Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, May 05, 1861, Image 1
Y • > LA [ :■! (L Jl '•! X SI :•! 1I T TJ O 8 THE PUBLIC GOOD BEFOBE PRIVATE ADVANTAGE. naaiivfvoo A#»«a -.1:4 m*& uuk. ITLiNTl, CEOBGM, SlfflllV MOININC, Mil 5, 1861. JAMBS H. ALEXANDER. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Wukington, Omyim. PRACTICES in OUkw nod adjoining conn. X Um. Bttari Is Uoorg* O. Hull, Kin., of Atlanta nil THOMAS it ABBOTT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Atlanta, Gtoorgia. OUm ia Baittifo Bulldlnr, Whltabrl! itrent. Q. a Tawua, j»l»lf Bn. f. Atroir ROBT. L. CRAWLEY, Wkiltule ait Retail Dealer is PRODUCE IND PROVISIONS, —AND— General Business Agent, 11/ILL attend promptly to any business nn- Vv treiM to him. Store in Franklin Building, •' TftOMAS F. LOWE, COMMISSION MERCHANT, For thn purchu* and nla of Waitarn Produce, CoUoc, Brewri** rad McratrDdlm rvcrrkllj, hrmmklln Building, Xlmhmma Stmt, ATLANTA GIORGIA. April i, 1841. WILLIAM F. PARKER, —wrr«— THOMAS W. MURRAY, Formerly of 191 Chambers 8t., New York, ivroRTsas a WHOLESALE dealers in Wines, Liquors & Cigars, AND COMMISSION DEALBR* IN BUTTER, CHEESE, Ac., Akb IOT, Bay EtrvH, Savannah, Ga, April lMtwIm. BRYSON & BEAUMONT, Manufacturers and Dealers to MEN’S A BOY’S CIOTH/NG, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AFD VESTINGS Markham’s Iron-Front Building, White hall, Street, t. n. sryson, 1 ATLANTA. GEORGIA, r. m. bbacmobt J April 2d, 1861. P. E. McDAJSTIEL. WHOLESALE GROCER, AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE, Hunter Street, between Whitehall and Prior, Mania, Georgia. Mareh 20. CENTER A TREAD WELT wnmuLi. nm, Atlanta, Vour Doora Balow Brady A Solomau^, —BBALBU IV— CARRIAGE HARDWARE A TRIMMINGS SHELF AND BUILDERS’ HARDWARE 1 SWEDES. AMERICAN, CASS COUNTY AND ENGLISH IRON, AND CASS COUNTY AND ENGLISH CASTINGS! —rrro, » vrean— KA CASES Shoes, at Manufacture, price.. W V/ C.!! .nd mc u. before you buy eleewhere. You .bell be pleeMd. juneld CENTER A TREADWELL. J. W. HEWELL, WROLBSALS AMO RETAIL DSALES IX Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, MARKHAM’S BLOCK, Corner " do Atabamn Sts., ATLANTA, OBOB9IA Fab. 18— ly. JOHN FICKEN, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in IATAIA CIBAIS, TOBACCO SNUFF, PIPES, AC., Whole..1. and Ratail, at tha Sign of Xllmmlm Clgur BammfaeUrp, Whitehall Streat, Atlanta, Gaorgia. March >8. COKE! COKE!! COKE!! AT THE GAS WORKS. A LARGE quantity for aala at th. uaualprica af nt cant par bushat. Fab. tl—dtf. J. r. WARNER, Bupt. DENTISTRY. H. HliNTibGTON, M. Dm DBHsrriaT, mini, a acacia, OFFICE ia Raveau'a uaw build ing, ear oar Whitehall aad Huutar Btreaat.— Reatdenae Brat brae to tbe left of Col. Yaa- RarBaaaeaa: Han. 11 P. Lyeo, Mr. E E. Eewaeu. Meeert. Beech A Root, Her. Mr. Ro,. era. Dr. Logae, AUeata i Rer. C. Mclraria, D. A. Vanda, tan . Cel. Netaen Tin, Cel. W. J. Laetaun, Hanry, Albany. Jan M. | : V0L. I-NO. 70. gisfrierxcg | A AOVIRTISINO SCHIOUU 1 or nnoiimoi. »s«8 I« fuwlaUj la adranaa. immun. lAoaliimlmmM, ft; aad A Mini—' inaantan Mm an w 1.Y RATES. :,wtii to* piirttata •< ehnnie, »I* nl«i 11# _ - m iw\\k or without rules, and Uw- lumn, will b« ehsrged ^Tin»*rUd In the Dailt, and Wbexlt t cfcaifH 80 por oewt sddMoasl to Ilia 1 will to Ballad to the apses eon - .ill W charted extra at regular ratee _ least*]*, Copartueratope, MeUees to # aad paJdrat dsmssded qssrtcrty. r loTMTiauie most bb paib bob u I appear to Ike Weekly paper ■ to to Inserted In the Weekly paper a for Charitable Institutions, MUlte- oite, Ward, Town and ether Public charged half price. deaths are peMMcd ee newt; tori eef kcspect and Fnsersl tori to II ace a Id Local Column will be charged II 0 dreumetawcee, to he toatoded to RAILROADS. 1 a fciMir OM|uy. ata, 171 Milan—Fare,—** M. YONGE, Baperiatandant. 