Newspaper Page Text
hare beta before the
for safety efficacy. . wh 0 ic ^ r P i # ”* d
first rank of all^ the^medicmcs^ the tomterest ** ***
cleanse and purify the blood, "through the orgamTJthe
stomach and bowels. They aid aaJ improve digestion,
and sound, refreshing sleep follows their use. They
have cured thousands of cases of the most distressing
dyspepsia. All the symptoms of confirmed consump
tion have been removed by their use, and health has
again blessed the once despairing invalid. Costiveness,
the great promoter of disease, is infallibly cored by
Only tax States are represented by dele
gates in the Congress at Montgomery.—
Against the Provisional Government which
they have organized we have not a word
to ntter, bat wq do protest earnestly against
their preparing a permanent Constitution.
T HB public attention ii
tho following cards o(
Skover A IliKKn 8.M. P
Our Patents being now
rT«US WORK on the Science of lumbers, is now of-
X fered to the public as p SehoBl Boole, or private
student’s companion; All classes of persons will findit
to their interest to perott^lj from the yonag beginner
tn the study, to the finished scholar, or man of business.
The plan of arrangement is entirely now, and tho stu
dent is conducted through this Arithmetic in such a
manner as to render the study easy and inetractive.
Teachers will find, by nsiug It ih their schools, that
they can advance their pupils farther with more ease
than by the use of any other Arithmetie. The work
has aa Appexdix, containing all tho Lvjul /bras which
are generally used or needed in tho common business of
For sale by WimiN- White and J. II. Christy, Athens;
Ga., and W. W. Everett, Point Peter, Ga,
Feb2#,l$61 ,• 3m
him to supply all wants of purchasers on as good terms
ns they can buy for.ju any market. Everything belong
ing'to the trade wilt be kept (in hand, such as
Parlor, Chamber and Dining-Room Furni
ture! The Best styles of Spring Beds,
we arc enabled to fnmiih tho
chine, with important improve
Gilt and Plain Mirrors, TYindoio-Shades,
Cornice Bands, Hooks, Picture Cord, Tas
sels, Moulding, Furniture, Hardware, dc.
In fact every that hotongs to the trade. Repairing
done with despat h.
I will also keep on hand a new style of
and £-;/ •. Walter
So Bach power has been delegated to them.
That is a work which ought to be attemp
ted only by delegates regularly appointed
for that purpose by the people of all the
Southern States, or by such as are willing
to join the Confederacy.
The delegates to the present Congress
were appointed irregularly—that is to say,
not by tho people directly, but by the sev-
athens, ceowcia:
Cherokee Remedy.—Is there any ono, male or
female, through the length and breadth of this country,
that has not heard of it f But few. very few, the great
mass know it, hare tested it, and long years will roll
away ere they can wring the memory of its inestimable
virtues from their hearts.
The object of the proprietors in placing this “Reme
dy” before the world, was to ward off those terrible
scourges to humanity, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Gravel. Stric
ture, Fluor Alhus and all di’seascs of the urinary disea
ses—diseases that destroy the bloom, beauty, rigor,
health ami life of so many thousands; to place within
the reach of all nature’s own “Remedies,” not in tho
form of Poisons or Nauseous Drugs, hot simply a plea
sant and delicious syrup,' compounded from Roots,
Barks add leaves. The strong robust forms, that were
weak and emaciated, and the posy blood of health in
many a face, that wore the paleness of death, truly attest
how well they have accomplished their work of mercy.
See advertisement in another column of this paper.
T HE partnership heretofore existing between J. M.
Royal aud R. E- Dev import, known as Royal A
Dovanpirt, is this day dissolved 1>V mutual consent.
Jan. 7, 1861. R. E. PEVANPORT.
The business will still be continued by J. M. Royal,
at the old stand, on corner of Wail and Clayton Street,
and I take pleasure in recominendiog hitu to the
patronago of the public. I will still superintend the
painting department of the business.
Jon. 7,1861. R. E. DEVANPORT.
fSc All tho business of the lato Grin of Royal A
Dcvanport will ho settled by J. M. Royal, both for and
against the said firm. Jan9
Georgia—Clarke county.
W HEREAS. Willium J. Landrum applies tome for
Letters of Guardianship of Martha Elizabeth Biggs
orphan offWillis J. Biggs, late of said county, deceas
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and
Siugular the kindred and friends of said orphan, and all
persons interested, to be and appear at my office on or
jefore the first Monday in April next, to shew cause, (if
any they have) why said Letters should not then be
to such other person os the
as perfect as human wisdom can make it.
If it is to operate upon the people, let it
come from their regularly appointed dele
gates. Vox Popcli.
Tothe Public.—The undersigned, being well known
as a writer, would offer his services to all those requiring
literary aid. He will write Orations, Addresses. Essay ?,
Presentation Speeches and replies: prepare matter for
the press; write Acrostics, lines for Albums. Obituaries,
and in fact attend to every species of correspondence.
The utmost sacrcsy maintained. Address,
May24 FINLEY JOHNSON, Baltimore, AL1.
Georgia Railroad Passenger Trains,
Leavo Augusta 0.30 ». m. Arrive at Atlanta Wi a. n<
Court may adjudge proper.
Given under my baud, at office, this lath day of
February, 1861. ASA M. JACKSON,
FybfiO Ordinary.
Because Ileimetreet’e Inimitable lientnrnlire is coming
into general use. There is nothing like it Price 50c.
and $1.09 per bottle. Said everywhere. W. E. HA
GAN A CO., Proprietors, Troy, N. Y.
