Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, March 29, 1861, Image 4

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. S'0>¥T!HBBN Z«S G>N PUB BRAINY. ••i The fflanp leebelli, at Mobile. The Mobile papers bring ue the particular# of UMMkureof thi# vasal, and the impri# uiuneat and subsequent discharge. of the tap- fain. It seem that the rtutl was, publicly and without oonotalraent, taking on sunpli## of profiai-JD# for lb* United State# float off P#n- saoola, and that Gen. Bragg, in oommand of (he fore## of Confederateat Peneaeola, telegraphed to Capt. Uomer, commanding the CootinodtaU Si Mobile, to bdoe her stopped The military ssizsd the veeeet aad arreeted gaff imprisoned Dept. Jena# in the Mobile guard-bouse. Hi# wife the next day, sued out a writ of he*** WP f<» bit mleaee, and the Question was triad befora lion. C. W. Rapier, Judge of the Circuit Court. The sheriff at first staled do the oouri that the chief police re fused to obey the writ, but the last-named of ficer sofln appeared with the prisoner and apol ogised for dis delay, stating that as the cap tain wns asoased of a violation of militnry law, nud had been placed in hie custody by Capt. Homer, ha hardly kaaw hew to proceed or whose jurisdiction to recognise. Tha ques tions Involved were, whether n state of war existed,' which weald justify tbs prevention of taking supplies to the fleet; whether Geo. lirsgg’s jurisdioUoo extended to Mobile ; sad whether the prisoner had committed an offence against the Confederate Stales justifing his imprisonment. The Government not being ready for the trial on Friday, the prisoner was allowed bail in $500 until Saturday, 12 m., which time was set for the hearing. On Sat urday, the trial resulted in tbs dieohargo of CspC Jones, and the Register express** the opinion that the damages sustained will have to be footed by the Government. We are not informed of any order made in reference to tbd vessel sod supplies, but premise that they are still held by the military authority of the Cofefedtrati States.—Col. Enquirer, 118(4. Whet Then f In tbs course of a few days a custom houss officer will bo discharging hie duty to th- Con federate States on the line of the Wilmington nnd Manchester Rail Road where it enters tbs State of South Carolina. Then every passen ger going or coming will ba liabla to have hit trunks examined, and his baggage ransacked, and every freight train will be oompelled to undergo the same scrutiny. What will be the effect of this on the businese of that road, and of the town of Wilmington ? This is a very interesting question to our people, the merchants and business men particularly, and we would like to bear what they have to say about it. Will anything be “ going wrong" or will “ anybody be hurt ” by the new order of things?’*—TOmington [X. C.) II,raid. Tub MysTB&iors Murder at Jackson.