1 hhimii man. hta, daily, at.. — »■•», A. M. r akd..... •■*», P.M. ^ daily, li. •-», A. M. •ta at. 1.44, A. M. ruimii nun. , dally, at AM, P. M. Date at i.M, A. M. l at *.», P. M. aUat 11.44, P. If. ■ in oonnaction with thaTralna dine aad tha Sewnbah aad broad,, a Angaata. 1 * WeefoPeiat Railzwad. ^aat-Poict, IT Mila.—Fare,. $8 t*. I G. HULL, Suparintandant. - riaaaveea main. - , daily, at., A. M. -Point at, P. If. LPoint, daily, at _ I.M, P. If. ataat _ Ml, F. If. I. daily, at t Jl, A. If. —t-Poiat at. &.M, A. If. •Point, daily, at .... Alt, A. M. ’ ata at Mt, A. If. laaKU with tha Montgooary A *f at W*at-Point 1 A Atlantic lallnw noofa, 1M MI1ae-Farn,....$4. . LSWIB, Supariataniaat. ar rusiven tUo. hta, daily, at lt.1l, A. If. ■noogaat 7.M, P. If. V* at— I.M, A. M. ata at 14.M, A. M leooaaetnaaeb way .with tha Rj«a »ad at Kingaton, tha Eaat Tan. orgia Rialroad at IGalton, aad tha I Chattanooga Railroad at Chatta- 1 A Waatara Itllml a, U8~Milaa—Fan, 44 ft. ' L. TYLER, Superintend.*! >*T riaaavaaa ram*. a at. - 11. tA A. If. ®a at AM, P. If 1AM, F. If. > at J...... AM, r. If. (bibbt ixrauas nun. 1 k at 1AM, Wight 1 at —., A. M. _ at 1AM, Wight ■ •ataat ,, A. M. • wiii not ta ran an pan- Job Wight Train from Atlanta, jMJ>atrM J RnijMij^f <MTy- Ua tree Atlanta, towwaata with liread for taraaaah at IMS F. eth-Ntaeteru Sail Road for Go- iTtakata from AUaatataWow I baelbea fora la Baraakah, tt-WAxxxe IWPtOJ wo«M aft aad tbo mam K. J. A t. W. ClAtKK. PBmrTicTc, ill raaaarad ta thair now __ S aplendW room la Pitutwa’a alto Btaeh A Roota, whara thay are Wait on all wha Bkay wiah thair ratoT^ttaUa tan ntaCmlttaitaS^a with yoamytaaatat <*m..n lenel*— -AT THE- New Book Store! —AT THE— SIGN OF THE BIG BOOK Whitehall Street AGRICULTURAL BOOKS of every description. ARCHITECTURAL BOOKS of every description. MEDICAL BOOKS. SUPERB GIFT BOOKS. SPLENDID FAMILY BIBLES. ELEGANT ENGRAVINGS. PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER. PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE PAINT- INGS OF LANDSEER and other Artiste. TEREOSCOPE AND STEREOSCO PIC VIEWS. ARTISTS' MATERIALS. WALKING CANES—from 30 oeuta to $30. VIOLINS—from 75 cents to $75. All of which will he sold cheaper than the cheapest, at the Sign of the “BIG BOOK!” oct. 23—tf. J. M0PHEH8ON A CO. DR. J. H. McLKAN’ri STRENBTHENINB CORDIAL —AND— BLOOD PURIFIER, TUB UBIATUT BKMRDY MOST DELICIOUS Delightful Cor- EVER TAKEN. T HE thousand* up on thousands who Cordial, certify that It is absolutely an Infalliable rem edy for renovating and Isviookatixq the shattered and diseased system, purifying and enriching the Blood—re storing the sick, suffering Invalid to HEALTH AND STRENGTH* There le no mistake about it; it will cure Liver Com plaint, Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Headache, De pression of Spirits, Fever and Ague, Inward Fever, Bad Hreatb, or any disease of the Liver, Stomach, or Bow- als. “GENTLEMEN, do you wish to be Healthy, Strong mount to your Cheeks again ? Then go at once and get McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier. Delay not a moment; It Is warranted to give satisfac tion. It will cure any d tease of the Kidneys, Womb, or Bladder; Fainting,Obstructed Menstruation, Falling of the Womb, Barrenness, or any disease arising from Chronic or Nervous la an Infalliable Ramdy. For Children. Do you want your delicate, sickly, puny children to be Healthy, Strong and Robust? Then give them Mo- Lbah's Stbkxovbuuio Coaxial, (see the directions on eech bottle,) It Is delicious to take. gar One table-spoonful, taken every morning fast ing, Is a sure preventive against Chills and Fever, Yel low Fever, Cholera, or any prevailing disease. fWT Cactio*.