Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, May 16, 1861, Image 3

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•grew y<§>®x lil'RSDAT, MAT 16, M9I. i t i -trf A- tki *h«iiU Grufk [ tee C-P-7. »«•» " mm ?* ® , 0, P* Si L. Oooper, will foave ftrWgUfAMft K4«r Ik* MUl*r XI***, Oaptalx JTmJthe Fleyd Capt Qeo*. L, ui Oghlhetp* Light Iafiaahry. Oeph (trunk wtlt k* iMM to the uiaut with Ik* Gray*- Of »k(t ether siw the »• Ml foamed. They hart all rrliataand QniiklkiMhikaMUilkH 1 aland; end •• <*j***ki. tk*5P*tlfl*i e dtoiegulahed honor. Whoa antacom. I aacb aa them Oampaatm ere, velaa- lk , war—lot it ka laa( or abort tar fbak Boa McCuitough. L (latiaiaiahad, ubiquitous, tvarywktre- aalooalabta, aad toradkla man, «u } i, Mr midat yesterday morning. Ha laatha train hem Montgomery, and i carton the Stata Bond at in tka Hia daatiaation ia unknown, loot | with kia thought Ihoy gathar- ■ bio that ba wan going to Virginia.— [tboa;ht ba wna on hia way to raxna art bia aad Little Book. Otban thought ba am up about Caiaa and again aoaa gdaat that bia daatiaation ia Baltimore. I the Army of tba Confederate Status, t a Brigadier General'e Commiaaion in chat. We eaanot aay paaitiaaly juat I ba will turn up | bat tot tbto bo where |, he will make bit mark aad gin a good t of himaalf. I appearance ia mmarkabla. He , high, aledder and spare-built. but and Irmly knit. Ha la abbot forty- • of ago; hia demeanor quiet, aad baa I the tiger-like Sereaneat of appaeraaea j bare anppoaod him to pnaaeea. Hit light and weight, the glance and color I eya the atyle of hia dreae, hia hair, Lad feature!, all raaemble the far-famed Irincible Garibaldi more than any other the world, except the uritabie Gut- IbimHlf 1 and McCulloogh ia not a whit I that celebrated Italian patriot, in oonr- 111 and ability u a partiaan commander, (abort time that ha waa hern, ha waa naed at, and a night of him waa morn r nought after by our citiaona, than if ha I ‘-ieren heada and ten horni." Commodore Ingraham. § veteran officer, late of the United States through here yeeterday mora- | hit way to Montgomery. Hia face ia 1 from long and honorable terrier. Ha a he bad faead many an aaat wind, aa k enemy. We ara getting alt the beat ■ of the Army and Mary from the old lllng the “ Confederacy.” day morning our eaoctom waa tarad- nagro boy name in, armed with a diah »t and moat delicioua atrawberrieo a aaen thin aaaaon. They ware grown entifnl gardens of Mra. Ellen Ponder, llfnt liawera and luelona atrawberrieo by tba ladiae, erince thoir refined taste illent lento; and that poorly paid aad rked editor! atill “ hare a place in their theta along, ladies. We will try to nOlag on any airs. enlor, in behalf of hia “ better half,” Illy acknowledger the receipt of a rery (of atrawbarriea from the garden of K. jjder, Enq. Particular Notice, braoni who hare in tbalr poaaeaaioo any utarmenta—Balta, Bayonets or Car- -belonging to the Bifimof the “At- »ya,” are reqnealed to deliver them at I of Capt. T. L. Cooper, to-day. They i at once. ■ Iniroaa: Allow ma a small apaca in r to adriea—not to oeasure. (noon that there has bean a reliction in > in tba free Stataa of the North ^ in fnror of war. Ix-Fraaidanto Pitree, ■ and Fillmore hare expressed them- I fcror of tba eoardra policy. Dlokln- flaa, Cushing and Xvaratt ara also I to to in faror of campailiog anbmia- 1 ns. Jonrnala hitherto conservative, by the board, and tbare seems to ba I hope of sympathy from tba