Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, December 07, 1862, Image 1

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1 fB£ PUBLIC GOOD BtifOKt PBIVaTI ADVANTAGE BY AD Alii A- SMITH. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1862 YOLUME II—NO. 251 *0#ilUU **lt*ftm« i i ANDEH80N ’ adaih * co ,| #Ctttliru W nolesale Grocers k ,'<iu A AdTtrtliing IcIwdnU of ▼ Itracjr and InteUigancar. oi HnBaomfTiON. , 4 , 1; t .,.aaam, #7 *m; Weekly, par annum, ... ... 2 <X> Jalljr,»i* month*, 4 (XI Daily, three month*,-. .. 2 00 , Hiijr, forty days- • 1 «° )*ily, one month *6 i’*.yment required it.. *ri»bly it advance. -AND- iCYKKTIBING- •jo* square oJ ones or less, "tie insernot .'Aj Cent* lor «t:h sobseqc-t rath. COHM16S1UM IBaOBiKfH, iVooDBrvf'g anniiBi., (Moor Chorda n.sJ-jna BccL,, ATLANTA, XJ-EOiiG-lA, nserticc l"«s that :ae | 1 DO. 2 mos. 6 mol 4 IUOS. 0 Dios. 12 m. 4 7 tio Ii8 r«j 4 20 $30 10 18 10 20 25 40 13 17 21 24 80 50 10 20 24 2 8ft 66 18 23 9.H 32 HI 6o 2ft 80 3ft 43 SC tf | 2S 34 40 to 70 16 M 75 24 j 8« 1 40 I 18 55 90 K_\ 41 j juI So SACKS. 9^lH i NSV f CSJJABUBfi g*.0KS. os 4i»Juv and for gale by AN DRRbON, ADAIR a CO., nov o-t. Commission Merchant*. 4VIKIHE. OAO OUNCES BEST FRENCH QUININE, on consnrn- “W mint aud for sale t y JEO. W ADAIR,.. J. HENLl SMITH •T'TTOe; j: ;»• Fti.'.T > RTrT,.tia. ■ C. vuiTH; M. ll.,. .... T_BvOIATY ttii-7 Confederate Finnr.trs Tm , f. S'.oir.sni 1 copica a tev- dU)sA>a‘t frees ihs Richmond Enquirer in reislica , ne finances, presented a much vi'Cre f these •’.evr ol finances than pr? ;cas ?2Mf ANDKUSON, ADAIR A CO, -UumusUron Merchant? pge of chang--, will 1 64 Yearly advert-sing, with tic ,e taken at the following rates; Por one Square, renewable once a Utoutn,. tor three lor one-fanrto Colnnin, 60 lor one-half Column, 110 ->r one Column, ....... VV- .1 Ia»ular work, with ur without rules, and advertise i ?i -.3 o-cupying double colnmn, will be charged double above rates .dvortiacnients uol marke . on copy for a a :a time, «T published until ordered out, and charged according .lie above rate*. lvrtnements inserted ii. the Da nr, ar.d Wz.uj.x,edi- ix. (. »ill .c charged 60 per cent additional to Hie regu lar lady rates. t ;riy advertisers will o. mailed i lii-- ipus.. .-.-Ltraci- v* tor. TJa-y will be charged extra at regular rates for baai. iJtnts Removals, Copartnerships, Notices to tJon- nifeo 4c., and payment demanded quarterly. DF Txijuukkt 1 dvsstisuiq sd>? bl rta- ros s Ali sa*. \o ac.vertisec.:nt will appear in the Weekly papei mi jj by special contract. 1 tverlisementj to be huernu In the W eeilj pap ti only at Irregular Intervals in either of the papers trill be V-i-gt-u f 1 per square for every insertion. Announcing candidate* for State, County, and Muitlm- al ffice, #6 each—t' be paid in advance in every instance, i i advertisements for Charitable Institutions, Military 1 Fire Companies, Ward, Town, and other Public Jleet- .gs, will b.- charged half price Marriages and deaths are published as news . but Onli nes, tributes cl Respect ar.d funeral .uvuation? as tier advertisements Kd.tonal Notices ir. nocn. Ooicmn. will b«. eiiarged St. jts p- r .- l/ie paper. atju; a uirmnisiacua*. B aciaded in a •ntrset. t ' dednetian -ji ... a. on will > . jnuile iroiu the forego q rate*. ADAIK A SMITH. -a axaon. - ■ • -witim'ifg STri*^ I ’ll bo sold before the Court n-ose ih—r, in the city M if Atlanta, iieorgla, between tt:e uraal hours -f sale,* u t!;s second Tuesday iu December next, the following property, to-w it: A lot of Un i, < rataining V'C ntrrs, more or less, lying -iirthe Northern boundary ol corporation of the city of Atlanta, and being a join of land vet No. 6U, in the 14th district of originally Houry, now Pu.ton county A lot ol Jewelry, fancy articles, Ac seven pieces of plated ware, turty-eeven barrels of phospate. Eight pair of Fairbanks A Co.’sP- .ic;, viz; six pairs of ♦’ -st uUloe Scales, arid two pairs ol large, railroad scales, iix gold,and nine silver watches. Pour ol i. C. Herring A Co.’s Iron Safes. A store bouse aud lot. on Whitehall street. Janta, BT.iu t known as lot no. 7, in bl-ck No. 4, in said city. Tn rty-two thousand and seventy-six share* ol the Cap‘- ai Moca ot Yahoola River uudCaue Creek Hydraulic Hose Mining Company, of bumpkin county, Ueorgia. bets 7t*x and bl®. iu the .