Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, January 09, 1863, Image 1

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7TJS tiY ADAIR & SMITH. >i*k+ &Z%H* ih&'&itiitiHbi imcriptton 4k. Adr«rtltlaf &£btdnl* of lhr ('oiifoleracy and Intallic<nc«r. IJ£kM1 Of 80BS0BIPT10N. Daily, per imova ,••... Weakly per iiuuonj.. ......... Weekly, seven month*.,.... Wtekljr. three month*, one tnoutl) -» ,eai Icqairr j invarianty In advene*. >10 00 8 00 2 00 —Z 1 00 1 00 aDVEKTISlNb. Hit «|W< ol 10 line* or ins, on* lnaerllua, $1, a <a k'lijr O.IH. lor oa-Ji «nhee«|Ucnt Intertlon leu than onr •IDti,. 1 mo. - * —<■-** 2 mo*. 8 mot. i] U! Ua 1 qm..... IT no |18 >16 $30 $60 » ^uareB, iu (s 18 30 96 40 ■ --lutres, 13 IT 81 94 80 .Mi v|U»rm, 1« ■hi 24 2S 85 5ft J 3-jU>ar«E, 13 Q 23 92 40 60 > Ujuariv, 30 •9ft 8U 36 48 55 I S piare<g ... .’3 *3 84 Ri 40 45 JO VjDtm*, 28 Ui) 8? 48 60 15 > j i*w ■*. •u 82 40 46 6ft 80 J ja&res,.... 93 SB 41 48 • | 8ft fearly ailvertietog, with the privilege of change, will . taken itl the following rate*: Of cue Oqnaro, renewable once a month, > 85 for three rrjuare*, OP •'or ODt-fsnrih Column,,,....., ;.... 60 for OM-haU Column 110 i labular work, with or without rule*, acd advertise . ’ :i» occupying double column, will be charged double l ■ them rata*;' . ir-Tti.. . I-! u ..,.1 marked ..u copy lor « specified lime, •ill published until ordered out, and charged according me above rule*. tdvertisvincati inserted m the D*ilv, and Wiaur, edl- •>u», wul bo Charged 5)1 Mr cent, additional to the regu- jrd.t’iy tutea.y {early advertiser* will be nailed to the (pace contract. • I r'lft. They will be chargee extra »t regular rote* tot taut*, ih-nla, Kcmovala, Copartnership., Notice* to lion-* demand payment demanded quarterly. tar tluliaixMT Anvaavieieo uuar at ram roa ia An >M*a So aufSvMMM will appear tu me Weakly paper ua- M. t.y special contract. Advertisement* I or at inrrgul ed 81 1 to be imerteil iu the Weekly pap er ocly tar interval! in eitlier of the paper*, Will be l arged *1 per equate tor every insertion. JUMMaoWgaamtidates lor Plate. County, and Mnniti- |>ai odwo, >6 each—to be paid in advance In every instance. AU adverlucvreoU for Charitable institution#, Military ud tire Companies, Ward, Town, and other Public Meet ?.*!>, »tll b. charged half price. . .Carriage* and death] are published a* news; but Obit- .utrie* Tftbutew Of larpci i and funeral nvitations as alba* sdvertueinenu. auitonal Notice* in Local Comma, will be charged 80 ante per line, 3, h. paper, under no oircunisMoci*, to u ueluded in a ■muaet. - So dedltcuon er vaniktioo win n uada from the forego ag rate*. ADALE ft SMITH. * tuUMM AND MAGttlNB SHOP FOB HAXdF. r 'UB UNUSBSIUNED, l’ropri»tcu o| the Chattanooga foundry auu Math* ub« Wurko, propose to sell the *u- *~,elBMI»tUUai.t, »u.i.r..clug Macim.ery, Touhqltock o UP, ■ oc— wt ol which IV a* 8 triplet* a any "WSCnsI i a» oejppiote any hrVti. of the fctnd In the Oonfodonicy. Wo are now doing aimgeMd proat»o|*bust!.«—, »ouiu go imiueoi- iteiy tutu the hand* ot onr encce**o,e. The Superior ad- v biogveef hcutlun will alway* ti.sus* anluoreaeiugbtt- ioo*e or aoy extent dvalred. isnuui desirous to iuieat »■>’ lo *r»U to ceil end exaiqlir*. TUtM W LUSTER A CO, cualtanooga, July 81, iSu*. augs-tt Notice—Barks Wanted, A® MU'. CAL PUhVhYuK 8 OIF ICE, I AtlA*T*, ca, June 20, ISO*. J 1 Lb Lu I pile* Will t* i aid IJ the_ui.der*!gueu for ft. ‘*tg* quantum of the Ibllowltg BAR lib: ettui, bronchi* aid root cn 1 logwood, proot p elerred); brexebee *tid riots cl Whit* Willow; root, tiuuk and braacLca oi Ameiicau Poplar, (called also Wmta-wood, Cstroe woeu anu tuli,-tr**i) root preferred. ’line- bulk* must to cm.I'uiIy dried ai.d securely pack- ed. lb*} m»y b* brougTi to this office, or sent LMr.L. tv., lKitn cwl Agvht, Carter-rule ha ; or W. W. liuihutn, liotanical Agent, Liemlur, U» tlLUKhk b. i LALKIik, ;j 1-tt ’ ■ Surgeon and Medical Pnrv*y