Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, April 05, 1861, Image 3

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Sf>yQON FRIDAY, APRIL 8, Ml. tu„tj tha dawand ilraady made upaa „pi.. of lha Doll; “Coafadaraej” aoa- Mr roport of Mr. HiU'o Speech at «ko ium Imi olfki, «* have primed eeveral extra eaplec of !*■ dny’a edition, »kwh be kid. Mi«»y. n» by tha qaaatlty, « tea it our Reading Roam. OB. Hu. Baahaaaa, of CoWtla, Moon, t. Hub. of Marietta, W. H. MoD»niol, of ran, l* re pier, of Lawranoevilta, J. W. Pork, looifllto, J. W. Powoll, of Cewala, J. J. tto, of CaWmbss, lid Col. Latham, of ipboll, oro la aKoodueo upon our Oourto >»/ Col. T. W. Loot, I ho Franklin Building, baa In Morn an ease otock of now Baoon—Hama, 8 idea Shoaldrrs—togothor with a Urgo lot of ,, Faolorj Tarao, to. Wo would diroot tbo of our randora to kio Card, la lo- '■ pa par, and reapaet folly oollolt for kin n ral akaro of Uwir patronago. Wo bad n plooonnt lotorriow, for n few i to-day, with Cnpt Wm. L. Exxard, of -City Ooardo. Hio oompony, for the it of tnpoportatioB, will not loan Macon (I Twooday next, and hekaa arailod himself the opportunity to pay a abort rloit to hlo lily. Copt. Exxard nporta hio oommond ia i health and oxaoUont condition. Ho ln- _ wo, nloo, of the appointment cf Sergeant jph Thompoon, Jr., ao Bergeent-Mejor of Bagimont, and Dr. Willie F. Wsotmornlnnd r fn°n* -Th# Tax Ordinancn ter the preeent year | bo found on our firat page. . Prof. J. N. Loomis, of Macon, ooa of tfoasors of lha Reform Medical Collega plica, died at Eaitrpriee, Florida, on |8rh March, of Conoumption. (ftperlnl tVaehlngton Correspoudent. | Policy of our Commissioners at Washington Ita Wisdom—So Ilostils Step inUndod lo be the Lincoln Oooemmont— WUson of tseits for Peaceful Separation— The ion of the Treasury, and the Dtsirs to tain the border Statu,' Utterly Forbid Co es—Ike Cook's Depredations and Dpfalea- j—Suspension of Public Works—Jteeoee- of Contracts—The Imbecility and FoVy the Preentive Officiate, tkc„ dec. WautMTon, April 1,1861. lono what hat baon diopatohad banco to ork. namely: that tbo Del toy of yoor Oommiaoionera hen hare bean “ maatcr- livity” from the otart—parley, dlplo- the eroidenoe of nil abrupt isaua* ec- crcry ornrture for time, with the con- kcowledge that, If the Adminietrntion afford to eek ter delay, their true policy gin it. By thin mean* ah opportunity aftenled Prenidont Dtrlo to eo*oce an overwhelming force on Fort Pickene, log ita nbnadonmant a necouily, and time lor dnlihorntinn on tho question, >b mnotanura to iaiereate of poeeo. tyonr Onmminlonen are tntliSed that jleitep io intended by tbinOorernment Piekene, Is seen in lha feat of their re- Ig horn. Of oonne, they oeeupy no 'ly nttitnde, nnd hnn knowledge that not honorably or advantageously com- to any except tke proper officers of Government. reports hence to ultra Republican at the North, I am satisfied that Mr, iatnnde to moat your Commiooionora’ with s like oooof pence, to tbo and that illigont nnd onlm publfa epinlon may bn between this nnd the assembling of which opinion obeli dietata the thenceforth to bo pursued. that Senator Wilson of Mooooohnootu, , prnrlouoly to leaving this city for h* iboolH b# Amp pitiiAU i$pArt> If events daring this Mason shall demon- thnt the people at tho Sooth desire It. I 1 pm not mistaken In adding, aider this the peliey of the rndionl Republi- Mr. Chase's acknowledged leader i'ba baaed upon the idea, that anpnre- soonar nr liter, taka plica hntweao apd slave States j end that ter tbs sake > lit the preaaat condition of our rove- lb boll as far eoneiliating border Slavs to thaond that sums of thorn may ultt- oido with tbs free States) a coercive h not expedient, If It eon ho avoided. Idas of Dnloa Is the more easily given tha