Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, June 12, 1861, Image 3

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S O^TH®K!Ni ' 0ONFBflj*ETRlM3JY. L«*h |l»ila*.,l* th*d* re- I Dario, to bo obwnd tOoafcdarele #“*“ “ * tbo foUoertag: [ by tbo Ctty i tael Friday night: HI—- at Ailaata okaerre i&tnsacaat mrrcknnu of On city, cloM thOr buolnna 11 rtrlct obMiruce with tho Prwldoat’a Kenolulio* of tha City . WHITAKER, Mayor. nn of loml. t of tho Hibrow Honor. Atlooto, tho Proof dost woo pi* t room for tho parpoao of tyar Mooting on tho lllh in- noooith tho FroolamoUoa of tho Boo thorn Confederacy, lion, notify oil tho lornlitoo It to oitomblo on Thnrodoy, 01 tho Moaonio HoU, ot sight IsToko tho old and utioUnoo ahem, loose and Jooobin our for isdopoadoaoo. D. MAYOR, Proaldoat lobrov BonoToloot Society. mtargsiti.. - «ho following aitraog'lhoia hiftA lOUOr of' WtfMMfJMMMB 3f» fooMho. ThU no tho OoJomho. Tlfooo’ Virginia oorroopoadoat “S*"* ‘ **~P«* lS "* * f ‘ k * »•* Y#r i — .. .... .... ■ - - ^ "Ejproao, who oigoo himself Clinton, and Paper Friday. low all whs are oaployod portantty of rartioipatlng in u of tho day to-morrow, iaauo of our paper on Friday banana Again. irening, the Amatour Club gate boot Concerto to tho largest ad into the Athenwum. The were all admirable, and inch alone can make. The “ Old terali; covered himself with latent Georgia Volunteers. y from each of the following 'command of the officers named, • at this place to-day, for the urination: Captain Beck. Captain Norman. Captain rililyer. Captain Kcbole. Captain Gordon. Captain Tumlpseed. Captain Clomlger. Captain Gonldln. Captain Bolt Captain King. pnty Jfarahall requeets ns to say I accompany the “ refreshment Is place to Decatur, aa stated by trha yesterday, hot that he went In morning train aa a spectator, r of the Mayor. We cheerfully I request. Large Oats. jr, received a specimen of Oats foes high, well developed grain ■ from Mr. Joeua Mitchell, of I merely suggest to w a “ good big sack* 1 of that fed Oats, delivered to ns by Ev er the " Southern Confederacy” Calng Homo. ire papers, speaking of tba re- IS New York Bavsnlb Regiment ecial train eoavaying them has wffarta and atatraad 1240 maa. s a tied fast that they wars to Ospa rise sett endeavored to pro- lag through this oily, and tent is Baltimore and Ohio Railroad em from Laanat Paint aeroaa to kroot Station. The officers and never, avowed their dntarmlna- trough the city, and refoaed to id it, aad notwithstanding tha erta here aa ta which roots they |J the time tka iraia arrived at •pla bid aaaamblsd at tha eta- wmsd them with ehaara—there he crowd hnadreda of relatival Heads of mambara of the regi igimsnt havlag formed in tba moved down Camden (treat to ionover to Lombard, down Lorn. , and lhanoa to President strict >re leaving Washington tha rithdrana frem tka asms, and shod la their keepaaoks, than rong esntast with thaaa oa tha ifaahlagtaa, who ‘parade out irma displayed, Ibair muskets half seek. The Savpath sold all ipage to tha Government before coorerelogJoUh stvaral of.tht reporter lsaraed that although cauaa to oomplaia of tha rough ks heads of lb* Government, ailed t* subsist, ia a mat men ■ ft own rusotirce*. tht reason •lied tbsm te retire from service frelaetsao* to paitlslpate forth- r deemed aa uoboly war—aad ly to peril tbalr lives in defense »y. they wore net prepared to poeod tavaeioa aad oxtermina. ieutb. Tka same train wbioh from Wasbingloa, als obrought vm ether regiments, whs had iet for the war. —*«*• ran Was Tinas.—P. 1 know why soldiers don’t sloop Mikal Also, whether havlag rilled will make tba eoatanta gs [If it will, ha weals to try it kerd limes ] Also, if slothlog I* tha soldiers so that thay won't 1 Bolng asked why W loans immediately ta kts arrest. P. Mat ha supposed Um weather * amarngk pat for sa«h a sum- id vertiMr" aad tka « Regie ter,' I malted, and will haraaftar ha me of “ The Mettle (leeoral Huger ef South Caralina—an appelat meat whlah given the great eat eatitfaotioa.