Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, July 24, 1861, Image 1
A THE PUBLIC GOOD BEFORE PRIVATE ADVANTAGE. in jpa) MPtfrlii lit Si SMITH. ITLJim, (JKORIill, WEBlSIir MORNING, JFLt 24, 1861. NEW SERIES: VOL. I-NO. 116. in * A0VSftTI3ltt« SCHIOULI it or anBtQJiimoa. I#W „ am , « (PnrirlBbl/ In advaac*. ADTBETlfllllO. g !• line* or ie*e, oil laMrtlon, fil; And Ih sub»*qu#nt tmerUon 1*M than on* I*Y RATES. t lacs', i mo*. 4bo*. 6 mo*. It BO*. •to Ills in te* M M m fO 2i* W 96 86 n is M 40 00 K5 48 <6 44) 46 TO 8<» i 87 48 60 76 38 : 41 48 •0 86 .In*, with the privilege of chang*, wUl • following rites: ft, renewable once a month, $ 16 ,pflag doable coin 1 charged a not marked on copy for A specified ilished until ordered oat, And chargwd above rates. « Inserted In the Dear, end Wmw charged 6o per cent additional to the fillers will be limited to the epaee con- hey will be chai HT * mu, Removals, I ic., and payment aiaiT AoTERTuaem ament will appear la <4. »*r« dal contract. I to be Inaerted In the Weekly paper oa- I Intervals In either of the papers, will per square for every Inaertlou. candidates for State, County, and Munl- i each—to he paid In advance in every tenta for Charitable Institutions, MUlta- om panlee. Ward, Town and other Public be charred half price, tnd deaths are published ss news; bat lbetee of Reepect end Tunersl Invitations tices In Local Column will be eliarped 90 inder no circumstances, to be Included in variation will be made from the fort- ADAIR A 8M1TII. RAILROADS. ■Item* *. Banking Company. ttlauta, 171 Mile.—Fare, IS SS. E YONGE, Superintendent. nut r........ tkai,. it*, daily, at.... — 9.OS, A. M. .ugu.te at ••IS, F. k- iita, daily, at •■••, A. ,tlanta at. •*••» A. N. iq.t r*aaaa«is rail.. ita, daily, at - •■••, P- M. ar.'U at .......... *.4(1, A. M. Iita at - 1-S*. P- M- tlaataat — ll.tS, P. M. run. in connection with theTrelne Carolina and the Savannah and Iroada, a August*. 4 WMt-Foint Kallroad. eat-Point, St Mile*—Pare,..$S SS. G. HULL, Superintendent. Muon, 1S1 Milan—Para, *4 SS. L. TYLER, 8nperint.nd.nt ear rnmna naia. itaat 11.44, A. M. Maeonat........ 4.44, P. M sen at 10-0#, P. M. AU.nta at 4. JO, p. a. •kit a,rases r»*t». *t... T —Might ante at 7.1S, A. M. htTraisawiU sot-be ran M Ban- 'cteek Night Train Sam Atlanta, 1th the Central Railroad for Sevan- •J. A. M., and thaSoath. Western for • Ootnmbo., etf.45, A. M. Pm»n bom Atlanta, eeanaeto with "’•’Bffir/agsf.. ***** WILLIAMS & MCLEAN, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE! Ness ami Hair Mattresses 2 LOOKING-GLASS PLATES, &C„ PEACH-TREE STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. —80LH AGENTS POR— Wriglit's Spring-Bed, Admitted to be the Best in use. may 17 FRESH ; TAYLOR & JONES, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN EAGLE. Corner Peachtree and Decatur Street*. ATLAVTA, GEORGIA. AVING unequaled facilities for the pur chaae and Direct Importation of foods, the H Proprietors would respectfully call the atten tlon of Physicians, Merchants, Planters and the public generally, to their extensive new and carefully selected stock of DRUGS, MED- ICINFaS, PERFUMERY, FANCY ARTICLES, PAINTS, OILS, AND DYE STUFFS, which they are now prepared to sell on the most rea sonable terms for Cosh or approved paper. In addition to their atock of Staple, Drugs and Chemicals, thoy have a full assortment oi TOOTH, NAIL, HAIR AND PAINT BRUSH ES. DENTAL AND SURGICAL INSTRU MENTS, Ac., Ac. BUTLER & PETERS, (Successors to High, Butler A Co.,) Commission Merchants, ron ran ruacaasa Ann rile op T KjyJyK OH K K r ROUHClS Cotton, Groceries, be. ATLANTA GEORGIA, uat numn vuain. mtop dfiily, al. li.ifif A. M. r oet-Foint et 6’76» P* t-Point, doily, et — 6.00, P. M. STonUot...... 