Newspaper Page Text
■ D ubfished near Whitaker-sireet, on the Bay,
yerv day for eig v 't months and three times a
reek for the remaining four months in tbs year,
. Il(tgx noLtAHs per annum, if paid in advance,
triiS B'lttAns if paid after the expiration of the
rear- No subscriptions are received for a period
es s than six mouths, for which five dollars are
the SAVANNAH MUSEUM for the Country
. nu blished to meet the arrangements o*’ the
‘i three times a week at five uollaAs per an
nian, if paid in advance, or Mnar much y -
gjiulra if not paid du ring the year.
Advertisements not exceeding twelve lines rtv c ,
•abiished in both papers the first ti ne, for 75 1
*nts, and continued in the city paper, nr.'oss
tier wise ordered, at 38 cents each cent, tuatio -
-Advertisements over twelve lines charged in |
lie same proportion.
When an Advertisement is sent to the office j
tout any number of insertions. being expr. fi !
and ‘ the” face of the order, it is und trstood, j
the advertiser wishes it continued until fur- ]
I- notice- Therefore, at! Advertisements j
Sell art not* X>r ginally limited to a certain num
w nf iisertisaX- are continued and charged tin
fan order for discontinuance is received. Ad
trtisements not Continued oftener than once a
reek, are charged tV'r each insertion, the aame as
jncsr advertisement,
Lands for” Sale.
WILL be disposed of at k low price and on
accommodating terms, a valuable tract of
|d on Lewis’ Creek and on the Altamaha river
guiles above the town of Darien, formerly tiV
pnperty of Mr. Win. Joyner- The tract consists' 1
fll9o acres, 200 of which are cleared and im
nwed with the ordinary Plantation Houses —
Tbsre are about 800 acres of first quality tide
bri. suitable for the culture -of Rice, Cotton or
Suar; the remduder high land, with an exten
■jvtknowl fine elevation on which the se'ti
no 1 , is made.
The land is well timbered, and from its ■conti*
gjjy to a market, will, in iU clearing, instead of
furring expense, produce profit by the sale of
Singles and other lumber/the proceeds of which
ast far exceed the expenecs of the labor. This
net is one of the oldest surveys and consequent
ly sest selection of River Swamp land, with an
excellent pitch of tide, suitable to any species of
—having a beautiful scite for a residence
■nillocated at an agreeable distance from the
tom of Darien, for purposes of business or plea
■ure. Terms and a more particular deseripti on
Bybe known on application to
march 14 <162 No. 1, Commerce Row.
THIS Establishment well-known for some
time past, having been thoroughly repaired
■at! many extensive additions made to it, is a
gain opened for the rccommodation of boarders
—lt is in a healthy and airy part of the city, and
is well calculated for giving comfort and ease co
all who may patronize the establishment. The
proprietor can at any time accommodate pri
vate families, having spare rooms for that> pur
Traveller* and constant boarders will be well
attended to, as goJ stables and hostlers have
betn procured—and the eating establishment
■will at all times be furnished wi'h the very beet
viinds the market can afford The bedding !:•
oithe first order and attentive servan's are pro
cured to provide every comfort that can bt had
for those who may call for them. In the l!ar
Room the best of Liquors will be furnished; —
mil in the reading room department, to tliosi
who wish food for the mind, papers from every
‘piwrter of tli; United States w.l’ be found ihe
ittbscriher trusts from the endeavors he shall
make, to render every individual comfo: mble
who may patronize the Georgia Hotel, that he
will receive a shale of the public pa’ “orric;:.
Baptist Church Squa: e.
april 27 Itn
Soap. Candles Oil. (fc
I’M FTY boxes browp SOAP, landing and will]
. be sold low—apply to
DA.-loL. kj t, Ji.