or,,. a. A. Agency for Va. Tobacco. A. CONNELL, Ml unit SOLO*os A A SOLOMON NEW FIRM. 8. SOLOMON & BROS., hahdwark Commission Merchants, (At the Store lately occupied by Brady ft Solomon,) ATLA5TA, CEOKdlA, _Jf AVE IK STORK and are n ceiving a (took of gene- ItardwaTe and Ilouso Fnmb hlng Go da for whole- Si m I ard refail Ain receive on atonge nr.d eale Prodnco and Groceries, and eVery apeclee of Morcbandlao on lite ral terms. __ Wo will give particular atlemin to coniigninents, and farnlth dortBspcmdent with u>»rk,t reporta when desired. dec9 8m MAYER & BERIHGER, Commission Merchants, axd traobmu dsauju ta aifiBCHASDIS*, HEAL ESTATE, BONO.i AND STOCKS, C*im> Whitehall and Alabama Sts., ATLANTA. GEORGIA. JJAiniCDLAU attention paid to eonslgnmente of Mer- chatidite entrusted to ns, and prompt remlltauce made for all Goods sold the day sales aremade. HIM* MW m w nuTcaxsotr NKW FIRM. R. M. FARES & CO., A U C T I O IS Oomxnission Merchants, No. 14 Alabama Street, Corner of Fryor, ATLANTA, OKORGIA. 8kik*wi 1KO. W. ADAIR J. HENLY SMITH, BD1T0E8 ASD PBOFRIKTOBS. a £ [»% B. 0. HUlTtl, M. D, i....... J. N. CARD0Z0, if! i' U8 L 1 (. SJOOb BhiFOBI e Rj v a I a iOfaHTaGb ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1863. Correspondence of tlte Southern Con ed- eracy. THS BATTLK NEAR VICKSBURG—BARTOW’S BRIG ADE OF GEORGIANS ENGAGED. ASSOCIATE XDITIBS. New Rates. In conBoqaence of .the enormous increase in the cost of every article necessary in publish ing a newspaper, to say nothing of the ex pense of living, we are in common with other paper*, compelled to advanci our rates of subscription. Commencing with the present issue the rates will be as follows: Daily per annum $lu Dai.y per month (for any less time than one year) 1 The Weekly, enlarged and improved, will be $ 3 per annum, or $2 50 to clubs of five or more subscriptions sent at one time from the some office. Subscriptions taken beforo the last of De cember, uit, will be supplied under the old rates. No name mil be entered on our books until the money has been received, and all papers will be discontinued when the subscriptions expire. Our exchanges will p ease notice. J^KSPECTJUI-LY solicit a* {patronage and hope itrict atomtun t taction to then patrons. holiness to gife entire satis- dec&-tf A Card. • ;. West-Poibt, Ga., Jan’y 1st, 1862. Capl. Henry Holms— ^ - Sin : Some time since, I received a letter from you, stating that you had received cer tain reports derogatory to my patriotism to my country, and that if I did not appear per sonally at headquarters and report to you, you would me as a desej ter. -1 was then iu Atlanta at the Medical Hospital, and not able to proceed on my way to the army. 1 alterwards got a furlougu from a board ot surgeons and came home. .. . A note was sent to me from you during my absence on business, aud as soon as 1 came Home io West-Point, 1 called to see you anti your laily lold mo you were not r.t home.— Igiiiu 1 called, and y^t again, auu you were at.sent Now, sir, in reply to all, I can say that I can make a. showing of my course.ever since lett camp ; neither did i come away with- January 1st, 1868, _ Messrs. Editors: The enemy landed with their gunboats near Indian Mound, about a week ago; and moved down on Saturday night last, (28th ult.,j to tho vicinity of the old race track, thus extending their line to the bank of the Mississippi, a mile and a half further South. Early on Monday morn ing a force appeared'in the fallen timbers in front of the old race truck, in the bend above the city. Our artillery on the hillB above discovering their position, opened fire upon them, as did the infantry stationed in the flat along the edge of the timber which had been cut down to obstruct their passage. After two hours skirmishing, the enemy were forced to retire into the woods; but our ar tillery on tho hills continued to favor them with occasional shells all day. In Monday’s tight our forces, commanded by