7.61, P.M. lOXT PAiasNecn TfiAm. nU, doily, et - 0.30, A. M. feot-Point et..... 6.46, A. M. t-Foint, daily, at 1.16, A. M. Atlanta at 7.6*. A. If. | coooocta with the Montgomery A Hoed at Weat-Fuist. TTAVE in *tore, at their Fire-Proof War* 1J. Hooee. oa the corner of Foray th itraot and the Railroad, (oppoaite tha State Road Depot,) 100 BARRELS LARD OIL; 50 BALES YARN j 100 BARRELS LAUD; 800 KEGS PRIME LEAFLARD; 1,000 BARRELS FLOUR. May 4. am 4k AUanuc Hallroaa. lhatlanooga, 118 ltilas—Fare,....$6. W. LEWIS, Superintendent. DAY PAIAONOfifi TKAII. »nU, daily, ml. 10.10, A. M. Chattanooga a* 7.00, P. M. lUauooqa at 1.46, A. M. Atlanta at lfi OO, A. M ecu. ita «. roarxa. J. l. qubm FOSTER & QUEEN, GROCERS d ootinecUi.eaeh way,with tha Roae ilruad et Kingatoa. the Bast Ten- Georgla Ui.lroad at Dalton, and th* A Chattanooga Railroad at Ohatta- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WAiinrra btkibt, Atlanta, Georgia, IT’EKP conatantly on hand all kinds of Pro- nil kind, of Tennoseo* end Country Produo.; elao, rail Good, oon.igned to the hut t»*e, end render aoeouateof .ele promptly.— Patronage reepoctfully solicited. A Aoe lo t of Par* Co hud, end for tele by mey 4. untry Corn FOSTER A QUEE1 CHINA DEPOT. COLE Sc WYLIE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in pHIVA, Glue, Blleer, Pitted Were, Vum, V Perien Figure#, Keroeine Lamps, Candle •tick., Tee Tmye, Teh Bhadm, Tebie Cillery, •tick., T» Tmv*, Tebie Mete, Bhedee, Table Cetlery, bn., b, CM RAP Wk CASH. White Granite end common Crockery et wholuele, et Cherle.«on prtee*. ■•"’'T «PP*- !h b Root’*, Wbttebail .tree4, elte Braei . Attests,.. April t*.tWt- .. Georgia. LO&mLAB2}’8 SHXTIT. For Bale te, gnanUtlce te Jobbers by a A. RQBINSOB A CO„ WJWemfc DrejguU. T. f. FLEMING. ^A.RN.££ & CF' a a a. eibms, Jfctjwk WHOLESALE Produce Dealers, AND GENERAL MISSION MERCHANTS, MASONIC HALL BUILDING, (Opposite Passenger Depot,) .A. T L -A. N T .A., OE O. pm- PROMPT ATTENTION pm- PAIL TO -we- pm- FILLING ORDERS.-ttJ, LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS. BUSINESS TRANSACTED ON THE CASH SYSTEM E—X—G—L—U—8—I—V—R—L—Y ! Prices Current mailed to customers \ ekly. Wholesale Produce House, NOW ON BAND, LARD, ) at f CORN. LARD, \ Bamee, l CORN. LARD, J & Fleming, ( CORN- MASONIC HALL. In Store, BACON, ) at r FLOUR. BACON, } Barnes, J FLOUR . BACON, J A Fleming, ( FLOUR. ALL ORDERS ) at r AT THE WILL BE ) Barnes, J LOWEST FILLED, J A Fleming, [ PRICES. FOR CASH. Consignment* solicited. Liberal advances made. Large Stocks kept on hand. Orders filled with dispatch. 60 Casks Bacon—to arrite. 800 Barrels Flour—to arrive. 6,000 Sacka Prime White Corn—in store. 