- flgoroua unult upon Richmond, it |* Moved tbe enemy will bring nil their forest to btnr upon, and sake a death straggle far tht pttttttion tf Norfolk and Portsmouth. Bush an attempt sight hart bttn euoeesaful, im mediately after tht atataaion of tht State; bn*. It would bt woran ihaa awaaitof ef rWt now. Eight or tan batttritt bttwata tbt fortress and tba oil/, would have to bt **- oountered, and no armament could survive an ordeal like that. A land attack would prove equally futile. A hear/ force of light artil lery would groat them all along tha ooaat, and tan or flftaen thousand muskets wood rain dowa aarlain death upon them from aiih< or eld# of Elisabeth rivtr. All tha foraaa from Doth'# Bluff to tba ooaat, on this aide of Hampton Roads, art under command of Col. Withers. Tha/ consist of our battalion, n Georgia, aa Alabama, and perhaps a Louisia na regiment—in all some 2,500 or 3,000 msn. One thousand men|hava been ordered ta this paint, and arrive to-da/ or to morrow. Oor battalion will again bo together. We ought to be, for we are brethren As 8ewell’e Point batter/ will encounter the first and heaviest fire of the enemj, in tha event of an attack, we. will take a more accu rate peep iato it than wo have heretofore dona. But let me premise bj ea/ing, it is considered one of tba strongest dofenoea an/, where along '.be coast. It is emphatieall/ a sand battery—beginning just where tha ele vation of tha beach oeaaea; ao that from a hundred yards in front, it is impossible to dis tinguish the battery from (he beach. There are twelve fioe embrasures, ao oonstruolad that eaoh gun can play upon a vaasai for three or four yards as she passes. Only one of the embrasures is empty. Through five protude medium and long thirty two pounder, loaded with solid shot—each gun weighing 5,700 pounds. Through the other six are pointed tha savage mouths of 0 inch Dablgren Colutn- biads, weighing 9,0 JO lbs. eaeb, and loaded with 5, 10 and 15 seoond shell. These ean be thrown from 1 to 8} miles, aooording to the length of the fuse. We have two hundred of these ship deetroyers 1/in* near tha battery, and including them, twenty rounds to each gun of shot nod grape. The powder oartridgos are kept in air tight, water-proof, metalic car tridge cane, recovered from the veaael sunk at the burning navy yard. Tba onus are sunk in sand. The magazine, just in the roar of the baitery, and convenient to the guns, will be finished in the early part of the ooming week. The hot shot furnaoe ia working admir- rably. It ia kept heated, night and day ; and there is no minute when we are not ready to throw, with terrible rapidity, thirty two pounds of red hot iron into the vessel tbst some from a eolder clime. With tht aid of large gntta-peroha balls and lights, we com municate signals from the signal etaff to Cra ne/ Island, four miles above ue on the oppo site side of the river—whence they are ratals- graphed to Fort Norfolk, farther up on this side, and thence to Norfolk and Portsmouth, so that the news of an attack, the strength of the attacking party, &c., can be sent to Nor folk in five or ten minutes. The following authentic scale of dietanoee will give you some idea of our precise position : From Sewell's Point to Fortrese Monroe, 4} miles; to Rip Raps, 3 miles; Newport’s Noose, 5j miles; to Bush’s Bluff 13 miles, and to Crane/ Island 4 miles. Yesterday 20 23 pounders were sent to some point in Georgia, Savannah we suppose, and 23 42-pounders were sent to Gen. Bragg from the Gosport Navy Yard. The gold of Opbir was not ao valuable a possession to Solomon as is this Navy Yard to the'Boutbern Confederacy. For six weeks every train that leaves has been loaded with gnus, and still you cannot miss them. Aa you walk by the long rows you count, and count, wearied with the toll long before the b&lf is told. The thought is very extravagant, but it has been almost irresistible, ae 1 have strolled a through tbia£Kl Dorado—this Golconda mine, that all of our (qwbs might be garrisoned, and every man might plant before his door a little batte ry and make his home a “castle.” From tho New Orleana Delta. ••I wish I was in Dixie,” So common has become the error that this is a