people of the Worth from tho fast of ratioa of poet Administrations— ulorly tbo last fob. wa have information to-day, that tho Agent of the Past OSes Department a poeeemien of the Poet Office at Obi- Had Horatio King or Mr. Holt bod their aiog tbo Pootmootor, (Ike Conk) bn have bona removed a year nr two ago; 'Kir. Bpehnntn retained him against their ms. Ho was sal lad at the Depart- Poet Mooter Ganaral of the West,’' bad no Impaaity in opening dead letters, rwteiniag obnoxious oflleUli against tho ef tk# Department hare. I heard Mr. •ay, ooaoeoklag like a year ago, that last at Chicago, ha was on tha point of a notice ia tha aawopopers waraiag te Mod ao money lattera through tha FaatOffiea. to day that Copt. Meigs had anapend- >o tha dome of Urn Capitol by Mason fast, that lha law wan not complied with lag out tbo coe tract for Iron work. Tbo rgqxira ad sorties meets for proposal* to d*. hut ia this ones aa ax- wrdar sraogtvaa by tho War Dapniasneat lalo oca tract te furaleh free-work, ao eaptpeUtloa wee invited. , too, ) hoar of the revaexlsoa of aa oner, •agegement by the esses Department, •tempos a new sue wee entered fate, which profit. Rosy eOeors have ben ordered he an- Oommmidor Btrlapbam u -gT T | what bw salted a. Bmwu of Mall tea tho Navy A imtT t* M«w OrUiMfi. Moifttniv, Au. f Agvtl ku Wo nwliii ktr« Uuu Ml iftnr at 4k? Uxiud SIMM Army t WM wm Hit lo Nw OtWmm b/ Aria flninBiW ikMi U» Mw «f Ik? aaoaaaloo of Yalta, Mill rtwtUts la UM ®Uj» for lha parpoaa, U I* •uaptotwl, ef fiv- Itf In formal? n It tba United 0MN Otttrt- n»?nt oooc*rniog tmaMlI It tba South. Tba Wtr D*p*rta*eut hart, bar aw, kaajpa t akepltn? vigil?®?* ot tba tofMMila of tbla offioar, aad If tba auapiolona antcritinad of him should prova irua, ha will, wo daubt, ba praparly Ithat atrt af. Ha la ballaa*4 it bt t PcaaajUtalto. Chtrlt«ton Newt* CuAKLKtroM, April 4.—Thara ia to unoaatl mlllitrj prtptrtllto going on hera. Tba aol- diara and oSoara ha»e batn orderad it thalr paata. I praauMe that aomaibiog unuautl la going to bapptn art long. Liautantata Talbot tnd Scbneidar otma from Fort Samier tt noon, undar t flag of truce. Lieut. Talbot laarea for tha North to night. Sohntldar ral urea to tha Fort. It iajatid that Liaut. Talbot loft to take hia promotion. Tba oil/ ia quiet. GEORGIA. ITaahlngton Newi. Wash moron, April 4.—It ia authoritMWt- 1/ atatad that ao troopa ware landad at Fort Pickaoa from tba Drookl/n. It ia believad bj thoaa who have tha beat nan a of knowing, that tha preeent aotirit/ io puttiag tha net/ on an tffeollre footing, It to maintain tba reepeetabilitj abroad more than to interfere with Southern affaire ; but ahonld it ba for the latter, the 8outh would not be taken on eurpriae in an/ moYement made. It is thought that If lha Administration inten ded hostilities, tba whole eight million loan would hare been accepted. Movement of (Jutted Stales Troopa and W ar Vessel*. Washington, April 4.—Two or three light artlller/ companies, and twent/ or thirt/ city earpanters in the employ of tha Government, left In a special train this morning, oatenaibly for Fort Hamilton. The steamer Pawnee boa completed her outfit, and will probably sail on Saturday for purls unknown. Soma aa/ that tha she goes to Fort siumter for Major Anderson. New Yoax, April 4.—Tha Harriet Lane baa gone below, and anchored at Quarantine.— fha It bonnd to sea. Virginia Convention. Richmond, April 4.—Tha Convontlon adop ted the third resolution of the majority re port, opposing the formation of geographical seetional parties. The fourth, slightly amen ded, was under consideration, when they took reoeae. Ktsnino Skbsiox — The fourth resolution, aa amended, was adopted. The fifth was amended and adopted, by declaring simply that the legitimate uaa of tho forta, eto., is to protect the country against a foreign foroe. It was moved to strike oat the whole and insert an ordinance of secession, to be submit ted to the people ia May next. Yeas, forty- five; nays, eighty-nine. The above was not strictly a test vote, but the Unionists were much rejoiced. The convention then adjourn ed. Death of Judge Me Lane. Cincinnati, Ohio, April 4.