Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, January 08, 1863, Image 1

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¥HE PUBLIC GOOD BEFO JIR^PBIVATIS ADVANTAGE BY ADAIR & SMITH. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1863. VOLUME H—NO. 277 » »srikm ■ laburlptioa to AdvtrtiiLbf ttludil* of (hi Conrediracjr And lauUi|iaur. L TKRMfi Or 80B80RIPTIOK. Diilr.M/ ir.Lual freckly per inn am Weekly, nvea month* Weekly, three month*...... Dally, one month.... , vynent required invariably la elreiti ..*10 8 00 . a oo .... 1 oo . l oo ADVERTISING. ,u* square of 10 line* or nee, one tnssruon, |1; *-.d tty Ce nt* lor Mob enhe-quent ineertloD lee* than one •qaare,. -quarea, V H—miv-- ■ cqttare*,.. ortqaire*,.. eiqoiree. 1 mo. S sot. S mo*. 4 moo. * mot. U,m. S::: r.uaree,.... 40 40 50 i m ' «o 86 (early advert-sing. with the prlvilsge of change, will o taken at the following rate*: . one Square, renewatie once a month, ——$ 85 Cor three square*, ; 60 far one-fanrUi Cotuian........................ M ................. 60 For one-half Column —... 110 v or on* Column, - I ..... 229 - i labour work, with or without rules, end adverlise- .u occupying double column, will be chu-gnl doable • abort rate*: 'S * iverUaement* not marked on copy for a epeoifled time, '»itl publiehod ontil ordered out, and charged according t above rate*. idvertieemenu ioeuried In the itaihk, and Weem, edl- Uooa, will be oharged 60 per cent, additional to the regn- Akdaily rate*. <eariy adrertieere will bo limned to the ■ pace oontract- I lor. They will he charged extra at regular rates for ante, Rente, Removals, Copartnership*, Notice* to Con- • -m oe *c., and payment d«mand*d quarterly. aWT* Taamuawr ADvaarmuo aowr ax ram roa at An- tutni soloxox a a soLowow NEW FIRM. S, SOLOMON & BROS., HARDWARE \ Commission. Merchants, (At the Store lately occupied by Brady A Solomon,) ATLANTA, GEORGIA, H ralHardwarcand lionse FurnMiingGo dsibrwi aela aid retail Aleo receive on stora-ue and tale Produce and Groceries, and every species of Merchandise cn lite ral tome. "■ S8r Wo win give particnlar atlentio to couigementa, and fnrnlih correspondent with mark.; reports when d Mired. decB 8m MAYER & BERINGER Commission Merchants, 7 IKO. W. ADAIR, J. HENLY SMITH, HD1TORS AND PROPRIETORS. ^ B. O. SMITH, M- D,—..... — 3. N. CARD0Z0, atsocun xoims. aas wBOLiaau nuuae m MERCHANDISE, REAL E8TATE, BONDS AND STOCKS, Corner Whitehall and Alabama Sti., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. New Rates, In oonsequence of the enormous increase in the cost of every article necessary in publish ing a newspaper, to say nothing of the ex pense of living, we are in common with other papers, compelled to advanoi onr rates of subscription, Commencing with the present issue the rates will be as follows: Daily per annum $lu Dal.y per month (lor any less time than one year) 1 The Wekkly, enlarged and improved, wlil be $1 per annum, or $2 50 to clubs of five or more subscriptions sent at one time from tho some office. Subscriptions taken beforo the last of De oember, alt, will be supplied under the old rates. No name will be entered on our books until the money has been received, and all papers will be discontinued when the subscriptions expire. Our exchanges will p'ease notice. No advertieement will appear in the Weekly paper un ices i>j special contract. t : ti.iwiLeQ'.a to bo inserted m tt*o Weekly pap er only . .egoler muvraJa tu either of the paper*, will be barged 91 par *|oare tot *Y«fl ineerUon. Announcing oaDdtdate* for 8uU t Coomy, and Mania* *.