Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, January 10, 1863, Image 1

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BY ADAIll & SMITH. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1863. VOLUME II—NO. 279 ^^4 »ubaeri|>(toia M. AdvtrtliUg Athtdnl* at th< Confederacy and Iat*lli|iac*r. Id HUB Of SUBSCRIPTION. Dally, per annum Weekly per annum Weekly, eeren months....* Weekly, three months. Dally, one montli'.. *10 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 1 UO > -.yment required in variably In advance. joo (quart ol 111 tinea or leaa, one Insertion, *i, a .a illy Cent* lot eari, aabuqutnt Insertion lea*-than one nu th. 1 mo. 9 moe. • mo*,4 moi..< moa. 12 tn. •quare,.. * quarto, » Squares, i Squares, 9 .Square*, 4 Square*,— I Square*,.... i kjuare*.— tSquare* •I Square* *10 *20 Vearly advertising, with th* privilege of change, will e taken at the following rates: o: one Square, renewable once a month, * 83 dor three Squares, .... 60 dor one-fanrib Column, 60 for one-half Column ...* 110 ' f or one Column,. Sso .1 tabular work, with or without rule*, and advertise . --its occupying double eoluenn, wilt be charged doable ■ I labnve rale*: Advr ■ i K.emoiit* not markod ou copy for a specified time, ill published until ordered out, and charged aeeordlog the above rate*. advertisement* Inaertod in the Dailv, and Wswkv.edl- oil! uO charged Oh per cent, additional to the regu- ■••r daily rate*. feariy advert Here will U l.unuM to the (pace contract- l n,r. They will by ohalgeu ellia al regular ralea for A anl*, Scuta, Removals, Copartner stupa, Notice* to Uon- «• <uoe*. Ac., and payment demanded quarterly T'mnhiot ADvauriaiao hoot *1 ram rua ,a An- No advertisement wilt appear In the Weekly papei nn- •ea. by special contract. - Ad verlMcmenU Co bo inserted in the Weekly pap ei only or at irregular Interval* In either ol the paper*, will be barged *■ per square for every insertion. Anuonootag candidates It r State, County, and Uonici pal office, *3 each—tn be paid In advance in every instance. All advertisements for UharilaMe Institutions, Military uhl fire Companies, Ward, Town, and other puhlis Meet 'Ogs, will be charged half price. Uarrmgc, and deaths art: published a* news, but Ob t- ■aries tribute* of Respect; and funeral -nviiatiotls a* •the, .uvertiseraeut*. Kdiiorial Notices In Local Column, will be charged 2U . ism per line. he paper, under uo oiruuustances, <o b .Deluded in a contract. No deduction ot variation a hi ■> ,uute from the forego At rates. ADAIR A SMITH. fUliNMT AND MACHINE SHOP FOR MAJLF. rnilK UNDERSIGNED, Proprietors ot the Chattanooga X foundry and Machine Works, propose to sell the bn- tire establishment, embracing Machinery. Tool*, 8took on band, *c.—ail of which is ns complete a. any wsNub meat of the kind in the Confederacy. We ate now doing a lapge and profitable business, which would go Immedi ately into the hands of out successors. The Superior ad vantages of Iceation will always ionise an increasing bn- snws so any extent desired, t ereons desirous to Invest will do well to call and examine. THUS WEBSTER A CO., Chattanooga, July Cl, 18>X *ng2-tf. Notice—Biirka Wanted. MEDICAL PURVEYOR S 0FF1C8, I Atiaata, Ua., Jline V0,1862. J <. UK best prices will l.o laid by theundersigned for X large qnantnlee of tbs following UAKU8: fctern, branches and root ul Dcgmood, (root p eferred); branches and roots of White IMUuw; loot, trunk and branches ot Auitrican lhplar, (called also White-wood, canoe-wood ana lulip-tret,) loot preferred. These barks most be caiefnllv dried and securely pack ed. They may be brought to this office, or seut to Mr. L. W. Waller, Botanical