Southern song, and relates to Southern institution!?, that 1 must be pardoned if 1 break the enchantment and relate the faots about it. I aee, also, that Mr. Albert Pike, of Arkan- saw, has written a song recently, in whioh he suggest that we M Advance the flag of Dixie! stand, ra tbat a rroolulloa baa bean uoaelmous- >ted by them oalHng the eUantlen af tae General Oorerainoat la tka oooaooity af Itraadthoniag tka defenses of Maes York oil/. Tttrn a step la tka right dlraelloo, and it oaaaot be lakes a moment too onon. Almost arory dap (asms to otrongikon tba probability that vs shall bar, war with Great Briliaa, aad poaalblT with Praaoa, within tba text aix mouths. Those naaorupnlous sod ambitious Meaarehlel powers bars ao special attasbment for onr free iuatitutioas, aad Urn raaaat anaot- msot of the Morrill Tariff, (which ririually oxoladoa from our market man; kinds af Brli- loh geode,) has exalted bluerprejudice against oa. Superaddad to thio, the Eogllab aad Franak Go,era mauls are almost oompallod to bare tba ootltn, tobsooo and Natal Stores, wfaiah art prodeoed by tbo Sootborn 8 Intel; and If thaaa eaanot bo obtained by fair and poaoafnl eomtneroe, tba obonoaa ore that they will bo eoqeired iron at the bosord and ex- pone# of war. Already do Britiah ships be gin to ran the blockade of Southern porta, aad complaint* an bolng hoard egalaot Brit ish Conoulo aad British agents. If complication arise with Groat Rritoin, ex Memo now moat pnbablo, onr city is by no moons steur* spins! atteok from bar pow erful Noty—and if Franco should league with bar, it will require all onr watobfulnon and •trtogtb to word off tbo damaging blows which will bs aimed ot our oemmeree and onr oitloo upon tho seaboard. Let us, therefore, toko oounoel from prudence end our fears, sod bo well prepared for wbataeer contingency may arisr. If this correspondent's ftoro should bo re alised, New York end the Venice Government S onerelly, ore in a rather bad way. Between ngland, Franes and tho Confederate States, tba Yankees will ba thraebod out of tbair boots. llurreh i hurrah! For Dixle'e land we'll take o And live or die for Dixie !” etc. Now, I do oot wish to spoil a pretty illusion, but the real truth ia that Dixie is an indigen- oua Northern negro refrain, aa common to the writer hereof es the lamp poata in New York oity, seventy or seventy-five years ego. It was one of the every day allusions of boys at that time, in all of their out-door sports.— And no one ever heard of Dixie'a land being other than Manhattan Island until recently, when it has been erroneously supposed to ro- fer to the South from its connection with pa- tbetio negro allegory. When vlavsry existed in New York, one Dixey” owned a large tract of land on Man hattan Island, and a large number of slaves. The inorease of the alavei and the increase of the abolition sentiment oaused the emigration of the slaves to more thorough and secure elavee sections, and the negroes who were (hue eent off (many being horn there) netur ally looked back to their old homes, where they had lived ia olover, with feelings of re gret, aa they could not imagine any place like Dixey’e. Hence it beoame s/aenymetis with an Ideal locality, combining ease, oomfort and material happiness of every description. In those days the negro singing and minstrelsy were in their infancy, and anv subject that eonld be wrought into a ballad was eagerly ploked up; this was the ease with “ Dixie.” It originated in New York, and attained the proportioni of a song there. In its travels it has been enlarged, and has “gathered mote it has picked up a “note” kere and there ; a “ chorus” bee been added to it, and from an indistinct “chant” of two or three aotee, it baa become on elaborate melody; bat that it ie not a Southern eong “ cannot be rubbed out,” the fallacy ie eo popular to the oontrary that I have thus beet at paias to state the real origin •! U. P. POIT-OnriCR. Foot Ovnos, Atlamta, Jom It, 1ML To aeconuttodote tho pebMc, *11 sams tor portage, or stamped envelop* of on* dollar or okow, vrlll b* resolv ed In bankable fund*, bat no epeote