Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, April 08, 1861, Image 3
LATifta*! JfHUfAlN !5«*wiiwriw»<w f t ArtilWrJ.wllh bn «d r*»I IlMHJTWJIPiL I Oolfootor of thto to ,geod«aTrt*tn|hy Mu Western (in the «Oemmuwweellb." W Batur- ; lest, aa|I«at> the Min* of H*a. olquill, of Bakar, for ika »*<t Obv. , -ltefty %!**►'hoi*. tha i Devi. for I’, and K Stephen. tor, of a Staten, at Ika liataiaatioa. I (W.jmehoro') Forf.Ur " ma in. Allmd Vanoa hr tha next af thia But*. , thia ■K>nk}a£a 1, fnWUi*aaaar” ‘ ataaaaoa for 0o_»m*"- i Bar I NIC State, c George F. Piece, Btehop of al Ghareh, preached at l ob SwAdary, tha Slat of , aaa ob kla way to Balnbridgo to j Ika sonsr-etoae of tha Sooth- i pel log., aooa to ba araolad at that that Biahop Elliott, of tha Charok >u aaan to .toil ad minister Ika rile of ooefirme- Catholie Biahop of Mobile, to urch of that .rat, lately erected. Boriag, of Baa Antonio, Tomb, ofthhflaoa, we. announced to pr«eeh faery on yesterday. Wo hope our ill kata ilia plaaauia of aaaing and t aid favorite and akla Divine, and ItedherfUageloqeence, bofora here in western homo. ilclpal Election in Aeguete. anal election for Major and mombara Council of Auguste, Georgia, took .. The/ bora two tin kata in tha called tha independent Ticket, bead or Blodget, Tf.; fOTMajor—the other Citl.en.' Ticket, headed bj Robert gentlemen were opposing lor the Mayoralty at the last eleo- Nedget wu awarded tke eertifieata, a, was declared elected by one Waabligten Correspoadant. 00,000 qf tke 1st* United Statu Loan 1,008 awarded^- Treasury Note* pr*- hosw—Lmcoin Mokes on Effort U tks Revolutionary Spirit in California foy of the Confederate Stole*' Com- Streoytkening tks Section Feeling tei—Tke Holding on to fort* or For tha Wars. impanics composing our hrtveBtate bare loft Maooa for Ponsrcola, via TVs Oatc-City Guards left oa Sat- ars now near tbeir destination, t was quits uoexpeoted. TheGuarda i dspan from Macon to morrow, at- arrangements that bad been made. tbs threatening reports about land- troops at Fort Piokeua. has hastened mol the Regiment. 9mM- I Having a /<»ks Fftci—Mr. Hot ft Wasbisctoh, April 3, 1841. the oars to-day—where I bad iVtfotne letters for Northern cities or, who had been disappointed | a part of tke Government Loan— Was a considerable bidder at rates He gave n\s memoranda as follows: ,000,000 of ^ha loan awarded. All F* *4 rejected- This is a tutorial baa prodaeed geaeral dissatisfao- Secretary it lo rely la More apea notes. Rank Of Commerce in luok-r- a»ough—gets all ah# wants, i, e. $2,- 4 94." st officer aaid to a leading banker •Nad him olosely on the war iay have ajittls conflict, but not Thla^jglry aqggssfke remark teems Batina to rein force tb*Forte. a. It may h* aald, (hat „ not hawa acted wiaaij, if it bj anofliar call for a lean, that th.Qomtnaranthed baan badly fetaah aaae, Treaaurj note, would W* tee people. Bui he ha* a lure rp for the Qe vert men l credit Beam. ■ lj ytebli.hed, Thia fixed fket in tsaaon why Mr. Chase should adopt jpgr note polity r thvy are to bs issued ‘ SBpsll denomination, and as they interest, it ^fu|posfd < 4hat they will ydJty tha peoplf to bank note#, on rAblte po, interest, intend tbua tha holier, of tba greater or loaa .urn.—will hare ao the permanence ol tha Gorernmnnt thoy are tba eraJKore. Viewed la light, tha Treaaurj abtf tjatem la jour Ooafaderaoj tha* tha loaa »y» oopkaliate, which directe gold aid bdlto flom ehannata of tmaioeea. It ta »d ajaura for aiuglo Bteloa and oltiea. Boltoa, D. 8. Araaj, raported hera lo> roKnaao MoRaa. Bahaa no friood- eceaaioo, and hauca haa order, to pro- -nfornia for apecial aerrico conuected ropaoaaiag of anj reralataciarj rnoot- • Buulhora part of that Blato, eoa- t df wrtb a lika inooenieot on a llua Arlaona and Kao Maxico. ofMBd poliej of what io leraaod tha lj 1b aoti Tiaj " polloj of jou Comn.,.