Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, January 12, 1862, Image 1

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BY ADAIR & SMITH THE PUBLIC GOOD BEFORE PRIVATE ADVANTAGE. ATLANTA, GA., SUNDAY, JANUARY 12, 1862. VOLUME I—NO. 279. f ottthcm tffsfelmcg ;UBSCPtlPTION A ADVERTISING SCHEDULE TSRMB OP SUBSCRIPTION. Dau.7, per annum . >5 00 Wk'kklv, per annum, 3 00 Payment required invariably in advance. ADVERTISING. One Square of 10 lines or less, one Insertion, f 1; and fifty Gents for each subsequent insertion less than one m -i nth. ’ DAILY RATES. GEORGIA RAILROAD. 1 mo. 2 mos. 8 mos. 4 mos. 6 mos. 12 mos. 1 Square,.. $7 «10 *13 *16 *20 *so 2 Squared,,; 10 18 16 20 25 40 3 Squares,.; 18 IT 21 24 30 50 4 Squares,. 16 2h 24 28 86 55 5 Squares,. 18 23 28 82 40 60 6 Square*,. 2U 25 80 86 48 65 7 Squares, 22 28 84 40 45 70 c . Squares, 28 80 87 48 50 16 9 Squares,. 24 82 40 46 56 80 lit Squares,. i 25 88 41 48 60 85 Yearly advertising, with the privilege of change, will be taken at the following rates : For one Square, renewable once a month, $ 88 For three Squares, 50 For one-fourth Column, 60 Por one-half Column, ^ 110 For one Oolumn 330 All Tabular work, with or without rules, and adver tisements occupying double column, will be charged double the above rates. Advertisements not marked on copy for a specified "■oe, will be published until ordered out, and charged acc>.^j u „ to ttie a fonve rates. A(.ve..,, eujentn i„Serted In the Damr, and Wkkily eddions, wru c i m rged 50 per cent additional to the regular dally ra>,. Yearly advertiser. w ju be limited to the space con tracted for. They will be charged extra at regular rates for Wants, Rents, Removals, Copartnerships, Notices to Consignees, Ac., and payment demanded quarterly. ffT Transient Advkrtjsino a out bk paid pob is Advance; No advertisement will appear la the Weekly paper unless by special contract. Advertisements to be inserted In the Weekly paper on ly, or at irregular Intervals In either of the papers, will he charged $1 per square for every Insertion. Announcing candidates for State, County, ami Muni cipal offices, $5 each—to be paid In advance in every Instance. All advertisements for Charitable Institutions, Milita ry and Fire Companies, Ward, Town and other Public Meetings, will l,e charged half price. Marrlageo and deatns are but Obituaries, Tributes of Respect and Funeral hmtationB as other advertisements. Edit orial Notices in Local Oolumn will be charged 30 cents per line. The paper, under no circumstances, to be Included In n contract. No deduction or variation will bs made from the fore going rates. ADAIR A SMITH. «. «. Terms of Legal Advertising. Sales of Land and Negroes, by Administrators, Ex ecutors, or Guardians, are required by law to be heid on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in the forenoon, and three In the afternoon, at the Court House In the county in which the property is situated. Notices of these sales must be given In a pub lic gazette forty days previous to the day of sale. Notices for the sale of personal property must be given at least tkn days previous to the day of sale. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must be published forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell land or Negroes, must be pub lished for TWO MONTHS. Citations for Letters of Administration must be pub lished thirty days—for Dismission from Administration, monthly months—for Dismission from Guardian ship, forty days. Rules for Foreclosure of Mortgage must be published monthly fur four months—for establishing lost papers, for the fall spare of three months—for compelling titles from Executors and Administrators, where a bond has been given by the deceased, the full space of three months. Publications will always be continued according to these, the legal requirements, unless otherwise ordered, at the following rates: Citation on Let’rs Adm’n’tn $2.i5 pr sqr. “ “ “ Dis’m'sory Adm’n’tn.... 4.00 “ “ « “ “ “ “ Guard’shlp 8.00 “ “ Leave to sell Land and Negroes 4.00 “ “ Notice to Debtors and Creditors 8.00 “ “ Sales of personal property, 10 days, 1 square 1.50 “ “ Sale of Land or Negroes, by Executors, Ac. 5.00 “ “ Estrays, two weeks 1-50 “ “ For a man advertising his wife, in advance, 5.00 “ “ New Schedule. GOING NORTH. Leave Montgomery 8 00 A. M. f arrive West Point 1 30 P. M. Leave West Point 2 00 P. M.„ arrive Atlan ta 7 00 T. M. Leave Atlanta, 7 30 P. M., arrive Augusta, G 00 A. M. Leave Augusta, 7 30 P. M., arrive Kings ville, 3 00 P. M. Leave Kingsville, S 30 P. M., arrive Wil mington, 1 30 A. M. Leave Wilmington, 2 30 A. \I., arrive Wel don, 11 80 A. M. Leave Weldon, 12 00 M., arrive Petersburg, 1 16 P. M. Leave Petersburg, 4 00 P. M., arrive Rich mond, 5 15 P. M. GOING 80UTH. Leave Richmond, 5 00 A. M., arrive Peters burg, 6 15 A. M. x Leave Petersburg, 7 00 A. M., arrive Wei* Ion, 10 15 A M. Leave Weldon, 10 45 A. M., arrive Wil- uingtou, 8 00 P. M. Leave Wilmington, 9 00 P. M., arrive Kings ville, 7 30 A. M. Leave Kingsville, 8 00 A. M., arrive Augus ta, 2 30 P. M. . Leave Augusta, 3 45 P. M., arrive Atlanta, ’ Leave''Atlanta, 2 45 A. M„ arrive West Point, 7 45 A. M. . „ . Leave West Point, 8 15 A. M., amve Mont gomery, 1 45 A. M. . ' Leave Montgomery, S 15 P. M., arrive len- sacola, 12 45 A. M. ROBERT I. BRAW1EY, WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DEALBB IN PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS, —K N D— Commission Merchant, In Franklin Building, Alabama St., ATLANTA, [aug21] GEORGIA. bS WITT IROYN. thos. w. savage- BRUYN is SAVAGE, architects, Savannah, Georgia, In Baltersby's new brick build ing, corner of Bay and Dray- ton Streets. W turnish Plans and Specifications, and fi'T® l^eir personal attention to the erec- ’Vj Buildings in any part of the State. Ma>V igf 16 Citizens of Savannah generally. Augusta to Atlanta, 171 Miles—Fare, $6 50 GEORGE YONGE, Superintendent. MORNING PASSENGER TRAIN. (Sundays excepted.) Leaves Atlanta, daily, at 7.00, A. M Arrives at Augusta at 5.55, P. M. Loaves Augusta, daily, at 8.30, A. M. Arrives at Atlanta at 7.15, P. M. NIGHT PASSENGER AND MAIL THAW. Leaves Atlanta, daily, at 7.40, P. Mj Arrives at Augusta at 5.48, A. M. Leaves Augusta at 4.00, P. M Arrives at Atlanta at 2.05, A. M. TO CONNECT WITH ATHENS and WASHINGTON. Leave Augusta 8.30, A. M Arrive at Athens 4.56, P. M. Leave Atlanta 7.00, A. M. Arrive at Washington 4.15, P. M. Leave Athens 9.00, A. M. Arrive at Augusta 5.55, P. M. Leave Washington „ 10 00, A. M. Arrive at Atlanta 7.15, P. M. TO CONNECT WITH WARRENTON. Leave Augusta 4.00, P. M., and Atlanta 7.00, A. M. Arrive at Warren ton 7 50, P. M. Leave Warrenton 2.00, P. M. Arrive at Augusta 5.55, P. M., and at Atlanta at 2.05, A. M. This Road runs in connection with the Trains >f the South Carolina and the Savannah and Augusta Railroads, at Augusta. ATLANTA & WEST-POINT R. R. Atlanta to West-Point, 87 Miles—Fare,..$3 60. GEORGE G. HULL, Superintendent. MAIL TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta, daily, at 3.00, A. M- Arrives at West-Point at 7.30, A. M. Leaves West-Point, daily, at.... 2.00, P. M. Arrives at Atlanta at 6.28, P. M. - FREIGHT TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta, daily, at 8.00, A. M. Arrives at West-Point at 4.45, P. M. Leaves West-Point, daily, at 7.30, A. M. Arrives at Atlanta, at 4 52, P. M. This Road connects with the Montgomery A West-Point Road at West-Point. WESTERN & ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Atlanta to Chattanooga, 133 Miles—Fare,....