*] oiTlce, |& each—to bo paid In advance In every Instance. An advertisement* for Charitable InatltaUons, Military *nu tfire Companies, Ward, Town, and other PuMic Meei- • ngH, will be obarged half price. titir ^g«3 and death* are published an news, but Obii- oAriws iVtnuits m Ueapvct and funeral .notations as t i r ..tverUovmanU Notices in Looai Oolumn, will be charged 90 t.wtSl* pel leiwC i »• , s, r, l-j Lircumstauces, to b •ncJodod in a 'aua.i No deduction or varUUse* win b made from the forego- ^ rates. ADAIR A SMITH. P ARTIOOLAU attention paid to consignments of Mer chandise entrusted to us, and prompt remittance made for all Goods sold the day saloe are made. uorlS-Sm . roOfiDBY AND MACHINE SHOP SALE. rj>HK UNDSKSIQNED, Proprietors ol the Chattanooga . JPemdrr and Machine Wcrke, propose to aell the en- tae e«unoBhment, eiauradng Machiaei >, Tools, Btack on band, *c.—s i of watch is *» oumpUU a any 'ash men* of the kind lo the (Xmitdermcy. We are new doing a large and pro£table business, which would go 1mm edi- -aei^ into the haoUc ot our succeeeors. 1 Lie bupenor ad- v -utagee of Ucation wtll always iosuse an increasing bn- •Mbeee so any extent desired, i ereons deeirona to invest w»:» do well to oall and eganslne. .it JZY nS&OS WhBaTKR 4 CO, Chattanooga, July 91,1969. aug9-t£. Notice--Barka Wanted. MJLD1CAL FURYMYOK E OFF1CR, I : » I'* AtUJiYA, «a., June 10,1899. f • * n£ he* t prices will l# paid by the nude*signed for JL large qnanUilea of tl.e following BAKK8: turn, branches atd root of Dogwood, i.rootp eforred); branthee and roots of White Willow; root, trunk and blanche* of American Poplar, (called also Wbite-wood, 1 ana iDhp-tivc,; toot nreferred «d. They may be brought to this (4bcp, or sent t.. Mr. L. h. falser, Botanical Agent* Cunererlile ba.; or W. W. bt.ibMu, liotatucal Ageut, Decatur, Ga. - 4-v^ / tflfolWR 8. bLAOKfl^f l ijl-tL Surgeon and Medical Purvey or, v. b. A. Ageaoy for Ya. Tobacco. A.. CONNELL, Late of ttemphli, Tens. i AS eatabUshed in Montgomery, sveVmwim e first-clam 1 Agency for aU kinds oi SM0A1NG AND GHRWINg ViKOIMA TOBACCO, to which be would tupoclfally dl- (oct public attention. The *hre formerly occupied by ^eeera. Middleton 4 LofUa, No, 11 Court street, has beau eased lor the purpose, where at all ttm«« con be found not *o*y the beet and moat general aasortmeoi o> Tobacco out- Aio of Virginia, but aw a constant supply oi the coarceei and hnoet gra lea of SUGAR. The lecllitn* >or obtaining nugar cannot be snrpewed by aa> other house in the Uon- ^99 >f W . H. HEMDER80 A ^ CO., AUCTION Commission Merchants, street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. 4VABCU0S* weekly. Plenty o. too., tretorage wp.4U . - ' sN > WM. FORSYTH, Machine Blacksmith & Forger, MARUTTA UTRkJtT, ATLANTA, - BKOBB1A, i S prepend tc da *U ktodl ot MiU Work, Ouuu, tturx, I UvrM ud All Ike TU4o<ee braaciie. Buck .rnitk work. II.tIoi been in-ajeye'l >Ucai-m ,-bc| of the Wgmn A Auiuitts for tk. keet ten )m. he lUttm himeeir thu he oMt give entire ettU ectu-o it the execution of *11 work* telniM «» hu*. Term. Cl P 8—awn Boiler* npttml an short notice ooS-Om' .M. HUXTIBOTOS, M- D: 1> JK T 1 S T, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, OFtxCKlu Rawnon’s new building, corner Whitehall and Hnnler streete—Residence, first houe* to the loft el W yssoev’*. fahltf A CARD. M H. DAVLD BAYER, thmakfW ci p*»t ftvor* end tht Lberel p.trou(e heretofore bestowed upon him wool.! reaped fully lenooeo* to the c.H*su of Atlem* ud earroondin^ oonntry, that he he* *«enri*ild hlmeelf with S«m. J. J*eola usd J. Ken for th. purpose of opuin, sn Anchor end Cnmmteetnn Bneinv, at hi* old Mud, oo Wh tetudl etreet, Atlanta, UacrrYta, to ennnenre o. Bap- temtwr 16th, usd would aouett a conttnnaisca of favor* fo* tkaatvlm, All than indebted to Mr. D. tUyet w«U 1 the book* *04 notoe *t Use A action oftee, Md are earno-'praq—t- X W nVTOHUOB NEW FIRM. R. M. FARES & CO, AUCTION Commission Merchants, No. 14 Alabama Street, Corner of Pryor, ATLANTA, - GEORGIA. Q ESPBOTFDLLY lolicit aibue f patronage and Lope