Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, May 04, 1861, Image 1
THE PUBLIC GOOD BEFORE PRIVATE ADVANTAGE. fflUHTER & (BAIR. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 4, 1861. NEW SERIES: Y0L.M0.C9. m Retatg UIDTUUt. 1« U~l« l««, *1; ua fi>akuM«u.t UlMnlM )OM HUM! 5a.II. ,Y RATES. \m. •mH.imm.AmM. ■ock. with or without rule*, ud odvsr- ip/taf doable column, win b« charged Unwrked on copy tor a specified Uehed antll ordered oil, and charged ittSw the Dau.y. and Wmu \t eharftd 50 per cent additional to the 3Ei» .1* b« “"'ll* 1 >• .PM. <»» will be charged extra at regular rata* Me, Kcaorali. Copartnerahipe, Notice* to c, and payment demanded quarterly. Advibtisixs xcsr «■ pa» roa ix Intervale In either of the paperx, will per aqaare for every Insertion, caadldatee for 8UU, County, and Mnr.l- U each—to be paid In advance lo every Respect and Funeral invitations UeeTta Local Column will be charged *0 kstaaesa, to be Included in *2 j__«J « I «o 1- m grtfcTtut. »l*6 th. prlrtU,. of chonjo, will 10, roero.l'l. ooco o wrath $ 86 RAILROADS. BOromt A Bankimf Orapuir MI.aU, in Milo*—Pura,..._$4 60. TOKOS, Suporiatondont. ■m PlHMUt TOAIO. a, 4*11* *t - 0.06, A- M. nUil 6.JO, ?. M. doily, .t 0.30, A. M. •ill M. 0.46, A. M. .n ruinm mu. it., doily, at 8.40, P. M. uoiti ot 6.96, A. M. oU ot 3.39, P. M. JanUot.. 11.45, P. M. ana la connection with the Train* Tnrolinn ond tko Savannah and roado, o Augusta. id iSeB Hanrwad. 'eat-Point, (7,..$3 90. G. HULL, 8u|iorinMndont. 8AT roMIB.ll TOOI1. Ola, doily, at. 10.10, A. M. foot-Point ot 3.10, P. M. t-Point, doily, ot 3.00, P. M. ilaaU ot 7.51, P. M. tn rouaa.oo moil. la. doily, at 0.30, A. M. r aat-Point at 6.40, A. M. ■Point, dally, at 6.16, A. M. IlaaU at 7.50, A. M. » A Atlantic ittonoogo, 133 MIIm—Par. $3. 1. LEWIS, SaporlnUndont. dot riMusia tun. Ota. doily, at 10.10, A. M. IhatUnoogo at 7 00, P. M. Uaaoogo ot 1.45, A. M. UaaU ot .10.00. A. M acta.aach wgv.wiUt th* Rome ot Kiantoa. tko Balk Tcn- fcorgla Rio!rood ot Dolton, oad th. CfcoUoaooga Koilroad at ChatU- U Wntan KailxaaA aaa, 10J MIIm—Par* .84 60. > L. TYLER, SopcrlnUclant- I »or roMaa.«a raou. 4 la at 11.00, A. M. tot 4.65, P. M 10.00, P. M. nu ot 4.00, P. M. , naBT ox ratio rail*. l at „ 11*0, Wight. oat 1.16, A. M. ..11.00, Night. K " U 7.16, A. M. aiao will not b« run on Bun- Iflook Night Train from Atlanta, th* Ototral Roll rood for Savan * A. M., ond 10* Booth Wawre for [Colombo., at 0.4*. A. M. da from. AilwOa, oounocU with dlroad Mr Savannah at 10.00 P. nth WMUta Rail Road for Co- 10, P. M. i Ticket* from AtlanU to N.w ag Omnibu* far* ia Savannah, 8S-MAKINO. UlUPOON would raaprdtfriUy i« TfMaada, and Ua Laiuartwarol [aad TUtaRy, that .ha ha* Ukaa ” , in tka taaoad JAMK3 II. ALEXANDER, .ATTORNEY AT LAW, WaokinyfoN, Otorffia. P RACTICES ia Wilk.. and adjoining coun- Um. Rafhra to Oaorga O. Hall, E.q., of Atlanta m |4 THOMAS & ABBOTT, ATT0BNEYS AT LAW, Atlanta, Georgia. Office in Smith’* Building, Whitehall *treet. G. 8. Thomas, jalCtf Bex. F. Abroit. ROBT. L. CRAWLEY, Wholftslr and Retail Dtolrr iu PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS, —AND— Gewral Business Agent, W ILL attend prompt ly to any business en trusted tohirn. Store in Frau kl in Building, on Alabama street. ml6-ly New Book Store! —AT TUB- SIGN OF THE BIG BOOK Whitehall Street TIIOMAS F. LOWE, COMMISSION MERCHANT, For the purchase and sale of Western Produce, Cotton, Groceries and MercnandUe generally, franklin MnUdinf. Alabama Street. ATLANTA GEORGIA. April 5, 1801. WILLIAM F. PARKER, —WITH— THOMAS W. MURRAY, Formerly uf 191 Chambers 8t., fftw York, IUPORTRR9 a Wtt-JLfc.lALK DEALERS IN Wines, Liquors & Cigars, AND COVW/SSiO.N DMAIMRS IV BUTTER, CHEESE, Ao., •>b. 307, Bay Street. Savannah, fia. April l0-d*w"m. BRYSON & BEAUMONT, Mannftrttm rs and Dealers In MEN'S A BOY'S CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN S FURNISHING GOODS. CLOTHS, CASHMERES A YD rESTTXUS, Markham's Irou-Fiout Building, White lull, Street, T. m. brtsor, | ATLANTA, GEORGIA. x. if. ehacmost j April 2d, 1861. AGRICULTURAL BOOKS of every description, ARCHITECTURAL BOOKS of every description. MEDICAL BOOKS. SUPERB GIFT BOOKS. SPLENDID FAMILY BIBLES. ELEG A NT ENG RA VINGS. PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER. PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE PAINT- ING8 OF LANDSEER nnd other I Artioto. TKREOSCOPE AND STEREOSCO PIC VIEWS. ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. WALKING CANES—front SO cents to #30. VIOLINS—from 7f> cents to $75. AH of which trill be sold cheaper than the cheapest, at the Sien of the “BIG BOOK!” oct.23—tf. j. McPherson * co. BUTLER & PETERS, (i*urrv*aors to High, Butler k Co.,) Com m ission Merchants, FOR THS PURCHASE AND SALE OK r k .v.vjj as k k r r o u r 1 h t'ottmi, Groceries, Ac.- ATLANTA .GEORGIA. Have removed to the Urge Fire-Proof Ware- h"U.«e, formerly occupied bv Winship A How ell, opposite the 8tat« Rond Depot. (i(K»<l Tennessee money taken at par for Pro CENTER & TREADWEU WHITEHALL HTUIET, ATLANTA, Four l)oore Below Brady At HnlomoL'*, —DEALERS IN— CARRIAGE HARDWARE k TRIMMINGS SHELF AND BUILDERS'HARDWARE! SWEDES, AMERICAN, CASS COUNTY AND ENGLISH IRON, AND CABS COUNTY AND ENGLISH CASTINGS! —ALSO, IH STORE— OA8E8 Shoes, at Manufacture* prices, tlv/ Call and see us before you buy elsewhere. You shall lie pleased. janeU CENTER A TREADWELL. J. W. II EWELL, eHoLldALM AKD AKTAIL DBAUR IS B’ancy and. Stnplo DRY GOODS, MARKHAM S BLOCK, Comer ’WTiltehaU Ac Alabama Wt«„ ATLANTA, GEOEGIA. Feb. 16—ly. J O H N~F IC K E N, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in HAVANA CI8ARS, TOBACCO SNUFF, PIPES, <tC., Wholesale and Retail, at the Sign of Atlanta Vigor Manufactory. Whitehall 8treet, Atlanta, Georgia. March 26. ~ COKE! COKE!! COKE!! at the gas works. A LA RGB quantity for sale at the usual price of 12^ cent per bushel. Fab. 2t—dlt J. F. WARNER. SupL DENTISTRY. H. HUNTINGTON, M. D- DHISTTIST, Hunt, aiooaio, OFFICE to Kawaon’a n.w build ing, corner Whitehall ond HunUr Btre.-t.— Rsaid«a«* Ant kotna to the left of Col. Yon- Roraacacrat Hon. R. F. Ly.n, Mr. E E. Rowwn. Mum. Beach 6 Root, Her. Mr. Rog- ara, Dr. Lagoa, Atlanta, Her. C. M. Irwin, D. A. Vooon, lag.. Col. Nelwm Till, Col. W. J. Lawton, H-nry Torr.r, Albany. .Ton IS. t ~~ ; t at. 4. A r7 CRAVliN, DxurriaTS, HAKE rcinorml to their n.w and apUndid room In Ponoao'o Bo*«l.«pp**Ua Baaek A RooU, where they are prapared to wait on all who may with thalr aarrieaa. MinMarf, who are paaton charged balf- prioa. Call* from a dlaunaa atuadad o with prompt* Ma. |ooo4».wolw nn. J. II. McLGAN’H STRENGTHENING CORDIAL —AND— BLOOD FURIF1EK, f. ORtATMT RKMBDT ii the World* MOST DELICIOUS Delightful Cor dial LVKR TAKKN. T HE thousands up- on thouai*uils who taking. Cordial, certify «hat It Is absolutely an lnfalllable rem- edy for renovating and Ikviqoratixo the shattered and diseased system, purifying and enriching the Blootl—re storing the sick, suffering invalid to HEALTH AND STRENGTH. There Is no mistake about It; it will cure Liver Com plaint, Dyspepsia. Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Headache,De- prcstlon of Spirits, Fever and Ague, Inward fever. Bad Hreath, or any disease of the Liver, Btomsch, or Bow els. I^GENTLIMEN, do you wish to he Ilealthy, Strong and Vigorous? gW~ LADIES, do you want the Bloom of Health to mount to your Cheeks again ? Then go at once and get McLeau'a Streugtheuliig Cordial and Blood Purifier. Delay not a moment; It Is warranted to give satisfac tion. It will cure any d tease of the Kidueys, Womb, or Bladder; fainting,Obetructed Menstruation, falling of the Womb, Barrenness, or any disease arldng from Chronic or Nervous Debility, It Is an lnfalllable Remdy. For Children. Lkia’a bTauQTatama Couiil, (see the directloi each bottle,) It Ii delicious to take. 0f“ One table-spoonful, taken every morning fast ing, Is a sure preventive against Chills and fever, Yel low fever, Cholera, or any prevailing disease. ff“ Cactiox.