—All newspaper readers remember the accounts published at the time relative to the atrocious and mysterious murder of young Miller, iu the Union Hank, at Jackson, Teun., and the robbing of the bank, about two years ago. A Jackson paper a few days since intimated that a prominent and well known citizen; of that place was suspected of being the author of this dreadful crime, and had fled from that place. The Rnnner, of this city, has lesrned something further in regard to the matter, and its issue of Sunday says : “We learn verbally that this suspected person is Mr. John S. Mil* ler, a prominent merchant of Jackson, a man of high standing, and uncle of the unfortunate victim. The evidence agaiust him was entire ly circumstantial, but seems to have been strong enough to induce him to seek safety in flight. Among other things it is known, as we ara informed, that previous to the murder, his affairs were very much embarrassed, and he appeared greatly harrsssed on account of the foot. Subsequently to the murder he paid off his liabilities, and went on again swimmingly.**—Xashville Gazette. Tux Vacant JunuB9iiir—A Trump Card.— We learn that the Hon. Gaorge W. Summers, of the Virginia Convention, on Saturday last telegraphed to the President that an extra session of Congress ought to be called, and something done in the way of conciliation, ai ouly three votes ere required to pass the se cession ordinance through the Convention.— It is said that the President immediately des patched or resolved to despatch his confiden tial friend nnd late law partner, Colonel La- mon, to Richmond, in order, ss it ia conjec tured, to open negoiiatinna with the Virgin ians. Simultaneously with these revelations comes the rumor that the vacancy on the Su preme Court Bench is to be or bos been ten dered to Mr. Summers. That vacant judgeship is a trump card.— It comes out ou all occasions, but is never played. Crittenden, Rives, Ilicks, Summers, all by turns, have it thrown up to tantalise and stimulate them.—Penney Iranian. Capt. Barnard E. Ban —The War Depart rnent at Washington has accepted the resigna tion of Capt. Bee, of the United States Army, whioh was forwarded from Fort Laramie, to lake effect on 3d of March. A severe fit of illness*, and tha impractica bility of the mountain posset during the win. ler season, has detained Capt. Bee at hit dis tant post, but we have information that he is now on hia way to take hia position in the service of his native State — Charleston Courier. A “ Union" Pa bit in Maryland.—A call, signed by a number of the citizens of Freder ick county, Md., has been issued for a mass convention, to be held in Froderick city, on Tuesday next, to organize a Union parly, and to take measures to hold a Slate Convention of tha new parly. The signers to the oall pro nounce secession a "political heresy" and the triumph of republicanism not an “overwhelm ing calamity." ATTENTION, MILITIA 1 ELECTION FOR TWO 1CAJ0RR Atlanta, March IS. IASI. F ulton ooootr •*•))* ■ h.ll include Wnrdn4n.d •**?. of, .nd Cnony-*, B*ekhn«l uM Oak Grom Dirtriete—teiog *h« Borriu •ta portion of tU. county. The Second ulion .hell be knowkiu WkitefccJI, c*d ik«<l isciude Wcrde 1, » 4*d * of the dty et AtUn te, end Block H.ll BnA Stone’* »iet»loteH>e- iu| the Southern portion dTiboeaanly. An eleotion ia horaby ordered to ba bald in the Precinct* In cook Bottolka •• *5» 13th day of April next Th» nlneUonfcr ihoi portion of Peach-Tree B4tt.liolwitW.hh* bound, of the nil/*U1 beheld etOonyrtjUJI; in the office of /mite** Thence Mel Sod* I .nd for that portion of the olty Whitehall Battalion, end wMin the eM, H“- ita will be held et the City Hall. The mtta- nre of the election* In th* cotmty will u>e*t tiih tha managers In the trttyan ttm Mandaj following, for the purpose of consolidating and cortilVino the return* to the Gomrnor. The cJptein* will proceed, e* *oon •»•!