Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, July 21, 1861, Image 4
SOUTHS Yd C O N F E HEH'IAJ C(Yi W. F. HERRING & GO. OFFER FOR CASH 10- THEIR LARGE STOCK OF -©* READY-MADE CLOTHING nr VERY HOW. -« have on hand an assortment of MILITARY GOODS: Georgia Grey Cassimeres, Georgia Green “ Georgia Brown u Blue Broad Cloth, Cadet Grey Broad Cloth, • Military Buttons, Georgia made Shirtings, suitable for Soldiers, Which wo will sell as low as can be afforded under the circumstances. Our SWORDS will be ready this week—a Southern made Sword—good tem per—fine finish—at a reasonable price. We are prepared to make up UNIFORMS for Companies at short notice nnd fair prices for CASH. W. F. HERRING & CO June 20—dim. SOW IS THE TIKE TO FRANKLIN PRINTING HOUSE -AND- BOOK BINDERY. WOOD, IIANLEITER, RICE & CO., Desire to direct public at- tention to their unequalled ihoilities for the superior and prompt execution of all work in their line, from A Small Card to the Largest Volume! The establishment, in its various departments, perhaps the most complete in the whole Southern country. It is the object of the proprietors to es tablish on a permanent basis a Southern Publish ing House ! thereby effectually removing every necessity for sending North to have works issued. Thus far the enterprise has proved highly success- ul, and the proprietors feel assured that the benelcial results of such an undertaking have ye to be more fully appreciated by our people. The several departments receive the personal su. pervision of the firm, and satisfaction guaranteed to each and every patron. THE BOOK-BINDING DEPARTMENT Is handsomely fitted up with .all the modern improvements and conveniences of that branch Blank-Booka ruled and manufactured; Law Works, Medical Works, Music, Magazines, dec. bound in any style desired, and at prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction. THE JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT Is specially complete in every particular ; constant additions are being made ia the way of such improvements as are introduced nto the Typographical world, by which the proprietors are ena bled to furaish thb handsomest printing in the Confederated States! Everything, from a Visiting Card to a Mammoth Poster, tastefully executed in any style and color desired. Three oft their six Presses are prope'led by ^t&am, and kept in operation! day and night! Bank Chocks, Bill Heads, Railroad Blanks, Professional Cards, PrograamM, Circulars. Legal Blanks, Letter Heads, And ev.ry imssmible T.rirtjr of Printin* promptly illnM to at prleM brn • small ndvssoo ox New York retell Pristine in FANCY COLORED INKS, AND WITH OOI.D AND H1LVEH BRONZES, IS f«S HUIKMT STTLK or THE ABt! pp The Proprietor., cosddeat o< iMr ability to sir. Min eatilfcetire. eoHnit t of pabUe patron net. horo .11 pert, of Ik* eopnlry will rowiv. tkair pwaontl attention, .ad all wash promptly *trw»rd«d pet Xsprero orotkerwie*, M may be diwoud. AU teller! .taoutd be eddreiaed to * Wr*.» WOOD, HANLEITER, EICE A CO. Atsskts, Qju, I set. X 4—ait ■ THB IKW TARIFF. AN ACT 7b provide RtvtmaA from ctmmodUia imported fnm% Fmrttfn (Sntntrieg. BiCTton I. The Cmjrtu of IAt Qtnft&traU Statu •/ America do enact. That from a.d after the thirty Ant day of Augu.t east. • duty ebell be Impeeed on all good., products, wtros sad mernu.dine imported from abroad late the Confederate State* of America, el fallow! i On all erUs)!! aouuerated I. Sobidale A, an ad va/omn doty of twentr-Ava per oantum On all artiolea enumerated in Schedule B, an ad valorem duty of twenty per centum. On all erUalaa enumerated In Schedule C, an ad valo rem duty of fifteen per centum. On all articles anomaratad in Schedule I), an ad valorem daty of ten per centum. On all articles enumerated in Sckedala E, an ad valorem duty of Av« per ecu turn. And teat nil artmlae enumerated in Schedule F, a SpeoiAe Duty as thsrein named Andthatall arUelea enumerated In Sehadule G, shall be sxempt from duty, to witi SCHEDULE A. (Tmentf-Jtee per etntum ad valorem.) CO a, klrichan SachoTfes, ..rdlnro, and all other Osh Ituoui bevtrefee of e elm. Id oil. Brandy nnd other spirit* Glass, cut, dietllled from grnln ** * Manufacture* ednr- wood, granadilla, ebony, mahogany, rosewood, nnd •sttnwood, Bcagllola tope for tables 01 other articles of farnl- tare, Pegsrs, snuff, paper segars, and all other manufac tures ef tobacco, Wines.