Newspaper Page Text
Hardware, Mechanical A Farming Tools, flonsc-Furaishlng fcoods.
' assorted aloek for sat# by
C HAINS—Trace, C- il. Log Fifth, Breast,and
Halier Chains, fur sale by
I RON— Sweden. English, Refined, and Caa*
count* Iron, all shapes aud sixes, of ourusu
i u|Mtrialion. for sal»- by
b HOVEL8 A 8PADES—Awes' aud other tua
ken. fur sale by
superior Csat-Bleel Hoes,
for sale by
P LANES and EDGE TOOLS of tbebesl wake,
in great variety. lor sals by
T IIK attention of HAkDWARE . erchanU,
and other*, is res(*ecllull j called to the tore*
going advertisements We ire p-epared to fill
orders tor ell goods in our line st the lowest
prices for Cash.
Keystone Building,
niarch20 Whitehall street, Atlanta. Ga.
1 AN ACT To provide Revenue from commodities
1 imported from Foreign Countries.
Section U The Cyngre $ of the Conftdcra'e
' N'a'ra of America do enact, '1 hat from aud after
{ the thirty 11 si day ol August next a duty shall
be ini|N>sed on all goods. pr<*du« is, wares and
i inei hand ise imported from abroad iot<» the
Coiilederate B'ates of Amer>oa,ss follows :
On ad articles enumerated in Schedule A.
an ad valorem duty of IWeOf? five premium
On all articles enumerated in Schedule D an
ad valorem duly of twenty per centum. On all
srticlea rouiorraled in 8ch«d ileC. an ad eas
tern duty of fifteen per centum. On all articles
enumerated iu Pche'*ule D. an ad valorem duly
ol ten pet centum. On all articles enumerated
iu Schedule K. an ad valorem duty of five |ter
centum And that all articles enumerated in
Schedule F. a Specific Duty as therein name i
And that all artioles enumerated in Schedule
G.shall be exempt from duly, to wit:
( Twenty Jive per centum ad valorem )
Alabaster and apar oroa- curcon, klrachanwesser
m nts, | liquors, maraschino, rat*
Anchovies, sardines, and' a la, and all other *|ilr-
all other fish preserved- Ituous beverages of a aim*
In oil, | liar ch racter,
Brandy and other spirits Glass. cu»,
distilled from grain or Manufactures of cedar-
other materlHla not oth- wood, granadllla. ebony,
erwUe \ rovlrted f«»r. mahogany,rosewood, and
Billiard and bagatelle ta- *a'inwoo<i,
b e*. and all other tables Scagllola tops for tables nr
or boat ds on which games other articles of furnl-
are played, i ture.
Comp slilon tops for ta- Segnrs, snuff, paper aeaars,
bles, or other articles of and all other manufac-
furiiiture, i ture* of tobacco,
Confectionery, c o m fl t s . Wines.—Bui gundy, Cham-
sweetmeat*, or fruits pre- pagne, Clarets, Madeii
se ved in sugar, molas
ses, brandy, or other li*
Port, ttherry, and all oth
er wr.nes or imitations of
T HANKFUL for the past patrorage of my numerous friends and customers, and hoping
a continuance of tha same, I again take pleasure in informing them that 1 have now
store the
Cordials, absynthe, arrack!
(Twenty per vent, ad valorem.)
Almonds, raisins, currants, parta thereof, of what-
dxtes, figs, and all other e-er material composed,
dried or preserved fruits Fans and fire screens of
not otherwise provided every deserp'h
material com-
ever before offered in Atlanta, and All of
and am In almost daily receipt of New
well known Factory of
nd Varied Styles of all kmds of Furniture from tk
«roHM :»•
of which F. W. FLYNN, formerly of the Novelty Works. Columbus, Georgia, is Fopruait, wh. i
is a sufficient guarantee that all the work from the ABOVE FACTORY is geed at the mist
substantial quality.
Prices from li to 25 per cent, lower than any other Furniture 8tore in Georgia.
CHAIRS, AC., AC., always on hand.
Picture Frame* mado and Furniture repaired with neatness and despatch.
otherwise provided wise provided for,
for, jHair, human, cleanaed
Balsams, cosmetics, essen- prepared for use,
ces. extracts, pastes, per- Manufactures of gold )>
fumes and tinctures used Una or stiver, not oth
for the toilet or for ntedl- wise provided for,
cinal purp. ses, Manufactures of papier
Bay-rum, m-vche,
Beads of Amber, composl-*,
ti..n of wax, aud all other Paintings on glass,
beads, 'Pepper, pimento, cloves,
Beuzmes, bracelet*, braid*,] nutmegs, cinnamon,
chains, curls, or ringlet*, all other spices,
com .osed or hair, or of Perfumes and perfumery,
which hair Is a compo- of all sorts, not otherwise
nent part, not ollterwi*e : provided for,
provided for, Plated and gilt ware, of all
Brooms and brushes of all kinds, not otherwise pr>-
i Tided for.
