Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, July 23, 1861, Image 4
S W UIH B8Ni W®N FED mi F. ElRH[BiM( OFFER FOR IO- THEIR LARGE STOCK OF -«j* READY-WADE CLOTHING VERY LOW. JSi ■VfW ya=>WR HAVE ON HAND AN ASSORTMENT OF MILITARY GOODS: Georgia Grey Cassimeres, Georgia Green “ Georgia Brown u Blue Broad Cloth, Cadet Grey Broad Cloth, Military Buttons, Georgia made Shirtings, suitable for Soldiers, Which we will sell as low as can be afforded under the circumstances. Our SWORDS will be ready this week—a Southern mudo Sword—good tem per—fine finish—at a reasonable prioc. We are prepared to make up UNIFORMS for Companies at short notice and fair prices for CASH. W. F. HERRING & CO June 26—dim. i\0W IS THE TIRE TO FRANKLIN PRINTING HOUSE BOOK BINDERY. WOOD, 1IANLEITER, RICE & CO., Desire to direct public at tention to their unequalled facilities for the superior and prompt execution of all work in their line, from — A Small Card to the Largest Volume! The establishment, in its various departments, perhaps the most complete in the whole Southern country. It it the object of the proprietors to es tablish on a permanent basis a Southern Publish- ira Ilousx ! thereby effectually removing every necessity for sending North to have works issued. Thus far the enterprise has proved highly success- ol, and the proprietors feel assured that the beneficial results of such an undertaking have ye o be more fully appreciated by our people. The several departments receive the personal au- perviaion of the firm, and satisfaction guaraateed to each and every patron. B^=- THE BOOK-BINDING DEPARTMENT la handsomely fitted up with all the modern improvements and conveniences of that branch Blank-Booka ruled and manufactured; Law Works. Medical Works, Music, Magaxines, fire, bound in any style desired, and at prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction. THE JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT Is specially complete in every particular; constant additions are being made in the way of such improvements as are introduced nto the Typographic*] world, by which the proprietors are ena bled to furnish thk handsomest printing in the Confederated States! Everything, from a Visiting Card to a Mammoth Poster, tastefully executed in any style and color desired. Three their six Presses are prope'led by Steam, and kept in operation day aad light! Bank Check*, Bill Head*, Railroad Blank*, Profeuional Card*, Programme*, Circular*. Legal Blank*, Letter Head*, Aud every imaginable variety of Printing promptly attended to at pricna but a small advance an New York ratea! Printing in FANCY COLORED INKS, ANI) WITH QUtiP AND NILVKB BBONSBH, 0> in ntonnar mu or rna art I SHk* hoftmoro, cmUwt of their ability la (ire .Kim aaliteudian, eaUcit . ahaiw of public palroaufc. Order* farm all pert* of the country will receire their pur*oo*l Miration, and ■II wort priuptiy feew*rd*d per Bxprer* or wherwiu, a* nuy be diroottd. All letter* should be uddreteed to WOOD, HAN LETTER, RICE A CO. Haeoe beverages of a M Uar eberscu Glass, eat, sella w sod, tare, rtm duty of fifteen per centum. On all article# enumerated in Schedule D, an ad reform duty often per centum. On all erttole* enumerated in Schedule B, an erf reform dnty of ftve pur centum. And thatall articles enumerated In Schedule Y, a Specific Duty aa therein named. And that all article* enumerated in Schedule 6, ahnll be exempt from dnty, to wit» SCHEDULE A. (yWsfrjtu per centum ad valorem.) Alabaster and spar erne- msute. Anchovies, sardines, and all other Ash preserved In oil, Brandy an distilled from grain or other materials not oth erwise provided for. Billiard and bagaielts ta bles, and all other tables or boards on which games ofp&B 1 top* for ta bles, or other articles of furniture, Confectionery, comfits, sweetmeats, or fruit* pre served In sugar, molas ses, brandy, or