-—Burgundy, Cham pagne, Clarets, Madeira, Port, Sherry, and all oth er wines or Imitations of other materials not oth erwise provided for. Billiard and bagatelle ta bles, and all other tablet or boards on which games are played, Competition tops for ta bles, or other articles of furniture, Confectionery, comfits, sweetmeats, or fruits pre served In sugar, molas ses, brandy, or other li quors. Cordials, obsynthe, arrack SCHEDULE B. {Twenty per cent ad valorem.) Almonds, raisins, currants, parts thereof, of what- dates, figs, and all other! ever material composed, dried or preserved fruits Pans and fire-screens of not otherwise provided, every description, for, whatever material Argentine, alabata or Ger-! posed, man silver, manufactured Grapes, plums and prunes, or unmanufactured, | and other such fruit, Articles embroidered with, when put up In bottles gold, silver, or other met- 1 case or cans, not other- al not otherwise provided wise provided for, for, jllair, human, cleansed oi Balsams, cosmetics, essen- • prepared for use, extracts, pastes, per- Manufactures of gold, pla- papier Bay-rum, j mache, Beads of Amber, comport-! Molasses, tion of wax, and all other Paintings on gloss, beads, | Pepper, pimento, cloves, Beuxotes, bracelets, braids,I nutmegs, cinnamon, and chains, curls, or ringlets, all other spices, composed of hair, or of! Perfumes and perfumery, which hair Is a coinpo-l of all sorts, not otherwise nent part, not otherwise! provided for, provided for, j Plated and gilt ware, of all Camphor, refined, Paying cards, Canes and slicks for walk- Prepared vegetables, fruits, ing, finished or unflnish- meats, poultry and game, ed, * sealed or enclosed In Capers, Pickles, and sauces or otherwise, of all kinds, not other- Silver-plated metals, in wise provided for, sheets or other forms, Card-cases, pocket-books, Soap, eastlte, perfumed, shell boxes, souvenirs,- Windsor, and other toilet and all similar articles, of soaps, whatever material com- Sugar of all kinds, posed, not otherwise pro- Syrup of sugar, vhied for, Epaulettes, galloons, lac* Compositions of glass, set knots, stars, tassels, tr< or unset. sels, and wings of gold or silver, or Imitations thereof, Coral,cut or manufactured, Feathers and flowers, arti ficial or ornamental, and SCHEDULE C. (Fifteen per cent, ad valorem ) Alum, I Roman candles, and all Arrow-root, : similar articles used in Articles of clothing or ap- Pyrotechnics, apparel, including, hats. Pish, whether frciih, smok- caps, gloves, shoes and I boots of all kinds, by men, women oi dren, of whatever chi!-; salted, dried pickled, not otherwise provided for, !• Fruits preserved In their jposed, j own juice, or pie fruits, Baises, blankets, bookings, Pish glue, or Isinglass, Uannels aud floor-cloths, Pish skluit, of whatever material Plats, braids, plaits, spar- composed, not otherwise terre and willow squares, provided for, I used for making hat* Baskets, and all other artl-, bonnets, cles composed of grass, Floss silks, feather beds, osier, palm-leaf, straw, feathers for beds, and whalebone t*r willow, not| downs of all kinds, otherwise provided for, ; frames and sticks for Beer, ale and porter, In/ brelias, parasols, casks or bottles, | sunshades, finished or Beeswax, ! finished. Berries and vegetables of Frankford black, all sorts used for food, fulminates, or fulminating not otherwise provided! powdere, for, furniture, cabinet Blue or Roman vitrol, or household, not otherwise sulphate of copper, I provided for, Bologna sausages, ' furs, dressed on the