Camphor, refined, Playing cards.
Canes and stick* for walk- Prepared vegetables, fruils,
lug, finished or utifinish- meats, poultry and game.
sealed or enclosed In
apers, Pickles, ami sauces or other* Ise.
of all kinds, not other- Silver plated metals,
wise provided for, sheets or other forms
Caid cases, pocket-books, Soap, castile, perfumed.
shell boxes,
mlrs, Windsor, and other toilet
and all similar articles, of soaps,
whatever material com- Sugar of all kinds,
pos td not otherwise pro- Syrup of sugar.
I>. M. YOUNG, Ageut,
Nov L lUf, For JOHN D GRAY
Deaire to direct public at
tention to their unequalled
facilities for the superior
aud prompt execution of*
all work in their line, from
A Small Card to the Largest Volume !
The establishment, in its various departments, is
perhaps the most complete in the whole Southern
country. It is the object of the proprietors to es
tablish on a permanent ba*is a Southern Publish
ing ! thereby effectually removing every
necessity for sending North to have works issued.
Thus far the enterprise has proved highly success-
ul, and the proprietors feel assured that the beneficial results of such an undertaking have ye
to be more fully appreciated by our people. The several departments receive the person al su
pervision of the firm, and satisfaction guaranteed to each and every patron.
Is handsomely fitted up with all the modern improvements and conveniences of that branch
Blank-Books ruled and manufactured; Law Works, Medical Works, Music, Magaxines, dec.,
hound in any style desired, and at prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction.
Compositions of gifts*, set
Coral,cut or manufactured,
Epaulettes, galloons, laces,
knots, stars, tassel*, tres-
sels, and wings of gold
or silver, or Imitation*
flower*, art!- thereof.
(Fifteen per rent, ad talot
Alum, ' Roman c
Arrow-root, . similar art! Its used in
Artkles of clothing or ap- Pyrotrch ir*,
apparel. Including, bat-*. Fish, whether fresh,
mile*, and all
f all kind*
pickled, not otherwise
provided for.
Baize*, blankets, hocking*. Fish gin
veil In their
or pie fruits,
silks, feather beds,
os'er, pa’im-leaf, straw.I feathers for beds,
whalebone -*r willow, null downs of all kind*,
otherwise prov Med for, . Frame* and sticks fo
Beer, ale and porter, ini hrellas. par *.Is,
casks or bottles, | sunshade*, finished «
Beeswax, i finished,
Berries and vegetables of: Frankford black,
all sorts used for hnwl,!Fulminates, or fulminating
ii. t otherwise provided' p.wder*,
for, Furniture, cabinet
Blue or Roman vltrol, or 1 household, not otherwise
sulphate of copper, provided for,
Bolognw sausages, { Furs.dre sed on the skin,
Brace*, suspenders, web- Gtngt
bings, or other fabr c
Composed wholly or I
part or India Rubber, iu
otherwise provided lor,
Burgundy pitch.
Ola**, colored, stained
Buttons and button-moulds Glasses or pebbles for spec-
kinds, J ucle*,
abler*, plain,
ers, pi
ties, flasks, and all other
vessels of glass not other-
provided for,
liras* cloth,
Green turtle.
Gum henlzon, or benjamin.
f aduiium,
Calomel, and all oth
curial preparation
Carbonate of soda,
Cast-.r beans,
Castor oil,
Candles and tap
spermaceti, s'ear
ratine, tallow or wn , |
all other candles, I ed for ml itary purp
Caps, hats, muff* and tip Gunny cloth and India hag-
pets, and all other manu | *lngs, and India mattings
facturea of fur, or ot, of all sorts, not other-
which fur shall be a co n-' wise provided for,
ponent part, Hair, curled, moss, seaweed
Cap*, gloves, Ieggius, tails, j and all other vegetable
x, aud parts thereof nut Inte:
ks, stockings, wove! substances used for beds
shirts and drawers, and| or mattresses,
all similar articles worn flair pencil*,
Is specially complete in every particular ; constant additions are
being made iu (be way of such improvements as are introduced
into the Typographical world, by which the proprietors are ena
bled to furnish tub handsomest printing in the Confederated
State*? Everything, from a Visiting Card to a Mammoth Poster,
tastefully executed in auy style and color de*ired. Three of)
their aix Presses are prop**' • / ’Steam, and kept in operation
day and sight!
