Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, May 03, 1861, Image 1
/.s r ?i it t to^ .1 W J‘*nM mwliihra^ uniiuDZ ■waiBtoA- THE PUBLIC GOOD BEFORE PRIVATE ADVANTAGE. dtiWiilMHkfttoMlWihmMmgaeawnsgarigi^^ • ■, '■■■^ ask JNLFJTGR & 1MIR. h-*w ITLlffi, WiOlt£H, PStft.tV MSI*, MAY 3, 1861. VOL 1-86.68. irrn ®»nfe<lraug ION ft AftVI*Tlfl«« SCHEDULE ot •ci»o*ifno*. •" «*•» -«,»g tfEtolgZiMUK lltUTIIIM. tii^rr^KrtsriSi iftjiv KATB9. —p*ni a 0mm ri ■.reeeeeWe one • nenlhi I *4 "*V.V. «• .wort, with er without rmlee, ud adver- * double column, wlU ho ekirpd Ml walked copy Mr oat! I ordered eel, end charged tkourtlei. • untried In the Daily, cod Wimt •tooled 60 per cent, additional In the rrtUtri rlH be limited Ae the epnee con- Ce nod payment demandod qaarterty. ■v Anvakrisiaa mm M r*i» pea x« nl wffl appear In Ike WeeKIj paper j lo be toeerted In Uie Weeklp paper an. tier '.men'll. In either ot the paper., »IU per eqnere for ererp IneerUen. eendlditn for Blele, Count,, end Hnnl- » eeeh-lo ho paid la afteeMe la ever, far Charitable IneUMtlone, Mlhte- lie, Ward, Tow ekarfod half price ud death! ere publk tetae ef teepee t end Pnoeral In Local Colamn will beahariatM ■no elrcnntetancee, to ke IhedndeP la n *111 ke made ft HAHLI1TIK I ’ll lAailtm. RAILROADS. iBnai ft Baikiif 0«f—T- illanta, 171 Milea-Fam, li H. YONGK, Superintendent. na roiinn nun. , dully, at..—. — 4.44, k. M. tSatt dully, at »4», k-U. Paata ai. 9.4*, ft. 1C. Car uftnin raair. ta, tlallj, at ».«*, P. U. r ite at t.l*t k. 11. at- * 44, P. U. laata at - 11.44, P- M. aalin oonnaction with theTrainr laroluea and tba ftaTannah and ■oede, a Augusta. AOwl-Palit Kailrwad. 'eat-Point, IT Miiet—Parent! it. O. HULL, Superintendent UT rasaasaia nun. daily, at. 11.14, A, M. eat Poiut at t.ll, P. V. Point, dailr, at 1.44, P. M. itlanta at— . T.ll, P.U. ar raseasuia run. a, dailr, at - 4.14, A. M. 'eat.Point at — 4.44, A. M. Point, dailr, at 3.14, A. M. • ■ at....., A. M. emaaeta with the Montgomery A J at Wait-Point. A Atlantic Kallrafta. hnttaiooga, lit Milaa—Para,—94- V. LEWIS, Buperia ten dank III rasinnaa tub. lift, daily, at 14,14, A. M. ^attanooga at 3.44, P. M. "itanooga at 1.44, A. M. tlanta at —14.44, A. U nonnaots.aach war.with the Roma at Kingnton, tha Walt T*a- Klalroad at Dnfoft, and tha #fti|rn*d'** OfcaWft- ta 4 Western Watlrwal iaona, ltlTliloa-Pa^, .*4 44. t> la TTLKR, Buparin •it ruauan tbAib. Ola at .11.04, A. M. at — 4.44, P. U ai 14.04, P. M. tlanta at. 4-44, p. 11. riawr ir eaaoe raa*. teat ...1144, Night. ■Monet* A. M * at. 13.44, Night. ■antes* — T.ll, A. M. Trains will not ho ran on Bua- Attaata, Hmm- for I loch wight Train tom Atlas k tha Oaatral JUilMad for San . A. 1C_ and tha Sonth-Waaten OolnmboTat 4.44, A. K. fotn (rorr Atlanta, aoanoeta with ■UUraad for Bsraanaft at IIAI P. A-Weatara Kail load for Co ML KMrM.-rcW AMafttataWatr 4 la Baraaaak. 4AMB4 M. ALSIAIOUL ATTORNEY AT LAW, WaaAtngfon, Georgia. F I ACT ICES in Wiltaa and adjoining conft- 11*4. Before to Oonrga O. Hall, Keq., of Atlanta. nil THOMAS «fc ABBOTT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Atlanta, Cteorgia. Offioe in Smith’s Building, Whitehall street. 0. 8. Tnoaaa, jalltf Bas. F. Abbott. • ROBT. L. CRAWLEY, Whins!