Agett, Carter.vlllo Ua ; or W. W. Durham, Botanical Agent, Decatur, (la. GEORGE 8. L’LAUKIK, iyl-tL burgeon and Medical Purvey or, v. 8. A. Agency for Va. Tobacco. A. COivNEIJL, ;Late of Memphis, Texan, ABestabllshod in Uonlgasnsry, Alabama, a flrst-clas* il Agency for all kind* it SMOKING AND ClIKWlNu VIRGINIA TOBACCO, to which ho would respectfully di ed public attention. Tbs store formerly occupied by Aesere. Middleton A Loftin, No, 11 Court street, Lae faeeo eased for the purpose, where at all time, can be found not •n'y the boat and most general assortment ul Tobacco out- •Ido oT Virginia; bnt also a oooataut supply ol the coarsest and finest gra lee of SUGAR The lacUities lor obtaining Bngar cannot be surpassed by any other house n, the Con- •«p3d-,f W. H. HESDEKSU.. GO., ^AUCTION and Commission Merchants, 'Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, OEUUGIA. 49-Auctions weekly. Pl.inty o. .on, or storage. WM. FORSYTH, Machine Blacksmith & Forger, MARIETTA STREET. ATLANTA, - - - GEORGIA, 1 8 prepared to do all kinds at Mill Work, Oountiy nuts, Bbtohsm end all the vanuue branches i, Blocs smith work. Having been employed intbe Macniie .-be, the last* smith work. Having of the Wc*t<m A Atlantic Ball road for he flatters himaeir that beam giveei the execution of all work* eatrnstod to P 8—Steam Boilers repaired uo abort tusvni sotouoa A A SOLO icon NEW FIRM. S. SOLOMON & BROS. HAKDWARK Commission Merchants, - ■ (At the Btore lately occupied by Brady A Solomon,) ATLANTA, GEORGIA, H AVE IN STORK and are receiving a stock of gene ral Hardware and Hon*i< Furnishing Go- da for whole sale ard retail Also receive on storage and sale Produce and Groceries, and every species of Merchandise on libe ral terms. 4®- We will give particular attention to consignments, and tarnish correspondent with market reports when desired. * dec9 8m MAYER & BERINGER, Commission Merchants, aim waoLiiuu matins u MEBCHAiYDISE, BEAL ESTATE, BONDS AND 8T0CIS, . j Corner 'Whitehall and Alabama Sts., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. P ARTICULAR attention paid to consignments of. Mer chandise entrusted to ns, and prompt remittance made for all Goods sold the day sales are made. nnvl3-3m a x raaxe X W HOTCHZOOfi NEW FIRM R. M. PARES & CO , Jk. UC T I b N * • ‘ X ' AND Commission Merchants, No. 14 Alabama Street, Corner of Pryor,' ATLANTA, - - - GEORGIA. K ESPJCGTFUl.LY solicit a share f patronage find hops by strict aUrmlon to business to give entire satis- lactlon to their patrona. decS-tf B B AXOSS If LI00N B U UK1 AMOSS, LIGON 4c CO., i Wholesale Grocers COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner of Whitehall and Mitchell Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, ~p!QR the sale of Produce, Merchandise, Beal Estate, Ne groes, Ac. dde.-ti W X IBXAif. X COLS. W P IKK AN. INMAN, COUE & CO., GENERAL -i i Commission Merchants, For the Purchase and Sale of Merchandise,) Beal Estate, Live Slock. Bonds, Stocks, Negroes, &c. yy E have ample store room, and will give personal at tention to all bnsiness entrusted to Beach A Root’* store, Whitehall street. Office 1. novl-tf ovl-t) ie7 BONDS, STOCKS, SPEC SXCHANGB, BANE BILLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, BOUGHT AND SOLD. By M. 8AL03HIN A CO, Brokers, nov26-3m* Alabama street, near Whitehall. GEORGIA SILT MANUFACTURING CO., B. PHILLIPS, AGENT, ..7' MASONIC HALL, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. . WANTED, AT THE ATLANTA STEAM TANNERY. FOR GASH, 5,000 CORDS BARK. B. T. HENDERSON, Agent Jaalltl - ► LOOK OUT FOR HIM. $175 REWARD. 1 W1LL pay $75 for tho capture and delivery to me, or J?