Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, April 19, 1861, Image 3
L_ A . S’0)17 T® El BIN / ~ N FElPiElB’Aj©)^. UY.Al’ftH » <> . t801 M*<W *«■* _iU>t»aa4 ooavawbnt room, wall Vjhr tha purpoa*. wkoro our dally ax- laro «fTWf«i <<* U» uoomodktloa of m who wlak to .wall tbemaaWja. of Malay, to too tho pa para *rom A*ry • tout try. A eordtol luvltalle. it . j> dot citiaeaa and atrooforo to eoll 4 tha lot fro* a vary But* lo tho it* and failed Stataa. m ,.J. W. Joknaan, Mott Agent, aa ibo 11 AUaoUc Railroad, boo kindly oon > Ml oa our a,aat la waiting oab- , and tho pay, for tbo "Southern ey." 'Bia receipt for monay for mb- a will bo duly bold inf oa ua. , P- Horria, Moll Agaot oa tho Georgia t, la olao oothorlied to o*t fcroa la llko To Oar Frioado la Marlotta. ,. W. Anne, ooo of tbo Proprietor. ol vlll Tlalt Marietta oa Botardoy Boat, purpote of affording tho eitiaona of that opportunity to anbaoribo for tbo Daily AlySoutharn Oentodaracy.” Our tol ls arrangements boing bow comploto, cor pa ofoorrcapoodcnta fully organiaed, ida may roly npea boing furniabad tbo iwa by Tilograph and tbomails, through lumna. -Vow it Ike fine to tubterike I Ail orgy of our naturea will bo cxrrtad to tho “Obnlbdoracy” worthy tho patronage reader. t; Freaa tho Gato-Ctty Guardi, publiah tbia morning an intonating lot- oar ipoolal Warrington oorroapon- Ho reqaeaU na to any that all lattora or Intended for any of tbo Company bo directed to Warrington, Florida, and aaoola. Peraonal. ! lloiatL Coat. — Thii dlitinguiibed i paaaed through our city yeaterday Ha waa juit returning from bia vis- fow Orleana. He left on the morning or Macon, where bia family have been I time. L,Grange "lieporter” recommend! Hon. . Cobb and Hon. B. H. Hill forSenabrra Confederate Coogreaa from Georgia.— “Banner” announce! authorita- tbat Mr. Cobb “pooitioely dtclinu being idate for any office whateverand log in! the Hon. Howndl Cobb and Mr. Hill Brat Seoatora from tbia State, eipondent of the Savannah “Bepub- reoommenda Howell Cobb, of Honeton, Hob. Roger A. Pryor, gentlemen waa expected to arrive here ;ht on tbo Georgia train, from Auguata, way to Montgomery, and doabtloto did were compelled to put onr paper to few momenta before the time, end nn give no particular*. A reception waa in preparation by our citieena yea- hfternoon. Tin Mom Gnarda. tlumination, bonfirea, mulic, proces- Mring, Ae. which took place laat night, which everybody participated, on ac- the aaonaaiot of Virginia, completely lowed the meeting of the * Venernbloa' waa to have bean bald at tho City nail. r« to moot on next Monday night to or- meantime the enrolment wiU go on, have at lout one earn pony of one lum en, between forty-five end aixty yean on the Hat by Monday night. avMine Flag Preaeutatlou. following ialoroaliog oorreapondence Mra. Bryan and Mra. Waatmoreland, looter Shackelford, will explain itaelf: R. SuACKBLroan, Collector of Ciutome, Atlantal ,va Ikeplenaura nod honor of preatol- tbit, (tbo Brat, aa wa beliaae) •• Bar Bg” aafurlad to the breeta io Gaorgia. iplng, and linoaraly belieatng, it will wave over the " Caaiom Houae" of for many long yaare, obaarted and by all. ■tor la aompoeed of Mven poinla, Iboa tly rapreeeoting la itaalf the number larata Stataa. And wa ehariab lb# I Mar altar Mar may be added to oar racy, ooiil tbair number abnll bo rtok- limea aotan, Ibo number of poiota a aura. ¥iih grant rupeet, wo art, Voon, to , MADAUSK V. BRYAN, MARIA 1. WESTMORELAND. 10. 