—Beware of Druggists or Dealers who may try to palm upon you a bottle of Bitter* or Bars*- parill*, (which they can buy cheap,) by saying It It just as good. There are even men bate enough to steal part of toy name to dub their vile decoctions. A*old such Infamous pirates and their villainous compounds I Ask for Dr. J. H. McLean's Htrengthenlng Cordial and Blood time, Btrengthsn and Invigorate the whole organisation. It is put up In large bottles— $l per bottle, or six bot tles for $6. DR. J. II. McLKAN, Bole Proprietor, Corner of Third and Pine Bit., 8t. Louis, Mo. DR-MCLEAN'S UNIVERSAL PILLS, For Liver Complaint, Biliouentu, Headache, Ac. T HERE has never been a Cathartic Medlcir *, offered to th* public, that has given such entire satisfaction u McLkax's Cxivbosal Pills. Being entirely vegetable, they are perfectly Innocent, and can be taken by the must tender Infant; vet prompt and powerful In removing a>l Bilious aecreUobS, Add, or Impure, Feted Matter from lb* Stomach. In fact, they are th* only Pills that should be used In malarious districts. They produce no Griping, Sickness, or Pain. In the Atcioacn or Bowels, thoogh very active and searching In their operation, promoting healthy accretions of the Liver and Kidneys. Who will suffer from Biliousness, Headache, and foul Stomach, when to cheap a remedy can be obtained I Keep them constantly on hand ; a single dose, taken In season, may prevent hours, days, and months or sickness. Ask for Dr. J. H. McLean’s Universal Pill*. Take no other. Being coated, they arc tastelf se. Price only 15 cent* per box, and can be sent by mall to any part of the United States. J. II. McLEAN, Sola Proprietor, Corner of Third and Pin* Sta., 8L Louis, Mo. Dr. J. II. Me Lean's Volcanic Oil Lini ment. The Bid ExUnnl in the World, for Man or Bead. T HOUSANDS of human beings have been saved a Ilfs of decrepitude eud misery, by th* use of this Inval uable Liniment It will reilov* Pain almost lntianeoua- ly, and It will cleanse, purify and heal the fouleet Bore In an Inersdlble short time. McLkax's Volcaxio On. LixtmsT will relieve th* moat Invetaratacasm of Khau- matlsin, Gout, or Neuralgia, for Par.lyais, Contracted Muscles, Stiffness or Weakness In the Joints, Muscles or Ligaments, It will never fail. Two applications will curt Sore Throat, Headache, or Earache. For Burns or Scalds, or any Pain, It Is an tnfatllabt* remedy. Try It, and yon will And It an Indlspenalbla remedy. Keep It ahrays on hand. ea, will save mosey by «— lineut. It Is a speed/ and Infallible cure for Galls, Spralne, Chafse, Swelling. Lameness, Sweeney, Bores, Weaads, Scratches, er any external disease. Try It, and yon will ba convinced. J. H. McLEAN, Sola Proprietor. March T, lW-dAwly. Ud*, ptb far said la Atlanta b7 O. K. A J. L. HAMILTON,aadbyMAB81TA LANftDILL, and Doalsrs ever/wham. CONFEDERACY FLAGS OF ALL SIZES, At AUK TO ORDER -BY— J. 33. PLATT,,-„ Ut.rfiu, April 32—dlw. Land Tor Sale. l.’ORTY THREE acre* of dooirabln Land ou ]' the East tide of Atlanta, just outside the citjilimits. Also, IS acre* froutiog on Decatur mad—a beautiful site for a country residence. Apply to * W. 8. GUN BY. Residence just below Rolling Mill. apr22tf. OLD DOMINION SAWS. RICHMOND. VIRGINIA. I N consequence of tbe secession of Virginia, we shall hereafter offer our stock of "Cir cular,” "Cross cut,” •• Mulay,” ** Mill Saws,” Ac., at foreign prices. MAT No duties added. McNAUGHT, OKMAKD AO . epr 22-Sm. NOTICE! QCAItTCRUaflTCR'H OFFICE, } Bsvanuah, Ue., April 16, 1861. j S EALED proposals will be received at this office up to Thursday, tbe 25th instant, at 12 o’clock M , for the delivery of the following tub»*stence store*, via: 225 barre's Me*-* Pork. 187 “ Mess Beer. 40 000 pounds Pilot Bread. 