Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, April 16, 1861, Image 1

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* 4 d Id the Daily, and Wi 00 par oaoL additional l namanta to bo loaortcd Id tbo Wockly rroaular Intervals »■ either of tbo pi i Si por aqoaro for every lnaertlon. nraSsprfast: pm bo charged half prioo m and death* are pobHAed aa nova; bat , Trlbotoo of Beopoct and funeral Invitations TerUoemonta. Hot loo* la Looni OMm W bo charged*) ir, mnder no oircaiaotaooes, to bo Included In ctlon or tartaHoa win bo aaade from tbo fore- i. HAlfLllTER A AD Aik. JR RAILROADS. tPettw* «w«t- to Ail an to. 1T1 Mil. -Fora, *» M. JROB YOHQE, Superintendent. roteuM runMaa naar. “acta, daily, at. A. M. wfesis , wan Niinui iub. Uinta, daily, at M(, P. M. Aaguetn at AM, A. M, Delightful Cor dial EVER TAKEN. leU 1 on thousand* vhoA^jflluB CSS3TL are dally min* Mc-1 fjTTTTTTTT WWLoaD'i 8tron|tbonhtf , cr Cordial, oortlfy that tt la a boo lately an Infalllable rem edy for ronoeatiaf and bmoonarma the ahatured and idooaood tyatom, parifylog and onrichlni the Blood—re- IV. 4ob nfuti. In.alU t- jfrtj^iipa’ffitha Jftra «a!fronds, a Augusta, HEALTH ANO STRENGTH, no mlotake about It; U will core Liver Com- AU the above Imported and bottled by hlmoelf, ranted pure and the beat quality. with the A feet-Point. Do you want yoor delicate, olckly, puny children to bo Healthy, Strong and Roboat ? Than giro them Mc Lean’s ttnisuTSMine Consul., (aoe tho dlrootions on each bottle.) It to dtoteiooe to take, tWT On* table spoonful, taken every atornlug faat- Im la m u..a avavantlva aaalnai PV III- and Baa a a Val To the Public. I wltl atake my reputation aa a man, my standing aaa merchant of thirty years’ resMeoee la New York, that what I pledge and teetlfy to with my seal, my label, and my certlBcate, to correct, and can be relied upon by #v- Physicians who nee Wlnea and Liquors In their prac tice should give the preference to these article*. for sale by all respectable Druggists and Apotheca ries. UDOLPHO WOLFE. Sole Manufacturer and Importer of Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps, No. St, Hoover Street, New York. low I fever. Cholera, or any nrevalUng diecaae. Uf 1 Cactios.—Beware of Druggists or Dealers who maytry to pabn upon you a bottle of Bitters or Sarsa parilla. (which they can buy cheap,) by saying It to Just as food. There are even men base enough to steal part of s>y name to dub their vile decoctions. Avoid such Infamous pirates and their villainous compounds! Ask fbr Dr. 3. If. McLean’s Strengthening Cordial and Wood Purifier. Take nothing else. It to the only remedy that win purify your Blood thoroughly, and, at the same time, Strengthen and Invigorate the whole organisation. It to put up io large bottles—per bottle, or six bot- • I fl. Alt nt f B U„l l.l. ■ IU a he taken bJ th. moM Under Infiiit; Tti.rompi oerfrl la ramorln, nil Kltoaj McreUoDt, Add, Hi, Irtni Metier from th. ttooiub. la (bet, ’. tb. oalj nib that should be iMd la nulurtoua induce a. Oriplo,, 8ickaM>, «r Ma, la Iba :a or Ooetb, ttrj actlT. tad Mucbiaf ' promotion btaltbj Kcratlon. of th. •“Wwi Sbt old Nfbr from Mioouea., "he. tfi Foul Stomacb, whoa n cbM. a reewi, oWelhed I Arcp ibma coaauail/ oa baad; a ■at FBIa Tad. aoetbtr. Mo, Mated, Urn, tehee. Frio, .olj a tall Mr bar, uiuall man te aa, pert ef lb. Valud Ftetea. f S. HcLIAIf. b*U FroprlMor, U baooa, 1M Milaa-Fara,. HD h. TYLkX Superintn ‘ bit iunmniii. IlMtaal .11. tlfoooBUt, 4. ASAtl St in husbands and tons, sod lovs fbr onr common mother, whose iosulted honor snd lmpsrriled safety had called her faithful