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About Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1861)
THE PUBLIC GOOD BEFORE PRIVATE ADVANTAGE. imeiTBR & ADAIR. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 18, 1861. NEW SERIES: VOL. I-NO. 55. lent $0uf eflerafg j TION A AOVKRTISINO SCHEDULE iuu of atBtomiPTiov. iao# tIOUD, * r*d ln?*ri*bly In advance. ADVBBTISINO. of 1® line# or leas, ont Insertion, $1; and Mch aabaeqaani inaarilon laaa than on# AILY RATES. J. H. LOVEJOY, New Book Store! —AT THE— SIGN OF THE BIG BOOK Whitehall Street. WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER, AND DEALER Iff 110 WO >r work, with or without rulea, and adver- Kwpyln| doable column, will he charged the above rate*. sa»r rortiMPi N<«y *111 be *nt.,! Ac., and |»ayi ■ ADraanewa i trui 111 _ita to be ineerted In the Weekly paper on- jlar Intervale In either of the pepera, will par eqnare for avery Inaertlon. I for Oharltable InstltuHona, Mlllta- Conpaniae, Ward, Town and other Public 1 be charged half price. a la Local Cohimti will he charged 90 under no drcumatancee, to be Included In R RAILROADS. AGRICULTURAL BOOKS of eery description. ARCHITECTURAL ROOKS of every description. MEDICAL BOOKS. SUPERB GIFT BOOKS. SPLENDID FAMILY BIBLES. ELEG ANT ENGRAVINOS. PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER. PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE PAINT- INOS OK LANDSEER and other Artists. TKREOSCOPK AND .STEREOSCO PIC VIEWS. ARTISTS' MATERIALS. WALKING CANES—from RO cents to •an. VIOLINS—from 7o cents to S7■>. All of which wii! he sold cheaper than the cheapest, at the Sign of the “BIG BOOK!” oct. 23—tf. J. McPHER80N 4 CO. Tobnrro, Wine, Liquor, t'igar*, ir. Cherokee Block, Peach-Tree Street, Atlanta, O-eortria. feb2j-ly Ulrwl a Bmnhtwf Cempasy Atlanta, 171 Mile.—Far. $5 60. £ YONGB, Superintendent. Win rauaa.aa Tana. ■to, daily, at.............. 0.06, A. M, „»aataat.................. 0.00, P. M tato.daitr. at—...— 0.30, A- M UaitoaL. - ».46, A. M aar raaiisflaa Tans. , daily, at 8.40, F. M. n.ta at 6.60, A. M. at _ - 7.30, p. M. ianta at ~ 11.46, P. M. use in connection with the Train. Carolina and tha Savannah and la, a Auguiu. I * Waat-Pelat Railroad. rni-PoitToT UilM—Far.,..$3 60 O. HULL, 8up.rinUnd.nt. Jt rli.aas .a vaais. to. daily, at. 10.10, A. M. •at-Point at 8.10, P. M. hPoint, daily, at. 1.00, P. M. Santa at......... 7.61, P. M. law* runnii ram. to, daily, at - 0.30, A. M. ■t-Point at 6.40, A. M. Point, daily, at 3.15, A. M. ante at 7.50, A. M. onset, with the Montgomery A ad nt West-Point. h dh Atlantic Rnilroaa. Ittonooga, 130 Miles—Faro,.... )6. LEVIS, BuporinUndant. ar rauaasaa Taiw.. daily, at 10.10, A. M. iga at 7.00, P. M. at 1.48, A. M. Ianta at...— -.10.00. A. M nscts.eaoh way.with tha Rome A at Eiagstoo, the Eaat Ton- _ a Rial road at DalUa, and tha Iknttonooga Railroad at Chatta- ■ tk. Woftorn Railroad. , ill *4 50. lie T»L»£ Superinlond.nt. Mr raasanaa rasir, loot 11.00, A. M. eon at 4.66, P. M ■ at. - 10.00, P. M. at.. 4.00, F. M. ■xranas Tain. .will not ha ran on 8un- tak. Eight Train from Atlanta, thn Control Railroad for Savaa- A. It, and tho Soato Waatara tor Mnabna, at 0.46, A. M. ain froae Atlanta, aonnaeta with an».i« hr Savannah at 10.M P. itb-Waatarn Bail Road for Co. yE.IL 6 Ttakata baa AUaata ta Raw | Oaatona fen la Savannah, MAKING. DR. J. II. MeLI£AK*8 STRENBTHENING CORDIAL —AND— BLOOD PU-RIFIKR, mi crkatkst irmidt Iii the World, MOST DELICIOUS Delightful Cor dial EYFIt TAKEN. T he ihouseuiis up-^, on IhousNiid* who 1 * ___ •re dtllr using Mcif| fp Lenn’e Strengthening 1 " 1 r Ia,lin 5- Cordial, certify that U Is ahenlulely *n lnfalllable rem edy for renovating and Ixtiuorati.nq the shattered and diseased nystein, purifying and enriching the Blood—re storing the sick, efifferlng Invalid to HEALTH AND STRENGTH. There Is no mistake about It; It will cure Liver Com- plalut, Dyspepsia, Diarrhu-a, Dysentery, Headache, De