$5. JOHN S. ROWLAND, Superintendent. NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. * Leaves Atlanta, daily, at 7.30, P. M. Arrives at Chattanooga, at 4.10, A. M. Leaves Chattanooga, daily, at 6.05, P. M. Arrives at Atlanta, at 2.32, A. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT, MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta, daily, at 8.00 A. M. Arrives at Chattanooga, at 2.31, P. M, Leaves Chattanooga, daily, at 1.50, A. M. Arrives at Atlanta at 1.00, P. M. This Road connects,each way,with the Rome Branch Railroad at Kingston, the East Ten nessee and Georgia Rialroad at Dalton, and the Nashville A Chattanooga Railroad at Chatta- aoega. MACON & WESTERN RAILROAD. Atlanta to Macon, 102 Miles—Fare, $4 50 ALFRED L. TYLER, Superintendent. Macon A Western Railroad Company, 1 Macon, Georgia, July 30, 1861. J O N and after Sunday, 4th of August, the Passenger and Mail Train will run as fol lows : Leave Macon 10 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta 4 P. M. Leaves Atlanta 1.40 P. M. Arrives at Macon 7.05 P. M. The 11 A. M. train from Atlanta connects at Macon with the Central Railroad 10 P. M. train for Savannah, and South-western Rail road at 11.45 P. M. for Columbus. }.l. POINDEXTER, New Orleans. I MONTGOMERY LITTLE | Shelbyvllle, Tenn. POINDEXTER & LITTLE, SLAVE DEPOT, NO. 48, baronnb street, NEW ORLEANS, F OR Receiving, Forwarding and Selling, for Merchants, Planters and Traders. Also, keeps constantly on hand a good assortment of Field Hands, Mechanics and House Servants. May 13. ___ FANCYll R ECEIVED and for sale, three doors above “ Empire House,” a fine lot of STAPLE and FAFCY DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, HARDWARE, SADDLERY and many other articles not mentioned; also a fine lotol JEWELRY", all of which will be sold at low prices for CASH. ^ R lEFTWICH. Bee 20, lSGl-dlm. SCHOOL OF THE GUIDES, O R THE PRACTICAL SOLDIER, designed for the use of the Militia of the Confede- by TnnA ft. FRESH Drugs and Medicines. HUNNICUTT, TAYLOR & JONES, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN EAGLE Corner Peachtree and Decatur sts., ATLANTA, GEO. H AVING unequaled facilities for the pur chase and Direct Importation of goods, the Proprietors would respectfully call the atten tion of Physicians, Merchants, Planters and the public generally, to their extensive new and carefully selected stock of DRUGS, MED ICINES, PERFUMERY, FANCY ARTICLES, PAINTS, OILS, AND DYE STUFFS, which they are now prepared to sell on the most rea sonable terms for Cash or approved paper In addition to their stock of Staple, Drugs and Chemicals, they have a full assortment oi TOOTH, NAIL, HAIR AND PAINT BRUSH ES, DENTAL AND SURGICAL INSTRU MENTS, Ac., Ac. ^sJ'They are also 8ole Proprietors and Man ufacturers of TAYLOR’S ANTI-DYSPEPTIC ELIXIR. march 30 ’61. REMOVAL. HUNNICUTT & BUICE, Dealers In Family Groceries ana Pro duce, H AVING removed to the well-’ lows stand of Rucker A Woddail, on Decatur St., take this method of informing our friends $nd patrons that have in store, and to arrive, a large lot oi SUGAR, SYRUP, COFFEE, ion, tobacco, BACON, LARD, FLOUR, CORN, and everything in the Family Grocery line, which we will sell at the lowest possible price for cash. Orders promptly and carefully filled. HUNNICUTT A BUICE. Oct 24-d3in CUTTING & STONE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, C ONNALLY’S Block, Whitehall street, four doors from Alabama Street. aprll. 