Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, January 14, 1863, Image 1

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W. 4h y- to- \ ♦ _ SOBU6 GOOD BMFOBfe :t i Ki .V3&SK AX> V a 67TAGE, BY ADAIR & SMITH. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1863. VOLUME H—NO. 282 »»nto>a -ubscrlpttcia * AdTtrtliUif &th*d>li‘ol tb* Confederacy and Intelligencer. A A SGIOH9X Week<r, lh/ee months.. tv«Ml required lovonaMy in advanc*. dDVUHTBINQ. aiaare el *0 luce or leu, one Insertion, |i, *..d • utjr Urals far atwymi Insertion leu Uuuilone 3*5£: dquare*,. • 7 $10 818 $16 820 •so 10 IS 16 20 .28 40 18 17 21 24 ' 80 50 18 20 21 | 08 85 | 53 18 * 28 82 40 ,60 20 ® 80 S3 43 I 63 23 2S M 40 45 70 28 80 87 48 30 75 24 82 40 46 55 (80 36 88 41 48 60 | 86 ‘early advertising, with the privilege of change, will « taken at the following rates: v one Square, renewable once a month, 4 83 :ar three squares, .. _ ....— ... M •'or ono-lanrth Column,..............™... —, CO for one-half Oohnaa, _... 110 'or one Oolnmn .1 Tabular work, with or without rules, and ad verme ils occupying double oolumn, will bo charged double 1 1above rates: adeertueawalo not aaarked on copy for a specified time, • >U published until ordered out, and charged according UM above rules. advertisements Inserted to the Dxu.r, and Warn, edi -os, will be charged 60 p. r cent, additional to the regu- NEW FIRM. S. SOJjOJIONr&aBROS., HARDWARE Commission Merchants, (At the Store lately occupied 'by Brady A Solomon,) ATLANTA) GEORGIA, H AVE IN STORE and are receiving a stock of gene ral Hardware and House iu rubbing Poods foe Whelp ■ale ard retail Also receive ou storage and sale Produce and Groceries, and every species of Merchandise on Ube- ral terms. 49* We will give particular attention to consignments, and furnish correspondent with market reports when - ' - dec98m 1E0. W. ADAIR.......;j. HENLY SMITH, i EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. B. C. SMITH, M. D, ........... J. N. CARDOZO, * ‘ 1 associatx mmits. - -•si* ; ■ :'.o-^ r tally r • early , I advertisers Will be limited io the space contract- . .tot. They will be charged extra at regular raica for a ants. Heats, Removals, c -partnerships, Notices to 0— • Mas, ta, and payment demanded quarterly. Or Tuxasimrr AevsiTioixo mist ax rxin ros lx Ad- ..u by special tdvertiseme -t will tbo Weekly sr i to bo Inserted in the Weekly pap tr only I at irregular intervals .a either of the papers, will be argod *1 par o-inarc for every insertion. ^ • j J. Announcingcandidates for ntate, County, asut Bunin .a| office, 83 each—to bopaid in advance in erery instance. all advertisements for Oharitahie Institutions, Military u>J Tire Companies, Ward, Town, and other Public Meet nge, will be charged half price. Marriage* and deaths are published as news; but Obit- luries rriLutcs of Seepeet and funeral invitations as user .dv*?tis* meats. Editorial Notices in Local Column, wlU be charged 30 ju per line. be paper, under no circumstances,tow .Deluded in a Direct. •Io deduction at vanation win b node trom the forego ADAIR k SMITH. tilUHD&T AND MACHINE SHOE FOR SALE. liUB UNDERSIGNED, Proprietors ol the Chattanooga I of the kiwi la the Ooufcdaracy. We ato sunk doing a largo and protitable business, which