*»»gt In any Jail eo that I can get him, ol my MTO boy JIM, who runaway oo the 14th Inst, lie is a iH- HDHT1HGT0N, M- D . DEN T X s/r, ATLAMA, UJtOKQlA, Atlanta, Ge. December SI, 1M ’ ■ „ The Macon Duly Xelegreph, the Daily Bsbel, Chatta- Of>iCk:—la Rawson’s ue s buiidtng, curaec Whiiehall nooga, and the Augusta Chronicle A SeutiaeL (DaHvtwill and Hunter streets- RmUsism. first house to the left ot eacn copy tax two weeks, and tend till. tothW offlc V » nd Ool. Yancey's. *vni advertiser ope copy of the paper covtsi„ ln ;7,_ . - , .uusvray os the 14th inst. He is a *5 ** **“» oW. about 3 feet 9 Inches Mgb, «» Pooods, ba. ralher a Ldd eamuteoun'lenanea—;loll taco-is very ahrewd and ta Lnnenv-nig county, Va. He iwS He wor * t a^ush cap and PWI'oGfor thearreetand peoot to convict any person , or g him, or aiding JOHN H. RICE. A CARD. , thinkful .Cl post tavort ami the heretofore bestowed upon him __ooe lo the c-ti*en» of Atlanta and , that bo has aSNociatld himself with J. Kap ? for the purpose of opening nLssion BqiIoWi hi* old *uuid, od Whitehall street, Atlanta, Georgia, to commence on 8ep- »«bev 16th, sad would eolkit. a conUnnaoce of tavror* for the new firm. All those indebted to Mr. 1). Mayer wiU flou th* book* i at the Auction office, and are earne-iiy reqneet- * l*tplO-tf] D. MAYER. dec21-dtfw3t — ‘ Omacr Hsiun Quisniuar Oolumbus, Ga, 8ept. 6, loev , b x order of Quartonuaster General, 1 hava been eo. trusted with enure command or cutfecxicg tbs bids. Jt the beeves killed for the army, for tanning, uml tb« nrehase of Leather for manufacturing. Tanners bavins Leather on hand and wan ting Hides, will do well toad irese me with proper reference#. The arssy msot-Le shod, sud It Is the duty of all patriotic tanner, tn assist te*. leather held at unreasonable price# will L doing. A mpremedl All 1 E.W. DILLARD, A-tim. bUtket* CbfiUttUali; J KO. W. ADAIR,.......J. HENLY 8MI ■DITOES AED FBOFBIKTORB. B. C. SMITH, M. D,.i J. N. CABDOZO, ASSOOknf EftHES. Ladles AppointedDy the Hospital Associa tion to Visit the Soldiers' Rest Dally. Tuesday morning—Mrs. Mayson and Miss Mell. Tuesday evening—Mrs Perino Brown, Mrs Fowler. Wednesday morning—Mrs Hall, Mrs Law* she. Wednesday evening—Mrs Peck, Mrs Over by. Thursday morning—Mrs Maffit, Mrs 1 Win- ship. Thnr8day evening—Mrs Payne, Mrs Vena ble. ' J Friday morning—Mrs Jno H’Scals, Mrs 0 Jones. Friday evening—Mrs Bass, Mrs Simmons. Saturday morning—Mrs Howard, Mrs Dr Young. Saturday evening—Mrs Chandler, Mrs Hoyt. Sunday morning—Miss Sallio Johnson, Miss Annie Clayton. Sunday evening—Mrs R Rogers, Mrs Lane. Mrs I WINSHIP, President. Bailer’s •«Farewell” and Banks’ Saluta tory— Exchange of a (‘Beast” for a Nonde script. We are indebted Jo Capt. BresWood for ew Orleans dates of the 21st and 22d, in which we find the. valedictory of Butler, and the salutatory of BankB. Both are Yankeo productions, and '‘fishy’’ as might be look ed for from tho vicinity of -Cape Cod. We give them as we find them in the Federal or gan, the Delta: MAJ-GEN. BUTLER’S FAREWELL ADDRESS TO THE ARMY OF TUB GULF. The following Ladles have been Appoint ed to Stay at the Wayside Hospital. Monday: Morning—Mrs Blanchard, Mrs Everett. Evening—Miss Kate Hoge, Mrs Richard Orm. Tuesday : Morning—Miss Fauni.e' Butt, Mrs Wyly. Evening—Mrs Chisolm, Mrs A E Johnson. Wednesday.: Morning—Mrs Tomlinson, Miss Lizzie Hoge. Evening—Mrs Bass, Miss Lou Cozart. - Thursday: Morning—Mrs Simms, Mrs Aus tell. Evening—Mrs Pease, Mrs Davis. . Friday : Morning—Mrs Rhodes, Mrs Mary Combs. Evening—Mrs Rawson, Mrs Root. Saturday : Morning—Mrs Gordon, Miss Alice Gordon. Evening—Mrs F A Watson, Miss Mattie Dean. Sunday. Morning—Mrs Cohen, Mrs Pope. Evening—Miss Vio Wilson, Mrs R Peters The foil)wing Ladies have been appointed to prepare food for the wounded soldiers who are arriving daily from Murfreesboro, com mencing January 4th, 1863. Sunday—Mrs Dean, Mrs Hardman, Mrs Niles, Mrs Wyly. ' Monday—Dr Ford, Misses Hoges, Mrs Cole, Mrs Simms. - Tuesday—Mrs Anderson, Mrs Chisolm, Mrs Massey, Miss V Wilson. Wednesday—Mrs Brown, Mrs • Fish, Mrs McDaniel, Mrs Huntington, Mrs Alexander Wallace. jj. .’ Thursday—Mrs Collier, Mrs Pope, Mrs Blanchard, Mrs Rhodes, Mrs Allen, E John son. ” Friday—Mrs Bass, Mrs Dr Roach, Mrs Jno Glenn, Miss Fannie Bntt, Mrs Everett. Saturday—Mrs - Root, Mrs RawBon, Mrs Gordon, Mrs Durand." ~ 7 Mrs JOHN COLLIER, "** •• President. fa ■ U V .. Atlanta Hospital Association, The following committe have been appoint ed to cook for the .<Car-shed, commencing January 5th, 1868f Monday—Mrs G G Howard, Mrs W Clay ton, Mrs Dr Simmons, Mrs J H Lovejoy. Tuesday—Mrs Dr Alexander, Mrs Rice, Mrs CrusseO, Mrs Dr Jones. : . ;i j Wednesday—Mrs Peck, Mrs Lawshe, Mrs Dr Grant, Mrs Jno H Seals. Thursday—Mrs Dr Young, Mrs Davis, Mrs Purtell, Mrs P Brown. Friday—Mrs E Payne, Mrs Chandler, Mrs Venable, Mrs Hoyt. _ .7 .'7 "' Saijivjlay—^M^s t Wihship| Mrs Foreacre, MraGoode^Mip Dr f owell. s» : . Sunday—Mrs Ponder,. Miss Matt Msll, Mrs Dr Brown, Miss Joinor. isrft rmr;! • PRODUCE LOAN SUBSCRIBERS. UBSORIBEBS to the-Trodoce Loan are earnestly re- (5 quested to p -y up their subscriptions The tiovem- muut desires an early settlement. All | ersons with funds to invei t'caiuu t render a greeter service to their uu oil try than by taking right per cent bonds of the )l,000,00o Loan. A*e ere prepared to issue them promptly. All the Hands ordered by hs for subscribers have arrived and sre ready for dqUrory. They will please forward our Receipts, and we will'send the bonds as they may direct. We hold (hem at the risk of the Owners. The Cotton of Enbfori- bms wilt W taken nt the market price by the Government In exchange for Bonds, — ; .. .. — lAGEKTd AT , . .. . { ' Savannah—R Hobersham A Sous. Col am bus—D Adams Macon—N O Monroe. Kewnan—J. 3. Pinson. L Vi range - Jesse McLendon. Atlanta—A. P. Dearing. Griffin — R. Kins. « •* ; PHINIZY A CLAYTON. jaaS-lm General Agents Produce Loan for Ga. &A1LR01P CONTRACTORS TAKE NOTICE. P R0P08ALS are invited for the bridging, grading and superstructure of that part of the Rome and Bine Mountain Railroad, extending from Kerne, Ga, to the Ala- buna line-a distance of 22 miles. The bids most state the shortest peseible time that the contractor can do the work bid for. the dtl!T «7 ^ 01 *Le Board of Directors cf the' fla. A Ala. Company. a H. SMITH, Secretary. Headq’ts Dep’t of the Gulf, \ New Orleans, December 16,1862.- J General Orders No. 106 Soldiers of the Army of the OtUf: Relieved from further duties in this De partment by direction of the President, un der date of Nov. 9lb, 1862, 1 take leave of you by this final order, it being impossible to visit your scattered outpflsls covering hundreds of miles of the frontier of a larger territory than some of the Kingdoms of E1- rope. *. 1 greet you my brave comrades, and say farewell! This word—endeared as you are by a com munity of privations, hardships, dangers, vic tories, successes, military and civil— is the only sorrowful thought 1 have. •You have deserved well of your country. Without a murmur you sustained an encamp ment of sand-bar so desolate that banish ment to it with evory care and oomfort pos sible has been the most dreaded punishment inflioted upfln your biuerest and most insult ing enemies. You had so little tiansportaiion that but a handful could advance to compel submis sion by the Queen City of the rebellion, whilst