Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, April 16, 1861, Image 2

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NEWS! SamUr prom|.My of®5XXK),000 TVHBUMY, APRIL to, 1861 Ngard. U ia aodWalnod that MqJ vu allowad to remain tor awhllall Fartgun- tor, u4 Hwn Chraautaad Manaiai ymri- ad to Um tit/ to onntmnolotto,wiU| lfe« prapar tuthoritiM ■ *A Ed A A FTA Boos titer Mai. Anderson (urrandered, t f in iiimmwEf) TO THI -SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY." eonderanad. Gw. Httito eommnnlrated met- ten tran.piring et Chtrleetou to Oar. Letober. A f»oftl<» ***** «.*t Virginia W« oom units bsr destinies with iht South No Soon Alter Maj. Anderson surrenders*, » boat wia teen approach fog If orris* Island, with A while dag, and it proved to be a boat fiom ene ef the war vsassli in the offing, with an officer on board, who desired to eee Gen. Sim- Defeat* of .Wssfcisgtsa! Extra Sftnion Illtaolt terU initretieni bm .1 tin i Sutotor.' The demon evatiuo »« kept up leet eight until past 11 o’clock, by cannons, prooeseions, music, bon- Iim, Ac, Ae. 1) i . ft *r. Rfcnnoxa, Ye., April 14.—The National Yol- antoere pewed e resolution leet eight eererel/ Seceralon Feeling In Virginia on the increase 1 deaosasicg the preeent military operation* of the Government, and express their s/mpath j with the seceded State#. Nnw Tons, April 14 — Advices from Alhapj state that Gov. Morgan will to-morrow issue a call for twsalj-ftva thousand men, to assist the Federal Government. •The United States Nnw York, April 14. Government baa chartered the steamers Phil adelphia and Krrioeon. The former is rapidly filling up with provisions, army stores and mo nitions of war. The latter steamer ia held la reserve. It is believed that Lincoln In tends to blockade all the ports in the Confed erate States SOUTHERN yrcrotain ation 75,000 Troops Galled for! Northern fleversers Bespesdlsg 1 T%* hrtrii Commanded la M pent to Ttetmlw Daytt Lincoln’s Erad.e and Hypocriti cal Hcpfy to the Virginia Cons Hew the X«wa la Received to Richmond, Washington, Providence, Boston, Nova 8c otto. Ac. . Tennessee Censing to the Aid of the Confederate states! By the President of the United States. A PROCLAMATION. Viuiia, the love of the United States hove been, for some time post, and now ora opposed, sod Ills execution thereof obstructed in the States of Sooth Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisians and Taxes, b/ combinations too powerful to ho suppressed b/ the ordinary ooarsa of judieisl proceedings, or by the powers rested in the Marshals by law. Now, therefore, I, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, President of tbs United States, in rirtns of tbs power rested in mo by the Constitution and Use laws, bars thought St to coll forth, and hereby do call forth, the militia of the serersl States of tha Union, to the aggregate number of T6,CS0 to order to suppress said combinations, and to cause tbs lews to be duly executed. The details for this objeet will be immediate ly communicated to the State authorities through the War Deportment ! appeal to all loyal eltinsna to Jaror, facili tate and aid this effort to maintain the honor, the integrity and the existence of onr National Union, end tbs perpetuity of popular Govern ment, end to redress wrongs already long enough endured. I deem 11 proper to soy that the first service assigned to the forces hereby celled oat, will be to repossess the forte, places end property whioh have been seised from the Union, end in every event the utmost cere will bo observed, consistently with the objects aforesaid, to avoid any devastation and destruction or interference with property, or any disturbance of peaceful citisesss in any part of tbs country; nod I here by command tbs persons composing Use com binations aforesaid, to retire peaoeably to their respective abodes sritbia twenty days