33. ROPER, D EALER in np-country Produce, Groceries, Provisions, Liquors, Corn, Fodder, Oats, Peas, Turkeys, Chickens, Eggs, and Butter by wholesale. A large lot of Mountain Apples. All at short profit for cash. Will buy and sell on consignment. Opposite the Wagon Yard, Peach-Tre street. Oct 29—2m JUST OUT! The Improved Edition of OF HARDEE’S INFANTRY AND RIFLE TACTICS! 2 Vols., 24 mo., cloth platee $2.50 2 Vols., 8vo., paper, plates. 2.00 2 Vols., 8vo , paper, no plates 1.60 FOR SALE BY July 7 j, McPherson & co. ^ Jyi-L, I8 e ^ SALMONS & SIMMONS ■0.* 1 e on A LARGE LOT OF Water Pipes, T ! Fire Bricks, &c* HE SOUTHERN PORCELAIN MANU FACTURING COMPANY, Kaolin. South Carolina, aro now prepared to furnish at short notice, WATER PIPES, double glazed, with a perfect vitrious body suitable for conduit pipes for cities, Ac., from twenty-six inches diameter to one inch, capa ble of sustaining a pressure of 150 head of water. Also, FIRE BRICKS which have no superior. Wo also manufacture all kinds of C. C. and Granite Ware, and would most respectfully solicit orders for the above Goods. W. H. FARROW, Agent, Kaolin, S. C. COLE A WYLIE, Agents, Atlanta, Ga. aug 8 tf CONFEDERATE ON HUNTER STREET, .A-tlanta, Greorgia. GULL ATT & BARNES, W HO are prepared to do, at the shortest no tice, all kinds of work in IRON and BRASS, and machinery jobs of every des cription. JAS. E, GILLATT, W, BARNES, Aug. 3i-dt 12 feb. ’62. dec. 14. ATLANTA CLOTHING HALL. I HAVE just returned from the North with a large stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING /u and am ready to supply the eit- ||)| izens of Atlanta and the sur- |lj rounding country, with COATS, PANTS, VESTS, SHIRTS, Handkerchief's, Neck-ties, HATS, CAPS, SOCKS, and everything else in the Clothing line, oi good quality and at LOW PRICES, gif All who desire BARGAINS |should give me a call. —ALSO, OS HAND— J ewelry! Knives ! Combs! Ami other Notions. M. OPPENHEIMER, Whiteall street, nearly opposite marchl5tf Eddleman A Bank WAR! WAR MILITARY BOOKS ! ! G ILHAM’S Manual J2 50—by ma $8 00 Hardee’s Tactics—2 rol., Cloth, Plates 2 60 2 75 Hardee’s Tactics, 2 volumes, Paper, Plates 2 00 2 25 Hardees Tactics, 2 vol.. Paper, no Platee 1 50 1 70 These copies of GILhara and Hardee are the latest re vised and improved editions. Army Regulations, enlarged edition... |3 00—mall $8 40 Army Regulations, pocket edition.... 1 50 1 65 Army Regulations, pocket edition 1 25 1 40 or 4 copies for *5 00—a very neat edition. Volunteers’ Manual and Drill Book... 1 50 1 75 Volunteers’ Hand Book 60 "70 Troopers’ Manual 1 50 1 75 Science of War 1 00 115 Mahan’s Outpost Duty, Ac„ 1 00 1 15 Bayonet Exercise and Skirmish Drill, Plates 1 25 1 40 Roberts’ Hand-Book of Artillery 1 00 1 10 Infantry Camp Duty—Field and Coast Defence 60 70 Outpost Duty, by Ahrenscheldt, Ac... 60 70 School for the Guides 1 00 1 00 Gllham’s School for Soldier 50 55 Militiaman’s Manual 50 55 Gross’Manual of Military Surgery 50 60 Burke’s Map Seat of War—Sheets 75 75 “ “ “ “ Pocket... 100 110 Lederle’s “ “ “ Fine Card Board 2 00 Map of Seat of War, with counties... 50 60 Pocket Map of Virginia 1 00 110 Map of Confederate States—Sheets... 