Bank Checki, Bill Head*,
Railroad Blank*, Profewional Cards,
Programmes, Circular!.
Legal Blanks, Letter Heads,
And every imaginable variety of Printing promptly attended to at prices but a email advance ou
New York rates! Printing in
Tbs Proprietors, confident of their ability to give entire aatiefactiou, solicit n sbsre a
public pntronsge. Orders from sll ptru of the country will receive their personnl sttenlion, end
nil work promptly fbrwnrded per Express nr otherwise, ns mey be directed.
All letters should be nddressed la
drum, ts, ISM.
. women and chit Hat-bodies, of cotton or
dren. and not otherwise wool,
provided for. , Hats and bonne's, for men,
Carpels.carpetings, hearth-, women and children,
rugs,bed-sides, and other' c mposed of straw, satin
K .rtlonsof carpeting, be- straw, chip, grass, palm-
ig either Aubu-slon, leaf, whalebone, or o.her
Brussels, ingrain, Baxnny j material*, not otherwise
Turkey, Venetian, Wilton provided for,
or any oth* r similar fa- Hatters'plush, of whatever
brie not otherwLe pro-! material composed,
vlded for, ; Honey,
Carriages and parts of car-| Ink and Ink powder,
riages, | Ipecacuanha,
Manufactures of wool sf all [Paving and roofing tiles, | Gold and silver leaf,
klads. or war stud Rot and b-leks, and muting . Gold-beater's skin,
otherwise provided for, slates and firs * *
V ry, mineralogy, of boio
i bricks.
Manufactures of co'too of Periodicals and other
sll kinds, not otharwissi In court* of print! iff and
provided for, ., rt-publlcatlon In thu Oon-
Msnufactures of flax of alii federate disks,
kinds not otherwise pro-1 Pitch,
vlded for, ! Plaster of Paris, calcined,
Manuf.cures of hemp of Plumbago,
ed for.
other wist
• I much of sll AOte ot psrt, ,J
^ ! ioo«ri«e.t wlib this Aehshln- H ,
i Yams,
Manufactures of hone,
shell, horn, pearl, fvorv
or regetahlo Woiv, not
otherwise provided for,
Manufactures, articles, ves-
sets and ware*, not oth-1 Rhubai b,
erwlse provided for, of Roman cement,
brass, copper, Iron, lead, Saddlery of all kinds, no!
Q .Icksllrer,
Red chalk pencils,
pew'er, tin, or ol which
cither of these metals
shall be a component p*rt, :
Manufactures, articles,
aels and wares of glass,
or of which glasa shall he
a component material not
otherwise provided for,
Manufactures and articles
of leather, or of which
leather shall be a compo
nent part, u..t otherwise
provided for,
provldsd for,
Saffron sod Saffron cake,
Salts, epioni. glauher. rn-
chelle. snd ah other sal's
and prtparatloiu of salts
not otherwise provided
Bares pn rill*,
Screws of all kinds,
Healing wax,
Manufactures and articles
of marble, marble paving
tiles, and all o her marble
Sewing Silk, in t
► haddocks,
advanced In manu {Skins of ad kinds, tanned,
fa. ture than In slabs or| dressed, or japanued,
block* in the rough, rotlSoapof every description,
otherwise pr. vlded for, ) not otherwise provided
Manufacture* of paper,
of which paper Is a com-.Slate pencils,
l otherwise
U. HUM I. .. - V..... - |.X
pone t material, not oth-jSmaits.
erwlse provided for, iHliot of lead,
Manuiactures of wood, or! provided for,
of which wood is a com j Spirit* of turpentine,
ponei.t part, not other jHpunk,
w ise provided for, jfiqu II*,
Matting, China or other (Starch,
floor matting, and mats {.Stereotype plates,
ma<le of flags, jute or {Still bottom*,
grass, {Sulphate o* barytes, crude
Medh Inal prepa r a 11 o o r, 1 or refined,
drugs, routs and leaves in Sulphate of quinine, and
Guuso—A*»blc, Uurbury.iUmf sad UMB*nufact«rs4 i
| rop.l, Kust Indies, Bene-1 tobacc*.
(five per ee>t. ad valorem ) ■
• Articles used In dyel g aud Junk, o'd,
! ta.ulog not otherwise Piaster of Karl* or Sulphate j
I provided for, of lime, ground or un-
Draas In bars or pig*, ol I ground,
an-i fit only toh« re man- Raw h’des of all kinds ne-
u factored, d rosed,
i Bells, oM hell metal. Sheathing copper—but ne |
i Copper In pigs or bars, cop- copper te be- considers I |
per ore, ms such except In sheets .