30,01*0 pounds Navy Breed. 115 barrels Superfine Flour. 150 bushels good White Field Beans. 3.000 pounds Whole Rice. 5,400 *• Rio Coffee. 10,000 *• C. Sugar. 000 gallons Cider Vinegar. 1,125 pounds Adamantine Candle* 3,600 •• Colgate* No. 1 Soap. 66 bushels Salt. The above stores to be delivered, free of charge, at such a point in tbe city of Savan nah as the Quartermaster may direct, and the delivery to commence on M*y 1st. Bids will be opened in this office at the above stated time, and the contract awarded to tbe lowest bidder, who will be required to give two good sureties for the faithful execution of the contract. Letters enclosing bids must bo adresned to the undersigned, endorsed on the envelope, " Proposals for Commissary Stores.” 8. J. SMITU, apr22~6t. Quartermaster Georgia Army. RULINB MACHINE. D EPOSITED with us for sale, a Ruling Ma chine. It is a new machine, in perfect re pair—Hoe’s manufacture. Owner gone to tbe war, and wants is value to support a family.— A bargain esu ho had. without freight and du ties. Address tbit office. ap20-6t. SAN KIRKMAR. KIKKMAN & LUKE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 170, Second Street, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Refer to Johx Kirkxar, Jamxm Woods, W Gkkkxfirld, Nashville, Tenn. jnn 9—3m COLORED PllOTOGRAPSIS. P ORTRAITS taken from Life, or copied from Old Doguerreoty pee, Ac., by the Pbotgranh- io process, and ENLARGED TO ANY SIZE, from Miniature aise up to the size of Life. Persons having Daguerreotypes of their de ceased reiativea and friends, now have tho op portunity of having them copied to any sise hey may wish, and painted up to the Life in OIL OR WATER COLORS, OR PASTEL, with the certainty of getting a perfect likeneas in every respect. SNT' Gall<‘rr on Whitehall Street. Atlanta, Georgia. C. W. DILL, Apri 3. Photographer. i. o. McDaniel, WHOLESALE DEALER IX BRAIN, BACON, LARD, FLOUR, AND LfADINO OROCERIES. //wafer Strut, better** Whitehall A J>oyd Street*, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. April 13, 1861. MABSHALL HOUSE, WM. COOLIDOE, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. March 18. COX, HILL & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS ABD DIIltCT IMPORTERS OF W I N EH, LIQUORS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, AC., Peach-Tree Street, Atlanta, Georgia. March 23. ATLANTA Clothing §t»ll. I HAVE juat returned from the North with a large atock of READY MADE CLOTHING, and am ready to supply the cititena of Atlan ta and the aurroutiding country, with Comte, Panta, Veits, Mhlrta, Handkerchief*, Neck-ties, Socks, Hata, Capa, and everything else in the Clothing line, of good quality and at LOW PRICES. AH who desire bargains should give me a call. —also, am hasp— Jewelry I \KniveH f Combs! Anil othar Notion*. u. opFiraxnuB, Wkttaall .treat, nearly oppoeita ■arekl6tf Mdlajnkn * lank MEDICAL. DR. JOHN C. WESTMORELAND, r\FFIC£ on Alabama street, opposite Market VS House. Can be found either at bis Office or next door above. March 26. DRS. ALEXANDER k SHELBY, Offer on Marietta Street, North tide. B. Alkxaxdxr's residence on Marietta 8L, South side. Dr. Abelev may be found at tba Trout House. March 27. D DR. W. F. WESTMORELAND, OMce and Rcetdence JYorth Side »f Ma rietta Street. March 21. DR. H. W. BROWN. O FFICE—Marietta Street over J. D. Sim*’ Store. Residence—Calhoun Street, march 20. THE CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, MBRlWSTECk COUNTY, OBORUIA, W ILL be onen for tbe reception of Visitors on the firit of May. The Wat*r, as a Tonic and Iuvigorator, has no equal. Th* 8priogs are easily accessible