Newspaper Page Text
published Daily by cosam emir bartlet.
|j published near Whitaker-street, on the Bay,
every day for eight months and three tirttes a
week for the remaining four months in the year,
sroaT uoilabs per annum, if paid in advance,’
or tax dollars if paid after the expiration of the
year. No subscriptions are received for a period
less than six months., for which nvt dollars are
The SAVANNAH MUSEUM for the Country
U published to meet the arrangements of the
mail, three timesa week at five dollars per an
num', if paid in advance, or eight dollars per
,nnum if not paid during tlfe year.
advertisements not exceeding twelve lines are
published in both papers the first time, for 75
cents, and continued in the city paper, unless
otherwise ordered, at 38 cents each continuation
—Advertisements over twelve lines charged in
the same proportion.
When an Advertisement is sent to the office
without any number of insertions being expres
sed on the face of the order, it is understood,
that the advertiser wishes it continued until fur
’ notice. Therefore, all Advertisements
which are not originallv limited to a certain num-
L er 0 f insertions, are continued and charged un
til an order for discontinuance is received. Ad
vertisements not continued oftener than once a
weeC are charged for each insertion, the same as
c, new advertisement.
Lands for Sale.
■fUTIhL be disposed of at a low price and on
W accommodating terms, a valuable tract of
land on Lewis’ Creek and on the Altamaha river
4 miles above the town of Darien, formerly the
* erty 0 f Mr. Wm. Joyner. The tract consists
of 1190 acres, “300 of which are cleared and im
proved with the ordinary Plantation Houses—
There are about 800 acres of first quality tide
land suitable for the culture of Rice, Cotton or
suear- the remainder high land, with an exten
sive knowl fine elevation on which the settle
ment is made. , . . .. ..
The land is well timbered, and from its conti
nuity to a market, will, in its clearing, instead of
incurring expense, produce profit by the sale of
Shingles and other lumber,the proceeds of which
must far exceed the expences of the labor. This
tract is one of the oldest surveys and consequent,
ly best selection of River Swamp land, with an
Excellent pitch of tide, suitable to any species of
culture— having a beautiful scite for a residence
and located at an agreeable distance from the
■town of Darien, for purposes of business or plea
sure. Terms and a more particular description
■av be known on application to
march 14 d62 No. 1, Commerce Row.
THIS Establishment well-known for some
time past, having been thoroughly repaired
and many extensive additions made to it, is a
jain opened dbr the rccotnmodation of boarders
—dt is iii a healtliv and airy part of the city, and
is well calcuiated'for giving comfort and ease to
all who may patronize the establishment. The
proprietor can at any time accommodate pri
vate families, having spare rooms for that pur
pose. ,
travellers and constant boSrdcre will be well
attended to, as good stables and hostlers feave
been procured—and the eating establishment
wifi at all times be furnished with the very best
viands the market oan afford. The bedding is
of the first order and attentive servants are pro
cured to provide every comfort that can be ban
for those who may call for them. In the Oar
Room the best at Liquors will be furnished; -
and in the reading room department, to those
Who wish food for the mind, papers from every
quarter of the United States will be found The
subscriber trusts from the endeavors he shall
tnake, to render every individual comfortable
who may patronize the Georgia Hotel, that iic
will receive a share of tlie public patronage.
Jiaptist Church Square.
april 27 . lm
Travelling fr. North to South
FROM tout- to six new, comfortably construe
ed four wheel vehicles, drawn by four
horses' each, and driven by sober and careful
drivers, will set ouLfrom Trenton in New-Jer
*ey to Savannah via Augusta in Georgia, on or
about the 15th of September next. The route
through Pennsylvania, Virginia and the Caroli
nas, will be confined as much to the neighbor
hood of the mountains, as the good roads thro’
the country will allow. The journey will be
leisurely taken, so as to consume from tour to
five or even six weeks, dependent somewhat on
die inclination “of the persons who may become
Those who are disposed to engage seats for
the above described journey; can do so by ap
plying to the Post-master at Savannah. Prior
ity in the choice of seats will be regulated by
numbering the first applicant one, which will
entitle that person to the first selection, and .so
on to the last. An entire carriage can be taken
i -hp by engaging the number of seats,
jnay 28 hJ26 _
Insurance against Fire’
Aitua Insurance Company, Hartford,
JL will insure houses and buildings, merchan
dize, furniture, and other property, including
vessels in the port, their cargoes, &c. against
hats or damage by Tire, for any term from one
saonth to one or more years.