X\i by strict atunllun to batluee* to give entire bhiis- lactlon to their patron*. . doc6-tf AMOSH, LIGON & CO., Wholesale Grocers AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner of Wfaitehall and Mitchell Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, E OR the tale of Produce, Merchandise, Real Estate, Nfo groea, Ao. ddo,-tl w a uux. a oolb. w r mus. INMAN, COLE & CO., GENERAL Commission Merchants, ' For the Purchase and Sale of Merchandise. Real Ealatp, Litc Stock, Bond*, Slockri. Negroes, &e. W E have ample .tore room, end will give personal at- tention to nil boRinoM entrusted tons. Office i.- Bench 4 Boot’s store, Whitehall etreet. uovl-ti BONDS, STOCKS, SPECIE, EXCHANGE, BANK BILLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, BOUGHT AND SOLD. By kL SALOSHIN A 00, Broken, nori6-3m« Alabama .treet, near Whitehall. GEORGIA SALT MANUFACTURING CO, B. PHILLIPS, AGENT, MASONIC HALL, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. ! ' WANTED, J;• AT THE ATLANTA STEAM TANNERY. FOR <J A S H , 6,000 CORDS BARK. &TT. HKNDRRSON, LOOK OUT FOR HIM. #175 REWARD. 1 **68 P»y l»6 for th* capture and delivery to mo, or conllntment in on, J.B »o that Inn got him, of ny negro boy JIM, who raceway oo the 14th inat. He 1* a fangt t mnlat to, 82 Jtui old. about 6 feet B lncbee high, chunky nullt, weigh, abjnt 160 poenda, has raiher a bold bop plwatt coon, enance—:nil lace—is very shtewd and He waa raleed in Lnnem nrg county, Va. He —ttoana. • U« wore, ffapnuh cap and probably hae. forged, a Yankee bine jacket. I wtll pay $100 for the arreet and prom to convict any psr*ou for Laxbjrl g him, or aiding him to escape. JOua H. Atlanta, Qa. December 21,1S33 The Haooa Daily Xolrgr-ph, tie Dally Rs’ k *l, Chatta nooga and the Aogntta Chronicle A Seaiin-I, (haiiy)will each copy for two week*, and send bii.a to tlua office, and •end advtrtkwr on* copy «f the j «per containing it. deckl-dtfwSt W ed to nail and ItoftlOO Omen or Asauraxr tlraKriaxaerx Co Iambus. G», nept. i, lbo< — i order ot (inartermaBor General 1 hare bwawe (J trusted with entire command of csllectiry the hide fc the heave, killed for the army, for tanntog, and tb. itrtkxa ot |,ra*hrr for aanntocturing. Tauher* havihf. n rrn**- ot neauter tor ataniuw*tuu.*. * - unh.i* t^^thar o. baud wanttag Ride*, will do well to ad mo with proper tehrencea. Toe army most oe shod. A Card. \%8T-Poibt, Ga., Jan’y 1st, 1862. Cape. Jlentf Holms— Sib: Some time since, I received a letter from you, stating that yoh had received cer tain reports derogatory to my patriotism to my country, and that if I did not appear per sonally at headquarters and report to you, you would me as a desuiter. 1 was then in Atlanta at the Medical Hospital, and not ablo to proceed on my way to tho army I arterwards got a furlougn from a board of surgeons and came homo. A note was sent to me from you during my absence on biisiness, and as soon as 1 oame home to West-Point, I called to see you and your lady told me you were not at home.— Again 1 called, and y.t again, and you were absent. Now, sir, in reply to all, 1 can say that I can make a showing of my course ever einoe 1 left camp ; neither did 1 cumu away with out leave ; and as to starting back and go ing us far ae Atlanta prior t(> tire time above mentioned, when I suppoao' you heard from Ltent. Grimett that 1 gave him the dodgo, it mall false. Moreover, according to Gen Cooper’s orders, every man who was not able to bear arms was ordered to report lo the Conscript camps to be examined by tho Post Burgeon. This order I have obeyed, and my furlough has been extended. 