•«£ ed. end coramiuioned, to eoroll, woording to Tew. arery man liable to bear eime within hie Diatrict or W»rd, between the ngoo of_*l*ht«n and forty fire. K. F. MADDOX, inl9-10t. Colonal Commanding, ATLAITA MEDICAL COLLEIE. T HE Seventh regular Courae of Lecture# in tbia Inatitution will oommence on the let Monday in May, 1831, and oontinua until the Crat of the following September. racrLtr: At.nx.NDin Mc.aa, M. D., ProfhMorof Chamia airy and Pharmacy. II. W. BnowK, M. I) , Profeiaor of Anatomy. John W. Job##, M. D., Profeaaor of tha Paetica of Medicine and General Pathology. W. F., M. D. Profeaaor of Prie- eiplee aed Practice of Surgery. Thohai 8. Powitu,, M. D., Profeaaor of Obitet- Joaarit P. Losan, M. D., Profeaaor of Phy*iol- ogy and Di*aa**a of Woman and Children. J. (TWhthobiland, M. D., Profeaaor ol Ma teria Medica and Medical Jurisprudence. J■^ n * I " I0 M' n D '’ t Demon»trator*. H. D. Capbbs, M D , | N. D'Alvighkt, M. D„ Curator of the Museum. J. G. McLn, Janitor. rasa: Courae of Lecture* $103 Matriculation, (once,) * 3 1° Graduation, 23 The TruatAea feel warranted in stating that the facilitiee for the ncquilitioo of Medical knowledge, in connection with thia inatitution, arc equal to thoae of any other College. The sercral department# hare, from time to time, receired auch addition# and appliances aa hare been found neceaaary lo fully illustrate the ra- rious branchea of Medical Science. The An atomical Room* will ba opened and furnished with sound and inoffensive material, by the !5lh of April. Good board csd be had in the city at $3 to $4 per week. For further information, addreas J.G. WESTMORELAND, D«an. Atlanta, Ga., March 21,1861-lw. Liiill Suit—The Rev. J. Pereas, the late Itabbl of the Synagogue In Memphis, has sued the congregation of lsraal ia that eity for li bel, laying damages at twenty thousand dol- TO PXeANTHRB \\fE have now in Store, a large lot of Extra V, Heavy, Double-Sole Ru.aet llrogao., made with two heavy soles of the beat quality of Hemlock Bole Leether and Oak Upper*, with RivitEys-aaams, which we hove made express ly for th* trad* of thie market, end guaran tee them, in every reepect, superior to any thing that can he round in this market, la tha linn of Brogans, and will sell them at lower pricea, by the ease or single pair. Those wanting a good Brogan, at low prioes, will 6nd It to their Tntaceat to call on ua at the Sign of tha Big Boot. DIM1CK, WILSON A CO., Peach-Tree Street, Atlanta, Georgia. As- it th* Drug Bier* of D. M. TOUKG A OOt, «*• Whitehall Street AUanisa Ga ATTENTION! MILITARY COMPANIES FURNISHED WITH UNIFORMS AT SHORT NOTICE AND LOW PRZOEI8, BY LAWSHE & PURTELL, AT THEIR 9IEBCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. dee I CENTER a TREADWEU WHITEHALL ETEEET, ATLANTA, Four (More Below Brady * ftolomoi.-v, SWEDES, AMERICAN, CASS OOUXTY AND ENGLISH IKON, AND CABS COUNTY AED ENGLISH CASTINGS I —sine, ta sTona— Kfl CASES Shaea, at Mannfaetnrea prieee. tfW Call aad ana aa hefcva yen hay elsewhere. Ton ahall ba nlooood. Jtaalt GBETER A TREADWELL. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING!! D O ,.