Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, October 24, 1861, Image 3

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santhem GJimfeifcracg lev’ Largest City Circulation! THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1861. To Corresf ondeuts. A tew words to those who write articles which they wish to appear in our columns : If you write anything of local interest only, let it be eery short ; we cannot spare the space in our paper and pay our printers for setting up a long article, when we know that only a few of our readers will take any interest in it. Vt hen you write anything of general inter est, make it <ls short as possible. Strikeout all amplifications. Don’t hang on and hang on, and spin it out and spin it out, but gather up your burning thoughts into a focus, and give the strong points in a few words. Don’t send us a long article. If you are going to become offended, if we decline to publish your communication, don’t send it to us. We don’t want to offend you, and we had rather take the chances of miss ing a good article than of giving offense. Don't ask us to return your communication if it is rejected. Save the five cent piece you would enclose for us to prepay postage on re turning it. If you have any doubt about our publishing it, keep a copy. We positively have not time to return articles we decline to publish. We receive a large number of attempts at poetry Nine-tenths of these we decline.— Very few persons who attempt to write poetry can be convinced that their productions are sorry. Let all your first attempts at poetry be submitted to some one of well-known scholarship and literary attainments, before offering them to the press. ts -e Red Mark Again. We are sending out to all our daily subscri l.-i-. who-e time expires before the Ist No vember a back number of our paper, with a s . and on which their sub- - ripti n terminates, entered on the margin of the paper with a red pencil. Let all who w-h to continue renew in time. We cannot -end out our paper without the money in advance. Advertising is almost nominal, n l we live and are able to publish our paper almost from subscriptions alone. And let all who can, send us $5 in advance lor a year s subscription. It will cost them le-a and be of very great advantage to us.— The time and labor of re entering monthly subscriptions is a daily tax on us, while some other portion of our business is suffering for want of 1 ur attention. ♦ ♦ Hunnicutt & Buice Have moved old stand of Rucker ± Woddail, on Decatur Street, and have opened up a i; rge and well selected stock of the neces of life. They are too well known as elever and correct business men to need any indorsement from us. Notice their removal, and then call and examine their goods. See their card * Salmons <fc Simmons. This old and well established Dry Goods house has now on hand a very large and well selected stock of goods, and offer special in ducements in the way of Military Goods La dies’ Cloaks. Jte. See their new card in our paper. Jackson & Brother Have received, by a new and mysterious Railroad route, a large stock of Groceries.— They are enterprising and reliable business men See their card. — Keep W arm. It you want coal, see the card of proprietors of the Rolling Mill. For the “ Confederacy.” JZeisr.s. .Editors: Your types made me say, in your yesterday’s issue, what I am sure I did not write. From the decision or judgment of a Jus tice’s Court, by the Justice or Justices, the de fendant is allowed three days to enter an ap peal to a Jury in that Court. If the defend ant is dissatisfied with the verdict of the Jury, if any rule of law or evidence has been vio lated by the Justices, or by the Jury in the rendition of their verdict, the defendant may carry the. case to the Superior Court by certi orari, and for this purpose he is allowed six months from the date of the verdict and judg ment in such Justice’s Court. A CREDITOR. important Election. An election takes place to day in the “new" State of Virginia (Western Virginia) for mem bers of the Convention which is called to meet in Wheeling on the 26th of November, provi ded the division question is carried. Special Dispatch to the Savannah Republican- Richmond, Oct. 21.