children to the ensanguined field. At thirty minutes past four o’clock tks con flict wss opened by the discharge of a shell from the liovluer Battery oo James* Island, under the oommhod of CtptaihOeo. B. James, who followed lbs riddled Palmetto banner oo the blobdy battle fields of Mexico. The asading of this harfmul messenger to Mtjor Anderson was followed by a deafening explosion, which WAS caused by tho blowing up of a building (hat stood in front of tho the whit. emohe wee mailing aw./ 1st. tb. .Ir aasfW iti^r which Limit. W. I Hampton Gibb., bat Ilia honor of hiring 6 red, pur.u.J ilt noieelee* e.j loward the hoalile I Atlanta *1. """" IAA, A/M. VrMa* »U1 but ba raabo Bun I delook Right Train from Atlanta, uak “ ■ - . a. - Ilollinqulil, at tbs loinutn* pant t««. Tb. «o1<il«r< smleetd I bn. are giving s good ac count of MMietrM. Tb. Floating Batt.rj Tb. Floating Batter; : bad bn. etruck .i,ht,e. urntn, and rtc.ired so maierial injury Tb. vvnaraUa Edmund Ruffin, wbo, u loon nt It 1 w»« known n hnttl. wav Inevitable, haa- teBVd onr to Mavrin* Idaad aldwo* eleeted h—Hokar of tb. Fat mm to (kerned, (red Ui. •ret pa from Stephen, 1 Iron Batin;. All ba.or lo lb. eblr.lrio Virginia.! Ma; bn Ul, My ftMS to van Iba f.d.lnM Sfuaib II Train front Atlanta, oo. nl Railroad hr hrnnth tedwIbtilMnl Bail Sc it 11.** F. M. i luforianlion raUtiuf to iba j Tsaufasoo will U ebanfull la ib. TH* PUBLIC GOOD BEFORE PRIVATE ADVANTAGE. r mmim k ‘Hw ITliHTi, liEORIJU, TPD1 r mm April il Ul NEW SERIES: VOL. I--B«J53. hrni «nUitms BOOKS! BOOHS! BOOKS! New Book Store! , ~AT TUB- SIGN OP THE BIG BOOK Whitehall Strset ut. Ik Wwt-TMat RnUraal. to WMt-PbteMV Mitaa—Faru,^$l M. ROB p. HULlTS.p.rl»tandmA TmA-Point, dill;, at I.M, P. M. AAAlaaU at — t.M, P.M. ,a. m. C ‘ Vnt-Point t.4d, A. M. Point, daily, nt (.16, A. M. • • ■ 7.6F, A. M. AGRICULTURAL BOOK8 of ererj description. ARCHITECTURAL HOOK8 of erery deecription. MEDICAL BOOKS. SUPERB GIFT BOOKS. * SPLENDID FAMILY BIBLES. ELEGANT ENGRAVINQ8. riOTURKS FRAMED TO ORDER. PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE PAINT- INGS OF LANDSEER and other ■, ArtiAt* TEHEOSCOFE AND STEREOSCO PIC VIEWS. ARTI8T8’ MATERIALS. WALKING CANES—from SO cent* to WO. VIOLINS—from 75 cento to $75. All of which will be mid cheaper thin the cheapeat, it the Sign of the “BIG BOOK!” ML It—tf. i. MoPHERSON A OO. J. H. LOVEJOY, WOOimil & B1T1IL HI, ARD MAUI m Tebirco, Wine, Llqnir, Cigars, kr. Cherokee Block, Peeoh-Tree Street, A-tlanta, Georgia. feb25-ly G. K. & J. L HAMILTON, SOCOISSORS TO SM1T1 k XSZARD, DRUGGISTS, -—A*»— PHARMACKUTIHTN, AND DBA I. BBS IN PUR* MKDICINRB, 1 CHEMICALS, PAINT*, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, BURNING FLUID, OAMPHENR, ke rosene OIL AND LAMP8, BUUttICAL A DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, FINE FRENCH AND CATAWBA BRANDIES, WINKS, Ac. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. A KUFERLAT1VC TONIC,DIURETIC, DYSPtV^° INYKORAHHCi CORDIAL IITOLFE’S relebratml SCHIEDAM ABO- VV MATIC SCHNAPPS should be kept in •very family. It invariably corrects the ill ef fects of change of weather, and, as a beverage, it is the purest Liquor made in the world. Put up in pint and quart bottles. Also, UDOLPHO WOLFE’S Pure Cognac Brandy, iported and b}tt!