Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, June 26, 1861, Image 4

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Hardware, Meckanieal A Faming Teels, Reuse-Furnishing (io»fc.
JJQES—Fir. >ln* wporior C»*l-8le«l Hom,
C UTLERY Mjd FILES—A large and wall
aaaorted stack far aUe by
riHAINS—Traoa, Coil, Log. Fifth, Bret, aud
m l W 1Uf ° MoTaUgSv ORMOND A CO.
I RON~8weden, English, Refined, and Cats
oounty Iron, ell shepee end lisea, of our own
importation, for sale by
S HOTELS A BLADES—Afobr and otter ma
ker., for aale by
11LANE8 and EDGE TOOLS of tba beat make,
A hi gnat
rriflE attention of HARDWARE merchant*,
i and others, ia reepectfully eelled to the fore
going advertisements. We ere prepared to fill
ordera for all good a in our line at the lowest
pricea for Cash.
Keystone Building,
roarchJO Whitehall street, Atlanta, Oa.
Desire to direct public at
tention to their unequalled
facilities for the superior
and prompt execution of
all work in their line, from
A Small Card to the Largest Volume!
The establishment, in its various departments,
perhaps the most complete in the whole Southern
country. It is the object of the proprietors to «*■
tablish on a permanent basis a Southern Publish
ing Housr ! thereby effectually removing every
necessity for sending North to have works issued.
Thus far the enterprise has proved highly success
ful, and the proprietors feel assured that the beneficial results of such an undertaking have ye
to be more fully appreciated by our people. The several departments receive the persou al su
pervision of the firm, and satisfaction guaranteed to each and every patron.
la handsomely fitted up with all the modern improvements and conveniences of that branch
Blank-Books ruled and manufactured; Law Works, Medical Works, Music, Magazines, dec.,
bound in any style desired, and at prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction.
the job printing department
Is specially complete in every particular ; constant additions are
being made in the way of such improvements as are introduced
into the Typographical world, by which the proprietors arc ena
bled to furnish thb handsomest printing in the Confederated
States! Everything, from a Visiting Card to a Mammoth Poster,
tastefully executed in any style and color desired. Three of,
their six Presses are propel' / Steam, and kept in operation
day and night! * j
Bank Check*,
Railroad Blanks,
Bill Heads,
Professional Cards,
Legal Blanks, Letter Heads,
And every imaginable variety of Printing promptly attended to at price* but a small advance ot
New York rates! Printing in
FANCY colored inks,
JB** The Proprietors, confident of their ability to give entire satisfaction, solicit a share of
public patronage. Orders from all parts of the country will receive their personal attention, and
oil work promptly forwarded per Express or otherwise, as may be directed.
All letters should be addressed to
Atlanta, Ga., 1861.
T HANKFUL for the post patronage of my numerous friends and customers, and hoping
a continuance of the same, I again take pleasure in informing them that 1 have now in
store the
t ver before offered in Atlanta, and All of
and am in almott daily receipt ofNaw and Yariad Stylaa of all kind* of Furnitura from O
wall known Factory of
wnrohw «a-xn.Aa.Y 9
of wbioh F. W. FLYNN, formerly of the Jfomlty Workt. CMunfou, foonw, u Foriam, *U \
i* a aufflclant guarantee that all thi work from the ABOVE FACTORY u goad au tko mrtt
■utetantial quality.
Prio« front 1* to 3* par oont. lower than any other Fmunrnnn Bioaa In Georgia.
CHAIRS, AC., AC., alwayo oa hand.
Piornna Fnan* mado and Fuanroaa rggmrnf with aaatam and dnapateh.
com** or lu nns ow hand.
tdM * Fur
AN ACT To provide Revenue from commodities
imported from Foreign Countries.
Section 1. The Congress of the Cvnfsdera e
States cf America do enact, That from and after
tbs thirty first day of August next • duty shall
be Imposed on ell goods, products, wsres and
merchandise imported from abroad iota tbe
Confederate Ristea of America,as follows:
On all articles enumerated in Schedule A,
an ad valorem duty of twentr-five per centum
Ou all artieles enumerated in Schedule B. an
ad valorem duty of twenty per oentum. On all
ertiele* enumerated ia Schedule C, an ad valo
rem duty of fifteen per oentum. On all article*
enumerated in Schedule D, an ad valorem duty
of ten per oentum. On all articles enumerated
in Schedule E. an ad valorem duty o' five i*er
centum Aud tbatall articles enumerated in
Schedule F. a Specific Duty ss therein unmet
Aod that all articles enumerated iu Schedule
G, shall be exempt from duty, to wit:
(Twenty ftt per centum ad valorem.)