-lh district and lit sr tion of 1 unipkiu county, commonly known as .he New York Mine, toget ler with the macniuery and mining tixtnresou -vmie. Terms cash. JAMES I. N ISBbl’, Receiver. ■iov"-tds. COTTOSf HOPE ’ 11 H t COIL' vOTTOSf ROPE, V inch, on conHsr.meni AC/'d aud for s»le by ANDERSON Al lIB * C »; nov2 -tf ComralsBion Merc nan is. wiljkal ISO OATS, ... .( I BUjKELP SEED WHEAT— WidJ 200 bushels Feed Oats- onc-’nr’rarni ni ano <^'eby ANDERSON, ADAIK * C ; D Was then i s- • DliJIioi. s - r.i«D bstv. een the nd now, , we :re in vestr. ’.ont lias nov2i tf CornmiMloD Merchants bARVESS. X TCG9Y II4RNES3, ou consignment and Sbr O sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR * CC , nov21-t’ 1 Coromts Ion Mecrhunts. I SHOES. - X .nE’i’S 8ii.;Rc. on cot-.Igniaa. uad ii-r as*e i t) by A.VDELSCM£ ADAIR 4 CO., I r ov2I-tt * CanimiVsion !tfe chants. SALT. i It 1 VTnHLNIA SALT, on oonsigtaeLt and - ! t) w f r sale by ANDERAuN, ADAIR A Oo.. novlC-tf ■ CoamiaEon Venhant*. 6UOAB. Vi d I HHDS. 5UGAit, varloos grades, on condgnment and fir sale bv ANDERSON, ADAIR *• CO., novlo-u (.ommtssion Meichants X/\ HEROES •^U by RICE. RICE cc consigr-; ucd f_r sale iTDERSON, ADAIK 4 CO CommlMior. Mer-hacta. viiors BBL3. bUFEREINK AND EXTRA FjMILY FLOUR; on e< nsigutnsnt imJ fyr sals by NEW .ha S^nlu-l^ BAKERY, ornej Decatui and 1-oya Sts., AWMMamrEBAttt i Tns nce»" i -’tus pmfco oar nr . Ansm’Sn this Cotnmlsmou Merchant* PEACH ERA3D1. F UTY BBLS. PURE PEACH BRANDT co. c-stg meut and for tale by ANDERSON, ADAIR 4 00- ncv!6-tf OcmrfBwsion Merctsai. COFFEE. SACHS RIO COFFEE, on sale by rl?-tt ivrsjEa, on c. -.sigrmtat a .I f r 4NDERB<'>N, ADAIR 4 CO. * Commission Merchant*. CHICKORT. 1,11VE SACKS CHICKoRY, the bee; substitute for Cof- Jj fee, ou consignment and for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR 4 CO, nr-vlu-ti x Oommisslon Merchants. CttARPAQSE. D0Z. CHAiiTAUNE WINE, on ootsignment and ANDERSON, ADAIR 4 CO, ? Commission Merchants 20 for sale by novl&-t! Onfedera favorable estimates had led us tc espeet. J'tie amcVit ol our Treasury Note cnn"Ticy is stated to be $250,000,000; Treasury Notes bearing inte.-ist $80,000,000; call loan $60,000,000; funded deb? $74,000,00m ; Total £471,000,000. Tiieac2r t ' is less than one half ol the amount that we were led to eipect would be the debt ol the Coni' d - erute otates by the 1st of January next. There must Imve been since he las. raent from the Treasury Department large in~ vestments in our funded debt, timated at little more lhaD forrj lars. By the relative differen Treasury note currency then ? led to conclude that large materia'!} cheched it*increase. Omitting amount of Treasury Notes bearing interest as forming no part of the currency, its excess, as suming the amount of the bank notes in circu lation in the Confederate Ctater,. which was in round numbers one iiuddred millions; as the standard, is .lot^consideraMe, especially when we take into view the absence ol those other firms of currency consisting of foreign bills of exchange anddomestic dralto between the North and South. These formed a large portion ol our paper currency It would appear that YYrgima has mane -i iarge share oi these investments. If the other Confederate States had invested in proportion to the “Mother of States,' thi amount of the Confederate Note currency would have beep much more reduced and prices much less inflat- eo. If gome of those capitalist; who had made large profita by their contracts with the Govern ment had possessed ihe generosity or rather a liberal reciprocity by investing a pori'>n ot those profits in Confederate bonds, iuetead of purchas, ing real estate from a distrust ot the good taith or ability of the Confederate Government, tho Conled; rate Note currency would have been contracted far below its pre,smt limits. Among the expedients suggested by c;;o of the Richmond papers, the Ezamitur, in order io retire a portion of that currency, or prevent its increase is the saleot Confederate h^nds at almost any rate of discount, rather than issue more Tree ury notes. This is no less startling in its character than it would be Jamaainsr to our ’loss, carefully compiled from Northern cor- j respondents and Northern newspapers, j Cedar Mountain ; killed; 1,500; wounded. ! 