1801. i Muw.ux V. Bavax atm Maru J. ruonnai): Ira—I hero had the honor of rooriaiag oto, accompanying n "Revenue Flag” ad far ibo Canon Honan at Ailaaie. tl santibly aliaa lo tbia net of kiodnooa atrlotiam on your part, and nlibougb 1 p.nn buabio ropruintatilt of tho Con- • Siolea of America, yet I real called i loader to yon my prortuodeat Ibanka taowltdgemnti, for tbia leMinoaial of In onr glorlota Boot bora Confederacy. ,r with yon In choriibing Ibo fbnd hope “ unit Mur way be added to our Wbau unfurled tn Iba braoaa, noa it will bo "observed and admired ! for it la beautiful In loxlun and •Ohio, n^d eannot rail to laaptru all ro with that “owcrpalric” which yon dellealely nxbibitad. •onllmanla nf roapnet and high oon- ■an. Your obedient aeraaot, FRANCIS B. SHACKELFORD, Collector, ITA Cuuox Hovm, April 16, 18«l. Orga nixing. ■dependent Vehmleor Cempaay, to be “dh* upnaoln Reagan.*’ Able bodied thong" nf II «ad M, Beat red.- MS* iafor+oHoa, eel I on John H. Riee, B Printtag Houae, a P. Heynea, Onnr- IMwod Depot, or Hoary O. Ml, la John- Bk. Whitehall Itrani. ItoaAp^Mo IE TO THE SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY." Virginia Ftwbnby Out—Great Depreaalou If- Waehlugtnii—War Proparatlowa, Ac. Wakhinutcn, April 18.—Tbe geoersl imp re* aion bare to,Meat Mo V,rg,convention h or Boon will, pore tbo OuRooboc of S00Hai< This bclieffoforfjigkbeaed byooncoroiUotc cu uMtaBcag' Tbaba la greet ddpre*iioara tbefiUisensof Washington in ooosequence. The “ lutelligencer" of tliia morning says, 11 the telegraph waa yesterday constantly eon- 3MM C'Vmora «f South C trull ua and Virginia; and, in ooiuo- quence, we are deprived of the nee of the wires between Washington and Richmond." The Northern papers and despatches era filled with accounts of tbe war prepnniLieui that are being everywhere made with the ut most energy. Washington will, in a lew hours more, be fully defensible against aoy attack. Gov. Letcher at Work—Norfolk Harbor Obstructed—Government Arms Seised* Baltimorh, April l*.~Cspt. Pearson, of lh# Norfolk steamer, arrived tills morning, lie reports that tho main entrance to the harbor of Norfolk has been obstructed by order of Gov ernor Letcber, by tbe sinkiog of small vessels in the channel. Capt. Pearson was compelled to go over tbe flats. The object ie to prevent the Government vessels, now fitting out at Norfolk, from leaving that port [A very good and patriotic idea — Ens Com*kdkh4cy.] Capt Peurson further states that tbe Norfolk Custom House wss br.'ken into yesterday, and a large quantity of guns stored there, were ta ken out. Tbo Revenue Cutter was also board ed, and her guns seised by tbe citizens. Virginia ►cceded f Ai oiihta, April 18.—Reliable intelligence of the aeceesion of Virginia whs communicated to Mr. Pryor to-day. juet as be was departing for Montgomery. The news spread thoughout tbe city with electric speed, and threw the en tire community into the wildest state of excite ment Everybody cheeriug—guns tiring—belli ringing—general joy. MoaiLB, April 18.—The news of the section of Virginia was received here to day, with demonstration* of tbe greatest joy. One hun dred gone were fired. The people, frantic with delight, everywhere are cheering—belle are ringing, and business generally suspended in honor of the glorious event. TT ~ * ‘T., ^ Harper’s Ferry to be Beized. Washington, April 18.—It is rumored, and generally believed, that a considerable force is cn route from CVntral Virginia to eeiae Harper's Ferry. Misaouri Won’t Help Lincoln* St. Lone, April 18.