other II- quote, Cordials, abeynthe, arrack SCHEDULE B. (Ttrcntjf per cent ad valorem.) Almonds, raisins, enrrsiUs, parts thereof, of what- dates, figs, and all other! ever material composed, dried or preserved fruits fans and fire-screens of not oilier wise provided every description, of for, | whatever material com Argentine, alabata or Ger-j posed, man silver, manufactured Grapes, plums and prunes, or unmanufactured, and other such fruit. Articles embroidered with when put up In bottles, gold, Sliver, or other met-! case or eans, not other- si not otherwise provided! wise provided for, for, iHalr, human, cleansed Balsams, cosmetics, essen- ] prepared for use, ces, extracts, pastes, per-!Manufactures of fold, pla- fumes, and tinctures used; tins or silver, not other- for the toilet or for medl- wise provided for, elnalpurposes, 'Manufactures of papier Bay-rum, j mache, Beads of Amber, compoel- | Molasses, tlon of wax, and all other Paintings on glass, bends, Pepper, pimento, clove*, Beuzntes, bracelets, braids, j nutmegs, cinnampn, and chains, curia, or ringlets, 1 all other spices, omposed of hair, or of Perfumes and perfumery, HI* art win* art* ♦r of wfekfc *Uw *g,ia,y.tatMt i«*n>wtoiB b»»m»*«. arar" 0 *. tiles, and all etbor marble ry*of**!i Mb** bM otherwise provided for, itohtedllaJfiMeak* iKT epoorn, gteubvr, to- shaft* and *0 dbsr sells eed preparations of selU not ethsrwiss provided SSSSftbfa* of feral- Pegars, snuff, psper segars, and ell other mauufac turos of tobecoo, Wlnoe.—Burgundy, Cham pagne, Clarets, Madeira, Port, Sherry, and all oth er wines or Imitations of which hair Is a compo nent r‘“* provld Brooms and brushes of all kinds, Camphor, refined, Canes and sticks for waik- of all sorts, not otherwise provided for, Plated and gilt ware, of all kinds, not otherwise pro vided for. Playing cards, Prepared vegetables, fruits, Ing, finished or unfinlsti- meats, poultry and game, ed, sealed or enclosed In ci Ofipers, Pickles, and sauces or otherwise, of all kinds, not other- Silver-plated metals, wise provided for, sheets or other forms. Card-cases, pocket-books, Soap, castlle, perfumed, shell boxes, souvenirs, V» indsor, and other toilet and all similar articles, of soaps, whatever material com- Sugar of all kind*, posed, not otherwise pro- Syrup of sugar, vlded for, Epaulettes, galloons, lace*. Compositions of glass, set knots, stars, tassels, tres- or unset, sell, and wings of gold Coral, cut or manufactured, or sliver, or Imitations Peathers and flowers, arti- thereof, ficlal or ornamental, and 8CIIEDULE 0. (Fifteen per cent, ad valorem ) Alum, ! Roman candles, and all Arrow-root, ( similar articles used In Articles of clothing or ap-! Pyrotechnics, apparel. Including, hats, Fish, whether fresh, smok- esps, gloves, shoes and ed, salted, dried or boots or all kinds, worn j pickled, not otherwise by men, women or chll-' provided for, dren, of whatever mate- Fruits preserved In their rial composed, | own juice, or pie fruits. Baizes, blankets, bookings, Fish glue, or Isinglass, flannels and floor-cloths, Fish skins, of whatever material Flats, braids, plaits, spar- composed, not otherwise terre and willow squares, provided for, Baskets, and all other aril- eles composed of grass, osier, palm-leaf, straw, whalebone or willow, not otherwise provided for, Beer, ale and porter, in casks or bottles. Beeswax, Berries and vegetables of, used for making hats bonntts, Floss silks, feather beds, feathers for beds, sod downs of all kinds, jd vegei all sorts used for food, Fulminates, or fulminating sunshades, finished finished, Frankford black, net otherwise provided for, Blue or Roman vltrol, or sulphate of copper, Bologna sausages. Braces, suspenders, web bings, or other fabrics composed wholly or In part of India Rubber, not Furniture, - cabinet household, not otherwise provided for, Furs, dressed on the