others waded breast deep in the marshes which surround St. Philip, and forced the surrendei of a fort deemed impregnable to an attack by the most skillful engineers of your country and her enemy. At your occupation, order, law, quiet and peacu sprang to this city filled with the bTa- vos of all nations, where, for a score of years, during the profoundest peace, human life was scarcely safe at noonday. By your discipline you illustrated the best fruits of the American soldier, and enchain ed the admiration of those that came to scoff. • Landing with a military chest containing but ieveufj-five'doirars, from the a rebel government you- have given to your country’s treasury nearly a half million ot dollars, and so supplied yourselves with the needs of yonf service that your expedition has cost your government less by four-fifLhs than any other. -. 1 i You have fed the starving poor, the wives and children of yonr enemies, so converting enemies into friends that they sent their rep resentatives to your Congress by a vote great er than your entire numbers from districts in which, when yon entered, you were 'taunt ingly told that there was “no one to raise your flag.” By yonr practical philanthropy you have won the confidence of the “oppressed race,” and the slave. Hailing you as deliverers, they are ready lo aidjyoujas willing servants, faithful laborers, or using the tactics taught them by your enemies,'to light with you in the field. • 1 By steady attention to ih u laws of health you have stayed tue pestilence, and humble instruments in the hand of God, you have de monstrated the, necessity that his creatures should obey the laws, and reaping Hie bles sing in this most unhealthy, climate yon havje preserved your ranks fuller than those of-any other battalions of the same length of Ser vice. . You have.met double numbers of the enemy and defeated him in the open field, but 1 need not further enlarge upon this topic. You were sent here to do that. 1 commend yon to your commander. You are worthy of his love. Farewell, my comrades 1 again, farewell! BBNJ. F. BUTLER, Major-General Conmanding. PROCLAMATION. H’dq’rs Department of the Gulf, ) l New Orleans, Dec. 18,1862. J i In obedience to orders from tho President, I have assumed command of the Department of .the Gulf, to which is added, by his special or der, the State of Texas. J The duty with which I am charged requires me to assist in tfae restoration of the govern ment of the United States. It is my secure to the people of every class all the priv ileges of possession and enjoyment which are consistent with public safety, or which it is pos sible for a benincent and just government to confer. * In the Execution of the high trust with which I am charged, I reiy upon the co-operation and counsel of all loyal and well disposed people, and upon the manifest interest of those depen dent upon the pursuits of peace, as well as up on the support of naval and land forces. My instructions require me to treat as ene mies those who are enemies, bat I shall gladly regard as friends those who are friends. No restrictions will be placed upon the freedom of individuals which are not imperatively deman ded by considerations of public safety; but while their claims will be liberally considered, it is due also to them to state that all the rights of the government will be unflinchingly main-, tained. '' ‘ Respectful considetalien ard prompt repara tion will be accorded to nit. persons who are wronged in body or estate by those under my command. The government does not profit by the pro longation ol civil contest or the private or pub lic sufferings which attend it. Its fruits, are not equally distributed. Iu the disloyal States des olation has empire on the sea and on the land. In the North -the_ wsr is an abiding sorrow, bnt not yet a calamity. Ila cities and towns sre increasing in population, wealth and power.