Leavo Athens 11.00 a.m.
DENNIS’ SARSAPARILLA.—Another supply of
this excellent medicine just received and fur sale at the
Watchman Office. Nov. S.
Letters should not then be granted to said applicant, or
to such other person as tho Court may adjudge proper.
Given under my hand at office, this 15th day of Febru
ary. 1861. ASA M JACKSON, Ordinary,
Fob. 20.
Celebrated «» >*, Female Pills.
) respectfully iiivite tho citizens of Athens,
■»! (
jrfflhiw of any Paper nor paMiMin Atfaeas!!
times it lvertbMg pays better
u business is irosh. Iu seasons of
ami dullness, advertising acts as
L, t those of our business
!•„ complain of "hard times” toy
.•> V stsm of advertising. It will
!!eff nn pa do without a Paper?
' stirring dates of bloodless rev*
, _ inventions,congresses,warsanJ
■ xvnrf ,—wo cannot conceive how
n i-gn live without a newspaper,
inil who borrow the Watchman
subscribers, enclose a 82 bill to
r, and have a paper of their own.
A. F. Hill has opened a re-
, iii this place, to enlist sol-
,0 service of the State for a term
,, : iim. The first lot of recruits
, v by Railroad on last Thurs-
.,•0 uro many others read}' to go
Two thousand is tho number
Globe Hotel, Augusta,
m a day in Augusta last week,
j at the Globe, as everybody
who wishes first-rate accommo-
lAcrything is conducted in the
, and every body about the eon*
hi the gentlemanly proprietor
servants, seems determined to
ir guests comfortable.
Georgia Job Press.
TiV i.uve received from our old friend,
; Revn,ilds, of Atlanta, q circular nn-
i; , the successful completioi/of his
\ ; .vented bill-head and card press.
f this, which is admirably
; :u printing in colors, at $100,
,-it'u-.e-lialf the cost of any similar press
M ime known. A larger size will be
n> ■! proportionably cheap.
Being familiar with tho trials and tron-
o uf Mr. R., and admiring the indomi-
& energy and perseverance which have
list overcome all obstacles, we arc
;;iv 1 to annonneo his press ns » com-
r:-Mietvss, and hope ho maybe amply
: 1 tor his expenditure of time and tno-
v m ivvfeciine this excellent machine.
will not submit to Black Republican
unless they cim get such gitarantcesfor
future safety as shall be deemed amply suf
ficient to protect their interests. There
are now but a few days, to go upon, and we
must confess tho prospect of a settlement
satisfactory to them- looks extremely
Failing to get this settlement, will the
Bonier Sinvo States join tho “ Confederate
States of America,” or will they form a new
Confederacy ? Upon the solution of this
question the future wclhbeing of tho South
ern Confederacy now hangs suspended.
If they fail to join ns, our numerical weak
ness will invite aggression, and we fear that
we shall be involved in perpetual war.
Their self-interest may prompt them to
join us, but their pride will revolt against
it, and we cannot pretend to predict what
will be the result. It was in view of the
vast importance of a united South that we
favored eo operation in the late contest in
this State. We have long ago learned that
it is very difficult to drive men into a par
ticular policy. Much may be done by coax
ing, persuading and inviting—when noth
ing at all could bo accomplished by force.
Our brethren of the Border States might
have been carried along with the Gulf
States, if the people of the latter had first
uiutcd with them in a demand fora satis
factory settlement in tho Union. Had such
demand been made and failed, there would
have been no sort of difficulty in carrying
all tho slaveholding States out of the Union
together. This is, and has been all the
while our opinion, and it can go tor what
it is worth. Other counsels having pre
vailed, however, and a portion of the Slave
States having seceded, wo are exceedingly
anxious now to have co-opcration after se
cession. We therefore hope that our breth
ren of tho Border States will act in a man
ly spirit, and forgetting what thoy regard
as a slight, join the Confederate States as
Boon as possiblo. They need have no fears
concerning tho re-opening of the slave trade
or free trade and direct taxation. It is
true, there are some persons in the new
Confederacy in favor of those measures,
but a very large majority of the people are
unalterably opposed to them. Como for
ward, then, friends, and let us have a Go
vernment “of size,” which we consider more
important than “ a party of size.”
Ik-a.sM'mbling of the Convention.
Tin- P
vsident of the Georgia State Cou
nts issued a call for tho members
l v to retissomble on Thursday,
.March. It-will be remembered
nverttion, before adjournment,
o moot in Savannah.
I lv W
Home Southerner,
il n-d has disposed of the above
(i. T. Stovall, Esq., who will
ho editorial department in future,
a graceful and vigorous writer,
make a good paper.
This is now tho ail-engrossing topic of
interest. If Lincoln and his Black lie
publican followers are (sincere in their
declarations tvs to the policy of the incom
ing Administration, war is inevitable.—
They say they will re-capture tho forts
An informal convention, unauthorized
by the Governor, is in session at Baltimore
Tho aims and sentiments of the Convention
are, perhaps, best set forth in tho address
of Judge Chambers, its President. Ho
This Convention, as I understand it, is
called for the purpose of ascertaining—so
far as could be ascertained by consultation
with tho representatives of all sections of
tho State—tho course which is best for
Maryland to pursue in the present crisis.