change will bogirtn fcrpopor. tTJlOA O. HOWARD, P. 11 Amount or Abiknck Phopkk ron Husbands. —Miss Muloch says. “ A lady of my aequain tance gives it as her «im qua non ot domest'e felicity, that the 'men of the family should be absent at least six hours in the day.' And truly, a mistress of a family, however strong ber sffeciion for the male members of it, oannot but acknowledge that this is a great boon. A house where ‘papa’ or the 'boys’are always 'pottering about,’ popping in and out at all hours, everlastingly wanting something, or finding fault with something else, is a con siderable trial to even feminine patience.— And I beg to ask my sex generally—in con fidence of course—if it is not the greatest com fort possible when the masculine half of the family being cleared for the day, the house settles into regular work and orderly quiet* ness until evening ? Also, it is good for them as well ae for us, to have all the inevitable petty domestic 'bothers,’ got over in their ab* aeooe ; to effeot which ought to be one of the principal aims of the mistress of a family. ■*. Let them, if possible, return to a quiet smil ing home, with all its small annoyanoes brush ed away like the dust and cinders from the grate—wbioh, en passant, is one of the first requisites to meke a fireside look comfortable. It might be aa well too, if the master himself could contrive to leave the worldly mud of the day at the scraper outside hie door.” Furthkk Outrages at Hampton.—When the vandals from the North ocoupied Hamp ton, an officer with a squad of men went to the store of Mr. P. Lattimer, and demanded possession. Mr. Lattimer replied that be bed purchased and paid for hie atock of goods, and the offioer might have them at Heir val uation. The officer said he would have the goods and etore and not pay a cent for them, and drawing his aword slapped Lattimer with it on the face. Lattimer then drew a revol ver and fired it, when the officer fell. He then leaned over the counter and fired three more shots in ths body, causing death. Lattimer was, of course, captured, and taken to Old Point and hung on Friday last. The officer killed is said to be a Lieutenant in one of the companies, and distinguished for military abilities. He has met a dog’s death in a dog’s cause. Mr. W. C. Marrow, of Hampton, was also treated in a moat shameful andindeoent men- He was captured in the town, having hie uniform on, stripped Hark naked, maroh- ed through the streets in that condition, and then carried to Fort Monroe, ae a prisoner.— Can suoh things be done in this enligntened age and not rouse to boiling heat the blood of every Southerner T Doll Phtsiologt.—Two little girls, one re joicing in bine ribbons, the other in pink, were ene day bewailing their domeatio misfor tunes in mock maternal language. Where is your dolly ?” asked pink ribbons of her neighbor. Dear me, didn’t 1 tell you Y” answered blue; “ wby she's got the meaiels dreadfully. Her face Is spotted all over.” Well, I don't think she’s as sick as my dolly,” said pink ; '* only think, I've had a consultation of thirty doctors for her, and they didn’t do her any good. I’ve had to buy ber a new gown, sbe's so miserable,” (not the first misery a new gowa has brightened up,) “she’s got the consumption.” 0 ! that’s dreadful bad ; doe* she cough much ?” asked the other, with an air of great solioi'.ude. All the time—and keeps me awake eo much of nights.” But why don’t you take her out ? The air will be good for her lnnge.” 0 dear!” exelaimed pink ribbons, with admirably assumed intensity of feeling, “ my dolly hasn't got a bit of lnnge, she only breathes through her noee.” This was Ibe climax I We left. Enmrt Macdonald.—This yeung man, whosa case excites eo much interest—a prie- oner without a crime, and who exhibits in hie consciousness ef inaoeenoe and manhood the oharacterietios of a moral heroism which must inspire admiration In every noble mind, was yesterday taken from Gaecyville, Illinois, down to Cairo—after tho offioer in cnitody had been served with a writ of Kabsas corpus, issued from tho U. 8. Dietriot court, at Springfield, Illinois. Aa informal return, not upon oath, waa made by Col. MoArthar tbai he bad not received instruction* from Gen. MoClelland ; and ao th# most sacred righto seoured by the Constitution of the Country are utter!; ‘ ed and disregarded ' of the United 8tat 4/A instant Or# For Biowwond.