North for Let us maet tba facts squarely tly. Thera are some among us who 1 to go to war wbaa 11 ia " acoeaearp” > ud oaiy than, aad rafuae to join tba rCompaniea now being raiaqd. Now, ' will order oat treope eefc whan i needed. Ha ha* the maani of kaow- > they ara needed, ud, consequently, ■Company ia called out, it ia good art. 1 the fact that eecA member of it ia weed. w, I am aorry to sea young man refuse npaniea for tba reason that they ara it yoong men, too, who hare little at their tarring their country from k» woman of tba South are doing ao- I almost aaloniahlag to see tba willlng- i which they are making testa, knap- , A*., for tba eoueenience aad ea st of the departing aoldiaryi aad ■an a toad back—he so alow f— I aa diacoutonaaca this ioartaaae; dy for u emargeaey | let Aar who set bar face against this slow pe al aooa there will be aoaa of it. C. BANKING. A W. HOLLAND, President. Al IAILUOAD A SANKIWO COM Sli lAlLtOAD A lAPglNO COM- ~ Mtoalt (treat near the Batinas. WM. W. OLATTOU, A(»sL ^OOWANT cm /. PiAtoAW, rramdsat. FOR THN “ (OUTHEBN CONFIDNBACT. Traaaary orders all oilcan of Caatomi to pro hibit the traaemiaetoa of asanitloos of war, or wmm'jm Jones’ Camp, a the Beley House, near Belli more, to ba extended ton miles towards liar pea's Ferry, Tba Capitol la surrounded by a circle of an cempmento, eealfolllag all tba reads to Vir ginia end Maryland. A detaabment af roluntaars bare gone to Baltimore. A Haw Jersey Reghmeat baa been ordered to Alexandria. Gan. Wool baa bean ordered to the command •f Fortress Monroe. The Proeidence (R. I.} Banki taka half a million af the Federal Loan, 8r. Louis, May II — G«n. Harney baa pub lished an addresa, in which ha sayi tba whola power of the Government will undoubtedly exerted to keep Missouri in the Union. He at it hie duty toeupprees ell unlawful oom- binationa of men, whether military or other- wlae. Capt. Lyon hea been elected Brigadier Gen eral over General Froet of tha Bret and fourth Regiment# of Federal Volunteers, with the concurrence of t^p President. New Yokk, May 16.—The09th Regiment hae been accepted by the President, to seses daring !• war. Another Zmave Regiment and a Boston Reg iment are ready to march. The eteamahip Kangaroo has arrived from Liverpool. Her news has been anticipated. made the earns promise to the Uoioa men of laXtfa'.cmw.iO^ * t -* 5 *- 5 Tenneylvanie, Westward, tailed a pledge from Lim mite nor eeeeation of war til tha National Flag flesh al property. Baltimokb, May 16.—The Federal troops are now fully establiehod at Fodoral Hill.— [federal Hill oomplotoly commands the eity ] A Schooner with Pikes, manufactured by Thomas Wioana, has baen tailed It is reported that the Virginians, who have fortified the Maryland Heights overlooking Harper’s Ferry, do not intend to evacuate them. On Sunday last, 7,000 stand of arms, and a lot of eanaou, arrived. A bitter feeling exists in Washington coun ty, Maryland, [near Harper’s Ferry,] against the Virginians, and a collision is considered probable. Thomas Winsns was cordially received by the Virginians. The Legislature of Maryland has adjourned till the 4th of June. Halifax, N. 8. May 14.—The steamship Eu rope has arrived with Liverpool advices to the 4th instant Tha sales of Cotton during the week amount ed to 90,000 bales, 22,000 of which ware taken by speculators and 16,600 by exporters, at full rstss. The following were the quotations.: Fair Orleans, Hi ; Middling. 