4,000 : prisoners. 8,000. Bull linn- killed, 2,700 : v m- led, 0,400; (prisoners, 3,500; lost 12 pieces artillery. -vr.lietsm : killed, 4,300; wounded, 10,600; ! prisoners, 2,100. | Harper's Ferry': killed, 240; wor.ndod, 580; j prisoners 14,200 ; lost o£ pieces artillery, 1,- 1 OOo hcrseS; 100 tens ammunition, and 300.000 rations Eicumouj, K;. ; killed 3C0; wounded, 800; prisrners. c.i'.O; lost 800,000 rounds of am munition, ana 50,000 rations. Munforisville : tilled, 100: wounded-4:0 ; prisoners. -5,600 : lost 22 pieces a. Tilery, -50C.- 000 rounds ammunition ; T5G,OOG rations. Pcrryvillo; killed, 1,400; wounded, 3.700. In Kent cky and Tennessee, hy Morgan uu Forrest.; killed, 500; wcunded, 1,500; prisoi crv. 4,000, ard lost 15 pieces artillery. Iotal killed, 10 590; wuupded, 30,880; prisoner?, -37 ; -5t-0: lost. 149 pieces artillery, j 1,300,000 rounds ammunition, 500,000rations, 1,090 L rses, and 100 fc-n? ammunition. I’otii killed, wounded and prisoners since 7 it August r 3,970 In this estimate J have omiuai the loss in ti.c ixai.Ruha v alloy, Missouri and the bat tle' of Corinth, luka and Hatchis, which will probably run it up to 3“ or 90,000- Since the 1st July, the Abolitionists have placed 600,000 new reaps in tho field ; 400,- 000 volunteers, and 200,000 drafted, LEXINGTON- Cavalry Regiment. J AM aotfc ri%od to in cease znj battalion of GEORGIA DF-AQi k)NS to a regiment. This will pretally t? tUe last cl.oaoe u, cohi. ;a » now j cava.rv organizaticn. iten or corn;antes taken. Author- j liies given to make companies. Everytuingfuraisbed but ; horses. Apply tc me at EaJton, Georgia. 1. W. AVERY, * ! t.t dot Bat Ga Dranoons. ! JUST PUBLISHED manual MILITARY RRGUNNOISANCRS, TEMFOBAItY FOB uFICaIION AND PAR TISAN WARFARE. FOR OFFICERS OF lYpASiRt AXlt CAVALRY. Jiar-slartd ftom the Fisrch . f oea. LoLoatxal BY JOHN Jk. ttICGARD*05, L X J Si. uAAl’BELi is authorized io raise a ccmpa- i EdtC y Q':l Officer OJ <.-:C Atrny, now i 0 , ny for my regiment cf Cavalry. ! ;/ Mzthen-ziirs i.. th* Ga. Mil. Lisi iU_pqos*TiBe Camp rail- Decatur, Georgia, Nov. 19, laoi. j LieaUoant I. W. Avery !s authorial d to increase I bis battalion to regiment by perrnisji'-n from the War ) Department, its dciDg *o h= wfll b3 aiiow-d to take men i subject tc ocoicriplira, eutl eurollinu officers will extend ! to him ail facilities which rhsv raay c.-minatid. : JOHN D. WEBM9 ueviu-ln 7-tenieuaat Colonel O -ima-idii., • JiliO.N, Ha, l W. .V iasut Col. Bat. Georgia I’tr^ joi.s Addrt.5 - I OjCoe.t GiiiBo, Georgin. J. M. CAklPBioI. tit—-w Aer 'ul Lieut. Blutovr Artiiltrj. NOTICE ISSriMONIALa. , Gtn Win J jfardee says: ! 7 should judge it would prove .-vtreuuL to cu - | army. I Gen u C Wayne Adjutant h r , ..i a O .rcda. . ON CONSIGNMENT. rM in EB3- ENGLISH REFINED IRON. W.vL iii.noo its. Swedes Iron, ,100 pairs Bnggj and Wagon A ties do> —li;Baggy Si rings. ■it biacksciitn Bellotrs. do Rlacksmitb Anvils. 2 OC0 r-5 L ig Chai- 3. ■ 2,0Cv) lbs. Kntrli.h Blister S?eel id O.XI l’jj. Flow steol. 2 000 fus Spring Steel. 200 Btti&tnit*! Hamuieis Also, a lot o! In Is Kablsr Bering, suifabls icr Deck ing. R lB’T. J. LOWRY, Commission '-"erchaiit, ' ,n "6 2 a- JohcsoD’s EL k, Whitehall stieet. -. vfice or tB* CosrsDSRATr Ipsuramck Company > Atlanta, On , J. ov. 13th,' 1862. / 'VTOTICE is hereby viven ? j the Stockholders of tho li C.r.rpt.ny teat r. further instalment is due on the stock, payable at this offi e ou or before ihe ’.Otli day ot X-eo-r-.b?', 1S61 Stockholders who h ,ve paid 25 per cent, at. r- qn-red tc p-,y oO per cent., and those who hare paid d0 per ce t, are required to pay 25 per cent, on the amount of ibelr Stock. By rd;r of ra F r.-d EOBEBT J. LOWRY, i-oOIt Seeritary CALDVELL. ». V. CALDWKl L H L. L All KEY. R. ii ALEXANDER IN xiBTIRING t '5EOii the abovo fl:m we solicit a contlauaso-. or'pat’oi.- ‘ age to our successors, Messrs. Laurey 4 Alexander R CALDWELL. i p Caldwell NOTICE.. * Hi undesigned have ttiis day associateu iLeir.telvee A under the firm of Laurey 4 Alexander, for the trans action ot a uen- ral Auction and Commission Business, at »3 Vendue Range, and will bo thankful fc. a continuance of the patronage extended to tl a late firm of K 4 .S.P. Caldwell 4 Co. HENRY L. LAUREY, ROBERT M. ALEXANDER. REFERENCES Charleston, i. u. Auga.itii. ih. John Frazar 4 Co., B- L. Adams x Sou. Farra , Broth-- r 4 C'--. V. aeon, Ca. H. F. Baker A Cc. .as H. Anderson Charleston, July I, i86i.