«d by himself, warranted pure, the beet quality, with his certificate on the bottle, and " lie WarT imv iiroirnmunci. From onr Extra of Sunday night Peaiisjlrania, Nev-Y*rk A Ohio *a the War seent! NiJ. ANDERSON DENOUNCED AS TRAITOR! UnJ.r Andaman neeif.d tb. .boi .id tb.ll il ail«M. All Man ««il«l lauk.r. on, i,- wilb cooj.elurM and prediction., I bit ravirad th. bop. tut dying mil of their boMful and tend.r bear!.. Bat Ibe abort Tir«d hop. Orel tiitrrly .zlIngttlMied wb.n tb« d.epelin, twl tb. M.r. and alripua floaiioi LMcoln to Iwue I’rocluuiullon I CIVIL WAR TO BE INAUGURATED! Sereitjr-five Thousand Militia to be ealled into Service! Federal tuugreo Convened 1 Captured Forte to be Repossessed! Federal Itrai to be Enforced in Seceded Slate* 1 Mqje Anderson A Men Gone North# War Fleet ailill oif Cliarlehtou ! Washington, April 14.—It id reliably stated that Pennsylvania, Ohio and New York fur nishes thirteen thousand troops each, to oper ate against the South, in response to President Lincoln’s call—the balance required will be furnished by the other 8tstcs. UF’GKITTLKMEN, do M Ur' f VADIES, do you mount to your Cheeks a« fiver, Stomach,"o”Bol do you wish to be Healthy, Strong want iba Bloom of Health to again t Than go at one# and get McLeiu’s Strengthening Cordial and Blood Pnrlflor. Delay net a moment; It Is warranted to give satisfac tion. It will cure any d sease of the Kidneys, Womb, or Bladdor; Fainting, Obstructed Menstruation, Falling of (ho Womb, Barronnaaa, or any dlscaso arising from Chionlo or Iforvoos Debility, It la an Inralllable Randy. Por Children. his seal on the cork, UDOLPHO WOI.rK'8 Pure Port Wine, Ml bottled w, wiui ms certifies! ad the beat quality. UDOLPHO WOLFE’S Pure Sherry Wine, Imported and bottod by himself, the same aa tl* Port Wine. UDOLPHO WOLFE’S Pure Madeira Wine, Imported and bottled by hlmeelf, for private and med icinal use, the beat Wine aver offered to the trade In bot- ilea This Win* la warranted perfectly pure. UDOLPHO WOLFE’S Pure Jamaica Rum, St. Croix Rum, Scotch and Irish Whisky. Charlkstox, April 14.—Maj. Anderson and his men will leave this evening, at high tide, in steamer Isabel for New York. The fleet is ■till outside our bar. The people of the North denounce Amlersou as a traitor for surrender ing to the Confederate authorities. ■Washington, April 14.—President Lincoln will to-morrow issue his Proclamation, calling forth the Militia, in the aggregate seventy-five thousand men. lie will order the suppression of all combinations In the seceded States, against the Federal Government, and require the laws to be rigidly executed. The first ser vice require4 of the Militia will, probably, be to aid in repoesessing the forts, arsenals and other property which have been seised from the Federal Government. The Proclamation also convenes the Congress at Washington on tho fourth of July next. The War Department have been busy to-day (8unday) in the prepar ation of the details to be oomuiunicatod imme: diately (o the authorities of tho aoceded States. An additional number of Foderal troops arriv ed here to-day by special train. Bombardment of Port Sumter. We eepy the following interesting account of the Bombardment of Sumter from the Char leston Courier of the 13th instant. The Cour ier, after recaptulating (he facta in referenoe to the demand upon M^). Anderson to turreu der—the rations communications which pass* ed between the General commanding, and onr Government at Mouigomeryall ( of which were published in onr paper of Sunday morn ing)—speaking of the calm, firm determina- tion’of our gallant troops, &c., says : The crisis bad arrived, and we wore fully prepared to meet it. The work that awaited the ( morrow was of a momentous character, but we bad counted the cost, and had resolv ed lo do It or die in tho at tempt. At ike gray of the morning of Friday the roar of canuon broke upon the ear. The ex- K ed sound was answered by thousands.