-*-**■*. j) o I) o YOU WAN T YOU WAN T Y O U W A N T • ••’ANY ANY A N Y KIND KIND KIND OT o K O.F 1* ii I N T I N (i PRINTING P R I N T I N G li U L I N G KULI N G K.U L I N O O U o n o u BINDING BINDING BINDING DUNK D O N K DONE WELL DO N E W E L L I) () N E W E L L D O N E NEAT LY N E A T L Y N li A T L Y AND A N D A N D QUICK!, Y QUICKLY QUICKLY A T A T A T II O NEST HONEST II O NEST R A T E S R A T E S R A T K S G O G O G O T O T II E T O T H K T o T II E F R A N K L I N F RANKLI N F RANKLI N PRINTI N G II O U S E PRINTING II O U S K P It INTING II O IT S K AND AND A N I) B O OK HI X I) E It \ BOOK H I N D E It Y BOOK BINDERY O N O N O N A L A B A M A 8 T It E E T A L A B A M A S T R E E T ALABAMA S T R K E T A T L A X T A A T I- A N T A A T L A N T A SIX PRESSES SIX PRESSES SIX P R F S S E S A L W A Y S A L W A Y S A L W A Y S R r N N I N G K U N N I N G RUNNING T II It E E T II R E K T II R E E BY STEAM B Y S T E A M BY STEAM KEEPING KEEPING KEEPING THIRTY-ONE TniRTY-ONE T II I It T Y - O N E PERSONS PERSONS PERSONS C O N S T A NTLY CONSTANTLY CONSTANTLY E M P L O Y E D EMPLOYED EMPLOYED DO NOT DO NOT DO NO T V O It G E T F O It G E T F O It G E T T II E THE T II E FRANKLIN F & ANKLIN FRANKLIN R I N T I N G HO RINTINO 11 0 R I N T I N G HO AND AND AND DINDE B I N D E IT S E U S E USE BOOK BOOK R Y It Y BOOK BINDERY BUL1IG AND BOOK HUH PSJtSIDSRT: JEFFERSON DAVIS, Of Mississippi. vice PKMiDaxv: ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS, Of Georgia. cssisar. Hubert Toouiba, of Georgia, Secreterjr of 8Ut«*. I'. U. Memmlnger. or 8. 0., Secretary of Treasury. L P. Walker, of Alabama, Secretary of War. H. K. Mallory, of Florida, Secretary of Nary. J. II. K«afao, of Teaoi, Poetmaater-GeneraL J. P. iknjauiin, of Loulalaua, Attorney-General. CDKGRKIR : Preritleti!—lion. IIOWCLL COBB, of Oeorjrta. Secretary—JOHNSON J. IIOOPPK, P^q., of Alabama. ATLANTA LGDGIL No. M, f. A. M , moeia ond and fourth Tharaday nltfita In each m LEW I# LaWSHE, W. M and third Tburaday nlghla In each month. E. J. Mamrt, Secretaiy. 'Trrwtitim'T-”'t ( h*ji®(}8liANEous Confederate State* of America. nmub. t T— -S', : srSKSSs M:w„irS — j KX-T’JXtsrtsi-s- rULTON LODOK, No. SIS, ». A. M., aiesla gu Ik, lint I «*• Creek, t'geifying "W the deed - “ ' ‘ ■ becoming po|.ulari«^ in c,„„„„„„ «• Spalding's greet Headteh. remwly, Unit in anon be need in e mure general war mh word Cephalic wilt become at common urw trotype end many others wh..»e dl.tioctu,* foreign wordi ban been worn a«r«wt, v ^ M uiage unlil they m. ’*rdlj Realized. HI ’*d 'n ’orrible 'eadache this buKtren., hand I ■ tapped into the h.pothee.nw, kS •ay. hi to the man. “Can you h,.« „„ eadache? “Dpea it kache '•rd/'aava > ••11* coedingly,” lay# hi, h#iHl u|#m tW v I me a (%pbmhe Pill, hand ’pon me „ nw /"* •d ma to quirk that I ardly re»l.„,| J ’ ry, W. ?. Chilton, S. V. Ilala, Collin J. McRae, John GUI Shorter, Daniel It. Lewis, Thomaa Peara. Florida—James IL Owens, J. Patton Anderson, Jack* ion Morton. ffeorgiti—Robert Toonba, Howell Oebb, F. 8. Bar tow, M. J. Crawford, K A. Niabct, B. If. Hill, A. R. Wright, Thomaa R. R. Cobb, A. II. Kenan, Alexander II. Siri.lieiis, JjOitUiuiut— John Perkins, Jr., A. L. D<-Clouet, Chaa M. Cnarad, D. V. Kenner, (I. E. Sparrow, Henry Mar* ahall. P. Harris, Walter Brooka, N. h. Wilson, A. M. Clayton, W. 8. Barry, J. T. Harrison. South