Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, March 15, 1861, Image 1

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roow h u' THE PUBLIC GOOD BEFORE PRIVATE ADVANTAGE. ATLANTA, (JK0RGI1, FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1861. NEW SERIES: VOL. I-NO. 27. L • % IIK. J. II* irlcLI'.AA’M OUthcrn CCttifRfWlR sTBEMfiTIBIINS CORDIAL (sCRIfTION A ADVEXT»«NOSCNtOULf riHA •? soaacjiiriott. ,T. per nnmlm ‘“If, per stumor, iot required iu variably —AND— I3LOOD PtTRIFTEH. Lrlr *H vtrtldnf, with the privilege r>l change, will r A the fo flowing rate*: t Square, renewable once a Month I 88 -»••-- I foArth Column, t*M®&Leso’s Strengthening' CordiaW certify 'bat It U absolutely an Infalllahte re nr friy for renovating anu Invukuutixo the shattered and diseased system. purifying am! enriching the Blood—re storing tliusii k, suffering invalid to HEALTH AND STRENGTH. There la ro mistake about It; It win rare Liter Com plaint, i>>apep«ta. I>iarrh« i a, Dysentery. Headache, De- prtf.-ion ol ^plrlte, Fever and Ague, Imusru Fever Bad ... <>u | i reath, or nay d arise of the Liver, Stomach, or Dow. .. 60 els. 110 | fgl^flKSTLRMK!f,4o J *»■ whh to be HeaPby, Strong k will marked on copy f«r a specified | ibllahed until ordered out, and charged * shore ratee. ___k MaeHed In the DaiiT. and Wbvki.t bo chai ped 50 |>er cent, additional to lbs la. Rents, Removals, Copartnerships, Notices to **, Ac., and payment demanded quarterly * TaaaaiaaT Ai>\ i anxiso wv*x »* r*m ro [advertisement Will appear In the Weekly paper p by special contrdcl. wert’semenls to He inserted In the Weekly paper 1 at Irregular lute vaia in either of the papers, Lryed il per square for every Insertion. W'.iii.*nfl i :u,Udutr. fur 8U.W, ( '.tiuly .n4 Mum-, S'. tKl^-to *t pU In »!«:.< » LO e.'.J ivertlsenvcnts for Charitable Institutions, Mlllta- 'ire Companies, Ward, Town aud other l'ul lic i, wiH be sharped M prHf. :ea and dead* ftr# puMbhed as news; but i. Tributes of Kedpect and FuflVral invitations advertisements. Notice* in ^al Column will be charged 80 *, under no circumstances, io be included la biases trial ffO Kafd Vlgaro dar work, with or without rules, and adver- | fST^LADlfP, do you occupying double column, will be charged “ *” “ above rates, j t ) .. . ! Mrl eanV htrrtiflheiilit|f Cordial and Blood Ptulfler. Delay not a moment; it la warranted to give sstisfac th.n. It will cu>e m y d sease «f the Kidneys Womb or Bladder; Faint inc, Obstructed Menstruation, Falling of the Womb, ha rennrss, or any disease ari in* from Chronic or Nervous Debility, It Is an Infalllable Remdy. For Children. Do you want yonr delicate, sickly, puny children to l»e Hciithy, Strong and • ••bust f ’Alien give them Me- Lrig’s Mitt:>GTh> kinq Cost ml. (see the directions on «-Hch hot lie,) it is delicious to take. pff One table spoonltll. taken every morning fast- Ing, is a sure preventive against Chills and Fever, Yol io* Fever. Cholera, or any prevailing dis> use. fW ('actio*.—Beware of Druggists or Dealers who may »ry to palm upon you a bolt la of Bitter* or 8arva- patllla, (which 'hey can buy cheap.) by saying It U Just as good. There are even men bur enough to steal part of my name to dub their vile decoctions A old -uch infamous pirates and their villein.m* romponnos! Ask for Dr. J. tl. McLwau's.'.trengdieiilag Cordial and Blood Purifier. Take nothin; else. It Is the only remedy that will purify your Blood thorough y. and, at the s»n.« Hiue, Strengthen ai d Invigorate the whole org- nbatl-.n. It i* put up in large b. tries—11 per bottle, or six bot tles fur #5. DU J. U. McLKsN. Sole Proprietor, Corner of Third and Pine Sts., lit. Lotds, Mo. i Kailnad * Biakia, Company. , to Atlanta. 