—Beware of Druggists or Dealers who may try to palm upon you a bottle or Bitten or Sarsa parilla, (which they can buy cheap,) by saying it la just as good. There are even men base enough to steal part of my nans to dub their vile decoctions. Avoid such infamous pirates and thair villainous compounds I Ask for Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purlfler. Take nothing else. It 1s the only remody that will purify yoar Blood thoroughly, and, DR* MC LEAN'S UNIVERSAL FILLS. For Liver Complaint, Biliousness, Headache, 4sc. T HERE has never been a Cathartic Medicine, offered to the public, that has given such entire satisfaction as McLean'b Ukivkssal Pills. Being entirely vegetable, they are perfectly Innocent, and ean be taken by the moat tender infant; yet prompt and powerful In removing all Bllloua secretions, Acid, or Impure, Feted Matter from the Stomach. In fact, they are the oaly Pills that should be used In malarious districts. They product no Griping, Bickaass, or Pain, In the Stomacn or Bowala, though vary active and searching in their operation, promoting healthy secretions of the Liver and Kldaeya. Who will suffer from BUiousneee, Headache, and Foul Stomach, when 00 cheap a remedy ean be obtained I Keep them constantly on hand; a single date, taken in season, may prevent hours, days, and months of tlcknoos. Aak for Dr. J. U. McLaan’s Universal Pills. Take no other. Being coated, they are tasteless. Price oaly SA cento per box, and ean bo sent by mall to aay part of tha United States. J. H. McUCAN, Sole Proprietor. Corner of Third and Pine 8ta, 8t. Louis, Mo. Dr. J. H* Me I.can’t Volcanic Oil LlnU MOIlta The Meet Ektemal in Ike World, fir Man or Beast rpMOUSANDi of human beluga have been saved n life iy, end H will cleanse, purify aad heal the foulest tore la an incredible abort time. MuLaas's Yolcamm Oil Liwieurr will relieve the moot Inveterate cases ef Rheu matism, Gout, or Neuralgia. For Par.lysis, Contracted Staid*, or any Pain, It is an mrauiab aad yo« will find n an ladlspeoriMa ^Santera,^Fsiaers, or any on* having charge of hors es, will cove money by using McLudaV Volcanic Oil Un- taseari. It la a speedy aad tafhJMMe aura (or Gain, 'ZZZ'ZZrZK -.naMSMM-fort Salat Leuta, Me. aiffaTOslMMjMAMSYA LAHSDrii; ‘ aad Daalan .Ttrywha*. CONFEDERACY FLAdS or ALL SIZES. HASH TO OBDKK -BY- J. B. PLATT, f* corf {a. April 42—dlw. Land for Sale. Tj\)RTY THRTSE acres of desirable Land on Jj the East aide of Atlanta, just outside the citylliuiit*. Also, IS acre* fronting on Decatur road—a beautiful site for a couotry residence. Apply to * W. 8. GUNBY. Residence just below Rolling Mill. apr21tf. OLD DOMINION SAWS. RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. I N eonaoqusnce of the secession of Virgi we shall hereafter offer our stock of *' Cir cular," “Croes-cut," “Multtv," “Mill Saws," Ac., at foraign prices. pW No duties added. McNAUGHT, ORMAND A C . apr 22-3m. NOTICE! QUARTtRHASTER’s Ol’KlCK, ) Savannah, Ga., April 16, 1861. J S EALED proposals will bo received at this office uf> to Thursday, the 25th instant, at 12 o’clock M., for the delivery of the following subsistence stores, vis: 225 barre's Mess Pork. 187 “ Mess Beer. 40.000 pounds Pilot Bread. 50,000 pounds Navy Bread. 115 barrels Superfine Flour- 150 bushels good White Field Beans. 3,000 pounds Whole Rice. 5,400 *• Rio Coffee. 10,000 « . C. Sugar. yoo gallons Cidor Vinegar. 1,125 pounds Adarnantiue Candles 3,600 “ Colgate* No. 1 Soap. 56 bushels Balt. The above stores to be delivered, free of charge, at such a point in the city of Savan nah as the Quartermaster may direct, aud the delivery to commence on Muy 1st. Bids will b<i opened in this office stlheabovo stated time, and the contract awarded to the lowest bidder, who will bo required to give two good sureties for the faithful execution of the contract. Letters enclosing bids must be adressed to the undersigned, eudorsed on the euvclope, “ Proposals for Commissary Stores." 