Newspaper Page Text
SO U T H EHE6t*l G 6 NEED E R A C Y.
» T A,"«io»OIAl
DAY, JULY 2S, iWfen
ry cut BvttMi. *y
groae kraals at John U. Hoi.
•■■bftary. Atlanta, Georgia.
I Traveling Aftat
ll to oar General TreveKug Ag’t
receipt for subscription* aud ad-
rthe “8ootheni Confederacy.”
Duval, of Roma, la eloo author
cash, and glee rooelpts for the
ern Coufedery Oiee,
special letter and telegraphic
at Mauaaeaa J auction—the great
of battle at present. We hare
reliable correspondents from varl-
Virginia. Everybody want* to
and all Important dispatches or
received by us, -will be promptly
Confederacy bulletin,
ting times It is probable that cx-
-n a ill get afloat. We caution
~t them, and beg everybody ta
t they believe,
ery possible facility for obtaining
This, however, coats us heavily,
every one who Is so anxious to get
111 admit the equity of subscr bing
for our paper.
bur of names ou our daily list and
weekly, will be erased this week,
absorptions are renewed. We in-
sending the puper at the tennina-
time for which it is paid.
Notice to Our Subscribers,
‘nth in future we sbail notify eve*
whose term expires during that
hat all who wish to renew may be
so in time The day of the month
the subscription expires will be
our paper with a red pencil. We
mark every name whose aubserip
in July. On the first of Augast,
k the day on whioh every subscri-
expires during that month, sod so
at of overy month. Subscribers
t when the (arm for whioh they
and hence miss a few numbers
ean renew. By our present ar-
both dally and weekty subscribers
imely notice, and oan renew so aa
any of our issues,
terms for the Daily are 95 per annum
per month—the cheapest Dally in
that gives the same amount of read-
1y is a tery large sheet, lull of tho
“ng matter. The cheapest way to
• is to subscribe for the Confedcr-
Arcounta of the Bull’s Run
rs will recollect that the telegraph
•gion announeed a glorious fedar-
0 the battle at Bull’s Run on the
1 This wa« all founded npoa our
orces at Fairfax Court House and
falling back to Bull’s Runs on the
f (he enemy. As soon aa this
commenced, the correspondents for
ork and Cincinnati papers, who
e ground, telegraphed immediately
speotive journals, that our forces
and that a most brilliant Yankee
‘U1 correspondent of that day aayn:
et is established that the rebel force
waa composed of their crack regi
me retreat of these men, without
-hi trill demoralise the whole force at
this evening a gentleman arrived
Manassas. He reports only twelve
- there lael night. Their means of
•re elaborately prepared, but It waa
a they would not stand an ouault.
bad one hundred and fifty railroad
•day night Gen. Beauregard went
nd, wheie there was a military eon-
to what course should bo pursued,
after this conference that the las-
n of oars waa aent up to the June*
is is a significant fact. It is now
hat the rebels will leave the function,
their first great stand at Richmond.
already mounted (at Riohmond)
on of largo calibre, and have some
l white* and negro** at work day and
i deft nets."
ibune has tha following “ special
mber of trophias were brought here
taken in the rout ef the rebala, la*
he Commissary’s leal ef the fid Sooth
Regiment, a lot of olothieg, boots,
palmetto buttons, &c. The dread*
ed batteries turned out tp be only ill
breast works.”
‘h lies as these, served up to order,
pie of the North fed by Abolition
No wonder they ora so ignorant and
Blind Children.
W. D. Williams, Principal of lb#
Academy for tha Blind, le at the AU
, and will remain there a few day*,
of his pupils with him: and in
saver wltnaaeed snob things, it will
interesting eight to see tha lltUa
cipher, parts seoteaeee, Aa. Hla
•hu Thomas Camp, egad nina yearn,
a pupil eighteen months.
•ala are a# unfortunate an la have
they skoold at ones send them
kuia far tha Blind. Go aud sec Mr.
- Rile John, and tea what a blind
Rig Union. 4
Qalaa at tha Georgia Railroad
considerately sect tha *• Cnnftder*
and am* daUeteus vaic r
hat more the anma earl UA.
First Regiment of Gworgia Regulars.
This apiondid Regiment of left Fort
Pulaski on tha 10th last., for Virginia. A
bountiful flag, tha hnudtwor^of Mian KUaa
Howard, a patriotic young lady"of Columbus.