skin. Ginger, dried, green, ripe, ground, preserved pickled, . Glass, colored, stained or otherwise provided for, painted, Breccia, (Haas, window, Burgundy pitch. Glass, crystals for watches, Buttons and button-moulds Glasses or pebbles for spec- of all kinds, i taeles, Cables and cordage, of Glass tumblers, plain whatever material made,! moulded and pressed, hot- Cadmium, I ties, flasks, and all other Calamine, . vessels of glass not other- Calomel, and all other raer- wise provided for, curlal preparations, {Glue, Carbonate of sods, {Grass cloth, Castor beans. Green turtle, Castor oil, |Gum benlson, or benjamin. iskels and Candles and tapers o spermaceti, stearlne, pa ratios, tallow or wax, and all other candles, Capa, hats, muffs sad tip pets, and all other uanu lecture* of fur, or ol Caps, gloves, legglns, mils, socks, stockings, wove shirts and drawers, and all similar artlclss worn by men, women and chil dren. and not otherwise provided for. Carpets, carpetings, hearth rugs, bed-sides, and other portions of carpeting, be ing either Aubuseion, Turkey, Venetian, Wilton or any other similar fa bric not otherwise pro vided for, Carriages and parts of rlsges, Css to rum. Chains of aii sorts, Older, and other beverages not containing alcohol,I Iron liquor,' and not otherwise pro- * vidsd for, Ohocolat;, Chromate of lead, Chromate, bichromate, hy- driodate and prusalate of Ivory black, potash. 'Jalap. Clocks and parts of cloaks, 1 ' Coach and harness furni ture of Sll kinds, Cobalt, Combe of all kinds, Copper bottoms, Copper rods, bolts, nails and splkss, * plates, Guns, except muskets i rifles, fire-arms, and ail parts thereof not Intend ed for military purposes, Gunny doth and India bag gings, and India mattings of all sorts, not other wise provided for. Hair, curled, moss, seawesd and all other vegetable Hat-bodies, of eoiton or wool. Hats and bonnets, for men, women and children, leaf, whalebone, or other materials, not otherwise provided for, Usttere’ plush, of whatever material composed, Honey, Ink and Ink powder, Ipecacuanha, Iron eastings, Iron liquor, Iron, In bare, bolts, rods, slabs and railroad rails, ■pikes, field Ilf -pistes and chairs, used In construct ing railroads, rory I* ‘ Gap, span! not < for, Jewelry, thereof, J sniper berries, 1 Imitations tkwjo^^ called brasler’e copper, Lacesof cotton, of thread, and other sheets of cop-j or other materials not per, not otherwise pro-! otherwiseprevidsdfor, vlded for, UhMM, Ooppera*. or green vitriol, farifiqp, cut la strips, or or sulphate of Iron, | patterns of the sit* or Corks, shape for shoes, boots. Cotton eords, gimps and bootses, slipper*, gaiters, galloons, or buttons, of whatever Cotton loess, cotton Insert- material lnr*, cotton trimming 1 Lead pend laces, cotton end braids, Court plaster, Coral, unmsnefhetui Crayons of all Mods, irsd, of all mads, ** toys of at kinds. Drugs,* medicinal, Earthen, china a iiMMof hit Undo, JAL - Litharge, Msecaroel, vyrmlceM, gsla- **.)#***, and j* other similar preporatlsns, net factors * bleaks)* other wits Manufactures of paper, •f wfcfleh paper !»••.. poneat material, oot oth erwise provided for, Manufactures of wood, of which wood Is a com poneat part, not other wise provided for, Matting, China or othor floor matting, nod mate made of flags, jute or Erase, MedMaal preparations, drugs, roots and leave* In h crude wlsepre Morphine, Metallic pens, Mineral waters, Musical Instruments of all kinds, and strings rads state, c ■ provided f bine. whip-gut. cot-gut. and all •Uvev string* of the material, Mustard in bulk or In bot tles, mustard seed. Needles of all kinds, for sewing, darning and knitting. Nitrate of lead. Ochres, sod ochrey earths, Oil cloths of every descrip tlon, of whatever material composed, (Mb of every desert animal, vegetable mineral, not otherwise provided for, Olivet, Opium, Orange and lemon peel, OMer, or willow, prepared for basket-makers' use, Faints, dry. or ground In oil, not otherwise provid ed for. „ letter, and for printing newspapers, handbills and other print ing, and all other paper. ***** •** wm*v* r m r* , t otherwise provided for, Paper boxes, and all other fancy boxes, Paper envelope*. Paper hangings, paper for walls, and papers for screens or fire boards. Parchment, Parasols, and snn-ihades and umbrellas, SCHEDULE D. .HOWELL I Appro*** War mSTUT rU4 p fV*'*i • J ******** Dari*. STUVITIlllit I -*■*- blood ptti •Uk, l* turn pu> art mug* ■ot otherwise pcov! fty tfpr»»M >!