— The refugees from the South alone compensate' in great part Cor the terrible decimations of bat tle. . »- The people of this department who are dis posed to stake their fortunes and their lives up on resistame to the government, may wisely reflect upon the immutable conditions which surround them. The Valley cf the Mississippi is tbs chosen seat of population, product and power on this continent. In a few years twen ty-five millions ol peopfp, unsurpassed in mate rial rest urces and capacity lor war will swarm upon its fertile rivers. - Those who assume to set conditions upon their exodus to the gulf count upon a power not given to man.. The courtry washed by the waters of the Ohio, the Missouri, and the Mississippi, can never be per manently severed. It one generation basely barters-away its rights, immortal honors will rest upon another tjhat reclaims them. Let it never be said either that the East and the West may be teparaied. Thirty days dis tance from the markets of Europe may satisfy the wants of Louisiana and Arkansas, but it will not answer the demands of Illinois and Ohio. The valley of the Mississippi’will have have its deltas upon the Atlantic. The physical force of the West will debouch upon its -shores with a power as resistless as the torrerts of its giant rivers. This countr) cannot be perma nently . divided. Ceaseless wars may drain its blood and treasure; domestic tyrants or foreign foes may grasp the sceptre of its power, but its destiny will remain unchanged.' It will still be united. God has ordained it. What avails, then, the destruction of tl(e best government ever devised by man—the self-adjusting, self- correcting Constitution of the United States. People of the Southwest! Why not accept tho conditions imposed by the' imperious neces sities of geographical configuration and com mercial supremacy, and re-establihh your an cient prosperity and renown ? Why not become the founders ot States which, as the entrepots and depots of your own eentral and upRer val leys may stand, in the affluence of their.ref sources without superior, and in tho privilege# of the people, .without a peer among the nations of the earth l N. P. BANKS, Major-Gqneral Commanding. : Palmerston.. .The following pen-and ink sketch of Palmer ston, the British Premier, is interesting at this time : Of Lord Palmerston, the Premier, it is almost needless to speak. Few foreigners have ever so mueh as glanced through the door way of the British House of Commons without carrying away a mental daguerreotype pf his fashion and face. True as the dial to the sun, the veteran Viscount may be seen each day, as the hour of. assembling nears, marching down St. James’ Park and Whitehall Gardens, with a vigor andl eaiety of stride that would become the boldest boxer in England. Though 75 years old, he retains all the buoyancy and vivacity of youth, and with his gallant* air and grpceiul'dash of dandyism, looks a sort of masculine Ninon de Enclos. He is said to possess that capacity of throwing off dull care, and that freedom from stupefying principles, which make up the secret of inexhaustable political faith. His chief popu larity with the masses, is derived from their stout, faith in his immense value with a nation so stout and daring as England always has been and always will be. As was saidof another great English politician, “Even nt tho feast his pluck pervades the board, Aud daunt It game cocks symbolize