40 Perkin K'gs Fresh Lard—in store. General Commission Business attended to by BARNES A FLEMING, Masonic Building, March 18, 1881. Atlanta, Georgia. ATLANTA Clothing £|#U. I HAVE just returned from the North with a large stooh of READY-MADE CLOTHING, and am ready to supply the citisens of Alien* ta and the surrounaiuf country, with Csati, Pants, Vests, Hhirts, Handkerchiefs. Ncck"tteo. lacks, HaU, Caps, and everything else in the Clothing line, ol (rood quality and at LOW PRICES. All who desire bargains should give me a call. —AliO, OS IASS— Jewelry! Knives I Combs! And other Notion., M. OPPENRRIMER, Whiteell .(reel, eaarly oppoaite muehlbtf Mddtemee I luk COLOMBO HHOTOCIt APIIH. TJORTBAIT8 tekeo from Life, or oopiad from X Old Deguerreot-pee, bo. by U>o Pholgreph- io prooeu, ud ENLARGED TO ANY SIZE, from Mioieture alee up to the liae of Life. < Poreou heviug Deeuerreotypee of their do. eeeeed reUliTe. ud friend*, now her* tb* op- portaelty of kerin, thorn copied to eny .lie hey rasy wish, ud pefeted up to the Lift DENTISTRY. H. HUNTINGTON, fife D„ DxinmsT, ATLAVTA, SSOteiA, OFFICE In Rewsoa’s new bnild- Ing, corner Whitehall and Hsnter Sireeat Residence first bouse to the leR of Ool. Yan cey’s. RsriBvvcas: Hon. *R. F. Lyen, Mr. E. E. Rawson, Messrs. Beach A Root, Rev. Mr. Rog ers, Dr. Logan, Atlanta; Rev. C. M. Irwin, D. A. Vason, Esq., Col. Nelson Tift, Col. W. J. Lawton, Henry Tarver, Albany. Jan 16. to the Life In ATU COLORS, OR PASTEL, dy of getting a perfect likeness on Whitehall E. J. «k R. W. CRAVEN. DHXTI8T8, HAKE removed to their new and splendid room in Paekbs 4 * Block, oppoaite Beach A Roots, whsre thsy are prepared to wait on all who may wish thsir services. Ministers, who are pastors charged half- price. Calls from a distance attended o with promptness. junel9-w*tw MEDICAL. JAS. W. PRICE, M. D., HOMEOPATHIC^ PHYSICIAN, O FFICE in the Washington Hall, Atlanta, Georgia. July 13,18«l-tf. 0 DR. H. W. BROWN. FFICE—At his residence on Calhoun street, near the Medical College. march 20. DR. JOHN G. WESTMORELAND, 3 FFICE on Alabama street, opposite Market House. Can be found either at his office r next door above. Maroh 26. D OHS. ALEXANDER A SHELBY, OJlce on Marietta Street, North side. R. Alexander’s residence on Marietta 8L, South aide. Dr. Bbblby may be found at the Trout House. March 27. DR. W. F. WESTMORELAND, Office and Residence JYbrlh Side of Ma rietta Street. MECHANICAL. DE WITT RRUYM. BRUYN Ai SAVAGE, ARCHITECTS, Savannah, Georgia, In Battersby’s New Brick Building, corner of Bay and Drayton Streets. W ILL furnish Plans and Specifications, and vive their personal attention to the erec tion of Buildings in any part of the State. Refer to the Citisens of Savannah generally. March 18-ly. ATLANTA BLACKSMITH SHOP —AND— BRASS FOUNDRY, ON HUNTER STREET, Between McDoroub and Butler Streets, Near the City Hall. T HE Subscriber begs leave to inform his friends, and the public ganerally, that he has established, as above, a Blacksmith and Wagon Shop, and also a BRASS FOUNDRY ' where he is prepared to do all kinds of work In his lin solicits a share of ] patronage, and will guarantee to give entire satisfaction to all that may entrust him with their orders. Orders promptly attended to. JAMES E. GULLATT. He has on hand and for sale two DRAYS. Cheap for ChaA. Atlanta, Jan. 30. Steam Tannery for Sale. T HE undersigned offers for sale their STEAM TANNERY, situated on Deoatur street. TANN near the Rolling