Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, June 01, 1861, Image 3

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3(0 IX' no»y, June i, imi. T'" , m auoh, from at »«***• l»P* T •*“ * , b . Bomi*! ill tt< Poet 0»oe, at Kmh. or k 7 **• Oarytw, aa dlgae 'wfehlag the pa far outalda af Ulo muatebtoie them through Cil y CooaelU la»t eight, without ,j b.alatea, adjourned till half today. Ktq., Aaalitaat Seereteryof aaao4 through laat evening on trglaia. Military. kia»' Company, front Pauldlag Capt Moyer*. Company, from »g, laA on tho Qaorgia Bond for at night Tka Autauga Biflaa— Ua»lt-l«J man—from Autauga «ma,arri»a<l laat night and took ■qAm roatt to Corinth, Miaaiaaippi. laBttan at lafirtaga and Harletta. and accompliahad corpa of mu- ana of thair boat eonaarta Thnra- • at LaGranga, for tha baaatt of ^ Volunteer. who vill aoon join i Light Guarda in Virginia. Wo that aur Sanaa tank oer neigh. / atorm, and arary oltiaan aur- liacrelion. Laat oTaning tha Am in aabrtaihmaot at Marietta, and i, JBW lira ana at tha Athannnm Lot everybody that wanu to foal ha aura to go. Pauaaola to Virginia, gimanta of troopa hara haan order- to Virginia at onto. Tha aarda ara among tham, and will bo liagatt a'oiaok. They would ban laat Banning, hut far an aaci- Fauaaeola Railroad. Fortunately hut. We warn glad ta groat tha of tham, howarar, among whom baud. Dr. Waatmoraland. Lieut. Carp. Joe Thompaon. Our Flag, aatioad that many of tha Confade- (lata haan tka Stan improparly mo of thau being In tha contra of fhin ia impropar. Tbay ahould alf Whenever a Star ia added, tha wniaagadiud not pvt any Star Wt U UxFxIff Grmmd. ay vAtrWMip ipv ttrolled through o»d, and wire strongly impressed in the mmi which met our attngitaappaarxne# now ini when ■pot iq November laat. Thee wstrj wa* it peace. Farmer*,’ lad mechanics vied with each iv ting the elm ms of their various vrtuilssof exhibition—*11 em prise. Then we sew sturdy srdy farmers, distinguished pro- eeientifie man, all moving round 1*1 intercourse, instructing nod in thst which wss useful, l luxuries*. Then we sew much to improve the mind snd refine f vsriety of Southern fruits end dll thetevincess cultivated teste ipprenietfon of the elegefielee of ve it is st ell times—especially poe. And then the gpj end been- rs of our sunnjrjhvd were them snd slsgent in their manners — vrs with them in ell that makes y ie ether lends. We thought of ICiee 8., of Henrv, who wore the ■ye^then ie a spirit of pleasantry, bat how eifeifieent of e re- that ** tried men’s souls,” end devotion eed reel heroism K Iftdt Now, strong, deterra- The groovd trembles be vy end resolute treed. Bright in tbs sunlight—hot prise-cups, iMnd bayonets end well polished i too ere there, but not the bright • were at the Feir. They here tf mothers, wires! sisters, daugh- 1 themselves of this opportunity kr camp, end thus get en inkling »«• Of thorn Bhom way look to (M homo, and for tha defense of wantry’a righto nod honor. wUUngnaaa wiW which our ve np thair hnebanda, boh |ht for on, heaaa and aur , will Impira tha hanrt and •f arary aoldier in aamp, nod b daadi of valor that will adorn htura hUtory, and toaah a lemon re Inrtda onr foil, that will ba all Unto to foma. Georgia* ry Adrartiaar aaya : ■■ Soma br waa Met from Oalnmbua, Ga., •aria, writtaa by a patrlotia lady, Wiaaa and thorn of taToral young n during tha war. ThaPraaidaat th gratification at tha offor, and Inkle torma of tha ladim of t» that tbay ara atili aotira aaoldiari." aaior of a rpoeel data, Uobowa of tha new ardly eeanip .he kaa naf^—" - at Foriroea llonrM, ia in tha af a maraaary regimeat from that Stele, ban haan pramotad by Fraaidaat Llncala lo lba paaitlea af Major Qcaaral, and aaaigaad, ru- — ire*. On bto arrteal at i wan ardaratl la report, hi, command at Balti more, ha made a apaach, la whieh ha aaid hi, faee wu ‘toward th, South,’ and ha would aeeur ‘taka A Map baekwarda.’ A more era- r, a-hearted aarrard aarcr wathad the aatlh. With tha moat raroltlag oeuotenaoee arar warn by man, ha ia the imparaaaatiaa of a bora, thief or land pirate. Witbeat a particle af eeurage or heoor, ha I, endeavoring to ape tha man af war. Driraa with brlek bait and .tick, back from hit passage with bla rrgl- maul thraagh Baltlnara by Baeraod oltiaaoa, ha baa raaaatly aigaaliaad hi, eowardloa by olfaritig inault and caaiumaly la tha paopia of that oity.whaa thair haada wart Had. Wa hara aata tha miaarabla eraatura inubbad, apit up on and ioaulted beyond aadaraaaa lo a gentle. fan nilh au other rmpoaaa lhaa trembling fear and poltroonery. During the eeeaiena af lba Charlealon Coaraalion ba waa bought with a prloa. Bad When oailad la aa aeeeaat by Young Smith, of California, fur aama Yaakau trick, ka bagged like a whipt epaniel and cowered before lba gaaa of a brare and boa- aat mao. Tha maa, ia foot, ia a brute. Ha leoka like one, aola like one. For auoh a crea ture lo talk of conquering lha Soalh I For auoh a miaarabla polirooa la threaten to iarada Virginia ! For moh a apeoimaa af nbbreeln- tod and diatortadhumanity to ruiaa bia hireling arm to etrike agaiaat lba right, tad beioee of gentlemen! If he, with bla ragamuffin regi ment. turned and fled from lha brickbat, nod elicit, of tha aitiaana of Baltimore, what would they not do to tacape the aerled phalanx of armad and dieeipUaed Virgialaaa! Tha poor, miaarabla polirooa ahould natar ba dig nified with a bullet or a halter, but If near caught, whieh we doubt, for he will keep out of barm’i Way,) be ahould ba tied Is a whip ping poet, and ont ta death with a cowhide ia tka baud, af one af aur free negroaa, or pen itentiary con, iota.” POST-OFFICE. Post Ornca, Atlanta, Msj 81,1861. On iiul after the first of Jens, snd nntU the Oonfsd- srsts Government shell furnish s supply of Stamps, all Postage most be paid In Gold or Silver on depositing tho matter In the Office for transmission. This Office will be kept open ss follows: Open at 6tf. A.M Close at 1, P.M. Open at 2*. P.M. Cloee si 7, P.M. No Postage Account will be kept, on deposit or other* wise. Partied desiring to do so, can hsvs any number of envelopes stamped “ Paid," with the Poet-Office •tamp, on the payment of the Postage—which will serve, when dropped in this Office, as a stamp. T. 0. HOWARD, P. M. FRATERNAL RECORD. MAHONS. ATLANTA L0D01. No. fit, P. A. M„ meets on tho see* ond and fourth Thursday nights In each month. LEWIS LsWBHt, W. M. Jon U. Bonne, Secretary. PULTON LODGI, No. SliTf- A. M., meets on tho first snd third Thursday nights in eaeh month. DAVID MAYER, W. M. K. J. Massbv, Secretary. MOUNT SON ROTAL ARCH OHAPTIR, No. If, meets . on tho second and fourth Monday nights In sack month. L. J. QlInN, H. P. 0. R. HsYunra, Secretary. JASON BURR COUNCILOR ROYAL AND SELECT MASTERS, No. It, meets anartarlw, on the first < a to day in January, April, July and October. LEWIS LAWBU1, TX. IlA. Jon M. Boaiao, Recorder. W. W. BOYD, W. T. JfiAD, Recorder. ODDFELLOWS. I1NTRAL LODGE, No. t8, meets every Tueeday night. T. P. MARSH, N. G. Wolzau