pression of Spirits, Fever and Ague, Inward fever, Bad breath, or any disease of the Liver, Htomach, or Bow- ela. ^^OENTLEMFN, do you wish to be Healthy,Strong and Vigorous ? LADIES, do you want the Bloom of Ilealth to mount to your Cheeks again? Then go at once aod get MrLeati*s fttreugthenlug Cordial and Blood Purifier. or Bladder; Fainting, Obstructed Menstruation, Falling of the Womb, Barrenness, or any disease aridng from Chronic or Nervous Debility,It Is an Infalllahl# Remdv. For Children. Do you want your delicate, sickly, puny children to be Healthy, Strong and Kobunt ? Then give them Me- Lias’s StrxsoVhknhiu Coriial, (see the directions on each bottle,) it Is delicious to take. One table-spoonful, taken every morning fast ing, la a sore preventive against Chills and Fever, Yet- low fever. Cholera, or any prevailing disease. 0T Captiox.—Beware of Druggists or Dealers who may try to palm upon you a bottle of Bitters or Sarsa parilla, (which they cau buy cheap,) by sajlng It is just as good. There are even men base enough to eleal part of my name to dub their vile decoctions. Avoid such infamous pirates and their villainous compounds I Ask for Dr. J. II. MeLeen’aStrengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier. Take nothing else. It Is the only remedy that will purify your Blood thoroughly, and, at the eai time, Strengthen and Invigorate the whole orgaulsatl. It la put up in large bottles—$1 per bottle, or six bot tles for DR. J. II. McLKAN, Hole Proprietor, Corner of Third and Pine Sts., 8t. Louis, Mo. DR- MCLEAN S UNIVERSAL PILLS, For Liver Complaint, Biliousness, Headache, Ac. T HERE has never been a Cathartic Medicli e, offered to the public, that has given such entire satisfaction as McLbab's Ukivkusal Pius. Being entirely vegetable, they are perfectly Innocent, and can be taken by the most tender Infant; yet prompt and powerful In removing all Bilious accretions, Acid, or Impure, Feted Matter front the Stomach, la fact, they are the only Pills tha! should be used In malarious districts. They produce no Griping, Hckaess, or Pain, In the Stomai-n or Bowels, thoogh very active and searching In their operation promoting healthy secretions of the Liver and Kidneys. Who will suffer from Biliousness, Headache, and foul Stomftch, when eo cheap a remedy oan be obtained ! Keep them constantly on hand ; a •ingle does, taken In eeasou, may preveut hours, days, aod mouths tf sickness. Ask for Dr. J. H. McLean’s Universal Pflla. Take no other. Being coated, they arc laatel’ss. Price only 26 cents per boa, and can be sent by mall to a&y part of the United States. J. li. McLEAN, Sole Proprietor, Corner of Third and Pine Sta, St. Louis, Mo. Dr. J. H. MrLuu’a Volcanic Dll LIuU ■ent. 7*s B*ni Eft* mol in Me World,/hr Ban or Boast. T HOUSANDS of human bring* have been saved a life •f decrepitude and misery, by the use of this In val uable Liniment. It will relieve Pain almost Inetaneoua- If* »od It will cleanse, purify and heal the foulcet Sore G. K. & J. L HAMILTON, Sl'CCBSSORS TO IMITII A BZZABD, DRUGGISTS, —AND— PHARMACEUTIHTN, AND DEALERS IN PURE MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS. OILS, WINDOW GLASS, ►FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, BURNING FLUID, CAMPIIENE, KUtOisKNK OIL AND LAMPS. flCR'iICAL k DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, FINE FRENCH AND CATAWBA BRANDIES, WINES, Ac. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. ylROMATIC •GfctlH A SUPERLATIVE TONIC, DIURETIC, 4 tn DYsptvS'* DYSVfc* —m/d— INVIGORATING CORDIAL W OLFE’8 celebrated SCHIEDAM ARO MATIC SCHNAPPS should be kept in every family. It invariably corrects the ill ef fects of change of weather, aud, aa a beverage, it is the purest Liquor made in Ibo world. Put up in pint aud quart bottles. Also, * UDOLPIIO WOLFE’S Pure Cognac Brandy, n I RAM)A!,. RANDAL di GEORGE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. W ILL attend punctually toany and all bus ineas entrusted to their care. Office corner Marietta aud Preach-Tree streets. March 28-daw, JAMES H. ALEXANDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Washington, Georgia. P RACTICES in Wilkes and adjoining conn ties. Refers to George G. Hull, Esq., of Atlanta. ml4 THOMAS & ABBOTT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, A.tIanta, Georgia. Office in Smith's Building, Whitehall street, G. 8. Thomas, jallJtf Ben. F. Abboit. ROBT. L. CRAWLEY, ~ Wholesale aud Retail Dealrr iu PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS, —AND- Genral Business Agent, isi i Building, mlfi-ly item, Goat, or Neuralgia, fgr Par ly^e, Contracted' Muscles, Bilime«e or WeakncM In the Jolnta, Muscles or Twe applies! laee will care kiwraehc. fer Bares or Infalllahie remedy, fry It, Ligaments, It will sever t iore fhcoai, Headache, or ‘'•►a* it It an i iiii.T«arasssl*ik. .ffiteS.vw.ftSi5.siij: aad Dealers ererywhera. hla aval on the cork. UDOLPIIO WOLFE'S Pure Port Wine, Imported Mid bottled by himself, put up for medicinal use, with his certificate oil the bottle ; warranted pure and the beat quality. UDOLPHO WOLFE’S Pure Sherry Wine, Imported and hotted by himself, the eame ns the Port Wine. UDOLPIIO WOLFE’S Pure Madeira Wine, Imported and bottled by himself, for private and med icinal uee, the beet Wine ever offered to the trade In bot tles. This Wine la warranted perfectly pure. UDOLPIIO WOLFE’S Pure Jamaica Rum, St. Croix Rum, Scotch and Vrlah Whisky. To the Public. I will stake my reputation ss a man, my standing as a merchant of thirty years' residence iu New York, that what I pledge and testify to with my seal, my label, and my certificate, Is correct, and can be relied upon by ev- ery purchaser. Physicians who use Wines and Liquors In their prac tice should give the preference to these articles. For sale by all respectable Druggists and Apotheca ries. UDOLPHO WOLFE, Sole Manufacturer and Importer of Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps, No. 23, Heaver Street, New York. HUNNIOUTT, TAYLOR A JONES, Wiioleatalo Afezita, Atlanta, Georgia. February 18,1811.—<1 8 m main. on Alabama street. THOMAS F. LOWE, COMMISSION MERCHANT, For the purchase and sale of Western Produce, Cotton, Oroccrles and Merenandlze generally, Franklin Buildinf, Alabama Street, ATLANTA GEORGIA. April 5, 1881. WILLIAM V. BARKER. —WITH— THOMAS W. MURRAY, Formerly of 1DI Chamber* 8t., New York, niPORTBRS k WUULr.SALK DKALRRS 1.1 Wines, Liquors & Cigars, AJSD COMMISSION DRAI.KX19 IN BUTTER, CHEESE, Ac., •Wn 20T, Kay Street, Savannah, Ga» April 10-d*w3m. iRYSON & BEAUMONT, Manufacturers and Dealers in MEN'S & BOY'S CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS. CLOTHS, CASS1MRRF.8 ASD VESTINGS Markham** Iron.Front Building, White hall. Street, T. m. brvson, > ATLANTA, GEORGIA. t. u. bkal-mont ( April 2d, 1861. $ mitfecrt! dtafederafg The Confederate Capitol. We olip the following from the “Chroniole & Sentinel.'* We like the name suggested for the Capitol City, but we earnestly object to locating it somewhere near this oily. We must have the Capitol within our oorporate limits, or it must be far away. If it is located hard by us, our city will gravitate to it, and a fsw years will exhibit our busy streets with grass growing over them, aod oi r commercial houses become “halls deserted.** We still think Washington City will be our Capitol. If not, let us have it here within our corporate limits. We have no idea of ruining our city for the sake of getting the seat of government in a few miles of uh : Whkbl Shall tub Capitol ofthu Comped eeatk States ub Located ?