— dio8-lm iih <i copy, aad to study It ; Gen J2i Trimble says; I it will be extremely useiui :r. :h : Army cy nt J‘ . ., I ination of the t.-ne principles of the ait ot war among th- junior officers, and also the non commistijc;. officers ard I lutellicent piivates of tha army i Ckil & I. Chliion, of Gen Icb’s Steff. _ v .. | While full enough f r all practical pory-ses, it tsplatn, WJih simplicity hlL clearness all the arrangement neers- says. sary to be taken by th: field engineer., a* a r so the impor advanced posts and pickets. Its genera'. tact dat'ss oi circulation would bend grsatly*tc give a mors eIf ctent tone to our army. tient »-y mat: cn PRICE ONE DOLLAR FKK COPY, receipt of the price pos; paid. J. MoPHKKSUN <k oc. Publishers •leoCti Atlanta, Gso'igia. IlrAcquAR—Rs Aa».v p Ts:t. scss* 1 Murfreesboro’. Nov. 2'\h 1862. f f sE.U.luv TEACHER W’AHEB. FEHi prorosi ion bv t. Hriof enunciation of princi- I * FEMALE TEACHER wl-.r *3 fully competent, and D i eg XV who will '-:nish satis&otorjr reeemmandations can "—'• - - . pt ?r~re r. des’iable silua ion lor the ensuiDg scholastic I : c-r b. applying to the Board of Trnatcts cf the Monti- ce:i j temaie A :id«my Early appMcati- n is desi-ed. Any SOAP, • I WO HUNDR5D AND FIFTY BOXES YELLOW SOAP. J. 25 Boxes Toilet 8 ap, on oon*ignrri*nt aud for talc l-y ANDERSON', JXffAlU. 4 CO., nor-15t| CommSjBion Merchants ATLANTA, GEORGIA. iJEIBELHOUSE, Agent, ,L4TE OT SAVANNAH,) a> wo* av.IT-‘fcLY calls :hc attcunocef lh; cnizcos ol IX^Atlanta to hi» New Bakery, on Decatur street, near Uu (7d City il-'tel Hi* thor-ugh knowledge of, and long sxperlence In the business, affordstne btst goarantee th -1 -Li.* customer* will receive only the test. He fnvitei Eli to . gei tceir supplies dir. -t imtu the B.ikiry, s in that way jc can afi'oro a better article, and more cf it, than if at the evpeuse of carrying around to customers—thus giving ■ ti em tho benefit of this seivicg in the inert seed value of Ihe articles furnished. Cakes, Pics, Rusks, Ac , always 011 -.ban I cf th* best quality. aovl4-lm* 4 bv n >vl5-t SEWjNB MACHINES, 03" oou*ig£sttst ana io: sal. AN DERSONf ADAIR 4 CO., Ooinmiaaion Merchants. OOlaTBY JSAtfi. A LARGE LOT OF COUNTRY ^EAN? on coasign- ann* end for sate by ANDERSON, ADAIR 4 CO- uovlMf Oommitaiou Merrbun:i O. > C. E. MB05-. McDaniel & strong, WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION JU8T RECEIVED at HOLBROOK ft LlWSBfi'S, WfllTfiHAlL 8T., \TU1STI, 1105 IMFOSTEr FRENCH HATS. _iTh«re a?2 only tr.r^e soarce? of public reve nue, in the absence oi duties on importation. 1 Direct tatration. 2- Loans. 3. Issue oi Gov ernment paper money. The fi.ct is the tjuc loundation of public credit when external com merce is so limited by war and blockade as to render a resort to direct taxation a measure oi uecessity. But the same prohibitory policy that suspends foreign trade limits the revenue to b derived from internal taxation in 3 country whose income is principally derived from, espor table products. This limitation of taxable re sources renders it more and more difficult dur ing the progress of the war to collect revenue, while the increase of expenditure- proceeds olten in a greater ratio than the decrease of the pubhc revenue. This followe necessarily ironi the waste incident to war and the check given to repro ductive industry. In such circumstances the resort is unavoida bly to loans, and when these are difficult or im practicable, to paper money. But even loans must have a basis in the taxable resources of the State, if they are not negotiated at great sacrifices- The only sure loundatiou ol public credit is taxation of seme kind. In the absence of the ability to borrow the last resort is the is sue of paper money. We will take another occasion to apply these principles. •incer litfcrnflltiou tnay be obtained by corr isponderue with the tir JarsIguStl. By order of the Board cf Trustees. BA TLY WALKER, aecl0-w4t Secretary, Mctitice'.lo, Georgia. 03f COIfSIGSMENT. ATiri LE5. WESTERN WOOT 2.