Alabaster sad spar orna
Anchovies, sardines, and
rcoa, klrsolianwesner
liquors, maraschino, rat-
uMa, and all other spir
ituous beverages of a sim
ilar character,
other materials not oth-| wood, grauadilla, ebony,
erwlse provided for, i mahogany, rosewood, ami
Billiard and bagatelle ta-| satin wood,
bles, and all other table* Scaglloia tons for tables or
or boards on which games, other articles of furni-
are played,
Comp* sltic
n which games,
’ tops for ta-'Began, snuff, paper segars,
other articles of
Confectionery, com fits,
sweetmeats, or fruits pre-
Wlnes.—Burgundy, Chain-
'ort, Sherry, and all oth
er wines or imitations of
served in sugar, molas
ses, brandy, or other li
Cordials, sbsynthe, arrack
(Twenty per cent ad valorem.)
Almonds, raisins, currants, parts thereof, of what-
dates, figs, and all other ever material composed,
whaterer material i
Argentine, alabata or Ger- 1 posed,
man silver,manufactured Grapes, plums and prunes,
or unmanufactured, and other such fruit,
Articles embroidered with when put up in bottles,
gold, silver, or other met-; case or cans, not other-
si not otherwise provided wise provided for,
for, 'Hair, human, cleansed or
Balsams, cosmetics, essen- prepared for use,
ces, extracts, pastes, per- Manufactures of gold, pla-
fumes, and tinctures used tina or silver, not other-
for the toilet or for tuedi- wise provided for,
cinai purpeses, Manufactures of papier
Bay-rum, mache,
Beads of Amber, composl- Molasses,
tlon of wax, and all other Paintings on gloss,
beads, j Pepper, pimento, cloves,
Beusotes, bracelets, braids, nutmegs, cinnamon, and
chains, curls, or ringlets, all other spices,
composed of hair, or of Pe/fuines and perfumery,
which hair is a compo- of all sorts, not otherwise
nent part, not otherwise provided for,
provided for, ,Plated and gilt ware, of all
Brooms and brushes of ail kinds, not otherwise pro-
kinds, vided for,
Camphor, refined, Playing cards,
Cnnes and sticks for walk- Prepared vegetables, fruits,
ing, finished or unfinlsh- meats, poultry and game,
ed, sealed or enclosed In cans
Capers, FIckles, and sauces or otherwise,
of all kinds, not other- Silver-plated metals, in
wise provided for, sheets or other forms,
shell boxes,
and all similar articles, »f
whatever material com- Sugar of ail kinds,
posed, not otherwise pro- Syrup of sugar,
vided for, Epaulettes, galloons, Inces,
Compositions of glass, set knots, stars, tassels, tres-
or unset, «ela, and wings of gold
Coral,cut or manufactured, or silver, or imitations
Feathers and flowers, arti- tl.ereof,
flclal or ornamental, and
(Fifteen per cent, ad valorem )
Alum, 1 Roman candles, and all
Arrow-root, similar articles used in
Articles of clothing or ap- Pyrotechnics,
apparel. Including, haw. Pish, whether fresh, amok-
caps, gloves, shoes andi ed, salted, dried or
boots of all kinds, worn 1 pickled, not otherwise
by men, women or chll-1 provided for,
dren, of whatever mate- Fruits preserved in their
rial composed, j own juice, or pie fruits,
Baizes, blankets, bockings, Pish glue, or Isinglass,
flannels aud floor cloths. Fish skins,
of whatever material Plats, braids, plaits, spar-
composed, not otherwise terre and willow squares,
provided for, used inr making hats or
Baskets, and all other aril- bonnets,
cles composed of grass..Floss silks, feather beds,
osier, palm-leaf, straw,j feathers for beds, and
whalebone or willow, not) downs of all kinds,
otherwise provided for, Frames and sticks for uni-
Beer, ale and porter, In 1 brellas, parasols, and
casks or bottles, | sunshades, finished or un-
Beeswnx, | finished,
Berries and vegetables of 1 Prankford black,
all sorts used for food. Fulminates, or fulminating