—Your oorrespon dent suggests at the Slone Mountain. Now for the faith that is in me :—First, the Cap! tol I thiuk should be fixed in a locality free from such melancholy scourges as yellow fe ver and cholera—the air should be pure and balmly, the water goud. Secondly, it should be contiguous to a grain growing region, the elements of good living. Thirdly, the place thould be accessible by the means of modern travel. Fourthly, the place selected should be other than a city or (own of importance, for the obvious reason that it onty be laid off, built up, and fashioned to suit the particular purpose. Fifthly, it should be as near the centre of the Confederacy as is possibl comply with the foregoing propositions. Then he mujesty and grandeur that would cluster around that spot—it would be the wonder and admiration of the world. Nature seems to have roared that huge granite hill for some grand purpose. Let the Capitol of the Con feJeracy be located here and let Stone Mourn ain, siatuliugabove in solemn majesty bi em blematical of the durability aud strength of our government. This done—to carry my idea a little further —without intending to call in question the aste and plastic skill of our Stoue Mountain friends, I would say expunge the present mod est little village there, and inaugurate such an order of things ns would comport with the wealth nod intelligence of the Confederate States. Then let the Capitol be called Panola Panola, I believe, is the Indian Dime for Colton, aud to call our Capitol Pauola City will be in consonance with the Confederate States, and seems to your correspondent to be eminently proper aud suggestive of our na tiooality. Mr. Editor, in a leisure moment it has oc curred to me to throw out these suggestions. You may give them to your readers if you think proper. ATTICCS. CENTER & TREADWELT Wig—ALL STREET, ATLANTA, Four Doors Below Brady At Solomoi.w, —dealers im— CARRIAGE HARDWARE A TRIMMINGS SHELF AND BUILDER8’ HARDWARE ! 8WEDES, AMERICAN, CASS COUNTY AND ENGLISH IRON, AND CA88 COUNTY AND ENGLISH CASTINGS! —ALSO, in store— £ A CA8ES Shoes, at Manufactures prices. 0\J Call and see us before you buy elsewhere. You shall be pleased. juneU CENTER A TREADWELL. J. W. HEWELL, WHrl.ldAH AND 1ZTAIL DIALER II Faney and Htapla DRY GOODS, MARKHAM’S BLOCK, Corner "Whitehall Ac Alabama Stn., ATLANTA, GEOCGIA. Feb. 16—ly. JOHN FICKEN, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in HAVANA CIBARS, TOBACCO SNUFF, PIPES, &C., Wholesale and Retail, at theSligu of dlfaala ttffflr Manufactory. Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia. March 26, S B. OATMAB. proprietor, and daalar I. a Italian, American and Egyptian Marbla, Monument#, Tomka, Tablata, Hand and Font Stone., Dice, Vaaaa. Marble and Knamalad Slata Mantah. Statuary Figures, and Furntto* inf Marklu of all daaurlpticna Alwar. «o hand a Inn aaaoitenant o manta, talk Plait and Carrtd, of all«Uee, and priced ta nit. ’ _ OaU aa4 an. anaatanM, at Van Roanta aad ' Tard^ppaPta ifiargfei |aMmil,Pa»to. an kihkmau. join w. Loan. K1RKMAN & LUKE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 170, Second Street, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Refer to Join Kirin an, Jakes Woods, W GsEENriBM), Nashville, Tenn. jan t— 3m COKE! COKE!! COKE!! at tbs gas works. 124 cent per bushel. Feb. 21-dtf. J. F. WARNER. SupL CHINA DEPOT. COLE & WYLIE, Who!male and Retail Dealer1 rn C HINA, Glaaa, Silr.r, Plated Ware, Vaaaa, Penan Pignrna, Karonina Lam pa, Caadla- •tiake. Tea Tray a. Table Mata, fieaketa. Glau Bhadaa, Tabu Cutiary, Aa, 4 , crbap nm CASH. Granite and aonamon Crockary at r^Tk'umtr^^ 0 ^ ;...~r.moa*|U. fed, 1001. Tennessee Volunteer*. We again appeal to tha people in every county in the State to at once begiu the work of or ganizing aud drilling volunteer companies for the defense of the South. We learn from our Northern exchanges that the anti-slavery States are fully determined to attempt to sub due us to Black Republiaan rule. They are organizing in every State and will soon be up on us like an avalanche. Let not either those who have already formed companies or those who have not begun, believe that the war will be over within a few days or a few months.