-0 yards C untry Jeans. 50C Boxer Minufcctiuod Tobacco, various llands. 6,OoO O’?. Smoking Tobacco, various bro-is ROUT. J. LO if BY, Commission Merchant, <J?c6-2w Johnson’s fJlo.k, Whitehall Btreet. ON CONSIGNMENT. iyc SACKS SWEI-T PmTxTOE 1 . f 1C bnshelB Ttti: o«see Clover Feed. 2 C/io-ts sup- rl< r Green T»a. 2(J B.xes Virgini»Tallow Caud'i:. SfO Fainted, ore and two 1 vl'- s. RUB' i. .i Lu x’Ui Co-i n-tesion Viercbaat, dcc6-7w JoLusoms B’cck, Whitehall street. Special Correspondence of Confederacy. iCiiiJicrn TO PRESIDE NTS AND SUPERINTEN DENTS OF RAILROADS. EiouMOSr, December i. 1602. H aVIiNG l;tn aj point d AesUtaDt Adjatan General and assignoa to the special dnty of Superintending aun ’irecting Gcvernment Transportation by lfailrcads. | DOT LAkg t 'lesiroa conference with the Preildeut and Superlnteu- dents of ail the Tt-a’Tme'is in the Confederacy, at Augusta, Georgia, or. the fifteenth il.ath) instant. Decf-iw Wit. 51- WADLEY, A. A G., P. A. 0. ff. ORbXAJfCX Or?tCE C. S. A. > Aixai-'Ia, Gbosgji, Decemoe.- a, is62 f U NDER direction* fiom tha Chief of Ordnance, and in accordance with General Order No. o2. Adjutant aud lusprctor Geoetol’s Office, dated Richmond, Va. Nov. : d. all contractors with the Ordnance Department, ol th- Genera! Government, In this district, for the ninnufi-ciuro of Cranance and Ordnance Sapp ias, craijirising. Arms, intiru ry, Cavalry, and Artillery Acccntremci ts aud Eqnipme ita—Fhit. Shell,At., will forward to this .office er tilied lists of the name* of all tlrarr employ res. -ctject to Ovnsciiptiou under ixistmg lav,a lh nature ol'ilre contra-s will be explained, and by whose 01 dir they a<e made. J^e-_iutn»«Aor muit Aer. urrji t y*.2il»v:t. -‘hat ♦)'“ persons a; piled for will cot be 3ng..ged ou oihertbau oov- eriitnen work, and that their aervee* » -s necrasary for the proper fu ltts.rat of their contract; when they will b detailed, ar fr.r as the interests of the tervfce will al- 1 w. Previous to the detail of .raid parties which will be for sixty days, they will all he logularlv enrolled as Cc- - sciipts At tha expiration of sixty days, th; d»tall must bt a>ain re’iewed, fhd so on at the 'explrstiou of each term. Partiee d»rsii?i ^ave nc :rght to leave their work at will. Any eo doing will he reparted as . esertora. ADy contractor homing ont inducement* to mechau'rs, employed by tua Governmect, or nu-thor co'jtrj.ior. to to entice them uway. is liable t-> have his contracts an nulled. Uniform prices tenet be adopted by contractors fcr rr.e- ch allies of the same f lass. Oojj ti a:.0,3 will repoit prompt ly to this office, tha names ol hands who may have iheir work. Any Cons-ript will be allowed to Jcin tut aimy if co desired, by application ts this office, when Ids term of do ted expires M. H. WRIGHT, deed- 2w Major Artillery com’c’g Arsetai. Uenraal Ord: s. No. 24 G iRAlf F1EA> beyond expression at the confident ' :uj I And fine discipline which pervade* his troops, and full of fMJUiirat'on ut their fortitude and patient su->m s- siou to privations, united with their gallantry and hero ism lu tho recent nrduous ■* 11 1 1 brilliant campHign. by w hich Bo mnch valuable territory ha* been rtde.meii a' d so many tine and loyal people liberats J, the General c m - nuudrng is induced to patiish a Ki.l pardon to ail soldiers absent without authority who shall, within a re-sonabte tlmeretmntc- .hntr c mmsuds bod report for taia^r- Til-y aie urged at once to avail themselves of thisp-ivi- lege, before tbe iuangurat on of the new system of »D|l- tary Courts established by law, as a vigorous und prompt administration oljuitico will be me ed out to all de < u q”--*iits. HoreafUr no ixcusos will.De allowed th so who abandon rheir colors and leave their comrades to perform their duties ami to defend their homes. Conimi sioued officers guilty of such oil6uses, are exclu ded from the benefic of thii amnesty, and will u he ex cused. They are held to ba nuwvrtliy to command v „i. 4-Ia. * ^, \ IO men; Ust^-a j Vigorous measure* have been mopted to arrest aii wtc tail to respond to this last and geueroui appeal, and they qiu*t expect full justice, t'-mperod oitly with the mercy they !ja—- ailed to show either to their comrades r their cause. By command