| «*;.V+gg *U Mb*.— old hell metal, I ghsetkisg ewpper~*-baf wa In pigs or bars, cop-| copper to he co arid oiwd dhoathing or yellow metal. India rabbet. milk of. SUtblhrer yeRow mrtal nails sxpreeely for shea thing veeeeta, gheaMNng power, BUve bolts and Wokl, Zinc, spelter, or teatenegwo wAmaafs stared. - Hale pencils, Bhot of lead, not provided for, Spirits of turpentine, ISSf Stereotype plates, Still bottoms. Sulphate of barytes, eruds er refined, ulphato of quinine, and qulntne la all lie various preparations, for walls, and papers fo Are-boards, Parchment, Tam pi oca, Tkr, Textile fabrics of every description not oth< provided for, Twin* and pack thread, of whatever material com posed, Thread lacings and Insert ing*, Types, old or new, and type metals, Umbrellas, Vandyke brown. Vanilla beans. Varnish of all kinds, Vellum, Venetian red. Velvet In the piece, com posed wholly of cotton, or of cotton and silk, but of which eoiton is the unent material of component ! chief value. Vermillion, Vinegar, Wafers, Water colors, Whalebone, White and red lead. White vitriol, or sulphate of sine, Whiting, or Paris white, Window glass, broad, crown or cylinder, Woolen and worsted yarns, and woolen listings. Wheel-barrows and hand- barrows, Wagons, and vehicles of every description, parta thereof. ArgoLo Arsenic, (Tr* percent, ad valorem.) ! gal, substitute, traga- canth and all other gums and resins, in a crude state, not otherwise pro< vlded for. Hair of all kinds, uncleans- ed and unmanufactured, Hemp unmanufactured, Hemp seed and rape eeed, Hope, horns, horn-tips, bone, bone-tips, and teeth unmanufactured, Ivory unmanufactured, Ivory nab, or vegetable Ivory, Jute, sisal grass, coir, and other vegetable substan ce* unmanufactured, not otherwise provided for. Kelp, Reran for, Alcornoque, Aloes, Ambergris, Amber, Ammonia, and sal ammo- Bit, Anatto, roucon, or Orleans, Angora, Thibet, and other Ashes, po\ pearl and soda, Asuhaltum, AssafretMa, Banannaa, cocoanub, pine apples, ptalntalns, or anges, and all other West India frulb In their nat ural state, Barilla, Bark of all kinds, not ‘I * r< Bark, Peruvli Bark, guilts, Bismuth, Bitter Bleach< ride Ume, Bonos, Burnt, Boards, planks, staves, shingles, laths, scantling, and all other sawed lum ber ; also spars and hewn timber, of all sorb, Bone-black, or animal car bon, and bone dust, Bolting clothe, Books, printed magazines, pamphlets, periodicals, and Illustrated newspa pers, bound or unbound, not otherwise provided spirits, lac sulphur, •nd lac dye, Leather tanned, bend, sole and upper, of all kinds not otherwise provided for, Lemons and times, and ulee, end Juices of her frulb without sugar, pre fer, Books, blank, bound bound, Eorste of Ume, Borax, crude or tlnci Borax, refined, Buchu leaves, Box-wood, unmanufactur ed, Brasil paste, “rasll wood, b all dye-woods Bristles, Bronxe and Dutch metal In leaf, bronse liquor, and bronse powder, Bulldlog stones, Better, Bur stones, wrought c Cablnsb of coins, medals, gsma, and all collections of antiquaUUea, Camphor, crude, Oantharidce, Casein and easels beds, Chalk, ChtckoTj root. Chronometers, box or ship and part# thereof, Clay, burnt or unburnt bricks, roofing Ulea, gas Coculus Indlcus, Coir yarn, OodlUa, or tew of hemp or Bax, Cow hage down. when sat la fold er