Its honest, avowed purpose is of doing as
best; we may all lies within our delegated
power to promote tho peace of tho nation
and the intersts of Maryland. I know
there aro those who entertain a very mis
taken idea of tho character of this body,
ind motives and purposes as false as they
are uncharitable and unjust have been at
tributed to it. But errors of that class
are unavoidable in periods of high excite
mont, and therefore it is that in our delib
erations we should carefully guard against
irritating, intemperate expressions which
shall impugn the integrity of those enter
taining different views from ourselves.—
The men who unjustly ascribe to this Con
vention any purpose of secession have most
gravely misconceived the object of the as
semblage. [Applause, chiefly in the gal
leries.] Ifanymanhas aided in placing
mb in tho Chair under the impression that
I favor tho doctrine or the act of secession,
I take occasion to say lie has not paid me
a compliment.
I regard secession as the greatest curse
which has over fallen upon the nation [ap
plause in the galleries,] and no man can be
gin to conceive the evils which must result
from tho secession movement.
I am for the Union as long as there is a
prospect for maintaining it. I am for the
Union just so long as it can be maintained
This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the care of
all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the
female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess
and removes all obstructions, and a speedy cure may bo
relied on.
To Marrti d Ladles
It is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on
and arsenals and collect tho revenue in consistently with the honor and dignity
Southern Recorder.
-a F. Miller, Esq., has been added
litoml corps of this long estab-
r. i highly respectable paper. Mr.
I- a writer of ability, and will add
rest of tho paper.
I rnosthenian Society celebrated
iv-rsm-y on Tuesday, the 19th. F.
- ■ was the orator of tho day, and
1 himself with much credit.
■ --;1 tho Phi Kappi Society cele-
1 its anniversary. Tho annual ad-
'v:ss delivered by E. A. Carter, and
iy pokon of by those wlio hoard it.
\th-'ns Guards also colebratod tho
-i i-e.ington’a birth-day) in an appro-
the seceded States. An attempt to do
these things will of course bring on a col
lision, as the seceded States have no notion
of permitting the revenue to be eollectd or
tho forts and arsenals re-taken.
There is no use in blinking the facts.
A collision is near at hand. Our people
may as well make up their minds to it tit
once. We do not now think it will be of
long duratiou. Neither party has enough
spare cash to keep up the contest long—
more especially when all see and feel that
it is manifestly to tho interest of botli sec
tions to preserve the public peace.
There is ono view ot tho case, however,
which is eonsoling. If the Border States
join us, “old Abe” and his cohorts will not
attempt to coorce tho Southern States.
If they remain in the Union, and he is
fool enough to attempt coercion, they will
assist us. They can never think of help
ing Abe. So that, in any view of it, the
“rail-splitter” will find coercion “a hard
road to travel.”
of Maryland. [Great and continued ap
plause.] Is there a man who would wish
to go farther? Is there a man who in pri
vate relations would consent to hold com
munion with those who have constantly
violated his rights and outraged his digni
ty and honor? [Applause.] Is there a
right thinking man who can consent upon
questions of honor to control his actions
bv pecuniary consideration; or is there a
nation which would consent to fill in the
eyes of the world a position at onco dis
honorable and cowardly for the sake of
filling its treasury with gold and silver;
and if not, is there a State in this Union
which would agree to its own degradation ?
No. Therefore, while I say that I consid
er secession to be the accumulation of all
tho evils which have afflicted us, yet I hold
that it must be submitted to when the on
ly remained alternative is dishonor aud
degradation. [Vehement applause.]
Even those who have opposed the course
wo have thought proper to pursue declare
that they will resign all the blessings which
flow from union, and encounter all the dan
gers of secession, rather than to purchase
the privilege of peace with shame and dis
“Bid Abe.”
bgro-worshippers affect to be great-
with the lato speeches of “old
while on his way to Washington
"The rest, of mankind,” however,
'-V.nous in tho verdict that the rail-
i a mi serable old fool. His con-
Senator Douglas, in 1858, gave
' "so i\ jnitation for “smartness,” but
' speeches about coercion, inva-
demonstrate that ho has been
' 'A •■'■Ucd. : ' ‘ 1 "
idor !o givo our readers as much
'' of tho current nows of the day
1 is now more interesting than any-
• 1 -v ran be—v, o waste as little space
K ' l-’.e 'vitii editorial mutter.. When
; i- 1 restored, if wc shall survive the
troubles, we will make up for lost
l-U-e L,
Hoes lv Pay?
P“ieoln commenced his career as a
T‘ki. i\ :itu i if i,o had confined himself
i '"''tiiuaie business might have lived
f ■ -' find died honorably. But his last
splitting” was in lar
larger limber,
receded, with the aid of hisnegro-
"ppiiig followers, in “ splitting” the
’’ lw " a,l >o will be exccratel as long
* r «norabewd. . -
Tho committee appointed at a tormer
noeting topropo3o a Constitution, are now
ready to report. Persons desiring to sub
scribe for stock, aro requested to be at the
Town llall on next Saturday night, at 7}
o’clock, for tho purpose of organizing the
Tv. M. (SMITH,
Confederate States ot America.
At this particular juncture it will bo in
teresting, in view of coming legislation, to
note some of tho statistics of tho several
seceding States with reference to their pop
ulation, State debts, &c. They are as fol
Snntb Carolina 30S,lS6
Georgia. 018,536
-Pi.pvlation in 1860,
State Debt
in 1859,
Return of minister Ward.