- 1 thia poiot, la aeen ia tba faow that oioaa faalisg ia Viigioia aaaoia k> aedar icib te aopoakad aa having racantlr aaid, bad aodookt that tba hoddia* of Foil brslohod fool for tbpfiro of aroeaaio affijffrtfardpL' •tenMupon necessity. Us nest fp*ot qf tb« people of Western I m Minufr Mtifti ir • >-*-Eisinrttww nnMdfid 6 OB'r c«s- JniuiMfn—littiie Kuitfotit cTf'rf- -F«M TNini It ke triafomd...i(tBBi Su Frtferaklc U Loapt Stiprtw. r ‘ f'lArt* iifit istirs to ams n Tks Jtrmif of (if GVsfiddnU Stmies M**- 1 dp and JtmMUrno Id Stgsfi tks MUuk Brpublican CokortS. TsMgrSfM * tbs Few Tertt KerslS KipUnntlons Demanded. Wasbincton, April, i 1801.—An under- steading bsiwestt ifls Sotflheni Cotnmission- srs, and the Gesernment hiving been agreed io, though not oHcisl 1>ut informal, that tks ■rflKary ttotu* should remain, and no move* *••«• be mad« in regard It ibedontksre forU without first giving said CommiaMenare an ia- titnation of what was It take place, and not having heard anything from the administra tion respecting its policy, they have made in quiry at the proper defartmunt to know wbat la lb« meaning of tha sudden naval aad army movements, and whether they are intended to go South ; also, whether tbs Commissioners were rightly and properly assured when they were informed that tha alliiarj ttatu* then •listing should remain. The Commission*ra, I am well satisfied, will not get a satisfactory answer, if they gel any answer at all, which is hardly probable. It is pretty evident that all the tasuranoes which they have received were n >t sincerely and honey;ly intended. Important from Washington. Washington, April 5.—An informant, who is usually reliable, states that the Adminis tration intends concentrating all the available military and naval Mom of the ootintry at Tortugaa aad Key Went; thence troops will be supplied to Fort Pickens ; and if that point Is attacked, troops are to be taken there from Tortugas, in order to resist the attack. It le believed that wilt bij a eufficienoy ur warlike movements to cause I be border States to join tbs Southern Confederacy, as the Government oaanot now recognise its Independence by treaty. Another informant states that a part of the plan is to blockade the Mississippi, rtiake Ship Island, and perhaps other stations in the South. Ano> her informant states that a large amount of ermy and naval stores, iooluding ■even mountain bowiliter’s have been shipped hence, by express, to Fort Hamilton These movements look to land m well as to sea oper ations. Five Republican Governors met in oonclave here last night, but tha result of the meeting is unknown. Several Agents of New York bankers here telegraphed home to-day that a collision is Tb». whole cilj ia In a atale af IntaoM ax- flilement. Sprcial to the AmatHutlonalikt. Washington, April 6.—10, P. M.—There are heveral unusual movements goiog oa in the military and naval departments of tbs Government. The oily ia rife with rumors of a most exciting character, all tending to strengthen (bs belief that a collision between this Government and tbs States is inevitable. Iheee rumors era rendered mots probable by stelements made in several of tbs Black Republican journal* of New York oily. Those papers stats that the Government has char tered several steamers, and that great activity prevails at ihs various miiiiary poets in Nsw York harbor; and soma of them go so far aa to bin! where the troops are to be isni. One sajs it is believed st the Navy yard that forte Sumter and Pickens are to be iHnforoed; another eays il ia rumored that the aoldiers are to be sent to Texas to repel the Indians, at tbs request of Gov. Houston ; and another says that they are destined to llraios Santiago. Tha 44 Pott” haa heard a rumor that the secret agents sent to Kuropean Governments to ascertain their findings in regard to South ern movement, have returned, and reported that Franos and England will not recognise the naw Government. This however, is doubt ed, ss the tone of the foreign press is favora ble to recognition, and England, particularly, oaanot do without Southern cotton. Our oily is in an intense excitement. A number of tha Black Republican Gover nors of soma of the States met in aeoret oon clave here last night, but tha result of tbeir deliberation haa aot leaked out. Some of the monied mon in this eity for warded dispatches to New York to-day, de claring their belief that a collision can