Wfuso*, teeretary. EMPIRE ENCAMPMENT, No. It, meets on the second and fourth Priday nights. WM H. BARNES, Chief Patriarch, W. W. BOYD, High Priest. T.F. Ptmve, Scribe. MECHANICAL. PULTON MECHANICS' ASSOCIATION meets Id Prl House, No. 1. ULfOIi deg In each month, at Engine House, No. t. C. M. CALDWELL, President. Janas Noblb, Jb., Secretary. ATLANTA FIRE DEPARTMENT. Meets quarterly on the third Monday evening In Jan uary, April, July and October. WM. BARNES, Chief Engineer. & B. SHERWOOD, 1st Assistant. ATLANTA EIRE COMPANY No. 1, meets first Mondey TALLULAH EIRE COMPANY,, meets 1st Wsdnes day in each month. JOHN P. CZZARD, Presld'U Joa* Mcusmoa, Secretary. ATLANTA HOOK AND LADDER COMPANY, N-e, meets first Saturday night in each month. PRANK JOHNSTON, Foreman. Jloair*. fowaxa, Secretary. BUTLER & PETERS, (Successors to High, Butler * Co.,) Commission Merchants, ran ran pvacnxaa ana (ali or tmjvjv"* *** k rmoovcm Cotton, flracerica, foe. ATLANTA, GBOBOIA, H AVE fa Ilora, At thair Fire Proof War# Houm, on tha eornar of Foray th atraat and tha Railroafo (oppoaito tha Staia Road Depot,) 100 BARRELS LARD OIL; 50 BALES YARN; 100 BARRELS LARD; tOO KEGS PRIME LEAF LARD; May 4. r many dVadvaaSegsa, nad is tSTEerthe ean s# uMer the mroumslaaees. Our readers wUi. therefore, make due sBSwssee for Re vagueness and contradictory char a star of some ef the dispatches. ]h W as bins vos, May 31.—Rumors slsU khat Uts fssoxd New York Regimsvt had ksseme demoraliand, and was disbwdsd. Capt. Kngls reports Sewell’s Point impvsg xskls. Four thousand Confederate troops ara thsrs. Oert. Butler’s plan is tosvrroand them and starve them out. A new Military District, oailad tho Dopart meat of Kentacky, has bean fornaad—Ool. An derson commanding. It is rumored shat Judge Tansy has rssign- ad. His Department smbraoes Ksntusy with in one hundred miles of the River. His heed- quarters are at Loulsvilla. Official letters have been sent to Gen. Butler. Ia relation to slaves, he ie instructed te refrained from surrendering them to ailedged masters, and parsons who oame within his lines. He is requested toem ploy such persons (negroes) in the service to whieh they are beet adapted, and to keep an •ooountof it. Chioaoo, May »•— Sea a tor Douglas is again •inking. His friends think he will not live through the night. New Yonx, May 31.—In a discussion in the British Parliament, on American * (Fairs, Lord Derby said that tboro wort two points to b# considered : 1st, That the United States could only maintain n partial bloekada; 3d, that by tha Law of Nations, Privateers could not be treated as pirates. Cixcixxavi May 31.—Grafton, Kontuoy, was occupied to-day by Federal troops. Tho South ornors retired without firing a gun. St. Lovis, May 31.—Two hundred Illinoians crossed tho river at Paducah, to join tbo Con federate forces. Louisville, May 31.—Col. Anderson comes officially, but alone. He is probably ordered to ondoavor to swear in tha Home Guard, or accustom Kentuckians to tha sight of Federal buttons, and gradually bring that State into the condition of Missouri. There ars rumors, however, thst the Nashville Railroad will be embargoed on Monday; in wbiob event, Ten neeeeans, considering Kentucky’s neutrality violated, will advanoa. Both Unioa and South ern Rights men, however, seem determined to repel aggressions from either side; and Ten nesseans will gain thousands of supporters by waiting awhile. The Marion Rifles, a Company intensely Un ion, refused, by n majority of one, to be sworn into the Home Guard. Th* Now York “ Times ” received here by mail, ie bitter on tho attitude of England and France, and says it is plain they will formally acknowledge the Independence of the Con fed- day , and was ordered off by the Brooklyn. COMMERCIAL. ATLANTA, Juno I, 1861. Tha week closes satisfactory. The demand has been good, and the prices remunerative.