The United States steam frigate was at
Aden (the depot of the British East In
dia Steamship Company,) on the 14th of
January. Mr. Ward, the American Min
ister, Col. Ripely and Surgeon Woodworth
sailed thence on the 19th, in the English
steamer Orissa, and the Niagara departed
hoemward via Cape Hope.
Total 4,452,798
This is a population exceeding, by 522,-
J2t), that of 1790, at the clbse of the Revo
lutionary war.—Gate City Guardian.
Council Proceedings.
Coescil Ciumbf.i:, Feb. 16th, 1861
A called meeting of tbs Board was held this evening.
Present—Intendant Adams and Wardens Grady, San-
som, Pituer, Hampton and Newton.
The returns of an election, held this day, in the 2d
Ward, iu li. o town of Athens, for a tiwn Warden of said
Ward to fill the vacancy of Ross Crane, resigned, was
then presented. Sidney C. Reese was declared unani
mously elected Warden to fill satd vacancy for tho bal
ance of the present yoar.
3. C. Reese then appeared and took bis seat as War
Tho case of James Cantak, agent for Mrs. E. S. Ca-
mak vs. Robert Fowler, for nn encroachment upon the
street between said Fowler’s lot, where Win. S. Hemp
hill now lives and Mrs. JaneM. Stevens’ lot, where she
now lives, was]then called hp—the former decision in said
case being re-considcred—the Board, after hearing th
testimony and the argument on both sides of the above
name-case, , •
On motion, the Board decreed that the street in dis-
puto should ho measured off by the Marshal and Depu
ty thirty .eight feet wide, commencing at^lrs. Jane M
Stevens*’ fence, where it now stands, west of said Fow
ler’s lot, where Wm. S. Hemphill now lives, rurniug on
a square towards said Fowler’s lot for thirty-eight feet,
andaaid Fowler be allowed to put his fence on a strait
line measuring the thiTty-eight foot from Mrs. Stevens'
feccj all tho way through said street.
Oa motion, the Board then adjourned.
WM. H- DORSEY, Clerk.
’■ Jlic fummonweaUh.”
■ ”‘'ivcrtiHug columns will be,found
■Jr^tus of a flow paper to "bo com-
• ' to 1,
? I'bvtr
From the Chronicle A Sentinel.
Mr.'Editor.—Tho editor in your issno
of 12th inst., assumed the correct position
in,relation to tho Government about to be
organized, For “tho Confederate Suites of
America.” It will not be binding on the
people of any Suite until it rocci?es their
consent. -
You have-truly said “it is of the first im
portance that the new government should
cl>re very thing in its power, compatible
with-tho public safety outward
fy oar
bossion in Mo
1 paper
Iy, tosatis-
and tti us to strengthen it-
Mf withiii.
Is.the congress now in
i' >n Atlanta, under the above gomery about to pursue such a w U ™i n,« T M Douj) . ri gir , carotin*,
o edited by J. S. Peterson, npt, if correctly reported in tho papors.— K - -
■r p i ft is to be feared that tho action ol that
1 - J - will produce strife and dlsse
r than uuion among *
• ‘imHyof tiiia, place.
-L ,. lJ writer, and will make
■ Inaugural Address.
. N'lisi, iK, :
I' -dstUho inaugural of President
[’ v Vh Was received at '- —
Florid* C
ir,i s to rcc
' Coi scii, Chamber, Feb. 20, 1861.
Ai) adjourned meeting of. th« Board wa* hell this
Prerent—Intendant Adams cad Wardens Hamptou
Pitner, Newton. Grady, Sansorn. Reese and Hemphill.
On motion of Warden Grady the Intendant appoin'
cd the following Committee to regulate tho Dreys ;
Tbo Committee consist of Grady, Newton, and Hamj
Tho Board then took np the cases of free persons of
eolor, and also of the staves living separate and apart
from theirnwncr’s, employer's or. guardian's lot.
And. on motion. Hie following smns announced each
of the following named froo persons of color, and also
the following named slaves, were agroed upon by the
Board, as tho several amounts required of their masters,
employers or guardians, to he payed into-Treasury as
licenses for said pririledgo, or otherwise, to-remove
them to their own lots or outside of the corporation of
the town of Athens immediately, to ifit:
Isaac Walker, free person of color, $23
r AChureh,2Degrow*Hnen,CaroUneand Ann, each, 10
iltis Parks, free person of color,
monthly period with regularity.
These Pillt thouid not be taken by female, dating fie
FIRST THR E SIOSTHS of Preynitncj, at they are
tare to briug on Alieearriage, bat .at any other time they
lire eafe.
In u!l cases of Nervous and Spinal Affection?, Pain
in the Back and Limbs, Heaviness, Fatiguo on slight
exertion. Palpitation of tho Heart, Lowness of ipriits
Hysterics, Whites, and all the painful diseases occasion
ed by a disordered system, those Pills will effect a cure
when ail other means have failed.
Full directions accompany oa th package, which should
be carefully preserved.
A buttle containing 50 pills, and encircled with the
Goverumouf Stamp of Great Britain, ran ho sent post
for $1.00 and 6 postage stamps.
General Agentfur tho United States and Canada.
JOB MOSES, Rochester, N. Y.
Van Sckaack A Grierson - , Charleston, wholesale
Agents for the Souiii.
Sold in Athons by C. W. A H. R. J. Long, and all
responsible dealers in medicine, throughout the South
ern States. April 26. I860—ly
gSJ~ This may certify that I have used Perry Davisa
Pain Killer in numerous cases, and bolievo it U be r
very valuable medicine. 1 have prescribed it exten
sivoly in l>owel complaints, (particularly for children,'
and it is in iny opinion superior to any preparation
have ever used for tho relief of those diseases.