—Gov. Jackson tells Mr. Cameron, Liooolu's Secretary of War, that his requisition ;s illegal, unconstitutional, revolu tionary, inhuman, diabolical, and cannot be complied with. Missouri, he says, will not furnish a man on such an unh dy crusade. COMMERCIAL. hit ar vm. a. sum Atlanta, April 19, 1861. % The business in Produce yeaterday waa vary lively. Prices are firm and we quote no par ticular ohange. News received from Nashville to-day, stataa that all tbe freight that had ao- ‘ d, and bigbafter no ill be fiScbed to ion of the duresse atflconCora, 6 to (TbelW’per hcfahftl, add to tea what Corn baa coat, it is necessary to add at least that amount to the regular freights. Oth ’ in proportion. concerned, but is not worth anything so far as the Western A Atlabtie Railroad is concerned. That Road never having hid any authorized agents at these points, parties must look to these whoeigned their bills of lading forany ex cess that may occur. Thia is correct and may be relied upon ae the proper course to pursue in relation to overcharge and damage. Full stocks of all g(M>ds are in market, and wo venture the assertion, we have ae many in ducements to buyers as any other city. Receipts per Western A Atlantic Railroad for Atlanta yeaterday were aa follows: Corn 3,128 sacks. Flour 118 barrels. Bacou Lard 61 package*. ....240 package*. Dry Goods Whisky 12 barrel*. Wheat 172 bag*. Tobacco 50 boxes. Dry Good* 4 package*. Hirer Newm. Nashvillb, April 16.—The rivernt this point is rising rapidly. We look for a high river. The arrivals since our last has been the Min- netuuka from Paducah, the Commerce from Waitsboro’ and tbe Sum Kirkman from Cin cinnati. The Minnetonka departed for Faducab. The B. M Kudvso, from fit. 8ouis, is expect ed. The May Duke, in cbuige of tbe Davie Broth ers, leaves for Paducah at 11 o'clock to-day. Tbe Qen. Anderson departs for Cairo at 12 o’clock, Capt. J. F. Miller commanding, with Ben F. Egan in the office. The Sam K'rkman has been placed in the trade between Ibis eity and Cinciunati. BRIGADIER-GENERA L. We are authorized nod requested to an- nouuce Grorue S. Thomas, Esq ,as a candidate for Brigadier General of the First Brigade, 11 th Division, Georgia Militia—composed of the eounties of Fulton, DeKalb, Cobb, Paulding and Polk—at the election to be held on tbe •10th instant. We are authorized lo uunounce Ws. P. llow. Aar*, of this city, aa a candidate for Brigadier- General of the First Brigade, 11th Division, Georgia Militia—composed of tbe counties of Fulton, DeKalb.Cobb, Paulding and Polk—tbe election to be held on the 30th of April. ESCAPED, F ROM my stable, at Stone Mountain, on Sat urday, lJUli instant, a m duim sixedHORSE, of a sorrel color, round body, one or two whelks, or ridges, on his right hind hip, one or both hind feet white, aged about 11 or more years. I suppose him to be loitering about At lanta, or taken up by some gentleman. C. II. CLARK, M. D. Stone Mountain, April 17tb-3r. Tennessee Will Help the South* Nashyillb, April 1*.—Gov Harris replied to Lincoln’s call on Tenucssee for two Regi- menta, that Tennessee will not furnish a single man tor coercion ; but fifty thousand, if neces sary for the defeoso of our rights And those of our Southern brethren. Later front Europe. Halifax, April 18.—The steamship Kcdar, with Liverpool advices to the 6th instant, has arrived. Tho sales of Cotton on Saturday wore 20,003 bale*, with a buoyant and advancing market. Tho arrival of steamship America caused one-eighth advance. Bieadstuffs and Provisions were steady. Consuls 91g(u,0U. Advices from the Continent warlike. At Paris, the Array was drilling for War.— All the Marshals of France had been summon ed to attend a Council of War on the 8th of April. Military operations were shout commencing in Italy. The Niagara took out £3.’