 200 bags Cottbu are wanted
jolt freight in the Copper fastened trie
| IIA.M, liobt. liaidiiig master, to s.ili *!
idays, apply ro S. li PaRKu iv v
I feb kb c 43 Ay
For Charleston,
£■£'34 ‘Lite sc!.r ALB a’ Y-PacKRT t
mar, master, will sail TOMOHgJj”
Foi freight er passage, having superioracc
imodal ions apply to the master on bom ..... p 1 ’
ice’s w harf, or to ISAAC COT- v“
j frJV 26 .48 .
For Poston.
1 TH f brip AIWUNK. Je* 6 Atwooi
j master, will be rt*aOv ftr St a i it . f u ,
Idays, for freight of 40 bales Cotton uuderd'.."-
anil 50 bales on deck —Apply to
s.'b. paukmvc
feb 26 c4S
For Charleston,
Tlie regular packet sloop OCF.\\
tg-f St Johnson, master, will sail on T ut .X’’
i\ ri. eight or passage, apply on board or 4'’
L. 11. S.AuE & Tij
feb 25 i
For Charleston,
The regular packet sloop EXPIRE
Hammett, master, witi meet with lies’
p-ioi*. For freight or passage, having su|j fc ij„
or accommodations, apply to il,e master 01 ,
boaul at Exchange wliaiij or to
feb 22 c 45 ISAAC COHEN.
For New-York,
The fast sailing scin. CHARLES
Chase, master, will meet with ties!
! paten. For freight or passage Apply on board
u% Bulloch’s will or to
L. 11. SAGE & Cos
feb 22 45_
For Sale.
i The fast-sailing sloop -MARION, bur
l t jV,’ ‘ lu-n tons, low deck, lb wellcalcula
ieu for tlie inland trade, being ot an easy
draught of water, and stows a large cargo for
her size She is well,found and tan he sent to
sea without expense. For terms, which will
he accommodating, uppiy to the master on
board at Mongol's wharf, or to
For London.
THE fast sailing Ship Racket, J. L.
JCteikk Boggs, master, having the principal
pan. ui iier Cargo ready to go on Board, will
meet quick despatch, for freight of the re
mainder or passage having handsome accommo
dations—Apply on board at Taylors Wharf or
to C. G. GRISWOLD £j* (jo
feb 20 * 43
For New-York,
The packet bug BELYIDK.RK.capt,
-Sfciwjfc Richards, will Sail with all possible dis
puted, having part of her cargo engaged, for
height ol the remainder or passage, apply to
feb 20 43
For Boston.
The packet brig ALMIRA,I Atwood
master. For freight of 50 bales cot
ton apply to 8. B. I*AUK.MAN.
Who lias for sale
100 bbls N E Rum, 200 do Rye Whiskey
26 do Sugar, 2 hhds Mutton Hams
■ 10 do Milton Crackers
10 pipes Schiedom Gin, Chathams cargo
7 bbls Hub ringers American Gin
14 bags Almonds
30 boxes fresh Muscatel Raisins
1 feb 19 42 c
I ‘ 11 ;
For New-York,
The ship UNION, Capt. Cole, will
.Aki&Sa meet with despatch For freight or
passage apply to E. WILLIAMS U Cos.
feb 19 42
For Liverpool,
jfwST The superior coppered ship BIT
SeSkife’ - CHER, R. J. Rotter, master. For
eight of 400 bales cotton, or passage, having
spacidus accommodations, apply to Capt. Pot
ter ut hoard, at Jones’ lower wharf, or to
ten 18 ni 41 A RICHARDS.
For Jm.oferdam,
The fine substantial brig LEONIDAS,
tit* rr Capt Lord, has commenced loading,
and will liave quick despatch, l’or freight ot
150 casks rice or 100 bales cotton, on which
liberal advances will be made for the consign
ment in Amsterdam, apply to
Who have for sale—
-50 tons Stone Ballast, hauling from said
brig. feb 18
G7 .
L amp Oil,
THE Subscriber has received from Sami, Roc
man’s OIL Manufactory New Bedford, s
fresh supply of his best Spermacetti Oil, of :
quality equal to any ever sold in this city. ‘1 h -
Oil is warranted to burn until it is exhausted -
needs no snuffing or picking up, and produces
no more smoke than candles, and is by actual ex
periment as cheap as candles at ten cents per
pound—for sale wholesale and retail by
Ounler & Posey,
Corner of Broughton and Jefferson-ttreds,
\ GENERAL assortment of DRUGS, PA
STUUMENTS, and all other articles usual ?
found in Drug Stoves. In addition to the 1
former assortment >f GARDEN 3EEUS, the.,
have lately received
Dwarf Marrow-fay ~t
’’ Green Imperial |
” White Prussian SPEAS
” B’ue do
” Early Charlton J
Green Nonpareil ‘l
’’ Long Pod y BEAN3
Broad Windsor
Canterbury KidneyJ c ,
AY bite and purple Brocoli Cabbage -
Ice Tenuisball, White Coss
Magnum Bonum Coss
Silesia and brown Dutch Lettuce*
And various pot herbs, till warranted
feb 25 47