A. n ENTER, M. D.
A Glance at the Past.—I former times, spring
and fa’l were unwelcome visitors to many, if not must,
planters’ wives, on whom devolved the superirtend the
making of clothes of numerous servants, as aro often
seen upon plrntations, and it is not to ha wondered at
that tho advent of those seasons, on acconnt of the ma
ny duties they brought with them, were dreaded, The
mistress of every plantation tlion lied i\ju with
very frequently imperfect or unskilled assistance,
Noiv, happily, however, there is a very decided .change,
for the better, and a Grover A Baker Sewing Machine
will do more in a few hours than could in time past he
done in a day, and do it better than could possslbly he
done with a hand needle. As evidence of the efficiency
of tho Grover A Baker Machine,, we may state that
Hon. Judgo McGoire. of Munroe. La., who lias ono,
says, “ My negro clothes were made with it last fall
and again this spring. I am perfectly satisfied with it,
and would not be deprived of its use for three times
its cost.” Can any thing be more pointed or satisfac
tory? A Grover A Baker Sewing Machine should he
indispensable in every family, and especially in every
planter’s family, aud w« think will be found in the pas
session of overy planter who rogards his own interc '
Cobbham Male Academy!
T HE exercises of this School are conducted under the
supervision of the subscriber. Young men pro
pared for admission into any class in College. Those
also, whose course is more practical, are thorough
taught. E. C. KINNEBREW.
References—Atoms Church, D. D., R. M. Johnston
P. H. Mcll, D. D., Vice Chancellor, Dr. Joseph Jon
University, Ga. Feb. 27—ly
Lecture and Exhibition!
E VERY body invited to attend tho Lecture upon and
E: " - -
xhibition of (upon canvass)
Mathematics, at the
now system
Tcrwn Hall,
on FRIDAY EVENING, the 8th of March next, at
Feb. 27, 1861.
T HE Delegates of tie Convention from tho several
counties of this State, are hereby notified to meet
at Savannah, on THURSDAY, the 7th of March next.
AuA-usta. Ga.
■jVTOTICE.—Passengers holding Through Tickets, will
, iN bo carried to and lrom this Hotel free of Omnibus
Feb. 27.—lv
^BOUT tho first day of March next will he com
menced. in the City of Atlanta, tho publication
af a Daily Newspaper entitled
and, in connection therewith, a Weekly to he entitled
The Daily will ho printed with clear, new typo,
fine, strong, wbito paper, 22 by 29 Inches, and
will contain twenty-four columns, abont six of which
will be devoted to reading matter. The Weekly will
printed on papor of the same quality, 24 by
inches, and wilt contain twenty-eight column*, nearly
all of which wilt be filled with reading matter,
typographical execution and appearance, it shall not
he excelled in the South.
The CoineswzAlTK will he independent in er cry
particular, supplying the latest reliable Loral, Domes
tic and Foreign News: studiously avoiding all partisan
bias in that which is political, giving full Market Re
ports, and paying particular attention to Commercial
matters, and the.seleetion of choice miscellany.
The very superior advantages aud facilities possessed
by Atlanta for doing azi extensive business in Mereban
diso and Manufacturing, will be clearly and persever-
ingly set forth in its columns. The proper and ener
getic development of the vast natural resources of Geor
gia. and her sister slaveholding States, will he advocated
in its columns with all the real and all ihe ability the
Editor can bring to Its discussion, to the end that, so
as he can promote so desirable an object, the new and
magnificent Republic, foreshadowed by recent events,
mav attain to, and invincibly maintain, the brilliant na
tionality there resources are calculated to create-
The CoaxoswEAMW will be eoadaeted editeriallv by
Mr. J. P. Petersox, who for more than three years
Billy Naneo, Deo boy of color,
Milled I’ ' S
Nance, free hay of color,
s old
copied the position of Associate Editor of the J* Na
tional American,” of this eky, and whore industry, fi.
' dclity and ability are already woll known to tho public
through that jonrnaL itnd as haring contributed largely
to the reputation and ir.flnenee attained by it. This fact
affords ample guarantees that no pains-taking nr labor
will bo wanting to make the ComrOSWEXl/rti emi
deserving the liberal patronage and the fullest
deuce of the entire community.
innum in advance, ^
Arrangements will be made to supply those who may do-
sireit, With the Dill/rat ten cent* per .reel-, ortbeWKtg.
LT at ten eent per month'/ payment in either ease to be
made to advance. - - SAMUEL GRUBB,
nta. Feb. 27,18«1. Agent
O N tho tt.o first Tuesday in April next, will be sold
beforo tho court house door, in Jefferson, Jackson
•- ■ ■ ■:?
improvements, at .
The modcinto price at which. Machines, making tho
Grover A Baker stitch, ran r-mr be.huu, brings tic—
_ them
.. ithin the reach of all, arid re ml era the use of Mac bines
making infe rior stitches as rri.aeccwsr.ry as It is smcikt.
Persons desiring the best Machines, and tho right to
use them, must not only l*c sure to buy Machines mak
ing the Grover A Bakeu stitch, but also that such
Machines are made and stamped under our patents and
those of Elias Howe, Jn.