—CoL Wofc. H. Pritch ard left this oity for Richmond, yesterday evening. He visit! that Motion of oor oooa- try for tho poraon tf oomfleting telegraphic arraofomemts for ibo Soothers press. Daring his nhtonoo, if anything ef interest transpire*, ‘ h by telegraph jezzi£jgsAc. aueaam: Rad 2,902 (roe a.jrofo—la tke *((rofOt« 1,622,629. Gar. Rieka ban oollod for aid at Fradariok. Dials;alt/ in *V7 «tr#n| MMf| tba atseibors of (bo LogUMMf I j ) } »J Post Orncs, Atlamts, Ga., ) Jans let, UM. J All letters dropped In tbo Poet Offioo with Doited 8total Stamps on thane will ba treated aa other unpaid sealed matter, aad forwarded at once to the Dud Letter 021m. Ail letters for o greater diitanoe than Are hundred miles, ehergaahle at tha rates of tea Mata for aaah atngls latter, and mnat b. pre paid on mailing tho lame. TH03. C. HOWARD, Foot Muter. moron ngnia eeeurea aj tie ko Country era utterly Ignor ed by tha military amheritlu tin.—St. Louit Stale Journal, bio tom plate aas- aeu aad safe rot arm— Ometitutitnalut, IUA NOTICE, AN adjourned meeting of the Soldiers Belief Association trill be held at the En gine House of Mechanic Fire Company, No. 2, on WEDNESDAY, 12th instant, at 4 o'clock, P. M. All the Committee connect ed with the aasociation are requested to be punctual In their attendance. J. H. MECABLIN,- junc 11, 1861. It Sec’y S. 11 A. FOR THJ2 • SOUTHERN OOKFRDRRAOY ' Taoitills, Jxao II.—The elution on Bat- nrday peeped off with nauxelqxtetMU. Tho rote of thio eity is u follows < For Bo pa rati on 2,222 Against Separation 242 Glares ether preclasts In this eonaty (Da- fMaei) foot ap i For Separation.... 1,111 Against Separation 16 Om precinct In Robertson hurd from—for Separation, 400; against, 1. In Momphio tho rote for Separation wee 5,- (02; against it, nona. Tha interior of tho State, M fir u heard from, ie nearly onanimoas, end the rote of tho State is largely la foror of Saaowion. Notice! T HE Ordnance to prohibit Dogs from run ning at iarga without oollar*, paaaed Slat of Jujj» 1857, to be found on page 80 of tha City Ordinance*, will be enforced strictly from and after tha 20th instant Collars oan be had by applying to the Clerk of Counoil. F. B. BOGGUS, Marshal, Atlanta, Jnne 11-lw. Lumber Wanted. T HE advertiser wishes to purchase, for cash, tha following bill of Lumber: 2,400 feet Rail, 2x4 inches. 3,700 feet Pickets, 1x6 inches—11 feet long, 1,800 foot Base, 1x0 inches—16 feet long. Also. 225 good pooled Choanut Poets, 8x8 in ches—7 feat long. Persons having such for sale will find a purchaser by addressing “ R.,’ stating price for the Lumber delivered, to this office. June 9 NATIONAL AMERICAN. T HERE are several thousand dollars still due me for subsoription and advertising, on account of tho late “ National American ” newspaper, by parties scattered throughout the State. I need tbe money—am, in feet, suffer ing for thewant of it. Is not this simple state ment enough to induce every roan, who knows himself to be indebted, to make immediate payment, either in whole or in part? Tha Good Book says : “Thou shall not mussle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn.”— Neither should you starve the Printer, who, by unremitting toil, furnishes your mental ali ment. C. R. HANLBITER. Atlanta, Juna 7, lfCI. Attention, Mechanic Riffles. All persons favorable to the forming of a Mechanic Rifle Company, can make 'application to the undersigned at tha * Georgia Railroad Shop, where the mus ter roll can be seen. Come one, come dl. JAMES NOBLE, Jr., JAMES M. TOY. Atlanta, June 7—tf. TO ARMN! TO ARMH!! NOW 18 THE TIME. T HE “Atlanta Volunteers” have received marching orders to be ready in ten days —destination is Richmond. Our ranks are not vet full. Wo want our company to contain one hundred men. All who desire to join can be furnished with uniform by calling on the un dersigned. J. F. WADDAIL, Captain. M. T CASTLE BURY, 1st Lieut. 