1 hope, Cap tain, that you will do justico to mo. w . • Yours very respectfully, O. L. PHILLIPS, Priv. in Co. K, 8th Confed. Reg., formerly 2d Miss, and Ala. Reg. jan8-4t $100 REWARD. L klf£ my home, near the jnnctlon, o* Hnmtta atd Walton street*, in thi* city, on the night of the 17th nuTCmher last, a negro woman—dark mnlattr or copper jDlurod. about -20 year* old, medium height, wi i^lt* auou t 160 pounds, named Patience, hut calls hetself liiujsa.— tjbo has a husband In the Montgomery Artillery, acting os a co k. she formerly belonged to John X Prior, ot Cedar Town, polk county, Georgia—having been brought to ibis city for oala, about lour weeks before sbe eli.— bhe bos • h.ish voire and a scar on one ot her checks — Sbo to. k away many articles of clothing not belong ugto ber. A re* ord of *60 will be paid for her delivery to me in tbl* city, or any sals Jail la this Mate, and an addi tional reward ot $60 for Information that will lead .cube bored her. Atlanta, Ga, Dec 81,1E62 . RISK jonkdawtf FOR SALK. A VERY VALUABLE FARM, containing 160 acre*, of of which about 1£0acres ore unopened and well timbered. The. pen land ha* for several years past been and has prodneed 40 bushels of corn to the acre, wet. watered by springs and a creek. There are vwo good settlements on the place; two good dwellings and all the necessary outbuildings—negro cab ins, stables Ac, Ac. - * It Is situated three-fourths ot a mile East from the Ccnrt House of Marietta, Cobb county, and is in every respect a most desirable farm. parths desiring to purchase, srill do well to eximlno tho place before baying elsewhere. Apply by letter or personally, to the subscriber, who is bn the place, WUiLlAH KIRKLAND, ietta, 6a., Jsh. 3,1868.janS-lm* Mario SCHOOL FOR BOYS. REV. JA8. GREER, A. M., PRINCIPAL. i-pHIS SCHOOL will commenbe on the second Monday of X January, 1663, In the basement of the Central Pres byterian Churoh. reams the same as in other Schools of like character in Atlanta. References—Ilev. Dr. YV ilson, Rev. J. L. Rogers. Por testimonials see printed circular, decal-lm - FOB. SALE. House and Dot in Decatur. r I'HE House has six large, comfortable, well finished X room*, eoeh lOvtn having a fire-place. All esiential outbuildings, and good garden spot on the place. The lot contains % of an acre of land. ; Possession given immediately. Terms cash. SSTIP A P MORTON. HzADQUaSTkXS l-VAUT CoBB’S LkOIOX, I Culpeppei c-unty, Va_ Dec. 10,18t2. j A LL members of this command absent without leave, or whose furloughs have expired, are ordered to ro tH*rt fjr duty at these Headquarterr immediately, unless — 1 — — - — ..r *ka Pa*r*,Iapain Q Inlaw Irmv •leased by a Surgeon of the Confederate S uaes Army, IS they will be published ns deserters and treated otherwise they i accordingly. demount W O DEL0..Y, Mgfor Commauuing. A WANTED. Atlixta A Bansosn, Atlanta, DeccmDer a, 1862. 1A (WI CORDS OF ENGINE WOOD, to be delivered Xv.v/VAJ immediately Liberal prims will be paid. Address 0X0. G. HULL, Superintendent, Atlanta. Or JOHN O GUINN, de:4-lm Supervisor, Ladrange. Prom the Mobile Advi rtisor A Regtster. Villainy Unveiled. The following presentment of the Grand Jury in the Confederate Court, was yesterday, by order of HisHooor Judge Jones, spread up- ou the minutes of tho Court, and a copy for warded to the President. Understanding that His Honor had expressed a wish for its pub lication, we Uy it beforo our readers Confederate states of America. Southern Division erf the District of Alabama: Tho Grand Jurors of the Confederate States of America within and.for the Division of the District aforesaid, after having been dil- gently engaged during the two past weekB in investigating causes avising under the gener al instructions of tho Court, beg leave res- peotfully to report that their labors are now dosed for the Term. Resides the several pre sentments which they have heretolore made in the form of Bills ot indictment against criminal otlenders, they desire to oaU the at tention of the Court, and through its