—50 soon as the Washing ton < ■overnment heard of the departure of our Commissioners, Messrs. Mason and Slidell, for Europe, on board the Niagara, they fitted out :> swift steamer to intercept her. (We call that a tolerably cold trail—hope they will have liuk in their search ! —Editor.) The Northern papers are enraged about their <lefeat at the Mississippi Passes, and say that Hollins exaggerates the affair. They don’t be lieve our reports. Boston, Oct. 16.—Prest. Long, of Dartmouth College, died yesterday. Wanted, A good Milk Cow, with a young calf. In quire at this office. sept. 25-ts. IHMENIAL. SHACKELFORD—LATIMER.-Married,on the i 7tli instant, at the residence of the bride’s lather, in Cassville, by Rev. A. G. Johnsoit, Mr. Wv G. 8n ackelford, of Charleston, 8. C , and Miss Joe R. Latimer. COAL! COAL! COAL! ORDERS for COAL, accompanied with the CASH, promptly filled, at the Atlanta Rolling Mill, by det- 24-dlw SCOFIELD A MARKHAM. S O U T H E R N CONFEDERACY. New Orleans Items. The Delta, of the 20th instant, iu an article on defenses of the coast of Louisiana, says it is the opinion of most military men that the State isevery way able to defend herself against any force the North can send against her by sea ; that the Parishes of Orleans snd Jefferson alone, have 20,000 men enrolled and ready to go into service at * moment. This is welcome news. Sutterly and Weatherly, whose arrest we noticed a few days ago, have been shipped North by Gov. Moore - -considering a colder climate decidedly more healthy for them. FOR THE 20TH TIME! THE ATLANTA AMATEURS HAVE the honor t<> appear iu behalf of the Soldier’ Cause on FRIDAY EVENING, OUT. UiTII, Nil. They will give one <1 their highly success ful MBDUBI soims, lOK THE BEXEIIT Os THE FOSTER GUARDS. A full house, as usual, is expected. WM. 11. RARNES. Oct 22-3 Manager. FRESH ARRIVALS! (Per C. S. Route ) Candles, Colgate’s No, 1 Soap, PEPPER, per the bag, SALERATUS, SODA. STARCH. SUGAR. SYRUP AND TEA, For sale at reduced prices by JACKMIN BKO., oct. 23-dlm. Whitehal Street. pzn, i SALMONS & SIMMONS X O V - if fv ' e on A LARGE LOT OF MILITARY GOODS AMI HUTTONS, ALSO AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF Colored & White Flannels, LINSEYS AND KERSEYS. A beautiful Lot of LADIES’ CLOTH CLOAKS, CARPETINGS AND OIL CLOTHS, GENTS’ AND LADIES’ BOOTS AND SHOES, And some 50 or <>o dozen HOOP SKIRTS, Which they oiler for Corner Whitehall and Alabama Sts., Atlanta, Georgia. SALMONS & SIMMONS. March 28—Oct 22. Arrivals per U. G. R. R.: Soap! Soap! Rock Potash, Concentrated. Lye, For sale by MASSEY & LANSDELL Oct. 13—2 m. SOUTHERN FEDERA£UNION. THE proprietors of the SOUTHERN FED- ERAL UNION will begin the publication of a daily paper at Milledgeville, on the day after the opening of toe session of the Legis lature.. It will be strictly e news snd Legis lative journal, eschewing all party feeling By agreement with Messrs Orme of theSouth ecor(ler» will be the only diily paper published in Milledgeville during the an proaching session of the Legislature. terms: One copy for the session 00 Six copies’ a qq We will endeavor to make our daily papera reliable medium of legislative business, and hope the public will give us a liberal support, as the times are hard and material high. BOUGHTON, NISBET * BARNES. Will our brethren of the press