— The stocks are full, and orders can be filled to almost any extent without experiencing any iaconvamiaace. The market closes firm at tha following quo tations. We need only remark that our quota tions represent exclusively the %ohoit»ale trait. Bacon—Sides 14; Hams 14; Shoulders 13. Flour—$4.&0@|8.60 for Common to City Brands. An excellent article can be purchas ed between these figures. Corn—Yellew, $l@$105; White, $1.85® $1.10, ee per quentity and quality. Lard—13@18}. Other stocks of Provisions in good supply and at fair prices. There is no freight of importance arriving from beyoad Nashville and Memphis. MONETARY. Money market easy. Good names have no difficulty in obtaining funds althe usual rates. Specie ia ia good demand, and oora mends 10 per cent, nominally. It is expected mat the approeching Bank Congress will agree upon some plan to ease ike specie demand, either by European deposits or mutual bonds, Ac. THE ATLANTA AMATEURS WILL GIVE ▲ FAREWELL BENEFIT • TO THE MVIS INFANTRY On Saturday Evening, June I,’01. Lai all altoad, tad maka tha oooaaion ana to ba nmanbarad. Wit. H. BARNES, ay SO Maaagar. Nails! Nails! Nails! HE ETOWAH MINING A MANUFAC- TU RING COMPANY, loom tad in Caw coun ty, Qaorgia, ara now Baking, and praparad to fill !ar«o ordata for aay and ail aiaaa of, a vary •uparior CUT NAIL. Addraia, or apply to W. B. COTHRAN, j _ ^ A. SHORTER, ) Roma, Ga., M,y ,4, lMl-mM-tm. DON'T FORGET DAHULL A McENTIBE H AS it Caaki of Baeoa, SO Tiaroaa Lard, 100 Barrala Flour, (Extra Family,) iOO Baaraa Tobacco, Vary law for Caak axaluiivaly. may SO THE ONLY C0MPLSTB OOUT1XKN EDITION HARDE E's'tAO TIGS. Company and Battalia* Drill, iiranw lag Flaoa will baopaa- and arary aamfert praaidad within nor rOaeh, for tha aaaaamo datfoa and piaaaara of rfoitnra. Vo bare apajr- ad aa paiaa or oapoaao In patting tho oateb- liahmant and grounds In food order, and hope to merit aa Inoreaae of too liberal patronage heretofore beetowed. Tho mineral proportion of oar watera ara aarirallad ia thair benrleia] iafiaeneae over all tha dineaaee where Chalybeate, Rad fiol- phar, or White SalpbarWaleraareaeeded Tha baadrada of iaTalidaaaffsriagfrom Drapepaia, Diarrktoa, Kidney Diseeeeo, Indignation, Loan of Appetite,Catoaootto Affectiona,Constitution al or aeeufonfaf Irregnlatias, Ac., Who have found almost miraculous ratter, art ao widely dispersed through tho Southern Goa fade racy, that w. deem it unaaoaasary to lay anything more of tholr merits. To the pleaauro soaker, wa recommend our olimato, mountain air, healthful amunomnata, ohoiee fruits and good society, ss worthy of no tice. A splendid Uaa of FOUR-HORSE COACHES will run daily from Weei-Point to tho Springs, and through tickets ean bo socuiod at tho Railroad offices ia Montgomery, Columbus and Atlanta. All paokages and all mail matter prepaid to West-Point, cart of Jssae L. Ad ame, will arrive at the Bprinn daily. Good Hacks and careful driven will ho found at Griffin, ready to accommodate all who come that wav. M. R. MARKS A BRO. gar* Montgomery Mail. Columbus Enquir er, Columbus Timoa, Macon Messenger and La Grange Reporter flopy ia daily 1 month. May 17. BEACH Ss