instru mentality, that of the proper departments of the General Government, to a matter of mo mentous interest to the country at large, into whioh they have carefully inquired, and in respect to which, though they are unable to prefer any specific accusations against indi viduals, they have elioited facts whion they deeiu it of the highest importance to; divulge under the sanction of official authority. The matter in question relates to the wide spread perversion and abuse by Government officers, as these jurors believe, of tho public transportation to purposos of personal emol ument and speculation. They find, among other facts of the same nature, and conBpiou- oua among them, that George B. Clitneral, a resident of tbe city ot Mobile, at or about the month of Marou of (ho present year, after having procured, through the agency of A. R. i’owell, of Montgomery, an'order from Maj. W. 3. Asb, General Transportation Agent at Richmond, for tho forwarding of public supplies from New Orleans to Montgomery, proceeded to buve transported' thereunder large quantities of sugar and molasses,.which were to a very small extent, in any at all, Government army stores, but almost entirely the property of private speculators, and the subject of enormons profits; the amount whereof they cannot more accurately define than by stating that they were not less than one hundred and fifty thousand dollars.— Those jurors furthor find that while this transportation of protended publio sup plies was monopolizing tbe railroads to enrich a few interested individuals, tho whole com munity of tho State, together with the State and Uuueral Government themselves, were dailj and deeply suffering the most serious dutvimj>i by their almost complete exclusion irom tab use oi said t-o..J». T:,o> fu.-thorfind that tho goods in question wero several times arrestod m their transit by yigilant officials, who donbted tho pretenco that they were Gov* eminent property, notwithstanding the~same wore fraudulenly marked “C. S. A;” and that on every such oooasion, Mr. Clitheral, who -sometimes verbally desoiibed himself as a Government agent, but was really the 1 salar ied agent of the unknown speculators, repre sented that they wero publio supplies; and the authorities at Richmond having charge of sueh matters, when telegraphed upon the subject, confirmed inis erroneous statement by directing that the goods should be per mitted to go on, or by referring tu the orig inal authority in the h»nas of it jurCalhouu at Montgomery, who, upou sim.l»r applica tion, returned the same answer and direc tion. Such are the main circumstances of one of the tre-isactlons developed in evidence before this body. Others wore collaterally disclosed in the course of its investigations; blit tho detailed presentment of this one is deemed sufficient to satisfy the. duty which jthese Grand Jurors believe their official obligation requires them to perform, namely: to expos* an evil of the deepest gravity, and, it iq fear ed, of the most alarming' extent, and which, in their deliberate judgment, should be stern ly and speedily repressed by those in power. H. G. HUMPHRIES, Foreman. Gambling 1st Richmond. The following picture oi the gambling houses of Richmond presents a view of the progress in vice of the capitol that promisea to more than rival Washington In the palmiest days of its corruption, public and private. It is copied from the Richmond Examiner : We are informed that there are not less than forty well-known gambling establishments in this city. The expense ot maintaining these establishments is enormous. The market bill alone of one of these fashionable houses is said to svorage a hundred dollars a day. Notwith standing their vast expenditures in sumptuous repasts, in free liquor, in princely upholstery, aLd in enormous rents, these