>,000. The Virginia Convention. What the Convention does, or what it leaves undone, is no longer a matter of the slightest importance or interest, it may refuse to the people the right lo elect their own delegates to the Border Convention, or a Naticnal Con vention, or a world's Convention ; it may or der the Millenium to occur forthwith, or coin- oiand the sun and moon Iceland still; it may monopolize the sovereignly of the States or establish an elective monarchy, and aleot one of in members king; or it may do nothing and go home—it can no longer do mischief or do good. Thank Heaven for that. It is as powerless to oomrol or shape or alter tbe great stream of events, as is a child in a skiff, float ing on the Niagara river, to change or arrest the direction of the current, and make the cataract pause and bear it backward to the shore. — Richmond l)itpatch. Rei.tASM or “Kbmo," or tub Pb.xsacola Obsklysb —“Neno,” <v/tf« Mat haws, the eo- j terprising Warrington correspondent of the ! Peneacola ••Observer,’’ was arrestsd by order 1 of Gen. Bragg and brought to this city on | the charge of having communicated intelli gence through oue of bis letters which gave the enemy notice of preparation for an attaek on Fort Piokena. Mr. Matbewa waa released from custody, the Cabinet doubtless regard- inf his act as one of induction. Mr. M. Is considered, by those who know him beet, as an enihusiastie Southerner, and in hit haste to furnish agreeable news for a local paper, | perhaps never thought of its injurious effect. J Those who hfiff read •‘Nemo’s” letters exten- ' •ivwQr republished by tin press, will ewvtnlh- ly be slow te suspect him of any hostile intent to the Confederate States. He is a resident of Werripgtun, and all Ms eympathiea aadiu- loreete would aweim to %4 warmly Identified with the 8outherm forces. To TUX Captaix. or Militakv Connxila. —W» ar. rtquaal.d „ , k , r , „ m |„ ,fc t* «i'J. o» SMnrJnjr, lha 4ik of May, of iloa. miliiory offiaora in <k4 Btatn nta ajapathlia aiih lha Sooth, In kor mill M ol Unr-XoakoMt VnZ tAZiZ TO PI.ANTKKHI P LANTERS having TOBACCO on h.od, wishing to have it worked up, will hear of two good and experienced Cigar Makers by applying at Mr. Oppenhkimkr’m ••Atlanta City Clothing Store," Whitehall street Atlanta, Ga. apr 17-wld2. STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Athens, March 2tlh, 1861. T HE Executive Committee of the State Ag ricultural 8ociety are requested to meet in Atlanta, at the City Hall, on Tuesday, 30th oi April next, at 3 o’clock, P. M.. lor the purpoee of arranging the Premium List, Ac , Ac., for the next Fair. By order ol Hon. D. W. Lew is, President. m26-6U JAMES CAMAK, Sec’y. i. o. McDaniel, WHOLESALE DEALER IH BRAIN, BACON, LARD, FLOUR, AND LEADING GROCERIES. ffunUr Stcf4t, bftfcten Whitehall 4t Loyd Strutt, ATLANTA GEORGIA. April 13, 1861. Collector’s Notice. C USTOM Duties will be required on dutiable Goods received by the Western A Atlantie Railroad from ihisdate. Importers will ref>orl the arrival of auch goods to FRANCIS R. 8HACKELF0RD, April 1, 1861. Collector at Atlanta. COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS. P ORTRAITS taken from Life, or copied from Old Daguerreotypes, Ac., by the Photgraph- io process, and ENLARGED TO ANY 8IZE. from Miniature nise up to the eize of Life. Pereone having Daguerreotypes of their de ceased relatives and friends, now have tho op portunity of having them copied to any size they may wish, and painted up to tbe Life in OIL OR WATER COLORS, OR PASTEL, with tbe certainty of getting a perfect likenese in every respect. gNN-Gallery on Whitehall Rtreet. Atlanta, Georgia. C. W. DILL, April 