Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, July 23, 1861, Image 2

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Southern tiMeAeracg
OIO. W. ADAit--..
TUESDAY, JULY 23, 1801.
Th« Pruldaal’. »!«■«>«.
or course everybody who bus seen President
Du sis’ MWT huh I0«d U, end ovary dody into
whose beads It Calls will reed it at once. With
a master head he expose* the villainy of Lin
coln, bis cabinet of thug* end his servile Con
gress. He convicts Lincoln of wilful lying out
of bis own mouth ; snd though tbe mes
sage bee all the clearness and dignity which ie
so characteristic of Jefferson Davis, end so *m
Inently beOttlng tbe chief magistrate of a great
end* a flee people. It Is nevertheless the most
scathing end scorching exposure of the lying
dnyllclty, Inhumanity and diabolism generally,
which characterise the war on the part of the
army and Government of the United States, that
we have seen anywhere. Let everybody read
aud ponder it well
Let the people everywhere, mate ready to re
spond to the calls that most soon be made for
more troope. Georgia has already sent to the
Held over twenty regiments, and la able to send
twenty more. Let us be ready to respond at
onoe to the additional call, which the Prosldent
aays will be made to meet tbe half million ot
thieving vandals which Lincoln’s Congress has
celled out.
Let everybody at once subscribe to the loan.
Have you any fbnda to spare f Then loan It to
the Government Be sure to subscribe every
pound of Cotton and every troahel of Corn,
Wheat, Ac., that yon can spare from your own
pressing want* The Government mu* be sus-
talned, and the war prosecuted with vigor, and
no patriot will withhold a cent that he can sjiare.
The Gate-City Guards.
The intelligence from this gallant band of
eitisan soldiers leaves no doubt in our mindi
that, while many of its matnbera have escap
ed capture and death, tbe oorpa, as such, is In
a desperata straight. Our women—God bleat
them !—have been, for aeveral days peat, ac
tively engaged preparing for them their win
ter clothiog; and yesterday, on the reoeipt of
a telegram by one of our eitisens, from the
Mayor of Staunton, a aubacriptlon to aupply
them with shoes, blankets, shirts and other
articlee ol prime and praising necessity, was
opened, and promptly and nobly responded to
by oar eitisene; and we are gratified to state
that Hon. Win. Kzi.rd will leave on thia even
ing’s train, for the purpose of conveying these
articles to them. So fsr.good. Butour brave boys
nsed si well reinforcements and succor. They
ere afar from home and kindred—in a strange
laud, and confronted by a hoatila foe. Wa are
pleased to leern that an effort ie likewise be
ing made to strengthen their erma and glad
den their hearts, by sending them reinforce
ments. Let these go forward without delay.
Thera ia no time to be lost. The audacious an-
emy must be held in check, if not expelled
from our eoil. This can only be done by fores
of arms—by the interposition, nndsr the ap
proval of Heaven, of brave hearts snd strong
arms. Bee another eotumn for the notice of a
projected meeting to be held at the Armory of
the Gate-City Guards to-morrow night.
Don't forget Barnes’ concert to-nigt for their
benefit. This affords an opportunity for those
who are only able to make small contribution!
To the People of Franklin, Hart, Elbert,
Lincoln, Wilkes, Hancock and Talia
The 12th Regiment of Georgia Volunteers
ie mads up of Companiea from Iheae counties.
The last of (hem left here on Sunday evening,
'he 21st, at 3 o'oloek. We have made the
amplest arrangements to gat correspondence
from this Regiment, having engaged no lass
than four competent gentlemen conneoted
therewith to write regularly for oar paper.
Wherever they go, or however they may be
engaged, we ahall always be posted, and lay
it before our renders.
If the citizens ef those and the surrounding
counlies want to gat newa from their friends
in lha Regiment, let (hem subscribe for our
We ba>a the amplest arrangements for cor
respondence from every point of inlereet in
Virginia. Thoie who road snr paper will get
all lha war news.