not otherwise provided! powders,
Furniture, cabinet and
household, not otherwise
provided for,
_ . Furs, dressed on the skin,
Braces, suspenders, web- Ginger, dried, green, ripe,
bings, or other fabrics! ground, preserved or
composed wholly or Ini pickled,
part of India Rubber, not Glass, colored, stained or
otherwise provided for, I painted,
Breccia, Glass, window,
Burgundy pitch, Glass, crystals for watches,
Buttons and button-moulds Glasses or pebbles for spec-
of al! kinds, tacles,
Cables and cordage, of Glass tumblers, plain,
Blue or Roman vltrol,
sulphate of copper,
Bologna sausages,
whatever material modi
Calomel, and all other mei
curlal preparations,
Carbonate of soda,
Castor beans,
Castor oil,
moulded and pressed, bot
tles, flasks, and all other
vessels of glsss not other
wise provided for,
Grass cloth,
Green turtle,
....... iGum benizon, or benjamin,
Candies and tapers of Guns, except muskets and
spermaceti, stearlne, pa- rifles, fire arms, and all
refine, tallow or wax, and parts thereof not Intend-
all other candles, ed for military purposes,
Caps, hats, muffs and tip- Gunny cloth and India hag-
pets, and all other manu- g Ing*. and India mattings
factures of fur, or of! of all sorts, not other-
which fur shall be a com- 1 wise provided for,
ponent part, llalr, curled, moss, seaweed
Caps, gloves, legglns, niits,! and all other vegetable
socks, stockings, wove; substances used for beds
shirts and drawers, and or mattresses,
all similar articles worn Hair pencils,
by men, women and chll- Hat-bodies, of cotton or
dren, and not otherwise wool,
provided for. Hats and bonnets, for men,
Carpets, carpetings, hearth- women and children,
rugs,bed-sides,and other! composed of straw, satin straw, chip, grass, palm
ing either Aubusslon.l leaf, whalebone, or other
Brussels,ingrain,Saxony, materials, not otherwise
Turkey, Venetian, Wilton provided for,
or any other similar fa- Hatters’plush, of whatever
brie not otherwise pro- material composed,
vided for, Honey,
Carriages and parts of car- Ink and Ink powder,
riages, Ipecacuanha,
Castorutn, Iridium,
Chains of all sarts, , Iris, or orris-root,
Cider, and other beverages Iron castings,
not containing alcohol, Iron liquor,
and not otherwise pro- Iron, in bars, holts, rods*
tided for, slabs and railroad rails*
Chocolate, spikes, fishing-plates and
Chromate of lead, chairs, used in construct-
Chromste, bichromate, by- Ing railroads,
drlodate and prusslate of Ivory black,
potash, Jslsp,
Clocks and parts of clocks, Japanned ware of all kinds.
Coach and harness furni-! not otherwise provided
ture of ail kinds, for,
Cobalt, Jet, and manufactures of
Oemha of all kinds, . jet, and Imitations there
Copper rod*, bolts, nail* Jewelry,
and spikes, thereof,
opper In sheets or plates, Juniper berries,
called brasier's copper, Lacesof cotton, of thread,
and other sheets of cop-. or other materials not
por, not otherwise pro- otherwise provided for,
vided for. Lampblack,
Copperas, or green vitriol, Laatlngs, cut In strips, or
or sulphate of Iron, | patterns of the size or
Corks, shape for shoes, boots.
Cotton cords, gimps and; bootees, slippers, gaiters,
galloons, ! or buttons, of whatever
Cotton loots, cotton Insert-1 material composed,
Ings* cotton trimming, Letd pencils,
loess, cotton and braids, Leaden pipes,
Court plaster, Leather, Japanned,
Cora), unmanufactured, Leeehea,
Crayons of all kinds, Linens of all kinds,
Cubebs, Liquorice, paste, Juice or
Oatltry of all kinds, root,
Drugs, medicinal,
Earthen, china and etonel
ware, and all other wares Machinery af every da-
Manufactures of cotton of
all ktndff, not otherwise
provided for.