The conditions, which are moderate, may be
known on application to the subscriber, who is
authorized agent, aud is empowered to issue
policies Without the delay incident to oilier u
tftneies of this nature.
The company undertake in all cases to pay
the full amount of the actual loss, provided it
does not exceed the amount insured. The
premiums are reasonable, and should offer a
inducement to any person having pro
. P*rty at hazard to place it in security.
ussy 28 26 S. MANTONi
To Let ,
jfljM One of those Tenements in the rear
Col. Shellman’s boardingshouse—The
Jfcot will be low and possession can be obtained
immediately. Vor further particulars, apply *.t
office. mu C-~-7 f
Notice and Caution.
\ AO*HERE AS I have been informed that John
w* Carnochan and Peter Mitchell of this city
have by sundry deeds recently mortgaged and
assigned to divers persons either their indivi
dual creditors, creditors of the late firm of Car
nochan y Mit(Jbeil, or others, all or sundry the
property and estate, both real and personal, of
the said firm, as Well as their own individual
property and estate, consisting together of
houses, lots, lands, stores, wharves, negroes,
in Savannah aiid Darien ill Georgia, or the neigh
bo mood thereof, and elsewhere with their in
terest or share in the stock of the lower steam
mill near Darien, and Sundry shares in the U. S
Bank and other banks, as well as sundry debts
due to them in various places, besides lands,
lots, negroes, &c. in the territory of Florida,
and particularly one large tract of land bought
of Forbes St Cos. lying between the rivers St.
Marks and Appalachicola in the territory of
Florida aforesaid.
These are hereby to caution the public against
purchasing any part of the said property or es
tate so conveyed, or any property belonging to
the said Carnochan cjf Mitchell,dr either of them,
as I hold prior mortgages on the greatest part
thereof, which are on record in the.registry ill
Savannah and Darien aforesaid and ill Charleston
S. C. and equitable liens on all the property of
said John Carnochan and Peter Mitchell.
june 11 f37
To the Public.
Qj sorrv to be again brought before the public,
by a second notice of Mr. Christie’s, who has
undoubtedly claims against th-m, which,.when
finally liquidated on the decision of the suit now
pending, they will try to satisfy as soon as possi
ble thereafter.
The deeds under which Mr. Christie claims an
exclusive right to all the real'and personal es
tate of Cornoclian k Mitchell, are considered as
informal, unjust and illegal. Hence they have
been brought and arc still before the court, and
other deeds have tfeen executed and recorded,
conveying the prope.ty for the use of all their
creditors, Mr. Christie included, without any
trust or reservation beneficial to O. &■ M or their
families, and if this be not agreeable Jo that
gentleman, if must nevertheless appear fair and
equitable to the public and all who have a sense
of justice.
The Trustees under the late deeds are *nx iou
to sell the lands in Florida, alluded to in the no
tice of Mr. Christie, and to apply the proceeds
to the immediate payment ot part of his de.
mand, and deposit a sufficiencythcreoi to coveij
all his claim, subject to the decision ot the courts
but his opposition to any reasonable sale, as
one interested in his own right, whilst injuring
all parties concerned, must be borne until a sale
cau be made under an order of court.
june 11 f37
Five Hollars Reward.
fij ANA WAY from the subscriber on the 11th
June, a negro WOMAN oamed P//ILLTS
and says that she belongs to Mrs. Martiningale
she is about five feet five or six inches high, and
she has a ticket. Ail persons are forbid hiring,
harbouring or carrying her away from this city.
The above reward will be paid by delivering her
to Mr. Jessy Mount, or the subscriber in Bryan
junn 14 c*
One hundred Hollars Reward.