from this dote. Deeming that the preeent condition of publio affaire presents an extraordinary occasion, I do hereby, in virtise of the poweie ia me vested by the Constitution, convene both Hooaos ot Congress. Senators end Representatives are, therefore, summoned to SMemblo at their is- speetive chambers, at twelva o'clock, noon, on Thnroday, tha 4th day of July next, then sad there to consider end determine enoh measures as la their wisdom the public oefoty end inter est may teem to demand. In witness whereof, 1 hero hereunto set my hand end caused the eeel of the United States to be affixed. Done at tbs City of Washington, this the 15lh day of April, ia the ef oar Lord aas thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and of tba Independence of the United States the eighty-fifth. (Signed) ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By the President: William H. Sowaan, Secratary of State. Surrender of Port Sumter. CMAEUMfcw, April U—MidalgkL—The tel egraph hee conveyed to you the aowe of the surrender of Fort Sumter. The immense bus. lobes Which hoe boon necessarily Iroaseeted over tbs wires sines, end even before, tbs sur render, prevented me from risking the trdne. mission of nay long messages to yon. At this lata hour, then, I ovoil myself of the “current ee it leave*," for perhaps to-morrow I may Icon my venture. The display an Fort Sumter to day of a tag of trace, at about halt-past one o'clock, induc ed a MrpOMlea it firing on that fortress foam oil the batterICeSebleH bad been playing on ih It woo evident that all tha tnwdwark ia the Mi was ns flume*, and the flog eteffhed boon shot awe/. (Jen- Beauregard sent CoU WigfeU from Morris' let sad 4a Fart Sumtar. with a while flag, hi response to that displayed hy; Mej. Anderson, to eflbr aaaistanee 1* extin guishing the. ffre is the Fed Oul. WigfeU rank ed Fart foamier, atthefh tha ball* end I amend tha Foetvem m«h teas to oontetspl*ta>*r**fcte fa *spo**d fa, Ifajcr ssl to ptosssd to Fsrl Santo sad convoy off Maj. Anderson tad kii command. Iran dif- srsaess of opinion exist m to tbs result of the Application, but it is generally bslisfsd that Gsn. Slatons replied that bs would anewsr lo- oasrrsw, (Sunday,) aid bis rsply would faeoo- trolled by eircamstAncss whieh night inter - VIM. About two bour*)nftsr tbs surrsudsr, • steam - er was*seat to Fori fiuifitar, and ssvsral offi cial gsntismsn wars oosrayed thither. From on# of them, 1 learn that M#j. Andsnsu said bo surrsndarsd tho Fort bsoauas his quartsra and barracks bad bssn destroyed by firs; his men wars unable longer to contend against tho mors numerous foe in opposition, and beeause bo knaw that he would uot, and could not, bo roiuforesd, although a float of war vessels wars ia sight, but had not attempted to aid him. Tbs interior of Fort Sumter is an unsightly mass of embers, and exhibits the sad sffsota of firs from without and firs from within. A num ber of tbs guns in tbsFortrsss are dismounted, and a portion of tbs outer wall, which receiv ed the balls from Cumating’s Point, has been •lightly breached end otherwise jostled ont of its symmetrical condition. There are some •tones on this side which would now be con demned or rejected by builders. The rifled oannon done good work on this side. Where the floating battery operated on Fort Sumter, there are marked evidences of the sue nsful mission of this novel battery. Fort Moultrie done wonders during the bom- bard moot, and poursd red hot shot into Sum ter in an unsparing manner, and with the ut 1 effect It is true that old Moultrie re ceived pay in her own coin from Sumter, for the officer's quarters and barracks ire badly damaged, and many of the houses on the Is land bear teatimony to the power of the balls which were ahot from Sumter. Strange as it may appear, 1 have not heard reliably of any death or even serious wound to any of the contending forces. Thus far, the war has resulted in the favor of the South Carolina troops, and I trust vic tory will ever perch upon the banner of the Confederate States. Good night Halifax, N. 8., April 18.