scarce ly be avoided. Well informed persons here state that tbs Administration is making extensive prepara tions for land nod sea operations, ana that an attempt wit! he made to lake some of tha na tal stations at tbs South. These reports ss well as others of a similar nature, are sceepted here aa reliable ; and among those best iaformed, they are believed to be exisltog faots. The general sentiment la that the crisis is now et hand. Washington, April 0 —Ideal. Talbot from fort Sumter, arrived here from Charleston. Tne Pawnee will receive orders on arriving ht Norfolk. This vessel left for the South this morning, With 250 men. A gentleman who has just left the Preis- di- nt, aays*that bs stated in n positive meaner that the Administration will nut, under any circumstance# institute hostilities: but that in eooaequenoe of rsliable reports that the Con federate States had determined to attack Fort Piokeas, ika present movement ia intended to repel feuch an attaok. Special to the Savannah N«ws. From Charleston. Cmaslistom, April 5—(a the Stats Ceaven- tioe to-day, a resolution was o^rwd fo abolish the Governor's Eaeoutlvs Council. It 114# ovtr, but will probably peso to mams, after which the <'owventloa will be Wkely to adjourn From Montgomery. Fori riektn* jo bs Reinforced—* btor^ia Troops on rout* for Pensuoola. Montgomkit, April 6.—A despatch from th» Commissioners to President Davis, says' aiar? 5- "- Two huadVoi Georgia troops win arrive to night, m rants tor M>eeel*,*od tv*fcbhdred on each gueqaading trpiQ. I** *fIptl Sa eom(jaJ»4 Ip , f,w Jaj a. Al. Wwd Mlfllary Bate Ymk, A aril A±-Th» TT HIM, SM •alia to daj ot>t» Mali -1 ill A* kbowtaea. »1 arwj atont vara abljpod Fort Hamilton. , BOSTON, Maos., April 8. Oust aotlvity pro- ▼alls la tha Nasy Yard at CUwfoetowa. Bight "hundred are employ ad theta. r-f he Bait bridge i# now ready for saa, aad Ur orew er# awaiting orders. The Minuses, Mlvsihsippi wad Colamde are tsady for son. Capt. Striugham, U. 8 N., is expsoiod to ■rrirs hero goat wpak. InepaTtiljit Item Mow York. Vtstels Ckmrtorsd io Carry Troop* Sontk. Nnw Yokk, April 6.—Tbs steamers Andes %sd Atlantis have been chartered, it is said, to oarry troops to the Booth. It is sold that several other vessels have bash ©bartered tor the tame purpose. " Tba staomer Powkatian (akst 400 of tbs 27001reaps ia aad about Naw York. Maw York to Make Itself a Free Trado City. An association of ties moot prominent mer chants and eilimns of Naw York, has bean formed for tha purpose of uniting Staten Is land, Long Island, aad Manhattan Island, aad incorporating them into one free city. We nre not astonished at thia. The Boo. Daniel E. Sickles, last December, first distinct ly announced this as tha policy which Now York would pursue, in csss the Southern States would secede. Fernando Wood, Mayor of New York, has since advocated the step in an offi cial communication to the eity authoritiea of New York. It is the only policy that will pre sent New York from going dowa in wealth and population-'in fact, her only salvation. If she does not seeode from the United States and es tablish free trade—open her ports to the world —the days of her prosperity are numbered. Richmond Whig. Robert Ridgeway, Eeq., for many years the able editor of tho Richmond 44 Whig," has with drawn from that paper. Thecauae is, that the proprietors of that able, and hitherto consis tent Union journal, are about running up the seeessiou flag. Tba sum of $20,000 haa already been sub scribed, and $10,000 more asked, to start a new Union paper in Richmond, with Mr. Ridgeway as editor. COMMERCIAL. r VH. U. BAANKS. ATLANTA, April 8. The past week's i>usiness has been satisfac tory. Large amounts of produce sold at fair prices. A general activity in all branches of trade ia uiaibls, and our Banks abow large de posits. The collection of Custom House dues has been fully inaugurated, and although anew feature to most of our merchants, it is cheer fully complied with. In order that the merchants and others in surrounding places may become familiar with the details, we will briefly give a few neces sary items: All merchandise