Manufactures of flax of all
kinds not otherwise pro
vided for,
Manufactures of hemp of
ill kinds not otherwise
provided for.
pot |
otherwise provh
Manufactures, articles, ves
sels and wares, not oth-.
erwlse provided for, of
brass, copper, Iron, lead
pewter, tin, or of which
Periodicals aod other works
In course of iwlDthig and
re-publication in the Con-
fedornte States,
Piaster of Paris, calcined,
Quassia manufactured or
Red chalk |>encUs,
Roman cement,
(Saddlery of all kinds, not
otherwise provided for,
Saffron and Saffron cake,
Bafts, epaom, glauher, rn-
chelle. ami all other salts
and preparations of salts
not otherwise provided
or of which glass shall be
a component material not
otherwise provided for,
Manufactures and articlesjgarsapurills,
of leather, or of which iferewa of all kinds,
leather shall be a compo- Sealing wax,
nent part, not otherwise!Serna,
provided for, Seppla,
Manufactures and articles Sewing silk, In t ie gum and
of marble, marble paving | purified,
tiles, and all o'.her marble jPhaddocks,
mote advanced In manu-jBkIns of all kinds, tanned,
facture than In slabs or] dressed, or japanned,
blocks In the rough, cot Soap of every description,
otherwise provided for,
Manufactures of I
of which paper 1
not otherwise provide!
, tor,
; Slate pencils,
poner t material, not oth-!8maltz.
erwlse provided for, |8bot of lead, not otherwise
Manufactures of wood, or! provided for,
of which wood Is a com-'Spirits of turpentine,
ponent part, not other-.Spunk,
wise provided for, |Squills,
Matting, China or other Starch,
floor matting, and mats Stereotype plate*,
made of flags, jute or Still bottoms,
Medicinal prepa r a 11 o n r,
drugs, routs and leaves in
a crude state, not other
wise provided for.
Metallic pens.
Mineral waters.
Sulphate of barytes, crude
Sulphate of quinine, aud
quinine in all its various
preparations, for walls,
and pa|>ers for screens or
Textile fabrics of every
description not otherwise
provided for,
musical instruments of
wh p-gut, cat-gut, and ail
other strings of the same
material, Twine and pack thread, of
Mustard In hulk or in bot-j whatever material coin
ties, mustard seed, posed,
Needles of all kinds, for'Thread lacings and insert
sewing, darning and inirs,
knitting. Types, old or new. and type
Nitrate of lead, j metals,
Ochres, and ochrey earths, j Umbrellas,
0.1 cloths of every descrip 'Vandyke brown,
tion, of whatever material] Vanilla beans,
composed, | Varnish of ail kinds,
Oils of every description,!Vellum,
animal, vegetable and)Venetian red.
mineral, not otherwise Velvet in the piece, com-
provided for, | posed wholly of cotton,
Olives, , l or of cotton and silk, but
Opium, * 1 of which cotton Is the
Orange and lemon peel, j component material
Osier, or willow, prepared] chief value,
for basket-makers’ use. Verdigris,
Paints, dry, or ground in Vermillion,
oil, not otherwise provid-| Vinegar,
Od f<*r, Wafers,
Paper, antiquarian, detny, 1 Water colors,
drawing, s'ephant, fools-, Whalebone,
cap, imperial, letter, and, White and red lead,
for printing newspapers, : White vitriol, or sulphate of
handbills aud other priut-1 zlttc,
ing, and all other paper, 1 Whiting, or Paris whit
not otherwise provided Window glass, broad, c
for, j or cylinder,
Paper hnxe*. and all other Woolen and worsled yarns,
fancy boxes. | and woolen listings.
Paper hangings, pnpc
.Wheel-barrows uml hanfl-
for] barrows,
for'Wagons, and vehicles of
screen* or fire boards, j every description, or
Parchment, I parts thereof,
Parasols, and sun-shadesj
uml umbrellas,
(TV* percent, ad valorem.)