stiver or other metal. Diamonds gtaslera, set or Mat, Dragon's Mood, Engravings, bound er un bound, Extract of Indigo, fef-waed an inM. FMx. UMuanufactured. Flax seed and flaaaed, Flub, and flint grew ad, ft-aarraa. Ume, Madder, ground Madder roof, Marble, In the rough slab or block, unmanufactured, Metals, unmanufactured, not otherwise provided for, Mineral kernes. Mineral and bituminous Mtances In n crude te. not otherwise pro vided for, Moss, Iceland, Music, printed wltli lines bound and unbound, Natron, Nickel, Neb, not otherwise provid ed for, Nut rails, Net Vomica, Oakum, Oranges, lemons and ilmse, Orplmcnt, Pales leaf unmanufactured, Pearl, mother of, n»*»*f>i**. Plantains, Putins unmanufactured, Potatoes, Rattans and reeds, uumsa- lotien stone. Bel soda, and all carbon ates and sulphates of so da, by whatevar names designated not otherwise provided for, iftaMrtm *Bd throw*, SETS hit, akwU an* plates, not further ad than by rolling; and east stool In hors, iuiphur, flower of, Tallow, marrow and all other grease or soap •took* aad soup stufib, not otherwise provided “faSiSfiSauTSSf i&£ When not set, "tZ ISLKi'u, earth, Game ot all sorts, hot otherwise provided for, Gu Us perdu*, KwStfasut •heeb, unmanufactured SCHEDULE f. (Sperijto Puttee.) lea, one dollar aad fifty! rock—two e aRSttiftiwI BCHEDULE G. (Wvemptfrmm Du**.) Books, maps, chart*, mathe- other improveipents la latlM WurM, OfiUfhtAil Cur. evee taken. HE tbouaands ui deal and nanUcal In itnumata nhlhmmhlrel apperatusTand another -articles whaUvsr, Import ed for tbs ass of the wm- fcderafo Btotoss, Books, paoiphWb, cab, and tracb ( by rsHgloua aaadt . All phllosopbleal apparatus, Instruments, books, maps and charts, statues, statu ary, busts and oaete, of marble, bronse, slebaebr, er plaster at Paris, paint ings and drawings, etch ings, specimens of sculp ture, cabinet of coins, medals, gems, end all col lections of antiquities; provided the same be specially Imported In good faith for the use of any society, Incorporated or rstabllsbed for philosoph ical aad ttbtwy purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or for the use or by the order of any church, college, academy,, school or seminary of learning In the Oonfode- rate States, Bullion, gold and silver Coins, gold, silver end cop per, Coffee, Cotton, Copper, when Imported for the mint of the Confeder ate States. Garden seeds for agricultu ral and horticultural pur poses, Goods, wares and merchan dise, the growth, produce, or manufacture of the Confederate States, ex ported to a foreign coun try, and brought back to Confederate States in the same condition as when exported, upon which no drawback has bean allow ed; provided that all reg ulations to ascertain the idem by thereof, presort bed by existing lawn, or which may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, shell be oomplied with. Guano Manures, end Fertil izers of *U sorts, In use, of persons or fami lies from foreign coun tries, if used abroad by them, and not Intended for any other purposes, or for safe, Models or Inventions, or the arts, provided that no nrHele er srtleke shall bo downed a model which eon be fitted for use, raVing stones. Personal aad household ef- citisoas of the OeeJeder- *U State* dying abroad. Specimen# «f Batumi histo ry* mineralogy, or r ay; provided the aai Imported iu good faith for the eee o/ any society in corporated or established for philooephleal, agri cultural or hortleakoral purposes, or for the us* or by the order of any college, academy, school, or seminary of lsoralag In the Confederate States, Wearing apparel and other personal effects, not mer chandise: profess!on a I books, implements, in strument*, and tools of trades, occupation or cm- States; provided that this exemption shall not he construed to inclade ma chinery, or other articles Imported for use, In any manufacturing establish