W r ILL be g'ven for the apprehension and
delivery to the subscriber in Beaufort of
a negro fellow named LINEY, the property of
Geo. M. Gibbes esq. of Prince Williams Parish
South Ca or fifty dollars for his commitment to
Jail, with due information thereof, Liney broke
ihe Savannah Jail in June 1818, and has not
since been heard of. He is a likely young fel
low about 25 or2B years of age, and is supposed
to be working out in Savannah or on the river
as a boatman.
june 15 fs4l ___
Dissolution of Copartnership*
riMIE firm of Taft£# Sibleys, Savannah , and
I u. Sibley & Cos. Avgusta, was dissolved on
first of June, b.y mutual agreement.
The business of the former will be settled by
O Taft, in Savannah, and of the latter by A Sib
ley, in Augusta, who are duly authorised to close
the same. - . . •
All those who rr.ay have demands against ei
ther of the late firms will present them as above
for liquidation, and all those indebted are also
earnestly called upon for a settlemenL^^
june 15 c4l
THE subscriber intends continuing business
in Savannah on his own account, and offers
his services to his friends and the public, as a
General Commission Merchant ,
And solicits a share of tlieirP* r ° n *p T
juue 15 .
The subscriber being about
to leave this place for the north, returns Ins
thanks to his friends and former customers for
their liberal patronage, and respectful y in
forms that lie has sold his entire stock of
To Mr. John R. Wick, who will have constant
ly on hand, an assortment ot work made w
the best manner. ABEL £VANg
june 11 ni .
a busliels prime Maryland Com,
©oSWcargo **ggSgi££>.
y mayl3 13
The Library,
IS open for the delivery of Books, Mondav
Wednesday and Friday, from 4 to 6 o clock
p 30 ueclO
C. Kelsey Cos.
Have received by the brig Hope and other late ar
PLAIN and striped Russia Drill
Elegant Crape Dresses
Plaid and striped Silks
Levantine and Florence (lit
Black Silk Camblet
Black and colored Canton Crapea
Valenlia Vest shapes
Black and plain Silk HdkP*
India and German Flag do
Bl’k. blue and col’d Italian Sewntg Silk
Long and short yellow Nankeens
Russia Sheetings
Imitation do
Men’s and women’s whitecotto’i Huso
Common and supi rfine Calicoes
Irish Linens, whole and half pieces
Book, Mull and Jackonet Muslins
White and colored Cravats
l inen Cambrics and Long Lawns
Domestic Shirtings
do Sheetings
do Plaids and Stripes
Madapolan and Power Loom Shirtings
Thread and Uobinet Laces
Worked Flounces
Collaret Bands
Striped and plain Ginghaitts
White Jeans and Satteens
Cotton Casshneres
Striped Cotton Florentine
Blue mixed Satinets
Common and superfine Broadcloths
do do Cassimeres
Silk Umbrellas end Parasols
Gilt Coat and Vest Buttons
Pearl do
Tortoise Shell Combs
Imitation do
Black and white Silk Hose
do do do Gloves
Beaver and thick sin do
Black and white Italian Crapes
Black Florentines, French and r.iHa
White Merseilles Vesting
Apron Checks
Plain and figured Lustring Ribborts
Black Velvet do
Madrass Handkerchiefs
Worked Muslin Dresses
4-4 and 6-4 Milincts
Straw Bonnets
German Rolls
Cotton Bed Ticking
Brown Linens
Uombazcttes, plain and figured
With a variety of other GOODS, which are,,
offered for sale cheap for cash or approved
may 18 ns§ 18
French Goods.