from either Co luinbusor Macon. apl2-3tu. C. B. LEITNER. OPENING DAY MRS. DURAND R ESPECTFULLY announce* that Friday, 12th April, (instant.) will be her re/ular opening day for tbe Seas«>n, and cordially ex tends to her patrons an invitation to exmuine her styles without further notice. apll-lf. SPRINGJMIUJNERY! Mrs. J. M. Boring H A VINO Just returned from CkirleMon, where shs purchased her present Spring Goods, takes pleasu>e iu inviting bor friends and tbe public to an inspection ot them. Her stock is quite full, and embraces all the latest styles, which will be offered at prices to suit the times. Rooms in Parker's uew brick builditg, on Whitehall street. April II. CUTTING & STONE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, C ONNALLY’S Block, Whitehall street, four doors from Alabama Street. aprll. Collector’s Notice. C USTOM Duties will be required on dutiable Goods received by the Western k Atlantic Railroad from thisdate. Importers will re|»ort tho arrival of such goods to FRANCI9 R. SHACKELFORD, April 1, 1861. Collector at Atlanta. B. F. BOMAR, Agent, HROCER A PROVISION MERCHANT 2d Door West of the Fulton Dank, Alabama Street ATLA ETA, * O EOEQ IA. K EEPS constantly on band a choice selec tion of Fresh FAMILY SUPPLIES, which have been bought, and will be sold, excluiive- ly for Cash, thereby enabling me to offer in ducements to cash buyers. In stors—25 kegs choice Goshen Butter. 29 Barrels choice N. O. Syrup. 8 Hogsheads choice N. O. Sugar. A complete stock of fine Sugars, Coffee, Mack erel, Flour, Candles, Tea, and everything usu ally found iu a first class Grocery Store. April 10. Negroes for Sale. T HE subscriber offers for sala Six Likely Ne gros*—a Woman, 37 years old. a good cook, washer and ironer, ami nurse ; a Boy, 12 years old ; a Boy, 10 years old ; a Girl, 8 years old ; Girl, 6 yean old, and a Man about 27 years •d. a good bant' March 18-tf. hi RE AND LIFE —AND— • MARINE INSURANCE ABENCT. T HE aubscriber represents four First Class Southern Companies, and eight New York Companies, with an aggregate Cash Capitol ot SEVEN MILLIONS. Tbe honorable adjust ment and payment of losses without say un necessary delay, words here need not be used to prove. The proof can be found with those who have suffered loss, and were so fortunate a* to procure Policies st this Agency. Marine Risks, both Atlantic and River, Ukea as usual. LIFC INSURANC Th* attention of both sexes who would se cure for themselves ao important benefit while they live, aod also provide fer their families and loved ones in tbe event of i><*ath, are in. vited to examine the snperior advantages the EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE SOCIETY affords ever other Life Insurance Companies. Information relating to the principles of Life Insurance will be cheerfully giveo at my of fice, ia tbe second atory of Connolly’s Build ing. corner of Whitehall and Alabama etreats, Atlanta Georgia. SAMUEL SMITH, march 30. General Insurance Agency. J. H. L0VEJ0Y, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GIOCEI, abb nviura nr Tikwtt, Ilie, Lifur, Chin, tt. fckn-iy Atlanta, Gaor|tt! jNntbe *n Tbe Connntealoner front the Confederate States* The Legislature assembled yesterday In Convention, in the Representative Hall, to hear a speech from the honorable Henry W. Hilliard, ef Alabama,'Commissioner to Ten- nenate from ike Confederal* States. Ia ad dition to tbn members of tbe Legislature, there we* a large number of ladies and gen* tlemen present. Tbe honorable Commission er spoke for something morn than an hour, aod was frequently interrupted by vehement applause. He is a gentleman of fine presence and pleasing address ; bis speech was admir able iu manner and matter, elegant through out aod often riaing to tbe point of true pat boa and eloquence. Of three leading men from Alabama, who have