* ud ItUil Dealer la PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS, a c . —AWD— • General Bnslnrsss Agent, W ILL Attend promptly to any basinet* en trusted tobim. Storeio Franklin Building, on Alabama street. miMjr .THOMAXF. LOWE, COMMISSION MERCHANT, For tha purohasa and sain of Waatern Troduor, Cotton, Oroeerlr* and Mcrcnandlit irnarally, franklin Building, ifstaas 81 reel, ATLANTA GEORGIA. April 4, 1801. WILLTAM F. P ARK ER ~ THOMAS W. MURRAY, K'ftBfrly of 19! Chambers 8k, New York, IMtORTRIU A WIIOLXSALB DSALBM IB Wines, Liquors ft Cigars, AND COMMISSION DNALDEB IN BUTTES, CHEESE. So., »Wa HOT, Bap AT ratty Savannah, <hh April IMkwlm. BRYSON & BEAUMONT, Msflufectorers sad Dealers in MEN'S A BOY'S CIOTMNS, GENTLEMEN S FURNISHING GOODS. CL6TMS, CASSTMERES AND VESTING*, Markham's Irsn-Freat BaUdlaf, WhNa hall* Street, t. M. BRYSON. ) ATLANTA, GEORGIA, y. m. sbaumont j April fd, 18D1. BUTLER & PETERS, (Bucewesem te Blgfi, Suitor ft Co.,) Commission Merchants, raa ran rwacuaa abb aana or TKjy.yn B8B » B m 0BVCB Cotton. Grocorten, at., ATLAHTA GEORGIA. Hare rf mured to tha larga Firw-Proof Ware- bouse, formerly oeenpfad by Wlnahlp A How. all. opposite tha State Road Depot. Good Tannesaea money taken at par for Pta CENTER ft TREAD WELT WR1TIHALL STimrr, ATLANTA, Poor Doors Below Brady dt, —DBaiaas in— CARRIAGE HARDWARB ft TRIMMINGS SHELF AND BUILDERS’ HARDWARE! SWEDES, AMERICAN, CASS COUNTY AND ENGLISH IRON, AND CASS COUNTY . AND ENGLISH CASTINGS I 50: CASES Shorn, at Maanfantnraa prices. Call and seen* before yon bay alaawbsra. Yon shall be pleased. jflneU CENTER ft TREADWELL. J. W. HEWELL, Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, III ill MARKHAM’S BLOCK, Oomtr WfaiterhaU dt Alabama Mtsi., ATLANTA, OEOBGIA. Fab. 14—ly. JOHN FICKEN, Importer, Manufacturer and Dualer la Wbojaaala and Ratal), at tba Sign of Jttlanla Cigar Bnnuftulory, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia. Marsh 41. COKE! COKE! I COKE I! .kj THE QAJf ^OBKB. A LARGE quantity for sals st tbs usual prios of IS* cent per bushel. r#b.*t-dtr. r j. f. WARintR, supt DENTISTRY. «rlasts, aadadia, OFFICE In Rawson’snaw build ing, corner Whitehall and Hunter Stress!.— Residence flret banes ta the left of Col. Yea- iterenuRcis: Hen. R. F. Lyan, Mr. L E. Rawcon. MaaarS. BaaeK ft Root, Rar. Mr. Roe an. Dr. Logan, Atlantal Raw. 0. M. Irwin, D A. Vasco, Isa, Ocd. Nelson Tift, Col. W. i. Lawton, Hauiy TarrnrV Albany. Jaa II. . dk. «. di d. f». CRAVBN, Dawnsra, HAEE ramcrad ta thafr BOOKS! KOOKS! BOOKS! -AT THE- New Book Store! —AT THK- SICN OF THE BIG BOOK Whitehall Street AGRICULTURAL BOOK8 of ererj description. ARCHITECTURAL BOOKS of every description. MEDICAL BOOKS. SUPERB GIFT BOOKS. SPLENDID FAMILY BIBLES. ELEGANT ENGRAVINGS. PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER. PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE PAINT INGS OF LANDSEER and other Artiite. TEREOSCOPE AND STEREOSCO PIC VIEWS. ARTI8T8’ MATERIALS. WALKING CANES—from 30 cents to •30. VIOLINS—from 75 cents to «75. All of which will be sold cheaper than the cheapest, at the Sign of the “BIG BOOK!” oek n—tr. j. McPherson ft co. DR. J« H. McLGAN'8 sTiiirrmivfi cokbial -AMD- BLOOD PXJRIKIBIR, tub eiRATKST auiiDT In the World, AMD rai MOST DELICIOUS Delightful Cor dial ■TEE TAKEN. HE thouianda up on thousand! who Lean's Strengthening Cordial, certify that It to abeolutely an InfaHlabl# rem edy fer renewatlng and I« yebobatino the ehattered and diseased syeteea, purifying and enriching