skin. Braces, suspenders, wrb- Ginger, dried, green, ripe, blogs, or other fabric* ground, preserved or composed wholly or In pickled, part of India Rubber, not Glsss, colored, stained or otherwise provided for, | painted, Breccia, Glass, window. Burgundy pitch, Olass, crystals for watches, Buttons and button-moulds of al! kinds, Cables and cordage, of whatever material mode, Cadmium, Calamine, Calomel, and all other mer curlal preparations, Carbonate of soda, Castor beans, Castor oil, Candles and tapers o spermaceti, stearlue, pa raflne, tallow or wax, and all other candles, Caps, hats, muffs and tip pets, and all other manu factures of fur, or of which fur shall be a com ponent part, Capa, gloves, legglns, mils, socks, stockings, wove shirts and drawers, and all similar article* worn by men, women and chll- Hat-bodies, of cotton drso. and not otherwise provided for. Carpets, carpetings, hearth r pebbles for spec tacles, Olass tumblers, nlaln, moulded and pressed, bot tles, flasks, and all other vessels of glass not other wise provided for, Glue, Grass cloth, Green turtle, Gum benlson, or benjamin, Guna, except musket* and rlflea, fire-arms, and all parts thereof not Intend ed for military purposes, Gunny cloth and India bag gings, and India mattings of all sorts, not other wise provided for, Ilalr, curled, moss, seaweed and all other vegetable substances used for beds or mattresses, I Hair pencila, II.1 . rugs, bed-sides, and other portions of carpeting, be Ing either Aubu»rion Brussels, Ingrain, Baxony Turkey, Venetian, Wilton or any other similar fa- brio not otherwise pro vided for. Carriages and parts of car riages, Castorum, Chains of all sorts. Cider, and other beverage* Hate and bonnets, for men, women and children, composed of straw, ealin straw, chip, grass, palm- leaf, whalebone, or other materials, not otherwise provided for. Hatters' plash, of whatever material composed. Honey, Ink and Ink powder, Ipecacuanha, Iridium, Iris, or orris-root, Iron castings, not containing alcohol, Iron liquor, and not otherwise pro-, Iron, In bars, bolts, roust Tided for, slabs aad railroad rails, Chocolato, spikes, fishing-plates and Chromate of lead, chairs, used In construct- Chromate, bichromate, by-1 Ing railroads, drtodateand pruseiat* of, Ivory black, potash, | Jalap, Clocks and parts of clocks,'Japanned ware of all kinds, Coach and harness fbrnl-j not otherwise provided ture of all kinds, | for, Cobalt, |Jet, and manufacture* of Combe of oH kinds, Jet, and Imitations there- Imitations of wool of Al! or worsted not otherwise provided for, Manufacture* of cotton of I »U kinds, not otherwise Patent mordant. Paring and roofing tils*, ‘ bricks, and roofing PHb end firs brkka, Periodicals and other works In course of piloting and Copper bottoms, of, Copper rods, bolts, nails Jswslry, opper in sheets or plates, called brasler's copper, and other sheets of cop per, not otherwise pro vtded for, Leceeof cotton, of thread, or other materials not otherwise provided for, Laainhteck, Copperas, or greet vitriol,, Lasting*, oat In strips, er or sulphate of Iron, | patterns of the rise or Oorka, 1 shape for shoes, boots, Cotton cords, gimps and! bootee*, slippers, gaiters, galloons, ! or buttons, of whatever Cotton loose, cotton Insert-1 material eo * Inge, eottoa trimming Lead peastl* •oTOtomI to ,, •t Hite* all other of earthy linens ef all kinds, One^riU«,andall'other otherwise provided for, Mashfeety of every de scription not otherwise provided for, rs pobllcaUofi In the On- anufaehsres of fiai ef all federal* States, Pitch, _ .... fibster of Farts, esfcined, Mannfactures of heap of Plumbago, —.v—i- Potassium, Petty, Quicksilver, _ , I wNf or vegetable' Ivory, not otherwise provided for, Manefaeturse, artiolea, ves sel* and ware*, not oth erwise provided for, of Roman cement, brass, copper. Iron, lead, Saddlery of all kinds, not "either of these metals shall be a component part, Manufacture*, articles, v«o- sels and wares