7 13-10; Fair Uplands, 81; Middling Uplands, 7 116. Stock on hand 99,818 bales of American. Advicea from Manchester were unfavorable, and tales unimportant. At Liverpool, Breadstuff# and Provisions were steady. The steamship Persia arrived out on Satur-’ day, from New York. Her news produced very great excitement. All the markets were ex cited and unsettled, and heavy stocks of Bread- stuffs were withdrawn. The sales en Saturday reached 20,000 bales at an advance of cnc-eighth—speculators tak- 10,000. In London, Consols were quoted at91|@912. The Bullion in the Rank of England had de creased £277,900. Market stringent In Havre, Tru Ordinaire was quoted at 105; Baa, 101. St Johns, N. F., May 15.—The steamship Parana has arrived from Galway, bringing Liverpool advice# to Tuesdey, the 7th instant. Cotton was firm. Sales not given. Consols, 9J3($9U- Lord John Russsll made an important state ment in the House of Commons relative to American affairs. As to the Federal Govern- msnt committing infringements on Inter-na tional Law by collecting duties from foreign ■hips before breaking bulk, the Law officer said so much depended on circumstances that no dsfioite instructions could be tent by cruis ers. Ha believed the collection impracticable. Relative to the Blockade, he said it could only he recognised when made effective. Regarding Letters of Marque, it waa tha opin ion of the Government that the Southern Con federacy must be recognised as belligersnts. Other important questions are still under consideration. The betrothal of the Princees Alice to Prince Lonis Hesse had been formally announced. In the House of Commons, lord John Russell, ia answering s question propounded by Mr. Everts, said that England had directed a na val force to prooeed to America for the protec tion of British shipping. He said England would use every possible means to avoid tak ing part in this lamantabla conteet; aad ad vised hia Government to keep oat of it. The London “Times” says, that the excite ment between the Northern and Southern States in America, have net been paralleled sinoo the early days of the Frenth revolution. Underwriters esk 29 to 25 shillings from New Orleans, and 10 to 15s. from New-York, on British vessels; and one to two per cent, extra on American vessels from India, China, Ac. War risks on American vessels destined for Heathen, porto here advanced from five to torn i»i»« „ , G n h IJ | Tk* Arch-Biabop of Tour*, wrltieg to tk* Mialator of Juette*, aeye that tbu tomporal powor of tka Pop. kua boon abolished, aad iha Cathalie -orll wilt hold Itopolaou roopooiihlo therefor. ■parish layi that all tka Baa Doiatogn towal had prouoaueod la favor of ea- ncxatioB to fipaia. Largo hodlaa af II a Sanaa fir South XitolAAt M.r'Or-Ct li MUM •mwf Nature Virginia all lhaforeaa ia thair PaiLApaaruiA, Ma, li.—Robert Tj resigned his ofifaa of Clark of 1“ aian Buprama Court, aud haa left* J- Wasujiuton, May 16.-Th has acosmted two BefiuMnU fn one for three months, the other f The War Department colcuk 60,009 troops concentrated here this week* Naw Yonx, May 15.—Maj. Andarsih left for Cincinnati to-dey. Aa opinion prevails barn that Washington Moaioouaar, May IA.