—Judge MoLane, of tha United States Supreme Court, diod this morning. Election fbr Brigadier-General. Wa are authorised to anoounoo Wm. P. How. ard, of this oity, as a candidate for Brigadier- General of the 2d Brigade, 11th Division, Geor gia lfilitia—composed of the counties of Ful ton, DsKalb, Cobb, Paulding and Polk—tho olection to bo held on tho tbirtutk instant. NUw Mt lha sMkwi. - * •>• EBFLBX. FOR MAJOR. We are authorised and requested to announce Captain J. H. Pubtill aa a candidate to com mand the Whitehall Battalion, at tha election on the 13th proximo. Wa are authorised to announce Thom a • H. Williams as a candidate for Mqjor to Com mand Whitehall Battalien, at the election to be held on the ISth proximo. We are authorised and requested to announce Danibl PiwwaN aa a candidate for Major of tha Peach-Tree Battalion Georgia Militia. Elec tion on the 13th of April next. Elub Holcomb*, Esq., is hereby announced aa a candidate, and will ba supported, for Ma jor to command the Peach Tree Battalion, at Union Loan 4k Building Association.: ATTENTION STOCK-HOLDERS. T HE Receipt Book for April is now ready, and dues may be paid at the office of the Atlanta Insurance Company, until Monday evening next. fttT Regular monthly meeting at the City Hall, Monday night, April 8th. apr*-3t DANIEL PITTMAN, Secy. WHITE WHEATFLOUB—XFFF, Freshly Ground, STEWART & MOORE, raioa, $4 60 ran 166. April», mi-lsr. COLORED FBOTOGRAFU. DOBUUITB Ukaa tnm Lila, at aopM.Xroai ' t 1 **’ **•' * > 7.** 1 * Pnolpraph- froea Mi Partem bavin, id relatives and the sfse of Life, raotypns of their de- #r ‘* MU * cgiww bpwi Mvrum, IMPORTANT TO RMIDNRR »V WktTRRN te, ATS-ANTIte »AIL*OA*TI4AOU*H ATLANTA. A LL Dutlahl. Goods rateivad par Waatern te AUaaU. XaUraasI ter all pateM bafoed At lanta, moat pay tha Tariff Dattes sad shama bajand Atlanta. Therefore It la ate ate ary ter Importer, te axaloM thalr original Invoke, te coma tepant al thla point, and plana fanda ia thalr hands to pay datte, aa tha no, la spaoif, old i ia order to av Tha following arc exempt from duly i Ba son, Port, Hama. Lard. BW, Fish at all hinds, iff hast, aad Floor ef Whaat, aad Floar of all other grain* Indian Oars aad lfaal, Barlay, aad Barley Flour. Rya, and Bya Floor, Gate, and Oat Maal, Guapowdar. and all tha mate- rial, of which it la mad* Land ia all Ita forma, Arms of avary description, Amunitiona of War aad Military Aoeeutramaat* Persuasion Oops, living animal! of alt hlada. All AgrieaUaral Product* in lh*ir aatural*t*t* Aliothar* are subject to duty. In order te preveal th* •lop- page of free goads that may to an tba *amara- oaipt ar hill lading with tbsas that are doss*, bis, I* I* advisable te have them rttppad by Railroad on a.'parate lists, th* fra. good*, ia terroarly, to dmtiaation, and thoaa that era du tiable to Atlaat direct, where, aBar being registered at my office, and tba Caatooaa col lected, they will ba plaead ia lha hands of aa Agant for ImmadlaU forwarding. FRAJICIB R. SHACKELFORD, April 6-dSt. Coliaetor at Atlaata. THOMAS F. LOWE, COMMISSION MERCHANT, For tha purchase and sale of Western Produce, Colton, Qrocorlea end Mtrcnandite generally, Franklin Buildings, Alabama Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. April 6,1831. A PURSE, C ONTAINING some money, was left at the Drug Store of G. K. k J. L. Hamilton, about the 1st of Mere h. The owner a an get it by calling at the store, describing the purse and