• Copper when old and fit ; 4ft Inches long and 14
1 only to he remaoufac- Inches wld - and weighing
tured, frwnt 11 to 84 ounces, '
Cutch, Sheathing or yeHow metal,
; Diamonds, cameos, most-, not wholly or In part of
I ics, pearls, ge is, rubies,! Iron,
| and other precious stones India rubber, milk of,
! and imitation thereof Sheath ug or >eliow uietal
j when nut set, I nails expressly for shea
Eui *rv In lump or pulver- thing vessels,
| IzeJ, foil, adhe-lve lor Hheallnng paper,
sheathing vessels, Fuller's Stave bolts and shlogle
i earth, Gum* ot all s >rts, bolts,
not otherwise provided Type, old and fit only to be
lor, i re-manufactured,
Gu'ta percha, unmanufwr- Wold,
tureu, iml go. ludls Hub- Uao, spelter, or tentenegu*
ber, iu b .ttles, slabs or uiiumuiifaciured.
sheets, uniimnufactured!
(Specific Dude* )
Ice. ono dollar and fifty I rock—two cents per
cents per ton, bushel of fifty-six lbs. per
Salt, ground, blown, or, bushel.
(Exempt from Duty )
Books, map*, charts, mathe- other Imp'ovements In
inallcal aud nautical In-, the arts, provided that
••mu are bei«by repealed
(Sigood) HOWELL (
... Vwaldant of th, (
Approved M,y *|,|. |8g|.
US. 9. H« McLEaik
STlIimiNIHI con]
In the World,
io*iuex , **c-1 flTT?
,nB Lean s Strengthening' 1 '” «i
Cordial, certify 'h*t It Is ans duiely *n
edy for renovating ano Ixviookstuig th«
enriching ih< |
diseased system, purifying a
storing the sick, suffering invalid t
There Is no mistake about it; it , „ r#
crude st*te, not other
wise provided for,
Chains of a*l swrts, | Iri*, or orris-root.
Cider, and other beverage*. Iron castings,
not containing alcohol.!Iron liquor, ,
and not otherwise pro 'iron, Iu bars, bolts, rods
vlded for, sla s and railroad rails*
Chocolate, spikes, fishing-plates aud
Chromate of lead, { chairs, used Iu construct-
Chrmnate, bi chromate, hy-' Ing railroad*,
drhxUteuud prusalate of Ivory black,
potash, .J lap,
Clocks and parts of clocks.' Japanned ware of all kinds.
Coach and harne»« fund-1 not otherwise provided
tu e of all kinds, ! for.
Cobalt, {Jet, and manufactures of
Comb* of all kinds, 1 jet, aud Imitations there
Copper bottoms, of.
Copper 'ods, b-dta, nail* Jewelry, or Imitations
and spike*, 1 thereof,
opi er In sheets or plates. Juniper berries,
called brazier's c< pper. Lacesof cotton, of thread,
and other sheets of cop- or other material* not
per. not otherwise pro- 1 otherwise provided for,
vlded for, i Lampblack,
Copperas, r green vitriol, Lasting*, cut In.strip*, or
or sulphate of Iron, i patieri s of the size or
Corks. shape for shoes, boots,
Cotton cords, gimpa snd bootees, slippers, gaiters,
galloons, or buttons, of whatever
Cotton laces, cotton Insert-! material composed,
Ings, cotton trimming Lead pencils,
laces, cotton and braids, Lea len pipes,
Court plaster, Leather, Japanned,
Coral, unmanufactured. , Leeches,
Crayons of all klnus. Linens of all kinds,
Cubebe, Liquorice, paste, Juice or
Cutlery of all kind#, root.
falatMa, i Litharge.
Dolls and toys of all kind*. Maccaroui. vannlcelM.gela-
Dried pulp, 1 tine, Jelllea. and all other
Dnit a, medicinal, I similar preparation#, not
Earthen, china and stone { otherwise provided for,
ware, and all other wares Machinery ef every de
composed of eanhy and I scrlpth'n not otherwise
quinine in all its varloi
preparations, for walls,
and papers for scretns or
Metallic pens, { Arc-boards.
Mineral wate-s, .Parchment,
Musical Instruments of all‘Tainplocu,
kinds, and strings forlTar,
musical instruments ol {Textile fabrics of every
wh p-gut, cat-gut and all de-cripiion not otherwise
other strings of the same! provided for,
material, jTtvine and pack thread, of
Mustard In hulk or In but-• whatever material corn-
ties, mustard see-', posed,
lid Insert -
Needle* of all k lids, for Thread lacings
sewing, darning and | lugs,
knitting, i Types, old or new, and type
Nitrate of lead, j metals,
Ochres, and ochrey earth*,! Umbrella*.
