Newspaper Page Text
Many have questioned the fact recorded by I
several historians, concerning the surprising ef
fects of the burning mirrors of Archimides, by
means of which the Roman ships besieging Sy-
racuse ’.vert- burnt to ashes. Descartes particu
larly discredited the story, as fabulous; hut Kir
c.her made many experiments, with a view of es
tablishing its credibility. He tried the effect of a
number of plane mirrors; and with five mirrors
of the same size, placed in a frame, he contrived
to throw the rays reflected from them to the
same spot, at the distance of more than a hun
dred feet; and by this means he produced such
a degree of heat, as led him to conclude that, by
increasing their number, he could have set fire
to inflammable substances at a greater distance.
11c likewise made a voyage to Syracuse, in
company with liis pupil, Schottus, in order to
examine the place of tiie supposed transaction ;
and tltey were both of opinion that the galleys
of Marcellus could not have been more than
thirty puces from Archimedes.
V I’
I’rocius is also said to have destroyed the navy
of Yitalian, besieging Byzantium, by means of
burning glasses.
Among the moderns,the most remarkable tnir-j
rorS have been those of Magine; of Septala of
-Milan, which was nearly three feet and a half in
liametf r, and which burnt at the distance of fif
ccn or si stern paces; of Vilette, and Tschlru-
Ymi sen; the new complex one of M. lluffon; tnat
o* Trudaine; and that of Parker.
’ l.a lirocquierc, a traveller of the fifteenth cen
tury, says, that at Damascus they make mirrors
of steel that magn fy objects like burning glasses
-—and one of them, when exposed to the sun.
reflected the heat so strongly ns to act fire to a
plank fifteen or sixteen feet distant.
M. Ruffon cons'rutted a machine consisting ot
a number of mirrors, by which “lie seems to have
’ eviVed tht Secret of Archimedes, and to have
v indicated the credit of history in this point.—
The experiment was first tried with twenty-four
mirrors; which readily set on fire a curobust ble
matter prepared of pitch and tow, laid on a deal j
board at a distance of sixty-six French feet. Hcj
then further pursued the attem t. and put to
gether a kind of polyhedron, consisting of one
hundred and sixty-eight pieces of plane looking
glass, i ach six inches square; and by means of
this, some boards of beach wood were set on fire
at the distance of a hundred and fifty feet, and a
silver plate w<s melted at the distance of sixty
t'cet. This machine, in the next stage of its im
prove™,nt, contain .-d tfltee hundred and sixty
plane mirrors, each eight inches long and six
road; mounted on a frame eight feet high and
seven feet broad. With twelve of these mirrors
‘light combustible matters were kindled at a tlis
• ramie of twenty feet; with forty-five of them, at
the same distance, a large tin vessel was melted;
and with a hundred and seventeen, a thin piece
of silver. When the whole machine was cfci
cloyed, all the metals and mctalic minerals were
incited at the distance of twenty-five and even ot
forty feet. M. lluffon afterward constructed a
machine, which contained four hundred mirrors,
each six inches square, with which lie could
melt lead and tin at the distance of one hundred
and forty feet. ,
Rut the most powerful burning mirror ever
’ constructed was that of Mr. Parker, an eminent
glass manufacturer in Fleel.strect; it was made
-a few years ago by Mr. Peen, an ingenious arti
san who lived at Islington. lie erec-ed an out
building at the bottom of his garden for the pur
pose of carrying on his operations; andglt length
succeeded in producing the modi powerful burn
ing lens that ever have been known. Its diame
ter Was three feet; and the completing it, with
its necessary apparatus,- is said to have cost his
employer, Mr. Parker, upwards of 7001. its
powtus were astonishing; the most hard and sol-1
id substances of the mineral world, as platina, j
iron, steel, flint stone, Stc. were melted in a few i
seconds, on beiiyg exposed to its immense focus, j
A diamond, weighing ten grains, exposed to this.
ier..i for thirty, was reduced 10 six grains j
—during which operation it opened and foliated j
like the leaves of a flower, and emitted whitish
fumes; when closed again, it bore a polish, and
retained its form. Ten cut garnets, taken j’rom
a bracelet, began to i un into each other in a few
seconds, and at last formed one globular garnet.