Carolina—R. li. Rhett, Jr., R W. Barnwell, L. M. Keitt, James Clieanut, Jr., C. G. Metnmlufer, W. Porcher Miles, Thomas J. Withers, W. W. Boyct. Owena, Finance—Toomba, Barnwell, Kenner, Barry, McRae. Commerce—Meminiuger, Crawford, DeDIouet, Mor ton, Curry. Jm/ieUiry—Clayton, Withers. Hale, Cobb, Harris. Foetal—Chilton, Boyca, Hill, Harrison, Curry. Patent*—Brooke, Wilton, Lewis, Hlil, Kenner. Territories—Clieanut, Campbell, Marshall, Nisl>et, Pearn. Public Ianda—Marshall. Harris, Faarn Indian Affair*—Morton, Hale,Sparrow,Lewis.Keltt. Printing—Cobb, Uarria, Miles, Chilton, Parkins. Account*—Owens, Crawford, Campbell, DeClouet, GOVERNMENT OF GEORGIA. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Joftirtt E. Brow*, Governor. John h. Campbmll, ) II. II. Wimif, >Secretaries. 11. J. O. Williams, ) K. P. Wateims, Sacretary of State. Jon* Jones, Treasurer. PsTBRSOX TnwitATT, Comptroller General. A. J, Boooess, Surveyor General. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. Twcooomr L. Gukhry, President of Senate. F. II. Wert, Secretary of Senate. C. J. Williams, Speaker House of Representatives. Giorgb Hyllieb, Clerk House of Representatives. PENITENTIARY. Eli McCoxmell, Principal Keeper. Ciiarlkh G. Taliuru, Assistant. W. A. Williams, Book Keeper. CiiAg. W. Lank, Chaplain. Dk. It. G. Cake, Physician. LUNATIC ASYLUM. Dr. T. Gbk.rn, Superintendent Lunatic Asylum. Da S. G. White, / 1>. G. Cahpbkli., VTrustees. Miller Gkikvk, ) JUDICIARY DUPARTfiSNT. Rl'PKSME t'Ol'ET-—Jt'DGMR. Joskpu Hknkv LunraiN, of Athens. Rich aed 11. Lyon, of Atlanta. Chahlee J. Jenkins, of Augusta. pkportee. George N. Lksifr, of Marietta. CLBEE. Crarlkr W. Di'Doiia, of Sparta. DISTRICTS. Irt Duteict.—Brunswick, Eastern and Middle Judicial Circuits, Timr or Session—2d Monday In January and June, at Savannah. Zx> Dinner.—Pat aula, Macon, South-Western and Cliat- Cherokce Circuits. Time or Session—1th Monday In March and 2d Mon* day in August, at Atlanta. FULTON COUNTY. J CSTICKS INraatOR CRTMT. Z. A. Rice, Clark Howell, William Watkins, J. N. 8iuunon*, B. M. Taliaferro. Sheriff—C. C Green—Deputy, S. B. Love. Clerk Superior Court—B. V. I to mar. Clerk Inferior Court—Daniel Pittman Ordinary—J. H. Mead. Treasurer—J. It. Wallace. Tax Collector—A. J. Collier. Tax Receiver—William Center. Coroner—A. R. White. Furveyor—Thomas A. Kenedy. CITY OF ATLANTA. Mayor—JARED IRWIN WHITAKER. rOUVCILMBM. Ward I—Felix Hardman, F. C. House. Ward II—William Watkins, J. U. Craw. Ward III—8- II. Love, Robert Crawford. Ward IV—J. 11. Mecoslin, James Lynch. Ward V—S. B. Robson, Thomas KUe. Committee on Finance—Councilmen Robson, Craw, iove. Committee on Ordinances—Councilman Watklna, Me* Lynch. Committee on Wella, Pumps and Cisterns—Council* en Lynch, Kile, House. Committee on Lamps and Goa—Councilmen KUe, Me* catlin, Crawford. Committee ou Market—Councilmen Hardman, Love, Lynch. Committee on Fire Department—Counrlhnen ifecat* lln, Robson, Watkins. Committee on Police—Councilmen Lots, House, Lynch. Committee on Cemetery—Councilmen Hardman, Wat* kina, Robson. Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds—Coun* clltuen House, Crew, Mecaelln. Committee on Tax—Councilmen Watkins, Crawford, Lynch. Committee on Relief—Councilmen Crawford, Meets* llu, House, Watkins, Kile. Clerk of Council, Tax Receiver and Collector—H. C. Holcombe. S -easurer—K. J. Roach. ilef Marshal—Thomas B. Boggua. Deputy Marshal—Duke II. Brannon, lit Lieutenant Police—R. N. Williford. 