495 Bruadteay, -Veic- York.
All persons are cautioned potto tnako, final in, or uso
any Sewing Machines which sew frotn two spools and?
make the sliceh known as the Grover A Baker elitth,
unless the raiw are purchased from tho Grovek & Ba
ker Sewing Machine Company, or their Agents, Li
censes, and stamped tinder my patent of September 10,
Said Company, and their Licenses, atone, aro
legally authorised under tlicir own pater.ts, and my
said patent, during the extended term thereof, to nmlo
and sell this kind of Sewing Machine, and all others
are piracies upon my said patent, and will he dealt with
accordingly, wherever fouad.
Dee. 20, I860. -Vnc- York.
county, Ga., within the legal hours of sale, one huudred
and thirty-five acres of land, more or less, lying on the
waters of Gravelly Creek, adjoining lands of William
Wilson, E. Lay, and others, known ns tbo Vaughn place.
Sold as the pro)>crty of B. J. Yeargin, lato of said coun-
dcccascd. Sold for the benefit .of the heirs and
creditors. Terms on the day of sale.
Feb. 27, 1861. W. S. YEARGIN, Ex’r.
GEORGIA—Jackson county.
W HEREAS, II. B. DeLaporriere, applies to me for
Letters of Administration on the estato of Susan
W OMEN of Beauty Heroism
Court of Napoleon
Skelton, late of said comity, deceased.
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and
singular, the kindred and friends of said deceased, to
show cause (if any they have,) why Letters of Admin*
istration should not he granted the applicant, or somt
ether suitable person, on the first Tuesday iu April next..
(tivcu under my hand and official signature. Thi.*
February IS, 1SC0. A. C. THOMPSON,
Feb. 27. Ordinary#
Hardware and Staple Dry Goods,
With an
Of other articles suited to this market
With great care, and buying in large quantities
For Cash.,
Women of the South
Josephine Gallery
Homo’s Introduction-
Poems af II. L. Flash
Todd’s Johnson's Walker’s Dictionary
Forester’s Field Sports
Woman in White
I) uu alien -
Macaulay's Later Essays
Tyng’s 40 Years in Sunday Schools
Macoy's Masonic Jurisprudence
The Young M.irooners
Rangers and Regulators of Tanuaho
Barton's Life of Jackson (complete)...7.50 a 9.CU ;
Beulah 1.25 !
Queens of Society 1.50 |
Bo.- .Vell’s Johnson 3.00
Batt&’s Hand Book of Literature. 1.25
Methodism Successful 1.25
Lowe's Last Term at St. Mary's 1.00
A new supply of Music, Paper Hangings and Station
ery, also, just received. W. N. WHITE.
2.30 p.m. •• “ 11.45 p.
u Atlanta 8.40 p. in. “ Augusta 5.50 i». w.
« “ 0.05 a. m. “ '* 6.20 p. in.
Leave Augusta 0.30 a.m. j Atrivo at At l,ms a.m.
“ Atlanta 8-40 p.ia. j
at Augusta 6.20 p.m.
at Atlanta 11.45 p.iu.
Athens Branch on Sunday, to connect
with troius leaving Angusta at 12.30 Saturday night,
and Atlanta at 3.-19 Saturday evening.
Leave Augusta 2.30 p. tn. Arrive WiaVton 7.2o p. m.
.. ... „ n f Arrive at Augusta 6.20 p.m.
Wash ton2.30p.m. | „ Atlanta 11.45 p.m.
“ Atlanta at 9.05 a. ni. “ Wash’ton 7.2o p. m.
Leave Charleston nt G p.m. Arrive Augusta at 0 a.m. 12 U
“ Augusta at 8.50 a, m. “ Atlautaat3.17 a.m. I8li
“ “ at 1.45 p.m. “ “ at 5.49 a.m. ifili
Leave Atlautaat 5a.m. ArriveAugustaot 11.16p.m. ISh
“ “ at i.l 5 p.m. •* *• nit 5.13 p.m. 2i.i
Leavo Augusta 8.50 a.m. Arrive Athens. 8.19 a.m. 21 h
Arrivo at Washington, 7.25 p m. 11 hours.
Leave Atlanta at 6 a. in. Arrive Athens 8.10 a. in. 26 U
Arrive at Washington 7.25 p.m. 38knurs.
Leave Atlanta at.i.l 5 p. in. Arrive A then- S-lQa.m.39h
Arrive at Washington at 7.25 p, m. 26 hours.
GEO. YO.YGE, Gen. Sup’t
Georgia Rail Roau. Augusta, June 11, 1880.
and the public generally, to call at their new Hnt
and Shoe store, Nr. S Itouk Row, Broad street, where
they wili take pleasure in showing their splendid stock
of goods.
Our stork consists in part of Gentlemen's black
and colored Zouave iluts; black and colored French
Felt Hats: drab colored Nutrai lints; black and col
ored Cass Hats; Leghorn and straw Hills, of every style
and variety.
A large and varied assortment of Boys and Chil
dren’s Hats and Gaps. May 3—tf
R utledge,
Houshol 1 of Bouvcrie, 2 vols.
Are prepared to-fnrn’sh tho
No. 1 Broad Street, A then*, Ga
Octll T. BISHOP & SON.
Just Eacaived,
$1 25
2 00
Wood Rangers, 1 25
Ingrtiham's Sunny South, 1 25
The Linton Family, 1 25
Sheepan’s Life of Douglas, 1 00
Webster’s i to. Dictionary, Pictorial Edition, 6 50
Lewc's Physi.dopy «;f Common Life, 2 00
Johnston's Chemistry do do 2 00
Chamber’s New Encyclopedia, vol. 1, 3 50
Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, 4 00
Also, lot of New Music, at Publisher’s prices.