QTTiHE subscribers lmve just received direct
dL from Fi ance via New-York, an assortment
which they offer wholesale at a moderate ad.
vance—among them are.:
Double twilled Imperial Stripes
Do do mist Jeans
Fancy plaid Ginghams
Assorted colors Vigonia Cassimeres
Double width Bombazeen
Tapes and Bobbins
Ribbons and Galloons
Italian Crapes, Velvet Ribbons
Silk Stockings and Gloves
Half silk Ilose
Green, blue, white, pink k black Florences
Do do do do do Satins
Black, blue and assorted colors Sewing Silk
Silk UraiJs, thread Laces
Ladies Kid and Castor Gloves
Gentlemens superior Beaver Gloves
Dressed and undressed linen Cambric
Linen cambric Handkerchiefs
Muslin Bands for Collcretts
Canton Fringes, floss k marking Cottod
Violin Strings, gilt edge Pins
Head and Tooth Brushes
Cologne, Rose and Lavender Water
Pomatum, Antique Oil, Hair Powder, etc.
Anderson’s Building on the Bay.
aprii 22 and
100 hlids. prime Sugars
50 bbls. do
120 bags St. Domingo Caffes
100 bbls. Wliiskey
70 bbls. and 20 pipes N. E. Gin
50 hhds. Jamaica and N. O. Rum
15 West India do
20 pipes Holland Gin
30 do Cognac Brandy
40 qr. casks Teneriffc Wine
60 do Malaga and Current Wine
10 pipes and half pipes Canary Win®
20 bbls. Cherry Brandy
90 boxes Troy Candles
75 do Spermaceti do
100 boxes Soap
10 chests and 20 boxes Hyson Tea
SO casks London Porter
40 bbls. Mess Pork
400 qr. boxes Spanish Segars
25 boxes white Havana Sugars
50 kegs manufactured Tobacco
20 boxes Cotton Cards
150 bbls. Flour
50 do Loaf Sugar
30 hhds. Molasses
For tale by
may 15 ufls
ÜBBHTi coustry. S Clerk Court of Ordinary.
MRS. CLARISSA 110ADLEY, administra
trix of all and singular the goods and chat
tels, rights and credits, which were of Hermou
Hundley, late of said county, deceased, applies
for dismission from her said administration:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish
all persons cencerned, to file their objections,
if any they have, in my office, at HiceboTough,
within the time prescribed by law; otherwise
the said Clarissa Hoadley will be dismissed from
her said administration.
Given under my bapd and seal this eighteenth
day of March, in the yeftr of our Lord one thou
sand eight hundred and twenty-two.
r L . g .i ELIJAH BAKER, e. c, o. 1. c.
1 aprtl 15
IS hereby given, that the left hand halves ol
ten one hundred dollar notes of the Bank of
the United States, signed by W. Jones, Presi
dent, and Jona. Smith, Cashier, of the numbers
and tenor described below, were placed in the
post-office at Philadelphia on the evening of the
13th December, 1820, inclosed in a letter by J.
S. & G. Hobson, to Joshua Milne at Savannah in
Georgia, which letter was never received; and
as the entire mail of the l4ih Dec. from Phila
delphia to Savannah miscarried, the belief is
that the said letter and notes were stolen or
robbed from the mail. Application having been
made to the bnk by the subscriber for the pay -
meet of the whole of said notes, all persons
concerned are tequested to lake imtioe.
(Signed) JOSHUA .MII.NE.
Jan. 1,1817 A 1470 favor of C S West jglOO
“ A 936 “ J Hotistun 100
“ B 903
“ D 1052 •< I* Seip 100
“ C 426 *• W Rush, 100
“ D 773 •• CP hidings 100
May 20,1818 A 1868 J-Peale, Jr. 100
“ C 1797 •< 100
“ D 1679 •• “ 100
D 1535 “ •• 100
aprii 8 liJ32
■ , ■ .J ■ .
ii'i)HREE months after date, application will
4JL be made to the Hank of the Stale of Geor
gia for the renewal of Certificate No. -108, for
fourteen shares Stock, the original being lost.
aprii 4 • nij-SO
- .ii . . —i. ■ . i a. i rii
Take Notice.