Oa., waa proaeutad to them oa tha 19th. Tha
flag waa aooompanfnd by a patriotic letter
from Mias Howard, which waa read to tha Rag
lasaot by Ool. William* whea ha,in her aarne,
pramatad tha flag. Li, John Vi 1 ledge made a
•piritad and patriotic response, on receiving
tha flag la tha name of tha Regiment.
Near 190 of these soldiers are from this
place, and are men of high respectability.—
Wherever they go they will give a good to*
of themselves.
The C oncert.
With infinite pleasure, oa Tuesday avening
Iasi, wa wltneenad another unique and inimi
table entertainment by the Amateurs. It waa
an lndetorlbabla medley of rnusio, songs, tab*
laanx, speeches, sentiment, soldiers, fairies,
gallants, beauties, ko , Ac.—all arranged with
aueb taot, skill and good taata, ns to Impart a
novelty and interact perfectly irreaisting.
For particulars, ■«• email bills of tha next
Cones rt.
Confederate Binds and Treasury Notes.
Forty-one'of tha moat.prominant mercantile
houses in Charleston publish a card, stating
that they will take the Bonds and Notes of the
Government foi all claims duv them.
The Confederacy has more than three times
the circulation of any paper in Georgia, Nbrth
of Augusta, and is fully equal to that of any
paper in the 8tate. We do not make this state
ment either as a boast, or in order to oonvey
any erroneous impression, we say it candidly
—knowing what we sey—and because it is
Not Dead.
Lieutenant Hall of Home, (hough severely
wouuded, is not dead, and is not eonsidered
dangerous. We learn (hat a dispatch to this
effect was reeeived in this oily yesterday from
Hon. T. R. R. Cobb.
fiQr The Cherokee Mountaineer, in its last
issue, copied the letters of Seargeant Chis
holm and Captain Ezzard, of the Oate-Ciiy
Guards, which lately appeared in the ConfeiL
eracy, without giving credit.
To Our Subscribers at Calhoun.
We assure you that oor paper was punctu*
ally mailed to you on the 28d. Our mailing
clerk is one of the most prompt and faithful
gentlemen in the world. Tne fault is some*
where else, we feel well assured.
ftf- The board of Trustees of Mercer Uni
versity will meet in the Council Chamber of
the City Hall at 10 o’clock this morning.
Further from the lat Georgia Regiment.
We find the following in the “ Chronicle &
Sentinel” of yesterday, from a member of the
Oglethorpe Light Infantry of Augusta:
Monterey, Va., July 18, 18G1.
Dear Brother : To-day one week ago we
left our eamp at Laurel Hill, from the fact
that the enemy bad surrounded us with a
large force. On the second day’s retreat they
attaoked ua in tha rear. The Oglethorpe In
fantry received tha first volley from tha ene
my. Wa fought awhile and then retreated
about a mile: selected a good spot and pitched
into them again. We have undoubtedly killed
four to their one ; still we lost Gen. Garnett
and our baggage.
Our Regiment lost seven companies, which
were cut off by tbe enemy, but 1 guess some
of them will get out of the mountains safe.
After the battle the Georgia Regiment
could not muster two hundred men, so you
see we were out to pieces completely.
We marohed over 150 miles without any
thing to eat day and night; forded nine rivers,
and occupied seven days and nights to make
tha trip.
Our army consisted of about 3,000 men—
the enemy's 9,000. We lost 40 killed, 400
prisoners, one piece of artillery, baggage and
wagons. The enemy lost 30 killed.
Tbe following Georgia companies are prob
ably lost: The Quitman Guards, Dahlonega
Volunteers, an Atlanta company, Walker
Light Infantry, and Washington Rifles.
1 have not slept 12 hours for G days. I
have been in three battles sinoe I wrote you
last. Yours in haste,
Sixth Annual Session of the Educations 1
Institute of the M. E. Church South.
This body convened in our city on the 23rd
•nd closed its labors yesterday at noon.
Rev. Alexander Means, D. D. of Georgia in
the chair. Rev. J. W. Burke of Georgia was
appointed Secretary, pro tem.
Representatives were present from Georgia,
Alabama and Tennessee.
Gon. Duff Greeu of Washington city being
present asked leave to submit some plans which
he had matured for supplying the South with
schools books. A committee waa appointed to
confer with him. The committee reported that
while they were pleased with his elegant views
—In regard to a Southern Literature Ac., yet
they were unable to soc anything in the scheme
which It would bo prudent or practicable for
this Institute.
