Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, April 04, 1861, Image 3

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&0>17 TKIElEiNi /OON PE DE RAC Y-. Kthrrn LiATRST* 1 'fHJR8T)AY, APRIL 4, 1MI. kx>. B. m. mil. pUkmsn will, »* »k« .. the publlo <•» lk« Mbj*el #f , . u « •! 'k* Athw-ut., | lOHT •» •»!* All U Id be preeeot. Mouth Crollna Adopt, the CouetUutleu.| | CaAfeLtatOH, April S.- Tbe Slat* Copv«- life te 4ay, ia new ••■•ion, adopted tbe Per- mental Coasiitution by an unanimous tote. Tfcfa aqtion of the Convention It gen trail/ ap- Nu|*rfMt Cotrt. following dvelviona bare been made by prtmt Court tfnrt oor Hut report: lamttjp Administrator do., plaintiff in r, vt. Ead«j B. Blaloek, etot. From Camp- Superior Court. gtneot reverted, for error in refuting to % aair trial on motion of tbe plaintiff in on tbe following grounds: That tbe Court errtd In charging tbe that anj false representations made by liilTa scat would bind her—there being uf whatever that tbe bad any agent in aave the auctioneer, (who it not prov. Aave made any repreeantaticos of tba , aouadneee,) nor that any other person from her to meke ropreeenta- Tbaitho verdict of the Jury is contrary r, in thin: That it ia predicated either up- waranty of fioundnees, or upon fraud in Jo of tbaslave—neither of which can, in prejudice the estate. The liability, if any, | upon Charity A. Ramsey, individually. That tpe verdict is contrary to the evi- —there being no evidence of unsound- if the slave sold, at the lime of the sale; ho proof being that she died, not of a ite, but of an acute disease, whieh could awn existed at the time of the sale, no A Fitch for plaintiff in error. Tidwell, st and Blaioek far defendant. Slocks and John Ledbetter, now deceaa- others, plaintiffs in error, vs. John i, for the use of Garrett Copeland. Paulding buperior Court. Judgment |m. Fielder and Shropshire for plaintiff ; Alexander and Buchanan fordefend- ohnson, p'eintiff in error, re. Black A defendant*. Floyd 9upeiior Court. Reversed, up- grounds : That the Court erred in not granting a •ini, on the ground that the verdict was rj to law and evidence, n charging the Jury, that if the con ns, that the Cotton wet to be delivered imboat, the plaintiffs were uot bound u> the Ootton,until steamboats could run. and Smith for plaintiff* in error; tire for defendant. An “Unfortunate Cripple" should have mined hit letter with hia real name, but answer his queries. We think an ce ment, in this city, for the manufacture ieia! arms and legs would not pay. All kings can be procured in London or Par- better terms than in New York. We on have direct trade from here to Eu- There is the place to get supplied. ry Surprise—-Atlanta Invaded from the Mouutalnn! if-past 2 o’clock to-day, our citisens Vand the little boys thrown into ent, by the impromptu arrival of ir corps—numbering fifty-six men— ipi. Alfred Harris, from Lumpkin route for tbe general rendezvous at This Company, we understand, re pair orders on Saturday night last, and ihed tbe entire distance from Dsh- i Anderson, of tbe Georgia Army, very- tendered his Recruiting rooms to tla, for tbe use of his men, until 12 »night, when they will prooeed to f the Macon A Western train. Personal. >m Warner, of Meriwether, and abry, Esq., of Heard, are in attendance ~ preine Court to-day. >-d*y if the Anniversary of one of ht Fire Companies—the Atlanta No. s want ia being duly eelebrated bj I ■ AUmu " Watchman ’’ ncomm.nda B.llup., #f that place, for our cell ' Poiaaaoola .w) tit. W,at .Rajr nudtr, I [flaural I ■ail, April 2. —Mr. W. II. Ward, a -»K«j of tba Sulf *’ at Kej Weal, r ka| night, dirrot from I’.nsnco- tb.t oa the 2oth ot March, tbo "tial Webaiar and General Rusk Wool, the forioar with 400 ornmacd of Colooal Cooper.