Whp fju also for sale,
4P hoses Spermaceti Caudle*
3(i cases Sv. eet Oil
. 50 h‘ !s superfine Flnnr
j. 20 hoses So. l Chocolate (Baker's brand, I
A few bales Phial Corks
Do. packages Apothecaries Botes
l)o cases men’s Summer Shoes, &c.
april 19 93 *
irpHR subscriber offers for sale the plantation
*-■ whereon he now resides lying on Cowpen
fek. in Effingham county, thirty eight miles
tom Savannah, containing four hundred and six
*) acres of Land, about tliirty or forty of
Oak and Hickory;
About seventy under cultivation and in goSd re-
P lir ’ with two dwelling bouses, and other conve
bitnt out buildings, calculated for a plantation—
* fell of very good water, and an orchard con
upwards of three hundred apple trees,all
young, Any person wishing to purchase such
* place _ W)U oo well by applying soon, as the
rmi will be Jptr, Apoly tb
may 13—St* Effingham county.
Saratoga and Rallstotvn Mine
ral Spring Waters,
Aim AN TED of the first quality, just
■ received from Messrs Lynch c* Clarke,
per brig Hope, and for sale by
Shadd’a buildings, Savannah.
may 13 13
Prime Green Coffee § N. 0.
bags prime green Coffee
‘2O hhds N. O. Sugar selected for this tnar>
250 bils N. E. Rum
<OO blls N. O. Flour.
apply to • \HLUAM3 V Cos.
*3 1$
Paints , Oil , tVinil&'w Glass
•j j AS received per ships ti.uronne, General
I* Carrington, Oi mair, and brig Panthea, ai.
additional supply of the above a; tierviz;
i 500 kegs London and five. pccl White Lead,
ground in oil, in 28,56, and 112 lb kegs
100 kegs Soanis) b-own, grourd in oil
luO do V itian Iri'-.i do
100 i;0 Yellow do
100 do hi-.ctf do
5’ 0 gy, ;r.i; ‘■ jSt'C'i Gil
150 do Sp-.riis rurpehtine
j iOO dr Li tT.T Oil
j 300 bpxcfi Amer.c.’.n, English, French and
Germ in Vi, .low Glass, assorted, from
7 by 9 lo 12 by i 8
i Together With a general assortment cf Paints
,‘ 1 Printers Ariic-os, wli ‘■ v Hbet-hl ,n tic
jcottiin.tdating teriui •>’ his Paint Store in AVhita
jkerstree-, near'Col ivu-haan’s Mansion House
j 10 ?•.'fust quality- Albany Ale
j apris 23 9t
Mayers Hamiltm.
HAVE eocuvv’ per ship Garonne, a fresh
supp ) ‘if CLOTHING, anna- !e fur the sea
son—consisting cf
Sheppards best b \o;h Cm. -
Super and extra su>. -r ! ” \ bi! do do
“ blue, olive, brow “ u” sty-rock do
“ olue, anr. preen Coat. -
Seersucker, Cott on, i-Invent, and b’k Bom
bazett do
White and drab, Russia Drilling Fs > i. -uns
do anti br .wn’.inen do
do black and urab Saiteen do
Black silk, Camblett and Bomb ,zett do
ULe stripe, Seersucker and Florentine do
Cloth and Cassirnere and .. of all colours
Black silk Florentine and Valentia Vests
White and figured Mavseilics do
Round Jackets, Unck Trowsers, Linen and
Cotton Shi, ts, itoo Drawers, Stockings, Sus
penderv and almost every article in their line.
The above goods are made ill the latest fashion
ind bed workmans a > at their Ware House, in
New-York, and are oflered for sale ai their store
corner of Whitaker and Uryan-strcets, (oppo
site J- Fenfield tn Co’s.) at the New-York pri
A few cases of Hats manufactured by Ilamil
ion vßiusli, and warranted equal to any in
th : s city, containing,
Gent. emeu’s drab and black beaver Hats
Imitation rio do large brim
Drab Russia do—Castor do
Wood’s do Youth’s do—Children’s fancy do.