171 Mile.—F.r. 84 40. Jktii. YON (it, 8*pMin(-D4lent. jsoitttiito r\aa«a®aa eajus.' | Allauta, daily, at.._.*.....«• 9.9b, A. M. |* at Augusta at 6 20, P. M. ■ Augusta, daily, at~...—.... 040, A. M |at Atlanta at 9Ab, A. M. - tftOfVT r.\S*K.*OER TKAtW. Atlanta, daily, at ms A40, P. M. kat Augusta at 6.50, A. >1. Augusta at..** J.36, P. M. t Atlanta at 11.45, P. M ad rung in connection with the Trains it t* Carolina and the Savannah and lallroads, at Afigunta. iki Waat-Point Railroad. i West-Point, 8? Milea—Fare,^$3 50. bBGE G. HULL, Superiniandent. pat PAsaa.eaaa tbain. ply* at....*., WJ0 f A.M. ...jiAdT-s p.*- Point, daily, at 3.00, I*. M. ) at Allan*, at 7.41, P. M. K1QMT r.l.l..BR TRAin. I Atlanta, dailj, at 0.30, A. M. | at Waat-Point at.... 4.40, A. M. Voat PolnV daily, at 3.14, A. M t Atlanta at 7.4V, A. M. t conneeta with tba Montgomery A t 8oa4 at, Wt.t-Point. ' MblM. . Chattanooga, US Milea—Far,,....$4. j 1^. ^BW18, 8npwinl«ndant. ItlanOt dad/^t." J'-.’.'. 1«.1«, A. M. ,t Chattanooga at 0 40, P. M. laUanooga at a. 4 04, A. M. t Atlanta ak..—1.14, P. M. (vexing .aaaaaaKa TBAta. Atlanta, nightly, at 7.40, P. M. at Chattanooga at 4 40, A. M. Chatinwoga at 3.30, P. M. t Atlanta at -.11.44, P. M. Htab way.with the Rome ailroad at Eingaton, the East Teh .1 Georgia Rielroad at Dalton, and the IA OAnUanooga JU-iroad at ChatU- i * Waatarn Kailr*a«. > Maoon, 1*3 Milm—Para 44 40. U TTLEE, Saparialoadant aa, eaa.aa**a nan. 1.41, P. M. 3,14, T. M. il* P. M. tji 740, V. M I raaaaaaaa man. ‘ — —13.10, Sight. — 7.14, A. M. —..13.00, Right. - f.U, A. M. tine will not bo ran on Bun. rHoeli Night Tmlo from Atlanta. Central Railroad for Baran .M-. and 4ha Booth.Wntara for lOotamb**. at 0.44, A. U. Train from Atlanta, aonnaeta with | Railroad Aw Saoanoah at 10.00 F. ■ Rail £oad for Co- ,P. M. > Tiehata from Atlanta to Ran ; Omoibue fare In SaTannah, w. .... fg U WANTED, Monufaelurlag hwalnaaa. One -h« t, wheth O*. MCLEAN'S UNIVERSAL PILLS, For Livtr Complaint. Bilinunncn-*. HiO'iacht. Ac rpHFRE has never been a Cathartic Medici e, offered A *o ihe public, that has glreu such entlie satisfaction as Mcuus's t Iivgniui. A-ILL*. being eiitlreh vegetal) e, they are perfectly Innocent, and con be take . by theim st tei derinfsnt; yet prompt and powerful iu removing all Bilious srcretioi n, Acid, o> Impute, Feted Matter from the Stomach. In fact, they «r« Die only Fills that should be os«d m malarious olstvlctf. They produce no Griping. Sickness, or Pain, in the 8%. miAcn or b"*els, though very active and aeqiciting In their operation, promoting healthy secretl"t s of the Liver and Kidnevs. Uho will suffer fri-m Biliousness, Headache, anti Foul SWmiacti, when so cheap a remedy can beobtaltieoI Keep them constantly on hand; a single dost, taken in schSuu, may prevent hours, days, and months of sickness. Ask for Dr. J. If. McLean's Universal i’ll s. Take no other. Beii g coated, they arc tHStel ss. Price only 25 cent* per b ig, and can be a«nl by auUl to at y part of the United States. J. II. McLEAN, SlIp Proprietor, Comer of Third and Plue Sis., St. Louis, Mo. Dr. J• H. McLean** Volcanic 4)11 Lini ment. 77i4 Btri txttmal in the World, fvr Man or Beaet. T U0USAND8 of human beings hare been saved a life of decrepitude and misery, by the use of this Inval uable Liulnienl. U will relieve Pain almost fnstatieous- ly, and it will cleanse, purify and heal (lie foulest Sore In an Incredible short time. McLkai’s Volcanic Oil LiNiarXT sill relieve the most Inveterate cates of Klieu matfstn, (loot, or .'euralgU. For Par lysis, Contracted Muscle*, SiJffn**** or Weakness in