— .1 Rusk had 200 aeu for Tortugaa. wd«r raaohad Ksj Waal uliti aaal uodar ohargt of L’apt. J A. M. |Uk mariaaa, and tha Brook), s »»« “aj Watt oa tba 24th March — , It ft her troopaat Fort Hlekena aOommiaalonar* atipolatad that i board tha Gaaaral Rusk ahoultl Nta York, and tboaa oa ibo rat Kaj Writ and Tortugaa. J 1 of thrao lull oompasita al Uuak aigned a document Smith, bar uaater, of all •frio* aaaplajad. ^ . *!?*** lhM b F « hrrirat 1 lha Mih, It waa report ad that ; war holated at Ht. Damlago tad taaldaota, aha had pro ■ to riarao. that if Hpaai.h reel to Ht. Domingo, tbo •ante aoald boiat lha Hfaniah k aSpaaiah aquadroo, aoaaiat- ' raaaala and 1,000 UK, aa||. ■ and, aid ad by • Fraach nor a! paataaalnw af tba lalaud. i Haraah, aadhtrtrUg to raiaa > Malice, and lha Fraach, aa ' I traopa, aaaa at ayaapathiaa at- It. la haliraad JrH»- Oararaiaaaia arhaht aid hr *• I*»diad| al Vita Croi 1 Bara* that a that, coupon L Fraach and Spcalak eaiNla cf , hut ita aid laklsr from Texes. New Ot-ixAHs, April 8.—We have reoelved Galveston dates to tbe 2d iasu Geo. Hountoa eeot a message te the Legislature protesting against the Convention, and appealing te the Legislators te enetaU him. He claims still to be Governor. The Legislature took no no tice of hia appeal. Washington News. Wamhimotojv, April 2.—Mr. Corwin, Minis' ler to Mexioo, has been tendered tbe sloopof- war, Cumberland, to take him to his place of destination. He especially goes there to make a treaty, which is a speciality with lha administration here. It is ascertained that tbe French Consuls in the Confederate Slates have received instruc tions direct from the French Government, in stead of through the Frenoh Minister here, relative to the facilitation of Southern com merce, with that Empire. Although no official notification of the com ing of the French and English fleets has been received here, gentlemen in prominent posi tions are satisfied that these movement* are in close connection with the observation cf Southern political events. LATER PROM EUROPE. The steamship America has arrived with Liverpool dates to the — ultimo. The sales of Cotton on Friday 10,000 bales, af whieh speculators and exporters took 2,000 bales. The following were the authorised quota tiona : Fair Orleans 7Jd; Fair Mobiles 7|M ; Fair Uplands 7k; Mid. Orleans u]d; Mid. Mo biles 7} ; Mid. Uplands 7d. The stock of Cotton on hand at Liverpool was 806,000 bales, of which 788,000 bales were American. He will says that fair qualities bad advan ced £d., and the market closed buoyant. Flour quiet. Wheat quiet, but steady. Corn steady, holders offer freely, but show no dis position to press on the market. Reef quiet. Pork steady. Macon steady. Rosin dull.— Spirits of Turpentine dull. Sugar steady. Cof fee firm. American Securities were quiet; sales were unimportant. Manchester advices were favorable. Varns were firm al Tuesday’s improvement. Havre Cotton Market.—New Orleans Tree Ordinaire was quoted at 104f., fiat at 98f.— Salts of the week 15,000 bales. The market had advanced 2f(?3 franca. Slook, 249,000 bales. The America brought uinety thousand pounds sterling in specie. The Bank of England has reduced its rates to seven. The steamer Adriatio arrived at Liverpool on the 23d. The French Corps Legislative rejected tbe amendment to the Emperor’s Address for the withdrawal of tbe troops from Rome, andadop ted the whole address by' a vole of two hun dred and thirteen agaiuei thirteen. Rkaoy.—It is said now that the last mor tar is in its place and that the ammunition and supplies are all in our possession, so that every means for the speedy reduction of Fort Sumter may be said to be entirely accomplish ed. There is no possibility of supplies or re inforcements being thrown in from tbe sea, for there ie not tbe power in (be United Stales Navy to do it, and of course tbe reduotion of Fort Sumter is only a matter of time. There is one thing clear, that if tbe Gov- ernmeat resorts te force and a sectional war, there must he a very strong and powerful par ty at the North opposed to tb?m. Thie