8. D. HAZELETT, 2d Lieut, june 8 tf. J. G. RUCKER, 3d Lieutenant. Notice. I N consequence of tho withdrawal of the Steamers between Mobile and New Orleans, tha Thbougm Freight Tariff from New Or leana to Atlanta and Columbus, established in March 1861, is suspended until further notice. GEO. G. IIALL, Supt. A. A W. P. R. R. D. H. CRANE. Supt. M. A W. P. R. R. COX, BRA1NARD A CO., Mobile and N. O. Steamers. june 8-dlf. SCHOOL OP THE GUIDES, O R THE PRACTICAL SOLDIER, designed for the use of th» Militia of tha Confeda- rata States—sent by mail on the receipt of one dollar. J. McPherson a co. Juno 8. NOTICE TO WHEAT-QROWERSt MAMMOTH WHEAT FANS. J UST received, a consignment of tho above FANS, Georgia manufacture. McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO., Keystone Building, Whitehall SL, June 7-dlw. Atlanta, Georgia. Eulogj'on Governor|9fcDonald. BY HENRY R. JACKSON. This eloqusnt Address, upon tha Life and Public Services of Gov. Chas. J. McDonald, delivered by Hon. Henry R. Jackson, at Mari etta, Georgia, on the 20th of April lost, is now ready for sale. It is a finely printed pamphlet of thirty-six pages. Price: Single Copy 25 eta ; or $15 per hun dred. Address, WOOD, HANLEITKB, RICE A CO., June 8-dlw. Publishers, Atlanta, Geo. NOTICE! TO CORRESPONDENTS* P ARTIES writing to ue for information will please aneloaa the postage for the answer. We will cheerfully write replies to enquiries, bat oan’t afford to pay postage also. Juna 7. McNAUGHT, OHMOND A CO. FOR MALE, T UBES or four House* and Lota in the oity, which will be sold on good terms for cash, good paper, or enehenaad ror good negro prop erty. Apply to 0. H. GRIFFIN, Garnett street, Atlanta, June $.-j7;tt Real Estate Agent. Washington, D. C., Juno 10.—An atteok on this place by tbo Confederate troope, from Point of Rooks, is expected. They are encour aging another revolt in Baltimore; and, being joined by n large force of Marylanders, will march through Maryland to tha attack, sup ported by a formidable advance from Manas- •aa Junction. It is supposed that Harper’s Ferry will be evacuated on the approach of tha Federal troope. Fonr thonkand Southerners art at the Acquis Croak batteries. It is reported that Gen. Dix will rbsign. Gov. Wise is assignsd to tha command of North-Western Virginia. Secretary Chase will probably recommend to Congress a loan of $259,000,000. On the 26th of May, Col. G. B. Crittendon, son of Hon. John J. Crittenden; Major James Longstreet, son of J udgo Long street, of South Carolina; Lieut. H. C. McNeil, of Texas, and several others, left for the Southern States via Texas—having resigned. Tbe movements at this point are of eueh character as do not authorise publicity. It is bulievsd there has been no change in the po sition of the Southerners. Tho Fairfax Court House affair ia greatly de plored, ae causing Southern movements which embarrass tha Federalists. Communication between Alexandria and the Southern camp is still carried ou. Ethridge, of Tennessee is spoken of as Clark of tha House. Although all is quiet, at the War Department on Sunday more business was transacted than any day since tha war commenced. The New York Times' Paris correspondent says there is no reason why Hayti may not soon excite the commiseration of tbe Frenoh Empire—precisely for the same reason that SL Domingo excited tbe commiseration of Spain. [Our readers are cautioned against putting too much reliance on dispatches from Wash ington.] Tha troops have not been paid. This hai been caused by absenoe of tbe Pay-Roles and t laok of money. Mechanics are baeyconetructing wagons and ambulances, and a largc’number of hordes are being drilled for artillery eervice. Ten thouaand troope have been formed in Baltimore, within thirty six boars—all pre pared for a vigorous rising. Arms are stored in private houses. It has been determined to bombard the city from Fort McHenry ou the first sign of upris< ing. Gen. Beauregard declares his intention to concentrate 70,000 at Manassas and make the Junction