The clay used by’ Mr. Wedge wood to make Ills
pyrometric test,run in a few seconds into a white
enamel; and several specimens oi’ lavas and oth
er volcanic productions, on being exposed to the
locus of this lens, yielded to its power.
A subscription was proposed in London, for
raising, the sum of seven hundred guineas, to
wards indemnifying the inventor for the expense
he had incurred in its construction, and retain
ing his curious and useful machine in England;
but from the failure of the subscription,and some
other eonctirring circumstances, Mr. Parker was
induced to dispose of it to Captain Mackintosh,
who accompanied Lord Macartney in thfcembas
sy to China; and it was left, mucli to the regret
to the philosophers in Europe, at Pekin, where
if remains in the hands of persons, who, most
j robubty know neither ics value nor use.
From a London paper of Decanter 27.
Tn vvri.i.TN<3 ExtßAOKi'isAnr —A paragraph in |
he (Plymouth) Dock paper of Saturday, in
forms, that “inconsequence of opposition among!
the couch proprietors, the fares from thence toi
Worcester and London,had been reduced to aj
low shillings; and, as a further inducement to;
travellers, it is stated, that on Sunday the safety]
coach would leave Weakley’s Hotel at any or u
./udfc just as the passengers chose ! —that break-j
il-s would be provided at W’s in the morning
lunch at Goss’* Seven Stars, Totness, in the tbre-i
txK'd < and dinner and wine at Cogdea’s Hotel,
Exeter, -teilhou; atiy charge ! In compliance with
this notice, Mr. 0. we understand, provided a
very handsome dinner, over which was exhibited
a placard to the following effect: —,T. C. will feel
obliged to-any gentleman for partaking of this.—
Nil. All free, shall be glad to see our friends a
- to-morrow.”
A pswa in Fiance who had been too inti
mate with a young girl in his parish, learning
that the singing-master had also been familiar
with her, proclaimed the banns of marriage be
tween the lady and the vocalist, who were pre
sent in the church. The femaie coloured and
the master turned pale ; but taken as they were
by surprise, and knowing that this hint could on
ly come frem one acquainted with all the circum
stances of their intimacy, they made no demur,
and were helped into matrimony without any
previous consent or intention.
A c elebrated wit used to say of a very good
tat )red dull fellow. “ ’Tis a thousand pities the
How is not ill-natured! that one might kick
a out of cpmpany.
Received by YrYJS. OR i H,
Johnston’s square
. THE MINSTREL LOVE, translated from
the tiersem. feb 28
Just Opened ,
Three doors south of the City Hotel,
FOURTEEN trunks of the mjst fashionable
bine, black, drab, parson’s grey, corona
tion and slate colored cassimere Pantaloons—
some of which are extra sizes
5 do blue, black and buff cassimere and cloth
4 do Toiiinet, Marseilles and silk do.
Anew supply Linen and Cotton Shirts
2 cases Merino Shirts and Drawers
14 hales real Tartan Plaid Cloaks, from 10 to
£l6, extra sizes
10 do blue and black Coats, $46 and upwards
4 do fine and extra line Surtout Frock Coats
and Waterloos
2 trunks best quality half Hose, 3 pair for
Ladies Silk Stockings, Si 50
Gentlemens rib’d Silk Stockings, £2
10 cases gentlemens Elastic water-proof broad
and narrow brim HATS, §8
Imitation Reavers, §3
4 cases best quality silk Umbrellas
1 trunk Wellington Roots, £4.
feb 22 ‘45
P(times & line ,
OFFER for sale—so bags Coffee
5 ) bbls Mmcovailn Sugars
50 boxes Mould Candles
50 do So 9
2ii ke. x o) Twist Tobacco
10 do (Id) ladies Twist
50 boxes Raisins
50 bbls No. 3 Mackerel
! 50 do No. 2 ilo.