houses coin money like the mints of genii. The gamblers have glutted with money certain classes of Richmond; they put up the price of every luxury; they toy and wanton with money in all sorts of giddy and fantastic extravigance, and throw Confed erate notes to the winds as if they grew on trees. Recently a bid for eighty-five thousand dollars wad made by a gambler in this city for a princely landed estate in this vicinity, the name of which is historical. It is a fearful calculation that undertakes to determine the sources from which this great glut of gain comes. A portion of it is wrung from ruined lives and broken hearts; but the cup of private misery alone is not sufficient to account for the stream of ill-gotten wealth poured out from the gambling establishments in this city. Much of their gain is the money oi tbe Government, squandered at the gambling tables by Commissaries, Quartermasters, and oihers who have the use of public funds. These are the distinguished victims for whom the net is spread and the soiteBt word spoken, and it is through their temptation and fall, and the des perate dishonesty of the man who stakes the money of ano’her, that the gambler makes his bulkiest and easiest gains. v ' look here. 3Q SHARES CONFEDERATE INSURANCE COMPA NY STOCK. 76 yer cent, paid in. .ml It u th* 4atT of *U patriotic tanner* tu uaai in * I 76 Share* Uaion Loan A Buil-iing AMorixtion Stock. u*mo AU l«*tb*r held at snreejonetle pries* »UI b*i 26 Shore* Phoenix Loan A BaUdlig Association Stock, “TL -. F.W. DILLARD. I for ule by JOHN R. WALLACE, ■tpUiff A Qtn. I decS-tf At store of P A G T Dodd. ' Sickness in Richmond. The Richmond Examiner of the 29th alt, furnishes theTjIIowing unfavorable'account of the health of that oity : t For eighteen months Riohmond has been tbe ohief hospital of a great army, number ing at different times lrom’seventy-five to two hundrod thousand men, some of whom were, as is the case with armies, at all timea affected with every known.dislemper. Since the first of July last, great battles have been fought in quick succession, thousands of the wounded have been hurried hither, some .to recover, but many to languish and die. I The tainted breath of these thousands, and the gangrene and decomposition of the hospitals has poisoned the very air. Diseases unknown to our climate have spread from the hospi tals, and are dealing death in every street. Typhoid fever, camp fever, typhoid pneumo nia, diptberia, scarlet fever, all of the most malignant character are daily carrying off young and heretofore healthy citizens.-—’ Small-pox, too, is on the increase, and of a type whioh defies treatment. The city hos pital is tilled to suffocation with its victims, while the Confederate Government has a large hospital in the city and another at Howard’s Grove, which are also full. In adnition to the terrible diseases we have enu merated, another still more dreadful and loathsome has recently manifested its pres ence in onr midst. 1 Tho doctors say it is malignant scarlet fever. . Its symptoms are multiform. In sonic cases it comes on with a dull feeling about the head, as of an in cipient cold, pains in the back and sore throat. During the paroxysms of the fever which supervenes, Wood gushes from the nose, eyes and eats of the patient, and mortification irequently precedes death.— The di=ease terminates fatally in from three to six days. This dreadful scourge is yet rare in appearance, but, taking into conside ration the direct causes of disease in the city, which we have barely glanced at, withont detailing half their extent, it cannot be mat ter of sorprise, should it become epidemic. There are here, unhappily, all the conditions necessary for the generation and propagation of the deadliest plague that ever affiioted any oity of the earth: a dense population liv ing in crowded hotels and boardingrhousea, working in Crowded shops and offices and. walking in ct'owded streets, and all breath ing air tainted and poisoned by thousands of aiok, wounded and dying. ANDERSON, ADAIR 4 CO., Wholesale Grocers COMMISSION MB&CHANTS, WOODRUFF'S BUILDING, (Near Georgia Railroad Bank,) ATLANTA, GEORGIA. TOBACCO, R.ICB, GUNNY BAGGING, Ac 1 AC\ boxes tobacco. 