1 case Silk Umbrellas—for sale as above,
abril 19 3u93
Hyde'B Soap.
|>OR FY-si < boxes Hyde’s wt.its aud Broun
g* Soap, received per scii. Gen Jackron, from
•lit manufacturer at Baltimore, by whom the
subscriber will be constantly supplied.
up*il J3 ni Hunter’s buildings.
Notice to Travellers.
PERSONS travelling to Augusta by the way
of Mill Haven and Coutteru’s, “will keep
up the old road fr m Jacksonborought, 2 miles
and three quarters, and then take the right
hand road, as the former road which takes off
at Jacksonbnrough, is stopped and a sign
is put up at the forks of the road,
ma* 4 §ni
Lamp Oil and Spermacetti
500 gallons Spermacetti I,amp Oil in barrels
and tierces, of a superior quality
25 boxes Spelhniceiti Candles, from J How
land, jun. f* co’s manufactory’, New-York, just
eceived and for sale wholesale and retail by
may 13 13
- ~ -
Corn, Flour , 6; Bacon
The Cargo of the sloop Uoxanna from Fred
erickburgh far sale by HALL (J HOYT,
may 13 13
Globe Artichoke.
Talsify or vegetable Oyster
Nasturtium or mock Capers
Water, Musk, and Cantelone Melon
Long and short Cucumber, Cayenne Pepper
Flower Seeds
Also, lately from Germany,
An assortment of
garden seeds, ;
In small parcels, which they offer ‘to sell
wholesale on low terms.
Lately by the Bel Wer e— ,
An assortment of FLOWER I’OT3.
And on consignment.
Several Carnation Pinks, Roses, and other
ornamental Shrubs.
march 28 74 OEMLEU & POSEY.
To Planters.
A Few sample Ploughs from the manufactn-
CR. ry of Robert Sinclair Baltimore, of various
patterns, are just received and will be sold low,
apply to DANIEL CARNEY, Jr.
jan 16 ah§ Hunters buildings.
A General Assortment of
Drugs , Patent Medicines,
Surgical Instruments,
\ND all other articles usually found in Drug
Stores. All such GARDEN SEEDS as the
season demands, and will produce in the Kitch
en and Flower Garden.
An assortment of F_< JWEII POTS.
And on Consignment,
An assortment of Ornamental Shrubs, Carna
tion Pinks, if c.
N.B. All the above mentioned articles are
warranted. apri! 27—f 100
Lemons arid Raisins.
boxes Lemons
■ijTG 30 do Raisins, landing from brig Hope
and for sale bjf , L. If SAGE & CO.
TTSfy n As
French Goods.
■* MUR subscribers have just icceived direct
mL from -France via New -York, an assortment
which they offer wholesale *t a moderate ad.
vance—among ku m are :
Double twilied Imperial Stripes
Dir do nnxt Jeans
Fancy plaid Ginghams
Assorted colors Vigonia Cassimeres
Double width Bombtzeen
Tapes and Bobbins
Ribbons and Galloons
Italian Crapes, Velvet Ribbons
811 k Stockings and Gloves
Half silk Hose
C*een, blue, white, pink & black Florences
Do do do do do Satins
Black, blue and assorted colors Sew Vn| Silk
Silk Braids, thread I.aces
1 .adies Kid and Castor Gloves
Gentlemens superior Reaver G!c?“*
Dressed and undressed linen Cambric
Linen cambric Handkerchiefs
Muslin Bands for Colleretts
L-aaton Fringes, floss & marking Cotton
Violin Strings, gilt edge Pins
ffoad and Tooth Brushes
Cologne, Rose and Lavender Water
Pomatum, Antique Oil, Hair Powder, etc.
Anderson’s Building on the Bay,
april 22 and
IUST received from New-York, to he dispo
sed of at the New-York prices, the follow
ing articles:
Super super blue and black close body Coats
fecund quality do.