With tbla issue we eomplele the publication
of the names of all the aolditre in this Reg
iment. It will be valuable for future refer-
How to Bupprrsa the Slaveholders’ Rebell
Senator Pomeroy, of Kansas ruffian notorie
ty, has introdaoed a bill Into the United States
Senate, enacting that alarary be immediately
abolished by proclatlou of His Apethip, Abra
ham I, and that the army officers be directed
to protect the rights of negroes thus emaaoi-
Bully for him ! We always admired a vig
orous pulley, even iu au enemy operating
agaiuel ue. Let us be instructed by this move*
moot of our enemy. The ooul of this war on
ue la opposition to slavery. A more fanatical
and diabolical war naver was commenced. Wa
have fanatics to moot and driv* hack, aad it is
wall that wa da not miiundarslaad their trua
character sad objects.
Can. A Sidney Johnson.
A gentleman, reoenlly a oil lien of Califor
nia aad fomcrly a promiaentoitiien of Arkan-
aaa, hat jost arrived la aur oily, oat month
out from California, sod reports that Gea.
Sidney Johnson loft California before him
with a boat a hundred naan, to orooo iho plains
into Taxes. Us says the Gaaarst'a fores was
sufficient t* prevent hi* arrest ia Ms passage
ihrawk California, ar his eaptare by aafrUad-
ly La* see. Ha thinks Gen. J a ha ton must
new ha fo Texas aa his way la Risk mend —
The head rad Sea wlih kla were chiefly
man af preperty aad paaiilaa, who war* vol
untarily abandoning CaUforui* to join lha
Southerner* in thoTr otrwggU for ladopea-
UempUt Af?eW, 21e< inttnt
Setter Roll af the Twelfth Re
(ieorgtt 'VgUntec re.
Lieutenant Oolcnal—Uston Stephens, of Kao
Major—Wm. M. Vclohssh, Of Elbert.
Surgeon—E. W. Allfriettd, of Hanct ck.
Assistant Surgeon—Albert C. Matthews, of El
Quarter Master—Win. M. Thomaa, of Colum
bin. } A.T1
Com mi Mary—Fred. B Hodgoa,of Hart;
j Lanar Confederate*, from Lincoln County.
La Fayette Lamar—Captain.
8 Z Hearneeberger—lat Lieutenant,
J. A. Lane—Id Lieutenant,
Wm. 0. Paaoal—34 Lieutenant.
F. M. Wrigbt—lat Sergeant,
F. Thom peon—Id Sergeant,
H. M. Sale—3d Sergeant, %
J. H. Jonet—4th Sergeant,
T. N. Dellia—5lh Sergeant,
M. J. Jonee—Quarter-Matter,
Walton Cartledge- lit Corporal,
Rem Remaon—2d Corporal,
B. T. Cullers—3d Corporal,
A. Hoarneeberger—4th Corporal,
J. T. Boler—Drummer,
W 0 Harper
Jam*. Jdbawa
P LLUtl#
J w F Little
T W LaMmar
Jolt Lowry
J 8 MoVkarter
William McWhorter
• GlfaDaatel
LW Match man
T J Marehmaa
V1L Moran
T J MatiteW*
H L Mlddlabrooka
J H Mllaball
WT Martin
H J Parker
William Pool
W T Parker
JO Rubin
T E Hobart*
A S Sjkoa
IT H Sataatt
Edmund Swiat
A I Smith
M A Simmon.
S C Simmon.
Thomas Smith
John Stafford
K A Skrino
W H Simmon.
Walton W lalpaa
LG Bnipea
8 H Wllay
Gaorgo White
A WWaliar'