—Intelligsnee was received here to-day of the bombardment of Fort Sumter. The news was announced in the Legislature amidst intsnse emotion. The an nexed resolution was introduced and adopted: Rtsolotd, That we have board, with the deepest sorrow and regret of the outbreak and civil war among our iriends and neighbors in the United States, and, without expressing any opinion upon the points in eontroversey, we sincerely lament that those who speak our Ian- uage and share our civilisation should be leading each other's blood, and deaire to of fer our forvent prayers to the Father of the Universe for a restoration of peace. Pbovidkncb, R. I., April 14.—Gov. Sprague has tendered to the Government hie services, with a marina battery and a thousand infan try, and offers to accompany them himself. Ricxxokd, April 14th.—The demonstrations last night on the occasion of the surrender of Fort Sumter were kept up until midnight by illuminations, bonfires, fire works, music and other demonstrations. A party ascended the roof of the Capitol and hoisted the Flag of the Con federate States an tha flag staff. The flag was subsequently re moved by the guard. Waabsotox, April 14.—President Lincoln has answered the Virginia Commissioners in writing. Hs first copies a portion of the Inau gural about tha forte, public property, aad col lections of the revenue, and ra-affirue but re grets the uncertainty which hee been attached to the principles and policy announced in hie Inaugural. He simply intended to refer by bis inaugural to soeb property ae woe then in possession of the Federal Govern meat. He now declares that if the reported attempt to taka possession of Fort Sumter is verified, be will re-poeoeet all pleats previously bald by tha Government of the United States, and re* pel, in all cases, force by force. He states further that if Fort Snmter is at- tasked, ha will withdraw all mail facilities from the Confederate States, and will regard snob a state of aotoal war •• justifying such n course. * He considers all military posts as much in the Union as thsy were before the passage of the Ordinaneee ef secession, and white bo says be will not invade any of the discontented Stelae to eolieet tha revenue, be will land troops to relieve the forte. He repeats that bo adheres to bis whole Inaugural. WAsaisevos, April 14.—The military guard ai the several public departments was largely increased last night. Wasaixerov, April 14.—It l| reliably fepert- ei that two regimanis of Pennsylvania troops are now an their way to Washington. Wasuixuyov, April 14.—Fit# officers of Ih# Nevy.on yesterday, tendered tbeir resigna tions, whieh were refuted. Their aptoan will probably be stricken from the list, as dtamlaa- ed, aahse knew the ease recently with severe! ef the efilesre ef the Army, under similar efr- WafiixeTOe, April 14.—It Is that 8.444 troops fram Viral all that 8,444 troops hem Virginia Maryland hwi,beers enUod Ik Bustos, April 14.—On yesterday, the Adju tant General’s office was crowded ell the fore noon. The officers of the State military were tendering their commands to the Governor.— An extreme war feeling ie aroused. Gov. An drews left for Washington yesterday. Special to the Augusta Constitutionalist. Chaulxstom, April 14.