3. Photographer. Hire and life -AND- MARINE INSURANCE ABENCY. T HE subscriber represents four First Clast Southern Companies, and eight New York Cumpnatee, with an aggregaka Gash Capital of 8KVkN MILLIONS. The honorable adjust ment and payment of losses without aoy un necessary delay, words here need not be used to prove. The proof ean be foued with who have suffered Idea, end were so fortunate as to procore Policies at this Agency. Marine Risks, both Atlantic and River, takea as usual. urc.iNeunAMo The attention of both aexea who would se cure for themselves an important benefit while tbev lien, end also provide for their families sod loved ones in the event of j>eath, are in- vited to examine .the superior advantages the EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE SOCIETY afford# evqr other Life Iasnrenoe Companies. Informattao relating to the principles of Life Insurance will he cheerfully given at my of fice, in the second etorv of Connolly's Build ing. aorapr ef Whitehall a#d Alabama street#, Atlanta Georgia. SAMUEL SMITH, march 39. General I boo ranee Agency. a jriaM* letoiaxci, CbxrUaton earrMpondent, Iba .gad and din- C— •sj'wmwo/o Ungulahtd Kdmund Kuan, of Virginia, with — • WI 7V jvT! ~ " *^1* ■jF'WTFin* 6>IDVIW>1| HUrCn lag .III An Okfcrlminn vsluniMta to tbtda- fenen nf Ibatr bomu nnd Iranldaa. Anil u hn pnaavd, (barn want up ihrnn thundering ohrera for Old Virginia ! Yaa, lha Virginian! of Iba olden liana nra poi pat nil tlaad. Thera ia oua who ilcaarvaa to hava liaad io a bailor era I ban I bia, on* who would bava btan in lha fr,« tank at Yorktown, nnd whom Washing ton would have hugged lohla heart aa n broth er and n true man. How rare auch alngla minded, genuine, heroin chnraoiara in Ibia da- ganarated age! So rare that la Ihoan who have no capacity of al.valtoo aod geo.roaily of obarooier, they appear incredible, and they eannot believe in tht* beonuee they do not betleve tn ibcutaclaea — tHohmanf Vtipalch. Old Abe, in bis Proclamation, aaye (bat the combination in tha eeoedtd Stales “ it too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial proceeding or by tbe power vested in tbe Marshals by law.” Tbe old fool guested right then, nod might have ad% ded, with the utmost propriety, that all Van- keydom was insufficient to the tusk. For he might as well try to stop a thunderbolt with a pipe stem, or back the waters of Niagara with a muequito net, ns to hope to deter, much less coLquer a united South, battling for their rights and their honor. Perhaps he expects the “01d,North 8tate” tn assist him—nnd she has given him good cause for eo thinkiog—but we now advise him to dismiss all such hope from hie brain. For as the Cape Fear region was tbe first place to oppose British tyranny, so will it be the first place to atriko a death blow to all Abolition demons that may show tbair facts in our midst.— Wilmington (.V. C.) Herald. *ar Tbo Richmond Dispatoh says: Tbe Souih will strike hard nt her assassins, with all the energy of powerful passion, aod make them feel, in their own homes and firaaides, those deadly ourses they are aiming at our heads We rejoice to hear, from the Rieh mond Enqnirer, that nothing ie more probable than that President Davis will toon march an army through North Carullna and Virginia to Washington, and those of our volunteers who desire to join the Southern army, sail shall paes through our borders, and at the same time protect Virginia from the Black Repub licans hordes whom the Administration ie mustering at Washington are advised to organ ise at once fur that purpose, sod keep their arms, accoutrements, uniform, emunition, and