David Warthen
Benjamin C Wileon
C P Abbea
T L Aahmore
Charles Bentley
Wm H Cartledge
Thoa L Clary
V L Colrin
John Crawfard
James Cullars
James Davidson
J L Dunaway
Wm W Elliott
P L Flaming
Jared Foulk
Gilbert Goolabey
J H W Gresham
Peter Gullatt 8r
RT Harden
T D Hawea
V Hopkins
E Leveret
A G Lockhart
R D Mumford
J W McCord
J K Parka
J Randle
W R Rumbley
W B 8ims
J R Watkina
J C Willingham
William Abbea
John Bivens
J J Cartledge
John Caloway
PL Colvin
J M Crawford
Thoa Crawford
John Daniel
J L Dent
Ben Elliott
A F Fleming
P M Florence
Anderson Glase
G W Graves
Henderson Gu'latt
Peter Gullatt, Jr
A H Hardy
James Henderson
J Jennings
H Leveret
J A Loflin
J A McCord
W T Murray
Wm Pascal
J M Reid
T 8 Sale
John Teabon
TL Ware
James Wright
Hancock Confederate Quarde, from Hancock
Thoa H. Latimer—Captain,
John Le Culver—lat Lieutenant,
Mark Latimer—2d Lieutanant,
Daniel Connel—3d Lieutenant,
J. P. Robson —Orderly Sergeant,
Thoa. H. Culver—2d Sergeant,
Hamlin Lewis—3d Sergeant,
G. P. Culver—4th Sergeant,
C. M. Medlock—5th Sergeant,
,G. W. Warlhen—1st Corporal,
B. C. Culver—2d Gorporal,
G. C. Middlebrooks—3d Corporal,
A. 8. Base—4th Corporal,
G. L. Waller—5th Corporal.
Jas A Brantly
John T Barnes
Levi Cone
John Cheek
Wm L Dickson Sr
G W Dudly
J C Dikson
J W Duggan
A F Dunn
Joseph Flury
WH Hardwick
Nathan Hawkins
G Hooka
Jas Jonee
Thoa Mason
G B Medlock
J T Mason
Georgs Nelson
J H Neel
J R Parnell
H B Pinkston
A B Parrot
W R Ray
D 8 Reynolds
J L Ray
W Robson
A Redfern
II B Seals
R G Stone
J Sharp
John Whelan
W Warthen
D McCook
Jas M Black
C Brown
R A Bell
A E Curren
J J Crawford
Wm L Dickson Jr
Joseph F Deas
Q L Dickson
GP Dunn
C Eubanks
J D Farrell
J F Hawkins
H M Hooks
R W Jones
L Moore
N Mason
J D Mason
L R Miller
J W Nelson
W S Neel
G R Peeler
John Powers
J A Ray
J 8 Redfern
C Rocker
J R Reynolds
W F Robson
W D Seals
J A Scott
A D Sharp
W A Thomas
Jabe M White
John Yarbrough
Hancock Volunteer*, from Hancock County.
Theophilus J. Smith—Captain,
William E. Bird—1st Lieutenant,
Henry H. Culver—2d Lieutenant,
L. L. Lamar—3d Lieutenant,
J. H. Lawrence—Orderly Bergeant,
C. C. Brown—2d Sergeant,
Benjamin A Alfriend—3d Sergeant,
William F. Wells—4th Sergeant,
Jamas E. Alfriend—5th Sergeant,
W. P. Saanett—1st Corporal,
Jonathan B. Cons—2d Corporal,
John T. Mulalley—3d Corporal,
John R. Latimer—4th Corporal,
Lovic Pitres, Jr.—5th Corporal.
Wm M Andrews TJ Askew
E D Alfriend
James M Brown
Jesse G Butts
J J Boyar
A B Boyar
E W Cook
J L Camming
JO WCook
J M Coleman
fl W Forbes
S G WGiaddin
J R Herrin g4 In#
A F Harris
James T Alford
W 8 Butts
Jaaaa 8 Butts
M H Boyar
BS Baas
J J Cate
N F H Gumming
T J Oroiey
J W Brans
LJ Fraley
H B Garrett
J 8 Hi nee
Samuel P Harris
Delhi Ranger*, from Wdkee county.
Captain—Drury B. Cede,
lat Lieutenant—Wm B Cade.
2d Lieutenant—I A McLendon.
3d Lieutenant—Wm A Quinn.
1st Sergeant—Clark Boren.
2d 8ergsant—John L Norman.
3d Bergeant—I N Strihling.
4th Sergeant—J W Headley.
1st Corporal—R B Cade.
2d Corporal—J L House.
3d Corporal—Wm M Harper.
4th Corporal—
I N Armor,
M L Andres,
U 8 Binns,
Mitohel Binns,
I M Binns,
Joseph Binne,
M J Bolton,
W T Bolton,
W M Bolton,
Joe Bryant,
J R Boggs,
E A Bunch,
J M Bond,
G M Rrsdly,
W A Bunch,
J 8 Callaway,
Aaron Cohen,
Richard Chafin,
George Cohorn,
Jaa Junkin,
J W Jackson,
Jaa Johnson,
R W Kendall,
Felix Mulligan,
Rufus Moore,
W E McLendon,
M Mohoney,
Pope Maxwoll,
I W Norman,
T B Norman,
J D Bhumaie,
W J Spratlin,
J J Simms,
David Stephenson,
W J Downer.