Rev. Dr. Saasuett of Alabama offered a Pre
amble and Resolutions looking to the publica
tion of School books by our Publishing House
at Nashville. These were adopted. Letters
were read from Rev. J. B. McFerrin D. D. Book
Agent—and Rev. T. (X Summers D. D. Book
Editor, pledging themselves to co-operate in
this valuable work.
The Publishing Committee of the Education
al Repository announeed the tempoary suspen
sion of that valuable periodical It Is hoped
that the publication will soon bo resumed. A
Committee waa appointed to take tha whole
matter fn hand, to decide about Its resumption,
The following officers were selected for tbe
next year:
Dr. M. *.Santa, of TanxiMt, Prealdent.
Rev. A. Motm, D. D. of Qwrgk, lit Y[c*
Bar. W. J., D. O. of Georgia, U
Rmr. H Craven of North Carolina, 4ib Vice
Hot. A.W.Jonee of Tennenee 5th VteePrenl-
Rot. a. a S*ff,J>f t»nne«iw, Sccreaiary.
Bot. J. M. Boone]], of Georgia, correipond-
ing Secretary
PrOf. G. J. Off, Troeeun-r.
POBUUIHO Committee.
Rff. A. Motor, D. D.
G. B. Hay good, Fjq
Rea. T. O. Summer., D, If.
Rev, J. If. Bonnell,
Dr. T. 8. Powell
The next annual meeting la to he held at Ab
ingdon, Virginia, on the fourth Tueaday In July
Orrioa BoMOtxTiXDaaT W. A A. R. R. \
July 23d, 1801. j
Tha eoliellude about fri.ndr who were io tha
great battle at Mananas Junction on ibe Slat
lust., will cause many in Georgia and Alaba.
ma to harry ta the place. Far their benefit I
will elate that if they go by the Virginia rente
they iheuld leave Montgomery by the morn
ing train—leave Atlanta by tha 7 P. M. train
on thie Rood—tho conoootion by Ihia train ia
clou. going through from Atlanta to Richmond
in abont fifty.! bree hours.
I will further atate that if the Eaat Tennes
see Roads are short of Cars this Road will help
them lo as many Cars as may be needed in the
Marco's Orrioa. Athkta, Ga., ]
July 19, IBM. J
Seaborn B. Love, mornber of the City
Council from the Third Ward having resigned,
Hie ordered that an election bo held, at the
City Hall, on Saturday, lbe27tb instant, to fill
said vacanoy.
Augusta Insurance Jb Bonking Company, Augusta
W. M. D’Antlgnac, Prw K. Walton, Cash.
Bank of Augusta, Augusta.
John Bon**, Pros.. J. W. Davie*, Gash.
Genuine S* with counterfeit algneture* are in circula
tion—better refu*e all.
10a, female reclining, man with aleevca rolled up.
lOe, vlg. Mercury and eallor on sea-ehore; uni. gen.
10s, Tig. wagon and team; unlike the genuine.
80s, on left end portrait of Washington; genuine hae
a portrait of JacVeon; 90 on the lower comers; the
genuine has XX
Bank of Athens, Athena.
Steven* Thomaa, Pres A. P. Hearing, Oaah.
Bank qf Columbus, Columbus.
W. H. Toung, Prea D. Adams, Cash.
5s raised from 1*.
Bank of Commerce, Savannah.
G. B. Lamar, Pres J. U Ferrlll, Gash.
Bank of Empire State, Rome.
A. R. Smith, Pre* John McBryde, Caah.
Bank of Fulton, Atlanta.
F.. W. Holand, Prea A. Amtell, Cash.
A few Impressions, 10* and 20a, (old platea, Noa. be
tween 2,000 and 8,000,) are In circulation, with forged
Bank of Middle Georgia, Macon.
laaac Scott, Prea A. H. Powell, Gaah.
Bank of Savannah, Savannah.
Lewie F. Uarria, Prea W. B. Tinsley, Cash.
6* altered from la ; vlg. a steamship, a female on the
left end, bust of a female on the right*
10a, vlg. female atanding; “ Bank of Savannah" In
black type; X on the right end: mbs on the left end.
Bank of the State of Georgia, Savannah.
60a, vlg. female sitting, holding figure 60; three oval
dies on the right end, with “Georgia" across them, rirrr
sross left end ; imitation of old plate.