Brig-Gen Lee, on our right, achieved a glorious victory. Ths 3d aud 30th Tennes see, and 28th Louisiana regiments, bohaved most gallantly, and won undying fame. The rout of the enemy was complete. On the 3d Charge at our works, our boys greeted them with one dreadful sheet of fire from the in fantry and artillery—the iron hail annihila ting the leading ranks, and compelling them to tail baok in confusion and disorder, when our troops followed after, pouring volley af ter volley into their ranks, capturing four hundred prisoners and five stand of colors. The prisoners and colors passed ns on Mon day evening about .our o’clock. The priso ners were assigned to quanerB in the Court House at Vicksburg, whUe the flags that were captured were displayed in lront of Gen. Cion, •• 13 n Imams, another ** 29th Mis- Company H—Sergt N T Gann. Killed. * a AMO** d twos b a mu AMOSS, LXGON & CO-, cut leave ; and a^ to starling and go- n,rtiup», never before witne.oni. General v'S rjeuiarked to'us, the 52d Ga., who v Wholesale Grocers ; COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner of Whitehall and Mitchell Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, £ 0R the sale of Produce, Mercbandlee, Real Estate, Xe- Croee, Ac. dde>tf W l nrukH- m coii. • ^ • w r unua. INMAN, COLE & CO.. GENERAL Commission Merchants, For the Purchase and Sale of Merchandise. Real Estate, Live 8iocki Bonds, Stocks, Negroes, be. U r k have ample (tore room, and will give personal *t- tendon (ball bnalm-aa entrusted tons. Officer Beach ft Root’s stcre, Whitehall street. novl-t' ing as l’ar as Atlnuta. prior to the timo »ti mentioned, whan 1 suppose you heard from Lieut. Griinett iliat i gave him the uodge, it, ia all false. Moreover, according to Gen. Cooper’s orders, every man who wub not able to bear arms was ordered to report to the Conscript camps to be examined by the Post Surgeon- This order I have obeyed, and my furlough has been extended. ■ 1-hope, Cap tain, that you will do justice to me. Yours very respect!ully, O. L. PHILLIPS, Priv. iu Co. K, 8th Confed. Reg., formerly 2d Miss, and Ala. Reg. jan3 4t ,Lale ot Memphis, Term. I «VibU«b*a Iu Montgomery, Alabama, a nrst-claa* ^.*Ar eauumeoaa iu tuontgomery, Atacama, a nr.t-cias* Lft Agency M all kinds ?! SViOtviNd AXD CHBWUH* HWiMA Coil Audi.', lo which no would respectfully dl- tcl public attention. The il re formerly occupied by ■ r*. iiid.llt-n.o a l.oltm, N... 11 0.iuri miet-t, baa l^en for the pnr[ ?«., wl.urt) at all iime. c in be hund not «*y lb* beet and moat general aMe.rtiuuul os Tobacco out- mV* of Virginia; but also a constant supply ol the coarsest wad Muni ferale* of 80GAK The »ciiitm Kir obtaining OS!g*T canm.t He oirpw.? by an; otber l.i.iik., la the Oon- • ep30-.l ' BONDS; STOCKS, SPECIE, EXCHANGE, BANK BILLS OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS, BOUGHT AND SOLD. GEORGIA SALT MANUFACTURING CO., im W H. HENDERSON ALC 1 I O C0 M PC AXD Commission Merchants, Whltshatl ftt-rcat, ATLANTA. GEtiHGlA- Auotious weekly Plenty oi ..oa. is storage eepUtf • ; WM. FORSYTH, Machine Blacksmith & Forger, MARIETTA, ATLANTA, - GEORGIA, 18 prepared la d.i all ktuda ol Mill Work, Country tusk, I Ui-rae gh.wiitg, and all the vari.'U* branch*. Black saulh »<?k. Having K-eu employed in.the Macn'.s -Lc; of the Weatarn A AH»n!ie Railroad for the test leu v«art be da'ter* btiusall that hr ran , ive entire *aU, «t..e> ii Iheninti.'S all work* entrusted to him- Terms cast PB— Steam it..1 iere r.-1-.irv.i on *h..rt notice ocs-6n»* H HUNTINGTON, »• [ i 3' r I » ATLANTA, aUuKiiU iMflriCKt—in ttaa-. u a iu* numling, WbuaAaB and limiter elreeta—Kaatdauce, rim hous^ to the lait ttw Vaanev'.. . . A CARD. M R. DAVID MATRK, thankful ci pelt Avon and liberal patronage brretotore bestowed sped him Would re-peclfuil; atioounoe to the c-tlaeua of AtlaAta and aurroundiUA country, that he has aawoclatld hlmenlf with u*.J.Ja ' ' ■Vteeu*. J. Jacnbe and J. Rapp tor the purpose of opening m AB' II.'U anil O'tutniwd.'m ltnslncaa, at hi* old Btani’ W h lehali Strrr t, Atlanta, Utv.rgla, to tusuoescs on Crvuner 15th, an,l would solicit a coutluuance of favors for ii-e new firm. All thou* indebted to Mr. D May** will h— the hook* and note, at the Auction office, and era oarnwnr request ed to 5»11 and (sepl0-tfj D. MAYAS. 