Mill. There are attached thirty-six Tanning Vats, Lime-House, Cur ing Shop, Drying Lofts, and Shoe Shop, w all necessary Machinery and Tools. Also, ths premises, a two-story Brick House, two frame Dwellings, two walls, and a branch of water running through the lot Capitalists will find this one of the beet investments sver i. o. McDaniel, WBOLBSALB DBA LEE IB BRAIN, 11S0I, LAID, FLOUR, AND LEADING GROCERIES, Hunter Street, between Whitehall A Loyd Streeie, ATLANTA GEORGIA. April 13, 1861. COX, HILL dI CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS us Diner momu or WINES, 1,1411011, CIGARS, TOBACCO, 40., PmeS 7Vwft.*ibie>l, If mb IX J. W. HEWELL, viouuu m sarin, beaus m Fanoy and Staple DRY GOODS, MARKHAM’S BLOCK, CornraWhltahkll 4r Alabama fttra. ** ATibNTA, osokaii. Fob. II—ly. 1861. 1861. 8ALMON8 k SIMMONS, Wholesale tab Betell Deafen la & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Conor of Whitehall ud Alabama fit*., Atlanta, Georgia. NEW SPRING STOCK! O NCof our firm having returned from Mar ket, where he hasjust completed an exten sive purchase of our Spring Stock of DRY GOODS, STAPLE A FANCY GOODS were never more attractive. The supply of BLKACMED ANO BROWN SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS, fro., is ample. Crepe IFEnglaia, Barege Jtnglaie, French Chintz, Mozambique, Strode Rhine, and a splendid aseortment of Plain E Fancy Silke, Silk JMantlee, Mhsetere, Me., maj be found among our assortment; also, ALEXANDER KID GLOVES, SILK Ml'iS, Ac. Every variety of Ladies' and Misses’ SHOES, manufactured in Philadelphia expressly for our trade. A more beautiful lot of CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS ANO MATTINGS we have never displayed in this market. All of which we will sell low for CASH. Orders promptly attended to. SALMONS A SIMMONS, Atlanta, March 28, 1861. J. H. L0VEJ0Y, AND DEALER Of Tobacco, Wine, Liquor, Clgan, ke. Cherokee Block, Feach-Tree Street, Atlanta, Oeoraia. feb26-ly CONFECTIONARIES. F. M. JACK, -Agent, I TO W. r. BRRR1N0 A C Whitehall SL, Atlanta, Georgia. K EEPS constantly on hand an excellent stock of CONFECTIONARIES, % FRUITS, CAKES, NUTS, CANDIES, PRESERVES, JELLIES. PICKEL8, Ao , Ao. Alto, Fin* Imported WINES, BRANDIES, TOBACCO, CIGARS, Ac., *c. Alto, a groat variety of Fouoy Arlicltt—Bot- keta, Toyt, Ac. The Lad let and th* Public (onornlly nr* ra- apoctfhlly Invited to call. marS. IMPROVED METALIC BURIAL CASES. i—7i*-— A LSO, a general assortment of Xl. Wood Coffins, including Rose Wood and Mahogany. Marshal’s Hheet Metallc Burial Cases, forsale at my Rooms, in Markham’s New I ing, on Whitehall street, up stairs. L. ROBINSON. Orders, by telegraph, or otherwise, prompt ly attended to jan 23-ly. from the Davaaaah News. The Soldier of the Grots. •uuoested bt bishop polk'i appoikthrmt in OUR ABUT. Dows from the hill, whore earthly dross Ne’er stained the sacrtd feel, The veteran Soldi et of the Ones Unfurls our standard sheet 1 Far from the bosom of bis fold, Armed with his Shspherd rod— He follows, like the patiiaroh old, The Angel of his God t Thro’ camp and field he boldly leads The willing servant on— And foremost to the battle speeds, God’s own anointed one. Tread lightly—oh ! unholy band I This—this la " hallowed ground”— Tread lightly—’tls onr native