26 tierce* prime new Rice 6 bales Heavy Gunny Bagging 26 bbls North Garoltua Salt 60 reck* North Carolina Balt 100 aacka Extra Family Flour 100 rack* Superfine Flour 200 bu.hel* prime Wheat 6 bait* Factory Yarn ALSU, 60 acre* well timbered Land, 2t£ miles from the Car Shed. 6J | acre lot with house containing 4 rooms, on Peach Tree ro*d, mile* from (he Cer Shed. Valuable Real Estate, in 0*rieiyri!le,Q.i, consisting oi large two etory brick, lire proof outldiug, containing two stores, and several wooden building* on tbe lot. It uono of the beet stand* in tbe town, for doing buiiness. Lots ol Lend No. 1044, second district, ftmrtt section; No. 97, filth district, first section, Lumpkin county; Nr. 19,17th distrio. of originally Henry county, now Fulton. ALSO, 8 likely Negroes, 2 Carpenters and 1 Shoemaker—all good workmen. LlGuN, HOWARD « CO., 2 No. 8, Peach Tree street. Atlanta, Ga., Jan 1,1863. jsn21w FOSTER, QUEEN A CO., A TIERCES KICk for aale by Utt d«cis-tr viif FOSTER, QUEEN A CO. for sale by FOSTER, QUEE.v A CO. OAA BARRELS MOLASSES to arrive, for sale by declH-tf FOSTER, QUEEN A CO. 1 A BARRELS APPLE BRANDY AND CORN WHISKY for sale by declS-tf FOSTER, QUEEN A 00. 1 AA SOLDIERS’SHIRT : AND SOCKS for *alo cheap by J -«V dcclS- f FOSTER, QUERN A OO. gMALL L'JT FINE SHOES AND FRENCH CALF SKIN FOSTER, QUEEN A CO. W. H. HANNON & BROTHER. WHOLESALE Commission Merchants, --■7~ MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA, declOly £ .. H J. Be TIPPIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Foreign and .- -i> ■ Domestic ; • - V ,1DRY GOODS, f y ONNALLVS BLOCK. Whitehall etreet our door* from DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR BALK. ACRES OF LAND, 16 cleand the balance heavily CHICORY. QA BARRELS CHICORY, (he only rotwiitu e for Ooffue, on consignment and for tale by tho barrel or sack by <* ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, Jan2-tf 2 I Commiaaioa Merchants. COFFEE. / . LOFTY SACKS PRIME COFFEE, oh epukignment and X 1 for aale by .. ANDERSON, ADAIR * 00, J»n2-tf Commteeiou Merchant*. RICK. ,-y TIKR0K3 NSW RICE on consignment andfor tal hj Jan2-tl ANDRR80N, ADAIR A 00, CcmmlMioh Merchant*. LOGWOOD, BOXES EXTRACT LOG WOOD, on consignment and for sal* by ANDERSON, AIJAIlt a CO, janZ-tf CommiHiou Merchants. 10 PEA NUTS. g|jQ BUSHELS PEA NUTS, on consignment aud side by decU-tf COTTON YARNS. pjQ BALES COTTON YARNS, on consignment and for Ly ANDERS ON, ADAIR A CO, decll-tf Commission Merchants. QUININE. ff OAA OUNCES best FRENCH QUININE, on eenslgn- ment and for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A OO, nov26-tf Commission Merchants. - - mn*»S* fr SETS BUGGY HARNESS, on consignment and for O <ale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A OO, nov21-tl Commission Mecrhants. SALT. C-rUl SACKS VIRGINIA SALT, on consignment and QUU for aale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, norU-tf Oommtaston Merchants. SUGAR. OAA HHDS. SUGAR, Yariou* grades, on consignment and for sale by nov!6-tf FLOUR. 