150 pounds, named Patience, but caU* t the has a husband In the Montgomery Artillery, acting as a co k. the formerly belonged to John I Prior, ol Ceda. Town, Polk connty, Georgia—baring been brought to Tiia city for aale, about four week# before she eft.— the hoe » b.rsh volte and a scar on'one of her'chotks — She tuck away many articles of clothing not bolong ngto her. A reward of >60 will be paid for ber delivery to nie in this city, or any late jail in this State, and an addi tional reward o! >50 for inlor matiun that will lead i o the detection of the person or persons who may have har bored her. ^ - H. M. FISK Atlanta, Ga, Dec 31,1862 Jam dk wtf By M. 3AL0SUIX ft CO, Broken, nov!8-3m» Alabama street, near Whitehall- B. PHILLIPS, AGENT, MASONIC HALL GEORGIA. ATLANTA, WANTED. ATLANTA STEAM TANNERY. FOR C A S H , 6,000 GOBDS BARK. R. T- HENDERSON, Agent. JanlTtt LOOK OUT FOR HIM. #175 REWARD. i WTLL pay $T5 for the captors and delivery to me, or conAnemmt in any J.U m. that I can get him, ol my negro boy Jill, who runaway on the 14th inst. Uelae bngii mulatto, S3 year* old. ebent 6 feel 0 Inches high, chunky coin, weigh* ab JQ i 160 pound*, use rather a bd i out pteaaant coon anance— rn 1 tact.—.s very ebiewd and mart. He was raised In Lunen urg county, Va. lie probably has a lotgvd piss, lie wire .g aptush cap anu “ * ‘ $luoTor tao aireot and a Yank** blue Jacket. 1 will pay prcoi to convict any paeon lor tarbori g him, or aiding aim to aecap*. oOU:. a. KICK. Atlanta, u*. December 21,1S52 The Macou Daliy Taicgr ph, tho Doily Hcbal, ChaUv- eooga, and the Anguata Chrotuclo A Beattael, (lnuiy)wiu esoh copy for two weeks, and vend t rUa to Uus office, •end advertiser oh* copy of the taper cochdulng It. fteMMt Grncn or AtawiAM QuAStkiUiASTc Oommbua, Go, bopt. 6,1862. b i order ot <inarUnna*ter General, 1 hare bocn a. trusted with eniire command ot coliectirg the hide- „ the beeves killed for the army, for tanning, and th nrrh~r~ of Leather for manulactttring- I-i. no re bavin. Leather on hand an? wanting Uicra, will no well toad uee* *ae with proper refereuoe*. The army must :>e r-noa and It IS the duty of all patriotic tanntrs lo Aairt in a* j Aif laathar held at unreasonable prices will »i i^lUd P. W. DILLARD, 1 seplOtf souri—from our Saint Louis friends,” and a third, ‘’SSiA Illinois—Epluritus unuvi." Gen Barton oocdjjied a position on ihe left Of Gen. Lee. Uur front lines vvtre skirmish ing heavily all day. From the position we occupied on the left, we could see them fight ing un our right, and saw tno enemy charge, and saw them tailing by hundreds, and rout ed them in periect confusion—saw shell af ter shell burst in their ranks, fired from our batteries above, thinning tneir ranks at eve ry fire—while the bullets were whizzing over us all the time lrom the Yankee lines in front. I A short time after 3 o’clock the.firing on Gen. Bartow’s advance lines became very interesting. The firing musketry in such terrific style was, $100 REWARD. ^hFT my house, near the junction o’Marietta and Walton streets, in this city, on the night of the 17th _. .-x. ■ ’ittumr November last, a nrgro woman—dark r or copper ojlorud. about 20 years old, median height,weighs BDout " Ktseir Louisa.