Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, May 11, 1861, Image 4

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. ar^m'KE&EIMM V. 0 0 N feumbdriajgdip . Kathm a Tovou Bleat.—A PWHw4 |Mt* per that tfsli the credulity of ils readers: death while pursuing A wbmle. The whale •truck Ike bout, anti threw him right acroaa the monster'i Booth, »c that both lege were in his south, and than want down with him. Fortunately, tha whala aeon earn a up, ■» that tba man oould breathe. 'Id the meantime, ha bad aztrioated one of his leg* , but the whale immediately went down again, earrylng Mr. Sherman down tha second time. Mr. 8. then thought of hia sheath kniSs which housed ay on whale's under jaw, causing it to let go ila bold, when Mr. 8. arose to the surfaoe of the water, about a ship's length from the boat, and ho waa rescued, nearly exhausted, by seising him by tha hair of the head as he waa •Inking. On examination he found himself with a bale in ona lag big enough to raoaiee »■ ««• Who Knows ?—It it currently reported that the Hon. Wn. Appleton, Repreeentaliee from the Fifth Congressional District, has been re- oeielng marked attention from the rebels of South Carolina In Charleston bis wsa the guest of a number of the prominent traitore, and eren aooepted the hospitality of Oen. Beauregard after that chivturovt rebel had trailed the American flag la the dust. Can it be true ! We hope not. Let the friends of Mr. Appiatoa set this matter right,—ifceton Transcript, FRATERNAL 1 RECORfr ATLANTA LODflg W«. U#, F. A. M., meets on tke •* ond and fonrth Tiro radar night* In each month. LEWIS LaWSHE, W. M. Join H. Bobiko, Secretary. S. J. Manser, Secretary. DAVID MAYER, W. M. MOUNT ZION 10YAL ARCH CHA1 on the second and fourth Monday month. C. R. llARLsma, Secretary PTER.No. 16, meet day nights In eac . J. GLENN, H. P. JASON BURR COUNCIL OP ROYAL AND SELECT MASTERS, No. 18, meets quarterly, on the first day In January, April, July and October. CdURDB LION COM MAN Dili Y, No. 4, meets o first and third Wednesday In each month. W. W. BOYD, M.\ W. T. Main, Recorder. ODD-FELLOWS. 1 T eV I\MARSH, N. William Wilsox, Secretary. EMPIRE ENCAMPMENT, No. 12, meets on the second and fourth f rider nights. WU. H. BARNES, Chief Patriarch, W. W. BOYD, High Priest. T. P. Flbmimo, Scribe. MECHANICAL. at Engine i t M. CALDWELL, President. Jambs Nobli, Jb., Secretary. A tUPERLATTVE TONIC, DIURETIC, 4 *n DYfiPtr^ 0 DYSP! INYICOR/iM CORDIAL W OLFE'S celebrated SCHIEDAM ARO MATIC SCHNAPPS ahould be kept in every family. It invariably correct* the illef- fecta of change of weather, and, aa a beverage, it it the purest Liquor made in the world. Put up in pint and quart bottles. Also, UDOLFHO WOLFE’* Pure Cognac Brandy, the beat quality, with his certificate on the bottle, and his seal on the cork. UDOLPHO WOLFITS Pure Port Wine, UDOLPHO WOLFE’S Pure Sherry Wine, Imported and hotted by himself, the earn# as the Port UDOLPHO WOLPB’8 Pure Madeira Wine, Imported and bottled by himself, for private and raed* Ictnal use, the best Wins ever offered to the trade In bot* tlea. This Wine Is warrented perfectly pure. UDOLPHO WOLFTt Pure Jamaica Rum, Croix Rum, Scotch and Irish Whisky. To the Public. I will stake my reputation aa a n Physician Uce should give the preference to these articles. For sale by all respectable Druggists and Apotheca ries. UDOLPHO WOLFE. Sole Manufacturer and Importer of Schiedam Aromatic OVrJMTMtEB mm dfMWdllM sii/nwaara BwltttWMlCA* Invites Attention to their Stock /I mm . READY-MADE CLOT t. -iVAH :t // FRANKLIN PRINTING HOUSE Na. **, Besnr Street, Nawr York. HUniOUTT, TATLOl k JOWBI, W1xol.msxlw Acwutm, A.tlmnta, Oeoigia. r.brwor It, 1M1.