ds of every description! gal, substitute, traga-
otherwise pr
imonU, and aal
vided canth anil all other gums
aud resins, In a crude
state, not otherwise pro
vided for,
Hair of all kinds, uncleani-
ed and unmanufactured,
o* Hemp unmanufactured,
{ Hemp seed and rape seed,
, Hops, horns, horn-tips,
unmanufactured, not oth- Ivory unmanufacture<
erwlse provided for, Ivory nuts, or vegetable
Armisseed, ivory,
Antimony,crude or re^ulus 1 Jute, sisal grass, coir, and
of, other vegetable substan-
Argol, or crude tartar, ces unmanufactured, not
Arsenic, otherwise provided for,
Ashes, pot, pearl and soda, Kelp,
Asplinltum, Kermes,
Assafietids, Lac spirits, lac sulphur,
Uauannas, cocoanuts, pine-, and lac dye,
apples, plaintalns, or-]Leather tanned, bend, sole
auge*, and all oilier West] and upper, of all kinds
India fruits In their nat- not otherwise provided
Barilla, Lemons and times, and
Bark of nil kinds, not! lime juice, and juices of
otherwise provided for, all other fruits without
Bismuth, : Madder, ground or pre-
Bitter apples, ! pared,
Bleached powder of chlo-, Madder roof,
ride lime, Marble, In the rough slab or
Bones, Burnt, block, unmanufactured,
Boards, planks, staves . Metals, unmanufactured,
shingles, laths, scantling,; not otherwise provided
and all other sawed lum-j for, Mineral kermes,
her ; also spars and hewn Mineral and bituminous
timber, of all sorts, | substances In a crude
Bone-black, or animal car-i state, not otherwise pro-
bon, and bone dust, ! vided for,
Bolling cloths, Moss, Iceland,
Books, printed magazines, Music, printed with lines
pamphlets, periodicals,! bound and unbound,
and illustrated newspa- Natron,
per*, bound or unbound, Nickel,
otherwise provided Nuts, not otherwise provid-
Books, blank, bound c
Borate of lime,
ed for,
tide or tinea!,
•'Nut galls,
Nux Vomica,
Or&ngrs, lemons and Him
Palm leaf unmanufactured,
isox-wood, unmanufactur- ] Pearl, mother of,
ed, Pineapples,
Brazil paste, j Plantains,
Brazil wood, hrlzllletto, anil Platlua unmanufactured,
all dye-woods in sticks, j Polishing stone*,
Bristles, Potatoes,
Bronze and Dutch metal in Prussian blue,
leaf, bronze liquor, ami Pinnies aud pumice stone,
powder, 1 Rattans and reeds, unman
Red chalk,
_ . Safflower,
Cabinets of coins, medals, Sal s«>da, and all carbon-
gems, and all collections stes and sulpha!
Building stones,
Bur stones, wrought
of antlqualltles,
da, by whatever names
designated not otherwise
provided for,
Chalk, bilk, raw, not more s.dvsnc-
Cheese, ed In manufacture than
Chickory root, ' singles, tram and thrown,
Chronometers, box or shlp| or organlzloe,
and parts thereof, Sponges,
Clay, burnt or unburnt Steel In bars, sheets and
bricks, roofing tiles, gas plates, not further ad-
retorts and roofing slates, | vanced In manufacture
Coal, coke, and culm of than by rolling; and cast
steel in bars,
Cocoa-nuts, cocoa and
j Tallow, marrow ami all
I other grease or soap
! stocks and soap stuffs,
I not olhtrwlse provided
Gam bogs,
Gold aod sliver leaf,
GeM-beater's skin,
iy, mineralogy, or koto-
ny mot otherwise provid-
Gums—-Arable, Burbary,
copal. East Indies, fiane-
(Fineper sank ad emUnsm.)
Articles used In dyclef,and Junk, old,
tanning not ether wise Floater of Paris or sulphate
provided for, j of Ume, ground or un-
Braw in bars or pigs, old] ground,
and fit only lobe re-man- Raw hides of all kinds un-
Bells, old bell metal,
Copper in pigs or bsrt, cop
per ore, . .._. ... .
Copper when old and fit 48 inches long and 14
only to be remanafac-' inches wide and weighing
tured, 1 from 11 to 84 ounces,
Cutch, | Sheathing or yellow metal,
Diamonds, cameos, mosa- not wholly or In part of
lea, pearlo, gems, rubies, I Iron,
and other precious stones ludla rubber, milk of,
* imitation thereof Sheathing or yellowEA
whoa not set.
nails expressly for riiea-
thlog vessels,
for flheathtng paper,
Ixed, felt, .
sheathing vessels, Fuller’s Stave bolts and shingle
earth, Gums of all sorts, bolts,
not otherwise provided Type, old aod fit only to be
for, ] re-manufactured,
Guttapercha, unmanufac-'Wold,
tured. Indigo, India Rub-, Zinc, spelter, or tentenegue
ber, In bottles, slabs or unmanufactured,
sheets, unmanufactured!