ment, or for sals, ■ESJESfcteJtt bran of wheat, flour and bran, ail othor grains, In dian corn and meal, bar ley, rye, oats, an J oot meal, li ving animals of all kinds, not otherwise provided for: also all agricultural production sjnclijd'f these of the orchard aad garden In their natural suite, net otherwise provided for, Gunpowder, and all the ma terials of which U Is madat d In pigs or r balls, for e bars, In shot can he keta, rides or pistols. Rags, of whatever material .ruu, of every descrlptl for military purpose*, i ports thereof, mnnMona of war, military accoutre ments, and percussion eop«, Ships, steamers, barge*, dredging vetsals, ma chinery, screw pile Jetties, and articles to be used In the construction of har bors, and for dredging and Improving the I Sac. 2. And bt it furtUr enacted, That (her* •hall be levifid, collected and paid, on each and every non-enumerated article which bear* a similitude, either in material, quality, text ure, or the usee to which it may be applied, to any enumerated article* chargeable with duty, the tame rate of duty which it levied and charged on the enumerated article by the fore going eehedulee which it moat resemble* in an/ of the particulars before mentioned; and if any non-esumerated article equally reeem- blee two or more enumerated articlee on which different rates of duty are chargeable^ there shall be levied, collected and paid on aueh non-enumerated artlole, the same rete of duty ae it chargeable on the article which it resem bles paying the highest duty. Provided, that •mall articles manufactured from two or more materials, the dut/ shall be assessed at the highest rates at which any of its component parts may be chargeable. Provided fori that on all articles which arc not enumen in the foregoing eehedulee end cannot be class ified under this section, a duty of IB per cent ad valorem shall be charged. Sac. 3. And be it further enacted, That all goods, wares, and merchandise, which may be in the publie stores ee unclaimed, or ia ware house under warehousing bonds, on the fist day of August next, shall be subject on entry thereof for consumption, to such duty as it the same had been imported, respectively, after that day. fine. 4. Amd be it further enacted, That on the entry of any goods, wares, or merchandise, im ported on or after the Slet day of August afore said, the decision of the Collector of the Cus* HIAITH AND STJICMQTH. no mlrtoks abort It; U will c«i bremlou 1 * *^-OIIITLEMEl»,d.,OD.lrtK.*,B ‘’’jar^ulS!Ui« BUn k_ ■TOM *• *•*. (A«k* *c*ln t TtM*|* at| ^l McLean’* MnagUmin* Ctrtwl Blood Pa*Her. Delay net a moment j It Is warranted . Mom. H will core aujr d ssass of the 1 or Blsdder; Fainting, Obstructed MsnsL w of tbs Womb, Barrsnasss, or asr dlsesss a Chronic er Nervous Is an la For Children. Do you want your delicate, sickly, i be Healthy, Strong and So bust? Thai Lass's »■■ oasis—as Coatixt, (,c« th* t saeb botU#,) it Is dsUcloBS to take. IWr On* table-spoon fa I, taken every i__ log, la a ears prsvsativs against Chius aad I lot Favor, Cholera, or any prevailing d |ar“ Caorioa.—Beware of Druggists may try to palm apoa yoa a bottle of 1 peril la, (which they can boy cheap.) by a as good. There are even men base enosga of my asms to dab their vile decoctlss*. infamous pirates sad their villainous « for Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening C.._ Parlflor. Take nothing elao. It Is the *oly r will purify your Blood thoroughly, sad, a ttmo, Btroagtheo aad Invigorate the whsls « It Is put up In large boUlss— $1 per b Us* for $6. DR. J. H. McLEAN, ftoi. Corner of Third and Pla# flu, St. L DM- MCLEAN'S UNIVERSAL Pfi For Liver < rnHXKEb 1 the; at MoLaAa*s Uaivmu Piua. Being entirely vegetable, they and sen bo taken by them* at tender Infant ^ and powerful In removing all Bilious seersiL or Impure, Feted Matter from th« Stomach, they are the only Pills