of glass, or of which glass shall be a component material not otherwise provided for. Manufactures and artiste* of leather, er of which leather shall be a compo nent part, not otherwise provided for, Manufactures and articles of marble, marble paving tiles, and all other marble more advanced In mar facture than In slabs blocks In the rough, not otherwise provid ed for, Manufactures of paper, m of which paper is a com ponent material, not oth erwise provided for, Quaeria manufactured or unmanufactured, Red chalk {moolis, tthnbaifc, otherwise provided fo iffron and Saffron cake, otherwise provided Sarsaparilla, Screws of all kinds, Sealing wax, Sewing silk, In the gam and JMli - Shaddocks, Skins of all kind*, tanned, dressed, or Japanned, 8oap of every desert ptlon, not otherwise provided for. Slate pencils, Smalts. Shot of lead, not otherwise provided for, Spirits of turpentine, Bpunk, Squills, Starch, Stereotype plates, Still bottoms, Sulphate of barytes, crude or refined, Bnlphate of quinine, and quinine In all it* various preparations, for walls, and papers for screens fire-boards. Parchment, Tamploca, Tktr, Textile fabrics of every description not otherwise provided for, Twine and pack thread, of whatever material posed, Thread lacings and Insert ing*, Types, old or new, and type metals, Umbrellas, Vandyke brown. Vanilla benns, Varnish of all kinds, Vellom, Manufactures of wood, oi of which wood is a com ponent part, not other wise provided for, Matting, China or other floor matting, and mats made of flag*, jute grass. Medicinal preps r a 11 o drugs, root* and leaves in a crude state, not other wise provided for, Morphine, Metallic pens. Mineral waters, Musical instruments of all kinds, and strings for musical Instruments ot whip-gut, cat-gut. and all other strings of the same material, Mustard in bulk or in bot tles, mustard seed, Needles of all kinds, for sewing, darning and knitting. Nitrate of lead. Ochres, and ochrey earths. Oil cloths of every descrip tlon, of whatever material composed, OH* of every description, animal, vegetable and {Venetian red. mineral, not otherwise'Velvet In the piece, provided for, Olives, Opium, Orange* and lemon peel, I Osier, or willow, prepared { for basket-makers' use, Yeraign*, Paints, dry, or ground In Vermillion, oil, not otherwise provid- j Vinegar, ed for, I Wafers, Paper, antiquarian, demy.j Water colors, drawing, elephant, fools-' Whalebone, cap, Imperial, letter, and-White and red lead, for printing newspapers,! While vitriol,or sulphate of handbills and other print- sine, Ing, and all othor paper,. Whiting, or Paris white, not otherwise provided Window glass, broad, crown for, I or cylinder. Paper boxes, and all other j Woolen and worsted yarns, fancy boxes, | and woolen listings, Paper envelopes, .Wheel-barrows and hand- Paper hangings, paper for harrows, walls, and papers for .Wagons, and vehicles of screens or Ore boards, | every description, or Parchment, part* thereof, Parasols, and sun-shades| and umbrellas, SCHEDULE D. ( Te'* per vent ad valorem.) Acids of every description' gal, substitute, traga-l not otherwise provided, canth and all other gums for, I aad resins, In a crude Alcornoque, state, not otherwise pro- Aloes, vlded for, Ambergris, ' Hair of all kinds, uncleans- Amber, ed and unmanufactured, Ammonia, and sal amtno-tlleinp unmanufactured, nla, Hemp seed and rape seed, Anatto, roucon, or Orleans, Hops, horns, horn-tips, Angora. Thibet, and other | bone, bone-tips, and teeth goats' hair, or mohair,' unmanufactured, unmanufactured, not oth- 1 Ivory unmanufactured, erwlse provided for, Ivory nuts, or vegetable Annlsseed, | Ivory, Antimony, crude or regulusj Jute, sisal grass, coir, and of, 1 other vegetable substan- Argol, or crude tartar, 1 ce« unmanufactured, not Arsenic, | otherwise provided for, Ashes, pot, pearl and soda, l Kelp, Asphaltum, Kermes, AssafuMlda, Lac spirits, lac sulphur, Banannas, cocoa nuts, pine- 1 and lac dye.l Bark of all