(Spsot/tc Duties.)
Icc. one dollar ami fifty rock—two cents per
cent* per ton, bushel of fifty-six lbs. per
Salt, ground, blown, or; bushel.
(Exempt from Duty.)
Books, maps, charts, mathe-j other improvements In
matical and nautical In- the arts, provided that no
strumenta. philosophical! article or article* shall bo
apparatus, and all other deemed a model which
articles whatever, imjiort- can be fitted for use,
eil for the use of the Con- Paving stones,
federate States*, Personal and household ef-
Books, pamphlets, periodl-; fects, not merchandise, of
cals, and tracts published citizens of tbe Confeder-
by religious associations, | ate States dying abroad,
ami charts, statues,
ary, busts and casts, of
marble, bronze, alabaster, 1
or plaster of Paris, paint
ings and drawings, etch-
lugs, specimens of sculp-
tuie, cabinet of coins,
medals, gems, and all col
lections of antiquities;
provided the same be!
specially imported in gtnxl, In the Confederate Stated
faith for the use of any | Wearing apparel and oth-
society, incorporated or personal effects, not me
established for plnlosoph- chandisc ; profess ions
books, Implements, in
struments, and tools of
trades, occupation
ployment, of persons ar
riving in tho Confederate
States; provided that this
ny ; provid*
imported in good faith tor
tho use of any society In
corporated or estaolishcd
for philosophical, agri
cultural or horticultural
purposes, or for the
or by the order of any
college, academy, school,
seminary of learning
if the fine arts, i
isc or by tho order of any
hurch, college, academy,
‘ * seminary of’
learning in tho Confede-j exemption shall not be
rate Stales, construed to include ma-
Bullion, gold and sliver, ! chinery, or other articles
Coins, gold, silver ami cop- imported for use, in any
per, manufacturing establish-
Coffee, ' mont, or for sale,
Bacon, |»ork, hams, lard.
Cop|tc-r, when imported for
the mint of the Confeder
ate States,
Garden seeds for agricultu-
beef; wheat. Hoar
bran of wiieat, flour and
bran, all other grains, In
dian corn and meal, bur-
ley, rye,oats, au I oat ineai,
I»o»es, | living animals of all kinds,
iiHiiis, waies and merclian- not otherwise provided
disc, the growth, produce,' for: also all agricultural
manufacture of the' proauctlons,lnclud’gthi
competed of earthy and
mineral substances, not
otherwtM provided for,
Coculus Indlcus,
Coir yarn, Codllla,
of hemp or flax,
Cowhage down,
Cream of tartar.
Diamonds, cameos,
les, gems, pearls, rubles,|Teazle,
aud other precious stones j Terra japonlca, catechu,
and Imitations thereof, Tla In plates or sheets aud
when set In gold or silver tin foil,
or otbtr metal, Tortoise or othtr shells un-
Diatnondn glaslcrt, set or manufactured,
not set, Trees, shrubs, bulbs, plants
Dragon’s blood, i and roots not otherwise
Engravings, bound or un-' provided for,
bound, 'Turmeric,
Extract of Indigo, j Watches and parts of
Extracts and decoctions of watches,
log-wood and other dye- Wotd or pastel,__ 4|»
woods, not otherwise Woods, vis: eider, box,
prorlded for. ebony, Ugnum-vitss, gra-
Extract of madder, nadllla, mahogany,
Ergot, wood, satin wood
Flax, unmanufactured, > ufactured.
Flocks waste or shoddy, Msps and charts.
Furs, hatters', dressed or PoleUegs aed staraarr not
undressed, net on the otherwise prorlded for,
skin, Wool uamanafactered of
Furs undressed, whew en every description, aod
tree, lobe n ■■Misstated. iFpssIwws 11 Urn-y
nd brought back to! otherwise provided for,
Confederate Mates in the Gunpowder, and nil the iu
sumo condition ns when terials of which it is mude,
exported, upon which no Lead in pigs or bars, in shot
drawback has been allow-; or bolls, for cannon, i
ed; provided that nil rig-, kets, rifles or pistols,
ulatmns to a»certain the Rags, of whatever material
Identity thereof,prescribed composed,
by existing laws, or which Arms, of every description,
may be prescribed by the for military purposes, and
becretury of the Treasury, I parte thereof, munitions
shall be compiled with, ! ofwar,mlUtarjaccoutre-
Guano Manures, and Ferlll-i meets, and percussion
iscrs of all aorta, ] capo,
Household effects, old and Ships, steamers, b
in use, of persons or fami- dredging vess
lies from foreign conn-1 chinery, screw pile Jetties,
tries, if used abroad by! and articles to be used In
them, and not intended! the construction of hor-
for any other purposes, orj bora, and for dredging
for aale, ] aud improving the same.