— houses were in a few minutes emptied of their excited occupants, and tbo living stream poured through all tho streets leading to tho wharves and Unitery. On resetting our boon- tilul promenade we fouud it linod with ranks of onger spectators, and all the wharves com manding n view of tbo battle were erowded thickly with human form*. On no gala ao- casion have wo over aeea nearly so larga a number of ladioa on onr Battery aa graced the breesy walk on this eventful morning.— There they stood with palpitating hearts sad palid face* watching the white smoke as it rose in wreaths upon (be soft twilight air, and breathing out fervent prayers for their gillant kinsfolk at the guns. Of what a conflict ra ged in those heaving bosoms between love for hi™ “ HMMf proudly in the breeze. The batteries oonUngfd at regular intervale to beloh iron vengeance, and etill no nnewer was returned by the About an hour after (he Dooming began, two balls rushed Dietiag through tho air, and gtan ced harmless from the iteecoed brioks of Fort Mowltrie. Tbo embrasures of the hostile far- troM gave forth no sound again till between •tx and sevtn o'clock, wban, as if wrathful from enforced delay, from estimate and para pet the United 8(a(ee officer poured a storm of iron hail upon Fort Moultrie, Stevens* Iron Battery and the Floating Battery. The broad, side was returned with spirit by the gallant gunoere at theeo important posts. Tho firing now began in good earneot. The curling white smoke hung above the angry pieces of friend and foe, and (he jarring boom rolled at regular intervals on the anxious ear. The atmosphere was charged with the smell of villainous saltpetre, and ae if ia sympathy with the melaneboly scene, the sky wae cov ered with heavy clouds, and everything wore a sombre aspect. A boat bearing dispatches to General Beau regard frem Morris' Island, reached the city about nine o’clock, reported that all the bat teries were working admirably ; that no ono was injured, and I bat the men were wild with enthusiasm. A short lime after that happy news was re ceived, the schooner retrill, from Hog Island Channel, reported that the shot from 8tevena* Iron Battery had told upon |fhe walls of Fort Sumter. And also that Fort Moultrie bad sustained no damage. About half-past nine o'clock, Capt. R. 8. Parker reported from Sullivan’s Island to Mt. Pleasant, that everything was in fine condi tion at Fort Moultrie, and that the soldiers had escaped unhurt. The same dispatch stated that the embras ures of the Floating Battery were undamaged by the shock of the shot, aud though that for midable structure had been struck eleven times, the balls bad not started a single bolt. Anderson hsd concentrated bis fire upon the Floating Battery, and the Dahlgren Batte ry, under command of Lieutenant Hamilton. A number of shells hsd dropped into Fort Bumter, and one gun enbarbette had been dis mounted. The following cheering tidings weie brought to the city by Col. Edmund A’ates, Acting Lieutenant to Dozier, of the Confederate States Navy, from Fort Johnson. Bterens' Battery nod the Floating Battery are doing important service. Stevens’ Battery baa made consider able progress in breaching the South and Southwest walPe of Fort Sumter. The North west wall is suffering from the well aimed fire of the Floating Battery, whose shot have dis mounted several of the guns on the parapet, and made it impossible to use the remaining ones. The Howitzer Battery, connected wilh the impregnable Gun Battery, at Cumming’s Point, is managed with consamate skill and terrible effect. Eleven o'clock — A messenger from Mor ris’ Island brings the glorious news that the shot glanoe from the iron covered battery at Cumming’e Point, like marbles thrown by a child on the back of a turtle. Tbe upper por lion of tho 8ontbwest wall of Fort Sumter •hows plainly the effect of tbe terrible can nonade from the formidable product of Mr. C, H. Stephens’ patriotism and ingenuity.