—Major Anderson and his men leave on the steamship Isabsl for New York to night at II o’clock. They are now (8 o’clock) aboard that vessel. The seme on his taking formal leave of Fort Sumter to day, is reported to have been touch ing indeed. The flag was saluted, and Ander son wept on parting from a fortress which he had so gallantly but unsuccessfully defended. The War fleet was still hovering off the bar late on this (Sunday) afternoon. New Yobk, April 18^—The steamahip Ful ton, from Liverpool, arrived here to day. The sales of cotton at Liverpool on Monday and Tuesday were 11,440 halos, of which spec ulators and exporter* took 8,040 bales. Quota tions uneba u,sd. The holidays caused quiet- nets, and in some places the rates ware easier. The sales on Wednesday were 3,000 bales. Manchester advices were unfavorable. In Liverpool, Breadstuff* were steady. Pro visions dull. In London Consuls were quoted al 81 if#61 J. Nxw York, April It.—The seventh and sixty-ninth Regiments have volunteered their services for tb* defence of Washington; they have net started as yet, however. The twelfth Regiment will hold a meeting for similar pur* pose to-morrow. Cuioauo, April 15.—Gov. Gales will, to mor row, call an extra session of the Illinois Legis lature, to meet on Tuesday week. (April,) for the election of officers for the cnee i»g year. A general attendance is desired. •p 15-dltwU. JOS. WIN8HIP, Pres t. — U-a^itcnANIKL, 1 , noiluu M4L<> u j Hill, 1AC0V, LA11, F101*, AND LEADING •ROCERICS, Hunter Street, between Whitehall d Loyd Streets, ATLANTA GEORGIA. April 1.1,1861. * Collector’s Notice. pUSTOM DutiM -ill be required an dutiable V Quod, received by the W eater* A AttonMe Railroad from thih data. Importer* —ill raport •» tb. IH* uf April; usd, on • 1 further Information dmlrtd. . ' WM. W. CLATTOK. I JHOHARDFETlA U * , '»to| m*-td A. W. JONES. 1 TH* ,IN4*T WATKItlNQ PUcftM Thfl ££S; -“YTHfifiR CORriMMc,. * 1 April 1, 1861. IS R. SHACKELFORD, Collector at Atlanta. T^E CHALYBEATE SPRl kiuRitmuu oovnr, ikomu, ILL be open Cor tb. rmptlon .( VV oc thufint of May. Tb, HR oPERJic mTT3 MKS. DURANl T5 E8PECTFULLY nnnoanon that I AV 11th April, (imtnnt.) —Ill be hw , opening day for tbs Brawn, nnd oordinltom fond, to her pntraua nn InviUliou Ui ' b.r HyfM without forthtr notlra. ,, SPRUtCilLUNEin ^HF* Peterson Thweatt, Esq., the Comptrol ler-General, has decided that the Act of 1818, which requires twenty days* notice to be given in each Captain’s District, before the election of a Colonel or Major, “does not require or pro vide for the publication in any newspaper of such noticesbut only contemplates the post ing up of written notices. He says that if < didates for these offices desire such notices to go into newspapers, they, and not the State, must bear the expense. The Secession Meeting. The meeting last evening, at the Court House, was the largest and most unanimous, the most eothusiaslio and orderly, the most dignified, and characterized by a spirit of the most awfnl determination, of any publio meeting that we have ever attended. We have no room for any general remarks—the proceedings will be found in another column. Hon. F. K. Zollicoffsr, V. K Stevenson, M. Vaughn, Maney, Foots, Frasier, Burch, and tho vsDtrablt Col. Putnam addressed the meet’ Ing. All of tho speeches took tbs ground that the last hop# was gone, the last plaak was shiv ered ou the deceitful and warlike polioy of tho Cabinet nt Washington. Tho strongest Union men of two months ago, took tut most advanoed ground in favor of tho Stott's declaring to the Cabinet at Wash ington that the cause of the Confederate States was the cause of Toanoseoo; that the holding and possessing Fort Sumter, or any other fori in those states, was war on tho people of those States now iu or out of tho Union having the same interests end t ht same homogeneous ohar- aotor. No bombast, not a word of useless or ex citing character was heard that did not spring from the deepest feeling sod tbs most fixed determination. During tho mooting the dispatch from Char* lesion, announcing the surrender of Fort Sum • tor, was received with tbs most deafening shout, nnd tho Flag of the Confederate States was wsloomsd with cheer upon eh tor of the most rapturous applause.