give this notice a few insertions ? SOOTHING SYRI |», INDIGO, MADDER, SULPHURIC ACID, L< IGWOOD, CEPHALIC PILLS, For sale by MASSEY & LANS DELL. Oct 13— 2 m FOR THE "SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY." Richmond, Oct. 21 -Col. Thoa. Jordan, As sistant Adjutant Gen , telegraphs from Centre ville at It'.J o’clock night that about 600 prisoners, tiud 1.200 s and <>f arms were taken iu the tight near Leesburg on Monday, and the enemy’s less was between 1,000 and 1200. On the Confederate side the Infantry only were employed. Our f-'rees engaged were the Bth Va. and the 17th »n.i 18th Mississippi Regiments. The 13th Mississippi was held in reserve. Intelligence from Evansport reports the recent capture of two schooners loaded with hay, cement, wool and other articles of great value to us. and the sinking of a Federal lug by our batteries, as well as other injuries to the federal vessels. Beauregard's report of the battle, of Manas sas, 21st July, is received at the War Depart ment. it is quite lengthy, with voluminous reports. Some days will elapse before copies can be obtained for publication Nashville, Oct. 22.- The St. Louis Repub lican of the 17th has been received here. It announces the capture of the federal guard at Big River Bridge on the St. Louis and iron Mountain Railroad, and the burning of the bridge, by Gen. Jell. Thompson’s men—thus cutting jiff communication between St. Louis, and Pilot Knob and Ironton. This information was given the Republican by Capt Elliott, who commanded the guards at Big River Bridge.. He snl his men were released on parole. At last advices, Gen. Thompson was mov ing towards Ironton. Dispatches to the Rcpub ica.n from Syra cuse, (Morgan County, M 0.,) the 16th, say, it is rumored that Gen. Lorenzo Thomas, Adjt.- Gen. U. S. Army, was recently challenged by Fremont at Tipton, (Moniteau Co., Mo., not far from Jefferson City,) because he believed Gen. Thomas to be the source or author of ma ny gross misrepresentsli <ns against him, hut Thomas declined on the ground that he be longed to the Church. Il is officially announced at Washington, that the Government has ceased to grant pass es to go beyond the U. 8. lines. The following has been issued from the headquarters of the army at Washington : " United States soldiers who were taken prisoners by the rebels having been re leased on an oath not to take up arms against the South, the Government orders that an equal number of prisoners now confined in this city and elsewhere, be released on taking the prescribed oath of allegiance, or an oath not to bear arms against the U. 8.” [This is the first act of recognition, and explains the releasing of o ur prisoners at Washington and New York—a list of which we published yes terday.—EJj Confed.] The Surveyor of the port of New York, on the loth, seized the ship Maia.. of New Or leans, just arrived from Liverpool, and par lially owned in New Orleans. New Hampshire is the only State that has furnished its quota of troops. Foreign News by the North America. The Loudon ” Evening Post” ascertains that agents of the American Government are look ing for recruits for the army in England, but is unable to say how they have succeeded— thinks they have met with but little encour agement. Official returns show the imports of wheat and flour during eight mouths, ending August, reached the value of $20,000,P00. Hie I’aris Bourse is very much agitated.— Rentes had declined, closing at 6Sf. 25c. Liverpool Cotton Market. Sales of the week 67,000 bales with an up ward tendency—advanced id. Speculators took 29,500, and exporters 3,500. Sales of Fri estimated at i 2,000, including 6,000 to specu lators and exporters. The market closed firm at an ad vance. The following are the author ized quotations: Fair Orleans, l'<3: Fair Mo bile lO.jj; Middling, 104. The stock on hand is estimated 5t.713,000 bales, including 329,000 American. Halifax, Oct. 16.