2d Lieutenant Police—J. M. Lester. City Surveyor—H. L. Carrier. Clerk Market—J. D. Wells. CUy Sexton—G. A. Pilgrim. Superintendent Streets—H. W. McDaniel. ftAYID MAVKR, W. M. L. J. GLEHN, If. P. JASON BURK COUNCIL OP ROYAL AND SELECT MASTERS, No. IS,pieets quarterly, on the first 1 ue** day In January, April, July and October. LEWIS LAWSHE, Th. III. John M. Boriho, Recorder. CfECR DE LION COMMANDERT, No. 4, meet* «n the first and third Wednesday In each month. W. W. BOYD, M.-.K W. T. Mead, Recorder. ODD-FULLOWtt. CENTRAL LODGE, No. 28, mi William Wilfoh, Secretary. EMPIRE ENCAMPMENT, No. 12, meets on lbs aecon and fourth Friday night*. WM H. BARNF.S, Chief Patriarch, W. W. BOYD, High Priest. T. P. Fluking, Scribe. MECHANICAL. FULTON MECHANICS’ ASSOCIATION meet* 2d Frl day in each month, at Engine House, No. f. C. M. CALDWELL, President. Jaupj« Noble, Jr., Secretary. BANK OF FULTON—Alabama Street. E. W. HOLLAND, President. A. Aostkll, Casldsr. AGENCY CENTRAL RAILROAD A BANKING COM PAN Y—Office ou Alabama Street. A. W. JONES, Agent. WM. W. CLAYTON, Agent. Periho Baowx, Cashier. J. P. LOGAN, President. ATLANTA FIRE DEPARTMENT. WM. BARNES, Chief Engineer. S. II. SHERWOOD, 1st Assistant. R. F. MADDOX, 2d Assistant. F. M. JOHNSTON, Secretary. JOHN f. EZ7.ARD, Treasurer. ATLANTA FIRE COMPANY No. 1, meets first Monday In each month. t. H. MKCA8LIN, President. W. K. MsaoN, Secretary. TALLULAH FIRE COMPANY, meets 1st Wednes day In each month. JOHN F. tXXAKD, Prenid’t. Juux MrLKVDOH, Secretary. MEDICAL. DR. JOHN G. WESTMORELAND. ( FFICE on Alabama street, opposite Market House. Can be found either at his office next door above. March J6. HRS, ALEXANDER * SIU4MIY, Office on Marietta Street, Forth tide. D R. Alkxandkr’s residence on Marietta 8t., South side. Dr. SnKLhY tnij be found at th© Trout House. March 27. DR. W. F. WESTMORELAND, Office and He aide nee •Xtrth Side sf *fifa- rletta Street, March 21. DR. H. W. BROWN* FFICE—Marietta 8tr#©t over J. D. Sira#’ Store. Residence—Calhoun Street, in arch 20. 0 DENTISTRY. H. HUNTINGTON, M. D., DENTIST, ATLANTA, flBORGIA, OFFICE in IUwson'e new build ing, eorner Whitehall and Hunter Streest.— Residence first house to the left of Col. Yan cey’#. RarBRBNCKs: Hon. R. F. Lyon, Mr. £ E. Raw son, Messrs. Beach A Root, Rev. Mr. Rog ers, Dr. Logan, Atlanta; Rev. C. M. Irwin, D. A. Yason, Esq., Col. Nelson Tift, Col. W. J. Lawton, Henry Tarver, Albany. Jau 16. POST-OFFICE. ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF MAILS, Ac. RY GEORGIA RAILROAD. Due, dally, at 11.4* P.IL, aed «.0Q A.M. Closet, dally, at 8.00 A.M., and 400 P.M. BY WMTKRN A ATLANTIC RAILROAD, Due, dally,at ..—1.16 P.M. Closet, dally, al 9.00 A.M. BY ATLANTA A WEST-POINT RAILROAD. Due, dally, at 7.1ft P.M. Gloats, dally, at 9.00 P.M. BY MACON A WESTERN RAILROAD Des, dally, at M6P.I1 Closes, dally, at It00 AM. Ondl tarter ,<,u£, , i£fot££iSl 4* ka* «P». for it delivery of mall-matter, dally (Sundays szctpUdO % T, 7 A k M p *J l 1 9*«M#R. ML Mid from half-past S tUl !.ffife5flraar.Wr5L“*** T. 0. HOWARD, PssHnasts E. J. A H. W. CRAVEN, DENTISTS, HAEM removed to their new and splendid room in Parkbr’s dlock, opposite Beach