—dwS CHINA DEPOT. COLE & WYLIE, H hole tale and Retail Dealer! in pHINA, Glass, Bilwar, Plated Vara, Vases, Parian Figures, Keroaiua Lamps, Candle- Tat Tnrt. Table Msla. BsakaU, Glass Hkades, Table Cutlery, he., A., CflflAP SOB CAMS. White Granite and common Crockery at wholesale, at Cherleaten prioaa, • early oppo- •ita Beach A Hoofs, Whitehall street, Atlanta, Georgia. April Id, mi. • Ml /1.1‘i ">! >:U‘I t*k\v JHeJw’ GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERE8 ANI>«VESTXN08 —FOR THIS— SPRING’S TRADE. It is the Urgent, choicest and cheapest Stock we have ever brought to Atlanta. We invite the special attention of ■ .»»» Ii 'i.: < \}. ' >a ■ ■ BOOK BINDERY. WOOD, HANLE1TEU, RICE ii CO., CASH WHOLESALE BUYERS, A* we are prepared to j>ffer extra inducements to CASH PURCHASERS We would also call the atention of Military Men to our Stock of TRIMMINGS ACCOUTREMENTS, SWORDS, EPAULETS, & SASHES POR GENERALS, COLONELS AND THEIR AIDS, MAJORS, CATTAINS, LIEUTEN ANTS, AND SARUEANTS. KNAPSACKS fumblied at short uotioe, at very low prices. W. F. HERRING & CO. March 30, 1801. LAWSHE & PURTELL, Have on hand a Large Stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, YE8TIN GrS, MARSEILLES & LINEN GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, -AND- TAILOR’S TRIMMINGS. OUR STOCK IS RICH AND FINE. mxuxahy mum, SWORDS, KFAULITi. &C. r SASHES, Hum. &c. WHOLESALE PURCHASERS Coliactor'fl Notloe. raanl rad on rtUBTOM Dutlas will h ' da* mpariatnwtl Are invited to examine our Stock. We think we can offer them uncommon in- ducemcnta to BUY FOR CASH. We are Agents for the celebrated I. M. SINGER ic CO.’S SEWING MACHINES. -,:r :>»3 auSk ATLANTA, GEORGIA, April 1#, 1801. Desire to direct public al- tenlion to their unequalled facilities for the wuperior ami prompt execution of all work in their line, from A Small Card to the Largest Volume I The eatablubment, in it* various department*, ia perhaps the moat complete in the whole Southern country. It is the object of the proprietor* to ea tabli*h on a permanent ba*i* n Southern Publish ino House ! thereby effectually removing every necessity for sending North to have works issued Thu* far the enterprise ha* proved highly aucceas- ful, and the proprietor* feci assured that the beueGcial result* of such an undertaking have ye 1 to !>• more fully appreciated by our people. The several department* receive the personal *n. per vision of the Gnu, and satisfaction guaranteed to each and every patron. THE BOOK-BINDING DEPARTMENT Is handsomely fitted up with all the modern improvement* and conveniences of that branch Blank-Books ruled and manufactured; Law Work*, Medical Works, Music, Magazines, &c., bound in any style desired, and at price* that canuol fail to give *ati*faction. THE JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT Is specially complete in every particular j constant additions are being made in the way of such improvement* a* are introduced into the Typographical world, by which the proprietor* are ena bled to furnish thk handsomest printing in the (.'onfederuted States! Everything, from n Visiting Card to a Mammoth Footer, tastefully executed in any *tyle and color desired their six Presses are propelled by l$tkaw, and kept in operation day and night! Bank Checks, Bill Heads, Railroad Blanks, Professional Cards, Programmes, Circulars. Ls DEWITT iaCTX. BR^YN Si SAVAGE AROHITEC flatMNMtahb, Hearrim, , In Beltaraby't Few Brick Building, Bay and Drayton Street*’ W ILL farniak Plant and 8pee“- atva their panowl eUentiea W tion or Bnildinxt in any part of tk. Refer to