the Joluts, Muscles or Ligaments, it will never fail. Two applications will cure -Mure Throat, Hradacha, nr Earache. For Burr.s or Maids, or any Pitln, it Is an Infallible remedy. Try it, and you will find it an lodiupvnstble remedy. Keep it slwaya on hand. Plante's. Farmera, or any one having charge of hora- es, alia save money by ualng McLean's Volcanic Oil Lin iment. ll is a spetdv and Infallible cure or Dalis, Sprains, Chafes. Swelling, Lameness, Sweeney, Sores. Wounds, Scratches, < r any external disease. Try it, and you will be convinced. J. H. McLEAN, Sole Proprietor. March 7,1861-dA* ly. Saint Louis, Mo. I* *So / .Cmi e X 6 D5s]p®t's!b! Save the Pieces! latcd lantilien, it ia verv desirable to have •ome cheap and couvient way for repairing Furniture, Toy a, Croc Story, Ac. HPAI.DI»r.»S PREPARED GLUE meets fill auch emergencies, and no houaehold can afford to be without iL It ia alwaya ready, and up to sticking point. There ia no longer a uoooaalty fb» limping chain, splintered veneora. headJcwa «iotla, and broken cradle*. It Is joat the article for cone, shall, and giber ornamen tal work, so popular with ladies of refinement and taato. Thia admirable preparation is utedco!.*, be ing chomicalW held in solution, and possess ing all the valuable qualities of the beatcabi- net-rnalTars’ Glue. It rna^ be aacd in the place of odinary mucillage, being vastly more rd- heaive. “USEFUL IN EVERY HOTJ8E/ N. B —A Bruah accomj>aniea each bottle Prtre, Twentj-FIrf Cents* Wholesale Depot, No. 41 Cedar street, New York. Address C BPALDING k CO., ^ » No. M00, F«w York Put up for Dealers, in Cases containing four, eight, and twelvs docen— a beautiful Litho graphic dhow Card accompanying each pack- T' dfiuoitii ,.,|fp «* / RrA l !“f ,<,boUUof SPALDING’S PEE PARED GLUE will save tea times its co«t an nually to every Wrt»a** 14. •old by prominent Stationers, Druggists, Hardware and f Jiptbpe Dealers, Greewra, and Jaucy Stores. ^ WT SEW OAHUfil REPOSITORY . rt. NOL^Lisr Mr. W. HENDERSON, wi 1 keep on hand, atad will be receiving, constantly, a good as- aortment of CARRIAGES ARD BUGGIES, of the latest and beet styles, and from the beat Manufactories North. He will aiso roanu/wc- ture here the BEST BUGGIES now iu uae, which will be fold at prices to suit purchasers. Repairing of any kind done, from a baby’s cab to the floeat Coach, in th-' best and most fashionable style. My Repository ia on WIIITEH A LL 8TREET, next door to the Keystone Buildings, where I shall be glad te see and wait on all in want of any article in my line. Q. R. NOLAN. Atlanta, November 5, 1860. TO THE PUBLIC. Haviwe disposer of my interest in the Car riageaod Buggy Business to Mr. Q K. Nolan. I cheerfully remouiiieud him to all my old pa trons and friends aa a reliable, and upright, and prompt Lusineaa mao aud gentleman, every way worthy their highest, fullest confi dence, a o4 respectfully solicit for him a con tinuance of the same liberal patronage bestow ed upon me W. H. HENDERSON. Nov. 5, 1880. tf. ATLANTA CLOTHING HALL. I HAVE just returned from the North with « large stock of BEADY-MADE CLOTHING *nd Min ready to supply the citizens of Atlan ta aud the eurrouuding country, with Coata* Pants* Veata, NhtrtB, Handkerchief*. Neck-ties, Socks, Hats, Caps, and everything elce in the Clothing lint 5 ood quality and at LOW PRICES. AU eaire bargains should give me a call. J ewelrv I Knives 1 Combs! And other Notion*. M. OPPENHEIMER, Wbiteall street, nearly opposite march lott Eddle.iiao A Bank ar A SUFESLATIVC TONIC, DIURETIC, DYSPt?3a IMYlCORAm CORDIAL W OLFE’S celebrated SCHIEDAM ARO MATIC SCHNAPPS should be kept in every family. It invariably