A Root#, where they are prepared to wait on all who may wish their service#. Ministers, who are pastors charged half- price. Calls from a distance attended o with promptness. junel9-wAtw £#* Hbadacis is the favorite sign bv whi,.i nature makes known soy deviation, from the natural elate of th* brtio, aed view ed in this light, it truy bp looked UD „ t , f ' guard intended to give notice of diieut which might otherwise escape attention, till \,*i i 4 i to be remedied; nnd ita indiczttoes ibouk never be neglected. Headaches m*j he clsssi fled under two names, viz.- 8yroplotnaticsa ( j Idiopathic. Byniptoniatic Headache is exceed ingly common, and Is the precursor of» variety of diaeaaes. among a hick areApouJ*. Gout, ltbeuiuai.aiu, and all febrile diwrote*. 1 In its nervous form it is sympatLttic ofdu. ease of the stomach constituting nick keadnekt of hepatic disease constituting bUxcu* keadaekt of worms, constipation and other disorder* si the bowel*, aa wall as retinl and uterine affe-. turns. Di-ea-es of the heart are very frenoeot ly attended witli H-adaches; Anemia s»d Plethora are also ntfcciions which Irrauratlv occasion headache. Idiopatbio liendlcha ,* also very common, l*iog usually distibgkSh*! by the name of nervous headache, Koinetifti« coming on suddenly in a state of sppartMli sound health, and prostrating at once the mss 7 tal and physical energies, and i D other i*. stances it comes on slowly, heralded by dept* sum of spirits or acerbity of temper. Iu mod instances the pain is in the front of the head over one or both eyes, and sometime.' provok ing vomiting; under this class may aho bt named Xeumlgia For the treatment of either class of Ueadacbi the Cephalic Pills have been found »sure nd safe remedy, relieving the most acute pains it a few minutes, and by its sub:la powerenidir. sting the diseases of which Headache i? the unerring index. Boiiwet.— Missus wants you to send her a bex of Cephalic Glue, no, a Utile of Prepared Pills—but I ni thinking tl.utV not just It nsi* tber; but perhaps >e*ll be after knowirgwbtt it is. Ye see she's nigh dead and gone with the Sick Heudacb. . , wai,.# n-mo more of that same as reluivt d her letoro. Druggint — You must mean Spalding's Oph. alic Pills. Bridget.—Och ! sure now and you've sad it, here's the quartber and give me the P!!h sad dent be all aay about it aither. Constipation or Costivenesi. No one of tbe “many ills flesh ia hair t«" i« so prevalent, so little understood, and so much neglected aa Costivenees. Often originating in carelessness, or sedentary habits, it is regarded ss a slight disorder of tco little eouRrquence to excite anxiety, while in reality it is the pre cursor and companion of many of the most fatal and dangerous diseases, and. unless ear:; eradicated, it will bring the sufferer lo su uo timely gravs. Among the lighter evils of which costiveness is the usual attendant, are Head ache, Colic, Rheumatism, Foul Breath, Piles and others of like nature, while a long train of frightful diseases, such as Malignant Fevers, Abcesses, Dysentory, Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia Apoplexy, Epilepsy, Parolysia, Hyslcris, Hy pochondriasis. Melancholy and Inanity, first indicate their presence in th** »y*tw by thii alarming symptom. Not unfrequonllv tbs dis eases named originate in Constipation, hut take on an independent existence, untruths cause is eradicated in su cnrly stage. From all these considerations it follows that the disorder should receive immediate attention whenever it occurs, and no person should neglect to get a box of Cephalic rilla on the firri appearance of the complaint, as their timely use will expel the ineiduous approaches ol disease end destroy this dangerous foa to human life. Gseat Discovert.