Sept WM. N. WHITE.
A Word to our Customers.
O UR hills will be made out aud ready for settlement
on or beforo the first of January. We trust tha ,
all who are indebted to us will respond promptly.—
Let no ono suppose that we do not need money, or tha
we can furnish supplies without pay.
Those having claims against U3 will please presen
them for settlement.
Dee. 2(1.1800. T. BISHOP & SON.
G OODS of every kind will bo sold as cheap as any
body else sells for cash, by
body else sells for cash, by
Fresh Garden Seeds!
IST’S growth of 18CU. Also, Blue Grass, Lucerne
White and Red Clover Seeds.
Jan 1
Great Reduction in Rates of Passage!
New Orleans,
$39 75
25 09
25 09
21 00
23 00
20 00
$31 li
27 7i
25 01
25 01
21 09
17 51
Including Omnibus Faro in Savannah and other con
necting Points.
Baggage cheeked through by the Manhattan Exprcs:
Company at Montgomery, aud on the Central Rail Roui
Cars, and delivered anywhere in New York or vicinity.
By the Splendid and eoDmodioas Side Wheel Steamships.
AUGUSTA, ,500 Tons, Captain M. S. Woodhull.
FLORIDA. 1,500 « * “ Isaac Crowell
ALABAMA, 1,500 “ « G. R.Sehenck
Loaving Savannah every Saturday, carrying the U.S
These Steamships belong to the Old Established an<
favorite line known as the Ncw-York A Savannal
Steamship and Navigation Company, and were buil
expressly for this line; thoy are commanded by expe
rienced, skillful, careful, and polite officers; and it
accommodations and the fare con not l>c excelled by
any vessels on the coast.
piT- Through Tickets are. sold by connecting Rail
Road Ticket Agents.
Agents. Bay Street. Savannah,
Agents, 13 Broadway, New-York.
Jnno 7, I860.—ly.
Books! Books!!
accounts for last year are now made ont ready
3VT for receipting. To prompt paying customers, I
shall be glad to sell goodson the some terms as here
tofore advortisod—cash down, or when called fbr-
tcres t charged after the end of each quarter on accounts
Athens, Jan. 1st, 1861. WM. N. WHITE.
Head Stones, Urns, Vases, Figures, Tablets, Centr.
Table, Pier Table and Bureau Tops, Enameled SlaU
and Marble Mantels, Iron Railings for Cemeteries
and Enclosures.
All work done of the host Italian and American Marble
Aways on hand, a variety of Monuments, both plaii.
and carved, of sixes aud prices to suit customers.
: Wareroomk and Yard opposite Georgia R. R.
Depot, Atlanta, Ga. Aug. 9
pRESS DELAINES, Shalls, Plaid Lin
seys, Dress Prints, Cloaks, Flannels, and a variety
of other fashionahle goods; suited for the season.
Oot25 L M. KINNEY.
W ANTED;!—Butter, Eggs, Chickens, Fencing PtokctJ; an,
Corn, Baedo, Meal, Flour, Dried Fruit, Beeswax, hand. Apply to Wm. P.
YTrHEELER A .Wilson’s are now .sold,, with
VV hammer attached, at $45 and freight. The
Georgia Sarsaparilla Compound,
S ADDLES! SADDLES!—A fine stock on hand, and
he sold very low.
^SMALL lot of damaged
Mill Saws,” will he sold
at a small advance for cash only, bv **
Clothing at Cost!
N EW Stock and guo<l assortment.
W E take tbis method to inform onr ons»tomer? and
the public, that on account of the delay and un
certainty in colit oting oar hills, aad the derangement
of business, our terms, after January 1st, 1661, will bo
CASH, except si ecial emuracts.
If accouots arc made, payment will W ret(\jircd
promptly at the beginning of each quarter-—say April
1st, July 1st, Oct. 1st, and Jan. 1st.
Bills not to ru i over ninety days, and if payment is
delayed, interest will be charged.
Wo return our sincere thanks to all our old friends and
customers who have patronized oh so long and liberally,
utinuaneo of their favors, pledging
ourselves to all reasonable efforts to promote their in
terest (3>ac2G) T. BISHOP & SON.
qiHE copartnership heretofore existing between tho
undersigned, under the name and jtyle of Pituer,
England A Freeman, is this day dissolved by limita
All persons indebted to the firm will lie required to
make prompt payment, and those delaying to settle
will be sued without discrimination.
The stack of Dry Goods, llats, Caps, Boots aud Shoes,
Crockery, Drugs, Shelf Hardware, and various other
articles, will he offered at cost, for cash, after this date.
Athens, Jan. 1, 1861.—3m
Select Sbool.
tpHE exercises of the subscriber's school will he re
sumed on ti e first Monday in January.
Athens, Dee. 19, ISfO. R. P. ADAMS.
For Purifying the Blood and Diieams of the
I T contains in addition to SAitsAPABUXA. the bydro-
ateoholic extract of Queen's Delight,- Stili.inoia,
White-Ash. Grey-Beard, or Fringe-Tree, CnierrAxrncn,
Tincture of May-Apple, or Mandrake,,
and Blood-Root, Saxguixaria.
Physicians have decided tuat this is the purest and
best preparation of Sarsaparilla in the market
For sale in Athens by C. W. & II. R. J. Long, and
Druggists generally. Also, for sale at tho Watiliman
office. Athens, June 28, I860.