kinds, n otherwise provided for, Bark, Peruvian, Bark, gullls, Bismuth, Blttsr apples, Bleached powder of chlo ride lime. Bones, Burnt, Boards, planks, s t a v • s , shingles, laths, scantling, and all other sawed lum ber ; also spars and hewn timber, of all sorts. Bone-black, or animal bon, and bone dust, Bolting cloths. Books, printed magazines, pamphlets, periodicals, and Illustrated newspa pers, bound or unbound. Lemons and limes, and lime juice, and juices of not otherwise provided for, Books, blank, bound oi bound, Borate of lime, Borax, crude or tlncal. Borax, refined, Buchu leaves. Box-wood, unmanufactur ed! Brasil paste, Braxll wood, brlillletto, aud all dye-woods In sticks, Bristles, Bronte and Dutch metal in leaf, bronte liquor, and bronse powder, Building stones, Butter, Bur stones, wrought or un wrought. Cabinets of coins, medals^ gems, and all collections of antlqualttles, Camphor, crude, Oantharides, Cassia and cassia buds, Chalk, Cheese, Chlckory root. Chronometers, box or ship and parte thereof, Clay, burnt or unburnt bricks, roofing tllee, gas retorts and roofing slates. Cool, coke, and culm of coal, Cochineal, . Cocoa-nuts, cocoa and co coa shells, Ooculas Indicut, Coir yarn, Codtlla, or tow of hemp or lax, Cowhage down. Cream of tartar. Cud boar. pre- Li me, Madder, ground pared, .Madder roof, Marble, in the rough slab or block, unmanufactured, Metals, unmanufactured, not otherwise provided for, Mineral kermes. Mineral and bituminous substances In a crude state, not otherwise pro vided for, Moss, Iceland, Music, printed with lln bour *'* —*•- Natror Nickel, Nuts, not otherwise provid- i-'Nut galls, Nux Vomica, Oakum, Oranges, lemons and limes, Orplment, Palm leaf unmanufactured, Pearl, mother of, Pineapples, Plantains, Platlua unmanufactured, Polishing stones, Potatoes, Prussian blue, Pumies and pumice stone, Rattans and reeds, unman ufactured, Red chalk, Rotten stone, Hafllower, Sal soda, and all carbon ates and sulphates of so da, by whatever names dssignated no. otherwise provided for. Shellac, Silk, raw, not mors advanc ed In manufacture than singlet, tram and thrown, orerganlalne. Sponge*, Steel In ban, sheets and plates, not farther ad vanced In manufacture than by rolling; and cast steel In bars, Gums—Arabic, Burbary. Leaf and anmanufacturefi copal, East Indies, Sene-1 tobacco. SCHEDULE R. (Fiveper ceuL md valorem.) Articles used in dyeing and Junk. Md. tanning not otherwise Pinter of farts or calphat* provided for, , Of Usn*, ground or un- Brass in bars or pigs, old! ground, and fit only te be re-uian-' Raw hMee of all kinds an- r, flower of, Bulnhur, Tallow, marrow and all other grease or soap stocks and soap stuffs, not otherwise prorlded IS Inches long and 14 inches vide and weighing- from 11 tc 84 ounces, Shcathtcg or yellow metal, noi wholly or In pari of ■M dla Belli, old bell metal, ! Sheathing copper—but no Copper la pig*er bars, eop-i eopper tc be soasidered per ore, as such except In sheets Copper when old and III 48 Inches loni only to be remanafac- tured, Catch, Diamonds, cameos, mosa ics, pearls, gems, rubles, and other precious stones India robber, milk of, and Imitation thereof breathing or yellow metal when not aet, nails expressly for shea- Emory In lump or pulver- thing vessels, ised, felt, adhesive for Sheathing paper, sheathing vessels, fuller’s Stave bolts and shingle earth, Gums or all sorts,! bolts, not otherwise provided Type, old and fit only to be for, I re-manufactured, Guttapercha, nnmanufac-jWold, lured. Indigo, India Kub- Zinc, spelter, or tentenegue ber. In bottles, slabs or unmanufactured, sheet*, unmanufactured! SCHEDULE f. (Specific Duties.) Ice, one dollar and fifty! rock—twro cent* per cent* per ton, | bushel of Afty-alx lbs. |»er Balt, ground, blown, orj bushel. SCHEDULE G. (Exempt from Duty.) Books, ma[>s, charts, mathe matical and nautical In struments, philosophical article or article* shall be deemed a model which s whatever, Import- can be fitted