of Gen Lrogg. GEORGE WM. LEE NT, dc, 3iaw2w A. A. Gee.. Dipar: mexi N’o. 2,) n , Nov. 17lh, 1862 j Cavalry! Cavalry! Tflfi LAST CHA9CIE TU FOirfllTItRft. Kentucky Represented iu the tiilu—Gen'j. John?; n t jlarshail—TLe Enemy AdTats.iug Under Gen. Cox— Gen’s. Williams’ amf Floyd’s Operations— A Cv” for! Ret»Ila’iC-—A Summary cf FedeialLo:?e> MERCHANTS, ' F 01 «“-ASSTtl “ it: ri»u;r.six Aii Kinds of Produce, -rxer 5tr«t. WhiUhoTi an $ Prior, wliAMTA, «... GEORGIA. .cc"l-tt WOOL HATS Of our owu raannficture, by iffis ease. Oiiizers' and iii'’tarf Cap* made to nrdt;. deco-lm Notice--Barks Wanted. MEDICAL fl'hTEYOR c OFFICE, I Atlama. Ua., June 20,1S62. f X ini. b<;i prices will te laid ty thenndereigucu for large quautiues of the (Jilowiug T1AKK8- M-m, branches ai. i i<-.t ci Dtjwood. (root p eferrea; ; tranche* and roots tf o'liite M illow; rot :, trunk ai-d ‘-lanches of Am t: -r.u 1‘oj lar. ^ra’lca a!:c White-wood, •i.oo-wood ana tulip-tree.' root nreterred. lhi«e Nubs must be cuclU'ly dried and seenrr'- pv;k- d. Th-, rn.iy be brought to this office, or scut t I'Mr. L. *. Waller, K tanlcal Ageut. Carters-ille. Ga ; or \\. W i -ltha-n. F danioal Ay->ut, lM,alur. Ga. GEORGE ? BLACK7L -tl. Furr-' n end Midicr.1 Furrc , or, . 8 A. D C AN0SS O VOCX e B I4BU AMOS9, LIGON & CO Wholesale Grocers AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Owner of Wbltehali and Mitchell Street*. E ATLANTA, GEORGIA, OR the sale oi ptoiincO, jicrciii-.-tiso. Real Estate, Ne groes. Ac. dde >-tf -Agency for \ a. Tobacco, A- CONNELL, Late of Memphis, itun. u - 5 st -.blifr:d !r. . Jcntgr mery. Alabama a f. . si-. .ass LI Agency for al! kinds of SMOKING AND CHEWING «■ e ;na. 11 colx. w r wjsax. INMAN, COLE Ac CO., GBISBAI Commission Merchants* For the Purchase uoa iale ai rfierchaudL^ fir&i Estate, lire Sack, Mona*, Stocks, Segrocs, Ae t A ’ t hnve ample > room, nud vriil give personal at V » tontii'a to all ; usiuee* oatru-ted tc os. OMce 1 VlEGlNiA TOBACCO, to which he would respectfully dr- ' r ^ t P«bH« attention. The store formerly occupied by 1 \ Messn.. Middleton * Loftm. No, n Court afreet, has been ! &»foh 4 Rc‘t 3 sto.a. RMtaBaU greet o»;ed for the purpose, where at all times can be f rand not ———• or’y the test and rr.-at general assortment of Tobacco cut- j »lde of V ‘rgima: but also a constant supply of the coarsest .nd SsMt gra te* of SUGAR. The tacilities for Obtaining 1 rngor cannot tie »urpsa»~d by any other t-nse in the Cra cdsracy. sp3f-.f nsvl-i NOTiCK I iiAfi oejr-iatod with me Mr. Kr Lr.wsne. for the pur pose ol carry ing on nro-e extensively the inanufocture ' hats and Cap* The firm will therefore be known as ilOLBUtXlK ♦ LAW6HE F*fwons indebted to me will .irmiecrji »t tb<- dd *r«pd XD'1 s^ttl-. as I wish my old bo b* squared and closed. v **p2fr-tf J. M. HOLBROOK. EOBEBT J. LOWBY, PRODUCE Commission Merchant, Johnson a Biockj Whiifihall Sheet, ATLANTA, - - GEORGIA ?rom-t penoua attontioc given tc all order* and ' coun^nment*. %ovi6-tiljaal __ Abingdon, Va. Dec. Iei io - Mesirt. B^C.e-s .- Keniucky, prior tc the isi ji -juij tc . uad 17,000 (seventeen thousand^ men in the ser vice of the Confederate States; since tour thousand have joined Gen. John IT Morgan- two thousand Gen Breckiuridge, tv»cui./-five hundred Gen. Marshall and two thousand General Kirby bmitb, making tweniy-scTjji thousand since the Je^inning of the reoellitA. Theix blood has stained every battle field throughout the South Manassas, Sevtx Pines, Chiekabominy, Mill Spring, Dcnelson, Belmont, Shiloh, Ba on Rouge, Corinth, Iuka and Perryville have all received their offer ings to the shrine of liberty from Kentucky’s best Mood. General Joseph l. fc Juhr.ston ana .^u are in town, enrxule for the West Toe General is still feeble from his wound, but hopes me entertained that he is able tc- take’ha field without any detriment to his final recovery.— He 3ay3 that we can hold Burnside s «riay with one hand, but there is danger great danger in Tennessee and Mississippi. General Marshall has gone to Riehmona. - There are various conjectures as to his busi ness. The saerry under G:n Co* u;s ui »n -.