20 do No. 1 do.
20 half bbls Nc. 1
40 ilo ilo No. 2
20 do Pig Pork
10 do Fly Market Reel
10 do pickled Tongues
Whole and half bbls Salmon
40 7ili boxes Hyson Tea
50 kegs Lard
10 do Goshen Rutter
10 qr casks Teneriffe Wine
I Mills Jamaica Ruin
Pipes Crawly
Do. Holland Gin
500 qr. boxes Segars
40 Iffh prime and mess Fork
20 kegs English Mustard
2d boxes Sperm Candles
2 cases cut Tobacco,
march 4 d§
Oemlcr & Posey,
S AT TllZltl
Corner of Jtroughton anil Jcfferson-strci !>,
OFir.n ran sall,
A GF.NERAL assortment of DRUGS, PA
STRUM ENTS, and all other articles usually
found iii Drug Stores. In addition to their
former assortment of GARDEN SEEDS, they
have lately received
Dwarf Marrowfaj “)
” Green Imperial |
” White Prussian h-PIvYS
” IPue do
” l.arly Charlton J
Green Nonpareil “)
I.OPg I Oil Ip;, iv v
Rroatl Windsor f r>LANb
Canterbury kidney J
White and purple llrocoli Cabbage Seed
Ice Tennisball, White Coss
Magnum llomtm Coss ‘
Silesia anil brown Dutch Lettuces
And various pot herbs, all warranted,
feb 25 47
Elegant Furniture ,
rpilE Subscriber informs bis friends and the
.1 public, that he has now on hand a general
assortment of the most fashionable Furniture,
made in the city of New-York, which he will
dispose of at reduced prices, for cash or town
Side Hoards of various patterns
Secretaries and Hook Casus
Grecian Sofas
Dining Tables
Setts of pillar and clawftet dining Tables
Ilreakfast Tables
Pillar and claw Tables
Card do
Gentlemen’s writing Tables & book Oases
Work do
lliireaus. Wardrobes
French Press with door to the end
Ladies’ dressing Tables with glasses
Candle Stands
Wash do
4 pot mahogany bedsteads pattetit Joints 1
Curl’d Mapic do ;
[ Plain high post held do
Easy Chairs
Elegant fancy Chairs cf various patterns
Windsor do
Clocks and Cases.
With a general assortment of Mahogany Hoards,
Plank and V eneers. Furniture of every des
cription trade to order, by
On the Ray, next the’- west of the Citn./Iote!.
feb 14. ds 38
100 shares Planter’s, Hank Stock
50 do. State llank do.
5 do. Steam Uoat Stock—for sale.
feb 28 50
Strayed or was Stolen
a| a From the yard of Mr. M. J.
yig&S&f®Kappel, on the night of Tuesday
last, 26th ult. a small bay PONEY,
eA-Mfca fJL with a white spot in his forehead,
“hue saddle marks on his back, his mane
reached—aged about 8 years—branded on l ip
right shoulder & thigh with a mark resembling
a heart. Any information respecting said Po
ney left at this office, will be thankfully receiv
ed and reasonably rewarded,
march l d§
The Steam Boat Charleston ,
Captain Bonxtt.,
IS expected to arrive the latter end of this
week, and at the request of a number of gen
tlemen, w ill make an excursion to TYREE ISL
AND, to start on Saturday morning next, .T at
farthest* on Moudav morning, and return the
same afternoon. Breakfast and Dinner, and oth
er necessary accommodations will be attended to.