8. J. 8MITH, apr22-5t. Quartermaster Georgia Army. RDIING MACHINE. D EPOSITED with us for sale, a Ruling Ma chine. It is a new machine, in perfect ro- psir—IIoo’s manufacture. Owner gone to the war, and wants is value to support a family.— A bargain can be had. without freight and du ties. Address this office. ap20-6t. SAM K1BKMAR. JOHN W. LUKB. KIRKMAN A LUKE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 170, Second Street, 3T. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Refer to John Kirkman, Jamrs Woods, W Grkkrfiri.d, Nashville, Tenn. jan 9—3m COLOKED PHOTOGRAPHS. P ORTRAITS taken from Life, or copied from Old Daguerreotypes, Ac., by the Pbotgrsph- ie process, and ENLARGED TO ANY SIZE, from Miniature sise up to the sixe of Life. Persons having Daguerreotypes of their de ceased relatives and friends, now have the op- ortunity of having them copied to any sise toy may wish, and painted up to the Life in OIL OR WATER COLORS, OR TAfiTEL, with the certainty of getting a perfect likeness every reepeet. Gallery on Whitehall Street. Atlanta, Georgia. C. W. DILL, Apri S. Photographer. I. o. McDaniel, wrolesalr PXALKR IN BHAIN, BACON, LABO, FLOUR, AND LEADING GROCERIES. Hunter Street, between Whitehall Jt Loyd Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. April 13, 1861. MARSHALL HOUSE, WM. COOL1DGE, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. March 18. COX, IIILL 4s CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND DIRECT 1NPORTRRS OF WINES, MQUOII8, CIO ARS, TOBACCO, AC., reach-Tree Street, Atlanta, Georgia. March 23. ATLANTA Clothing §tall. I HAVE just returned from the North with a large stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, and am ready to supply the citisens of Atlan ta and the aurroundiug country, with Coat*, Pants, Vests, Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Neck-tlea, Nocks, II ata. Caps, and everything elec in tha Clothiag lino, ol good quality and at LOW PRICES. All who aeeire bargains should give me a oall. —also, on iarp— Jewelry! Knives I Combs! And othwr Notions. M. OPPENH1IMXR, march 15tf WhiUall street, aft llcat, A Da at MEDICAL. DU. JOHN C. WESTMORELAND, O FFICE on Alabama street, opposite Market House. Can be found either at bis office or next door above. March 26. DR*. ALEXANDER A SHELBY, Office on Marietta Street, Forth eidt. D R. ALixANDga’s residence on Marietta 8L| South side. Dr. Sbblst may be found at tbs Trout House. March 27. DR. W. F. WESTMORELAND, Office and Residence JYorth Side of »ffa- riclla Street. March 21. DR. H. W. BROWN. O FFICE—Marietta Street over J. D. Sims' Store. Residence—Calhoun Street marchlt. ’THE FINEST WATERING PLACE IN THE SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY. THE CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, HBRIWKTneR COUNTY, GEORGIA, W ILL be open for the reception of Visitors on tbs first of May. The Water, as a Tonic And Invigor&tor, has no equal. Th< Springs aro easily accessible from either Co Iambus or Macou. ap!2-3in. C. B. LEITNER. OPENING DAY MRS. DURAND R ESPECTFULLY Announces that Friday, 12lh April, (instant,) will be her regular opening day for the Season, and cordially ex tends to her patrons an iavitation to examine her styles without further notice. apll-tf. SPRING MILLINERY! Mrs. ,T. M. Boring Goods, takes pleasure in inviting her and the public to an inspection of them. Her stock is quite full, and embraces all the lateat styles, which will bo offered at prices to suit the times. Rooms ia Parker’s new brick building, on Whitehall street. April U. CUTTING & STONE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Foreign and Domestic UllY GU0D8, C ONNALLY’S Block, Whitehall street, four doors from Alabama 8treet. apr 11. Collector’s Notice. C USTOM Duties will be required on dutiable Goods received by the Western A Atlantic Railroad from this date. Importers will report the arrival of such goods to FRANCIS R. SHACKELFORD, April 1, 1861. Collector at Atlanta. B. F. BOMAR, Agent, &B0CEH A PROVISION MERCHANT 2d Door West of the Fulton Bank, Alabama Street ATLANTA, GEORGIA. K EEPS constantly on band a choice selec tion of Fresh FAMILY 8UPPLIK8, which have been boughL and will be sold, exclusive ly for Cash, thereby enabling me to offer in ducements to cash buyers. In store—25 kegs choice Goshen Butter. 