corrects the ill ef fects of change of weather, and, as a beverage, it is the purest Liquor made io the world. Put up in pint and quart bottles. Also, UDOLPIIO WOLFE’S Pure Cognac Brandy, hit seal on the cork. UDOLPIIO WOLFE’S Pure Port Wine, id bottled ' i certificat and tbs best quality. UDOLPIIO WOLFE’S Pure Sherry Wine, Imported and botted by hlmielf, thf same as the Port Wine. UDOLPIIO WOLFE'S Pure Madeira Wine, Imported and bott'ed by himself, for private and nied- UDOLPIIO WOLFL'S Pure Jamaica Ruin, St. Croix Rum, Scotch aud Irish Whisky. To the Public* I will stake my reputation as a man, .ay standing as a tics should |ivt ihe preference to these article* For sals by all respectable DruggUt* and Apotheca ries. UDOLPHO WOLFE. Sole Manufacturer and !m|*r'.er of Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps, No. Sf, Heaver Street, New York* TOWMICUTT, TAYLOR ft JONES, DENTISTRY. U. HUNTINGTON, M. D., DENTIST, ATLANTA, OSOMGIA, OFFICE in Rawson’s new build- iog. corner Whitehall and Hunter direrst.— Residence brat bouse to the left of Col. Yuo- RariRitacRs: Hon. R. F. Lyon, Mr. E E. Rawson. Messrs. Reach A Root, Rev. Mr. Rog er*. Dr. Logan, Atlanta; Rev. C. M. Irwin, D. A. Vason. Esq . 0*1. Nelson Tift, Od. W. J. Lawtoo, Henry Tarver. Albany. Jan 16. INSURANCE. ; Southern Csiifjton) ATLiMl IKSIIRAKCEtOMPANT, DM. J. P. H. BROWN. ^ DENTIST, BCCCM08OH TO CAMPSIuLL * NRO., M ^Unr OFFICE over Mxmvv A Lanadell's Drug Store. Whitehall street, Atlanta,Georgia. All operations pertaining U* Dental Surgery performed with the greatest care twawlyjetf E. J. A K. n. CRAVEN. DENTISTS, HAEE removed to their new aud splendid room in Parkks’b Block, opposite Beach A Roots, where they are prepared to wait on all who may wish their service*. Ministers, who are pastors charged half orioe. Call* from a diatauco attended o with promptness. junelU w*tw W. J. DICKEY, PUKHKON AND MECHANICAL DBNTI »T ATLANTA, GKORQIA. OFFICE—Up stairs, next door to Richard s Bookstore. sep24iwlyr Atlanta. Qmorg1*. hfamrf It, 1M1.—4 I » NOW OPENING —AT THB— FURNITURE STORE, FIRST000R WEST OF THE FULTON BANK ALABAMA STREET, A great variety of Parlor Suites, Made of ROSEWOOD, Mahogany, A.nd Walnut, On-frrrt in RHOCATEM.E. RETS. VEL VET. 8II ALLY, mu) 11A I li-CLOTH. All made in a workman-like inuuner, combining Strength, Durability and Beauty! Modelled alter the ilylo of LOUIS XIV, and many of the Oriental Stylos adapted to American taste. Also may be found XOO HonUIrtg Ladies 7 Parlor Chairs, Mostly of new Patterns, from $5 to S30 each. Sofas, Divans, Ottomans, and Tetc-a-Tetes, Of the latest and most fasli i*nable styles. 200 BUREAUS, Of Rosewood, Mahogany, Walnut and Imitation, from SI.25 to S80. LOOKING-GLASSES, Of every style, qt hty and variety. Cane, Ru*h, aud Wood-Seal CHAIRS, fo Parlor, Dining, and Bed Room, with a large variety of Children's Chairs; Rojkiug and Nurse Chairs, with Cane, Rush, end Wood Bottoms. WARDROBES, Wa.-h-Stands. Hat Racks, Corner Mentis; Side, Centra, and I’aror TA BLED, Ladies’ Work Tables and Quartettes. BEDSTEADS OF EVERY KIND. FRENCH IN ROSEWOOD, FRENCH IN MAHOGANY, FRENCH IN WALNUT ORIENTAL IN ROSEWOOD, ORIENTAL IN MAHOGANY, COTTAGE IN MAPLE AND WALNUT, COMMON IN POPLAR A MAPLE. Cottage Suites in a variety of styles. Hair, Mors and Cott.*'; Mattresses made to order. All kinds of common Mattresses usual ly found iu Furniture Stores kept on baud.