1 K rt BBL8 ' SUPERFINE AND EXTRA FAMILY XuU FLOUR, on consignment and for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A OO, novlfi-tf Commission Merchant*. PEACH BRANDY. F FTY BBLS. PURE PEACH BRANDY, on consign ment and for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A OO, novl6-tf Com mission Merchant*. CHAMPAGNE. Oil DOZ. CHAMPAGNE WINE,.cn consignment and 4U for sale by _ ANDERSON, ADAIR A OO, novlb-tl Commission Merchants. V SOAP. i «WO HUNDRED AND FIFTY BOXES YELLOW SOAP. 26 Boxes Toilet Scap, on consignment and for sale by • ANDERSON, ADAIR A OO, nov-15tl Commission Merchant*. * SEWING MACHINES, on consignment and for ult 4 by ANDERSON, aDAIR A CO, novl5-ti Commission Merchant*. COUNTRY JEANS. A LARGE LOT OF COUNTRY JEANS, on consign ment and for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, novlfotf Commission Merchant*. kobert j no war. Joan s. lowar. xxacxu.cs o. stiaxHdx. NEW FIRM. HOBEBT J. LOWRY & CO. Suc:ejsora to Robert J Lowry. PR O DtJOE Commission Merchants, Johnson’s Block, Whitehall Street, GEORGIA. ATLANTA, j*n4-3m 1 O A ACRES OF LAND, 16 cleared the balance heavily X4t\J tin bered, with a large, completely finished honsb containing nine rooms with rloset* end fire place*; two framed negro bon***, smoke house, carriage house, stable, cow sheds; a fine orchard, a large gel it Mb ft* Said place 1* situated on the public road, five miles from Marietta and six frosu ra’a'ifni r|ulu|l_ i nth plaoee ofr.sort in ■ilismsri For particulars' 4uply to B. W. Joyner, of the firm ot HntUtoo, Msrkfey k Joyner, Atlanta, or to J. M. Ipringer, on tho premises. ■ “ decl8-tf , * l-'.z: ’DRYGOODS. " 1 5000YARDS CALICOES ;. - • - 300 yards bleached Sheeting 260 pair Ladlee’and Miss.s Gaiter* and Slipper* 12 doxen Men’s and Boy’s Hate And a variety of Fancy Dry Goods, for sal* at wholesale only by 8. SOLuBON A BROS', dccl7-tf Commission Merchant-, 500! ;FOR -SALK. txj. Nonpareil, 600 E*. Brevier Type, ntssu lotus, cases, dash rule*, advertising rules, column roles, chases, Ac, in tact, a complete outfit for a paper mo by bu The ir»*——'nave been seed but a short time, and tuer) thing Is complete and in perfect order. For furthiv pa> Ocular* apply to J. J. MARTIN. Ex sent estate ot B. Y. Martin, mar20-tf 'l-r : tor.'. - Colombo*.u*. ; r $20 REWARD. A SMALL DARK G«EBN TRUNK, marked oa the cud cither Mrs. Bellie E. Hence cr Mias Alice Latimer, Manassas, Georgia, ns taken from the Passenger Depot, either by mistake or intent.onaliy, on last Friday night, th*2Sth ultimo. The above rewatd will be paid forth* Trunk and contents to Mr. S. J. Shackelford, under the Poet Office, s. d no question* asked ■ ' ' decZ-tf . NOTICE. B V WILLINGHAM. .GROCERIES Etc. 5000 P0BMBS TENS'388KB BACON 6000 fi). Csrb Soda 4000 fin Tallow ' ’’ “ ‘ . 600 B>* Star Candle* 100 foa Turpes tin* Soap ’ V ' . 300 for Copperas 36 lbs Green Tee 30 doxen Broom* 60 lbs Ginger ’ 100 Bis Spice 100 Ibe Grain Pepper For sale at wholesale by : l - & SOLOMON A BROS, Commission Merchant*, at the store lately occupied by Brady A Bolomou. decl7-tf LIFE INSURANCE. THE 6E0K8U HOME IS8UBAJVCE COMPACT, Capital $260,000. DR. JAR. F. BOZEMAN, President. '' D. F. WILOOX, Secretary. Life Department at Savannah. ▲ARON WILBUR, Actuary. LB. R. 2>. ARNOLD, Co a ml ting PhytSciun. F LI Cl Ed are issued on tho lire* of white penoni, old or young, on Tory larorahle term The seonrity is ample, and piluilegea are rery lihesal. Call upon the Agent and got all uece sory Information and Uke » Policy cay onr life. ■ * jan2-3m , S. D. NILES, Agent. ATLANTA FEMALE IHST1TVTE. T HIS INSTITUTION ha* uot been taken for a UoepUal ae reported, and I have the aMurance ot the Poe# gorget* that it will not be taken. The exercise* will hr resumed on the 2d Monday m in January, and coatiuue 161 a scholastic term of monthc. Under the preeenre o the times we are compelled to raise the rates of Tuition Ihechargee therefore will be m follow*: Collegiate Department far nix months. $36 00 Preparatory do do 30 00 Primary do do - 24 00 Incidental' ......... 90 Mnek: and Piano rent tame old price*. On< -half the above chargee mwt be paid in advance in everv instance. deciT-tf 3. B. MAYSON, Prerident. . rmj