White and colored plain Si ribb’d Russia Drills
Bomhaaette, Bombazeen
Canton and nankeen Crape
Canton Camlet, Seersuckers
White and brown Linen
Vigonia Cassirnere, French Nankeenelt
White and Striped Jeans
Yellow and blue Nankeen
Florentine Pantaloons
Round Jackets and Coatees, same as above
Itiack Flurentin, Pekin Silk
Marseilles and Toilnett Vests
Plain and frilled linen and cotton Shirt*
Linen and Cotton Drawers
Gentlemen’s Hats, Imitation Beaver do
Shoes, Joots, and every other article that may
be called for in his line
For sale by JOHN P. SETZE.
april 16 5s 90
HAVING engaged Mr James Wilson (well
knowing as a first rate workman) to cut
and superintend his work, will aa heretofore
carry on the Tailoring Bittiness in all its branch
Kc has on hand, just received from New
Superfine blue and black Cloth
Vigonia Cassirnere, Marseilles
ToiUnet and Pekin silk Vesting*
Seersuckers. Ginghams
Canton f ‘amblet, Bornhzeenc*
Canton and Nankeen Crape
French Bombazeen
Striped and white Jeans
Plain and ribb’d Russia Drilla
Which will be made up rt the shortest notice
and in the most fashionable Style.
qT/* Wanted Immediately four or five Journey
men I ailors. None need apply but those who
can come well recommended as to skilfulness,
april 16 5s 9'r
Stolen ,
FROM the subscribers on the 19th instant, a
Saddle, Bridle and Martingale ; a liberal
reward will be given on apprehension of tile
thief er on delivery'of die above articles to
april 2S 96
Has just received the following articles, viz :
\FF.W pair rich Cut quart and pint DECAN
Straws plain double flint figured and fluted
I)o do do do do *Vines and Cordials
Do do do do do Goblets
Ice Cream, Sweetmeat & Lemonade Glasses.
With a number of other articles which will be
disposed of very low and mav he examined, at
HOUSE, Barnard-street.
may 2 4 ..
C. C. Griswold, & Cos.
Offert for sale at Taylws ’ ivhnrf.
6S bbls prime Beef
15 do Mess Pork
44 do A! 1 )
20 casks Shot assorted sixes
31 firkins Goshen Butter
40 kegs Richmond Tobacco
20 kegs Rose Nails
2 elegant Gigs, with plated Harness.
m?y 2 lf’4
Stock If Produce Broker.
THE subscriber will attend to the purchase
and sale of STOCKS, PRODUCE & MER
CHAN DIZE of every description, at a moderate
Hall Ci Hoyt's Buildings, on the Bay.
march 4 dftf
Fresh Teas.
Gunpowder Tea—ship Huntress’s cargo
Imperial do—ahip London Trader’s do
Do. do—ship Beaver’s cargo
just arrived at Nen-Tofk.
Hyson do—ship Ontario’s cargo
Y. Hyson do—ship Huntress’s cargo
Souchong do—ship Beaver’s last cargo
Selected exprfessly for families —for sale by
A few firkins choice Goshen Dairy BUTTER
and LA RD. inarch 28—74
Sivedes lion. s
tons SWEDES IRON, assorted—for sale
lI'JE/ by A. B. FANNIN It Cos.
march 56* 472
’ • .1
IS hereby given, that the left hand halves of
te* one hundred dollar notes of the Bank of
the United States, signed by Vl'. Jones, Presi
fii*’ * n ® •J° na - Smith, Cashier, of the numbers
and tenor described below, were placed in the
post-office at Philadelphia on the evening ofthi
13th December, 1820, inclosed in a letter by J.
S. & G Hobson, to Joshua Milne at Savannah ii
Georgia, which letter was never received t and
entire mail of the 14;h Dec. from l’hila
delphia to Savannah miscarried, ‘be belief i
that the said letter and notes were stolen o;
robbed from the mail. Application having been
made to the bank by the subscriber for the pay
ment of the whole of said notes, all persons
concerned are requested to take notice.