—The steamer Arabia, from Liverpool the Sth, via Queenstown, the sth, has arrived with advices two days latter than the North America, Sales at Liverpool Satur day, 15,000 bales —market firm. Breadstuff’s firm provisions quiet - consols 921 a 93 for money. Mr, Lindsay, M, P,, in a speech at Sunder land to his constituents, gave this opinion ; "Ihat the government ought to urge the rais ing of the American blockade, and both Eng land and France should now consider the ex pediency of recognizing the Southern Confed eracy. [Cheers an 1 some hisses.”] The financial depression continues. In Pa ris there had been some agitation, owing to the advance in the price of breadstuff's. ADDITIONAL BY THE ARABIA. The Pope refuses to compromise with the enemies of his Government. The relations of Italy and France are satis factory. France asks for no Italian territory. The Spanish expedition to Mexico is active ly progressing, snd will soon leave. V, A.sniNGTON, Oct. 23.—Secretary Seward has addressd a communication to the Governoas of the Federal States, intimating that Europens agents of the Confederate States—may in volve the United States in a foreign war, and urges the several Governors to place their coasts in a proper state of defense. He con siders that the Federal Government will pay a proportionable part of the expenditures for such purposes. Nashv iLLE, Oct 21.—The reported skirmish at Greensburg, Ky , between Hardee and Ward, was premature. The Bowling Green correspondent of the Union and American says Hardee’s command, having bten delayed by a sudden rise in the Little Bowen, did not reach Greensburg until the afternoon of the 18th, The Lincolnites fled several hours be fore his arrival, and the town was found al most deserted by the citizens. Genoral Ward retreated to Muldrough’s Hill, where, from Sherman’s mancevres, it is believed a stand will be made. VOTE OF GEORGIA. KOH GOVERNOR. 1859. 1861. Districts.— l. Akiu. Brown. Nisbet. Brown. App’ing 121 351 Bryan.i 119 167 132 72 Bulloch 20 586 104 274 Chatham 638 73(5 1089 1071 Camden 37 153 Charlton 16 190 10 112 Clinch 79 288 Coffee 51 273 Effingham 252 185 193 91 Emanuel 73 445 Glynn 39 191 190 183 Liberty 11l 232 207 239 Mclntosh 86 127 47 79 Montgomery... 276 72 Pierce 35 185 145 167 Seri ven 240 293 189 94 Telfair 137 203 100 171 Tatnall 165 300 158 15(5 Ware 15 229 75 220 Wayne 26 ISO 92 35 T0ta12,586 5,391 11. Akin. Brown. Nisbet. Brown. Baker 1 15 203 127 108 Berrien 156 348 62 345 Brooks 225 343 1 11 265 Calhoun 97 302 35 134 Clay 216 270 Colquitt. 57 168 Dooly 211 564 Decatur 522 540 217 148 Dougherty 211 810 197 118 Early 222 229 330 23 Echols 56 127 1 166 Irwin 17 208 Lee 222 229 155 180 Lowndes 193 262 118 219 Mitchell 98 35S 75 372 Miller H 221 7 224 Randolph 186 541 Terrell 381 230 237 168 Thomas 398 522 345 275 Wilcox 16 260 2 184 Worth 11l 277 31 27z T0ta14,996 6,512 111. Akin. Brown. Nisbet. Brown. Chattahoochee 251 300 90 337 Harris.. 697 466 335 504 Muscogee 853 747 285 612 Marion 364 132 Macon 401 308 229 153 Quitman 185 213 84 251 Stewart 580 568 274 427 Sumter fill 517 319 418 Schley 211 228 Taylor 321 381 Talbot 579 494 275 432 Webster 281 219 172 163 T0ta15,167 4,875 TV. Akin. Brown. Nisbet. Brown. Baldwin 305 414 338 245 Bibb 911 970 628 409 Crawford 241 41 1 58 384 Jasper 431 412 246 279 Jones 183 298 271 176 Houston 544 578 195 409 Laurens 325 134 135 91 Pulaski 159 416 121 339 Putnam 285 375 189 212 Twiggs 163 339 80 245 Wilkinson 368 631 177 548 T0ta13,915 4,978 2,441 3,394 V. Akin. Brown. Nisbet. Brown. Burke 289 611 135 366 Columbia 399 434 254 203 Glasscock 7 289 90 97 Hancock 356 325 pH 219 Jefferson 397 420 338 186 ’Johnson 152 200 Lincoln 188 222 101 111 Richmond ....1,110 894 743 740 Warren 285 516 179 388 Wilkes 321 113 252 154 Washington... 