A FRESH sto;k, just received. Call and esaraino
the lot.
Will be Resumed.
T HE cxorclscii my School, the first Monday in Janu-
ry next. One of my sons wilt assist me.
Athene, Dec. !9,1860. W. G. BARRETT.
gHOES ANB SOOTS.—Ladies and Gontlemcn can bo
supplied with good articles cheap. I.M.KENNEY.
H ATS AND CAPS.—Just received, anew variety.
Call and ste. I. M. KENNEY.
’Wliite & Hitch
A RE now offering a very large and elegant stock of
Ready-Made (Nothing at
T HE Adams Express Offico has been removed tc tho
Lumpkin House building. Persons havingbusi-
uesg with said Company wiU find the Agent at bis pc.
from 7 A. M. until 9 p M.
Ath ins, Jan. 9,1861. T. M. LAMPKIN, A-ent.
For Cash, and to those who must have Credit, wo will
sell at unusually small profits.
Athens, Ga., Jan. 1> 1861.
W E have the accounts and notes of onr ensLitncrs
ready for settlement, and resneetfullv invitn nil
ready for settlement, and respectfully invito all
that are indebted to us to come forward and make pay
ment. Also, pleaac be reminded of the sums due the
old firm of Grady A Nicholson. We return onr thanks
for tho liberal patronage bestowed on us and hope they
will now do tho one thing needful—Fay up.
Athens, Jan. 1st, 1861.
Administrator’s Sale.
A GREEABLY to an order of the Court of Ordinary,
of Madison county, will ho sold, before the court
honse door, at the town of Danielsville, in said county,
within tho legal hours of sate, on the first' Tuesday in
April, 1801, one tract oflond, containing ono hundred
aud eight acres, more ot less, in said county, adjoin
ing Dudloy, Sorrells and others. Sold as tbo property
of John Porterfield, deceased, for the benefit of tho
heirs and creditors of said dccoascd.
Terms on the clay of salo.
Feb. 3, 1861. S. W. CARITnERS, Adm’r.
GEORGIA—Hall county.
Court of Ordinary of 'eaid county.
W HEREAS, Joseph n. Bonks, Guardian of Dun-
stan E. Banks and Susan W. Banks, applies for
Letters of Dismission from said Guardianship.
Therefore, all persons concerned are require,! to show
eawro why said Letters of Dismission should not be
granted at the next April term of said Court. By order
of the Court, this 24th of January, 1861.
Fcb7 RALPH S. LAW, Ordinary.
80,000 Feet of Lumber on hand,
at the People’s Mills,
^OCATED on Mr. Yerby’s plantation, and in charge
of a man well acquainted with the lumber business.
Athens r
Having one of the Athens Steam Coinuany’s celebrated
Stxam CiricrL.ui Saw Mills, cutting from 4000 to
10,000 fcet of lumber per day, we have confidence in
our ability to fill orders at sbojt notice.
^Terras Cash. Order Book at the Foundry aad My
or^v r m P, p ti ”' al,a "’ - PPl7 10 K ° bt ' YurLy ’ D ’ A ’ Cook ’
W E are offering onr large and well selected stock of
Dry Goods end Clothing y
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes;
Hardware and Crockery;
Shoe-pegs and Shoe Tools ;
Window-Shiidcs and Carpeting j
Letter Pjpe-, Fools-Cap, Envelopes, Blank and
Memorandum-Book* ;
P.u.*sia nml Bhei t Iron ;
Sheet Zinc ami sheet Lead ;
Hollow Ware and Fire-Dogs ;
Bad-Irons; Nail-Rods, Cat Nails and Patent Axes ;
Warranted Gunny Bagging and Bale Rope :
Manilla Rope, by'the coir; -
Carriage Springs and Iron Axles;
Buggy awl Wngori Iiubt, Rims and Spokes;
Carriage Bolts ;
l ire Bolts, Harness, Buckles, Ornaments, Ac;
Horse and Mule Collars ;
Wooden Ware;
Fairbanks Beales; , ‘
Sogars; and many other things, too nnmerons to
W« t ,lv >te Merchants, partieulariy, tocaJl and exam-
ilio onr stock. We fuel satisfied if they do, they will
hny the goods, Como one, corao alL
No accounts will be raised except 1
Jan. 1, 1861. NICHOLSON, i
cowttmt supply Laths on
: lizos me to sell soeda on .•» cn.h mi i. . .
was, with hemiuer, $55 and freight, ($50 without.)
grwtij tatpn m * m —
ligea me to sell f ood, on a cash basis. The prices in
ro:ri:r , iito. le " enod ’ w, ‘ i?hiinist T ii '
bted to me will please
up at one-
usiness, 1
copartnership heretofore existing beti
A Langston was dissolved on tbefirstday
ary by mutual consent. Tho hooks will be kept at the
"Id stand. *■ J. C. ORR,
H. 11. LANG-YON.
The business will ho continued by Orr A Y
who will ho thankful to the citizens of Athens ami
I surrounding country, for their patronage.
- J. C. ORR.
They, are
many are
- manufacturer.
lots of
I Ill
greatly improved very recently. Twice as
sold monthly as those made by any other
rcr. For sale bv
Nor 22
WM. 3*.
GOOD assortiuen
Jun»2S. NIC
for salo by
ed a supply of Mrs Wiauou
C. Vv’. A Ii. R. J.