60s, vig. female holding a rudder In her right hand, at
her feet sheaf of wheat and scythe; locomotive cross
ing a bridge in the distance; unlike genuine.
100s, have a steamer on left end with 100 over and
under It; small 100s around the whole margin ; "State
100s, not like genuine; vlg. female seated beside a
bridge, sheaf of grain, waterfall, and small horse drink
ing ; locomotive In the distance.
Central Railroad db Banking Company, Savannah.
R. R. Cuyler, Pres G. A. Ouyler, Cash.
City Bank of Augusta, Augusta.
A. Gould, Pres W. J. Sams, Cash.
Farmers' <9 Mechanic*' Bank, Savannah.
J. Richardson, Pres J. B. Gaudry, Cash.
Geergia Railroad <9 Banking Company, Augusta.
John P. King, Prea J. llllllgan, Cash.
60s, vlg. three faces, the middle one Is Indistinct—
poorly engrsved.
La Grange Bank, LaGrange.
Thomas Burch, Pres W. n. Tuller, Ossh.
Marine Bank qf Georgia, 8avannah.
[Formerly Marino k Fire Insurance Bank.l
Charles F. Mills, Pre* Wm. P. Hunter, Cash.
60s, vlg. beehive, male head and two 60a on right end,
■sine on left end, good Imitation of old plate.
Mechanics' Bank, Augusta.
Thomas 8. Metcalf, Pres Milo Hatch, Cash.
Mechanics’ Saving* Bank, 8avannah.
(See Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank.)
Merchant*' <9 Planters’ Bank, Savannah.
U. Roberts, Pres A. Barrie, Cash.
Forth- Western Bank, Ringgold.
W. H. Inman, Prea A. B. Cowan, Cash.
Planters' Bank of the State of Georgia, Savannah.
G. W. Anderson, Pres H. W. Mercer, Cash.
Timber Cutters' Bank, Savannah.
0. Kpplng, Prsa J. 8. Hutton, Cash.
Union Bank, Augusta.
[Formerly Bi
Edward Thomas, Pres...
Broken and Closed Hanks,
Atlanta Bank, Atlanta Closed.
Bank of Oreeneeboro'. Greeneahoro’ Broke
Cherokee fneuranoe <9 B'ktng Oo., Dalton Broke.
Commercial Bank of Brunswick, Brunswick.. Closed.
Kmckonge Bank, Griffln. Broke.
Interior Bank of Griffin, Grtflln tloaed.
Manufacturers' Bank of Griffin v Griffln..60 R e. dls.
Planter*' <9 Mechanics’ Bank, Dalton.
Some Bills said to be good—others useless—refuse aU.
Bank of Whitfield, Dalton.
This Bank la net current here.
Southern Bank of Georgia, Bainbridge Broke.
Timber Cutters' Bank, Savannah. Not Bankable.
criptlon append<
Counterfeits upo
upon those Banks.
Two Volumes, p»por, nil the plates, t4.00
Two Volume*, paper, no platea, 1.50
July r J. McPHEHBON * CO.
rot. o> j. fott»«, p. a or a»enrK w ■
j. -
u .i\^7 •« T«
»rr 1- III barrel* Part Cora Wtaky
Richmond, July 2A—A* RUalUfa* *od
reliable gaotleaan from Soulh Carolina, vho
holds a proralnaot position there, waa oh tba
battlo field. He says that 8outh Carolina
had seven Refimsots, ineludiog Hampton’s
Legion, in tha battle. Tha Second Rogioent,
Col. Kershaw, waa In tba hottest of tha fight.
Col. Cash’s Eighth Regiment, with Ool. Kor-
ehaw't, formed a Brigade. CoL Slonn’a Fourth
Regiment waa the first to engage tho enemy.
It waa stationed throe miles to tbs left of the
other South Carolina Regiments, and with the
Louisiana troops.
Adjotant Wilkee, Lieutenant Earls and
other officers were killed. Capt. Poole was
severely and, perhaps, mortally wounded.
Capt. Killpatrick waa, alio, wounded—it ia
feored severely. About a doxan officers and
quite a number of privates are killed, but
their names are not yet reported.
Cal. Williams’ Third, Col. Baoon’a Seventh,
with Col. Kirkland’s North Carolina Regi
ments, and Col. Kelley's Louisiana Regiment,
constituted the center of thegeneralUne, and
held Mitchell's Ford, on a direct line from
Fairfax Court Houia lo Manassas.