the re storing the sick, eufferlog Invalid te HEALTH ANO STRENGTH. There to ne mtotake about It; It will cure Liver Com- plaint, Dytpepela, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Headache,De- prwenloo of Spirits, Fever and Ague, * “■ breath, or any disease ef the Liver, Inward Fever, Bad "GENTLEMEN, do you wish to he Hrelthy, Strong "•jrftftMBS, de yen f count te your Cheeks age a ynnt the Bloom ef Health te » your Cheek* again f Then go at once and get MaLeu'i »tree ft hen lag CanUal and It will e»e any disease ef ike KMawe, Neal or Bladder; fainting,Obstructed Menetruatloo, Fallln. of the Womb, Barreoneis, or any disease artring from Chromic or Nrrvoue Debility, It to na InfslUable Ready. For ClillErcB. Do yew want year delicate, tlekly, puny children to be Healthy, Btrew and Robust t The* give them Mo- Laaa’s ftrannermniuM ConUAU (pee the directions on eech bottle,) It to d*nel*es to Udte. tr Ono table-spoonful, taken every mertring fait- Ing, to a aura preveative againet Otilto and Fever, Tel- low fever, Cholera, or any prevailing disease. OT Cacttos.—Beware of Druggists or Dialers Mho may try to palm open you a bottle ef Bitters or Sarsa parilla, (which they can buy tkoop.) by aajrlag It to juat aa good. There are even men base enough to steal part of my name to dub their vile decoctions. Avoid such Infamous pirates and their vlRalnous eoeapounds f Ask for Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier. Take notklug etodT It to tha only remedy that wIB purify year Bleed thoroughly, and, at the same OR. MCLEAN'S UNIVERSAL FILLS* Ftr Livtr Ovmpiami, BHituauu, Mmdacbt, Ate. mHERB has never heea a Cathartic Medielse, ogcred X U the pabUc, that has given such entire satisfaction JNMAlifa - .. and powerful la removing all BUloua socretior.*. Acid, or Impure, feted Matter frem the leoaach. In fact, they are the ealy Plik that should be need ta dtotototo. When eo cheap a remedy can be obtained I Eeep them constantly on hand ; a Sft»’nrS'tznm' r r Universal Pills. Take no otkey. Being coated, they are tastelrm. Price only 49 cento per box, end can be sen* by mall to aay part ef the Oshed Stases. Dr. I. I. NeMft Volcanic (Nl LMW BftRRXe Ths Be84 BmUmal in Ike World, far Man or ImA T HOUdAND# ef hamaa beings have been saved a life af decrepitude aad atieery, by the use ef this In val uable Liniment. It wHI reHere Pain almoet laetaneoee- H, aad it will (a an taeredto bmmmn nW reHeea the meet laveteei Mgsmspis, It wU never faU. Bbrtt Threat* Headache, or COVFEDEBACg FLAE8 OF ALL SIZES, MADE TO ORDER —BY— J. B. PLATT, -fwjwste^. Georgia. April 33-ftlW. Land for bale. YTOItTY.THREE scree of deetrsble Land on X the East sido of Atlantis, just outside the citjtlimits. Also, 13 acres fronting on Decatur rned— e beautiful site for n country residence. Apply lo W. B. GUNBY. Residence just below Rolling Mill. gflfltf. OLD DOMINION SAWS. RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. wa shall hereafter offer oar a lock of eular," “ Croaa cut,” “fttulny," “Mill Sawa," Ac., at foreign price*. MSt- No dutie* added. McNAUGHTT ORMAND A C . apr 22-3m. NOTICE! QuAdTEiuf aitbu’s Orricc,) Savaacab, Ga., April II, 1801. ) S EALED proposal* will b* received at this office up to Thursday, tba 25lh instant, at 12 o’clock M., (or the delivery of the following subsistence stores, vis: 226 barrels Mess Pork. 187 “ Mess Beef. (0,000 pounds Pilot Bread. 