Anderson Dent,
J W Dye,
J M V Dunnerway,
W M Freeman,
B B Fortson,
W W Favor,
W E Faulio,
M L Gill,
William Gill,
James Garrett,
W M Green,
J W Green,
L House,
Timothy Holtsclaw,
Henry Hyman,
A Hyman,
M G Jackson,
Thos Jesse,
Thos Prather,
J D Partridge,
Win Partridge,
T H Paalmonds,
W G Pollen,
L W D Quinn,
M L Strihling,
Moses G Sutton,
8 R Wynn,
Timothy Wheatley,
Leonard Wheatley.
Ezra Wheatley,
J H Willis,
Ennis Willis.
Poole Volunteer*, from Hart County.
Captain—W R Poole.
1st Lieutenant-John Linder.
2d Lieutenant—Michael Johnson.
3d Lieutenant—Wm Knox.
1st Seargant—T H Jackson.
2d 8ergesnt—Wm Smith.
.3d Sergeant—B F Sheppard.
4th Sergeant—Thomas Fisher.
5th Sergeant—J R Grubbs.
2d Corporal—Wra Bailey.
3d Corporal—W M Shilly.
4th Corporal—W J C Hunt.
Ayres, J W
Burroughs, F W A
Buffington, J W
Bailey, Paschel
Brown, A R
Burton, J J
Byrum, 8 D
Bowers, N W
Carnoy, W L
Carroll, Clement
Carroll, G W
Carroll, Nelson,
Carroll, A J
Carroll, Larkin
Estia, J W
Askuo, Sam'l
Ankue, Marshal
Elrod, Esekial
Fisher, II L
Pearman, C C
Richardson, J M
Reed, R F
Robertson, G C
Reed, WAP
Roe, C W J
Roe, 8amuel
Rowlin, Augustus M
Rowlin, ar, Wm
Rowlin, jr, Wm
Walters, H F
Walters, J C
Yates, Elisha
Yow, T A
Stephenson, J W
Flemming, 'i homes
Flemming, Leonard
Fowler, Silas
Grubbs, W M
Gable, U F
Holland, J T
Holland, B F
Harris, J D
Hanley, J E
Harris, W P
Harrison, E L A
Hall, W M
Hughs, Thomas
Jones, J A H
Lucroy, J M
Linder, Las
Madden, J T
Moors, R T
Obar, Whitnor,
Shirley, J D
Sulivan, James
Traaher, C T
Trashar, T J
Ussary, C E
Vickary, J P
Vickery, J Parry
White, M D
Walters, B W
Walters, D W
Walters, J F
Walters, W R
Tarrell, David
Scales, B C
Shirley, J M
Dank of Whitfield.
Editor* Southern Confederacy: I see it stated
in a reoent number of the “North Georgia
Times,” that Mr. Fullilove has mads arrange
ments to have the notes of the bank of Whit
field, (whieh he now oontrola,) redeemed in
Atlanta. Will yon, or any of your readers, in-
form the publie who ia the Agent to redeem
those bills, and whathar the* Agency covers
authority to redeem the former issues of the
bank nndsr the name of the “Planters aad
Mechanics Bank ef Dalton." Mr FullUovo, I
learn, it a North-Western financier, “Dealer la
uncurrent money, Ac.,” and has received the
control of the stock in some way, from lie
former owners ia ike North-West. It weald be
a matter of InUreet to yoar readers, ao doubt,
to know who redeems for tbla ooncera ia At-
taata. CITIZEN.
We have made laqnlry, aad eaa find
80 ageaoy hero for redeeming the issues ef this
beak, either of the eld or MW
1 WOO OR DIR—No. 1
it mnm it m mtin tutnuu
Throogheat the Southern States an excitement
Wo'r* heat on Independence, there's bo such
word aa fall;
With muskets la ear hands, we era Jotatag In
the cry,
Well make the Black Republicans “Root Hog
or Die,”
Camim-lImM, haua, h«ma for Dixie's Usd,
For Sar MgMs and ttberttae tfcefeotli has take* stand.