Three regiments were under cannonade from
sun-riee until near cun-set; but being en
trenched, they suffered little. J ust before sun
down, and when tha right wing of tha enemy
gave way, they were ordered to charge the
batteries in their front, whioh they effected in
gallant style—led by General Bonham. When
the charge was made the enemy promptly re
tired, and the lots to these regiments was
small. They pursued the enemy to Centre-
ville, and took nine millions of dollars worth
of Foderal property. It is believed that none
in these regiments were killed, and but faw
Col Jenkins’ Regiment was in Gen. Jones,
brigade, and retreated come distance to the right
of the general line, near where the railway
crosses Bull’s Run. They were not in the fight
until late in the afternoon, when they made an
unsuccessful attempt to storm the battery on
the extreme left of the enemy's line. In this
gallant'charge they suffered considerably, but
tbe particulars of the killed and wounded are
not yet ascertained.
In the Macon (Georgia) Guards no afficers
were killed or wounded.
Leonidas Lamar, Wm. W. Jones,
Waller C. Allen, William Garr.
wounded Slightlt.
Win. Cox, ol Savannah.
Joseph Goff.
George F. McLeod.
Hiram Malsby.
. ■ ■■ Woods, of Fort Valley.
II. F. Blue.
Charles Gamble, both legs.
Andrew McEnna, shoulder.
Wm. Ainsworth, abdomen.
Several others are very slightly wounded, not
worthy of mention.
fp&r It was reported in town last night that
Hon. Robert Tooinbs has been appointed Brig
adier-Genera), and will take the field imme
Richmond, July 24.—Official papers found
on ihe battle field put the euemy’s force at
fifty-three thousand. General Johnson was
nominally in command, but it was unani
mously understood that Beauregard’s otder of
battle was executed. The Confederates reoc
cupy Fairfax Court House.
Col. Gartrell slightly wounded.
Cotoeta and District Guards.
C. N. Brown, Geo B Carmichael.
Marcus A North,
James Russell, dangerously*
Dickard, dangerously.
The following are slightly wounded :
Lieut Jaoob Benton, W P Stark,
Chas J Shropshire, F M Springer,
Joseph Baughman, Jas L Bankston,
W W Lassster, C H Adams.
J T Upshaw,
Atlanta Confederate Volunteer*.
Wm M Ballard,
Wm E Simpson, Wm Todd,
John E Woodruff, Wm H Whitaker.
Copt Foreaore, Wm C Mayson,
Liout H H Wilt, James T Jordan,
Lieut R K Dillard, F L Ethridge,
Andrew Owens, Wm W Stephens,
John T Cook,
Henry C Gartrell—sines died.
John J. Philips, Porry Cody,
Jess# Embry, James A Bennett,
Joseph Embry, E W Hoyle.
None killed.
Thos Oglearn,
B F Lee.
Motet Cooper,
A 8 T re a ban.
Capt C S Jeakins,
William Burrows,
DG Holts,
Alloa White,
Noah Adeock,
G B Parris.
Nona killed.
Captain T 8 Moyer, C Meek.
B F Ward,
J N Scott, W N Cosset,
B n Smith, 8 F Maya,
F M Dwneaa, W V Meadows.
E Bishop,
Nana killed.
W f Brown,
t Htfritg.
Captain A Berk*
P. r. Dick.,
K. Oolaman,
Thos. McDonald,
8. Be ter Ladola,
Jehu Barrie,
David Harris,
T. B. Harper.
'Heard Volunteers.
Lieut E. F. Glover,
A. J. Milleronr.
Lieut. J. W. Houston,
Samuel T. Brown,
T. J. BrInter,
Iiaeo N. Farmer,
F. Z. Jackson,
T. B. Mitchell,
D. H. Philpol,
John L. Pitman,
0.0. Shugart.
F. M. Barton.
0. 0. Britton
G. W. Faatheretou,
W. E. Pollard.
Roswell Guard*.
Thomas Kirk,
B F Smith.
James Paddook,
Capt T E King,
N M Jackaon,
Lieut C A Dunwoody,
D W Bexley.
Sergeant Goeaatt,
Lieut Benj Bishop,
Jamea Humber,
Lieut J L Wing,
John D Hunter,
N M Wallace,
H A Roberts,
John Simmons,
J Hicks,
Joseph Simmoni,
J P Stephens,
Wm Buice,
T S Mitchell.