Models or inventions,
Skc. 2. And be it further enacted, That there
Hhall be levied, collected anti paid, on each
and every non-enuiuerated article which bears
aaiinililude, either in material, quality, text
ure, or the uses to which it may be applied, to
any enumerated articles chargeable with duty,
the same rate of duty which is levied and
charged on the enumerated article by the fore
going schedules which it most resembles in
any of the particulars before mentioned; and
if any non-onumerated article equally resem
bles two or more enumerated articles on which
different rates of duty are chargeable, there
shall be levied, collected and paid on such
non-enumeraUd article, tbe same rate of duty
as is cbsrgeable on the article which it resem
bles paying the highest duty. Provided, that
small articles manufactured from two or more
materials, the duly shall be assessed at the
highest rates at which any of its component
parts may be chargeable. Provided further,
that on all articles which are not enumerated
in the foregoing schedules and cannot be class
ified under this section, a duty of 10 per cent
ad valorem shall becharged.
Skc. 3. And be it further enacted. That all
goods, wares, and merchandise, which may be
iu tbe public stores as unclaimed, or in ware
house under warehousing bonds, on the 31st
day of August next, shall be subjeet on entry
thereof for consumption, to such duty as if the
same hsd been imported, respectively, after
that day.
Skc. 4. Amd be it further enacted, That on the
entry of auy goods, wsres, or merchandise, im
ported on or after the 31st day of August afors
■aid, the decision of the Collector of tbe Cus
toms at the port of importation and entry, at
to their liability to duly or exemption there
from, shall be final and conclusive against tbe
owuer, importer, consignee, or agent of any
such goods, wares and merchandise, unless tbe
owner, importer, consignee or agent shall,
within tendaya after such entry, give notice to
tbe collector, in writing, of hie dissatisfaction
with such deoision, setting forth therein dis*
tiuctly and specially his ground of objection
thereto, aud shall, within thirty days after
date of such decision, appeal therefrom to the
Secretary of the Treasury, whose decision on
such appeal shall be final and conclusive; and
the said goods, wares and merchandiae shall
ba liable to duty or exemption therefrom ac
cordingly, any Act of Congress to the contrary
notwithstanding, unless suit shall be brought
within thirty days after such decision, for any
duties tbst may nave been paid, or may there
after be paid, on said goods, or within thirty
days after the duties shall have heea paid in
cases where such goods shall be in bond.
8kc. b. Be t< further enacted That it shall be
lawful for the owner, ooosignee, or sgent of
imports which have been actually purchased
or procured otherwise than by purchase, on
eutry of the sains, to make such addition in
the entry to the cost or value given in the in
voice as, in his opinion, may raise the seme to
true market valued such imports ia tbe prin
cipal markets of tbe country whence the im
portations shall have been made, and to add
thereto all coils and charges which, uadsr ex
isting laws, would form part of th# true value
at the port whrre the same may be entered,
upon which the duty should he assessed. Aod
it shall he the doty of the Collector within
whose District tho same may he imported or
•ntered, to eeuae the dutiable velne of such
imports to be appraised, estimated and ascer
tained, in aocorduoce with tbe provisions of
existing lews; and if the appraised value
thereof shall exceed by ten per centum, or
more, th* value so declared on entry, then In
addition to iha duties Impqaad by law on the
fiints, there shall belevied, collected aid paid
a duty of twenty per eeatnis ed mlsrem en
snob appraised value: Provided, nevertheless,
That a odor no eircumsunoei shall Ute duty be
Mewed upon an amount feet than the invoice
or oaljptnd ypije> any loir of Obngties to the
mooh of all Acts or parts
Inconsistent with this Act,
ssrae are hereby repealed.
(Signed) HOW
President of
Approved Msr 21st, 18AI.
Jefferson Davis.