Ladies and gentlemen wishing to avail them
selves of the opportunity, will please make early
application to the subscribers, as the number ot
nassemrers will be limited.
march 6 5 5
WHOSE mode of practice is so universally
approved, is now in this city, at the City
IRitkl. He will furnish those persons who wish,
I with Natural or Artificial TF.I.T/f, which, in
j appearance, will resemble, and in practice, an
swer the purposes of the original teeth. Or as
sist those who wish to preserve their teeth, by
removing the Tartar, Scurvy, or other impuri
ties, that their teeth may be preserved from de
cay. The defective teeth so loaded that their
decay shall be checked, and they’ not give pain.
gj'Ladics or Gentlemen may be attended at
their residence. march 6—55
ROSE, has just received a very
*t large assortment cf
Fine liobmct I aces
Trimmings, Flounces and flounc’d Rohes
Linen Cambric at, I Cambric lldkfo,
2 ca-es fine 4 4 Irish Linen and Sheeting.
Together with his former assortment makes
the Stock very compleat and for sale cheap at
the sign of the Gotden Fleece. •
march 6 55
Landing from brig Telegraph
29 bbls Ale—for sale bv
march 5 54
Owe hum!rod and forty hairs
Landing from ship Cotton Flrwt,
For sale by JAM ES KEN YON,
Jones’ Lower Wharf,
Who has in Store,
10 bbls N flip, SO do Rye Whi/kev
10 Id'do Not Mackerel
15 bhk Richmond Flour
I’ilot & Navy Bread
Prime k Mess Fork
do do Beef
Fly-Market Beef
Spanish Segal's
Hyson, young Hyson y Souchong Tea
West India tjt Columbia Coffee
Together with-a choice seiec lion of Liquors, i
Marcli 1 c 51
VVvKRY superior Diamond Stereotype Edi- j
tion*—for sale bv
march 54 Johnstoti’s square
New akd Valuable Medicine.
fIYHIS new aild elegant balsam bids fair to
I. stand unrivalled in its merits, for Consump
tions and Coughs; and we boldly venture to as
sert, that no Medicine has ever gained so much
credit in so s'mrt a time as this composition ;
scarcely a case occurs, but may be relieved by
the timely use of it, many having lately used it
j in sealed consumptions with the most surpris
|mg success, who were given up by the most
j skilfull physicians in the country. Many certi
ficates of its efficacy accompany each bottle!
This is to certify, that ii: June, 1818, ! was
seized with a very distressing cough, pain in
mv side, great weakness of the lungs, and it con
! tinned until duly, 1819, which confuted me to
i the house, and part of the time to niy bed.—l
| had tried every thing as I thought, but all in
, vain, I was at last induced to make trial of Dr.
Mellen’s Conph Drops, which gave me immedi
ate relief, increased mv strength, and restored
mv former sleep. I can with the greatest con
fidence recommend them to all who are afflicted
with those complaints, as a very valuable medi
Hudson, j\. Y. Dec 27,1819.
For sale at Messrs.
Opposite the Exchange, Savannah. 1
And also by
june 19 40111 Augusta, j
Seed Rye.
6 bbls Seed RYE—For sale by
feb 17 Cs 42
Stock & Produce broker.
THE subscriber will attend to the purchase
and sale of STOCKS, PRODUCE h MER
CHANDIZE of every description, at a moderate
Wall <y Hoyt’s Buildings, on the Bar. |
march 4 dfif
Coals for sale.
JUST landing from brig Robert-Quayle—
-200 chaldrons of COALS. Apply to
_, „„ , CH. DELCHAMPB,
feb 20 and Jlfnigin’s wharf
Rum and Su n ‘•r.
FORTY hhds W. r. Rum and 31 boxes Havana
l S “£ ar - £ or,a,e h y “ALL Ik HOYT, j
ieb *8 5y
For London.
THE fast sailing Ship Racket, J. Lj
Reggs, ma=ter, having the principa-1
pait cf her Cargo ready to go on Board, wii- J
meet quick despatch, (or freight of the re j
rouinder or passage having handsome a coin mo
dations— Apply on board at Taylors Wharf or
to C. C. GRISWOLD & Cos.
feb 20 4.3
„ For Amsterdam.