would go immedi- stoty Into the hand* of our aucceaaovo. Tbs Superior ad- v-niagws of locottoa will always lusnao an increasing bn- <iaom to any extant desired, t ersona desirous to tnvn ant io wall to coll and examine. THUS WEBSTER k CO, «.b*ttanooga, Jnty 81,1862. aug2-tt Notice—Barks Wanted. MEDICAL PURVEYOR S OFFICE, I Atlxkxx, UA., June 2U, I860. )• •i ti£ best price* will to paid by tbaundersignedfo large qnanUlic* of the following BABES: j Stein, branches and root ol Dogwood, (root p eferred); trantbec and rout* Of White Willow; root, trunk and branched of American Poplar, (called alao White-wood, Canoe-wood and tulip-tree,) root prefen cd. These barks must bo carefully dried and securely pack ed. They may bo brought to thia office, or «tig to Mr. L. W. WUwr, Botanical Agent, Carter.vUle Ua ; or W. W. CCrfiam, Botanical Agent, Decatur, Ua. yl-ti. GEOltUE S. BLAOKIE, Surgeon and Medical Purveyor, v. S. A MAYEH & BERIHGER, Commission Merchants, atm WBoutsiLz dxauis ix MERCHANDISE, REAL ESTATE, BONDS AND 8T0CKS, Corner Whitehall and Alabama St**. XTLANTA, GEORGIA. "PARTICULAR attention paid to consignmenta of Mer- I ebandise entrusted to us, and prompt remittance made for all Good* sold the day salea are made. novl3-3m irxiu m wircrtSrfeo'n NEW FIRM. \ R. M. PARKS & CO , AU CTION • : and Commission Merchants, No. 14 Alabama Street, Corner of Pryor, ATLANTA, - - GEORGIA, » f patronage and hops as to give entire 6atis- dec5-tf A6?” The following ladies have been ap pointed to cook for “Soldiers - Beet,” 4fox- the week boginning January 12th, 1898 : Monday.—Mrs W Peters, Miss Kowens Hale, Mrs Morill, Mrs Drowning, ro . 1 - Tuesday—Mrs Shalleross, Mrs Solomon, Mrs Wyly, Mrs Boring. * 1 - Wednesday—Mrs Purge, Miss Nannie Jud- -n, Mrs Wilson, Mrs Sells. Thursday—Mrs Wright, Mrs Saloshin, Mrs Lazarus, Mrs M Robinson. ii> . . . . | Friday—Mrs E B' Walker, Mrs Judson, Mrs Boring, Mrs Freeman Saturday—Mrs Kennard, Mrs Wells .Mrs. Hardeman, Mrs H T Jones •• . Sunday—Afrs Deake, Mrs Pinherton, Miss Mattie Watkins, Miss Mollie Wright; _ ‘ MBS. H. T. JONES, Directress ' - • • ■■ • - . • • The following Ladles are Appointed to Visit The Soldiers’.Rest,. Dally. P'riday—Mrs Wells, Mrs Boring Saturday—Mrs Hardeman, Mrs Freeman Sunday—Mrs Wilson, Mrs Sells Monday—Mrs W Peters, Miss Bo wena iiaie'. '. ‘ • | ’ ■* Tuesday—Mrs Solomon, MiBS R Jones. Wednesday—Mrs Purse, Mtss Nannie Jud son. Thursday—Mrs Salashin, Mrs Lazarus. Friday—Mrs E B Walker, Miss Mollie Wrigh). / / Saturday—Mrs Kennard, Mrs H T Jones. Sunday—Mrs Wright, Mrs Deake. ' MRS. H. T. JONRS,' E l by strict attention to business ESPBCTFDLLY solicit a share _ *1 taction toj-heir patrons. BBAK0S9 D11003 BH-UZXX AMOS8, LIGON & CO., Wholesale Grocers AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner of Whitehall and Mitchell Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, sola of Produce, Merchandise, R*al Estate, No- Ac. adeS-tf Agency for Ya. Tobacco. -Aw. CONNELL, Late, of Memphis, Tcun. i 1 AS MtablUhed iu Montgomery, Alabama, a fint-clam M Agency for all kind* of SMOKING AND CHEWING VUtfllMA TOBACCO, to which ha would iMpectfoUy di- «ct public attention. The *b.