— FOR SALE. A VERY VALUABLE FARM containing .60 acre*, of of which about 180acres are unopened and well timbered. The. pen land ha* for several year* past been v e ry highly Improved, with the offalofabntcher and ha*] ' " produced 40 bushel* of corn to th* acre I wef watered by aprings and a creek. - - • Tbete are two good aettlemenU on the place; two good dwellings and all the necessary outbuildings—negro cab in-, etables 4c, 4c. It is situated throe-fourths ot a mile East from tho Court House of Marietta, Oobb connty, and I* in every repptet a most desirable farm. i’artl, s desiring to purchase, will do well to examine the place before buying elsewhere. ipply by leti9r or personally, to lhe subscribor £ _wiio u the place, WILLIAM KIRKLAND. Marietta, Qa., Jan.'3,1865; Jan8-lm* SCHOOL FOR BOYS REV. J AS. GREER, A. M., PRINCIPAL. T HIS SCHOOL will comment* on the January, 1883, In the basement of the Central Pres ’-tterian Churoh. term* the same as in other School* of to-ian ChuroJa. lermB mi® ammv mm *« Lke Character in A^tm Re_foren^ReT. Dr. Rev. j! L. ftogors. Por teriitnonlala see printed circular, decdt-lm- *' ar '“ - - ' ' - ' FOR MALE. House and Lot in Decatur. ipHS House Las *ix large, cor^ortaule, Well finished 1 roonw,tmh loom having afirj-placa. AU eakeutiaj outbuildings, aud good garden apot on the place, lot coatalb* £4 ol an acre .of r, syesaion given immediately. Terxnl cash* & F NORTON. A ll mcmuciT* ci in* wujia.>Lu —~y - - or wboa- lurlongh* have vxplred, at* ordered to r nyt for doty at these Headquarter* immediately, unless eveused by a Surgeon of the Confederate 8tatee Army, utherwla* they will be published “ accordingly. " t* DXLO.vX, UC.-^lOt Major Commanding. WANTED. ATLiJTTi A W*ST-PonCT RatlEOiD, Atlanta, December 6,1861. 1A nrtn CURDS OP EXGIXB WOOD, to be delivered JAy,VAAJ immediately Liberal pries will be paid Address 0*0- O- HU1 -V> superintendent, Atlanta cr JOHN O GUXXX, Sapervisar, Lagrange LOOK HERE. SHARES CONJKDKBAXK INSURANCE COM PA . NY STOCK, 76 yer cent, paid In. 75 Share* Union Loan * Building Rifle Pits, near Vicksburg, Miss, 1 ' - 3.^ J draw his whisky. Ho replied _if we would not shoot him he would meet me half way and give me a drink. After seme little hes itation on the part of the Colonel, he con sented for mo to go. I leaped over the em bankment und we met on half way ground. We shook handB, and I took a Bplendid drink of whisky with him and exchanged a button off of my coat for one from his, and we part- ed, hoping that the war would soon end.— Hurrying back at tho rifle pits we continued our conversation in tho distance, speaking freely about the war. He told me that Jeff. Davis wps an unfair man; bat that they would have given it up long ago, but that the men with the stripes on their shoulders who kept up the war. Their officers told them we were perishing to death, but they did not be ieye it. After this myself, Major Moore, Capt. Asbury and others met (hem on sever al occasions, and conversed freely. vYe rflet a Lieutenant and a Captain, of the 54th i. hio, and drank with them, when we were ordered to retire to oar quarters or we would be fired upon. During the day we gathered up all the spoilu of the fight, getting 17 Minnie mus kets, oil cloths, canteens, cartridge boxes, and haversacks. I captured eight guns, ten cartridge boxes, four haversacks full of pro visions, and a number of canteens and oap boxes. Iu tho haversacks we found ham, meat and coffee (ground) crackers. We had coffee this morning for breakfast and sup pose we have enough to last us till we have another fight, which will be soon. Our gallant Colonel, who proved himself wor thy of the position ho holds, and Adjutant Quii- iain came very near getting shot several times —tho bullets brushing them. Lieut. Col. Bell.ot the 43d Georgia is slightly wounded in the leg. Fortieth Georgia. . Company A— J_H Roach, killed. Wounded “Mortens. ^ _ were acting us a reserve, that we would soon be into it, our breast works in front being occupied by the 4th Ga. and 31st Louisiana. - In a lew minutes a courier informed tho Gen. that the enemy had made several successful charges on our breast« works, and that they were then cutting through, and if we did not have reinforcements soon they would take the works. This news surprised the General as