Vi. J. H. McLUA
vnouanvr snesv
In the World,
sao TBS
Delightful Cor
T HE thousand* ap.
on thousand* who
are dally using Me-1
Lean’s Strengthening
Cordial, certify that it is absolutely so
edy for renovating and Ianoosinso
diseased system, purifying and enrichui
storing the sick, suffering invalid to
There is no mistake about it; It wfff ~
plalnt, Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea, Dysentery
presslon of Spirits, Fever and Ague, Inw'-
ureath, or any disease of the Liver, Sto
gy GENTLEMEN, do you wish to be H
and Vigorous ?
&T LADIES, do you want the Bloo*
mount to your Cheeks again f Then go s
McLean’s strengthening
Blood Purifier.
Delay not a moment; It Is warranted to
tlon. It will cure auy d sesse of the f
or Bladder; Fainting,Obstructed Meost.
of the Womb, Baireuness, or any disease
Chronic or Nervous Debility, It is so I
For Children.
be Healthy, Strong and ttobustf __
Lias's STauomuixa Cokual, (tee fll. B
each bottle,) Ills delicious to take.
|3F* One table-spoonful, taken every
ing, is a sure preventive against Chilli sol
low Fever, Cholera, or any prevailing *
%ST Cactioh.—Beware of Druggists t
may try to palm upon you a bottle of “
parilia, (which they can buy cheap,) by
as good. There are even nien base enoa_
of my name to dub their vile decoctions,
infamou* pirates and their villainous cos
for Dr. J. H. McLean’s (Strengthening Co,
Purifier. Take nothing else. It Is the only
will purify your Blood thoroughly, sad,«'
time, Utrengtheu and Invigorate the whole«
It is put up in large bottles—$1 per bot
ties for $6. DR. J. II. McLEAN, Sole
Corner of Third aud Pine Su.,f
For Liver Complaint, Biliousness,
T HERE has never been a Csthsrtlc M
to the public, that has given such
as McLbai’s Universal Pills.
Being entirely vegetable, they
and can be taken by them' at tender infest;
and powerful in rumoring *11 Bilious
or Impure, Feted Matter from the fit
they are the only Pills that should be
They produce no Griping, Sickaess, <
fitemaen or Bowels, thoogh very active a
in their operation, promoting healthy i«i
Liver and Kidneys. Who will suffer *
Headache, and Foul Stomach, when so
can be obtained! Keep them constantly
single dose, taken in season, may prevent
and months of sickness. Ask for Dr. J.
Universal Pills. Take no other. Being
are tasteless. Price only 85 cents per bos
sent by mail to any part of the United ~
J. H. McLEAN, 8ole Pn
Corner of Third and Pine Sta, fit.
Dr. J. H. McLean’s Volcanic «
Th* Best External in tAs World, for Mi
T HOUSANDS of human beings havebea
of decrepitude and misery, by the
in an incredible short time. McLkai’s Y
Liniment will relieve the most Inveterilecaw,
mat ism, Gout, or Neuralgia. For Par.l;
Muscles, Stiffness or Weakness la the Je
Ligaments, It will never fail. Two anpll
Bore Throat, Headache, or Earache.
Scalds, or any Pain, it is an Infallible
and you will find it an indlspenslble t<
always on band.
Planters, Farmers, or any one having
es, will save money by using McLean’s V
lment. It Is a speedv and infallible '
Sprains, Chafes, Swelling, Lameness,
Wounds, Scratches, or any external (
and you will be convinced.
J. H. McLEAN, Sole
March 7,19«l-dAwly. fix!
For sale in Atlanta bj I
HAMILTON,and by MA88EY k
and Dealers everywhere.
S B. OATMAN, proprietor, u>i
• Italian, American and
Monuments. Tombs. Tablets, Head
Monuments, Tombs, Tablets,
Stones, Urns, Vases, Marble and
Slate Mantels, Statuary Figures, “
ing Marble of all description!.
Always on band a fine assor
menta, both Plain and Oarred,
prices to suit
Call and see specimen*, at Wars
Yard, opposite Georgia Railroad
G. K. & J. L. HAM
pure M;
nil nuxen axd catawba
WINKS, *r.
Mrs. J. M. Bori
H A VINO juit r»tum«d from
wlMK. porehAied tort
Good a l»N plMHT* in l-rR'U .
ud th. public to tB iuip*clioo-__
H.r .took b quite Rill, u>«
l.teft it/l«s which will to off*— *
"fowiM^'park.rt «nr brtek