land, And Angels camp around ! Where onee onr patriot fathers trod, For Freedom dear as then, The priestly messenger of God Stands forth with armed men ! Like the fair Sun, whose glorious light, High in its heavenly birth, Shines still more beautiful and bright, Brought nearer down to earth ; So Zions watchman—from her gates— Come forth ,with eonqoerihg shield, And on the “ God of Armies” waits, ’Mid camp and battle field t There, beautiful and bright, he stands Amid this martial strife, Still pointing, with unspotted hands, Up to the “higher life 1” God bless him to his country wide, And to onr soldiers bold— Thro’ tent and camp, may he abide, The Shepherd of the fold ! God spare him to his native land, Untouched by earthly drose : Stilljroay he prieally lyader stand The Soldier of the Cross ! Savannah, July i'Uh. t COKE! COKE!! COKE!! AT THE GAB WORKS. A LARGE quantity for sale at the usual price of 12} cent per bushel. Feb. 21—dtf. J. F. WARNER, Supt. DC NT FORGET DANTELL A MoENTIBE Boooi ) Tieroea Lard, 106 Barrels Flour, (Extra Family,) 606 Boxes Tobaooo, Very low for Cash exclusively. may 26 BOOKS. Army Regulatlona, for Confederate Staten. *8.00. Hnrdec’t Taction, 2 volumes, cloth. All the Plates. *2.50. Hardee’s Tactics, 2 volumes, paper. AU the Plates. *2.00. School for the duldes, 28 Plates. *1. Camp Duty, for Infantry, Guards, Pa trols, &c. 00 cents. Rules for Field Fortifications snd their defence and Coast Defence. 00 eta. Trooper’s Manual, fbr Dragoons and Mounted Riflemen. *1.75. Science of War, Strategy, selection of ground, <fcc. *1.00. Cavalry Tactics, fbr Trooper, Platoon and Squadron. 8 volume*, *5.00. Cooper’s and M acorn tea’ Tactics, fbr Infantry, Cavalry and Artillary. *1.75. Robert’s Artillery and Maury’s Skirmish Drill. 1 volume. *1.50. Ward’s Manual of Naval Tactics. *400. Haswell’s Engineer’s Hand Rook. *1.75. Haawcll’a Mechanic’s Table*. *1.25 Law’s Civil Eagiaecrtag, (London Book.) *2.00. Glynn’a Cranes, Ac, (Loudon Book.) 75c Wilson’s Rullder’s Price Book. *1.50. Bench’s Field Book for Engineers. *1 Templeton’s Mechanic's Companion — je27 J. McPUERSON is CO. JOHN FICKEN, Importer, Manufaetamr snd Dealer is HAYAHA niiAKS, TOBACCO SNUFF, PIPES, Ac,, Wholesale and Retell, at th* Sign of AIMS CSgmr dhselkclsni, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia. Marsh M. THOMAS k ABBOTT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OLD DOMINION SAWS. RICHMOND. VIRGINIA. I F eeneeesence of th* ssaessioa ef Virginia, wa shall hereafter alter Mr Stash of •• Cir cular,” “Orem cal," “Malay,*"Mill Basra' Ac., al foreign prices. ST Re dsttes added. McKAUGHtT ORMAN D A CO. tprM-ta. WANTED! QOMI eight ort*a good tosrayemeii Batten, to O make Weal sad Far Bate. Steady employ. meoi aad good waaea Apply te Bit. J. k. HOLBROOK, Atlanta, Qa. OMae Is Smith's Sclldlsg, Whitehall • G. A Tamils, JaUtf Baa F. Al To Eeut, A BEAUTIFUL BOUSE of sis rasou, with aleaate sad ssavmteams throughout th* ballding. ssd on* hundred and Sfiy font ef verandas running ronnd three sldm of th* hco**. This lovely tuburban retreat 1* •Unit ed upon a beaatiM shaft *f water, eae rails sad e-half frete tha arty, and prate ate iadtete- meala whlah are unequalltd for a retired. I sad convenient location Bear At- ateaaaai For te ly atehn of- Juaai >tt