—NashviUs Ornette, 14(A. The Meeting Last Night. Wo wish that overy man ia Tennessee could have witnessed the enthusiasm aad uoaoimity of the citizens of Nashville loot night. It was the largest and most sntbusaistlo meeting we have ever seen in eur oily. Meey of the meat active participators were these who, until yes terday, have beta the meet devoted adherents of tho (Jsion.^Wo have never heard such shout hi g. we have never seen snob teasing up ef bats as was eoeasionsd by the introduction ef the bread and beautifhl flag of the Cenfed •rale State*. Th* spirit whieh prevailed in that morning authorizes ns to send greeting is th* people of the Confederate Staten aad hid them Gen trsnn in their struggle fer indepen deeoe.— VaeAoiUe Union $ American. Alzxardbia, April 14.—The publication of Lineoln’s Proclamation has greatly increased the eeoeasioa feeling hero and throughout the Stale. Business of all kinds is completely sus pended, and merchants and citisens are en gaged in the discussion of the probability of a prolonged sanguinary civil war. It is the general impression that the Virginia Conven tion will instantaneously pass a a Ordinance of Secession, or call a Border State Conference. LATCH FROM CALIFORNIA. Arrival ofttie Pony Express. Saw Francisco, March 24th—8:40 P. M.— Tbs bill to amend the Telegraph Corporation law so as to authorize the prevent companies to consolidate and eztend their liner to Salt Lake, to meet the lines from the East, passed the Senate. A bill has beeu introduced in the l.egislas lure, offering a bonus or premium of $10,000 to the person who shall first grow upon Cali fornia soil, and prepare for market by maohi nery erected in this State, one hundred bales of Cotton of not lees than five hundred pounds each. The news of the formation of the territory of Nevada has given great satisfaction to the citizens of the Washoe mining region. A brisk scramble for the local offices under the organ ization, has already commenced. Coal oil springs are reported as haviug been discovered North and South in Humboldcoua ty. Considerable interest appears to have sprung up in the development of this new wonder near Los Angeles. Tho oelebratod springs o! asphaUum are said to issue from a bed of coal capable of furnishing inezhausti ble quantities of ibe oil. The amount of coal shipped from the Cumberland and Black Dia mond coal mines, Mount Diablo, to Ban Fran cisco is reported to be between seven and eight hundred tons. The tutinels of the mines are situated 1500 feet above the level of the bay. The consumption of eoal in California last year was 80,000 tons, of which the amount supplied from tha Pacific coast was only 1 .">00 tons. The Solano Herald thinks the Cumber land and Black Diamond mines alone will yield 60,000 tons per year. Dates from British Columbia to the 18tb, and Oregon and Washington to the 20th of Marob, are reeeived The steamer Otter ar rived at Victoria on the 17th, from Frazer Ri- Amongst the pasfeagers were Lady Franklin nnd Miss Crayoraft. The CAomist Ives tho following summary of news from ritish Columbia: The minora continue to lesvoNsw Westmin ister every day for the mine*, many in canoee, but the largest number generally choose th* A company of French miner* at Kanaka bar are making at high a* $40 per day to tho man, with sluices. It is reported that the British Government has determined to build a naval depot at Es- quimanlt, and that $160,000 is already act aside for that purpose. Miners are working as high up Frazer Riv er as Lytton City. The weather was very favorable for their operations. Victoria contains tbirty-oevs* brick and stone buildings. Tbs Washington paper* estimate th* wool dip of that territory for the ensuing season at 200,000 pounds.