par ty constitutes the commerial cities and monied men and those interested In the industrial pursuits of that section. This di vision being made at the North, compels the Government, in an issue of force, to rely ex clusively upon tbe Black Republican party for the supply of men and money. Whereas, on the contrary, the Confederate 8tates will pre sent one united and unbroken front, with no division, but all ready to defend their homes end their altars. In snob an issuo, there oan be no doubt as to lha final result. In addition to t hia, if there be an appeal to force, it will at once throw the border States of the Southern country against the Dlaok llepubli> ean party and the Government. In euch n struggle as this, the total overthow of tbe Gov ernment at Washington ie inevitable, and con* fusion and revolution will be ioagurated in tbe Northern State#, that must end in their entire end final destruction.—Charleston Courier, April 8. FOR MAJOR. We are authorised and requested to announce Captain J. H. Puavau. at a candidate to com mand the Whitehall Battalion, at tba aiection on the 1 Bib proximo. We are authorised to announce Tiioiua H. Wnmws as a candidate for Major to Com mand Whitehall Battalion, at the election to be held on the 19th proximo. We are authorised and requested to annonnee Dajiisl Pittka* aa a candidate for Major of tbe Peach-Tree Battalion Georgia Militia. Elec tion on the 13th of April next. Elias Holcombs, Ran., is hereby announced as a candidate, and will be supported, for Ma jor te command tbe Peach Tree Battalion, at the election on tbe 13th proximo, by MANY VOTERS. COLORED PHOTOGRAPH*. "COMMERCIAL. >• ■ fctniw ar vs. «. BAans. ATLANTA, April 4. Cottom—Onr Cotton market continues to ad vance. We learn that tbe article hae been sold at 124 oenta. The receipts continue Ugh*, sod from what we oan gather, Is mostly out of tba country. Corn has assumed sgain a brisk movement and, although at a alight decline, large amounts were shipped to day. Prime Yellow 87; Prime White 34; Inferior 8«<&90 ; Mixed is held at 924 cents. Baoou—Prices rule aa formerly—9|, IS, 13c. Flour is steady at 88 49089 for extremes, Lard—Tieroe 12J@1?|, cans and kegs 18@ 184. Sugars in good demand. Extremes $0 2&@ 19 00. Coffees—Rio principal sales, paging 144(g) 18 for shade*. Railroad receipts etill immense, with heavy prospects of freight behind. The indications are, however, that Nashville especially will be cleared in twenty days. Receipt* per Western 6c Atlantic Railroad to day are as follows: Corn 4,127 sacks. Tobacco...... 21 ferkin kegs. Flour 118 barrels. Baoon 38 ferkin kege. Lard - 84 kegs. Oats - 47 sacks. Baoon 18 kegs. Wheat 128 sacks. MONETARY. Exchange in fair supply. Bmall Iota 34@4 cents. Exchange on Northern notes due. can be negotiated at 24@3 cents, as per lots. Wes tern funds 2@3 p* cent, premium We would oall the attention of parties re ceiving goods at stations, and all points beyond Atlanta East and South on the Georgia and Ma con A Western Railroads, via Western A Atlan tic Railroad and its upper connections, to the fact that all dutiable goods will be detained until duties and charges are paid, and in order to avoid detention, parties expecting goods that come under the tariff, would give dispatch to enclose Bills Lading and servioes to our Agent at this point, together with necessary funds to pay duties, when, after registry, they will be immediately forwarded. Tbie is tbe best course to pursue, and will avoid delay.— All Provisions, (except Butter and Cheese,) are exempt. There will be no detention of these goods. All subject articles will be Warehoused until duties are paid. LOAN FOB THE DEFENCE -OF THE— • CONFEDERATE STATES T iIIE undersigned have been ret|oe«ted by the fecrets- rr of the Treasury of the Confederate State* of North America, aa Commissioner! for the State of Geor gia, to bring forward, In naid State, Are million* of the loan of fifteen million* of dollars recer tly authorised by Act of Ccngresa. For the purpose of affording an opportunity to all who may be nil Ing to take a part in this loan, we propose to have Book* opened, on the 17th day of April next, at the following points, and at such other place as we may hereafter designate, \ls: Savan nah, Augusta, Macon, Columbus, Atlanta, Milledgevitle and Koine. 