Mm women aad ckUdron are Jololn* la the cry,
You cant corns N Lincoln, you must root hoy ot die.
Old Abe Is at the CapUol, and Scott la flying
They've come to the conclusion they are dally
losing ground.
When they heard the newa from Fairfax, Scott
to Abraham did fly,
Says he “I’m fearful. President, we will Root
Hog or die."
Lincoln was on his message, ao he sent Scott to
What had become of Johnson, Jackson, Beau
regard and Lee;
Saying u Watch them cloee, Dictator, to come
here they will try:
If they descend on Washington, we will Root
Hog or Die."
Just at that very moment a runner came In
And handed Lincoln documents about the Beth
el fight;
"Bill Seward bring my cap and cloak," Old
Abraham did cry—
“ Five hundred troops gone under, I must Root
Hog or die."
He sent his trusty Zouavee to go protect the
When they arrived, they saw some Germans
marching round;
They piched Into each other, and made the bill
lets fly
Till they found they’d mode their own troope
Root Hog or Die.
And thus 'twill always be while we defend the
Wherever we have met them, our boys have
whipped the fight;
Rail-splitter and his Cabinet to Springfield soon
must fly,
jt if tT
Hog c
A Proclamation—By Joseph E. Brown,
Governor of Georgia.
Exxcutivs Dkpabtmimt, \
Adnata, Ga., July 18, 1861. /
Whkkkai, It ie believed there are many old
military gone of one kind and anotker seat
tered over tbe Slate, and not in the possession
of organised volunteer eompaniea, whioh, by
being collected up and altered from flint and
steel to pereussion, or otherwise rapairad, if
nscessary, could bo mads serviceable in the
present crisis. I tbarafore issue this, my Pro
clamation, calling upon all good and loyal cit-
iiena of tho State, to make diligent enquiry
and search for suoh guns, being tbe property
of tho Stale, and to eolleot them up whorover
found, and deliver them to the Clerk of tbe
Superier Court of each county ; and aa a com
pensation therefor, l will eauae to be paid to
eaid clerk twe dollars for eaoh gun,(which can
be prepared.aad made^fit .foruae) ao deliver
ed to him and'forewarded to the militarjatore*
keeper at Milledgeville. This ia not intended
to apply to guna a Ireadyjcollected and subject
to the order of tho Commander-In-Chief, nor
to thoie in the hands of regular organised and
existing volunteer companies, but to suoh guna
only aa are scattered ever the oountry and
would not otherwise be returned to the 8tate
arsenal and made available in the present em
ergency. The two dollars thus offared by tht
State tor the return of eaoh of inch gone, will
bo paid to theolerksreepootivly on the reoeipt
of tbe guna at Milledgeville; and tht Clerk
will pay over the money to the persons who
gathered them up and delivered them to him.
The Clerks thus receiving tbe guna will please
to put them up in boxes, or otherwise, and
•hip to Milledgeville, consigned to Capt. T.
M. Bradford, military store-keeper, accom
panied by a laltar stating particularly the
number and kind sent, and whore tent from,
and that they have been oolleeted and forward
ed in pursuance of this Prod motion.
By the Governor:
H. U. Watbks, Soa'y Ex. Dep’t.
Adjutant Gbnbkal’s Orrica.
Atlanta, July 17lh, 1861
Gknbbal Ordbbs, No. 12.
Tho Prasideat of tht Confederate States
highly approving of the polioy of establish
ing oamps for preparing and training troope
for service in the field, has oalled upon the
Governor of ibis State to oatabliak two moro
camps of inatruotion at the expense of tho
Confodarato Government, and to roooivo three
thousand man to ha sent to thorn for tko pur
pose of being mustered in, organised and dis
To carry out these instructions of the Pres
ident ; the Governor iovitos all infantry oom-
panics in tko State that are armed, and have
not already made tender of servlet for the
war, to make such tender to him bow, at tkU
place; or, if not disposed to make euoh ten
der, to surrender their arms It companiea that
are willing to serve for tho wor. Companiea
making tender of service ueder thia invitation,
will report tho number ef arms and kind, with
aooontremente, equipments, tants, aad camp
•quipaga ia possession. And those unwilliog
to make suoh tender, are desired to report tho
somber of^arma and accoutrements they are
ready to turn over le eempanita volunteering
for tho war.