0 1 cloths of every de*c>ip ( V and * ke brown,
tion, of whatever material Vanilla beaus,
composed, {Varnish of all kiuds,
every description,!Vellum.
struoiviils. philosophical article or article* siuill be
apparatus, and all other deemed a model which
articles whatever, im|iort-| can be nttod for use,
ed for the use of the Con* Paving st ne«,
federate .States*, | Per.onal and housoho'd ef-
Books, iMiiiipbleU, periudl-i fecta, not merchandise, of
cals, un<l tracts published, citizen* of the Cuniedcr-
bj religious associations, | ate btates dying abruud,
All philosophical apparatus, Sjneiiuens ul natural nUto-
liistruuicuta, hiMikb, uiup*| ry, intuer»logy, or ooU-
and chain, atatuea, s utu- a y ; provided tne same be
ary, busts and casts, of| Imported In gouU laitb or
marble, bronze, alabaster,; the u-e of any society in-
plaster of Paris, paint-
corp.rated <
lor phll
purposes, <
or by tin
for the um
of any
Orange and lemon peel,
Osier, or willow, prepared!
of which
chief value.
basket-makers’ use, j Verdigris,
Paint*, dry, or ground In;Ve'diillion.
oil, not otherwise provld-i Vinegar,
ed lor, i Wafers,
Paper, antiquarian, demy. Water color*,
drawing, e'ephant, fools- Whalebone,
cap, Imperial, letter, and; White and red lead,
for printing newspaper*. White vitriol, or sul|
handbills and other print-! zinc,
Ing, and all other paper, Whiting, or ?a*is wl
not otherwise provided W’induw glass, broad, crown
for, 1 o- cylinder,
Paper boxes, and all other Woolen and worsted yarns,
fancy boxes, and woolen listings.
Paper envel pes. j Wheel-barrows and hand-
Paper hangings, paper for barrow*,
walls, and papers for Wagons, and vehicles of
screens or fire boards, | every description, oi
Tarchinent, I part* thereof,
I’a asols, and sun-shades;
and umbrellas,
(Te'* per cent, ad valorem.)
Acids of every description! gal, bstitu'e, tr.aga
otherwLe provided, cunth and all other gums
Ammonia, and
vlded for,
Hair of al. kinds, uncleans.
{ ed aud unmanufactured
ammo- lletnp unmanufactured,
nia, Hemp seed and rape seed,
Anatto, roucon, or orlean*,{ Hops, horns, born-tip*.
Angora, Thibet, and other [ hone, bone-tip*, and t«
goats’ hair, or m hair, unmanufactured,
unmanufactured, not oth- Ivory unmaiiutauiured,
Ise provided for, Ivory nuts, or vegetable
Aii'liuouy, crude or r»*giihis Jute, s.sal grass, coir, and
other vegetable
Argol, or crude tartar. , ce< unmauulactured, uu'
vlded f
Ashes, pot, pearl and soda. Kelp,
Asphaltum, 'Kerui
AssafaMldii, Luc spit Its, Uc sulphur,
Bauannas, cocoanut*, pine-] and lac dye,
apples, p aintain*, or-{Leather tinned, bend, sole
— " * r, of all kinds
rwlse provided
and all other West
India fruits lu their nat
ural state,
Bari la.
Bark of all kind*, not'
otherwLe provided for.
Bark, Peruvian,
Hark, guilla,
pples, ! p-ri
•leached powder of chlo-; .Madd r roof,
ride liin , Marble, in the rough slab or
Bone*, Burnt, • block, unmanufactured,
Board*, planks, staves. Metals, unmanufactured,
shingles, lath*, scantling' not otherwise provided
l all s
•lack, or animal <
bon, and bone dust, ■ vlded for,
Bol'lug cloths, Moss, Iceland,
Books, printed magazine*. Music, printed with line
pamphlets, periodicals,! bound aud unbound,
ict othe
a he
Books, blank, bound or
Borate of lime,
Borax, crude or tincal.