contents, and paying for this notice. upr5-lt E. C. DEAN. LOAF FOR TII DEFENCE —OF THE— CONFEDERATE STATES 1 ry ot the Treasury of the Confederate State* of North America, as Commissioners for the Butt of Geor gia, to bring forward, In said Bute, fire millions of the loan of fifteen millions of dollars recently authorised by Act of Congress. For the purpot* of eWonJIog an opportunity to all who may be wll lng to take a part In this loan, ws propose to have Books opened, on too 17lh day of April next, at the following points, and at each other place as we may hereafter designate, vts: Savan nah, Augusta, Macon, Columbus, Atlanta, MUIedgerltls and Rome. Special notice of the place where the Books will be opened, and of the persons appointed for this purpose, at each of these points, will he In due time given. Be low we submit a statement from the Secretary, which, In connection with the Act. Is plainly explanatory of the nature and character of the loan. And we express the confident hope that our ftllow-cftfxeos will approve of this direct appeal to the people, rather than to ftwelgn capitalist!, for the means of carrying on our new Gov ernment ; and that all poeeessed of the means will feel It their duty to avail themselves of a - • •• • F.BKN’R STARNES, j JOSEPH MILLIGAN, 1 Commissioners. WM. B. JOHNSTON, \ Augusta, March 2S, 1841. Loss far the Defesee —OF THE— CONFEDERATE STATES. io gou, ana, wnere n u preierrea, biock cemncaie* in the usual form may be had. The Interest Is at RIGHT PER CENT, per annum, payable every alx months at all our principal cities. The debt has the verv unusual and Important securi ty of a duty of one-eighth of a cent, per pound, or about 42 cent* per bale, on all Cotton exported. This duty, under all circumstance*, of peace or war, secure* the punctual payment of the interest, and furnishes a •Inking fund for the redemption of the principal. The coupons, when dae, are receivable In payment of th* duty on Cotton, and are thus made available as coin. ifll" Ptrsoi In east livery wlUbs In ( ajteo tlon; •100. til por- ble In- n rals- bscrlp- aterior time of te first yment. V *7 t place will be becrlp- bers of :r, tury. copy e An At fed* after t of the mlllior Ion, th of the t. T by Treast shallb from t thsreo per cs place i And t ry of t State* clpel s te*b^ £r<ei< the pa and pi appotn bTasII may et of one export ££ rsqulri the pr That I snarl, and he nontbs credit fifteen W? I of the bonds i years merest »f eight i other usd by seretn- ie prin- ient, of ie time say be d may as he a Ian at Its rdlnge, made. > meet M, and •4 aad Mstfsct kt; •a that March fT-t. -t.w.tlTAp. flXtOOBl FLOUR! FLOUR!—«M bamkiT f it. Loots Faaiily Floor, m4 IN aHshi M ***"tmmr* 1 ihnxa A. G. WHY & 60^ (IJTHOBaA T83CS QiiA T8S9XJ WHOLESALE r . 3 fl UTIM COMMISSION MERCHANTS, *» m m mm hM m m.m at m m « m Corner of Peach-Tree & Walton. Sts., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Keep constantly on hand » hesvy Stock of all kinds of GROCERIES, LIQUORS, WUlISa BRANDIES, &C. TOBACCO, SNUFF, CIGARS, BACON, FLOUR, GRAIN, &C., &C., TO WHICH THEY INVITE THE ATTENTION OF ALL CLOSE CASH BUYERS. Atlanta, Georgia, April 8, 1861. W. F. HEEEIKG & CO., Invites .Attention to their Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING -A.N3D GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, CLOTHS, cassimeres and vestings —FOR THIS— SPEING’S TRADE. It ia the largeat, choioeat and cheapeat Stock we have ever brought to Atlanta. W* invite the special attention of CASH WHOLESALE BUYERS, Aa we are prepared to offer eitn inducement* to CASH PURCHASERS. We wonld also cal) the atention of Military Men to our Stock of TRIMMINGS —AND— ACCOUTREMENTS, I.l/a HO’I aartoll SWORDS, EPAULETS, * BASHES FOX GXXXRAL8, COLONKLS AND THSIR AIDS, MAJORS, CAPTAINS, USUTBN- < it.] b di*l tw»ug )!v«mMiniII ff i ; V* * ’ :Tf»RT ^ii* **t> ants, and SAROMANTS. KNAPSACKS foniahed at abort netioe, «t very low prieee. w. Fa XMlaMKi a -H • '.