No eompaay will bo received that has less
than sixty-four, rook and file.
By order of tko Commander ia Ckiof.
Adjutant and Inepootor General.
July 18-24.
Mxvca'a Orrica, Arum, On.,)
Jaly II, 1M1. j
Sanborn B. Lorn, niambar of th* City
Council from tho Third Ward bavin, rnoi,and,
it ia ordered that na aleotloa b* bold, nl th*
City Hall, on 8at.rda7.tha 17th in.tant, to fill
•aid vaeanay.
Eulogy tiSTCrnor McDonald.
Thia aloanaat Addraan, ana. lha Life and
Fnbli* Barrie** *f Oar. Cana J. McDauu,
delivered by Han. Haary R. Jeaksa*. at Mari
etta, Over,i*. aa Um (Mk af April laat, ia aww
raady for tela. It ia n gaaly printed pamphlet
ot thirty-elx pagu.
Pnaat Bagla Oapy *1 oia | or 111 par haa-
4mL WOOD^AElffim IR, RICE A 00,
jaa* fi-dW. Publlakan, Atlanta, 4a*.
TUtSDAV, JULY S80, 1961.
WM. H. 1ABHS8, Manager.
July 33-lt.
it, \m\m
Offic.oora.rof aad Alr
•var Salmon* A Bimmona' Dr,
Hna a boa* fide Cnah Capital ,f
New Orleans Sugar at Auction,
Allan to, - Georgia.
1 WILL soil, on Saturday, July 27th, at pub
lic auction, in front of my store, on Alabama
street, at 10 o'clock, A. II., one hundred and
twenty hhda. Prim# and Choice Now Orloane
Sugar. Bala positive and without reserve, aa
1 am instructed to close it out regardless of
price. THOMAS F. LOWE.
Atlanta, Ga., July 22, 1861.
Southern Button Manufactory.
T HE undersigned are manufacturing tho
also tho Confederate Eagle Button, at Colum
bus, Georgia. Thoao wishing supplies will
please address Mr. B. D. THORN, their agent,
or themselves, at Columbus, and enclose the
money, or remit to some friend to pay over on
delivery of the Buttons.
July 17—dtf
City Clbkk's OrnoB, Cirr Hall, 1
Atlanta, July 1,1861. j
C ITY TAX PAYERS will plaaaa remember
that the Ordinanoa on the aubjeot of City
Taxes require# that tha same shall be paid by
tbe first day of August next.
I will he at my office eaoh business day,
from now until tha first of August next, raady
to roceivo payment and receipt for the same.
Please call soon, and embraca the opportunity,
before the ever crowded “last day."
July 3—tin. Clark and Collector.
Have just received a large lot of
HOOP-SKIRTS from 3 to 50 Springs.
Military Bolton, Trimming* of ill kinds,
RIBBONS, of great variety.
A large variety of
Also, a splendid assortment of
A heavy stock of
All bought for Cash, and will be sold cheap.
Atlanta, July 3—dAwlf.
Com ml. Horn am* tbonoardlmr JMerokamt.,
BAT8TBBKT, ...... Georgia.
Wm. MoNxvniv, [ f Wm. K. Burn..
Jamb. Ouaan,
merit [ Joan Dmmmam.
Nails! Nails! NaUs!
TURING COMPANY, located in Cam coun
ty, Oeorgia, era now making, and prepared la
fill larg* order, for any and all aiaaa of, * vary
superior CUT NAIL. Addraaa, or apply to
A. SHORTER, j Traatea*.
Roma, Ga, May 14, 1861.-mlfl-3m.
workman) can obtain coaeiaat amploy-
mant at goad wage* and prompt pay, by ap
plying at one*, to
Jna* 33-dtf Oxford. Georgia.
T HE mbacribar baa filtad aa a aaai Salaaa,
ia oanatatiaa with kla Obafoatfoaary, aa
Whitehall .tram, where Ladlaa aad Gaaltamaa
may praam a firat-rai* artiaia af kwCma
aay boar daring th* day ar avamimg. A abara
•f patraaaga la aattaitad.