arriving via the Georgia and Macon Railroads, from points outside the Con federate States, that are dutiable, pay the Cus tom dues at Charleston, Augusta or Sarannah. All arriving from the North and West via tbs W. A A. R. R., art stopped st this place, and must pay the duly to the Collector of Atlanta. This must be paid in specie; and after registry, they are sent to destination. All goods skipped prior to 28th February ara exempt. Bills of lading dated after that date are not entitled. Such is our understanding. The tariff of 1857 Is tbs one assessed by, with a few exceptions. pur Our friends will find it probably to tbeir interest to subscribe for tbs “Confed eracy, M as the list of goods detained by the Revenue Officers will ba found in its commer cial column. Prices of Produce, Ac., rule the same as last quotations. A slight fluctation in Corn was manifest during the week, but it cloeed firm at 86@87c. for yellow ; 92@93c. for prime mix ed ; 93@96c. for white. Bacon, Lard and Flour remain the same at Atlanta agency. Receipts per Western A Atlantic Railroad Saturday were as follows Corn.. Flour 4.285 sacks. Whisky Lard .74 kegs. Wheat 260 bags. STOPPED FOR DUTIES. Whisky—marked 2., Macon ; H. Marks, Rome; McCroakey. Candles—A. C. A Co.; J. C. C; R. A Bro.; J. L ; 8. A Bro.; I. W. Tobacco—J. F. Lewis, Montgomery. Leather—fiberman, Columbus. Glass—Cowdery, Columbus. Election for Brigsdier-Ueneral. Wo ere authorised to announce Wu. P. How ard, of this city, as a candidate for Brigadier- General of thf 2d Brigade, 11th Division, Geor gia Militia—composed of the counties of Ful ton, DeKelb, Cobh, Paulding and Polk—tho election to be held on the tUrlisik instant. FOR MAJOR* We are authorised and requested to announoe Captain J. H. Pvavstt as a candidate to com mand the W bitehall Battalion, at the election oa the 13th proximo. We are authorised to announce Tiomas H. Willi a as as a candidate for M.jor to Com mand Whitehall Batlalien, at the election to bs held on the 13th proximo. We are authorised and requested to announce Danirl Pittman as a candidate for Msjorof the Peach-Tree Battalion Georgia Militia. Elec tion on the 13th of April next. Elias Holcombe, Esq., is hereby announced at a candidate, and will be supported, (or Ma jor to command the Peach Tree Battalion, at the election on the 13lh proximo, by MANY VOTERS. Loan of $5,000,000 -FOR THE- COSFEDBtliTE STATES OF AIERIU. T HE undersigned Commissioners will open Books of Subscription for the aboTe Loan in Atlanta, Georgia, at the Agency of the Geor gia Railroad Bank, on the 17th and 18tn days of April f and, on application, will give any further information desired. WM. W. CLAYTON, Chairman. , RICHARD PETER8, »8-id A. W. JONES. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, A WMRO Girl ,f 10 or 11 jmx of u., 1 our,, mlltll. ohlld ApjlJ *1 tki, office. COKE! COKE!! COKE!! TUB gar wobkq. A LARGE quautitj for ,»!« «t Ib.XMuJ pri. Arfntml Mbteteli r»b. tiHKf. * r. WARirM, tipi. ii/J U/XLIOHW A. C. WYLY & *i (i'AIAO'ioJi TiiSS CTIA 071. i WHOLESALE GROCERS? ^flin - COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner of Peach-Tree & Walton Sts., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Keep constantly on hand a heavy Stock of all kinds of GROCERIES, LIQUORS, wing. BRANDIES, &C. TOBACCO, SNUFF, CIGARS, BACON, FLOUR, GRAIN, &0., &C., TO WHICH THEY INVITE THE ATTENTION OF ALL CLOSE CASH BUYERS. Atlanta, Georgia, April 3, 1861. AV. F. HERRING & CO., Invites .Attention to their Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING .A. ISLE GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS —FOR THIS— SPRING'S TRADE. It is the largest, choioeat and cheapen Stock we have ever brought to Atlanta. We invite the apecial attention of CASH WHOLESALE BUYERS, Aa w* are prepared to offer extra inducement* to CASH PURCHASERS. We would alao call the atention of Military Men to our Stock of TRIMMINGS —AND— ACCOUTREMENTS, SWORDS, EPAULETS, A SASHES FOR GENERALS, COLONELS AND THEIR AIDS, MAJORS, CAPTAINS, LIEUTEN ANTS, AND SAROEANTS. KNAPSACKS furniahed at abort uotiee, at very low prioea. W. F. HERRING & 60. : ; Mareh 80, M6I. A ’ BEACH & ROOT MIMiffMlGjMtjktlMuO SPRING GOODS, l ”>il lno * .Itti u v • , 4 !