The brig ELIZABETH, will have ini
jj£j*g£,Tnediate dispatch. For freight of fifty
bales cotton, on which liberal advances will be
made for the consignment in Amsterdam. Ap
march 7 56
For Amsterdam,
icSIT The fine substantial brig LEONIDAS,
g us> (■apt. Lord, lias commenced loading, I
ami w ill have quick despatch. For freight ot
150 casks rice or 100 bales cotton, on which
’ liberal advances will be made for the consign
ment in Amsterdam, apply to
* Who have for sale—
! 50 tons Stone Ballast, landing from snitl
Inis- feb 18
jRr Liverpool,
j The stanch ship CLIO, Caleb Heath.!
master, having half her cargo engaged-1
will meet with despatch. For freight or pas
sage apply on board at Anderson’s lower wharf*
or to E. WILLIAMS & Cos.
marcli 5 54
For Boston,
j£4ptr The siiip WILLIAM, E. Adams, mas
ter, having half tier freij'ht engaged,
w ill meet with despatch. For freight or pas
sage,apply on board at Ander'.mi’s lowcr wharf,
or to E. WILLIAMS 6c CO.
march 6 55
For Charleston.
&CST The fast sailing packet sloop It A YN
HAM, 7‘) tons, having l.alf her cargo on
board, will meet with despatch. For the re
mabider or passage, anply to the captain on
board, or to CM. DELCIIAMPS,
march 7 h Mongin’s wharf.
For Charleston,
I k&'jSl “H |e sc * i - Reed, master, will
■ with despatch. For freight or
I passage, apply to the master on board at Rice’s
’ wlisrf, or to ISAAC COHEN,
j march 7 c
For Charleston ,
I The regular packet sloop MARY,
! n own, master, will meet'with dispatch
| —For freight or passage, having good accom
| modations, apply to the master on board at Ex-!
I change- -liars, or to ISAAC COIIEN.
| march 6 55
For New- York,
j The fine coppered and copper fastenv
I \ ed Packet Brig JOSEI'H, Capt. Hoi
idnuge. ir tended as a regular trader, and will
j >ui on Sh nI .y next. For freight of cotton on
! deck, or passage, apply to
Landing’ from . aid vessei,
40 bbls prime FORK, City inspection,
which will be su'd lov from the wharf,
marcli 7 56
For New-York,
The regular packet brig LEVANT,;
Aflk'i&.klsaac White, matter, will have immedi- i
ate dispatch, having half her freight engaged.— j
For the remainder or passage, having excellent
accommodations, apply to capt. W. oil board at
Jones’ upper wlia- f, or to
! march 7 HALL h HOYT.
For .New-York,
1 *' e re P u ' ai ’ packet ship COTTOX-
SfctJbfFI.ANT. M Fash, master, will sail To-
Morrow, wind permitting. For freight of 30 or
40 bales cotton on deck, or passage, haiiug
handsome accommodations, apply on board, or
march 6 c
For New-York,
I dfafA the regular Packet Brig TELE-
I iSktVi ie GRAPH, Clark, master, wi'i have im
mediate deryaich, having part of her Freight
engaged, for the residue or passage having
good accomodations—Apply to Capt. Clark at
Jones’s upper Wharf or to ’
Landing from said vessel ar.d for Sale
30 Bbls mess Beef
12 do Cider March 5 054
Kentucky Tobacco ,
50 liiids prime Kentucky I’obacco, landing
from sliip Union from X O.for sale by
feb 18 WILLIAMS & Cos.
Irish Potatoes.
IYHHEF. hundred bushels, landing from ship
■ Martha. Apply on board at Williamson's
wliart, or to
feb 27 o
| 4 ’U r. hundred pieces short Yellow NAN
” KEENS, first chop, just received and for
sale b .v J. B. HERBERT Ik CO.
march 6 55
Superior Morocco Roots.
Outrank gentlemen’s superior MOROCCO
800 IS, just received and fur sale by
feb 27 c$
Swedes Iron.