Cobb Mountaineer*•
None killed.
J N Daniel,
D B Parks.
J W J Kirks,
W 8 Johnson,
J T Daniel,
II S Collins,
J P Bryant,
T J Mullens.
W T Simpsou,
Davit Infantry.
John A Fuckelt,
Wm A Bagwell
Lieut J T Walton,
Thomas Pltilli
SMflBTLT nnill.
Jamee Rioherdeoa, TkM AnreoJ,
J N Nub, D 0 Chandler.
W W Naeb,
lotnim Ohtrii.
Boat killed
aitioniLT wouRDin.
8erg't A C MoPhoraoo, A Turner,
W W Paris, A C Scad,
Cbarlea Tanck, R J Jourdaa,
J O Ingliih; W W Clower,
Jemae M Wright,
I will report the Eighth Georgia Regiment
The egent of the Southern Frees is indebted
to P. W Alxeneer. E«>v, for the abore report.
Irdiprhdircr, Mo., July 23d.—Santa FtS
datee to the 7th of July hare been reoeired.—
Granville Orly ii a candidate for Congreei from
the Meeilla Valley.
JarraitsoK Ctrr, Mo., July 14.—Uriel Wright
made a rioleut Southern .peach ia the State
Conrentiou, declaring that the coune of Liu-
colu’e Administration, and hie occupation of
the Slate, ae rerolntlonary. Ua denounced the
Union leaden of St. Louie, and throughout tha
A committee waa appointed to report on the
distracted condition of the State.
Wabbiruton, July 24.—The Secretary of War,
in reply to enquiries, telegraphed the follow
ing to New York:
“The moot action exertion, are being made
that wa may ipeedily reliara our miefortunea.
We are making tha mott rigoroue efforts to
concentrate a large and irrefutable army at
thi. point. Tha regimente now arriving at
the works on tbe South bank of the Potomaa
ere being well manned. Tbe eapital ii safe.
The Virginia caralry r« occupied Center
ville laat night, extending their •coate to Fair
fax C. H. No eigne ol tn advance by them.
Naw You, July 24.—A prirate diepatoh
from Waehinfton itetea that 176 of the Naw
York regiment are milling.
[Special di.patch to the Savannah Nawa ]
Mittieeae, July 23.—General Bartow', body
l«avM h.ra to-d.y for Riohmond, nodereharg.
of hi. brother-in-law, Lieut. J. MePhanon Bar-
rien. Hi. countenance bean a triumphant ex-
Our wounded exceed 1,000, and wa bar# ta
ken IS piecee of artillery.
Beauregard baa bean made a full General by
Iraaidant Pari., who is .till here.
W It Hcrtkwa,
W V Brewer.
[Private Diapatchaa.]
Staunton, Va., July 23.
Win. Euard, At/oaf*:
Capt W. L. Kuard left here to day far Rich
mond, en roult for home.
N. K. TROUT, Mayor.
Maiaeiae, 23d July.
Mn. J. 1. Millie i Llaut. J. T. Walton wae
.lightly wounded, fighting gallantly. Packet
and six ef Captain Foreaera'e man warn killed
—my eon among the number. Jamen Walton
wae unhurt Wn lest twenty-two killed and
one hundred aad eighteen woandad. Tha 7U>
Regiment eorernd iteelf with glory. I am
wounded la the leg.
Piniaoola, Fla., Jaly fit—A national aa-
luto of eleven gnus wu fired et I> o'clock to
day, by Fort Bareneaa, In honor ef Ihe Tietory
et Menaeaea. Th* urn. will be dose here thie
WaasuOToa, Jaly IA—The President end
Seoretary ef War are rigorously et work or
ganising e powerful army. Oreraia thousand
freak troops here bees eecepted in the last llx
hears, aad inmercoe leUforcementa ere being
procured dolly,
Caar Walasa, Aax-i Jaly 24.—Fir* tbou-
eead well armed AMs are hare for tha Confed
erate terries. Oor. J nekton, efMieeierl Miser
V with lfi,fififi.