* A half an hour later the gladsome tidings came that Stephens' battery was fast dama ging tbe Southwest well of Sumler. Henry Buist is doing gallant service with the Palmetto Guards, delighting all hearts by assuring us in the city that everything was go ing on well at the Iron Battery, which was •till proof against silly eight pounders, and the men in good spirits. A boat reached the oily from the Floating Battery about half-paet twelve o’clock, and reported that a sket from Fort Sumter pene trated (he top or shed of tbe structure, and three shots struok the sand bags in the rear of the Battery Anoibdr messenger wbo arrived a short time after tho above was bulletined, confirms the oheerful news. Twelve o'clock.—We have just learned by an arrival from Cumming's Point, that tbe batteries there are doing good servioe~3te pben’s Battery very successful. Not a single oaeualty has beppened. Tbe troops are in the beet spirits. Two of the guns at Fort Sumter appear to be disabled. Considerable damage bae been done to the roofs of the offeor'e quarters. At one o’clock, the following wae reoeived from Morris’ Island: Two guns in Stephens’ Battery temporarily disabled, Anderson’s fire haviog injured tbe doore of Ibe embrasure*. The damage will be repaired speedily. It is thought Fort Sumter will be breached In two hours. Three eteom vessel* ef war were soon off the bar, one of IbsRa supposed to bo the Harriet Lane. Capt. R. 8. Parker reached the city from Fort Moultrie at half-past two o’olock, and makes the following report: Captain Parker visited Fort Moultrie and the Enfilading Bat tery near by, and found all well and in high qa^,. „ I, | in the axeouiioa or that danger one commie- «cV»^h<I^<X. kin * di ““" “ f lh * I>«epil« Ik* fiero* ud MBMBtratM! ire from 'amwevaMaaAzss'iBua.^K Merlons stood unmoved, nnd are this morning 1m im good aaondittea an ifcoy word bdfcre their strength was tested by thf rude ebooks of tho •kot. T^s floating Battery name eut nt her iron •torn Wltoui Inning a plal* of ite iron cover or a splinter of ltfe pine. v A briak fire wae kept up by nil tbe batter ies until about 7 o’olook in tho evening, after which hour tho gums boomed at regular inter vals of twenty mantes. All tbe batteries on Morris’ Island, bearing upon the ohanpcl, * some time at tbe t they threw their i lapel, kfpt up a steady fire for tb# dawn of day. It is xoported they threw their shot Into Ine Harriet Lane, and that that steamer, having advapoed as fi as the renowned Star of the West Battery, w crippled by a well aimed shot, after wbioh be deemed it prudent to giro up tbe dangerous attempt, and lamed her sharp ’ bow to- the Stephens’ Iron Battery played a eonspiscu- ous and important part in the brilliant, and as far ns our sien are concerned, bloodless, eon- fliet, which has placed the 12tb of April, 1861, among tbe Memorable days. The calibre of its guns, its nearutss to Fort Sumter, its per fect impenetrability, tbo coldness and skin of its gallant gunners, made the fortifieaiien on* of the most formidable of Maj. Anderson’s ter rible opponents. The effect of its Dahlgreen’s nnd 64 ponnders was distinctly visible at an early stage of the oonfliot. Clouds of mortar and brick dust arose from the Southwest