30,000 pounds Navy Bread. 115 barrels BuperBne Flour. 150 bushels good White Field Bei 8,000 pounds Whole Rice. 6,400 ** Rio Coffee. 10,000 “ G. Sugar. 0U0 gallons Cider Vinegar. 1,126 pounds Adamantine Candles 3,000 “ Colgate* No. 1 Soap. 60 bushe!s Salt The above stores to be delivered, free of charge, at such a point in the city of Savan nab as tba Quartermaster may direct, and the delivery to commence on May 1st. Bids will be opened in this office at the above stated time, and the contract awarded to the lowest bidder, who will be required to give two good sureties for the faithful azecution of the oontraot. Letters enclosing bids must bo adresaed to the* undersigned, endorsed on the envelope, "Proposals for Commissary Stores.” 8. J. SMITH, apr22-6t. Quartermaster Georgia Array BULINB MACHINE. D EPOSITED with us for sale, a Ruling chine. It is a new machiua,in perfect re pair—Hoe’s manufacture. Owner gone to the war, and wants is value to support a family.— X bargain can*be bad. without froight and du ties. Address this office. ap20-8t. SAM RIKKMAfV. JOHK W. LCRM. KIRKMAN & LUKE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 170, Second Street, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Refer to Join Kirkmar, Jambs Woods, W Oribrfibld, Nashville, Ten□. Jan 9—3m COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS. F )RTRAIT8 taken from Lite, or eopied from Old Doguarreoty pes, Ac., by tba Pbotgraph- ie process, and ENLARGED TO ANY SIZE, from Miniature site up to the size of Life. Persons having Daguerreotypas of their de ceased relatives and friends, now have the op portunity of having them copied to any ties nay may wish, and painted up to tba Life in OIL OR WATER COLORS, OR PASTEL, with the certainty of getting a perfect likeness in every respect. aft* Gallery on Whitehall StraeL Atlanta, Georgia. C. W. DILL, ▲pri 3. Photographer. i. o. McDaniel, WHOLES ALB DEALER IB BBAII, BACON, LABD, FLQUH, ANO LEADING GROCERIES, Hunter Street, between Whitehall d Loyd Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA.,, April IS, 1801. MARSHALL HOUSE, WM. COO LI DOE, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. March 14. COX, HILL & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS ABD B1RBCT 1MPOBTBRS OP WINES, MQ.DOR8, CIGARS, TOBACCO. *C., Stack- Tree Street, Atlanta, Georgia. March 28 ATLANTA Clothing iialt. 1 HAVS juat returned from lb. North with a lnr» atoek of XEADY-MADB CLOTHING, and mu randy to aupply tho ciUaoaa of Atlan ta ud tho anfronuaing country, with Cftntn* Paata, Vaata, Shirts, Huadksrchlafo, Neck-Urn, aad .Tsrythiag aifta in tha Clothing liae, at ■md uJity nnd nt USB PBICE8. ill who doolroWralna ahonld |in mo.oejl. Jewelry I Kuives I C ombef A3»4 oftfonr Kotlonn. .** MEDICAL. HLWHI Ch.WBSTMGiUILANOh O FFICE on AUhnnanatiwot, appooita Market Hunao. Can bo band either at bia office or next doer nboTO. March 34. DM. ALEXANDER ft SHELBY, (?ff« o* Marietta street, yortx elite. D K. Atxxkaaw’a reeidenoo on Mwiotta 8t., Sooth aide. Dr. Saatar may bo found at the Trout Houao. March JJ. DR. W. F. WESTMORELAND, OSUe and Residence ,\krtk Side af Ma rlin* Street. March 31. DR. H. W. BROWN. /*tFFICK—Mariatta Street orer J. D. Sima’ 8tcro. Rotid.Dce—Calhoun Street 'THE FINEST WATERING PLACE IN THE SOUTHERN CONFEDERApTi THE CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, MERIWETHER COUBTT, GEORGIA, W ILL be open for the reception of Visitors on the first ef May. The Water* as a Tonic and Iovigorstor, has no squal. The Springs are easily accessible from either Co lumbus or Macon. spl2-3m. C. B. LE1TNER. OPENINJW! MRS. DURAND R ESPECTFULLY unnonncfs that Fridey, 12th April, (instant.) will be her regular opening day for the Season, and cordially ex tends to her patrons an invitation to examine her styles without further notice, apll-tf. SPRING MILUNERY! Mrs. J. M. Boring H AVING just returned from CKirluton, where she purchased her present Spring Goods, takes pleasure in inviting her friends and the public to an inspection ot them. Her stock is quite full, and embraces all the latest styles, which will be offered st prices to suit the times. Rooms in Parker’s new brick buildieg, on Whitehall sireat. April 11. CUTTING & STONE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, C ONNALLY’8 Block, Whitehall street, four doors from Alabama Street apr 11. Collector’* Notice. C USTOM Duties will be required on dutiable Goods rsceived by the Western A Atlantic Railroad from this date. Importers will rsport the arrival of such goods to FRANCIS R. SHACKELFORD. April 1, 1861. Collector at Atlanta. B. F. BOMAR, Agent, BHOCER A PROVISION MERCHANT 2d Door West of the Fulton Dank, Alabama Street ATLANTA ~...........OEOB«!A. K EEPS constantly on hand a choice selec tion of Fresh FAMILY SUPPLIES, which have been bought, and will be sold, exclusive ly for Cash, thereby enabling me to offer in ducements to cash buyers. In store—26 kegs choice Goshen Butter. 20 Barrels choioe N. 0. Syrup. 8 Hogsheads choice N. 0. Sugar. A complete stock of fine Sugars, Coffee, Mack erel, Flour, Candles, Tea, and evervthlng uiu- ally lound in a first class Grocery 6tore. April 10. FRATERNAL RECORD. ; * 1 MANOW, ATLANTA LODG1, No. Bft, F. A. M., masts oa tke see- ond and fourth Thursday alftito la each mouth. Uiwui UWftIULW.If. Joint U Bosnia, iocrotary. FULTON LODORi No. HftTf. A, M., waste oa U* Ar* and third Thuraday algbto In each non) ft. J. Human, Secretary. MOUNT HON MOTAL AMOM oa the ooooud aad fourth month. 0. R. DAVID MAYKA, W. M. Cl AFTHL Mo. H, JAPON BURN COUNCIL OF MOYAL AND I MASTIK8, Mo. 11, mooto quarterIv, oa the ftrst. aoo- day In January, April, July and Octobor. LEWIS LAWBMM, ft. ILL. Job* M. Bouum, Rooorder. C4BUV DM LION COWMAN DIET, No. A Mis oa the first aad third Wednesday la each month. w. w. Boyd, m.*a*. W. T. Mud, Keeorder. ODD-FELLOWS. CENTRAL LODGE, No. wTMto^ry TuMday^a^ht. William Wiuob, Secretary. EMPIRE INCAMPMNtTn'o. It, meets on the soeond and fourth Friday alfhto. WM. H. BARNES, Chief Patriarch, W. W. BOYD, High Prieet. T. P. Flxmiho, Scribe. MECHANICAL. FULTON MECHANICS' ASSOCIATION mreto td Fri day In each month, at Enmne House, No. f. C. M. CALDWELL, President James Nosls, Ja., Secretory. BANK OF FULTON—Alabama Street. E. W. HOLLAND, Freatdeat A. A car ell, Cashier. AGENCY CENTRAL RAILROAD ft BANKING COM PANY—Office on Alabama Street A. W. JONES, Agent AGENCY GEORGIA RAILROAD A BANKING COM PANY—Office on Whitehall Street near the KaHrued. WM. W. CLAYTON, Ageat ATLANTA INSURANCE COMBANT-Ofilco, next door to Georgia Railroad Bank. J. P. LOGAN, Prerid rot Paaxxo Baowa, Cashier. ATLANTA FIRE DEPARTMENT. Meets quarterly on tho third Monday evening is Jan uary, April, July snd October. WM. BARNES, Chief Engineer. S. B. 8HKRWOOD. 