fur use, ed for the use of the Con- Paving stones, federate StatcBS, | Personal and household ef- Books, pamphlets, periodl-{ fccta, not merchandise, of calt, and tract* published! citizens of the Con fed cr- by religious associations, ate States dying abroad, — ‘ - l *‘ * 1 hist* botn- ... ante be ary, bust* and casta, of iui|>orted in good faith for marble, bronze, alabaster, or plaster of Paris, paint ings and drawings, etch- lugs, specimens of sculp ture, cabinet of coins, medals, gems, and all col lections of antiquities; provided the same be specially Imported in good fullh for the use of any society, lncorjiorated or established for philosoph ical ami literary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or for the use or by the order of any church, oollege, academy, the use of any society in corporated or established for philosophical, agri cultural or horticultural purposes, or for the use or by the order of any college, academy, school, or seminary of learning in the Confederate States, Wearing apparel and other persona! effects, not mer chandise ; profess I o n a 1 books, implements, In strument*, and tools of tratios, occuimtlon or am- ploymeut, of persons ar riving in the Confederate States; provided that this exemption shall not be construed to Include ma chinery, or other articles imported for use, in any manufacturing establish ment, or for sale, Bacon, pork, bains, lard, beef; wheat, flour aud bran of wheat, flour and bran, all other grains, In dian corn and meal, bar ley, rye,oats, an I oat meal, living animals of all kind*, not otherwise provided for; also all agricultural production*,lnclud'g these of the orchard and garden Garden seeds for agricultu ral and horticultural pur poses, Goods, wares and merchan dise, the growth, produce, or manufacture of the Confederate States, ex ported to a foreign coun try, aud brought back to Confederate States In the'Gunpowder,‘and all the same condition as when| terialsof which it is made, xported, upon which no Lead in pigs or bars, In shot " rijr or balls, for cannon, mus kets, rifles or pistols, Bags, of whatever material composed, Arms, of every description, for military purposes, and port* thereof, monitions of war, military accoutre ments, aud percussion caps, Ships, steamers, barges, dredging vessels, ma chinery, screw pile Jetties, by existing laws, or which may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, shall be complied with, Guano Manures, and Fertil isers of all sorts, Household effects, old and in use, of persons or faml- them, and not Intended for any other purposes, or for sales Model* or inventions, or .. wiifl.. ... and articles to be used In the construction of hor- bore, and for dredging aud Improving the same. and other precious stones Terra. . , and Imltatlens thereof, Tin In plates or ohoete and when set la gold or stiver tin foil, or other metal, Tortoise or other shells tut- Diamonds g Iasi era, set or:_ manufactured, Rxtenet ef Indigo, Extract* and (igqootloae log-wood and other dye-, roe*, shrubs, bulbs, plants and roota not otherwise provided for, txtraet ef madder, M flax, uouanu fartured, flax seed and Massed. Pilots, and flint growed. istruT- ebony, Itgn«■»,?»<*, gra- nadifla, moho^oy, roOW- . wood, satin wood enmao- wfhetared, * -on ore and iron In Sra flocks waste or shoddy, Maps and charts, Para hatters', 4reseed or Palming* and statuary not ■IkiniL Ml an the etherwfoe provide* for, akin. Wool auMnafcetarod of Par* opdresoed, when on |rnrj 4e*erto4loa, and Skc. 2. And be it further enacted, That there ■ball be levied, collected and paid, on each and every non-enuruerated article which heart a similitude, either in material, quality, text ure, or the uses to which it may be applied, to any enumerated articles chargeable with duty, the same rate of duty which is levied and charged on the enumerated article by the fore going schedules which it most resembles in any of the particulars before mentioned; and