he thought the works could not be takeu by any force. He immediately order ed the Colonel oi the 52d Georgia with his first three companies 10 re inforce the works. The Colonel desiring logo with the remainder of the regiment sent Maj- ivloore, who with undaunted bravery led hi* im-ii to the works, without los ing one—notwitliBiutiuing the bullet* were luil- ■ug as thick us a storm ot hail. 1 he boys had not more tfiau emerea the .u-.k* when- they fired a volley upon me enemy, who were sent under our breast works, in ten .tic style. Vol ley alter volley was Iiretl—the enemy mean while playing upon ua with iheir urtillery. ..The bullets from ijje enemy fired atour battery whiz zing over us and cutting the limbs above us where we were secreted behind the hill in a ravine which led to our works. Here one man had his canteen struck with a bullet, and one of Co.<F, James Warloy, of Rabun, was wounded in the chin, but not seriously. Another dispatch reach the General that the enemy were coming in superior numbers, and our force needed support, and that several were killed. He ordered our gallant Colonel, C. D. Phillips, whom we huve great confidence in and whom the men all love, and would follow any where, to take the remainder of the regiment as a reinforcement. All being ordered into line we proceeded dow n the ravine to our works, amid terrific firing from the enemy’s cannon and small arm*. We reached the works withont the loss of a man. As soon as we recalled the works our boys mounted the embankment and fired a terrific volley upon the enemy, [your cor respondent fired the first, shot,] who were stand ing by hundreds within fifty yards of us, at tempting to cut through our works, tearing tip the uirt in front ot us anu knocking it in our faces, and we sweeping them into eternity like chaff’ betore a burning fire. Our boys showed unflinching bravery, and shots fired by the “Bay’s Guards” lrom Dahlonega, and Captain K. R. Asbury’s company from the same place, were a terror to the enemy. Private Woody ol Company F—Sergt M M Johnson, wounded in hip and arm slightly; Privates C Makine, J Casorid and C D Kilter, killed. Company D—Privates A H Gray, wounded in the arin. Company G—Andrew Read and John Hamil ton wounded. Col. Johnson was aUo wounded, but not seri ously. This is not more than half the number of killed and wounded in our brigade, but is .all I can obtain this morning. In the battle that the 40th and 52d were en gaged in the enemy is supposed to have lost about 400 in killed and wounded. The 31st Louisiana, who were with us in the fight, lost great many, and I must Bay, that braver men never fought. Company if, who were in our pits, lost four killed and the Major of the regiment seriously wounded. The num bers lost on our right, commanded by Gen. Lee, I could not ascertain. This morning before day we evacuated our pits, and have taken a position half mile in the rear ou the hill, in rifle pitB, in order to draw the enemy out from their gunboats, and give them a complete reception. Defend the city at all hazards, stems to be the motto of our authorities here, and we have ev ery reason to believe that, let the enemy come in what shape or by what route he may, we will, aided by the Providence of an all wise God, who has sltap’ed our course, and sustained our stan dard thus far, be able to render the piesent siege of Vicksburg as fruitless as that of June and July last. Everything quiet to-day. GA.PT. J. W. WOODWARD, Com’d’g Co. D,S2d Ga. Reg’t. . The Dahlonega Signal will please copy.