(Signed) Joshua milne.
Jan. 1,1817 A 1470 favor of C S West glOh
“ A 936 “ J Houston 100
“ B 903 * lOO
“ D 1052 * PSeip luo
“ C 426 W Rush, jr. 100
, “ D 773 • C V hiding* fV
May 20,1818 A 1868 •• J- I'eate, Jr. iu<;
“ C :797 •. 10”
” D 1679
” D 1535 m 100
, giOOO
*pp 8 fid3i
ALL persons haying demands against the es
tate of James Petes late of South Carolina,
deceased, are requested to render them prop
erly attested according to. law, and those in
debted, are requested to make immediate pay
ment to the undersigned qualified administra
trix. MARY A. PETO.
march 12 60
- ‘*■ t -
NINE months after date application will be
made to the Honorable the Inferior Coon
of Bryan county for liberty to sell the Real Es
tate of William Road, deceased.
march 14 9ni*
PERSONS desirous of disposing of Lands in
Monroe, Houston, and Henry Counties,
and lands in the Counties generally, ofthe two
last I .and Lotteries, will please give information
to the subscriber by letter, post paid, through
tqe medium of the post office, stating the low
est price for suoh, will promptly be answered
feb 16 38 DAVID POLOCK.
Take Notice.
NINE months after date, 1 shall apply to the
Hon. the Judge of the nferior Court
Chatham County, far leave to sell he reales
tate of W. G. Enoe, and for the benefit of the
lieirsa ad creditors of said deceased
£ 63
tfIKHRE month* afterdate the undersigned
1 will make application at the Planters’ Bank
ofthe State of Georgia, for payment of a Note
issued by thfc aaid Bank, the left hand half of
which hat been lost—No. 451, value gSO, sign
ed John Bolton, Pres’t.
march 13 fni6l
ALL persons having demands against the es
tate of Celete Ann M'Coy, late of Savan
nah, deceased, are requested to present them
to tiie subscriber.
S. C. GREf.NE, Admit'r.
apriMO . , nf*. 85 ,
apHREE months after date, application will
-Li be made to the Hank of the State of Geor
gia for the renewal of Certificate No 408, tor
fourteen shares Stock, the original being lost.
april 4 * nifSO i ,
‘"■MfE subscriber is now ready to receive the
1 City Taxes for te present year. The Di
gest will be closed on t he 25th of next month,
when executions will be issued against all de.
faulters. JOHN I. ROBERTS,
City Treasurer.
april27 100
-.i. . .
THE Subscribers have again united their in
terest in business undei; the firm of
Savanneh, May Ist. mi
i , .
Dearborn's Patent Balances,
OF all sizes, constantly for sale bv
novls § 9
Boston Glass.
JUST received per ship Mount Vernon, an
invoice of GLASS WARE and WINDOW
CLASS, consisting of
Quart and pint mol’d Becanters
do do do Pitchers
Fintand|pint do Tumblers
do 4do ship do do
do sdo flint do Flasks
Imp. welled Table Wines, fluted
do Castfoot do do fringed
Tumbler Bowl do do do
do do Weltedfoot do de
Cluster Bowl Table do fluted
32 boxes of 8 by 10 Chelmsford Glass
8 do 12 by 14 do do
6 do 11 by 15 do do
12 do 12 by 16 do do
For sale by
may 15
QTi)HB earn es ssiiooner Helena, for sale by
4l _ L. U. SAGE (t W.
9*7 Vt *
No. 1 1
By Baker ami ‘lintSfip
On the first Tuesday in June next* v If! n?
iti front of the Court-House in Savar.n&h, be
tween the usual hdiirs, ‘
The Itaildings on Lot. No. (40)
H arren VV ard, in Said citv, together v. itfi tiie un
expired term of the lease of said lot, being the
remaining part of the estate of H. He son, dec.