—Nothing of impar lance transpiring hare. The eAeial journal denies that Sardinia had. LIST OF LETTERS R EMAINING in the Poet Office at Atlanta, Georgia, May 15th, 1861 : A Able, P Armstead, L Anderson, W N Arnold, A H Armstead, W Alexander, J Arnold, Mrs A H Ambrose, J M Ansley, M Arnold, W M Allwood, B Alexander, Mra M Alexaader, H Anderson, W C B. Baker, E J 2 Batter, Miss M C Baker, Mies L A 2 Bsggerly, Mre 8 P Barrett, W J Banton, W Bennett, W Beasly, Mrs M Baldwin, G W Burk, W M Bennett, S L Burnett, Miss M Barton, B P Burrell, J M Beswitse, J Bruce, J Barrett, J Brogan, R H Beavers, P C Brown, J M Bell, Mrs E Brown, 8 H C. Crawford, W H Cook, J T Crawford, D Cobb, J Crocker, J L Churchill, W M Conniway, E Chaffin. Miss J Cooper, Miss M Camp, G W Crayton. Miss L Chssk, Mrs N Cooper, J F Chapman, A J Cochran, Miss 8 E D. Davis, Mrs M Daniell, G 8 Doming, Mra A Daniel, Miss J T Deloy, P Daniel, W Deacon, W Denly, G Davis, Mrs A M Dane, Miss M A Daniell, Miss 0 C Dorsey, Mrs M E E. Evans, J M Elliotts, Sarah Elliott, W E Emmerson, J M F. Farrar, B Frissill, W Flemming, Mrs M G. Gill, J Griffin, A E Gilhara, T A 2 Grsbb, Mrs Goodwin, B Glour, T C Grady, M B Grssn J T W H. Manner, E 3 Hutchens, R Hensley, J B Holly, 8 B Harper, T J Hoyle, M E Henderson, A II I-J. Isem, A Johnson, B Jarman A Co, Johnson, T Jeffries, Mist L A Jones, B Y A Jett, M W Jones, 8 Johnson, C A Johnson, J Jones, Mrs 8 E Johnson, I Johnson, Mrs M Jones, Y L Jones, G 0 Johnson, Miss M K. Kile, C Keller, J M Kerwin, P Kilpatrick, T L. Lai ry, M r Lacy, L M Landrum, Mra E Little, B Lewis, D W 2 Lard, Y M Lilly, B Logan, B Lifford, J C M. Martin, G W Mayer, Miss J May, J H Manly, W J Murphey, E Morris, T A Morris. B 2 Maose, W L Molsod, H Moore, L Me. McConnell, J H McCluer, R A McDonald, J C McGowan E T McCluse, W 3 McAfee, J McCrary, C P. Panin, W P Pittman, A H Paine, Mra C 2 Pittman, W H Peters, A Powers, Samuel Peden, Mra C Pdulett, H Parker, E Powell, F T R. Ray, Mrs N H Read, H Rushoner, C Rice, W M Reed, W P Rodgers, J K Reeves, Mies R C Roberts, E Rich, M Riley, J Robinson. Miss J Rodgers. Miss 0 Rodgers, Mra R D Retiree, A S. Seymor, H W 4 Samuel, M Scarborough, J Smith, M Smith, 0 Smith, G D Smith, D M Stewart, M Smith, Joe H Stewart, A Smith, W B Stafford, J Smith, T J Stringer, Mrs W M Smith, W 8 Storober, J T. Tanner, J J G 2 Thurmond, D R Tappe, W F Thomason, Mra 8 A H Teal, W J Trail, G W Tompkins C C 2 Trout J W Tomlinson J M W. spy Wauthor*, Uho 8 , ,K Wabb. J P Ilk* Mn 8 F. light, IF) kilo, Uloo A light A D hrto, Mloa E AJ*. X" Karr Poroouo calling (or lotion la tka abovo Hot, Wfloon, W U Wallo, J C Wily, a w VOnu) ? If Wifgioa, Mioo X P Wiggino, G . OOMMBROPAH ! aarosTso daily itvili. isseas. ATLANTA, May Ml Business Is very brisk. Sales yeeurday were j -• uiifYur. Bacon is eel li eg at IS imny @S9. Lard is very fl at 111(4 U cents. Corn- Not as much in market as usual — Quotations are $1 for Yellow; S1.05 for WtsUo. - Blocks of Produce and Provisions generally very good. KIVXX HBWfi.)/ , [/ Nashville, May 13. The news is of a character that leads us to believe that they do not expect much from the West. The following are about the last regu lar boats that are expected for some time: Arrived—General Anderson, Cairo; Silver Moon, St. Louis; John A. Fisher, Paducah; Minnetonka, Paducah ; W. W. Crawford, Lou isville; Judge McGowen, Wabash. Departed—Gen Anderson, Cairo; John A. Fisher, Paducah ; Minnetonka, Padncah. Ths river is riefagV with • superabundance of water on the Shoals. The C. E. Hillman, Capt. J N. Corbett,come in port yeeterday evening with the Stars and Bars floating at her meat head, loaded down with bacon and produce generally. GEORGIA BANK-NOTE LIST. Antlgnao, Pres. K. WsUsn, Cub. Bank of Auguata, Aaguits. John Bones, Pres ...J. W. Davies, Cash. Genuine 0s with counterfeit signatures art in circula te, vig. Her urj and sailor on tea-shore; uni. gen. 10s, Tig. wagon and team; unlike the genuine. 