20 Barrels choice N. O. Syrup. 8 Hogsheads choice N. 0. Sugar. A complete stock of fine Sugars, Coffee, Mack erel, Flour, Candles, Tea, and everything usu ally found in a first class Grocery Store. April 10. Negroes for Sale. T HE subscriber offers for sale Six Likely Ne groes—a Woman, 57 years old. a good oook, washer aad ironer, and nurse; a Boy, 12 years old ; a Boy, 10 years old ; a Girl, 8 years old; a Girl, 6 yeaia old, and a Man about 27 years March IS—tf. WM. IL 1 1IRE AND LIFE —AND— MARINE INSURANCE ABENCY. T IIE subscriber represents four First Class Southern Companies, and eight New York Companies, with an aggregate Cash Capital of 8EVEN MILLIONS. The honorable adjust ment and payment of looses without any un necessary delay, words here need not be used to prove. Tbe proof can be fouud with tboee who have suffered loss, and were so fortunate as to procure Policies at this Agency. Marina Risks, both Atlantic and River, takes as usual. LIFE IN8URANO The attention of both sexes who would se cure for themselves an important benefit while thev live, and also provide for their families sod loved ones in the event of Death, srs in vited to examine the superior advantages the EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE SOCIETY aflbrds over other Life Insurance Companies. Information relating to tbe principles of Life Insurance will be cheerfully given at my of fice, in the second story of Connolly’s Build ing. oorner of Whitehall aad Alabama streets, Atlanta Georgia. SAMUEL SMITH, march 30. General Insurance Agency. “j7h."lovejoy, Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller. Tha great Garmao poet, phitoaopher and critic, was born at Marbaob, in the kingdom of Wurtemborg, Germany, on tho lltb of Novem ber, 1769. In early childhood he reoelved the rudiments of a good odoeatioa—inoUdfng Latin aad Greek—from the parish clergyman; but ia common with meet moa of genius, whoso mootal culture has developed the in born gift, conferring honor upon the posses sor, and lasting blessings upon bis fellow-man. SchUler'n earliest lessons were learned from hie mother, “a woman ef tastes aad acquire* meets rarely found in European woman of her rank aad station.” Sba wan tbe oonstant companion of her children, amneing their in fantile fancies with tales of fairies and witches, but turning the current of their youthful minds into the obannels of pure morality and sincere piety. Priedrioh was destined by hie parents for the pulpit; but, obedient to the rule of family interest, he began the qtudy of the law. How ever, in less than a year he obtained permis sion to exchange thet (to him) exceedingly dull pursuit, for a profession which offered more tangible satisfaction to the yonthful stu dent of nature, but which seemed to ead in tho same obscurity and mystical eonfuaioa which enveloped tha science of jurisprudence; and so tbe study of medicine was given up, and possibly posterity should mourn over tbe lose of a "celebrated pill, invented by Dr. Sohil- ler, Physician to tbe Grand Duke of Wurtem- burg ” Well, the youthful fugitive from tbo tram mels of seience—for be was only sixteen yearn of age—threw himself upon tbe uncertain waves of literary life ; be wrote veisee, fell ia love, was thrust out of that perplexing condi tion, eo hazardous to lads of tender age, wrote more verses, became "a patriot," wrote dra mas replete with interdicted sentimente, which made him a political fugitive. Finally, after several hair-breadth