8pecial notice of the place where the Books will be opened, and of the |>ersons appointed for this purpose, at each of these points, will be in due time given. Be low we submit a statement from the 8ecretary, which, in connection with the Act. la plainly explanatory of the nature and character of the loan. And we express the confident hope that our feliow-cltizei.s will approve of this direct appeal to the people, rather than to foreign capitalists, for the meant of carrying on our new Gov ernment ; and that all possessed of the means will feel It their duly to avail themselves of an opportunity which enables them to niako an entirely safe and profitable investment, and, at the same time, contribute aid cause of patriotism and their r country. KBEVR STARNES. ) JOSEPH MILLIGAN, yConunlMkmei WM. B. JOHNSTON,) Augusta, March 22,1S81. Loan for the Defence —or THE— CONFEDERATE STATES. will be offered to the public on the 17th of April aulng, and every citizen throughout the Confederate States will have the opportunity of taking a share of the benefit, and, at the same time, of sustaining the cause of his country. Bonda with coupons will be issued In sums from 91,000 to ffiO, and, where it is preferred, stock certificates In the usual form may be had. The Interest is at ElOHT PER CENT, per annum, payable every six months at all our principal cities. The debt has tbe very unusual and important securi ty of a duty of one-eighth of a cent, per pound, or about 62 cents per bale, on all Cotton exported. This duty, under all circumstances, of peace or war, secures duo, aro receivable in payment of tbe duty on Cotton, and are thus made available aa coin, everywhere in our country. In order to enable all por tions of our people to take a part of this valuable in vestment, and to exhibit their common interest in rais ing funds for the common defence, books of subscrip tion will be opened at the cities and principal interior towns; flye per cent, must be paid in cash at the time of sup orlptien, and the remainder on or before the first of May—Interest to run from the date of auch payment. Persons desiring to secure their subscriptions, may pay in cash the whole amount, and take a receipt for the de livery of bonda or stock. To equalize the rate of sub scription at all points, and to enable all persons con veniently to subscribe, current bank notes of the place will be received at their market value in coin. In esse of an over aubacilptlon, preference will be given first to those who pay down their whole subscrip tion ; next to subscribers of $30 ; next to subscribers of $100. C. G. MKMM1NOKK, Pccretary of the Treasury. Montgomery, Ala., March 16, 1861. For more complete Information to ail concerned, a copy of tha Aot of Oongreaa is subjoined: An Act to raise Money ft)r Me support of the Gov ernment, and to provide for Me Dtfence of the Con federate States cf America. Pec. 1. 77k* Confederate Suites of America do enact, That the President of tbe Confederate States be, and he Is hereby authorised, at any time within twelve months after the passage of this Act, to borrow, on the credit of the Confederate States, a sum not exceeding fifteen millions of dollars, w _ ion, the exigences of the public may require, plied to the payment of appropriations made by law for the support of the Government and for the defences of the Confederate State*. S. The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authoriz ed, by the consent of the President of the Confederate States, to cause to be