impregnable. Tbe Government is in possession of letter!, indicating many traitors in the North. Gov ernor Hicks baa notified Lincold that the cap- itol is menaced from Maryland. Ha requests the full ccoupatiou of Frederick city by Fed eral troops. Four thousand secessionists at Baltimore, with concealed arms, are watching their opportunity. The Miohigandere have been fired on by Baltimoreans. Gen. Banks (of Massachusetts) takes com mand of Baltimore to-morrow. Federal troops from this place en route to Harper’s Ferry, have reached Ed ward’! Fer ry—half-way. The brother of Jackson who killed Ellsworth ie reported to have been captured. At 3 o’clock this morning a large fores march ed through Georgetown towards Point of Rocks Tbe Southerners are in possession of infor mation of Federal movements. Tha Goverr.mant has advices that cannon from Manassas, by tba Central Railroad, has bean stationed in Center. Gen. Scott's horse was sent to Baltimore to day. It is believed that ha leaves to-night for Frederick. •JOHN FI OXEN, 1mportae, Mmsfoatarer aad Daalar ta " T01AI6I i, foe., at Ua Bifa af *Amtone, Whitehall atnat, AfUate, Georgia. Hokum. . . A 1 BMbfeUls, Ths. POINDEXTER & LITTLE, SLAVE DEPOT, NEW ORLEANS, IB BaaalTia*. Forwarding and Balling, for a Harohanta, Planters ana Trad are. Also, hast* aoaateetUr an head * good ■tsortesaat af Field Banda, Mechanic* ana Hou*a Servants. May 12. HRE AND LIFE —AND— MA1HS IXimiBS AtSVCT. T HE subscriber represent* four First Ciaee Southern Companies, and eight New York ~ panic*, with ao aggregate Gash Capital ef r EN MILLIONS. The henorahte adjust- moot and payment of loss** without a ay un necessary delay, words here need not ha used to prove. The proof ean be found with those who have suffered loot, and were ao fortunate as to procure Policies at this Agency. Marina Riski, both Atlantic and River, taken ae naval. LIFE IN8UHANC The attention ef both sexes who would se cure for themselves an imnortont benefit while they live, and also provide for thair families and loved ones in the event of Death, are in vited to examine .the superior advantages tbe S UITABLE LIFE INSURANCE SOCIETY ords over other Life Insurance Companies. Information relating to the principles of Life Insurance will be cheerfully given at my of- fioe, in the second story of Otmnolly’i Build ing, oornor of Whitehall and Alabama streets, Atlanta Georgia. SAMUEL SMITH, march SO. General Insurance Agon ay. CITIZENS’ MEETING. T HE citisens of Fulton county are requested to meet at the Oity Hall, in Atlanta, on Monday, the 17th instant, at 11 o’olook, A. M., for tha purpose of taking into consideration the boat method of aiding the Government, and devising ways and means to aid* in the support of onr soldiers and their families dar ing the unjust and unholy war that is now be- ing waged upon us by tbe Northern Adminis tration. This call is mads ia accordance with tbe re cent suggestion of our worthy Executive, Jo seph E. Brown, and in response to a resolution passed by the Mayor and Counoil of Atlanta. By order of the Honorable Inferior Court of said county. DANIEL PITTMAN, Atlanta, June 4,1861,-j6. Clerk I. C. WHITE SULPHEH SPHIHBS, MBBIWBTlXn OOUNTT.. H...SIOUU. Louisville Ky.—Col. Anderson has declin ed .taking command of the Department of Kentuoky. and it bas been attached to Gen. McClelland’s (Ohio) Depa rtment. Gen. Buck- car of the State Guards and Rousseau of the Home Guards have been to Cincinnati for con ference with MoClelleod—parieulari have not traaspired. Wasted, Immediately. HALF dam CURRIBBS end FINISH ERS (good workman) eaa Sad eonttent omployotoal at good ^ Atlaata, Moy 22-lm, T WO yimag Nagro Womai te kin. dull at tka .tore of MADDOX a WATKIffs” may* Ricbhokd, Juna 11.