— Also a full supply of Window Shades, new Patterns, tog. liter with many other article** common to this line of trade. Particular attention paid to Repairing and making U> order. Looking Glass Plates kept constantly on hand. D. CHAFFEE, Agent. Atlanta, Sept. 19—d3tn Louiae L .Shesn,) LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. August Term, 1860. John F. Shean. I T appeura to the Court that tho Dcfrudaut resides outside the limits of the Stale of Georgia. It is ordered by the Court that service ujh>* said Defendant be perfected by publica tion in Ufme of the Jaw D.F. HAMMOND. J.S. a Agent* IT, IW0. aot.13 XimQk fJetlhs JOS. P. LOGAN, President. PEitliNO BKOWN, Cashier. DIRECTORS L. P. GRANT. JOSEPH P. LOGAN, THOMAS L. COOPER, JOHN W. DUNCAN, GEORGE G. HULL, JOS. D. LOCKHART. D EPOSIT8 received and commercial paj>er discounted. Collections received and remitted for at cur rent rates of Exchange on day of payment Uncurrent money, Gold and Silver Coin, bought aud sold. Loans and Notes negotiated. Stocks, Bonds and Real Estate bought and sold ob com mission. JUT Prompt attention to correspondents. aprill4 FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE ! w E are Agenta lor the Auguna Insurance Compaoy. «nd the Insurance Company Valft of the Valley of Virginia. Our raD-s of premium will compare with arv of the Northern Companies We trust our citizen* will patronise Southern Institutionh. esjiecially when they are strong, solvent and prompt in redeeming l!I losses. 8. D ROBSON A CO. apri!17 Atlanta, Georgia. FIRE AND LIFE IHMMKCJ AGENCY. T HE subscriber represents the following first class Companies, some of which are now the leading Compe ,ies in the country—all having Cash Copt in Is and a large surplus. The Companies thus* designated divide seventy Jive per ct. of the net earnings with the policy holders: HOME INSURANCE COMPANY. N. Y. Capital and *uiphiM SI.4AH.fHM> 28 • CONTINENTAL IMSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. Capital and Surplus. SMMMMMM). •SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY. N. Y. Capital and Surplus f4HH>,3H3. CITIZEN INSURANCE COMPANY. N Y. Capital and Surplus •324.3U2. NIAGARA INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital and Surplus *301.051. SPRINGFIELD FIRE AND MARINE INSU RANCE COMPANY. MASS Capital and surplus. SI8I.(MH>. -MARKET INSURANCE COMPANY. N. Y. Capital and Surplus, *3CMHHM>. HUMBOLDT INSURANCE COMPANY. N. Y. Capital and *urplua SU3A OOO. METROPOLITAN INSURANCE CO. N Y. Capital and surplus IKHmnmi. NEW YORK LIKE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital Tins Compwuy offers security anu advan tages unnurpHseed by any Life Insurance Com pany iu thecouutry. It accomodates the in surer id the payment of premiums, annually, half yearly, or guar: trig. Premiums on poli cie.s for life, if over #5U per annum, sixty per cent, isnnly required. Annuities grunted on the most liberal terms. All the above Com pun ics court investigation into their condition i.nd system of doing busi ness. Office on Whitehall street, next door to T. R. Ripley’s, opposite the ‘•Intelligencer” office, july 12 SAMUEL SMITH. MECHANICAL. CARVING IN WOOD. r TMIE subscriber respectfully announces to | the citizeiia of Atlanta, that he Is now fully prejmred to execute in tho best manner, every deacription of CARVING IN WOOD. (Io will also give particular attention to the fitting up ofSt4ires. with 8ltelves. Counters. Ac., alter any plan ; also, the internal decoration of public Halls. Churches. Ac. Old Furniture of g.M.d quality will be DitireJ at short notice in the bi-si manner. TnEO. MROCZKOWSKI, Marietta street, opposite Gas W’orks. lvfanftt Tlie Hire* New TerriUrtoa—CoUrada, Nevada, iisr.otah. The bill organising the usw Territories baa beeo signed • >y ths Praaineni, which iuersates the uutnber yf the Territories of the Unittd Situs* to seven, including the previously