Borax, refined,
jSux Vomica,
Drang *, lemons aud limeft
Di piment,
s, Palm itaf unmanufactured,
unmanufactur- Pearl, mother of,
• pplee,
Brazil paste, Plant,
brazil wood, brizlllctto. and Putina unmanufactured,
all dye-woods In sticks, .Polishing stones,
Bristles, 'Potatoes,
ronze and Dutch metalin blue,
leaf, bronze liquor, and Puiutes and pumice stone,
bronze powder, ; Rattan* and reeds, uniuau-
Building stones, j ufactured,
Butter, .ReI chalk,
“sr stones, wrought or un- Rotten
wrought, Salllow
Cabinets of coins, medals, dal s d
gems, and all collection:
of antlqublliles,
Camphor, crude,
Cassia and cassia bud*,
Chlckory root,
Chrouometers box or ship
>llx, raw, not more advanc
ed In manufacture than
singles, tram and thrown,
r urgautzlue.
and parts thereof, {dpongi
Clay, burnt or unhurnl eiecl In bars, sheets am
■brl-ks, roofing tiles, gas plates, not further ad
retorts and roofing slates,, vanced In manufactuT
Coal, coke, and culm
Cocoa-nuts, cocoa aud <
Coculus Imlicus,
Coir yfn, Codllla, or t.
of hanip or flax,
by rolling;
steel In bars,
- Sulphur, flower of,
{ Tall <w, marrow and all
I other gre«*e or soap
lugs and drawings,
lugs, speciiiiuo* of sculp-1
tu c, cabinet of coins,j
medal*, gems, and all col
lection* of antiquities ;j
provided the route be; lui]M>rted hi gtinl
luiih lor the use ol auy Wcuring apioird and ulh>__
society, Incoi'iH-raUd or personal eU*> ts, not
established lur philo»opb-| chanuisc ; profess! uiui
leal uud literary purposes,! b ruks, uupivuientn, in-
or lor tne encouragoou nt struiuents, and tools ol
trades, occupation or am-
ollege. academy,
•r teuilnury of
in the t oiiiedera'e States,
u*« or ny the order of any
cliurch, college, academy,
school or seminary of.
teaming in the Confedc-
Copper, when im|M>rted foi
pi yu-ent, .
riving in ihe confederate
biat.s, provide,! this
, cxe.upiijii shall be
c .nntrued to include ma
chinery, u other articles
iojporied for use, in auv
inuuutacturing eatub.iah-
n.eut, or lor aale,
Bacon, pork, hums, lard,
of the \
Garden need* for agr'.CtlltU-{
ral and horticultural pu
loo as, wates and uicrchun-
di«e, the growth, produce,
CuDfedvrute' 1 Mates, ex"
beef, wheat,
bran ol wueat, U. u. and
hrau, ail other grain-, lu-
diun corn and meal, bar
ley, rye,, an out anal,
living aiiimai* of all Mud-,
not otherwise proviued
for; a »o al. agr.cultoral
proiluct oiugnclud g tnese
of the . reliaru uud r urden
in ibeir natural siulo, not
Iiy, and nrou r ht tmc., to oiherwue prov.dtxi lor,
Couloderale Males iu the,Gunpowder, and all the tua-
'uine condition a* when ter,a.* of which it is made,
exported, upon which no Lead in piga or bars, in shut
drawback has been allow , or bans, tor csm.ou, mus
ed; provided that ullreg- 1 kets, idles or pistol*,
ulatious to aaceiiain me Ra^s, of muiciial
ideu 1 y iheieoi,prescribed composed,
by o.\,ailngluw>,or Arm-, ol every description.
l uy be prescribed by tiiej h r mi.liary purposes, and
reci-etarj oi the Treasury,! parts ti.ere..f, muuiin.i.s
si,all be complied whii, of war.miutaryaceoutre-
Guano Mauui va, and Fertil rnenia, and j>eicu*stou
plilul, D)>muiI*. ltUrr!.u*n, Uym>t«r> lljjn
nr, I, Ion nl Hnlrlta. P»*»r a . .I k
prvS'loii ol 8plrit«, Fever and Ague, In*
reoih, or auy disease of the,
’GENTLEMEN, do you wish to he HfahkT
and Vlgorou* ?
LAD1F8, do you want the Bloom of ft
mount to your Cheeks again ? Then go at ones
Me Lean’a Mreuffiheuln^ Cordial
Blood Puillier.
Delay not a moment; it la warranted t
tlon It will cure any d sease of the KI&T-.
or Blad.-er; Fainting, Obstructed Mei.struaUsi vJa
of the W oiub, Ba reninm, or any disuse art lIk
Chronic or Nervous Debility, It L *n InialiUkuTj]
Kur Children.
Do you want your delicate, sickly, punr tfcUdf^
be Healthy, Stiong and oh.,if TheS hImJJJ
Leax'h eTaEXOTaixiHO Count, (see the dlrect^x
am.-It Until* \ ii lu .iaII.'Iaum ... ,.L.. *
each bot'lc.) Ii is uellcloua to take.
One table apnonlul. taken every nontaa ft
i sure urevenlivr aswinst Phlii. ..j d . * _
t preventive against Chilli tod y
low Fev^r. Cholera, or any prevailing tlb, ate.