— Our State is unfortunately in a position in which ahe cannot act aa a Stale, but let her people be up and doing. In a few days, we are centred, that a plan will be devised by the leading military men of the State to ensure concert of aotion among those who are willing to risk their lives in defence of the cause of the South. There are already a sufficiency of troops at the disposal of the Wnr Department of the Southern Confederacy to meet every emergenoy that may arise within the next few daye. Organise, organize, organize, and be ready to move in defense of your homfii at a moment's warning.—Naihville Union J Amer ican. Indian Names.—The beauty of tbo many original Indian names by which we still call the great American rivers and lakes is not in their sound, but in their meaning. The fol lowing are some name* and signification*: Androscoggin (spelled eixtecn different ways) fish-spearing place. Shetuncook, great goose lake. Damarisaotla, alewife, a species of herring, Ktnnehunk, place of long water. Kanyahoora, leaping water : Indian name of the village of Trenton, New York. Mississippi, much water. Memphremahog, a large, beautiful expanse of water. MUicavkee, the beautiful bay. Saratoga, the place of (be bursting out of waters. Sebago, the piece of rivers. Saranac, bursting place. Ticondcroga, noisy place; so named from the f.lls at the mouth of Lake George. Pinobecot, rocky place, rock-land. Fboposed Amendments to tub Permanent Constitution.—The South Carolina Conven tion, after the ratification of the Confederate States Constitution, passed certaio resolutions suggesting te the new Constitution, among which wne iho following important provisions offered by Mr. Orr: Strike out the 2d clause of the 8th section of (ho 1st Article, nnd insert: The Congress •bnll not contract any debt txeept for wnr purpoc't, and nil expenditures in excess of roveitfioe from imports (which shall not exeeod fifteen per esent. ad valorem) and other sources, aboil bo mot by diroot taxation, to bo provided for the Congress notheriiing tbo ex penditure. DBArnBQ.—We learn that the first is si ones of drafting occurred in the Book bond Guardi, n fine company under the command of Cnptnin Edward Mesne. An it wee necessary that •otic should atey at bomb, aid no volunteers offering, it became ateensory to dfftft thirteen men fbr that purpose, which wts oooordtegly and t^o drafted man, much sgAtaaf thilr Tm Piksjdsnt NAS a Chance vo Tbjj>b.—» Yen tr lay President Davis wont over to tho West Point Bnilroed depot, probably to oec Mr. Pollard, who being out, one of tho yottng men invited the General to n tool Now, ear young friond who aid tbo honors os tbo oocn- * •ion, supposed, (drawing infernocee from the President's grey Mississippi suit,) that tho viator was n backwoods fnrmnr— and copying the PreaiJent'a watch chain, drew tha watch by it out of the fob, remarking naively, m fins watch—how’ll yon trade V* Before Oca. Da- via could make up his mind on thia proposi tion, Col. Pollard oame in and saluted 4 ’Pres ident Davis.** The clerk dropped the watch in the Presi dent's lap, fell baokwards over his own desk; nod commenced writing nt nil his books, pro- micuouelj. So thoy toll tho tnlo. For ourselves, we be lieve it nnd are inclined to think that if CoL Pollard had remained out a little longer, “there would have been a trade.*’ We take it that the General never refuses n fair ban ter in peace or war.—MontgomerylMdU. Sweet Old Aqe.