> • • i * To «iu)8 guiG ffD H ,.»4 BEACH ft ROOT UMiMitedk mdiim t SPRINOOOODS, nrcLtroivo BABKOS ANOLAIS, ORO AN DIMS, PRINTKD JA CONST8, < • LA WNS, DS CHINKS, CHAI.LIES, SILKS, PRINTS, OINOHAMS, KHBKOIDtAIBS, •• LACKS, de l f #k TJ 11 ^ eo ”^ 1 * u Mi J»r«* Md ” will ba acid ter CASH, at aa law price* aa Goads have aver ban* af ter**. BBACH tea ROOT. March 4,1861. , . SILKY I DOUGHERTY, XOBCROM’ BOLIDIKO, Junction WhitahaU dt Paxoh-Traa atvant* H AVE jut received, and era now opanlag, tha largaat Moak nt Good, thej have aver ottarad ia oa# aaaaoo. Their atock wa* bought ex*dnaively ter Cash, aad will ba prioed at tew ^bay hkva avary variety of DRY GOODS, from Brown Homeapuoa to tba Scoot Dreaa Silks; all klada of freak LADIES’ DRESS GOODS; a largo aaaortmeat of ■TAPIill GKJODffi, including Lineoa, Lavras, Piece Goods. Calleoea, Ginaham* tec.; all kind, of HOSIERY and FARCY ARTICLES. Aloe, a large assortment of JKWBLRY, WATCHES, teeo. In thalr Baaamant Room*, they have an ala- gaat and full supply of Ready-Made Clothing, and GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, Ac. Alto, about $10,440 worth of SHOES, BOOTS, Sec. embracing all aiaee, and a great variaty, for La dies, Misses, Men, Boys and Children. They repeat: their steck is very full, and they are determined to sell. The pnblic are respectfully invited to call and examine their stock and prioea before pur chasing elsewhere. march8 SILVEY * DOUGHERTY. J. W. HEWELL, vaouaAu xaa urea mue u Fancy and 8t*pl» DRY GOODS, MARKHAM'S BLOCK, Corner 'Whitehall tec Alabama Sts., ATLANTA, OBOEGIA. Fab. 16—ly.' l. WOaI JOHN FICKEN, Importer, Manufacturer aad Dealer la. KATAVA CIBAIS, TD1ADC0, SNUFF, PIPES, A*., Wholesale aad Retail, at tha Sign of Atlanta Cigar JWmeusfeettarg, Whitehall Street, Atlaata, Georgl* March 16, • AM KiaSXAM. IftOK W. LUX* KIRKMAN & LUKE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 170, Seoond Street, n, LOUIt, MltWHW. Rater to Jan Emu* Jxaaa Woos* W Gamaanau, Naahvill* Tana. Jan 8—tan PORWAKJ0INQ OFFICE ) Sonia Cxaouxx Bmanaff Cawraav, I Cbartestea, Merab 1*. 1611. J NOTICE TO MERCHANT*. T HE Seatb Oamllna Bailread Oeeipnny bav- ing daterneiaed tc diaaoatiaa* Utw Depart ment of thalr (aretes, tha andanigaate, who has baaa tha Fevwarding Agant at tha Compa ny for tha I ait four years, haa associated with him tba Chief Clark ia tha Department, ami, undar tha same of Geatt te tteeay, w|U aeella- ua te laaaiva aid forward teeh arHabea a* may ba ooaiigaad te Ma earn. Ha trail* by atnet panaBalattentloa, to ratal* • vary liberal ate are ef tha bualaaaa of the Departraea* rartiaa are rataiadad that all goada reaching tbla point from points heyaed tea OanlhderaM States of America, meat be entered at the Caa- toa House; aad that duties are payable aa rush aa wars not purchased oa ao hater* tba 18th ol February lest, and laden aa ehim beard aa ar before the Ibth of March iarteat, aavseach aa era an tba Free Mat* It 1* tbarefor* aacaaaary that remittance ba node to pay the datte*, wbara duller err payable, led. In all afar* to caver Oa trpeau of Custom Saute entry, tohethcr He poods art free or ML Prompt oomplluaa will prevaatdelay aad expaxaa, aa *11 article not entered aad paraHted will ba atoned by tha Custom House ThTsooth Carolina Railroad Company will advaaoa, aa karatefor* the charges <d Freight, Rate, of ebargiag ter forwarding a <fl ba vary moderate, aad Bear ba bad aa applieslioa te Gaatt te Stonay, te wham *11 koalas** ceauaa- aicatloaa aboud ba addraaud. KAXJXA^le XOtY/X, wm. eoouaam, •AVAMNAH, *IOR*tA. ( )/ Mhtehit - ; ; [TUIIM1 Bit, Barataa Field. Lamp Oil,