%Sf Cactio*.—Beware of Dri.ggbt*«t bealsn
may try tv palm upon you a bottle ol Hitters
parllla, (which 'hey can buy cheap i by urliwliL
*■ good There are even men base enough
me 'O dub their vile decoctloui r _ ,
pirates and their v|||*ln»us compoaaosl
Infamot . ... __
for Dr. J. M. McLean’sptrengdienlng Curdl'd mmII
Purifier. Take uothlnv else It is _
will purify your Blood thorough y, and. st the^
time, Strengthen and Invigorate the whole <
It is put up In large b< ttles- $1 per L.ple
ties for $6. DK J. U. McLK \N tiolr Proprietor,
Corner of Third aud Pine Louh,|la
For Liver Complaint. Biliousness. Headache
fpHERE has never been a Cathartic Medict s,
> the public, that has giveu such entire it tide
e perfectly!
as Mclkai’s l xivKh.sAL Pills.
Being entirelv vegetah e, they ■
and can be take by them ,t let de. infazit;yetrsni
and powerful In removing sll Billon* cretlm s, m
They produce no Griping, Sickness, or P
8t« macn or Bowels, though very active and
In thair operation, promoting healthy »• creU»w«f
hold *
te, of pe
ict>, old and Ships, steamer*, ba
r fa.ul-
edg ng
Model* or iDVentli
i ubr ad by
ul tu eudedj
chn.ery, »crea pl.e Jetties,
and to be used to
ihe coustrucLou of bar-, and for dredging
and improving the ,auie.
8kc. 2 And be it further enacted, That there
shall be levied, coiieclid uud paid, uu each
aud every uou-enumcraieil article which beura
aoiiiiilitu ie, either in tualerial, qaalitjr, text
ure, or the uses tu which it may be applied, to
auy enumerated article* chargeable with duty,
the same rate ot duty wbiuu ia levied aud
churged on the enumerated article by the fore
goiug schedules wh cu it m»st resembles in
any ol the particulars before uieutiohed; and
if uuy uou-etiumerau d article equally reaem
hies two or more euumeraled articles on which
d i Here tit rales uf duty are chargeable, t.iere
shall be leviel, collected aud paid on such
□ou-euuuierated article, the aame rate of duty
as is chargeable on the article which it resem
bles paying the highest duty. Piooided, that
small artic os inatiufuciur< d from two or more
materia a, the du>y shall be assessed al the
highest rates at which auy of its component
parts may be chargeable. Provided further,
that on all articles winch are not euu'oerated
in the foregoing schedules aud cannot be class
ified under this section, a duty of IU per cent.
ad valorem shall be charged.
Sue. 3. And be it further enacted. That all
iods, wares, and merchandise, which rosy be
the puolic stores as unclaimed, or in Ware
house uod--r warehousing bonds, on lbs 31st
lay ul August uext, shall be surject on euiry
thereof tor consumption, to such duty as if the
name had been imported, respectively, after
that day
8kc. 4. Amd be it further enacted. That on the
otry ol auy goeds. wares, or merchandise, iro
ported on or after the 3lstday ol August afore
said, the decision of the Collector ot the Cus
toms at the port of impoitaiiou and eutry, as
to their liability to duty or exemjtiion there-
mm shall be final and conclusive against the
• wner, importer, consignee, or agent ot any
ueb goods, wares aud merchandise, unless the
•wner, importer, c tnsignee or agent shall,
vnhiu ten nays after such entry, give unties to
be collector, in writiug, of bis dissatisfaction
with such decision, setting forth therein dis
tinctly and specially bis ground of objection
thereto, aud shall, within thirty days after
late of such decision, appeal therefrom to the
Secretary of the Treasury, who*e decision on
such appeal shai. be fiual and conclusive; aud
the said goods, wares and merebaod se shall
be liable to duty or exemption therelrom sc
rding'y, any Act ot Congress to the contrary
vtwiihstaiidmg unless suit-sball be brought
ithiu thirty d ys after such decision, for any
duties that may nave been paid, or may there
after be paid, on said goods, or witbio thirty
days after the duties shall haxe been paid in
cases where such goods shall be in ond-
8f.c 5. Be it further enacted. That it shall be
and months of sickness.
Universal PUis. Take i
are tasiel se Price only 25 cents per b-ix
sent by mall to any part of ihe United flutes
J. H. McLKA.n, .N.le I'roprieur,
Censer of Thiru and Pine Su.. 8t. Louis, M
Dr* J. H. McLean’s I’olcahic Oil LUI*
. ment.