550 680 356 410 T0ta11,057 5,004 VI. Akin. Brown. Nisbet. Brown. Clark 535 495 273 428 Elbert. 406 335 232 337 Franklin 90 848 105 526 Greene 629 289 359 221 Hart 188 718 82 446 Madison 208 469 143 256 Morgan 344 244 201 181 Newton 714 760 528 625 Oglethorpe 372 487 371 258 Taliaferro 189 218 119 146 Walton 528 734 370 636 T0ta14,203 5,627 2,783 1,033 VII. Akin. Brown. Nisbet. Brown. Butts 320 416 42 386 Clayton 285 375 214 271 Fayette 305 577 164 643 Henry 636 643 326 607 Meriwether.... 620 688 385 543 Monroe 658 562 362 120 Pike 396 660 Spalding 115 515 427 867 Troup 891 329 662 210 Upson 558 296 299 331 T0ta15,114 5,061 VIII, Akin. Brown. Nisbel. Brown. Campbel] 405 802 183 696 Carroll 490 1,006 379 1031 Coweta 506 802 432 721 Cobb 699 1,158 893 1335 DeKalb 384 728 302 641 Fultonl,lls 1,191 976 1,083 Haralson 40 393 . ... Heard 392 566 223 419 Paulding 260 SOO 182 789 Polki 381 302 310 201 Total 4,675 7,743 IN. Akin. Brown. Nisbet-. Brown. Banks 90 501 114 331 Cherokee. 154 1,111 516 766 Dawson 96 547 224 329 Forsyth 322 746 340 650 Gwinnett 676 1,041 497 794 Habersham.... 137 690 224 252 Hall 448 808 497 794 Jaeksor 384 878 413 585 Lumpkin 356 549 73 203 Milton 236 479 234 310 Pickens 75 759 381 43* Rabun 40 557 287 71 Towns 25 330 95 206 Union 53 750 <lB 510 White 94 412 172 186 T0ta13,486 10,171 4,095 6,426 X. Akin. Brown. Nisbet. Brown. Cass 867 1,051 1012 530 Catoosa 366 431 Chattooga 362 557 319 352 Dade 163 340 Fannin 118 655 188 424 Floyd 856 870 686 542 Gordon 431 884 468 772 Gilmer 125 962 Murray 315 706 393 140 Walker 497 854 505 620 Whitfield 582 865 839 456 Total 1,682 8,175 TOTAL VOTE OF THE STATE. Governor. Akin. Brown. Nisbet. Brown. 42,195 63,806 00,000 00,000 r. ■ 11 ■ v _ll. l .. ■» 1« GEN, IKA K. FOSTER, - • J. I„ QUEEN, - • N. R, FOWLER. N E W J I R M. FOSTER, QUEEN & CO., Grocers and Commission Merchants, Marietta Street, Atlanta, Georgia. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND all kinds of Provisions and Family Supplies ; buy and sell all kinds ol Tennessee and Country Produce; sell Goods consigned to the best ad vantage, and render accounts of sale prompt ly. Patronage respectfully solicited. Sept 11—t5may’62 Notice—To Rent. THE portion of the FRANKLIN HOUSE, on Alabama Street lately occupied by Col. Hasleiter as a family residence. There are several spacious Rooms, and all the con veniences fora genteel family, with gas fix tures and chandeliers complete. Also, about the 20th November, will be rented in the same building, one of the best Store Rooms in the city for a large grocery business. Also, over the Agency ot the Central Bank, on same street, two neat Rooms, suitable for Offices or Lodging Rooms. The subscriber will be found at his residence on Washington Street, or in the Confederacy Reading Room ; or applica tion can be made to Mr. Sidney Root. Oct. 20-1 m JAS. CLARK. MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT —IN— DECATUR. MISSES Georgia Hoyle, M. 11. Stokes, E. J. Hall, (Miss Hall, late of the Academy for the Blind, Macon, Ga.,) and M. G. Brown, assisted by the inimitable Bill Barnes,” and Prof. J. P. Hanlon, of Atlanta, will give a Musical Entertainment On THURSDAY EVENING, 24th instant, in the Court House in Decatur Three-fourths of the proceeds to be devoted to that branch of the Confederate Army most in need of assistance : the remainder to anoth er laudable purpose. The young ladies would be extremely grate ful to the citizens of Decatur and the good old county of DeKalb for a crowded house. Admission, 50 cents. Octl9-td notice VOLUNTEERS. ♦ —. THE MILITARY COMPANY which the sub scribers, with the aid of