ex* in mg one* of Washington, Nebraska Utah aud New Mexico. The first of these Territories. Colorado, in elude* puns if Kansas, Nebraska and Eastern Utah, its boundaries run as fo lows; — Begin* tnng at a point where the I02d° of West longi- iud« from Gieenwich crorscs the 8711 || of North laiiiude, theme Norib along tmd lui’oj] to where it mierreeis the 4lei° ot North lati tude, thence West along said line to the lOtith drgiee of West longitude, ihsuce South along said line to ihs ot North laiiiude, iheuce East along the 87• h° of North laiiiude, to ihe place of beginning The Territory contains about 1000,000 square miles, and mi ibis time a population of some 26,000 persons. The Rocky Mountains divide the Territory into two pans. Westward from them a large num ber ol rivers, tributary io the Colorado, soil Eastward others, equally numerous and Urge, mbuiary to the Arksnsss and South Fork Platte rivers, li includes ihe lamutis mining region. Pike’s Peak, rich in gold and other metals, cut ifl by deserts from tbs more fertile Western Stales, but desiiutd to be the home of sdvauoing civilization, and to gi*e up ita treasures at the summoi • of enlightened toil. Nevada is takeu Irom Western Utah aud California. Iis boundaries arc as follows:— Ueg'iiuing si the point of inrerseciion of the 42<i° of North latitude with the 89th° of longi tude West trotu Washington; thence running South, on the line of the 1 ltftb 0 West longitude, trailil it intetsects the Northern boundary of the Territory of New Mexico; thence due West to the dividing ridge separating the wa- tera of Carsou Valley Irom those that flow in to the Pacific ; on this dividing ridge Northwardly to the 41st° of North latitude; theLce due North to the Southern boundary line ot the State of Oregon ; thence due E«st to the pLce ot begiuntug. That portion of the Terri'ory within the present limits of the State of California is not to be iocluded with in Nevuda until the State of California shall assent to the same by an set irrevocable with out the consent of ihe Untied Stales. The Territory includes the lovely Carson Valley, the memory uf whose beauty lingers wi*h ihe traveler in his journey through urid plains and over raggeti mountains, and whose w< n- drous fertility, even under the rudest cultiva tion, shows what-ntuy beexpeettd there when iufeliigent industry has (tee c< urse. Great mineral wealth, especially of silver, in which it ia richer than any other part of the wot Id, and unliuiiltd capacity tor ihe raising of sg- riculiurul products, will combine at au early day to ttunsfurm this region into a rich aud populous S*Mte. in gener.-.l let ms, Dacolab lies bet ween 1st. •l-° dU' mid 41*' Norm, and long 1)0° 30' and 103° West. It ia bounded on the N rthby Hritiefi America, East by iheSiaiee ot Minne- ruia and Iowa, South nnd Weal by Nthrasxa. I s length from North to Souilt is 45U miles, tit average breadth i« about 200 miles, and it has an areA of 70,000 rqu> rs miles. It was formerly a part of the Territory of Minnesota, hut was driaeurd when that became aSiate. Thu Indians belonging to the Yauktto, Sissi- ton and Sioux tribe* are numerous, slid live chiefly by the chase. The Territory includes opeu, graray plains, high rolling prairies, a great number of lakes aud ponds, and very nu merous vuluahle rivers. 