The Beet External in the World,for Manor deed.
rpHOUrtANDBot hnman belnys bare been nved sllb
i ot decrapllude and misery, by ibstuc ot ibialDTli-
uable Liniment. It will relieve Pain ulmoitlns'snwB*-
ly, sad it will cleanse, purify and heal the fouled las
Incredible short time. McLius’* Vulcus On.
LiamaXT will relieve 'he most lnveter*'ec*-e**l“
mat ism, Uout, or •- euralgia. For Par l.« ■!*, L'jDtntMi
Muscles, fltlffne** or We*kne*s in the Joints, Mwcksif
Ligaments, it will never fail. Two applicailotisjrili
Sore Throat, Headache, or Earsche
and you will find it an Indlspenalble remedy
always on hand.
Planters. Farmers, or any one bavin* charge ef!
es, wll. save money by using McLean’s V..|c*ulcOUU»
Iment. It Is a speedy and Infallible cure oi ‘
Sprains, Chafes, SwelllnK, Lameness, Sntenvj,
Wounds, Scratche*, or any exiernal diseue Try
and you will be convinced.
J. H. MoLEAN, Bole Proprirtw,
March 7, lWl-dAwly. Saint Losls, Sa
IfSE' For axis in AtlanU by G. R
snd Dealers every whers.
lawful for the owner, cousixoee, or agent of
unially purchased
Cowbage dow
mineral substam-ee, not provided for,
ethers is# pr» *
Rncaustlc tUe,
Flrs-arsskevs, sky-rackets,
Diamonds, cameos, moss- 1 sheets,
lc», |tn s, pearls, rubles, TeNile,
and other precl .us stone*!Terra Japonic*, catechu,
and Imitations thereof. Tin In plate* or sheets and
when set In gold or stiver tin loll,
or other metal, Tortoise or other shell* an-
Diamonds glaziers, set or 1 manufactured,
Trees, shrubs, bulba, plants
and roots not otherwise
provided for,
Tu- meric,
Watches and part* of
log wood and other dyt-i Wo.d or pastel,
we«dt not otlurwise*Woods, vis! C
Dragon’s blood,
Engravings, bound
Extract of Indigo,
Eitradi* and dtcocllon* of
provided fo%
cedar, box.
Fxtract of madder,
Flax, unmanufactured,
Flax seed and II seed.
Flints, and flint ground.
Flocks waelo or shoddy.
eboov, lignum-v| at. gr-
nadi la, mah gany, r I
w»od,**un wood uua
Fura, haUers’, draeasd or Paintings as
an.lressod, lot on the mbarwiea
Maps sod charts,
Paintings and statuary net
Weal aomanuftciurod of
•very desarlptl n, snd
hair ef the Alpaehe goat
porta which have been at!
procured otherwise than by purch
entry of the »*inn, to malts such addition in
the entry to the cost or value given in the in
voice as, iu his opinion, may rsire the same to
true market value ol such imports in the prin
cipal markets of the country wbencs the im
porta tion a shall have beeu made, snd to add
thereto all costs and charges which, under ex
isting laws, would form part of tha true value
at the port wh re the same may be entered,
upon which the duty should be assessed. And
ii shall be tbs duty of tbs Collector within
whos# District the same may ba imported or
entered, to cause ths dutiable value of such
imports to be appraised, estimated and ascer
tained. in accordance with the provisions of
existing laws; and if the appraised value
thereof shall exceed by ten per centum, or
more, the value so declared on entry, then ip
addition to the duties imposed by law no the
same, there shall be levied, collected and paid
a duty of twenty per oentum ad valorem oo
Thai under no eircumsteoces shell Ihe duly be
oseeesed upon an iQMHt lees than tbe invoioe
S B. OATMA*, proprietor, end
• Itahan. American and Egvptiso
Monuments. Tombs, Tablets. u**ua ■
Stones. Urns, Vases. Marble and En*m«J
Slate Mantels, Btetusry Figures, nod Furs**
ing Marble of all descriptions.
Always on hand a fine assortment of 1ft
menu, both Plain and Carved, of all *isss.sss
prices to suit. i
Call and see specimens, at Ware Room*
Yard, opposite Georgia Railroad DepA
chkmlaia ■
W1NU. Ae.
•r murwl »».»», ,o, law of Cakgnm lo th, tail tbo Ummk
—trarf aoloithiU,! bk- —
Mr*- J. M. Goring
H AVING Ju.t rrturnrd from a
whara tha purcha«d hrr 2^
Good*. u*« plaaau-e in h«-
and tha publw ►> al impaowh ”T,|| thi
Her «w«ih •• quila full. “‘ , * m j'
latest itylee, which will be olfhred W P
Bmc. t. And 9* it fartAer tnnettd, That aa
new brick
I Whitehall • treat.