if any non-enumerated article equally resem bles two or more enumerated articles on which different rates of duty are chargeable, there shall be levied, collected and paid on such non-enumerated article, the same rate of duty as is chargeable on the article which it resem bles paying the highest duty. Provided, that small articles manufactured from two or more materials, the duty shall be assessed at the highest rates at which any of its component parts may be chargeable. Provided further, that on all articles which are not enumerated in the foregoing schedules and cannot be class- i6ed under this aeotion, a duty of 10 per cent ad valorem shall beoharged. Sac. 3. And be it further enacted, That all goods, wares, and merchandise, whioh may be in the public stores m unclaimed, or in ware house under warehousing bonds, on the 81st day of August next, shall be subject on entry thereof for consumption, to such duty m if the same had been imported, respectively, after that day. Bsc. 4. Amd be it further enacted, That on the entry of any goods, wares, or merchandise, im ported on or after the 31st day of August afore said, the decision of the Collector of thf^Cus- toms at the port of importation and entry, as to their liability to duty or exemption there-1 from, shall be final and conclusive against the owner, importer, consignee, or agent of anyl such goods, wares and merchandiM, unless the owuer, importer, consignee or agent shall, within ten days after such entry, give notice to the collector, in writing, of his dissatisfaction with such decision, setting forth therein dis tinctly and specially his ground of objection, thereto, and shall, within thirty days after dale of sueh decision, appeal therefrom to the Secretary of the Treasury, whose decision onl such appeal shall be final and conclusive; endi the said goods, wares and merchandise shall be liable to duty or exemption therefrom ac cordingly, any Act of Congress to the contrary notwithstanding, unless nuit shall be brought Iwithin thirty days after such decision, for anyi duties that may haye been paid, or may there after be paid, on said goods, or within thirty days after the duties shall baye been paid in cases where such goods shall be in bond. ■Sic. 5. Be it further enacted. That it shall be Hawful for the owner, consignee, or agent of imports whioh haye been actually purchased r or procured otherwise then by purchase, on entry of the same, to make such addition in the entry to the cost or yslus given la the in voice m, in hie opinion, may raise the same to true market value ot such imports in the prin cipal markets of tbs country whence the im- portetions shall have been made, and to add thereto all ooste and charges which, under ex isting laws, would form part ef the true value at the port wheru the same may he entered, upon which the daty should he asesesed. And it ehell be the duty of the Collector within wboM District the seme u>*y he imported or entered, to cause the dutiable value of such imports to be appreieod, eetimated and ascer tained, in aooordance with the provisions of existing lows; and if the appraised value thereof shall exnoed by ten per oeathm, or more, tbo value eo declared on entry, then In addition to the duties impeeed by lew on the seme, there shall he levied, collected end paid a duty of twenty per centum ed valorem m such appraised value: Provided. netertheUss, That under no dtnu—tnneoMhnll the duty be much of nil Acte w parts <,f Art- IWjWJaffiHh Aet. teSf ..a. ,f« heroti, r.peilfej. (Signed) 1IOWK rrt.ifl.nt .f t[i. Appro..