-g up Kanawha Valley, toward L he Va ii 1 T F. £, thirty thousand strong. Their aivancc is now twenty mils? South of Raleigh G. H — Our forces under command of Brig Gen -John Vv'iliiams, occupy the "Narrows” on WANTED. Atlas;*. & Wkst-Poist Railecab, Atlanfri, December 5, 1862. CORD? OF ENGINE WOOD, to te delivered immediatelv Liberal priws will be paid GEO. G. HULL, Superintendent, Atlanta. Or JOHN O GUINN Sapervlccr, Lalr&nge- 10,000 AiJr?«3 8-Im AUCTION SALE OF GOODk. 1 — WILL SELL my entire stock of Goods at An-tion, con- s sting cf DlilT G0GL3, 1 i *. r. l . 1 1 Eja, Divoii,?. BOOKS, Ac. n . 1. .-.boni S4 GOO S^ie to commence on Tbnrsday 1 cs iilh instant N- A. JACKSON deo6-td* CalboBr, Gs H i airy, the last chance Is now offered for v.ilnntuerfng iu auri branch of the service. The company will be at tached to Cor. I. W Avery Vregiment, trow rendeev,.using at Dolt- n, Georg a. j Ef-rh Volunteer te axpirtc-1 to ftrrnis'n Lis o~a hors?. I Aii other equipment* will be furnished by I he govern mint, j Bach oue euliKing will ??o?ivc>he B Oil NT i OF {IFXx . II LABS 1 1 -nuicbcr that this is the iast chance »- entering ti.e j most iotere-ting branch of the service, by your own f ec will. Sc enlist at cncc. Apply to IJeut. D. 0 Smith, or to the undersigned, at the Furolliu* Gffiee, on Wuittbali street, Atlanta, Georgia. dec3-im 8- dF. LEAK. TO SUlDPERii OF FUMOUi. L N consequence of the extraordinary demands mado upon our Road? for Transportation, by the Con fedo ra*? States Government i together with the existence of a state cf circumstances, over which we nor our Agents can have any control, notice i? L • reliy giv. u, that (be West irn 4 Atlantic, Macon 4 Western, and Atlanta i IF' si-Poiut Railroads vrill i t heieeftfr receive, transp-rt- -r store p.ny freight, nutil further notice, (except for Govemn enr> nn’le s the owner, agnt. or shipqsr, at ihe point of ship ment, fiist S'gne a stipulation or (for- n.;nt, re it ving t*-e R- adi from all liability icr l .ss or damage JOHN o. RC'WLAND, ehi^ -rintendeut W. & A. R a. ISAAC ?30TT. Pres vie t't M. & W. ii. R r to. 0. ac li , Scjetir a1 cm A. A ^. I. ft. f. ltlant., Nov. 28, a 62. uovi9 if NOTICE— FG WDER- SHOT. B Y application to the Military 3ture Keeper at this Ar- sacal. sa all shot and epriting Pov.dei can he oh- . tillued on the followirg terms, viz: 1 lh- 01 Shot rvill be exchanged for 4 lbs. Lead. 1 lb. 01 Powder will be exchanged for 3 lbs. Lead. Apply at the Military House. Wyly’s building, con rr Peach Free an! Walton street?. M. H WRIGHT. , deci-dtr H.aj Artiltery C 3 A, com’d’g Arsenti. K V PABXo w vr Htrrc-iErsox litAjDQCABftBt Fitliahouia, Tenn , General Ord t r. No. 149. 1. The Geo'-ril commanding annour.c-3 w : tj pa n, ti . shameful fact that numerous offi .era aud soldier* are ab sent from this army without 1-ave or san :tion. This evil is injurious to tha service, and discreditab e to those * ho, wearing the uniform of the Confederate btales, are now livii.g iu nase'and idlenc?* iustcaa 01 sharing the common qitrils and duties ot iheir compasi ins :p arms, mu t be arrested. Hnch gross dereliction of duty, whilst In Hie presence of an active acd p 'werfnl enemy, calls not only for rebuke from the cofnmenrt’ng General, but also for efiUieut measures on tb6 part ol thecitfrensof the douffo, to secure the return ot such delinquents to ‘-heir corr EJUlid?. The commanding Geueml orders that aii officers who continue to be ab eut w thout leave, shall be brought be fore the ''Examining B-jard” author.zed by an Act of Fcngri SB, eatitied “an Aci to re ievo the army 01 -\i j- qualified, disahien and iucenpeteui officer*.” la urdar that tlieir naru-s may be dropped from the rolls of the army, whose glory tne wish to reflect, bat whom dangers and toils thoy are unwilling tc encounter. II. All soldiers who continue ubseot, wili be treated -.i deserters and ptii-tehed ?• such. By cjmmand of Gon. b RaGo A VO at* t v, H PP.i'NT nov27-3tawi.w Chief of Staff 4 A. A- General. FIFTY DOLLARS" reward. L EFI a brase. nr.» the Jccclioc of Marietta *-j W utfin ctreets iu this city, on the night of the 17th Novem ber, a dark Mulatto Girl about twenty years old, nam«5 Pai ience, but calls her,eif L auisa * She has a husband iu the Mont*orrery Artillery, aciing as rrak. £he formerly fc lor.grd to John I. Prior, of Ceiartcwn, Polk county. 