friends, are now raising and organizing, would earnestly call upon those who desire to enroll their names, to do so at an early day. The ranks are rapid ly filling up, and we desire, WITHOUT DELAY, to complete the number of men necessary to go Into Encampment. Tents, Camp Equipage, Subsist- ENCE, and everything requisite, will be fur nished as soon as the Company can be made up; and UNIFORMS AND ALSO GUNS will be procured IMMEDIATELY upon en tering into service. We therefore trust that this call will be promptly responded to, by those who wish to enter into the service of their country. GEORGE 11. DANIEL, JOHN W. HURT. Sept. 21—ts. COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS. PORTRAITS taken from Life, or copied from Old Daguerreotypes, Ac., by the'Photgraph ic process, and ENLARGED TO ANY SIZE, from Miniature size up to the size of Life. Persons having Daguerreotypes of their de ceased relatives and friends, now have the op portunity of having them copied to any size ney may wish, and painted up to the Life in OIL OR WATER COLORS, OR PASTEL, with the certainty of getting a perfect likeness in every respect. Gallery on Whitehall Street, Atlanta Georgia. C. W. DILL, Apri 3. Photographer. COPAL ALCOHOL, LINSEED OIL, LAMPBLACK, TEA, TURPENTINE, CAMPHINE, TRAIN OIL, INDIGO, MOLASSES, F 01? sale by PEASE & DAVIS. Atlanta, Oct 14—ts ATLANTA BRASS FOUNDRY* ON HUNTER STREET, Between McDonough ani> Butler Streets, Near the City Hall. THE Subscriber begs leave to inform his friends, and the public generally, that he has established, as above, and is prepared to do all kinds of BRASS AND COPPER WORK. MOUNTINGS for military accoutrements made on short notice. Will soon be prepared to take orders for Wa ter and Steam Cocks of all sizes. Is prepared now to fill orders for ROLLER HUCKI-KS of different sizes. Give me a call. I also make Babbit Metal and Spelter for brazing Copper and Brass. aug.3l-dt 12 I'eb. ’62. JAS. E. GULLATT. SIGHT CHECKS ON NEW ORLEANS, AT ONE HAI.F PEll CENT PBEMWM, Kort BY The Central 11. R. Bank Agency, oct. 18-dfit. Wanted: OVERSEERS, MECHANICS & LABORERS. MEN wanting employment as above can get steady work and good wages by applying at Grays Furniture Store on Whitehall street. CHARLES I GRADY, Agent. Oct 19-4 t. A Lady Teacher, WISHING to reside in theSouth during the war, will accept a school or a situation as teacher in any Southern State on very mod erate terms. For particulars, address J. R. V., Scottsville P. 0., October 1-dtf. Albemarle Co., Va. COKE! COKE!! COKE!! AT THE GAS WORKS. A LARGE quantity for sale at the usual price of 121 cent per bushel. Feb. 21—dtf. J. F. WARNER, Supt. WHISKY I—3oo barrels Pure Corn Whisky in Store andfor s ale by unel9 .BUTLER A PETERS. OIILSI OILS! OILS I NO BLOCKADE TO US! ♦ ♦ 500 GALS. NO. 1 TANNER’S OIL, 200 PURE TRAIN OIL. 1,100 LINSEED OIL. I 3,000 LBS. COOKING SODA. j Barrels of FLOUR OF SULPHUR, BLUE STONE, BRIMSTONE, COPPERAS, ALUM. Address Hamilton, Markley & Joyner, Wholesale Druggists. July 27, 1801-dtf. Newton Sheriff Sales. VlflLL be sold, before the Court House door, V> in the city of Covington, Newton coun ty, on the Ist Tuesday in December next, with in the legal hours of sale, the following prop erty, to-wit; One hundred one and one-fourth acres of land in the 9th District of originally Henry, now Newton county, being part of lot number two hundred and four—it being the North half of said lot, except that of said lot which lies North of the road leading from Dabney’s bridge to Covington. One acre of land, more or less, lying North of the above named lot, and in the fork of the roads lead ing from Dabney’s Bridge to Covington and the road leading from Jackson, in Butts coun ty, whereon Samuel Weldon now resides. One hundred and five acres, more or