14 tons Sweedes Waggon l ire Iron assor-
J ed, frojji 1-2 to l 2 inch, for sale low and on a
I long credit, at Williamson’s Stores, by
march 1 51 E CRANK, Jr.
For Sale ~
50 chaldrons of Coal
50 cords Oak Wood
march l and 51 J\longin's •wharf.
iP” 1 ? C '; r h rof 3c ]‘ r - Charles lying atßullocbs
I >V hart,—l-or sale by
1 felj 14 38 t . j, i.m , c
-dttURK— ‘ I
mmjmrn I
< ’an remain in town but a few ,’ av - ■
Admittance 50 cents—Cliildredliilf -,.. I
Henson ‘Tickets one dollar. I
marcli 7 56 I
Mess Beef, fy*. 1
Landivgtfrom brig Hero. I
6 half bbls Philadelphia Mess Be?’ I
2 do Tongues I
1 ton Sh ire Mould I
| Patent weeding and garden lines I
Do Rakes -y r I
ALSO —A general assortment of ; ; ■
warranted fresh, and equal to • ‘ I
M. HOPKINS &( <) I
march 7 <Y. IV. corner Market s, r I
| Regimental Court of
PERSONS who made default at the heeiril
tal Parade, on the Bth February I
were fined at this court, are informed that‘J
editions will be issued in ten days; j a *! le i P B
time their fines will be received at i'l,e Cl.'-tl
ol *‘ ce ’ march 7— c I
For Sale, 1
A GANG of twenty-six ptime NEGROES -I
They will be disposed of in families ti su I
purchasers. Apply to I
marcli 7 ni I
For Sale,
rANDING at Telfair’s wharf) Dot. tiieSectcb
J brig Ariel
-40 tons first quality Coal
200 bushels excellent Potatoes
Apply on board or to
march 7 c 56 ,
4COO bushels very Superior Southern Wiiit-
Flint CORN
2000 bushels Virginia do.—cargo of the brit
Elizabeth—for sale by*
march 7 56
Mackerel, c^c.
40 bids No. 3 Mackerel
25 boxes Mould Candles
5 half bbls Pickled Tongues
8 do do Fly Market Reef
Just received and for sale bv’
l march 7 i
OR the Mysterious Man of the Mountain, j
translation from the celebrated French no
vel entitled J.c .Solitaire, by M le Vincente dr.
Arlincouit —Just received by
Johnston's syndic.
A further Supply of the New-York Edition ce
By tire Author of Waverly, tic.
march 7 5#
Cotton Ragging.
ONE hundred pieces 42 inch Baltic HEM I .*
BAGGING—for sale by
march 6 55
A LL demands against the British ship West
iV moreland, William Smith, master, fm Ha
vre. must be presented This Day, or they will
be debarred payment.
march 6 n
Exchange on New-York and
f 7-OU sale by JOHN LATIIUOP k CO.
tt ’ march 6 55
Sallad Oil, §c.
20 boss 1 doz. each best Sweet OIL
20 baskets do. Bordeaux OIL
2 bales Phial CORKS—landing and for sal's
by Daniel cau'ney, jr.
march 6 55
03*A young man of respon
sibility will leave this city in a few days for St.
Mary’s and Darien. Persons wishing business
transacted in the above places, may, by intrust
ing to his care, depend on promptness and fide!-
ity. The best of reference can be given, it re
quired. Apply at this office,
march 6 55
Drafts on Philadelphia.
For Sale by
March 6 55
Stale Rank Stock Wanted
march 2
To Rent,
The STORE now occupied by the sub-
HjlttiJ scriber on Holton’s wharf, and formerly by
Messrs Scott & Fahm. Terms moderate if im
mediate application be made be
feb 28 c$
For Sale,
On board Brig Jllmira, Hunter's Wharf.
100 boxes Smok’d Herring
17 do Cod Fish
A few half barrels No 1 Mackerel
150 pair fine Calf skin Shoes
12 do Seamans Deck Boots
feb 16 i 40
Drafts on Philadelphia,
At short sight, for sale by
feb 19 42