Jujur r. M. JACK. Agaat.
T HIS long aaUbll.had Company I
gainat loaa and damao by fi r ,
mm. Dwelling., Storm, Mereb.ndim,
hold Furniture, and all kind, of f
property on tha moat tarmi
The policy of thia Company h u ,,
bean to pay all lu bond Iomm .t
presentation ad proof of lorn.
W. L Cowardin, Prw't W. Willi., J.
A. W. Parker, Juwph All—
C W. Furo.ll, WmiBwa
Thoa. Bampaon, n. A. Clai
J. E. Wadaworth, W. I,. Co—
B. L. Win.too, J. N. Gordo*.
J. F. Win.ton, J. A. IuIowa.
H. L. Kant, Wm. Pilau
Office, corner Alabama and Whitehall
over Salmon* A Himmou
• 8&04,
I. Davenport, Jr., Praa C. E Worthan,
Gab. Wortham, John H. Greaser,
John Sndera, Geo, 8. Palmer,
8. M. Price, W. 8 Triplet!,
B. F. Ladd, 8 C. Tardy,
J. Stewart Welker, Wm. Carrie,
L. R. 8 oilman, J. R. Create**,
P. O. Warwick, John H. WiUiuH,
James 8. Kent, Mark Dowaey,
Horace P. Edmond, Thomas Jonn,
J.M. Talbott, E. A. Smith,
G. B. Davenport, Robert A. Paiie,
G. W. Yanoe, R. F. Willitmi,
Joe. Brumrael, W. P. Raglind,
Wm. Brent, H. C. Cabell,
R H. Maury, Geo. W. Rojit*.
This Company is prepared to receive
cations for FIRE AND MARINE
RANCE, on favorable terms.
Office, corner Whitehall and Alabama.
ever Salmons A Bimnooa’for*
Caab Capital,
“ Sarplaa, —
lacarporatad In 1HU.
J. 8. Caraon, Fraa't William L. Boat, •
John Vera, L.wii P. Hartoa
Joaeph 8. Caraon, William liilltf,
Robert Staala, Wm. B. B*k«r.
WW" Aggregate Loaaa, paid in t yaw “
log July let, 1861, $538,292.19.
Thia old Company iniurea Building*
chandiie, Household Furniture, tad r-
proparty in eity, town or country on •» —
able term* aa other raaponiibla CoiayaM.
Apply to SAMUEL S.V1TH,
General Insurance Agent, ooraeref 75i
and Alabama Streets, over 8ftJ<e*u •
mesa' Dry Goods Store.
Capital Author!Md
Ceah and Sarplaa, lat May, !*•!-
Joa. R. Aadaraao, WiUaim <»■
Junta I* Apparaoa, Bamaal '•“•J’
William Braadan, Jobe
David J. Burr, John D. Qm"*.
Wm. H. ChriaUan, David J-
John Doolav,
L. H. Qlaaabrook, Franklin St*'**'
Lewie Ginter, Jobl L C m? l *!5
Bamaal J. Harriaoo, Ed H.
Roaooa B. Haatb, Ororg. Q
Edward MaOarthy, Thro- T.ybj
E. Millar, William 0.1
Garrett F. Wetaoa.
Jon H. Momxtaa, Bacratary.
Tbla favorite Compear
to iaaara, bath fa Iowa and country,
•f iaanrabl* property an tha moat “
tarma; aiao, Marfaa laanraaea.
Conor Whitehall aad Al.b*»*^u-
Ovar Salmon. A Slmman.’ Dry Goodie*
A FULL SUPPLY of tha but Aaoor brand,
for by F
July II—dSaa.
ma, Ga.
Wheat Thrashers as4 Fans.
iU am Wheat Fnaa briak Apply ta
Jaly 13-K
anna all blade aFtoaarabla fioptiV m
moat fcvorabla tarma.
R. H. Matoaif, Wy.
F. M G’lamr. S L Arttaffi—
D “ ouJkT J. M WiUiama
y.,. itahiwa. Jaba A. BW"'
Job* ._
, ooromt U WhIUball A Al*f^
a lalmona A Simmoaf Dry C
Jaly 13—U