^ ANDERSON, ADAIR & CO., Wholesale Grocers COMMISSION MERCHANTS WOODRUFF’S BUILDING, (Near Georgia Railroad Bank,; ATJLANTA, GEORGIA, CHICORY. QQ BARRELS CHICORY, the only *ubelita e for CLffoo, on consignment and for sate by the barrel or eack by ANDERSON, A PAIR 4 00, CommiMiim Merchants. COFFEE. F IFTY SACKS PRIME COFFEE, on Consignment and for sale by ANDERSON, AD AIK A CO, Janx-tf Commiasion Merchant*. RICE. ^0 PIERCES NSW RICE on consignment andfor sal j»n2-tf ANDERSON, ADAIR 4 OO., Commission Merchant*. LOGWOOD, If) BOXES EXTRACT LOGWOOD, on consignment and ■ LyJ for sale by ANDERSON, ADA lit A ci>., jan2-tf Commission Merchants. PEA NUTS. rj(|Q BUSHELS PEA NUTS, on consignment and or ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO., decll-tf Commission Merchants. COTTON YARNS. t/V BALES COTTON YARNS, on consignment and for tiu Bale by decll-tf ANDERSON, ADAIR t’CO, Commission Merchants. QUININE. O( H) OUNCES BEST FRENCH QUININE, on ooosign- meat and for sale by ANDERSON, ADAUt A CO, nov26-tf Commission Merchants. HARNESS. - SETS BUGGY HARNESS, on consignment and for ) sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR * CO., novZl-tl Commission Mecrhants. SUGAR. .ffU 1 HHDS. SUGAR, various grades, on consignment and for tale by ANDERSON, ADAIR 4 00, novlS-ti Commission Meichants. FLOUR. BBL9. SUPERFINE AND EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, on consignment and for sale by - ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, novl5-tf Commission Merchants. 150 PEACH BRASDV. TOBACCO, RICK, GUNNY BAGGING, Ac 140 BoXES T0B *^ cu - 26 tierces prime new Rice 25 bble North Carolina Be 60 sacks North Carolina Balt tOO tasks Extra Family Flour 100 sack* Soperflno Floor 200 hnahela prime Wheat 6 hale* Factory Tarn ALSO, 50 acre* well timbered Land, 2J£ miles from the Car Shed. 6j^ acre lot with honse containing 4 rooms, on Peach Tree rood, ll£ miles from the Mar Shed. [Valuable Real Estate, in Oartenmiic, Ga, consisting a targe two story brick, fireproof builaiug. containing ti stores, and several wooden building* on the lot. It iso of ihe best stauds Iu the town, for dolug baldness. No. 97, filth district, first stetion, Lum^kiu county; Ni ls, 17th distrloi of origfnatiy Henry connty, now Fniton. ALSO, 3 likely Negroes, 2 Carpenter* and 1 Shoemaker—all good workmen. LlGoN, HOWARD * CO, No. 8, Peach Tree etrtft. Atlanta, Ga, Jan 1,1363. jxn2 lw ATLANTA FEMALE INSTITUTE. rjiHia INSTITUTION has not been taken for a hospital a* reported, and 1 have the assnrance ot the Po* * Surgeon that it wlU not be taken. The exercises will b e resumed ornthe 2d Monday !n January, and continue for „ ii. r T - . 1 a scholastic term of six months. Under the pressure ijLcompany, and W . O. Joiee, James VVehant, I ^ littl0a ray company, aim w. \j. juice, James vv enact, Jostpfi LUudd, L. P-Fortner and J. Jordan oi Co.’ (J,’and’ Corporal Cammel, should ever be remembered for their bravery and continuous firing in this fight. The men would load their guns id the works below them and they stand upon them to fire upon the enemy. These are tome that I noticed particularly, others deserve equally as much praise. The enemy finding he could not effect his de- mgn, ordered a retreat at dark, and the firing ceased. In this fight one oi Co. I, of our Regi ment, was shot through the head and killed.— Hi* name was Hicks. . At night we could hear the groan3 of the dy ing, and could hear their comrades carrying them from the field. No firing Monday night, and a very cold rain fell, filling our entrench ments with water, and wetting our ammunition so that our guns would not tire well. We lay in water all night, our sufferings being too great to be expressed by language. At daylight Tuesday morning we opened fire again which was answered, and kept up till in the afternoon, when the enemy came in with a flag 01 truce to carry oft the dead, which were close to cur piis. Permission was granted them We looked over the em bankment and saw them lying uead in every position, and the knapsacks, canteens, guc3, cartiidge boxes, cap boxes, haversacks, spade* and shovels oovertd the ground. On yesterday no firing was heard from the enemy; and we were notified at 1 o’clock, that there would be no firing for five hours. Your correspondent then looked over tho we are compelled to raiae the rate* of Tuition, ihe charge* therefore will be ae follow,: Collegial a Department for six months. $36 00 Preparatory . do do ^... 