knapsacks in constant readiness. The fire that these incendiaries have kindled in Char leston will involve every city tbe North bason the borders, until the whole land is enveloped io flames. Let us hope that tbe first boll of retribution will fall on the beads of Lincoln sod his Cabinet, beginuing with Seward, tbe most artful, unscrupulous, and malignant of the subtle and murderous crew. GEORGIA AIR-LINE RAILROAD. I ndia rubber belting—from 3 * « inob——for sale by HANLKITKR Ac ADAIR. v'L! /****•+' M"**- // T he daily southern confederacy, under arrangements just oomplaUd, will oontain all the I a teat Intelligence of every kind, reported expvceaty for ue by Magnetic Telegraph, sod tbe Mails. Also* dally reports of the Atlanta and other Markets, Local loci dents and Items, Ac., Ac. Price $*a-year; $3 for six months, or 69 cents for one month— always In advaaee. The VEEKLY SOUTHERN CONFBDERA- CY is mado Up from, and oontai*a the cream of, the Daily. It ia a large ehe«ft, and give# more fresh reading matter than any other Weekly In the Confederate State#. Its Market Report* will be full, and made op from aetoal transactions. Price, $3 a year j or $i 36 for six months—in variably in advance. JM* Postmasters are authorised to set as our Agents in obtaining subscribers and forward ing the money—for which they will be allowed to retain, as oomruitiioo, twenty-five cents on oaoh Weekly, or fifty cents on each Daily sub scriber. foW* Persona getting up Clubs of five, ten or more subscribers, will be supplied with the oopiee ordered at 126 per eent. less than our regular rates. W&r- No name will be entered on our books until the money is paid; and all subscriptions are discontinued when the time expires for which payment ia made, uoleas the same be renewed. Address, HANLEITER A ADAIR, Atlanta, Georgia. R. II. MAY A CO., H AVE removed their stock of Carriages, Bug gies, Ac., to the store formerly occupied by W. if. Haanaaaox, on Whitehall Street, where they will sell their entire stock AT COST, to close out their business, for Cash or approved paper. m22-lra. State of Georgia, Fulton County. | WO months after data application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county “ - — - - ‘ “ late ,, W. MtLMtcf' | Executors. NOTICE. 1 ,WO months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Fulton county f, r leave to sell a certain lot of land,to-wit: No.17, in the 14th District of, originally Henry, now Ful ton county, or a portion of the same, belonging to the estate of Richard Todd, late of said county, deceased. March 2,1981. m4-2m MARTHA TO D A ^mm.r SPRING GOODS, ‘nrotTOtso • • HARBOR AHOLA1S, 0RQAKDIS9. PRIXTMP IA COASTS, LA WM, DE CHINES, CHALLIBS, SILKS, PRINTS, OINOHAMS, HU BROIDERIES, LACES, <it., <tc. O tJB Stock will b. compUt. nnd lorn, nnd will bo .old for CASH. nt .. low prion .a Good, hnvo aver boon of- fond- BEACH da ROOT. March 4,1M1. 3 /^rkrk LBS. best quality of Good Hem jUUU lock Sole leather; 3,000 Iba best quality Good Damage Sole Leather; 2,000 Iba beet quality Good Oak 8ole Leather—all just received and or sale, at low prices, st Wholesale or Re tail, by DIMICK, WILSON A CO., octl Peach-Tree Street, Atlanta, Georgu T HE annual meeting of the stock-holders of this Company will take place at Gaines- ville on Thursday, the 25th of this month, j (April,) for the election of olfioers for the ensu ing Year. A general attendance is desired. | up 13-d2twlt. J03. WIN8IIIP, Pres’t. i OX BALE8 2 Shirting, and 10 bales of Osna burgs—for sale by junelO BUTLER A PETERS. M ackerel- 100 Half-barrels No. 3 Mackerel; 50 Half-barrels No. 