tha Citiseae of R.T.nD.h March 18-ly. Legal Blanks, Letter Heads, And every iuingiuable variety of Priming promptly attended to at price, l.nt a email advance oi. New York rate. ! Printing i FANCY COLORED INKS, AN1) WITH GOLD AND HILVHR 11KONZEH, IN THE HIGIIE8T STYLE OK THE ART ! pB* The Proprietor*, confident of their ability to give eutire satisfaction, solicit a share Of public patronage. Orders from all part* of the country will receive their personal attention, aad all work promptly forwarded per Express or otherwise, a* may be directed. All letters should be addressed to WOOD, HANLEITER, RICE & CO. Atlanta, Ga., 1801. TERMS CASH. A. C. WYLY & ■I WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner of Peach-Tree & Walton Sts., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Keep constantly on hand a heavy Stock of all kinds of GROCERIES, WILLIAM MACKUt, FRESCO PAINTER AND Citt* HAVIMG located DOW SHADES, SHOW CARDS. LETTERS made to order ia any *• equal any City ia tha Da Ordart fram tha Oountry alUndad OFFICE—In Baaah 4 Root',' lain CARVING IN WOOD." 1 ff'HK aubaeribar raapaotfully — i tha oRitana of Atlanta, that ha fully prepared to execute in tha beat every deecription of CARVING II Ha will alao give particular attantiaa Itoree, with She] vea, Cou fitting up of S . ( •ftar auy pl»o ; alao, tba internal" at public Halle, Churchea, Ac. f public Halle, Churchea, Ac. Old Furniture of good quality epairad at abort notice in tha belt mr THEO. MR0CZK01. Marietta atraet, oppoalu Gu lylaatl ATLANTA BLACKSMITH $H —AND- BRASS FOOT ON HUNTBR mm, Bktwrxx McDonoub and Butlcr Z NeXT lbe Git^ Hail. T HE Subscriber begs leave to i friends, and the public generally, has established, as above, a Blacksmith and Wagon and alao a BRASS FOUND where he is prepared to do nil kinds of in bis line. Ala solicits a share of to all that may entrust him with their Orders promptly attended to. JAMKS K GU^ JH9*Hebasou hard »nd lor sale tws Cheap for Cask. Atlanta, Jan. 30. Steam Tannery for T'HE undersigned offers for stle their JL TANNERY, situated on Decster near the Rolling Mill. There are thirty-six Tanning Vats, Lime-Hoofs^ Shop, Drying Lofl ofts, snd 8hoe i . - - all necessary Machinery and Tools, the premises, a two-story Brick H frame Dwellings, two wells, and a ‘ water running through the lot. will find this one of the best investmsi offered in this city, to MoMILLAN A SELLING March 18—tf- WANTED! QOM E eirh t or ten good journyeraen II O make Wool and Fur Hats. Steady e men! and good wares. Apply to alU. J. M. HOLBROOK, Alls; WHOLESALE Produce Beale AND GENERAL COMMISSION line MASONIC HALL BUILD1 (Opposite Passenger Depot)) ATLANTA, GhS ■ PROMPT ATTENTION * LIQUORS) wuiss. i BRANDIES, TOBACCO, SNUFF, CIGARS, BACON, .H3i FLOUR, GRAIN, &0., &C., TO WHICn THEY INVITE IHE ATtlfttTlOif OlOUtt 3TA3afJAMO 3KT CLOSE m BUYERS. mi v~»I-.*A A-i»J .TNJWA'I « <SkOi J.---. ’W • PAID TO -Efl am- FILLING 0RPKI* LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CONdIGNJ BUSINESS TRANSACTED 01 flt CASH SYST E—X—C—L—U—8—I—* Price. Current mailed to cuuoat.* - Wholesale Produce B XOW OS BASD, CORF LARD, LARD, BACON, LARD,} Barnes, ] J A- Timing, (. NAMONIC HALL /a Stare, s { ing, l .{ BACON, } BACON, J A- Bantu, riming, ALL . ORDERS 1 xt f AT WILL BE! Barnes, I LOW. FILLED, j A riming, FOR CASH. OonsignmeoU solicited. ».< .m’s .A*—"»-wui -3..’- ■M fall jstoj .s. [SDiroifl wiioiww Liberal advance# made. Large Stock, »a OfflarafllW* M Casks Berea—to arrira. too Barrel. Flour-tea. 1,000 Saak, Prime While Cera->a 40 Farkia K*« fttsk Oauaral Com mite tan Bueinue lAONIik Mtaoeie Hfttah 10,1001. 4tlaa*> .MX-