ROOT ire now Receiving t foil line of SPRING GOODS, INCLUDING BAREGE AN OLA IS, ORGANDIES, PRINTED JA CONETS, LA WNS, DE CHINES, CBALLIES, SILKS, PRINTS, OINOHAMS, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, Ac., Ac. O UR Stock will bo complete and targe, and will ba sold for CASH, at aa low prices as Goods hare over boon of fered. BEACH A ROOT. March 4,1801. Land for Sale. F ORTY-THREE acres of desirable Land on the East lids of Atlanta, just outsida the oity limits. Also, 13 acres fronting on Decatur road—a beautiful site for a country residence. Apply to W. 8. GUNBY. Residence just below Rolling Mill. aprlltf. CUTTING & STONE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Foreign aid Domestic DEY GOODS, C ONNALLT’S Block, Whitehall street, four doors from Alabama Street. aprll. McNAUGHT, BEARD * CO. Crmmlroim and Mtramrdfmf Merchant!, BAT STREET Savannah, ------ Georgia. Vs. MoNinenT, I f Wu. K. Basaa. Janas Oaaoaa, J msriO (Jons Dsnsais. j. i. rotsvsiTsa, I POINDEXTER «St LITTLE, SLAVE DEPOT, NO. 48, BARONNX STUNT, NEW ORLEANS, F iR Receiving, Forwarding and Sailing, for Merchants, Planters and Traders. Also, keeps constantly on hand a good assortment of Field Hands, Mechanics and House Servants. May 18. JOHN FICKEN, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer ia IATAVA CIIARS, TOIACCI SNUFF, PIPES, foe., Wholesale and Retail, at the Sign of Atlanta Cigar JManmraciarg, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Qaargia March >«. to to! - rad Atlanta, May It' TO EPICURE*. T HAVK jest received If Head 1 Flo. Young KENTUCKY ItVKS, too finest ovsr brought a portion of which will bo of- }. a ROGERS. UM1KR! L1HRU! the Mar. LUMBER, WM iVary pad note, payable st Christmas Bart Atlanta, llay it. A. H. BROWN. 1 HAVB Lumbar Yard, near I hat, a largo quantity of aalaat LI whieh I prepoee to eell vary law for And ooaalstiag ofJS Pages MUSIC, Roll Call, P I PRESS, and Prill ha ready by the 84th ia- stoat, HARDEE'S RIFLE A*D LIGHTSM , FANTRT TACTICS, (with S# paM addlUaS? af OeiVa Revolver Maaael, Aa.' HflrytlaeiM, Collector's Mottos. rtUSTOM Du Uaa will ba raqalnd oa daUabla V Goada racaivad by the Waatora A AtlanUc fiW from thisdato. Iwponmawill report tha arrival af auoh geode to ~ FRANCIS It BHACtELFORD, April I, IMI. Oaltaetor at AUasta. LAWSHE & PURTELL, Have on hand a Large Stock of CLOTHS, CAB8IMER8, YE8TING8, MARSEILLES * LINEN GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, and TA-XXjOR’S TRIMMINGS. OUB STOCK IS RICH AND FINK. MILITARY mum, SWORDS, SASHES, mrucii &o. WHOLESALE PURCHASERS Are invited to examine our Stock. We think we can offer them uncommon in ducements to BUY FOR CASH. We are Agents for the oelebrated I. M. SINGER Si CO.’S SEWING MACHINES. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, April 10, 1801. W. F. HERRING & CO., Invites .Attention to their Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING uA-KTID GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, CLOTHS. OASSIMERES AND VESTINGS —FOR THIS— SPRING’S TRADE. It ia the largest, choieeat and cheapeat Stock we have aver brought to Atlanta. We invite the special attention of CASH WHOLESALE BUYERS, Aa we are prepared to offer extra inducement, to CASH PURCHASERS Wa would alao call the atention of Military Men to onr Stock of TRIMMINGS a —AND— ACCOUTREMENTS, SWORDS, EPAULETS, k SASHES P0B GENERALS, COLONELS AND THEIR AIDS^MAJORS, CAPTAINS, LIEUTEN ANTS, AND SA ROE ANTS. * ba KNAPSACKS ftumiehed at ahori notion, at vary Ion 4* o.-> -