3 Mackerel; 50 kite No. 3 Mackerel; 10 bbla No. 1 Mackerel i 10 Half-barrels No. 1 Mackerel; 20 kits No. 1 Mackerel; 1,000 lbs Cod Fish; 250 lbs Pollock ; 50 boxes of beet Herring. All for sale, low, hy junel4 CENTER A TREADWELL. LAWSHE & PURTELL, Have on hand, nnd ofl'or for pale, all kinds ol' MILITARY GOODS AND EQUIPMENTS, SWORDS, EPAULETS, SASHES, &C., We lire now preparoilTn furnish every article in iho MILITARY LINE, of any quality, and in auy quantity, suitnhlo for every yraje or department. Our stook of CLOTHES, CASSIMERS, YESTING-S, MARSEILLES & LINEN GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, -AND 1801. 1861. SALMONS k SIMMONS, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In foiiiss & noaimc Dir goods, Corner of Whitehall and Alabama Its., Atlanta, Georgia. NEW SPRING STOCK! O NE of our firm haring returned from M.r- ket, where he has justcompleted so ax ten sive purchase of our Spriug 8tock ot .DRY GOODS, STAPLK A FANCY GOODS were never more attractive. The supply of 8LEACHED AND BROWN SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS, fco„ is ample. Crept D'.lnglait, Barege Jtngtate, French <hinlt, •Mozambique* Grade Mhine, and a splendid assortment of Plain A* Fancy Silks, Silk .Mantles. Dusters, Kc. % mar 1 Ladiei ALEXANDER KID GL0VK8, SILK M1TS, Ac. CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS AND MATTINGS we have never displayed in tbia market. All of which we will sell low for CA8H. Orders promptly attended to. SALMONS A SIMMONS, Atlanta, March 28, 1861. SILVEY & DOUGHERTY, NORCR088’ BULIDING, •Junction Whitehall Ac Peaoh-Tree Streets* Atlanta, Oeorgla, H AVE just reoeived, and are now opening, the largest stock of Gooes they hav# ever offered in one season. Their stock was bought exclusively for Cash, and will be priced at low figures. They have every variety of DRY GOODS, from Brown Homespuns to the finest Dress Silks; all kinds or fresh LADIES’ DBE88 GOODS; a large assortment of Deluding Linens, Lawns, Piece Goods. Calicoes, Ginghams. Ac.; all kinds of HOSIERY and FANCY ARTICLES. Also, a large assortment If} f * * j ,| i a7 JEWELRX, WATOHK8, boo. In their Basement Rooms, they have an ele gant and full supply of R.idy-M*rf« Clothing, and GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, Ae. 41k, about $10,000 worth of SHOES, BOOTS, &c. embracing all siaaa. and-a great variety, for La dies, Mieeee, Mm, Boys and Children. They repeat: their otock is very full, and tkev are determined to sell. The publie ere respectfully invited to call and examine their stock and prioea before pur chasing elsewhere. maroki SILVEY A DOUGHERTY. WRIGHT & JACKSON, r ACTORS, C0IMISBI88 TAILOR’S TRIMMINGS, IS VERY FULL, RICH AND FINE. WHOLESALE PURCHASERS Are IhVltoj to Pxninlnc ouf Suiot. W* think we enu offer them uncommon in- ducelncRU lo BIT FOR CASH. We ere Agent* f„r the eelehrnted I. M. SINGER de r«^ SEWING MACHINES. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, April 10, U*l x . FORWARDING MERCHANTS BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. •a. a, unaoa. R EFER to CmpUin Joh. W. Inlmoa, r»- H Vig*b, Ok.I Glagbona t Cunningham, Savanna*, Ga.; Borton * Tillalonga, Savan nah, Ga.: Erwin A Hardva. Savannah, Oa.; Cat baft A Bra.., Near Tort, T W. Flemming A On, Aoxuatn, Oa; Swan A Bra., Fareaadi- n», FI.; Biabaa A Canova. JaekaoovlUa. Fla., H. L. Hart, P.l.tka, Fie, Simoa MarriU, Ua-kinavilla, Ga. Agaat *r aka ■vwrgtaAolA.aaf MMIGta.m era ia Faraandiaa. m4 Staaman baa. Swat and Oak, to Hawki.avllla. apelt-lp. PATTTXN k MIH.BBS, OKNfRAL COMMISSION ritMMianiiiyggiihytiTo SavanTYah, Oeorgia. , tV^USih..) '