prepared certificates of stocks or bonds, in auch sums as are hereafter mentioned, for the amount to be borrowed as aforesaid, to be signed by the KegUter 0 f tbe Treasury, and sealed with the seal of the Treasury; and the said certificate of stock or bonds shall be made payable at the expiration of ten year* from the first day of September next; and the Interest thereon shall be paid semiannually, at ihe rate of eight per cent, per annum, at the Treasury and auch other place as the Secretary of the Treasury may designate,— And to the bonds which shall be issued as aforesaid, shall l>e Attached coupons for the semi-annual interest TJftfV U ««*«* TMem »e: ry of the Treasury. And the states Is hereby pledged for the due payment of the prin cipal aud Interest of tbe eald stocks and bonds. 3. At tbe expiration of five years from the 1st of Pep- •ember next, ths Confederate States may pay up any portion of tbe bonds or atocka, upon giving three months precious pub Ha notice, at the seat of Government, of the particular stock# or bonds te he paid, and the time and place ef payment; end, from and after the time so appointed, no further interest shat! be paid on said stocks or bonds. 4. The certificates ol tbe stocks and bonda shall be iMued In each forma, and for such amounts as may be determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, and may be assigned or delivered under each regulation* as he may establish. Bat none of them shall be for a lets sum than $60; and he shall report to Oongreaa, at Its next session, a statement In detail ef hie proceeding*, and the rate at which the loops may have been made, end all expense* attending ths same. A From and after tha first day of August. 1861, there shall be levied, collected and paid, a duty of one-eighth of one tent, per pound on nil cotton In the raw state exported from the Confederate States, whieh duty Is om Miniptorogdan up te the sise of Lifo, _ . _ Petana# kaviag DaffOerraoiypee of their do- kesnhy specially pledged te the due payment of interest —‘ “—• Olb OR WATER COLORS, OB MOTEL. required to establish a sinking fund to carry Into effect the provisions of this section: Provided, Antseoer. That the Interest ef eonpetm, issued under the second section ef tab Act, when doe, shall he reestwnMs as payment of export duty oa cotton; ProoHod, oJhe, that phew ttm debt and Hftersot thorooo,boro4n nethor- tied u he contracted, shell he exUngaisktl, nr U| dak- bff the tond Bravtdsi Sae that purpose teal he adequate te teat hod, 4e eoU onpoft «a#y MmU elnae sad deter- Marsh 97-i.w.MVAp. TERMS (3A8H k. e. wtlt a ■» WHOLESALE CROCERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner of Peach-Tree & Walton Sts., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Keep constantly on hand a heavy Stock of all kinds of GROCERIES, LIQUORS, ^ BRANDIES, &C. TOBACCO, SNUFF, CIGARS, BACON, FLOUR, GRAIN, &0., &C., TO WHICH THEY INVITE THE ATTENTION OF ALL CLOSE CASH BUYERS. Atlanta, Georgia, April 3, 18G1. W. F. HERRING & CO., Invites .Attention to their Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING A 1ST ID GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS —FOR THIS— SPRING’S TRADE. It ia the largest, choicest and cheapest Stock we have ever brought to Atlanta. We invite the apecial attention of CASH WHOLESALE BUYERS, Aa wa are prepared to offer extra inducementa to CASH PURCHASERS. We would also call the atontion of Military Men to our Stock of TRIMMINGS —AND— ACCOUTREMENTS, SWORDS, EPAULETS, ft SASHES FOB GEXEKAL8, COLOHSLS AHD THHIR AIDS, MAJORS, CAPT AIKS, LISU TEN ANTS, AND SAROEANTS. KNAPSACKS fnrniahed at nhort notice, at vtry low prieea. W. F. NIBBING A 00. #0,1861. BEACH ft ROOT Are it* leeelriig • fall Llae ef SPRING GOODS, IXCM7DING BAREGE ANGLAIS, ORGANDIES, PRINTED JACONETS, LA WNS, DE CHINES, CHALLIES, SILKS, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, embroideries, LACES, Ae., Ac. 