their loid.” Every village ale-house echoes the belief that the Premier “Pam” cats nothing but good Southdown mutton and drinks nothing but good English beer; and as he canters along Rotten Row or down Piccadilly, there is something pleasant in the pride with which each passer turns and says, “There goes our Pam.” At homo he is the delight and stay of the social circle. Nor doubt, nor toil his freshnees can destroy. But time still leaves all Eton in tho boy. In the conduct of his administrative depart ment he is despotic and severe, and cannot for a moment brook the -lightest contradiction or control. He is troubled with one or two singu lar prejudices. For instance, he will not permit smoking in any portion of his office, or allow any officer of his department to write with a steel pen. As a speaker, ne is, except on rare occasions, clumsy and confused in the construc tion of his sentences, and hesitating and “haw- hawey” in their dolivery; and flew who listened to him for the first time would believe that this was the statesman who claimed for every Englishmen the defensive glory ol the old Roman “Civis Romantis Sum.” ANDERSON, ADAIR & CO., Wholesale G-rocers N -AMD- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ... ; WOODRUFF’S BUILDING. (Near Goorgls Railroad Bank.) ATLANTA, GEOKfHA. TO RAILROAD BRIDGE CONTRACTORS, i P ROPOSALS ARE INVITED, and will be received until the 1st of February, 1863, for the masonry and super set ucture for a bridge fo, tte Alabama and Mississippi Rivers Railroad, over the Tombigbco river. There will be three stone piers and two abutments, containing about six (hot sand pieces of first-class bridge masonry. There will be 470 feet of Howe- truss bridging, including an arch-ton chord draw of ninety feet in the clear. There will also be from a mile to a mile and a half of trestle work, to vary bom ten to twenty feet In hzfght. Plans and spedficatioix *“* ' " ‘ Selma. The work 3. - 1 ' w , . Alabama, who will promptly respond to airinqniries pertaining to this subject. dec21-4 V Chief Eng and Snp’t A A M KE R. , ATLANTA FEMALE INSTITUTE!. rpH18 INSTITUTION ha* not bees taken f w* hotplUI A as reported, and 1 have the assurance ot the Po*l Surgeon that it wiltmot be* taken.- The exercise trill b* resumed on the 2d Monday.!n January, and continue fo J a scholastic term of six months. Under the pressure o* the times we are compelled to raise the rats* pf Tuition* the charges therefore will be as follow! r Collegial* Department for six months $36 00 Preparatory do . j do so UO primary do do 24 00 Incidentals : 60 Music and Piano rent same old price*. On*-half the above charge* most be paid In advance in every instance. > dec!7 tf J. R. MAYSON, President. 50 OA BBLS. KANAWHA SALT, on consignment and for , ade by ANDERSON, ADAl.1 A CO., Jan9-tf , Commission Merchant*. N£ IV ORLEANS MOLASSES, 50 CHOICE N. O. MOLASSES, on consignment , „ * ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00., J“ 9-tf Commission Merchants. . WANTED. J N a Rolling Mill at Knoxville, Tenn, a Pudler, to whom good wages will bo paid. Apply at jau3-tf ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO’S Store. MADEIRA WINE, i' TYRE BBL. AND A FEW DEMI JONS, “A No. 1” Ma- \J deira Win*, on cen Ignment and for saleby J-»n3-tf ANDERSON. 