—Among the most impor tant of all tt»a great medical discoveries of tbit age may be considered the system of vaccina- ti«.n for protection from Small Pox, tbr Cepha lic Pill for relief of Headache, and tbs use of Quinine for the prevention of Fevers, either of which is a sure specific, whoso benefit! will be experienced by suffering humanity long sl ier their discoverers are forgotten. WILLIAM MACKIE, FRESCO PAINTER AND GRAINER, HAVING located perma nently in Atlanta^ will de- _ . vote his whole attention to the above Branchea in all their details. DOW SHADES, SHOW iry descripti CARDS, carved ranted to equal any City in the Union. Orders from the Country attended to. OFFICE—In Beach A Root's Building- lairs f«b I R. II. MAY A Cf>„ H AVE removed their stock of Carisgcs. Bug gies, Ac., to the store formerly occupied by W. if. IlaRntRooK, on Whitehall Street, where they will sell their entire stock AT COWT. to cloee out their business, for Cash or approved paper. mM-l«. BUTLER & PETERS, (ftuccaosors to Hl*h, Butler A Co.,) Commission Merchants, ran m rasonis in inu on T m jvje k h s k m rnooccu Cotton, Qrooerfon, Ac., ATLANTA, ...GEORGIA. Hnrn removed to th* Urg* fin-Proof W*re- hoaao. formerly ocouptod by Wlanhlp A How. *11, opposite th# flute Bona Dnpot. Goa a Tnannnsnn moony toko. *4 por (hr Pt* doc*. BUfTY homloof Piflm* LaoX Lord lo (ter* r nod far snte by Jonlt BUTLEB A PETEB8. NervousHeadache m By the use of thee# Pill* the periodic stuck! ol Nervous Qr Bick fftmdmokt may be prevented : and if taken at the commencement of an at tack immediate relief from pain and sickoMS will be obtained. . They seldom fail in removing tbe A’ikbi#® 4 Headache to which females are so subject- They act gently upon tbe bowels,- rrmsuog Cbetivsneas. Far literary Afen. Students, Delicate female* and all persons of sedentary habits, thsyWt valuable as a Laxative, improving tlaagpeids, giving tone and vigor to ins digestive orgte* and restoring the natural elasticity and stresgU of the whole system. , Tha CBFHALIC PILLS ara th© remit •* long investigation and carefully conducted**- S srimenta, having been iu use many yssj uriog which time they have prevented*** relieved a vast amount of pain snd oufrerio* from Headache, whether origiaatisg »■» “• nervous system or fr»>m a deranged elate of t*« They are entirely vegetable in their eompo- oition, and may be taken at all lime* w ‘ l “ PJT fact safety without making aoy change otsuu and the absence gf any disagreeable taste render it easy to administer them to children. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! The genuine have flva signatures of Henry G-Spalding on each Box. _ Sold by Druggists snd #11 other Dealers Modicinea. A So* will U ...1 by »#i> pr#pnM »' “ Miplof UlO PRICK, SS CKNTH. All ortUri tbcrald bn tAdrenond to nm c. iwiDiTC. M Onter Mmt, Now Tno*. Nor. II. dAwly.