-ra formerly occupied by <a**n.lfldd]et<'n A Loitin, No, 11 Court ,tu< i, La* been *aa*d for the purpoce, where at all time* can bn fcnnd not _l'y the bast and met general asset tenant ol Tobacco ont- •Ue of YirginU; hut also a constant supply ol the coarsest usd tneet grates of BUGAB. The toalitter lor obtaining syr arniwot »a wtrp—isl hy awy nthav h*p ' W. H. HEHDERSUi* - CO., AUCT1ON AND Commission Merchants, Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, fly Auctions weekly. Plenty 01 iu. >r storage. WM. FORSYTH, Machine Blacksmith & Forger, MARIETTA STB LET. ATLANTA, « - GEORGIA, 1 to do all kinds of Mill W.-rk, Country Vfoik, i years be natter* himself that ha con give entire satis'acum la ■ha esecatioa of aU works entrusted to him. Teirn* oab. PB-BtenaBoCsn repaired on short notice ocSdhn* tH- HUNTINGTON, M- D. t> *E JN T- 1 8S T, ATLANTA, UKORG1A, orktck Whitehall Ant houw to the lelt of laoltf A CARD. 1 *■ S 4 ™ MAYKB, thankful -el past lavor* and the - berend8r* bestowed upon Uim ce to the c.tizen* of Atlanta and PBI , he ha* uaociatld himself with i J- Jacobe and J. Eapp tho purpose of opening l, al his old stand, on enee on S«|- nuance of i-vnrs lor WhJfohall «t«et. Atlanta, Georgia, to c ijtobw ltth, and wooM «oiieit a eoahtni Wk# mw firm. to Sir. I>. Majer will iImi the book* J??***** tfco Asttloa oflc% and are earu v< 1 \y roqunt- •dtooaUaad (s^UMf] D-.MAYXK. 11 OOLX. W r IKKAH. INMAN, COLE Ac CO., GENERAL Commission Merchants, For the Purchase and 8a!e of Merchandise; « Real Estate, Live Stock, Bonds, Stocks, Negroesj Sc. II r* have ample store room, and will give personal at- VV tentton to aU business entrusted to ns. Office i< Beach k Root’s store, Whitehall street novl-tl BONDS, STOCKS, SPECIE, EXCHANGE, BANK BILL8-0F ALL DESCEEPTI0F8, BOUGHT AND SOLD. By U. SALOSHIN * 00, Broken, nov26-3m* Alabama street, near Whitehall. GEORGIA SALT MANUFACTURING CO., B. PHILLIPS, AGENT, masonic hall, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. WANTED, AT THB ATLANTA STEAM TANNERY. FOR CASH, 6,000 CORDS BARK. - 4 AT.HXNDBBSON, Agent fault tf LOOK OUT FOR HIM $175 REWARD. I WILL pay tti for the capture and delivery to me, or confinement in any jail so that 1 can get him, of my negro boy JIM, who runaway on the ltth Inst. He is a bnglt mulatto, S3 years old. about 6 feet 0 Inches high, chunky uatlt, weighs about 160 pounds, has rather a bold bnt pleasant countenance—luil foce—is very shrewd and smart He was raised in Lununt-nrg county, Ye. Be probably has a forged pass. He wore off a plush cap and a Yankee bluo jacket I wQl pay $100 for the arrest and proot to convict any peno- for harbori-g him, or aiding him to eecape. JOHN H. KICK. ' Atlanta, Us. December 31,1363 - -- The Macon Daily Telegraph, the Daily Ethel, Chatta nooga, and the Augusta Chronicle k Sentinel, (Dolly) will each copy for two week*, and send bills to this offier —* ■end advertiser one copy of tho paper containing It deell-dtfwSt Orncx or assistaht Qdxxtxxiustx Columbus, Ga, Sept o, 18$*- II * order of Quajtennaster General, I have beenon- n truAted with era ire coanand of coll ec tic 5 the hide* sitbe beeves klllsd lor the army, for tanning, and the [.nrcbaee Of Leather for manufacturing. Tauasn Bavin I Leather on bond and wanting Hides, -will do weU torn • iraes me with proper reference*. The any must be shod. ’Ladies appointed to Visit Soldier’-s Beat daily, by Hospital Association, commen cing 13th January : Tuesday morning—Mrs. Majson and Miss Mell. -- - Tuesday evening—Mrs Perino Brown, Mrs Fowler, Mrs Holcombe. Wednesday morning—Mrs. Hull, Mrs Law- she. - X Wednesday eYgning—Mrs Peck, Mrs Over by- .