wall of the fort ae the shot hissed on their errand of deafb. Shot after shot teld with terrible effect on the strong wall, and at about three ’clock Major Anderson ceased to return Ibis murderous fire. In tbe course of the after noon tbe joyful tidings that abroach had been effected in that portion of the fortress was borne to tbe citj. We dare not close this brief and harried narrative of the first engagement between th* United States nod the Confederal# States, without returning thanks to Almighty God for the great success that has thus far crowned our arms, and for tbe extraordinary preserva tion of our soldiers from casualty and death. In tbe fifteen hours of almost incessant firing, our enemy, one of the most nsperienoed artil- eriets, no iojury has been sustained by • sin gle one of our gallant soldiers. Tne result of the conflict strengthens nnd confirms our faith in tbs justness of the cause for whose achievement we have suffered oblo quy, and dared perils of vast magnitude. At the outset of (he struggle we Invoked tbe saootion and aid of that God whom we serve, and His hand has guided and defended us all through tbe momentous conflict. His favor was most signally, we bad almost said mirao- ulously, manifested on this eventful day.— We call the roll of those engaged in the bat tle, and each soldier is here to answer to bis name. No tombstone will throw ite shadow upon that bright triumphant day. If so it seemeth good io the eyes of Him, in whoso bands art tbe issues of life, we fervently pray that our brave sons may pass unharmed through the perils of the day now dawning. A Choice Must be Made. With whatever reluctance honest, well-mean ing Union men may coma to an election be tween n Northern and Southern government —between eonetitntional liberty and fanatical misrule—still that alaction has to ba made. The elements North and South, in despite of all offorta at compromise, in despite of char ity aud peaoe loving affection, it most he con fessed, and intrinscicallv antagonistic, and can no more harmonise than alkali and aeid ean consist without offerveacanoe. It has been honestly, earnoatly and patriotically tried for maoy years. Th* best men nt the North have lifted up their voices in vain. They have been ostracised politically, and rudely thrust from tb* publio service. They could not stem the torrent of popular fanaticism.— The South hee submitted, begged and implor* ad for peaea—only for peaoo, until tha pa tience of tbeir peopla wan exhausted,. and, driven io tho last extremity, they have acted for themselves. It now remains for the border slave States to choose whether they will live in peace and security with tbeir senthern brethren, under a constitutional government affording protec tion to property and tha bleating# of pence and tranquility to society ; or whether they will be perpetually embroiled, threatened in- suited, and siogled out for odium under a gov ernment wbioh is thoroughly abciitlonited.— M it tour i State Journal. LIRE AND LIFE —AND— MjjuiB mmiB inner. T EEaubacriber repr*MaU four Firei Clue tJoutAern Cumpmniee, mad eight Hew York ('milp.n ie., with te aggregate Cfeek OBptl*l of SKVKN MILLIONS. Tbe hoaorahle edjaet- Bnatud peTDieat of louu without 10/ aa- uoeeeur; del*;, word, hero seed uot bo otod to pro,#. Tb. proof e*u bo found with tkoae wbo h.T. euforad loan, and wera 00 M to procure FoUomb nt tkie Agon*;. M.ri.e Rieka, troth Atlantic andRivor, token M umuI. raMM INSURANCE. The attention of both mom who would t». gprm’Sfi end loved new In the mat of Death, lie fa ne tho nnenrlof odraaingos tho UF* WW*dl*C* SOCIETY