* U.v tint. IMI. Ji.r.uoa oh. j. h. Mei.ran STBZVBTHEN1M8C8 —AN1>-— BLOOD purift THI QSSSTSSV B* In the World, A«D TBS M08T DELICIOUS ass Delightful Cor dial ever taken. fllBE Hi on sends op- A on thousends vbo Lean’s fitreuglUeolD* ’ Cordial, certify that It Is absolutely a D ed/ for renovating and IsvieoHATtvo the- diseased system, purifying and eorlchhuU* storing the sick, suffering Invalid to HEALTH AND STRENGTH. There Is no mistake about It; it cnr , plaint, Dyepepets, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, H- pre*»ion of Spirits, fever aud Ague, Inward Breath, nr any disease of the Ll> er, els. |3F~GENTLEMKN, do yomrWitob*H r McLean’s Strengthening (v Blood Purifier. Delay not a moment; It Is warranted te tlon. It will cure any d sense of the ‘ or Bladder; Painting,Obstructed Me* of the Worub, Barrenness, or any disease Chronic or Nervous Debility, it U an I For Children. Do you want your delicate, sickly, pony be Healthy, Strong and Uobust T Then she Loam’s 8tskbutmkmim<i Cosual, (se “ each bottle,) It Is delicious to lake. One table-spoonful, taken every Ing, la a sure preventive against Chills and low fever, Cholera, or any prevailing dlseu gjr* Caution.—Beware of Druggist* or * may try to palm upon yon a bottle of bitten partita, (which they can buy cheap,) by lajiat os good. There are even men base enough u of my name to dub their vile decoctions. 4 infamous pirates and their villainous conpouds for Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening Cordial mi Purifier. Take nothing else. It Is the only wlU purify your Blood thoroughly, sod, s time, Strengthen and Invigorate the whole oi. It Is put up In large bottles— $1 per bottle, a ties for $6. DR. J. H. McLEAN, SolePropr Corner of Third and Pine Bt*.,8t.» DR. MCLEAN'S UNIVERSAL PULI; For Liver Complaint, Biliousness, Ha T HERE has never been a Cathartic Med Idee, to the public, that has given such entire::' McLkam's Umivmrbal Pill*. Bring entirely vegetab’e, they are perfeefiy be token by the m »t tender infant; - end and powerful In removing hM Bilia or Impure, feted Matter fr< xu the munites, they are the ouly Pills that should be used In districts. They produce no Griping, Plckaeu, or Pari, Btomacn or Bowels, thoogh very scflve and ~ In their operation, promoting healthy secretioas Liver and Kidneys. Who will suffer from Headache, and foul Stomach, when so ebsapt sent by moll to any par^^H J. H. McLEAN, Soto P Corner of Third and Pine Sts, 8t L Dr. J. H. McLean’s Volcanic OUj meut. The Best External in the World, for Xante ~\ T HOUSANDS of human beings have ben mrti * H of decrepitude and misery, by theesiaf tth uable Liniment. It will relieve Pain almost ly, and It will cleanse, purify and heal the firieM In an Incredible short time. MoLbai 1 * TouaxS Likimemt will relieve the most lnv*terat*M*riM| mat 1am, Gout, or Neuralgia, for Par.lyib, C. Muscles, fitlffhew or Weakness in the Joints, M Ligaments, It will never fail. Two application* rii Bore Throat, Headache, or Earache. For L I Bcalds, or any Pain, It Is an Infalllable remedy, and you will find it an lufilspensible remedy. L always on hand. Planters, Partners, or any one haring charge ri es, will save money InLusJng McLean's Tolcsok Iment. It Is a speeShand Infallible car«|a| Sprains, Chafes, dwelling, Lameness, 8we* tcheejrwy eArnij distal e Pref March 7, lSfil-dAwTw Hrint Uri* I For sale in Atlauts by G. K. * jBt* For sale in Atlanta by u. &. HAMILTON, and by MASSEY A LAN! and Dealers everywhere. duty npoa an amount lens tkan the invoice or enlaced value, any law of Oongtees to the o*Rtnr? noiw(thetandsot- * tt too. t And U ii farther turn Hod, Tk*4 ft S B. O ATM AN, proprietor, and dsg • Italian, American and It’- Monamenta, Tombe, Tablets, Head i Stones, Urns, Vases, Marble *nd B Slate Msntele, Statuary Figures, sod ing Marble of all descriptions. Always on hand a fine assortment* ments, both Plain and Carved, of all prices to suit. _ Cell and see specimens, *t Ware Rdo® 1 Yard, opposite Georgia Railroad D*P<* tebl.VtL G. K. & J. L HAMILTON IUCCRSSOM TO SUIT! * DRUGGIS PHABMACKUTUI’J* AUD DUUU ■« rout ramcH un> catawl WIXEA, »* ATLANTA, QgOBGl-_ SPRINGMI£LJ^ER Mr*. J. M. Borina H aving ju.i .h. Good.. plrojur. I. 'V' 11 "* ” .wl Ih. publU te »» itupwte* »'« j,, Her .took U oolte Uteat itjlro. which will b. oBtn4 or ■it th. Hmro. broih f^ar-A MW WUtehUl .troot