less, being the undivided half of fraction No. 203, in said Dis trict, levied on as the property of Richard Ay cock, to satisfy sundry fi fas issued from Jus tices’Court, held in the 462 d District, G. M., in favor of Usher and Anderson vs. Richard Aycock. Property pointed out by J. S. Ander son. Levy made and returned to me by Bailiff, this 18th day of October, 1861. Oct2l-tds N. ANDERSON, Sheriff. Administrator’s Sale. UNDER an order of the Court of Ordinary of Newton county, will be sold, at the Court House, in Covington, on the Ist Tuesday in December next, within the usual hours of sale, 6 Negroes, men, women, boys and girls; also, one hundred and twenty acres of Land, being parts of lots No. 265 and 206, in the Ist district of, originally Walton, now Newton county, belonging to the estate of Alexander Bennet, deceased, for the purpose of a dvis ion. Terms on the day of sale. SILAS S. STARR, Adm’r, Octl9-tds With Will annexed. A.dministratoi’’s Sale. BY virtue of an order from the Court of De nary of DeKalb County, will be sold on the first Tuesday in December, 1861, at the Court House door in said county, between the legal hours of sale, The place in the town ot Decatur now occu pied by Mrs. Delia Adams, on which is situa ted a Stone Mouse Dwelling and all necessary outbuildings. House and Lot adjoining .’. W. Kirkpatrick, known as the Shumate place, Also, the one-half interest iu 13 acres ot land adjoining the corporation limits of the town of Decatur, on which is a Tan Yard, Dwelling, and all buildings necessary to car ry on the Tanning business. The above property sold for the benefit ot the heirs and creditors of Gardner Adams, de ceased. A credit of 12 months will be given pur chasers—notes well secured being required. MILTON A. CANDLER, Octl9-tf Adm’r of G. Adams. GEORGIA, Newton County. TWO months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said coun- ty, for leave to sell the Real Estate belonging to Laban Horton, a lunatic. C. A. J. FLEMISTER, Oct. 9-d2m. Guardian. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of F. H. Coleman, deceased, are requested to make immediate pay ment, and all those having demands against said estate are requested to present them according to law. SARAH H. COLEMAN, | . October 2-80 d. E. E. RAWSON, J-v-xrs. JExecutor’s Sale. WILL be sold (by consent of the children of Susanna Russell, deceased,) on the first Tuesday in Novem ber next, before the Court House door In the City of Atlanta, Fulton county, Georgia, within the legal houra of sale, the land belonging to the estate of Jas. Russell, deceased, containing 227 X acres, more or less, it being parts of Lots No. 192 and 193, in the 14th district of originally Henry now Fulton county. Terms cash. Sept. 29-30 d. AZARIAH MIMS, Executor. GEORGIA, Newton County. TWO mouths after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said coun ty, for leave to sell the land and negroes be longing to the estate of Elijah Horton, late of said county. WILLIAM W. CLARK, October 9-d2m. Administrator. GEORGIA, Fulton County, ALL persons indebted to the Estate of G. B. Wilson, late of said county deceased, are requested to come forward and settle, and those having claims against said Estate, to present them to us within the time prescribed by Law. Wm. & J. M. HOLBROOK. Administrators. lYotice! ALL persons indebted to the undersigned aro earnestly solicited to make immediate payment, ns I will, in a short time, leave for the war, and am desirous of closing out mv books before leaving. Seplß-tf.W. W. DURH.4 M, M. D Two Thousand Gallons Train Oil, 2,000 GALLONS LINSEED OIL, 2,000 Gallons Cotton Seed Oil, For sale by MASSEY & LANSDELL. Oct 13-2:n Of] BBLBLABD OIL just received on con tJvz Bignment and for sale by june 1 BUTLER i FETERft.