80 00 Primary 'do do 24 00 Incidental* — .... 60 Music and Piano rent same old prices. Oct-half the above charges must be paid in advance in every instance. decl7-tf J- K. MAY80N, President. AQm. 0 As-notation Stock. , 26 Share# Fhamix Loan 4 BtdUii c Asaoctatteo stock, j eln bankment and saw a Yankee leap over a AJrtSSrTftGlfDrfd. log, and hollooedat him to come over and I for aale by i decO-tf J. B. TIPPIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer;- in Foreign And Domestic DRY GOODS, )UXN ALLY’S BLOCK. Whitehall street onr doors lrom j >t» Lf A Alabama street. aprilll DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE a r>,i ACRES OF LAND, 15 cleared tho balance heavily JL 4U tin bered, with a large, completely finished huusb containing nine room* with cloaeta and fire places; two framed negro bouses, smoke house, carriage house, stable, cow sheds; a fine orchard, a large garden, 4c. Said place is Situated on the public road, five mile* from Marietta and six from Powder rpringa—both places of r *>11 in summer. For particular* apply to K. W. Joyner, of the firm of Hamilton, Markiey 4 Joyner, Atlanta, or to J M. springer, ou tbs p.emiae*. oecie t. J^UFTY BBL8. PURE PEACH BRANDY, on oonsign- ment and for aale by . ANDERSON, ADAIR 4 OO, novl6-tf Commission Merchants. CHAMPAGNE. Of I ®0Z. CHAMPAGNE WINE, on consignment and |4U f ' for sale by _ iiovln-ll *> ANDERSON, ADAlli . Commission Marijiante. SOAP. I WO HUNDRED AND FIFTY BOXES YELLOW SOAP. X 26 Boxes Toilet Beep, on consignment eud for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A OO, n6v-15U Commission Merchant*. SEWING MACHINES, on consignment end for salt ANDERSON, aDAIK 4 CO, Com mission Merchants. 4 by novlS-t COUNTRY JEANS. LARGE LOT OF COUNTRY JEANS, on consign- A meat and for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR 4 00, novl6-tf Commission Merchant*. HZ. HOGSHEADS PRIME TO CHOICE BROWN SUGAR • u for aale by decl8-tf FOSTER, QUEEN 4 OO. CA TIERCES RICE for sale by W Ft] FOSTER, QUEEN 4 00. onn SACKS RICE FLOUR for sale by Ow decl8-tf VASTER. FOSTER, QUK£< 4 CO. onn BARRSL8 MOLASSES to arrive, for eale by "V” decl8-tf FOSTER, QUEEN 4 00. 1 n BARRELS APPLE BRANDY AND CORN WHISKY for sa le by d*cl8-tf FOSTER, QUEEN 4 00. 1 ru t SOLDIERS' SiilKT - AND SOCKS for sale cheap by AXrtJ declS- f FObTKR, queen a OO. gMALL LOT FINE SHOES AND FriENOH CALF SKIN _ Boots for sale by declS-tf FOSTER, QUEEN 4 OO. .GROCERIES, Ac. 5000 I>0UNJ)S TENNESSEE BACON 5000 9>s Oarb Soda 4000 lbs TaUow 600 tbs Star Caudles 100 lbs Turpentine Soap 309 lbs Copperas 35 Dm Green Tea 30 dozen Broom- • 50 lbs Ginger 100 Ib» Spice 100 lbs Grain Pepper For sale at wholesale by 8. SOLOMON 4 BROS, Commiasion Merchants, at the store lately occupied by Brady 4 Solomon. d*«17-tr LIFE INSURANCE. THE GEORGIA HOME IN8UBAKCE COMPASY, Capital $230,000. DR. JAS. F. BOZEMAN, President. D. F. WILOOX, Secretary. Life Department at Savannah. AARON WIL ®^ a ^ A [ | tu [[2’ ! ,. (jLI)i Consulting Physician. LICIES are issued on the lives of white peraor c, old F I r , ,, „ . _ ur young, on very favorable term The security ia ample, and ptinllagra are very ltLeiel. Cal 1 upon the Agent and get all nec* sary information and take a Policy on ycur life. jan2-3m S D. NILES, Agent. W. H. H.AHB0H & BROTH EE, WHOL K8ALE DRY GOODS. 5QQQ YARD- CALItUan 300 yards bleached Sheeting 350 pair Ladies’ and Mlaa.-i Gaiter* and Slipper* 12 dozen Men’s and Soy’s Hat* Aud a TOrieiy of Fancy Dry Good*, for Bale at wholesale onl, by 8- SOLOMON 4 BROS, decll-tf Commission March mt-, Commission Merchants, MONTGOMERY, declC ly ALABAMA, FOR SALK. . A VERY FERTILE FARM of MO acres, waUImprovad, in Chatroom oountv. out of the way of in Chattooga oounty, out of the way y. Price $8,500. AUGUlflUS R WED either AUGUSTUS R WEIGHT, Rome, Georgia. 1 idflBW