0° CASH, at u low prieea aa Good, have ever been of fered. BEACH * ROOT. March 4,1801. SILVEY l DOUGHERTY, KORCROSS* BULIDINQ, Junction "Whitehall Ac reaoh-Tree Streeta, iLtlanta, Gteorclai, H AVE juat received, end ere now opening, the Urgent atoek of Goode they have ever offered in one eeaaon. Their stock wee bought exoluiively for Caah, end will be priced at low figure,. They hive every variety of DRY GOODS, from Brown Homespuns to tbe finest Dress Silks, all kinds of fresh LADIES’ DRESS GOODS [ a Urge assortment of including Linene, Lawns, Piece Goods. Calicoes, Ginghams, Ac.; ell kinds of HOSIERY and FANCY ARTICLES. Also, e largo assortment of JEWELRY, WATCHES, See. In their Basement Rooms, they have an ele gant end full supply of Ready-Made Clothing, end GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, Ac. Also, about $10,000 worth of SHOES, BOOTS, &c. embracing all sixes, and a great variety, for La- diei, Misses, Men, Boys sod Children. They repeat: their stock is very full, and they are determined to sell. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine their stock and prices before pur chasing elsewhere. march8 SILVEY k DOUGHERTY. J. W. HEWELL, wsolxsAlb i > XKTAIL DIALS* I Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, MARKHAM’S BLOCK, Cornsr Whitehall Sc Alabama Sts., ATLANTA, OEOE9IA. Feb. 16—ly. JOHN FICKEN, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in HAVAIA CIBABS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, FIFES, *0., Wholesale and Retail, at the 8iga of Atlanta Cl far Manufactory, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia. March 28. ■AM KIBKMAN. JOH* W. LORE. KJKKMAN Si LUKE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Na 176, Second Street, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Refer to Joan Kirkman, James Woods, W GaaaEriELD, Nashville, Teuu. jan 9—3m FORWARDING OFFICE ) Sown Cabo lie a Railboad Com* art, i Charleston, March if, 1881. J NOTICE TO MERCHANTS. T HE Booth Carolina Railroad Company har ing determined to discontinue thia Depart ment of their service, tbe undersigned, who has been the Forwarding Agent of the Compa ny for the last four years, hae associated with him the Chief Clerk in the Department, and, under the name of Gantt A Bteney, will contin ue to reoeive and forward such articles as may be consigned te his care. Ha trusts, by strict personal attention, to retain a very liberal share of the business of the Department. Parties are reminded that all goods reaching this point from points be/oad the Confederate States of America, must be entered at the Cus tom House; and that duties art payable on such as were not purchased on or before tbe 28th ol February last, and laden on ship board on or before Ike Xbtkof March instant, save such aa are on the Free L: ts. It i«, therefore, necessary that remittances be made te pay tbe duties, where duties are payable, ana,«n all cases, to cover the expense of Custom House entry, whether the goods are free or not. Prompt compliance will prevent delay and expense, as all articles not entered and permitted will be stored by the Custom House officers. The South Carolina Railroad Company will advance, as heretofore, the chargee of Freight, Drayage and Wharfage; but not the expenses connected with the Custom Mouse. Rates of charging for forwarding will be very moderate, and may bo had on application to Geatt A Bteney, te whose ell besineeeeemmu- aicatioue should bo addressed. Tbe undersigned refer* to tbo officers of tbe Charleston Railroad Company, to the Hon. Oh as. J. Jenkies, ot Aagosta, Georgia; to tbo easterners ot tbe Forwarding Department, end In ell Merchants ef standing in the city of Charleston, and respectfully solicit* a liberal •bare of patronage. JAMB L. GANTT. m1$-8ir. Late Forwarding Ag*t 8. C. R. R. MARSHALL H0U.SI, WM. COOLIDGM, SAVANNAH, QKORQIA. K?tKuou! 55 D*TOCTra ACO.. ’ WWtoktOl stmt, AlUa*. 6sl