'J he climate of the 8uuih if mild; that of the North *ev«te, th« ugb less so tbau night be exptcied fr« iu its high latitude. The laud is well tiu bend and me tallejs ere highly productive. Coal abound* iu eotue parts and other minerals add wealth to the region. The game ie plentiful, aud ut great value for its furs. ATLANTA BLACKSMITH SHOP BRASS FOUNDRY, ON HlfW NBIITv BKTwrr.rv MrDoJtoie aju> Ilrn.KH Sfmrkts, Near the City Hall. T HE Subwrioer beg* leuve to inform his friends, aud U e public gent rally, that h< has (Hahlfthed. as above, a Blacksmith and Wagon Shop, and also a BRASS FOUNDRY. wh»-re Its is prepared to do a in his line. IL: solicits a sit and will guHrsiitee i to all that may entrust him with their orders. Orders promptly attended to. JAMES E GULL ATT $&■ lie has on hard and tor sale two DU A YS Cheap tor OtaA. Atlanta, Jan. 50. »rk are of patr-mage. FOR KALB AT CfWT. T EN Shares of Slock in Atlanta Phoenix Loan A Building Association. Apply at this of- ce tnl-Jt NOTICE. 'TUIE undersiened w ifl c.'n'inne the GROCE 1 UY AND PROVISION business at the old stand . f J. C. IIksdmx A Co, on Alabama street, where he will t*» jdvaced to receive the call* of his old customers, si d as maoy new ones as may be pleased to favor him with their patronage. fsb 6 3t J. C. H ENDKIX. I>I*M4>I II1ION. T ’HE firm of Carr*. 11 A High ia this day dis solved, by mu'usi consent. Either « f the parti.-* $re authorised to settle the bu»in*s« of the latsf firm. Thoan iudebted will please rail and siuis * W. S. CARROLL, .^ f.k- U, 1U1. JOS. F. Ulod. Mii-n The SouiUcru Coufcdcrxcy. Were we to veuiure a prediction, we would avy that we here liavo the geiui of a Republic whiclwbiHory, no far distaul day, will tecuid aa the most powerful and wialihy of ancient and modern times. It will grow, and that loo rapidly, by additions from the North, from the do mb and from tbs West, lie Govern ment, | urged uf every notion of consolidation, no S ate* will hesitate to take shelter under ita wings front any tear of losing it* sovere ignly. The burdens ot thatJGuvernu enr will be light, ll will be adminisieted according to tho .Southern idea. In the exercire ot it* power* it will be oeufiued within the legiti mate sphere of ihe Cousmuika. It will not be ustd as an engine of corruption. It will not be used as au instiutueni tor exercising those prtjecis which belong only to 8iai* Governtntm* or individual enterprise, ll will build no K'ilrosids and canals. It will uuiluriske to build up no maitufaoiuriog imer eti* at the expense ut o her interest*. Hence ms bunion* »ilt he light, aud ui.usequentiy ihe trade will he nearly or quite free. Capital, which baa for the Iasi three quar ters of a century been aggregating iu Nurih- era cities, will brgin to ruu Southward, lly drgreee, the trade of Huston, New York aud Philadelphia will decrease, whilst (hat of Chat last ou, Sa*wun»h Mobile and New Or* lenus will proportionally increase. Immigra tion will also turn thitherward. Ti.e North has lost, irrevocably lost, we fear, her largest and best customer*. Our future we may read to the pat of Csnad*. Nt>ro sympathy, which has of late been so active wnk u*, will tu a few aiomha more be like a tale that ia told. We shall hear no more of slavery iu the South than we now bear of it in Cuba and Russia. From Nt-w England, at least, iha sceptre of empire has departed forever, and that through the folly of her own eons.— Hun for (Me ) Union. flafT As an avideitea of tho groai distress prevailing in cities, wo may meution that in Saturday, the ICili ult , trtUen hundredpereone, mew. women and children, wore »upf Led with soup from the free eeup bouse of Cioeieaati. Wffim R if bow ascertained, beyond contro- veray, that tho people of North Carolioa have voted against the call of a Convention. Tho majority ia leas than ona thousand. Tba WiiiBingiQa •• Journal ” is of opinioa that ths pseplv will, oro long, mots a rs-oeoeideraden. wad decide ihs quccuen (a the nttraut.lvc.