90s, on left end portrait of Washington; genuine has a portrait of Jackson; 20 on the lower corners; the genuine hae XX. Bank of A then*, Athens. Btesens Thomas, Prea A. P. During, Cash. Bank of Oolumbu*, Columbus. W. U. Young, Pies D. Adams, Cash. 5a raised from 1>. Bank of Cbmmsrea, Sarannah. G. B. Lamar, Pres J. C. Perrlll, Cash. Bank of Empire State, Rome. A. R. Smith, Pres John McBryde, Cash. Bank of Fulton, Atlanta. tween 2,000 and 8,000,) are in circulation, with forged signatures. Bank of Middle Georgia, Macon. Isaac Bcott, Prea A. II. Powell, Cash. Bank of Savannah. Savannah. Lewis P. Harris, Pres. W. B. Tinsley, Cash. 5s altered from Is; Tig. a steamship, a female on ths left end, bust of a female on the right. 10s, vig. female standing; “ Bank of Savannah” In black type; X on the right end: mbm on the left end. Bank of the State of Georgia, Baranonh. 50a, Tig. female sitting, holding figure 60; three oval dies on the right end, with “Georgia 0 across them, nrrT across left end ; Imitation of old plate. 50s, vlg. female holding a rudder in her right hand, at her feet sheef of wheat and acytbe; locomotive cross ing a bridge In the distance; unlike genuine. 100s, have a steamer on left end with 100 over and under it; small 100s around the whole margin ; “Stats Bank of Georgia" on the back In red Ink ; unlike tbs genuine. 100a, not like genuine; vlg. female seated btulde a bridge, sheef of grain, waterfall, and small horse drink ing ; locomotive in the distance. Central Railroad db Banking Company, Savannah. It R. Cuyler, Pres G. A. Cuyler.Cash. City Bank of Avgusta, Augusta. A. Gould, Pres...... W. J. Bams, Cash. Farmers’ Mechanica* Bank, Savannah. J. Richardson, Pres J. B. Gaudry, Cash. Qeergla Railroad db Banking Company. Augusta. John P. King, Pres. J. Milligan, Cash. 50a, vlg. three faces, the middle one is indistinct— poorly engraved. La Grange Bank, LaGrange. Thomas Burch, Prea. W. H. Tuller, Cash. Marine Bank of Georgia, Savannah. f Formerly Marine A Fire Insurance Bank.] Charles F. Mills, Pres Wat I*, llnnter, Ca»h. 50s, vlg. beehive, male head and two 50s on right end, same on left end, good Imitation of old plate. Mechanics' Bank, Augusta. Thomas 8. Metcalf, Pres Milo Hatch, Cash. Mechanics' Savings Bank, Savannah. (8e« Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank.) Merchants' <9 Planters' Bank, Savannah. II. Roberts, Pres A. Barrie, Cash. North- Western Bank, Ringgold. W. H. Inman, Pres A. B. Cowan, Cash. Planters' Bank of the Stats of Georgia, Savannah. G. W. Anderson, Pres H. W. Mercer, Cash. Timber Cutters' Bank, Savannah. C. Kpplng, Pres. J. B. Hutton, Cash. Union Bank, Augusta. [Formerly Bank of Brunswick.] Edvard Thomas, Prea. John Craig, Cash. t */ r h AM- Hardware, Meckasical A Farming Tsais, Hsuse-Farahklag Cssds, pJUfLERY and FILES—A large and well 0*018—Five sisas superior Oast-Steel Hoea, assorted stock for sale bv fl for aala by mS9 MoN r assorted stock for sale by »20 McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. PLAINS—Traca, (Ml, Log. Fifth, Breast, and Halter Chains, for sale by «n»9 MoNaUGHT, ORMOND A CO. TRON—Sweden, English, Refined, and Cass A county Iroa, all shapes and sites, of our own importation, for sale by no20 McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. ^*HOVEI4 A SPADES—Ames’ and other ms- O kera, fur sale by 20 McNAUGHT, ORMOND A OO. oNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO. PLANBS aad EDGE TOOLS of tka beat make, A in grant variety, for sale by mlO McNAUGHT, OBMOND A CO. T HE attention of HARDWARE merchant*, and others, is respectfully called to the fore going advertisements. We are prepared to fill orders for all gcoda in our lino at the lowest prioea for Cash. McNAUGHT. ORMOND A CO. Keystone Building, march20 Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ge. Broken mnd Cloned Banka. Chsrokes Insurants & B'klng Co., Dalton Broke. Commercial Bank qf Brunswick, Braoawlck. .Closed. Exchange Bank, Griffin Broke. Interior Bank of Griffin, Griffin C'loaed. Manufacturers' Bant of Griffin, Griffin.. 50 c. dU. Planters' A Mechanics' Bank, Dalton. Some Bill* aai I to be geod—otham uaaleaa—refute all Bank ef Whitfield, Dalton. Thia Bank la not current here. Southern B>tnk of Georgia, Balnbridge Broke. Timber Cutters' Bank, 8»v*nnah Not Bankable. Refuae all Georgia Banka not found here. The dla- tptlon appended under aeveral ~ Counterfeit* upon thoae Banka. WESTERN PRODUCE. Atlamta, May 12, 1861. M E8SRS. EDITORS: We eee. from the 81. Louia papers of tbs 9th ioatant, that all shipments of Provisions, Ac., South are pro hibited from that city; that the goods and boats are to be forfaited, and the owners ar rest*! for treason, thereby effectually slopping the Trade. Under thia state of affairs, we de sire that a* furthsr orders be seat to our Uouis there until further notice. Reaped fully. 8EAG0 A GAWLEY, majl.T Commission Merohant*. JOHN FICKEN, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in HAYAVA CIBABS, TOBACCO SNUFF, PIPES, ItC., Wholooolo and RoUil, at Uto Sign of Atlanta Cigar Atoms fart ary, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia. March 20. COKE) COKE!! COKE!! AT THE GAS WORKS. A LARGE quantity for sale at tha usual prica of 12| cent per bushel. Feb. 21—dtf. J. F. WARNER, Supt FURNITURE! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. T HANKFUL for the past patronage of my numerous friends and customers, and hoping a continuance of the same, I again taka pleasure in informing them that 1 have now In store the LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED • TOOK FURNITURE, ever before offered in Atlanta, and All of SOUTHERN MAKE, and am in almost daily receipt of New and Varied Styles of all kinds of Furniture from tk well known Factory of W Ue of which F. W. FLYNN, formerly of the Novelty Works, Columbus, Georgia, is Fopwah, wht l is a sufficient guarantee that all the work from the ABOVE FACTORY is gttd sl . the mm substantial quality. ALL WORK WARRANTED GOOD Price, from 15 to 35 per cent, lower than a ay other Fcxxitum Store in Georgia. MATTRAS8E8, LOUNGES, LOOKING GLASSES, WINDOW SHADES, CGMoOX CHAINS, AO., AC., always on hand. Pictcru Feaubb made and FoRxrruaa repaired with neatneaa and deapateh. COFFINS OF ALL SIZES ON HAND. WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. D. M. YOUNG, Agent. Not. I. dtf. For JOHN D. GRAY. WILLIAMS & MCLEAN, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE! Moss and Hair Mattresses! LOOKING-GLASS PLATES, &C„ PEACH-TREE STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA —SOLE AGENTS FOR— Wriglit's Spring-Bed, Admitted to be the Best in use. FRESH HUNNICUTT, TAYLOR & JONES, SIGN OF THE C8NFEGTI0N6R1ES. F. AY. JACK,, kbit