'ADAIR A CO. CHICORY. Of\ BARRELS GHIOORY, th* only cubslitn e w« Coffee, on consignment and for sale by tho barrel or sack by ANDERSON, AUaIR A CO., Jan2-tf Commission Merchant*. COFFEE. F FTY SACKS PRIME COFFEE, on consignment and for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, jan2-tf Commission Merchant*. RICE. TIERCES NEW RICE on consignment andfor tal ANDERSON, ADAIR A OO, jan2-tf uommissinu Merchant*. LOGWOOD, 1 A BOXES EXTRACT LOGWOOD, on consigunientend for aale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A Co, jan2-tf • Commission Merchants. PEA NUTS. - fjQQJBUSHBLS PEA NUTS, on eonilgnmeut and or ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, decll-tf . Commission Merchants. COTTON YARNS. BALES COTTON YARNS, on consignment’and for ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, decll-tf Commission Merchant*. QUININE. 9fV i OUNCES BEST FRENCH QUININE, on cenaigu- AyJVJ ment and for sale l>y ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, nov2C-tf Commission Merchant*. HARNESS. 5 SETS BUGGY H ARNESS, on consignment and for •ale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, nov21-tl Commission Mecrhants. SUGAR. Oltfl HHD8. SUGAR, various grades, on consignment “W „,) for ggje p, ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, novlB-tf Commission Merchants. FLOUR. 1 KA BBLS. SUPERFINE AND EXTRA FAMILY ItlU FLOUR, on consignment »nd for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A GO, novlS-tf Commission Merchant*. PEACH BRANDY. F FTY BBLS. PURE PEACH BRANDY, on mont and for *ale by - novl5-tf ceniign- ANOKRSON, ADAIR A 00, Com minion Merchant*. 20 CHAMPAGNE. DOZ. CHAMPAGNE WINE, on for sale by . ANDERSON, ADAIR A OO, novl64! Commission Merchants. SOAP. 'I -WO HUNDRED AND FIFTY BOXES YELLOW SOAP. JL 25 Boxes Toilet Snap, on consignment aDd for tale Ly ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, nov-16ti “ 4 SEWING MACHINES, on consignment and for ul > by ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, novl5-t< Commission Merchant*. COUNTRY JEANS. A LARGE LOT OF COUNTRY JEANS, on consign ment and for sale by • ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, navlfotf Commission Merchants. J. B. TIPP1N, Wholesale and fletait Dealers in Foreign and . Domestic DRY GOODS, yUNNALLY’S BLOCK. Whitehall street oar doors trem Alabama street. aprilll DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. „ .smoke boose,'carriage hon-e, atoble, cowsheds; a fine orchard, a Urge garden, Ac. S*td place is situated on tho public road, five miles from Marictu. and tix from Powder rpriiip—both-pl*ce* of r sort In For particniantJBBnwfo.E W. Joyner, of the unillon, Markiey A Joyn r, AlLhta/orto J. M. on the premises t :: / declS-tf springer; ’ DRY GOODS. 5QQQ YARD* CALICOES by dec!7-tf ' 9501 air Ladle.’and Missis 12 dozen Men’s and Boy’s ILU fohMri wholeeale NOTICE. ' * ; f W O FISBACK 13 authorized to transact bnslneas for win dqrjyg my alMMKA. B V WILLINGHAM. for sale bj decl8-tf FOSTER, QUEEN A 00. CA TIERCES KICK for aale by . Q V declAtf . FOSTER, QUEEN A CO. Q AA SACKS RICE FLOUR for aale by OUU declS-tf FOSTER, QUEEN A CO. . 9 AA BARRELS MOLASSES to arrive, for sale by deel8-tf FOSTER, QUEEN A CO. 1A BARRELS APPLE BRANDY AND CORN WHISKY aLW f or u | e j,j detlS tf FOSTER, QUEEN A 00. 1 AA SOLDIERS’SHIRT - AND SOCKS for sale cheap by LUU declB- f POSTER, QUEEN A 00. S MALL L JT FINE SHOES AND FRENCH CALF SKIN Boot* for aale by declS-tf FOSTER, QUEEN A CO. .GROCERIES, Ate. 5QQQ POUNDS TENNESSEE BACON 6000 lbs Carb Soda 4000 lb* Tallow 600 lbs Star Candle* 100 lbs Turpentine Soap 900 2b * Copperas 60 lb* Ginger ' 100 a. Spice 100 fo* Grain Pepper . For sale at wboi reale by & SOLOMON A BROS, Communion Merchant*, at the store lately occupied bv Brady A Solomon. docl7-tt SALT, TOBACCO, LIED OIL, NAILS, SUGAR SACKS VIRGINIA SALT 339 Boxes various Brand* Tobacco 10 barrel* Pare Lard Oil 200kegaO, 8,10 and 12d, Old Dominion Nails 7,5£0 lb* White Granulated Sugar 26 Bbls gcod Brown Sugar fedeby F-M. FISK, Whitehall t 100!