that should be used la ■ districts. They prodace no Griping, SIckBses, or 1_ Btemocn or Bowels, thoogh very active aad • In their operation, promoting healthy* liver and Kidneys. Who will safer h "sodashs. and Foul Stomach, when so tarn tn bo obtained I Keep them constsstly a sing)* doss, token In season, may prevent h and month* of Mcknssa. Ask for Dr. J, V, Universal Pills. Take no other. Bring « ar# tasteless. Fries only Eft cents per b •set by moil to any part of th* United I J. H. McLBAN, Sole 9 Conor of Third and Pine 8U., fiL li Dr* J* H. NcLesji’s Volcanic Oil 1 ment. The Meet MMemal in the World, for Mao« rflHOUBANDB of human brings have ban si X of dee rap! tad# and misery, by tbs ass d noble Ltolmsat. It wUl relieve Pain aims* ly, and K srlM etsnnos, purify and beal lbs I tn an Intredible short Ume. McIjuxU Tot Lixiiobby wRl relieve the most Inveterate ease motion, Meet, or Nsuralgln. For ParilyMs, 0 Masolso, Stiffness or Weakness In tht Joints, M Ligaments, It wUl never fail. Two appUeatioss s Bore Throat, Headache, or Earache. For Bl fleakta, or any Fain, It Is sa lnfaUlsblsraBri|. and you will And It an lndlspenslbls remedy. f*nn«r,. or may one harm* chirp M, will*.*, camr hjr mda, MoLm*. Tkcukl ■ boklW. tomln. < fMsh, ! Md JO* wUl be eonrlnrcl. M* For nl. in AlUnU by 0. I HAMILTON, .nd b7 M ASSET A LAS Md SmIo. eT.rywhere. from, ,h*M b. fto*i and eonclutire ft(.iu,t th. enn, Importer, eoa.ignw, or ip*l of *nj •neb food*, worm *od nurob.adi*^ HO 1m. U. * ' ■ r, oMiica*. or tint rtAll. after aueh eatry, gir* notion to ia(, of bi* di***ti*AisUon with aueh d«ol*(o*, Mttlnf forth tb.r^* dla- tiactlj and apccialljr bi* fronnd of ot^Mttea tb.roto, and *b*U, vitbin thirty dap* after date of Mob dwUioa, tpfwal tbmfrom te tb. S^rotary of tb* Treaaury, who*, dtefaloa .a •oeb aopMl (halt b. final aad oono!«•!▼.[ aad tb. Mid good*, wan. aad nterabaadiM akall b. liabl. to data or ezamptioa tb*r*fr*m M- oordioflj, any Act of Con,r**i to tb. oontrary notwitbitandiag. aa1*M raft tball b. brnngbt within thirty day* after aueh daalal.n, far any ditto* that may **r. tou paid, or may tba*. .(ter b. paid, om aaid good*, or within thirty after tbadatiM aball bar* brad paid la wb.r. aueh (ooda aball ba la boad. TmtSr Twra Jan-ala*. aMaaka, Tin la ptatw ar Ah* **d U* loll. Tortela* *r elbar to*fi* aa- missflslTri Tress, shrubs, buMha plants sod roots not otnenrtse pswrtfiofi lev, ZSXZ'mU part, af Sac. ». Bt it fmrtkrr mortal, That it aball b. lawful for tb. own.r, roaaifaM, or w*alo( import, wbiob bar. bM* aaiHlly p. rat tart or proeurad otbarwi*. than by porobaM, on rate] of tb. aama, to maht auob addition (a r.(M S B. OATMAH, proprtotor, *»< . ItellM,Aaaarteaaaad Hi***?, MoaamMta, Tomb*. TabiateHa^ 8 to dm, Urna, Vaaaa, Marble aad I Slate Mantel*, Statuary Figarea, aad tog Marbl* of .11 derorfptiona. . Alway. oa bud a fin. aMOitiaM «> manta, both Plain and Oarrod, of all iw priOM to Mil. - . .. call aad awaptelm.aa. at War.**** TarAop^atotodaorgtaRailroad Ort* G. K. & J. L. HAMILW^ ■DooaaaoM r» anna a !»**»*> DRUGGIE PHAHMACKI ' anlry to tb* nd or Tala* (Iran la tb. la- ;. oo, la btoopialM, amp rotw tb«Mm. to i marb.1 ralaaol net impMte ia lb. prta. d mark.!, of lb. oooatry wbaac. U. Im- pdrUtlnoa aball bar* bran mad*, aad to add tbarMoall oartaand obarfaa which, aadarwr- tatiat lawn, arwaM fan* pirt of tb. bra. ante. at tb. port whan th. mum m»y bo omlond. BfUiB, nerA _ Of tb. OallMtor within COM Diatrtet tb. aua. may b. toapoMdfi «r tend, to mm *b. daltobto rata, ot auk j^stssg-gsasftas 229 dsus, L-iTTSSiS ■on, tto ratww m diatoifid mo Mln,ttoa la Udlttoa to tb. ditto. laaMto by Ian o« tb* nan. tharaahaJI b. tortod, mltootod aad paid a HfififrtS twenty for waba at aalaaaw Mt l AlWCATAtrfiAl WIfifiA **• ATLANTA, aSOAOlA. SPIIM6 MILUHEB1 Mr*. J. M ^Boring duty b* War Art to Mil* (Ml, am ‘ I fib VhibtoAllrt AfriD Anaarc, Oa, INI.