Sold by virtue of an order of the lion, the Infe
rior Court of Chatham County, by order of the
administrator. Terms cash.’ april 6
Superior Court.
Chatham County Chambers,
18th April, 1822.
Samuel Howard, ) ix shuitt.
vs. C Bill original and a-
Uank of Darien, et. r.l.j mended.
‘I -MO of the defendants in the above case,
1- viz. The President of the Bank of Darien,
(lepreaentingsaid Bank) and the Cashier ofthe
said Bank, reside without this county,. which
tact is verified by affidavit of complainant.—
h it ordered, That copies of said bill he trans
mitted by the Sheriff of Chatham county to the
•Sheriff of Mclntosh count*', where the said de
fendai's reside, with instructions to serve them
on said defaudaiits.and make return of said ser
vice on said copies, lo tiie Clerk of the Su; erior
Court of said, county of Chatham, within thirfy
days from this date ; and it is further OriiereJ,
that tins Rule be published, and the defendants
appear and answer at the next Term.
Fjriractfrom the Minittei. .
april 24. jo
i-TBSUTt COUNTY. S Clerk Court of Ordinary.
a Y RS CLARISSA HOADI.F.Y, administra
* 3 trix of all and singular tiie goods and chatr
els, rights and credits, which vete of Herman
hoadley. late of said county, deceased, applies
for dismission from her said administration :
These are, theiefcre, to cite and admonisli
•iji persons cencerued. to file their objections;
it any they have, in my office, at Riceborough;
within the time prescribed by law; otherwise
the said Clarissa Hoadley will be dismissed from
her said administration.
Given under my hand and seal this eighteenth
day of March, in the year of our Lord one thou
sand eight hundred and twenty-two.
[x s ] ELIJAH II AKER, c. c. o, t. c.
april 15 89*6m
TRUE undivided half ofthe interest in the Da
. rien Gazette is for sale —Terms libera).
For particulars, apply at the office to
april 27 95
At Private Sate,
TWO prime Negro Fellows, one a first-rate
Carpenter, about 25 years old—sold for no
fault. The other a firat-rate Sail Maker, 22 ys.
The above, negroes wilt be sold low if early ap
plication is made to
april 24 J. B. HERBERT Sjt CO.
The Library,
IS open for the delivery of Rooks, Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, from 4 to 6 o’clock;
P. 30 dec 10
- . ■— -j
IVindoiv Glass, §c.
4 fresh supply of Window GLss of assorted
sizes, from 7by 9, to 12 by 18-- Also, sashes
of all sires, glazed or unglazed—For sale low by
mav 13. )3
Corn and Flour.
3500 bushels prime white Mary lead CORN,
50 bbls bolted superfine Howard-st. Flour
On board sefir. Hazard, for sale by
may 1$ 13 . .
Hay § Lard.
‘lSD'irk bundles Hay
SO. kegs Lard
Landing from rhip Morning Star, for sale by
may 13 , 13
GEOIICK. fCHLFY ‘.es to purchase
STATE BANK and/ Ks .
And has jor sale,
100 shares Planters’ Bank Stock
30 do Steam Boat do
50 do insurance do
may 14
halm of Quito,
TV FRESH supply just received by the ship
A ligusta, and s>r sale by.
At his drug and Chemical Warehouse, cor
ner <>f Congress and Whitaker utree s, Snadd’s
mai 13 , 13
P McDermott
nrf AS received by the schoCnrr Laura fr.vm
Philadeldhia, 12 half bbls. an'. 4 c:
Tongues, choice pieces, put up expressly, so.
family use, by W. Si'U'LER.
may 13
©jR bushejs prime Maryland < ■
of schr. f.u
i may T3 T - *
T\ TALE for the gravg and the! gay, by the
<X& author of “ No Fiction, 1 2 vol*. Just
received, for sale by
Johnson’s Square
may 13 13
A Journeyman Printer^
OF industrious habits may obtain coartav-,
cmploy by enquiring at;l!ijs office
tmry 8