—Tha State ConraDtioa meets te-morrow Recent letters from our Commissioners in Europe announce a favorable condition of our affairs. Tba Government keeps tha people profound ly ignorant of our movements. It is merely rumored there that our Government is located at Richmond. On Sunday, a small party of Confederates, near Hampton, encountered scouting Federal parties, numbering 200. The FederalUtepmia- taking onr troope for friends, said thay belong ed to tho Second Now York Regiment Tho Confederal** fired on them killing ten, wound ing IS or 15, and taking one prisoner. Tho Confederates wore uninjured. Both sidas withdraw. On Monday, tho Federaliata, about 4,099 in number, attacked the Confederate entrenched camp at Bethel Church, oontalng 1,999. The Federalists worn repulsed three times. The Confederate* hold their position until this morning, whet they withdrew* The Federal loee was about 899; Confederate*, 1 killed aad lor $ wounded. Coiao, Jeae 19—Gee. Premia* tout Cue om ponies te M—ad sky, lllieet*. - * ~ ' m Bird'* Feted, eapteeed , mi brought Um te Get. Hkulaer, eft Bi light si* SeUiMutoet 1 Cairo, te biaS»i»od. celebrated Watering Place will beopen- J. ed on the 20th of May, and ovary comfort S rovidod within our reach, for tha aooommo- ation and pleasure of visitors. We have spar ed no paiLS or expense in patting the estab lishment and grounds in good order, and hope to merit an increase of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed. The mineral properties of our waters are unrivalled in their beneficial influences over all tha diseases where Chalybeate, Red Sul phur, or White Sulphur Waters aronoeded Tha hundreds of invalids suffering from Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea, Kidney Diseases, Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Cutaneous A flections, Constitution al or accidental Irregulaties, Ac., who have found almost mirsoulous relief, are ao widely disported through the Southern Confederacy, that wa deem it unneoeeiary to eey anything more of their merits. To tha plaasnre-seeker, wa rdcommend onr climate, mountain air, healthful amusements, choice fruits and good society, as worthy of no tice. A splendid line of FOUR-HORSE COACHES will run daily from West-Point to the Springs, and through tickets can be secured at the Railroad offices in Montgomery, Columbus and Atlanta. All psokages and all mail matter prepaid to West-Point, cere of Jesse L. Ad ams, will arriv* at the Springs doily. Good Haeka and carefol drivers will be fonnd at Griffin, ready to accommodate all who oomo that way. M. R. MARKS A BBO. Montgomery Mail, Colnmbua Enquir er, Columbus Timas, Maeon Messenger and La Qrsngo Reporter oopj ia dsilj 1 month. May IT. ICE-CREAM SALOON. T HE aubeeribor has fitted up a neat Sateen, in connection with hie Confectionary, on Whitehall street, where Ladiee and Gentlemen may procure a first-rate article of Ice-Crease any hour during tha d« of patronage ie solicits* May 24. F. M. JACK, Agent. THE FINEST WATERING PLACE IN THE SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY. THE CHALYBEATE 8PRINGS, W 1 MBBIWBTn* OOUHTT, OHOHOIA, ILL be open for the reception of Visitors on the first of May. Tho Water, as a Tonie and Invigorator, has no equal. Tha Spriagf are easily acoessible from either Co- umbo* or Maoon. *p!2-3m. 0. B. LEITNKR. COKE! COKE!! COKE!! AT THB GAS WORKS. A LARGE qaaatity for aala at tha oaual prico of lit coat par buehal. Fab. 21—dlC J. F. WARNER, Supt. LORRTTJiARD’S SNUFF. IN BOTTLE8 AND BULK. For aala la quaatlttoa to labkore by R. A. ROBINSON A OO., WMualt DneffieU, I*utaolUa, Mlmtutky, am M. A. A C. A. SANTAS, Norfolk Virginia. May 24—2*a Neils! Haile! Nails! T HE ETOWAH MIKING A MANUFAC TURING COMPANY, located ia Caaa ma ty, Georgia, are mow Making, aod prepared to nil largo order* for any aad alj eioeo of, a Tory auporior CUT NAIL. Addraoa, or apply to W. K COTHRAN. I 111... A. SHORTER, JTraatooa. Romo, Go., May 14, lM1.-mt2-2m. Negroes for Sale. T HE aofaoorroor aShre for aalo Sts Likaly No- grooa—a Woman, n yonre old, o good eaoh. waiter and irooor, nod nurea; a Bay, 12 yaare aids a Boy, 12 year* old ; (Girl, 2 ye*re old - a Girl, I yaaia old, aad a Man aboat 2T yaaro lod, a good band ia a Tannery. Apply to • Month 12-tf. WW. K. MoHlLLAW. ... msmm. 1 FOREWARN all porooaa foam trading Her a 1 Promiaary Natahtroa t* V. Holmaa, for Fire yHandrad aad Stmy-Ettht Dollar* aad Slaty bra* Oaota, aa I k r? Wdoreemuod, 7 JmoM2A