spoken io this city, repre sentatives of the Southern movemcui, he ia the most wiuntng as an orator. Without tbe menial power, aud stern deliberation of Wal ker, or the fire and vehemence of Yancey, ha exhibits a higher degree of culture and grea ter atfainmeote, has evidently studied oratory as an art, and skillfully avails himself of its grace to charm aud heguila bis audience. — But, withal he is logical, vigorous in attack and adriot io defense. We shall not attempt to giv« a sketch of his speech, which was a happy portrgal of iheg rievancerof the South ern people, tbe action of the Confederate Statea nnd the perfidy of the Adaiiuiiration of Mr. Lincoln, lie also comraeied the old Cunsii- tunon with ibat of the Confederal* Stales, and showed wherein they differed, the latter im proving upon the fuimer. Hit references to Virginia and Tennessee were peculiarly touch ing, and made a profound impression. The former had already thrown off her allegiance to ihe Federal Government, and allied herself with the Confederate Stales, and he trus'ed that the latter was ready to follow the glori ous example. The time had come when ibe Southern States must maintain their indepen dence. A war of subjugation has been inau gurated, and to succumb would render them iorever degraded. They could not be thus humiliated'; even the women and the little children culy largo enough to understand the word ••liberty’' would take up arms against such a fate. If Tennessee determines to sever her con nection with the United Stales, as. from pre sent indications, we belhve she will, the mis sion of Mr. Hilliard will become ods of vast importance. Shull she alley herself immedi ately with the Confederate States, politically and otherwise ? This is a question fer the people to determine. But few object Io a mil itary alliance—all who favor eeparation admit the importance, if not paramount necessity, of (bis. But there is a difference of opinion as to tbe policy of a political alliance. If Tennessee abandons the Union, her interests nnd her duties will compel her to unite her destinies with the Confederate 8tates, ultimate ly. She cannot remain in a datalohed aod iso lated position politically. 8he mast unite with those who are nearest to and sy mpaibiie most with her. Tha question, therefore, narrows itself down lo immediate or ultimate connec tion with the South*ro Confederacy. People of Tennessee, do not dally ; make up your minds and determine at once what you will do.— Vaahvil'e Patriot, 1 st instant. A SUPERLATIVE TONIC,DIURETIC, ^ DYSPtV^ IHYlCDRAffHa CORDIAL W OLFE’S celebrated SCHIEDAM ARO MATIC SCHNAPPS should he kept in every family. It invariably corrects the ill ef fects of change of weather, and, ss a beverage, it is tbe purest Liquor roads in tbe world. Put up iu pint and quart bottles. Also, UDOLPHO WOLFE’S Pure Cognac Brandy, Imported and bottled by himself, warranted pare, and tbe beat quality, with bit certificate on the bottle, sad hi* seal on th* cork. udolpuo woLrrs Pure Port Wine. id bottled 1 eertlflcat and th* beat quality. UDOLPUO WOLFE'S Pure Sherry Wine, Imported and bolted by hlaiself, tbs asm* as th* Port UDOLPUO WOLFE** Pure Madeira Wine, Imported and bottled by himself, for private sod med icinal noc, the best Wine e\er offered to th* trade In bot tle*. This Wine la warteuted perfectly pure. UDOLPUO WOLFE'S Pure Jamaica Rum, St, Crete Runs, Scotch a ad I Hah WhUky. To the Pabilc, ... tssflfjr to with my ssal, my label, and my cert Meats* Is correct, nod can bo railed open by ev ery purchaser. Physician* wbo ass Wtoss and LI**** In tbetr pro*- ties ahoold give tho preference to these an ides For sals by all respectable Dnigfist* and A potheen- UDOLPHO WOLFE. lei* Manufacturer and Importer ot Be hied am AromaOs Ho. *2, B.«T.r WrM4, M.w V.rk. ■UK4KX7TT, T6IM * Jam, Atluito, O .11,1.