— The Democrat* had ended a Convention to nominate a oanddiate for Congress for the 13th •f May, and tbs Republicans one for May 20.h. J. 8<tvens waa the moot prominent Demo cratic candidate. Business of every kind hat been very did! in tho Territory for corns time >a*t# but a re action is now taking pine*, f hs ncranasd demand for lumber and apart, which is the great staple for export from the Terri tory, baa given great aotivity to all kinds of bneinoM. Th* formers have concluded t* profit by th* exnmptoof California, and here after Intend to raise a surplus of grata for ex COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS. P ORTRAITS token from Lite, or oopied from Old Daguerreotype,, Ac., by the Pbotgreph- io proceee, and ENLARGED TO ANY SIZE, from Minimum line up to the lira uf life. Pereona haviog Daguerreotype of their de ceased reiatiera nnd frienda, no— bam the op portunity of having tbum copied to any »iae they may -ieb, and painted up to the Life ia OIL OR WATEB COLORS, OR PASTEL, with the certainty ef getting a perfect likeness in evtry respect p*' Gallery on Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia. G. W. DILL, April 8. Photographer. LIAV FOI TKI DSfXVES -OP THE— CONFEDERATE STATES T HE uoderidfned have been requested bj the Pecrets- ry of the Tresaurj of tbs Confederate Btatee of J. M. Boring AVUfG just returned fram CSUW -here ihu purchased her prase.. * ribrau* iu Inviting he id to ajalnapeoiioa el Ihi ie quite foil, endembnoi r« recently Mworwoa Airpoee of agosdk>e an rll.hif U take • part In oka opened, ea the 17th -rat pmpuratiome Per, making in nil part* u Tarritury hr • mvh to tbeuev minus e Nun Perns eounlry, ef tke Caaoede * Geo. Felix K.ZolI!eoffer. Frem Ue tret moment lUi -e raw tb. Gov- ^ a , * b „ j unmunt Ml Uto lh.h*nd.of Ito enunU.., »e 7% loeked -iuk nope usd ooofidenoe to the eouree —bieh might be expected rrom tbie true end obivelroua Southern ele'eiman. We have ed- kered te our faith is him while others have grown impatient at the eteudiurae with whieh hushing to the belief ihut Ibe Ustou might elUl be pteuurvud with the narUee »t South ern rights. .We hoped, even when he straUb- ed the principle uf eouoeraioa beyond -hut wu nt aith the interest, ae bed eh tor of the South: eud eur hopes were ptcwHy realised whoa, ml hraring the * •nt mmi (hut at CbMleatum, In railed an his fella- uitiuua te won the infatuated nmn ■uw in on mar that suy attempt Iu raids gate the Confederate Staten would ja an luetoat fanatics U hostility with ' united With mi enfeebled voice end e Mfowhk th* ^ ef the from Oregon day of April next, at the following potato, l other plaoe «■ we may hereafter dealgnaU, etst toon- nah, Augusta, Macon, f'oluubua, Atlanta, MUMIgerUlo and Rome. Special notice of the place where the Books will bo opened, and of tha penona appointed for this parpooo, at each of theao potato, will be in dua time given. Be low we auhtnlt a st atoment from tha Secretary, wtrieh, ctlon with the Aet, la plainly explanatory of the nd charerter of tho loan. Aad We exprese the L Imps that onr feflow-alUsaoa Will approve of Investment, and, at the same time, contribute aid to the cauef of petrloURm^n<l^theta^o«untry. JOSEPH MILIilOAN, VCommlMlvnere. WM. B. JOHNSTON, ) Augueta, March 2*,1S61. Leu fer tke Defeico -op th^- 1 CONFEDERATE STATES. rbureehupei Goode, tote, pfcaei and the puhlid t Her atoek ia q tint ,t}‘ “ •III the? Room* is P«rker‘l uuw brisk ton tit/1 Whitohoil etraut. | CUTTING & ST( Wholesale and Retail Doalerl fri DRY fUOKNALLYR Bloch, Whitehall i V-J doors from AitbefW BtrraL STEWART & MOORE, 1 aravucTidiu ci FLOOR AND NEAL TTATE ooniton lly ou hand fresh ft- AA goperfiue Fleur q/ their ewe -.tei'dkl Meal. For rale at their Depot, 1mmI t, Atlanta, Georgia, mlfWy I F. E. Mx-D-A-NIEIp WHOLESALE G1 “ AND COMMISSION MKRCHiPf,^ AMD DBALVR IH ■'* ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE | Hunter Street, between Whitehall til j Jttlmnta, Georgia. March 20.. MARSHALL H0U|*. WM. COOLIDGE, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. rJ | March U. ! every cltieea throughout