*»« -O’ i r -1. . • . • nrcLPButo »■ BARK OK ANOI.AIS, t * as* )* w ■ t* v I ORGANDIES, ’ pAjfrxMP Jaconets, lawns, DE CHINES, CHALLIES, SILKS, PRINTS, QINOHAHS, EX BROIDERIES. LACES, O u WmtlXl'}^ eo " I " ,u “ d “ 4 ™ CASH, at u low price, aa Good, have aver beta of. fond. BHACH * BOOT. March 4,1841. SILVEY 4 DOUGHERTY, K0KCR088’ BULIDIKO, Junction Whitehall Ac Feaoh-Troo Streets. Atluto, OeorgU, H AVB ju.t received, aad an bow opoain*. tho target stock of Goods thej bars avar otforod ia ona aura. Thair .took *u bought oxelu.ivclj for Cub, aad will bo priced at low figures. They have every variety of DRY GOODS, from Brown Homeapua. to tho finact Dre». Silk.; all kiad. of frch LADIES' DRESS GOODS; a largo ic.ortm.nt of BTAFIjI] goods, including Linen., Lawn., Fiona Good.. Calico.,, Gingham., An.; all kiad. of B08IKRV and FARCY ARTICLES. AI.o, a largo snort men t JEWELRY, WATCHES, Ac a. In tboir Ba.em.nt Room., thoj hove an all. gant and full cupplj of Ready-Made Clothing, and GENTLEMEN’S FURNIBHING GOODS, TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, Ac. Also, about $10,000 worth of SHOES, BOOTS, &c. aiiM, and a groat v.rietj, for La- die., Mica.., Mod, Boj. and Children. Th.j repeat: their .took la verj fall, and they are determined to cell. The public are respecUuilj invited to oaJl and examine their .took end price, bhforo pnr- chaaing elaewherr. marchti SILVEY A DOUGHERTY. J. W. HEWELL, WSoLMALS AMD IITilL DSALKX IS Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, MARKHAM’S BLOCK, Comer’Whitehall Ac Alabama Sta., ATLANTA, OEOEOIA. Fob. 1$— ly. JOHN FICKEN, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealsr in IATAVA CIBARS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, tec., Wholesale and Retail, at tho Sign of Jttlsmtm Cigwr JNsmafsteiarp, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia. March 26. ■AM K1BKMAV- JOB* W. LUES. KIRKMAN it LUKE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. X76, Second Street, IT. 10011, MISSOURI. Refer to Jon Kiaxa.a, Jana Wood., W GaiaariaLD, Kwbviile, Tana. Jen 8—Sm FORWARDING OFFICE 1 Bourn Caaouxa Coara.r, v Ck.rto.lva, March 18, 1881. J WOTIOE TO MRRCHARTS. T HE Son lb Caroline Railroad Oompaaj bar. iag determined todiMOBtiauetfei.Dapert- ment of thair earvioa, Ike oadetaigaed, who heo boos tho Forwerdiog Agent of the Compa ny for tho laat four jean, haa SMoeialed with him tha Chief Clerk ia tba Department, and, nadir the aunt of Gantt A Blooey, will aoaua- ue Io receive aad forward inch artiole. ae may ba coaeigand to hi* earn. Ho trade, by unci perionel attention, to retain a very liberal ah axe of tho bueiaoe. of tha Department. Portias are reminded that all goodi reaching tbi. point from points boyood too Confederate Btalon of Amerioa, tnu.t be entered at tha Co.- torn Home; and that dutie. are payable oo luch aa were not purehaaed oa or bofora the >8th of February lot, end IrndtH on aJtip hoard on «r Aqfor. tU lWAqf MorcA iiutmmt, aava.ncb aa ara on tho Fne Lista. It ia, th.rafora, nec.aaary that r.mittaa.M ho mada to pay tha dntiu, whare dutie. ara paynbla, and, ta mR caw, I. cover tkt arpxeac of Cut tom Botu, entry, wketker tie food, or, Jrte •r not. Prompt oomplianoe will pr.ventd.iay and axpenM, u all articlm aot oalarad aad parmittod will ba stored by the Custom Home ■HI earn. Tho Sooth Carolina Railroad Company will advance, a. heretofore, the ohargea of Freight, Drayego aad Wharfage; but not tie expenw connected with Uu CVeiom Heme. Bate, of oborglag for forwarding will ba vary moderate, and may bo had on application to Gantt A Stenay, to whom all bmintes oommo ■ aintiom shonld ho nddramed. • Tho Badoriigaod refer, to tho sfRcora of tho Oharlmtoa Railroad Company, to tho Hon. (ten*. J. Jenkins, of Augusta, Georgia; to the customer, of the Forwarding Department, ad to nil Merchant, of standing la the eity of Charleston, aad respectfully solicits o liberal •bam of patronage. JAMES L. GANTT, mlt-lw. Late Forwarding AgH 8. C. R. R. MAB6HALL HOUjBE, • WM, COO LI DO K, •AVArtNAH, OKOROIA. Kanah U.