0 rgia. baring ’ ter lu this city four weeks She baa a harsh voice, i / xr cu one of her cheess, and -oolt a great many clothss out beloug'og to her; uaiSLg them a C. I; "« thin cloth str’ped cletA, £ I pair* mon'i w-j'.lcn see*?, » bins snia’l checked iinen lady’s dress, and a good mac, lady? uuilerclcthei and other things. A r;ward Vii will he paid for her delivery at the Negro Yard of R 81. Clarte, .t’hitcball str'-tt, A?iant». Oe , and an udditfoua* reward oi $15 for Information .that will lead to the detec tion of .be person or persons who have hart-o ed her Atlanta, 5a, Dec-mber Z, 1BS2 dec4 *,t 0 ATLANTA LABD OIL FACTORY, HOLLAND’S WAREHOUSE, iFi-NXLT C-N HAN A— Pare Lard Oil; Prirre Family Lard ; oteariao for ti-op Masers NEW FIRM U. M. PARRS & CO , A r C T I O N ^NI. Commission Merciianta, No. 14 iiabama Strict, Corner of Rryji, jrij-iy SMITH x 3fiAuLCR0S8 blue mass, spirits nitre. *«. ?IRTT? NfTF.E Fine; FI-.2 Mass, L par Caustic Cryst. and SHck, 4c. - • -itities to suit puichastrs, for sale by ‘ ‘ PR ill, DuWlK * J1MR3. rVnciesaie Drcggis-i, Charleston, 8. C. ATLAKTJi aCORGi.t cov?6-7i* zament ard for sale by 5 I-isYFR 4 BELINGtR, and AiaLamo steels, Saxony Flim C- id Box:? Cr.pd—? < Heavy i ver-Coat*. Ch P.iii Cass. Poot*. E ESPRCTFULLY soliciv s shoie f ptiro:.age -nd Lope ty strict etusUffit W business to give retire sat!#-. thet ion to their patrons. | BONDS; STOCKS SPECIE. EXCHANGE, BABB BILLS OF ALL DEJCEIFTIOttS, BOUGHT ftSu SOLD. mm AMD MACHINE SHOP FOR SALE, riiTIE U.iDERSIGNEL, Pioj rietora of the ChatMcouga | Foundry aud Mo-.bins Werka, propjae to sell the ea- ti.e estahifoh—eni, embracing Mariiint-ry, T-xil?, Stock -in han-i, •; —a'i of which i J as complete a, aDy (• »l' |l ii meat of the kind in the Confr-forocy Wt ure now doing 1 large acd pr^fi ab! juaii .aa, whi h ivc -ld go inucedj- atciy iato the hand, cl our successors. Tue Superior ad vantages of h catio» v i‘l always iesuse an increaelng bu siness 'oaoy extent desired. 1 ci tons desitcus to lines' will it well tocj’I iiri txamise. THUS WEBSTER * -J., July 81,1662. . a sr'- if. j 3 B. TiPPIN, *\*a*~\iz '.ui Eoiaii iituian in Soreand UZJSkdiiXo uii k CrOODIS, . ^\/iXIX ALilY’0 BlillA. WillCiSll ilavtls \ l stroot. ,iout doom -'xa/ii apriill 6j jL 34 LOSini/ 4 CG Broksr*. j -1 «&cm* Alafcame #tre>-t, t“i: WultebalL LOVoStf sroTicE. t libera! wrge* for si *y eblt-fcodisd negro : on his works. Gen. Floyd's forca bus pene trated Eastern Kentucky, and Icing gor.^ser vice in clearing the couniy of the 3cm = Guards. On tho ye rent or Bragg's arm; Iren, iwn- tuckv fourteen hnshwhackers wcr“ raptured j j near Cumberland river and hueg. 1 A Brr |^ 3 h w’^" hr paroled prissaor? of war, just irom isn • '\. ec ?7,y keedom. that fourteen Confederate laliation ^Retaliation must take plac-itepg: - J.i ^^th^^StjLrt^the 1 ci^nearthe ; if&Omi^ freight wfll b* re»i-'ed_-.t_ the_ offi-e of ? medistely. cr the General is rCSpODSlD^e O - d^ixjtB, me prepared.?? Coumitieu Merch^ftOta, tc sell 1 W _ « * 1 1*4 1 — ^4•« n Dvr^n. o ?n **- a** • flvantnofl Twenty-Five Dollars Reward, I TV*•j'iWsY. from ti? A*'suit Tannery, abcut ! f\i the miiMI- cf sapteefr’r. a cegrc boy *OHN; !»*,•’ — t-j — - —„ - . „ /W_ i stout fcoiit; y !fo*r ccrapiexlcn; eb-.ut fix e f?»-t effiht in- V V feUows to work in oar Pork U-rasA two mite* from h€i ’ g ? t; *. ont thirty^va year* of ag' 1- -e- Dalt-’-n. 6-eorg-a, ”p to tne 1st day of jltrck, 6.3. Per ^ rj«jghlorbrod of Nashville, and te pro- 1 ■ ' • <o bite wil' -otifr us r.t race, as we now need j rufrib.a,,. OLIVEii MCEJL5 4 C*J ■. Packer* for C 6. A. 1 bably making hi* way ;hither I * nov " Im* i. HRNb'iRSt'N, Agent Atlanta ft earn Tannery. consigkmekts. MOTICK. . the deaths cf our comrades * Below you will find • list of cne,.y m r tfee S^othern £xpr{9* Oompaoj from 8 o'clock, A until 4 o'clock. ?. 3L, dtsfy. ^RED. OOULTER- nurll-tf Agrat. AMDKOSE Q-AUSE8. Commission Mercliaxit MACbi; (jEOSGia Attchbuis cf Stvcnfl. T. vI6-un* LIVERY STABLE FOR HALF. I OFFER I’JR FALK my Wvery Swude, Hws*fe = v H.-cka Hm.-.:ics iuid Wagons; my bcuec and let Witt wn;v-.?.-n acre? cf land attached. I *!}}<’Jj? ticu aru wHr«, the S ito3crit^,or^me and famine the F nl^m Social Circle, Georgia 0 l>xi. WILLIS F. WK^HORKLASD’ , FFICE at h?a residence od tfco north n jyj^iy. •treat-