1st Assistant. R. V. MADDOX, 2d Assistant. t. It. JOHNSTON, Secretary. JOHN F. AZZARD, Treasurer. ATLANTA FIRE COMPANY*No. 1, meets first Mooday In oaeh month. t. U. MECASL1N, President W. K. Masob, Secretary. MECHANIC FIR1 COMPANY, No. 2, meets flrat Friday night la each month. LETI RICHARDSON, President 0. C. Rods*, Secretary. TALLULAH FIRE COMPANY. No. ft meets 1st Wed do#- day In each month. JOHN F. LIZARD, Prerid't Jobs Mclebbom, Secretary. ATLANTA HOOK AND LADDER COMPANY, No. 1, meets first Saturday night In ouch month. FRANK JOHNSTON, Foreman. Noab R. Fowler, Secretary. Negroes for Sale. T H£ subscriber offers for sale Six Likalj Vv groea—a Woman, 37 year* old. a good cook, washer and ironer, and nurse; a Boy, 12 years old} a Boy, 10 years old ; a Girl, 8 year* old ; a Girl, 6 yeats old, and a Man about 27 years HRE AND LIFE —AND— MARINE INSURANCE AGENCY. T HE subacriber represent* four First Class Southern Companies, and sight New York Companies, with an aggregate Cash Capital of 8EV£N MILLIONS. The honorable adjust ment and payment of losses without any un necessary delay, words here need not be used to prove. The proof can be found with those who have suffered loan, and were so fortunate aa to prooar* Policies at this Ageney. Marine Risks, both Atlas tie aad River, takes as usual. LIFE IN3URANC The attention of both sexes who would se cure for themselves an important benefit while tkev live, and also provide for their families aad loved ones in the event ef Oasth, are in vited to exam toe the superior adven tomes the EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE SOCIETY eflorde over other Life Insurance Companies. Information ralaAiag to the principle* of Life Insurance will be cheerfully given at my of fice, in the second storv of Coonolly’a Build ing, comer of Whitehall and Alabama streets, Atlanta Georgia. BAMtTKL SMITH, march 3ft. General laanranea .Agency. J. H. LOVEJOY, wwumu t irah (Men, in Ann ta TftbuM, Via*, UfBw, cunt, L A SUPERLATIVE TONIC,DIURETIC, a «Ti DYsrt?? 0 MATIC SCHNAPPS should be kept in every family. It invariably corrects tha 111 af fecta of chauge of weather, and, as a bevarage, It is the purest Liquor made In tha world. Pat vp in pint and quart bottles. Also, UDOLPHO WOLFE’S Pure Osgtiae Brandy, Imported end bottled by himself, warranted pure, and the beat quality, with hto certificate on the bottle, aad his seal ea the cork. UDOLPHO WOLFITS Pnre Part Wist, Imported and bottled by himself, pat op tor medletaal wm, vtih hto eerttfteate ea the bride; warranted pnre aad the best quality, UDOLPHO WOLFE'S Pare Sherry Wiaa, Imported and betted by btonsrif, the same as tha Pert Wine. UDOLPHO WOLFE'S Pure Madeira Wise, Imported and bottled by Mmself, fer private and med icinal we, the beet Wine ever offered to Mm trade la bri- tica This Wine to wart weed perfectly pure. UDOLPHO WOLFE'S Pate Jamaica Baas, *t Croix Rib, Scotch and IrtbA Whfxfcy. imported and bottled the beet qaallty. Tv the PaMle. my certificate, to BorveeK aad eaa be rritod npee bp av- try perch seer. rhyriefene whe oeeWtoma and liqneee tn thalr prae- tinedbenld give >lmprrito—M >e Bum arriplaa, r^Jfor sale ky all reapeetablp Diwggtote aad iparimpa UDOLPHO WOLFS, •avifl alii ■tie Mol mtmtunt, return * nsm. Kiisaas AtWital