Btatee win have the opportunity of tekl benefit, and, at the tame time, of i * of Me country. Bonds frith coupons will be leeued i to |0O, and, where It Is preferred, the usual form may he had. The I PER OINT. per annum, payable < all our principal ciUea. . .. . The debt has the very unueuol end important securi ty of a duty of one-eighth of a cent, per pound, or about *2 cento per bale, on all Cotton eapertad. Vile duty, under all circumstances, of pease or t the punctual payment of the intareat, ••* , jinking fund for the redemption of the pelnetpaL Ibe coupons, when due. are receivable in payment of the duty on Ootton, ana are thus made araf everywhere In onr country. In order to < tlona of eur people to take a part of tM. vestment, and to ezhltyt their common Interest I Ing funds for the oommoti defence, * tlou will be opened at the cities an * towns; flyeper cent, moat be paid I aup cription, and the remainder on of May—Intereit to run from the date of teeh payment. Pereona d wiring to secure thetr eubecriptieus. may pay in cash the whole ameuul, aud take a reoetat far toe <* livery of bonds or stock. To equalise the rata of s< ■cription at all potato, and to enable ail persons ee venleotly to subscribe, current bank notes of the place will be received at their market value ta eoU. ■ In case of an over subscription, pradS S ven first to those who pay down their wl jn; next to subecrlbers of $96; hexl to i Montgomery, Ala., March icretary c Id, IS6L is Act to raise Money far the support ef the J eminent, and to proride fer tke Defence of tke < federate Btatee of America. too. 1. Tke Conjiderate States qf America ia enact. That the President of the Confederate States be, said he Is hereby authorised, at any Ufa within twelve after the psaeage of this Act, te borrow, on the ef the Confederate lutes, a sum not aicoodina millions ef dollars, or so much thereof aa, Is W ion, the exigences of the public may require, ta bs ap plied to the payment of appropriations sands by law for tho support of tha Govsrnment aad for the d< Qonlsderaie “ COX, HILL & CO. WHOLESALE GROCEh An smet iimrriu or WIKBS, E.MAVOBB. ,j| oioAns, tobacoo, ao.|| r^reh- Ttm MthX A tin.In, Gvx-qia. I March H. ’-<1 O. LAURANT <b C0 v -^d| no. Bay Street, Bai aanah, ( Auction, CommMm Mmhmlt, nil porters of IFptst, Brand tee, Others, A- A dvances mad. on ConiigemMwWd kiode. AhMod Selea on f 1 Th arid aye. n'. 'a'. MoLendoTT WHOLESALE GRQ4 AIO MAUI a fOktlOM AMD DOMMTIC U« Tobtooo, Ckin, Sc., - —iUO— IACON. LARD. COIN A «-0«i. m. a, CBmAew Bfoek, Frar»-» Atlanta, Georgia. T HE alteatioD of cloaa Calk BRJI U e^iectfgl^ tnyltfd to the tkotoiw*. V *♦ Jarm Oa»e«», of the Ooaloderato Staica. 1 The fleeretary ef tf •• Treasury Is hereby aathorls- ed, by the consent of the President of the Cbnfoderate States, to cause to bo prepared certificates of stocks or boedo, In etch susso os are hereafter meuMoiod, for the HCRAUCHT, BEARD A « MtwiM ad Afonrardfof* BA r STREET CBE54i‘ ’ ‘ i ae are hereafter from the first day of September next: and tho _ thereon shall be paid aeml aanjislfo,Mitafota ofMfbt per cent.ncr annum,tithe Treasury and ruck other place sa the Secretary of tho Treasury may 4 And to the bonds which shall bs Jfcsfal al shell be attached coupons for the scml-annui which may accrue, which coupons may bs Mg ofleafs to be appointed for the purpose by the I J® ■r (ka Aafo aad kaadi akaU to ■*■■■■ Hr MCI piJCfcra*K Awvrwlaad bg Ito Snqtol* to.Tvtorary. awd —to toawfowwl or 4Wlvorar««OT iwh raraMRito at to ■fototokflto. to* aRfea’ar toas toaOto tor«» DANIELL ti McENl Wbataula Daalan ia- 'J 1 I1I8IXI8I, PBIlH rtmch- Trrt Slrtti, A. waya op kail A ». F. BOMAR, B1IC1S 4 PlfiTISIO! 3d Door Wut uf tk. fnUa « Alabama Mrral AVfcAWTA, —— I daaMaatly aa !>•»*•I W Faaab FAMILY RUFF HBartrah.b.jraN.ft» Cearralfom . ^ j mtoamae Is . faSjJtSfKiJtoaaf ^ Oravaattoa. la addiliaa to***