NINE months after date, I shall apply to the
Hon. the Judge of the . nferior Court
Chatham County, tor leave to sell he reales
tatc of W. G. Enoe, and fur the benefit of the
heirs* ad creditors of said deceased
...r. g
THE Co-partnership heretofore subsisting
‘ between the subscribers, under the firm
of R. A. Palmer & Cos. was dissolved by mutual
consent on the Ist of January lust
tunelo n
V , -—a.—a— ——l
THE Co-partnership of Henry &. Colfirts was
dissolved on the Ist inst. by mutual con
sent. Persons having demands against them
will present them for settlement to George
Collins, and those indebted will pleaSc pay the
same to him, as he is duly authorised to re
ceive the same.
june 4——32 <1
(|IHB copartnership ofHiuo & JahVis expir-
I. ed on the 13th inst. by mutual consent.—
Those having demands will please present
them for payment j and those indebted will call
and settle their accounts with either of the
may 23 22
ALL persons having demands against the es
. tate of James Peto, late of South Carolina,
deceased, are requested to render them prop
erly attested according to law, and those in
debted, are requested to make immediate pay
ment to the undersigned qualified administra
trix. MARY A. PETO.
march 12
NINE months after date application will be
made to the Honorable the Interior Court
of Bryan county for liberty to sell the Real Es
tate of William Road, deceased.
march 14 9m*
Notice to Travellers.
PERSONS travelling to Augusta by the way
of Mill Haven and Coutleau’s, will keep
up the old road from Jacksoiihorought, 2 miles
and three quarters, and then take the light
hand road, as the former road which takes off
at Jacksonborough, is stopped up, and a sign
is put up at the forks of the road,
may 4 sni
Receiver Tax Returnti.
rn XTRACT of an act passed at tiie last meet
tiaing of the Legislature.— “And be it fur
ther enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the
like sum of thirty one and a quarter cents shall
be levied and collected, after the first day of
Januaiy. neat; upon every hundred dollars
value of stock, owned by any individual of this
state, in the Bank of the U. S : provided noth
ing herein contained shall be so construed as
to require the Auctioneers of Darien and St.
Mary’s to pay more than twenty five dollars.”
All agents and owners of the stock subject to
this tax will take notice— assented to 25th De
cember, 1621.
ADAM COPE. n. *. b. e. c.
. june 8 ______
“Tir'd Stature's soft restorer balmg sleep,
He, like the world, his ready visit pays
Where fortune smiles ; the wretched hejnrsakas
Smift on his downy pinions fits from bed
With Bugs infested ; and gilds the Couch
Os Prudent house wife
After the most minute research and expert
ments made on its efficacy, Dr. Berthelot now
confidently assures the public, that he has in
vented a mixture which will most infallibly des
troy those unwelcome disturbers of our repose,
by applying it to the furniture which they infest.
There is no danger in its use, and it is perfectly
free from ungrateful smell. ■.
As Dr. B. is desirous that which he now offers
to suffering humanity may recommend itself by
its use, he abstains from all that panegyric too
often accompanying the most contemptible uos
JOnt 1- iS
N\> 144 Yol. £8
% Baker#,’ Minton.
On tile first Tuetd iy i n August next, at 12 o’dk
before (he court house in this city, will be sold
\V barf Lot No. 8, and the improvements there
Also, the lot and buildings thereon, late in the
occupancy of Patrick Stanton, deceased, situat
ed in St James’ square, Heathcote ward, sold by
permission of the Hon. the Inferior Court of the
county of Chatham. .The above is the property
of the estate of Patrick Stanton deceased.
Terms cash.
By order of tits Administrator.
juhe 1
By linker and Minton,
On the first Tuesday in July next, w ill be told
m front of tlie Court-Houac in Suvaniiah. be
tween live usual holirs,
The Buildings on Lot No. (40)
Warren Ward, in said bityj together with the un
expired term of the lease of said lot, being the
remaining part of the estate of H. Hinson, dec.
Sold by virtue of an order of the hon. the Infc
nor Court ot Chatham County, by order of the
administrator. Terms cash. “ aprii 6
By George Schley
_ ‘h’. H ,e first Tuesday in August next.