noon to w. r. ■krsiho a co., Whitehall St., Atlanta, Georgia. K EEPS constantly on band an excellent stock of CONFECTIONARIES, FRUITS, CAKES. NUTS. CANDIES. PRESERVES, JELLIES, PICKILS, Am. a groat rarialp of Fancy Artlolaq X*. kata, Toys, Be* Tka Ladiae aad tka Public generally aiwrw* epeetfclly invited to ceil. mart. GOLDEN EAGLE. Corner Peachtree and Decatur Streets. ATIoAlTTA, GEORGIA. H AVING unequaled facilitiee for the pur ehsse and Direct Importation of goods, the Proprietors would respectfully call ths atten tion of Pnysicisos, Merchants, Planters and the public generally, to their extensive new aad carefully selected stock of DRUGS. MED- ICINE8, PERFUMERY. FANCY ARTICLES, PAINTS, OILS, AND DYE STUFFS, which they ara now prepared to sell on tne most rea sonable terms for Cash or approved paper. Ia addition to their stock of Staple, Drugs and Chemicals, thoy have a full assortment of TOOTH. NAIL, HAIR AND PAINT BRUSH ES. DENTAL AND SURGICAL INSTRU MENTS, Ac., Ac. BBT They are alec Sole Proprietor* and Man- u facta rare of TAYLOR’S ANTI-DY8PEPT1C ELIXIR. march 30 ’01. TO HIKE. T WO yoong Negro Women to biro. Call at the sura of MADDOX A WATKINS may7 FOR HIRE. [ IIAVE a stout young Negro Man, of excel lent character, to hire by the month. aprtT. 0. W. ADAIR THt FINEST WATtStNO PL ACS IN TMt SOUTHERN CONFCOKRACY. THE CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, nintoaemni iMm. : Toni, ud I.xlgarutor, hat oo »q*»l. Tk. DIM1CK, WILSON & CO., (secciah,*. to duiiox * ma,) Manufacturer, of ud Wholesale uud Re tail Dealer. In BOOTS, SH0E8 AND BROGANS! Also keep constantly on hand Oak and Hem lock Solo-Leather, Frenoh Calf Skins, Lining ud Rinding Skins, Shoe Pegs ud 8ho. Find ings—at Ut. Sign of tha Big Boot, L. U. DIWICK, l Ohoroko. Block, WM. WILSON, V F.och-Tre. Street, A. MIX. | Atlanta, Ooor^.. octU J t-re.t Excitement ut the Shoe and Leather Em porium e| Dim le k, Wllt.n * C.., ON PEACH-TREK STRICT, A largo lot of BOOTS ud SHOES, just racairad from th. manufactory, ud will b. Bold at prices unprecedented la thio mark.t Ladioo' Patent Foud Luo Heal Geitora, at tl Ik a pair. Ladioo' Sewed Morocco Lam Heel Boots, nt tl 10 a pair. Men’s, Boy*, Miasm and Children's Boots and Shorn, proportionality cheap, and warranted. Gcnta' French Celr Water-Proof end Pump Boots—new atylaa—just received, end will be sold at price* lower then uy Hone* la Ui* city will sell aa good e Boot 0,000 lb* Hemlock Sole Leather, Jnat receiv ed ud lor tele a Cherleetoa prices, or lower than aver before sold in this market. 00 doeen Preach end American Celf Skins, of various brands, this day received, end will be sold a e commission on New Tork prices. Lasts, Boots Traea, Page, Lining, Binding ud Morocco Skins, Findings, 4e., proportionately Those wanting Good Boots, Shoes, or Leather a lew prime, will find it to their interest to givt us a sell before purchasing. DlMlCK, WILSON A CO., daen Sign of Ike Big Boot. vy, Denbla tout# Mi _ | aaed* with two heavy wise of the hea quality of Hemlock Bole Leather end Oak Uppen, with Xivil Eye-seemt, which w* have used* nprem- ly for th* trad* ef this market, nod gaeru to* these, in every map,at. superior to any thing tha eu he found in Uto market, ta Ike lias of Brogua, ud will sell them a lower prison by the earner atari, pair. Tto*ae wullageaned Rregaa, a lew prism, 111. itod> to their laton* to toll u an at the ICK, WILSON * 0*. will find it to their Teh ■IgaefthellgXa^