escapades from the fellers of love as well as from the sterner bondage of a prison, be settled down as Professor of Ilia-* tory In tbe University at Jena, and married CharloLe von Legenfield, "a lady of rank." Soon after bis marriage, tbe disease which he inherited, manifested itaelf in a sever# ill ness ; his constitution never recoverd from the shock, and at the comparatively early age of forty-four he died of consumption. Though the world of philosophy and let tent sustained a grievous loss in the early termination of this great man’s career, he baa left a rich legacy to mankind in hit works of poetry, philosophy and history, which may be considered volumi nous under (he circumstances which attended his life, and its untimely end. His most cel ebrated writings are in tragedy, "The Rob bers,” "Mary Stuart," "Love aud Intrigue;" though Ibo "Bride of Messina," a drama of le^s pretension, is considered by German crit ics his master piece. In epigrammatic poetry, too, Schiller wae very forcible ; and probably to the constant study of tbe German past, is his English anti type, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, indebted for his happy faculty iu that kind of poetry. Here is a specimen aeleoted at random : Til CHILD IN TUB CRADLB. Wlthh* that narrow bed, glad babe, to tbe# A boundleta world is spread ! Unto Uiy soul, tbe boundless woild shall be When man, a narrow bed. Tbe complete works of Sohiller have been receutly published in two volumes octavo—of convenient size, and handsomely bound—by Mr. Ignatius Kohler, publisher of standard German literature, at 202 North Fourth street. The editor, and translator (in payt,) la Dr. Gbas. J. Hampel, who has proved himself fol ly equal to tha important trust oommilted to hie charge.—Pennsylvanian. WHOLESALE i HTML Ml, TthatM, Wilt, lit tor, cigart, At. puritan Bloc*. tata-Tm fowl, G-or*i«. «4 ,uc ob 0! tews j asis a* [I fctfs-ly Encourage Dome Literature 11 SOUTHERN FIELD AND FIRESIDE, D EVOTED to Literature, Agriculture, Horticulture, edited by gentlemen of eminent ability, In their eev- eral departments, Is published every SATURDAY, at Augusta, Georgia. EXPRESSIONS OP TOR PRESS. * Its writers are tbe most distinguished In the South.” Delta, Fete Orleans. “ .Stands In the very first rank.” Presbyterian, Charleston. “ A paper. Indeed, for the Benth.1—Neeoe, Savannah. ” A moat acceptable paper.”—Christian Index. •* Equalled by few, surpassed by none.” Times, Columbus. “The beat Investment of two dollars that could be made. 1 ^—Missourian, SL Louis. “ Deserves the moet liberal pair on fogs” Baptist, Atlanta. “ We cordially commend It to Southerner*.” Enquirer, Richmond. “ Its contents are varied and agreeable.” Christian Advocate, Hem Orleans. “ Calculated, eminently, to improve the soli and the mind."— Enquirer, Memphis. Journal, Louisville. “ A Southern blessingArgus, Forfeit. " Every reading man la the coentry should ahe It.” RsvubUe, Augusta. ‘Gives full value for the money.” Southron, Jackson, Mies. u Worth ten times Its subscription price.” UastUe, Chattanooga, 4 Without a rival—the beet that comes to us.” Express. Vicksburg, Mies. *• Invaluable to every man of literary taato.’’ Register, Mettle. “ The beet family paper published.’' Courier. f*livi fstom “ Equal, If not superior, la literary marks, to any Journal published."—Standard, Raleigh. “ A welcome guest at every fir eel ee.” Advertiser, Montgomery, Ala. TERM8 OF SUBSCRIPTION—PAYABLE AL WAYS IN ADVANCE. Slagle copy, par annum fit. Six copies, “ 10. teu copies, “ IB. ►rtlr enter upon «_ to sew VfRMLT MYAEUItltoE. It U handeamely printed, la f©U# form, for Mediae, an fine panor, aad with clear type. Every exertion Is toads to vindicate ka claim to fie THE F1E6T WEEKLY PAPES I* TBE SOUTH. lames Gardner. August*, Oa. BOARDING, px«r Tmbr Mar win ta .IHWT-- > Arud wiU m4 Mftea MAM. aCKirfB MU