—God aometimet gives to a man a guiltlesa and holy seoond childhood, in which the soul becomes childlike, not childish ; and the faculties, in full fruit and ripennes, are mellow, without the sign of decay. This is that sought for land Beulah where they who have traveled manfully the Christian way abide awhile, to ibow the world a perfeot manhood. Life, with Its battles and ill eor- rowti, lies far behind them ; the cool has thrown off its armor, and sits in an evening undress of calm and holy leieure. Thrice blecsed the family or neighborhood that num bers among it one of those not yet ascended saints ! Nothing more effectually proves the falsity of the report that the people of the Confederate States are dissatisfied with their government, than tho eageruess with wbioh they are rush ing to the defence of their country against the ihrestened invasion of their soil by tbo Black Republican cohorts. Tbo Tories in ths Con federate Slates, are not near so numerous as they were in the colonies in the war of the Revolution.—Xashrillt Union ds American. Aid and Comfokt.—We are authorized to stale that two gentlemen of this city will pay annually, in semi-annual paymeate, to (be government of the Southern Confederacy, two hundred dollars, for five years, or so long aa the war may last, if one hundred men in the State will join with them in the arrangement —Savannah Republican. Tun Colored Exodus.—The hagiras are becoming the order of the day. Hundreds of negroes have poured in the last day or two, through Detroit, most of (hem from Illinois, bound for the doubtful Canaan of Canada. Wo hope they will find it more oomforiabie on the other side of Jordan; though we still think they would have done belter, if they bad sought a warmer latitude. But bless them— let them go.—Chicago Times. What it Costs to bb Eioutt Ninb Ybabs Old —A correspondent of ono of the Western papers, who has read Grant Tborburn’e latest account of himself, wherein that active octoge narian expresses hie delight nt living to tbo age of eighty nine years, and enlarges upon the comfort he derives from the “sawing of stove-wood,** remonstrates against such hilar ious manifestations. He ecys: In the first place, it is sxirtmely question able whether it is a good thing to be eigbly- nioe years of age under the most favorable cir cumstances. At that period of life you hart outlived all the friends of yonr youth aad manhood, and are oolitary even among those who you know perfeotly well. Y'ou belong to the past and|bave nothing to do with tho pres ent. It is very probable that you nrake yourselves disagreeable by deelariog to tho rising generation around you the exoollenoo of the good old times. You are garrulous tnd obstinate, and your opinions ars tolerated rather than respected. Mr. Thorburn says bis senses fail—ether- wise be is in good health, and saws stovs-wood as oomfortahly as twsnty years ago. It may bs happiness to saw stovs>wood at elghtj- nine, but ws cannot with our preesnt feelings regard it in that light, and if thie is bsld out as an incentive to long lift, w* thiuk ono would bo willing to go a trifle earlier. It is a small inducement to beoome eighty- nine years old, to lsarn that Mr. Thorburn has not had the rheumatism, ths bsadaohe, or tho toothache, when we learn a!sotbat aa octoge narian has still twinges of that heart disease which afflicts the young. T* lose ths sans** —not to see, hear or fool very heavoaly ie bad but not to have outlived tbo twiogoe allud ed to, may well make one pause aud thiuk twice before be lives to be eighty-nine.*' DENTISTRY. H. HUNTINGTON, M. IX. DBINTXaT, ■turn, <nnu, OFFICE in R*wron’i H. build- in,. corner .nd Ho.tar SumiX— Residence Orel houta ta to. lift of Col. T..- R.r.M.cM: Hon. R. F. Lj.n, Ifr. I 2. Rtwaon. Mtaan. B».«h 4 Root, Roe. Mr. Rog er*. Dr. Loren, Atlanta. Rot. G. M. Irvin. D. A. Vuon. S«). Col. Nation Till, Ool. W. J. Lawton, Henry Tarver, Albany. Jan 10. H. 4. db R. f*. CltAVBH, d nplandid room la Fawna'a Block, oppoaita Ranch 4 Roota, where they era prepared ta wait oa all wbo may wlah toair aarrinr*. .. , Miaintara, who am pea ton eharnd balf- Driee. Celia Roa a die Lea oa attended e with promptnean. InanlO watw WegroGG lor Salto. rjiR* aobneriba* ofbra train Id Ukniy Ne- A frnnn a Wranaa, «T ynan a)d.aaand«nofc. weater aid Ireaar, aad aaraai old) a Ray, Ilyaataallrk a Gi rl, 6 yarn a old, aad a 1