WanieeroA, July 14.—Dr. Bell was ensiled
fer tratKiaablo »ntim.nte and wae eered from
the Moboaly fcy literiertace of the odor re
flea. Tyler eeye be know* nothing ef the
Federal! throwing np latreuehu.uU el Oea-
trertll. r*,-*
Lincoln had Reward rlilted tha Virginia
•id* of the Potomee lo-dey. They eoetpli-
mented the lit. New York Regimes! (three
month*, volunteer*} sad urged Hum tore**fief.
They Hid they would, if th* President desired
ii. Lincoln replied, that ha dealred the wApf.
rtfinent tn re-eali.t, aad jure (Aim * eemp«-
mnlmry Mcr.
Mr. Breckinridge riaited th* Confederate
priaonare, offering them hie »ympathia*.
It le reported Ihet Gen. Lee he* gone tr
Lynchburg to intercept MeClelien.
SeutAsriiLD, Mo., July 34.—Bight thoeesnd
men ere ergenlilag for three year*’ eerrie*
under McCullough.
Sr. Lome, July 14.—A Urge body of Ifiaeon-
riaul ere marching from the South East por-
tiou of tha State, on Pilot Kneb, th* terminus
of the 8*. Louie aad Iren Mountain Railroad,
(in Mediaoa county.) Col. Bland, with Fede
ral troop* It etetioned there, and call for reln-
foroamant* Imaedlatly.
Four men were (hot *1 Danville, Mo., by the
Federate for hanging Col. Sharp and LL Sin
Office corner of Whitehall and Alabama streets,
over Salmon* A Simmons’ Dry Goods Store,
SAMUEL SMITH, Generil Agent.
Hat a bona fide Cash Capital of 8200,000
Surplus, 75,000
T HIS long established Company insures a-
gainst loss and damage by fire and tha
seas, Dwellings, Stores, Merchandise, House
hold Furniture, and all kinds of insurable
property on the most reasonsble terms.
The policy of this Company has uniformly
boen to pay all its honest losses at once, on
presentation ot proof of loss.
W. L. Cowardin, Pres't. W. Willis, Jr., Sec’/.
A. W. Parker, Joeeph Allen,
C. W. Purcell, Wm. Beers,
Thos. Sampson, H. A. Claiborne,
J. E. Wadsworth, W. L. Cowardin,
B. L. Winston, J. N. Gordon,
J. P. Winston, J. A. In loo*,
H. L. Kent, Wm. Palmer.
Office, corner Alabama and Whitehall streets,
over Salmons A Simmons Store.
Capital, .... **00,000.
Gab. Wortham,
John Sudan,
S. M. Price,
B. F. Ladd,
J. Stewart Walker,
I. Davenport, Jr., Pree C. E. Wortham, Sae'y.
"■*" — John H. Greener,
Gao. 8. Palmar,
W. 8. Triplett,
8. a Terdy,
Wm. Currie,
J* R. Crenshaw.
arwlck, John H. William.,
Jttnea 8. Kant Mark Downay,
Horace P. Edmond, Thomas Jonas,
J. M. Talbott K. A. Smith,
G. B. Daren port, Robert A. Paine,
G. W. Vance, R. F. William.,
Jo*. Brumra.l, W. P. Ragland,
Wm. Brant H. C. Cabell,
R. H. Manry, Geo. W. Royal*.
Thie Company le prepared to receive appli
RANCE, on favorable terms.
Office, corner Whitehall and Alabama streets,
over Salmons A Simmons’ Store.
Ca.h Capital
“ Surplus 55,000.
Incorporated Is 1853.
J. 8. Careon, Praa'L William L. Bant, Sec's
Jehu Vera, Lewla P. Hartman,
Joaeph B. Canon, William Miller,
Robert Steele, Wm. B. Baker.
. A f* r *?*U Lome, peid in fiyeeraeud-
Ug July liL Ifidl, $639,292.10.
This eld Oompeuy inturm Bulldlege, M.r
ehaadim, Household Feral ter*, and perron a]
property la elty, town or country on as favor
able terra* aa other reeponilble Corn panic
Apply to
General Inn ranee A gait comer of Whitehall
aad Alabama Street*, ever Salmon. A Sim
mon' Dry Geode fitot*.
COME eight or ten
Omaha Wi
podImirayemea Hatters, Is
Fer Hate Steady employ-
col and
>od w
J. M
et and good waged. Apply to
f. HOLBROOK, Atlanta, Ga.
PARTIES writing I* u for Information will
£ FjOT** «nJean tha postage for the aa.w.r
June I. hteN.
■ ’■