75 75 Map of Bull Run and Manassas Battle Ground 40 40 For Sale by j. McPherson & co. Atlanta, Sep. 7-tf. F. M. JACK, Agent, Baker and Candy Manufacturer, NEXT DOOR TO W. r. HR RUING A CO., "Whitehall St., Atlanta, GJ-eorgia. K EEPS constantly on hand an excellent stock of CONFECTIONARIES, FRUITS, NUTS, PRESERVES, JELLIES, PICKEL8, Ac., Ac. Also, Fine Imported WINE8, BRANDIES, TOBACCO, CIGARS, Ac., Ac. Also, a great variety of Fancy Articles—Bas kets, Toys, Ac. The Ladies and the Public generally are re] spectfully invited to call. mar8 COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS. P ORTRAITS taken from Life, or copied from Old Daguerreotypes, Ac., by the Photgraph- ic process, and , ENLARGED TO ANY SIZE, froth Miniature size up to the size of Life. Persons having Daguerreotypes of their de ceased reiatives and friends, now have the op portunity of having them copied to any size hey may wish, and painted up to the Life in OIL OR WATER COLORS, OR PASTEL, with the certainty of getting a perfect likeness in every respect. Gallery on Whitehall Street, Atlanta Georgia. C. W. DILL, Anri 3. Photographer. MILITARY GOODS AND BUTTONS, ALSO AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF Colored & White Flannels, L1NSEYS AND KERSEYS. A beautiful Lot of LADIES’ CLOTH CLOAKS, CARPETINGS AND OIL CLOTHS. GENTS’ AND LADIES’ BOOTS AND SHOES, And some 50 or 60 dozeu HOOK SKIRTS, Which they offer for C .A. S H . Corner Whitehall and Alabama Sts. Atlanta, Georgia. SALMONS & SIMMONS. March 28—Oct. 22. outturn (SJoufctlmcjr ’ po^prrKY. “It is the gift of POETRY to hallow every place in which It moyes; to brea’he round Nature an odor more exqusite than the perfume of the rose, and to shed over it a tint more magical than the blush of morning.” « ev SSh OP « ss S-i -S3 — S3 ® xn GO o z z Z -3 E < z °- {£ D m ®>-} «ja «3 a a>0 o a — «<§ ® « - 8 £ « «g=r 2 3 £go 2-Sbo ®.h’ - *5 21^ jomo ^ £ -S&o t'Z ® S ct®-2 5JS-.2 *«1j cq a So ® J3 M - "■ PQ 6e# ? — © 60*5 OS b h e-* 2 "5— 2 * H'H 23 £ »- 5 lOoft COX, HILL & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS Ann DIRECT IMPORTERS Ot WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, fc C., Peach. Tree Street, Atlanta, Georgia, March 23. SAVANNAH March 18,1861—tf. MARSHALL HOUSE, BY WM. COOLIDGE, GEORGIA. H. HUNTINGTON, M. D., DENTIST ATLANTA, GEORGIA. OFFICE in Rawson’s new build- corner Whitehall and Hunter Streest— Residence first house to the left of Col. Tail ing, cey s. Janl’62 ATLANTA BONDS CALLED IN. Atlanta, Dec. 28, 1861. T HE holders of City Bonds Nos. 6, 7,8,9 and 10 (the lower numbers being redeemed) for one thousand dollars each, issued by the Mayor and Council of the City of Atlanta, July 1st, 1853, will immediately present them at my office, in Atlanta, fir the purpose of being redeemed. By erder of Council. H. C. HOLCOMBE, Cl’k * Tres’r. Dec. 29,-t.f ____ BRYSON & BEAUMONT, Manufacturers and Dealers in MEN'S A BOYS CLOWNS, GENTLEMEN S FURNISHING GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIXERXA and vestings Markham’s Iron-Front Building, White hall, Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. t. m! BalmTo’irr } April 2d, 1861. COLE & WYLY, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In 1HINA, Glass, Silver, Plated Ware, Vases, C Hi^ra, ujm»i * — • ■ Parian Figures, Kerosine Lamps, Candle sticks, Tea Trays, Table Mats, Baskets, Glass Shades, Table Cutlery, Ac., A., CHEAP FOR CASH. White Granite and common Crockery at wholesale, at Charleston prices, nearly oppo site Beach A Root’s, Whitehall street, Atlanta, -..Georgia. . April 2d, 1861. HISKY 1—300 barrels Pure Com Whisky to Steadier w= •mel* Candles! Candles! ATLANTA CANDLE MANUFACTORY! I AM now prepared to fill orders for the best article of STEARINE CANDLES on very reasonable terms for cash. J J. J. THRASHER. P.