V\’ , he sold at the Court House in Savan
, T nsil, between the hours of 10 and 12 o*
clock, an undivided naif of all that valuable
rice plantation, with the improvements thereon
in Chatham ety. being the upper part of Islay
Island and containing 775 acres, 480 of which
are under dams now in the possession of Hugh
Rose Esq. bounded south by the estate of Gen.
. “ ? nd „ on other sides by the Savannah
nver, being Formerly part of the real estate of
. Le . ve . u * a i U ! f fler a rc K ula r division,
allotted to heirs of John Levett, deceased, sold
by order of the honorable the Justices of the
Inferior Coilrt of Chatham County, for th
benefit of the heirs of said John Levett; dec.
by her attorney John Carnochan.
June 4 132 late, John Ujfctt-
Jiaministrator’s Sale.
By Baker $ 31inton,
On the first Tuesday in August next will be
sold at the Court House in this City between
the usual hours
1 Negro Woman belongibg to the estate ot
Lewis D. Aehord, sold by permission of the
Honorable the Inferior Court of Chatham Coun
ty by order of the administrator:
june 8 35
By Baker § Minton.
Administrator’s Sale*
On the Tuesday in July next, will be sold
in trout of the Court House in Savannah, be
tween the usual hours.
The Buildings on Lot Nb. (40)
Warren Ward, in said city, together who the
a-expired term of Hie lease of said lot, being
the remaining part of the estate of H. Herson
.h Tr • b X v,ltue oi order ol” the hon.
the lnfenorCourt of Chatham Countv, by or
det of the administrator. Terms cash.
June 8 35.
Muses Shefull and ~i
Isaac Cohen, Trustees |
T . Pv w - . _ >ln equity decree.
Ihe Exccutois of
Levi She flail, decesaed. J
By virtue of a decree of the lion, the Su
perior Court of Chatham County, in equity,
will be sold at the Court House in the city of
Savanna.), on the first Tuesday in July next
between the usual hours of sale, all the follow
ing property to wit
Tue undivided moiety of a tract of land con
taming one hundred acres lying and being in
Scnven County. “ b
7 Negroes; i Cart Horse; 1 Silver Tea Urn;
1 do Coffee Pot; 1 dj Sugar Dish; 2 do Mugs;
1 do Bowl; 1 Tea Pot;. 1 doz silver Table
Spoons; half doz do Tea do; 1 do sugar Tongs
2 large china Bowls; 1 Mahogany lii dstead; 3
mahogany dining Tables; ldo Tea do: 1 Piano
Forte: 1 Sofa; 1 large Picture and Glass; brass
Dogs, Fender and Shovel, steel dogs and Tonga;
1 waiter; 2 pair plated Candlesticks; 1 Feather
Bed; Chest with draws; 2 mahogany Stands and
sundry articles of Kitchen furniture.
. By Older.
June 12 38 GEORGE SCHLEY Auct
Administrator's Sale.
PURSUANT to an order of the Hon the Jus
tices of the inferior Court of the county of
Chatham sitting for ordinary purposes will be
exposed for sale at the Court House in the City
of Savannah, on the 4th day of July next,
between the usual hours, one Negro Man anu
one Negro Woman, part of the personal pro
perty of John A. Casey, deceased.
Ey order of the Administrator.
june 4 n32 GEORGE SCHLEY, Atict.
Administrator's Notice.
OnpHE subsreriber has been appointed by the
Court of Ordinary of Scriven County,'ad
ministrator of the estate and effects of Mrs.
Lucy Thomas deceased, late of said county, and
having been qualified as such, he requests all
persons who may be indebted to the said Lucy
Thomas, to make payment to himself, and those
who have demands against her, must present
them to him legally attested, at his residence in
the county of Scriven.
GEORGE POLLOCK, Administrator, f
may 21 /
- ■■* : ... • - --f
Administrator'B Notice.
JTIHE subscriber has been appointed and
4JH qualified as administrator de bonis non of
of the estate of Hhsopilus Thomas dtetased, late
of Scriven county, and he requests those per
sorts who have demands against the < stale u>
present them to himself properly attested, and
such persons as are indebted to the deesased,
are requested to make payment.