^S. I am still paying the highest market price, in cash, for good Tallow. J. J. T. Dec. 20-dlm. [The Knoxville “Register” says the Hon. R. H. Stanton, of Kentucky, formerly a member of Congress from the Maysville Dis^ trict, is now iu the Lincoln Bastile at Column bus, Ohio. He was arrested and torn from his family without warrant or process of any kind, and thrust into prison, far from home, without trial. No charge was made against him. He was not accused of violating any law. His only crime was that he dared to express his preference for the Confederate States over the government of His Apeship, who is enthroned over the Yankees at Wash ington. -The following lines are from the pen of tis sorrowihg but noble-spirited mother, who is a resident of Louisiana:] HON. R. H. STANTON, OF KENTUCKY, Arrested for Secession Principles, and now im prisoned in Columbus, Ohio. By Mrs. H. Stanton. Far away in yon prison, so lonely and dreary, He sits in his solitude, fearless and true, Tho’ he sighs for his home, once so joyons and cheery, He feels that the Tyrant his sorrows shall rue. He knows there ar hearts with true sympa thy yearning. Whose spirits are brave as their weapons are strong, Whose souls with.the fires of vengeance are burning For wrongs thev havo looked on, in sorrow, loo long. He knows that a light from his prison is beaming, Though darkness may coyer its hated retreat, That shall rouse from their slumbers the list less and dreaming, To face the proud foe and his purpose defeat: Who would throw the vile chain of oppres sion around them, And bind to his chariot the free and the brave; But the spell is now broken that well-nigh had bound them, And heroes shall make for oppressors their grave. State, when the danger Had the noble old was pressing, Been free from vile traitors, she would not thus bleed; She had sought with her friends to secure the rich blessing, Of freedom and rights, which to conquest must lead. Had sho lifted her standard of justice and honor, And flung to the breeze the bright flag of the free, And thus, with the blessing of Heaven upon her, Had stood with the brave, where she ever should be; *" Then the truest and best of her sons had not languished, And felt the cold damps of the prison’s deep gloom ; Nor the home of their love by their absence been anguished, Nor hearts in their sorrow been laid in the tomb. But woe to the Tyrant, and woe to the traitor! The kour of vengeance must reach them e’er long; Let tho coward and craven support the Dicta tor, But freedom remains to the brave aud the strong. Then courage, true spirit! tho’ wrongs may distress thee, And hide, for a season, the sun of thy joys, There’s a God who will deal with the toee that ^oppress thee, And strength in the arms of Kentucky’s brave boys. I. Gr. MITCHELL. Sc CO., Wholesale Grocers, -AND- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 5, Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Dec 28-lra. TANNER’S OIL. BARRELS FOR SALE BY DIMICK, WILSON A tC October 25, 186I-tf LEATHER! LEATHER! AT THE ATLANTA TANNERY ON PEACH TREE STREET! OLE, Upper, Harness; and ail kinds suita- * ble for Military Accoutrements Office second story Georgia Railroad Bank ing House. J. C. ORME A CO. Atlanta, Oct. 25-tf. House and Lot for Sale. A BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE contain ing 6 large rooms; kitchen, out buiid- _ ings, orchard, Ac.—one and a half acres oTTand—short distance from Female College. Will take Confederate Bonds or cash in pay- . menu, Apply to W. Alabama Nov. 17-dtf. 1' Notice. C W. HUNNICUTT, Esq., stHunnicutt.Tay- J °en“'to D 7rLs 8 aT’ali 9 m7bu--ss authorized agent to transact au r dU 1 D LT a WhX .nd Mr Wm. jLee are Sly£»^t«5'will contract for any kind 0f & b " e air 7DWDfc C. A. WHALEY.