--i - v ' • ’t Thursday morning—Mrs Maffit, Mrs 1 Win- ship. Thursday' evening—Mrs Payne, Mrs Vena ble. "X ■ • Friday morning—Mrs Jno H Seals, Mrs 0 Jones. Friday evening—Mrs G.J Forcacrc, Mrs Dr Simmons. • r - 'jl Saturday morning—Mrs Howard, Mrs Dr Young. • .' Saturday evening—Mrs Chandler, Mrs TRoyt.--' •'» - XSY; t: ~ v Sunday morning—Miss Sallie. Johnson, Miss Annie Clayton. . - . ^ Sunday evening—Mrs R Rogers, Mrs Lane. iv - Mrs I WINSHIP, President. U Directress. The following Ladles have been Appoint ed io Stay at the Wayside Hospital. Monday: Morning—Mrs Blanchard,' Mrs Everett. Evening—Miss' Kate- Hoge, Mrs Richard Orm. . ‘ 4 iijjr ^ -Tuesday: Morning—Miss Fannie Butt, Mrs Wyly. Evening—Mrs Chisolm, Mrs A E Johnson. ' ‘ ' ' ' - ! Wednesday : Morning-—Mrs Tomlinson, Miss Lizzie Hoge. Evening—Mrs Bass, Miss Lou Cozart. Thursday: Morning—Mrs Simms, Mrs Aus tell. Evening—Mrs Pease, Mrs Davis.^ Friday : Morning—Mrs Rhodes, Mrs Mary Combs. Evening—Mrs Rawson, Mrs Boot. Saturday : Morning—Mrs- Gordon, Miss Alico Gordon. Evening—Mrs F A Watson, Mis3 Mattie Dean. Sunday; Morning—MrsQohcn, Mrs Pope. Evening—Mis3 Vic Wilson, Mrs R Peters Atlanta Hospital Association. The following committe have been appoint ed to cook for the Car-shed; commencing January 12th, 1863: 1 - Monday—Mrs G G Howard, Mrs W Clay? ion, Mrs Dr Simmons, Mrs* J"H Lovejoy, Tuesday—Mrs Dr Alexander,' Mrs Rice, Mrs Crnsseil, Mrs Dr Jones: ■•/. Wednesday—Mrs Peck, Mrs Lawshe, Mrs Dr Grant, Mrs Jno H Seals. ;; Thursday—Mrs Dr Young, Mrs Davis, Mrs Purtell, Mrb P Brown. v '# j Friday—Mrs E Pay no, Mrs Chandler, Mrs Venable, Mrs Hoyt. - * Saturday—Mtb 0 J Pitts, Mrs Foreacre, Mrs Maffit, Mrs Fowler. Sunday—Mrs Ponder, Mrs I Winship, Mrs Dr Brown, Mrs Holcombe. The following Ladies have been appointed to prepare food for the wounded soldiers who are arriving daily from Murfreesboro, com mencing January 4th; 1863. Sunday—Mrs Dean, Mrs Hardman, Mrs Niles, Mrs Wyly. Monday—Dr Ford, Misses Hoges, Mrs Cole, Mrs Simms. Tuesday—Mrs Anderson, Mrs Chisolm, Mrs Massey, Miss V Wilson. Wednesday—Mrs Brown, Mrs j Fish, Mrs McDaniel, Mrs Huntington, Mrs Alexander Wallace. Thursday—Mrs Collier, Mrs Pope, Mrs Blanchard, Mrs JUtodeg, Mrs Alien, E John son. *’ i Friday—Mrs.Bass, Mrs Dr Roach, Mrs Jno Glenn, Mis*Fannie Butt, Mrs Everett. Saturday—Mrs Root, Mrs Rawson, Mrs, Gordon, Mrs Durand. V~ • " ; Mrs JOHN COLLIER, ’.-.’la L-i:-. .Presidents. mm FEODUCE LOAN SUBSCRIBERS. QUBSCB1BEBS to the Produce Loan- are earnestl; re- lO quested to pvj up their subscriptions. Tho Govern ment desires an early settlement. - All persons with funds to invest cann t render a greater service to their country than by taking eight per cent bonds of the 41,000,000 Loan. VYe are prepared to isscethempromptly.. All the Honda ordered by ns for subscribers have arrived and are ready for delivery. They will please forward our and we will send ihe bonds a* they may direct. We them at the risk of the owners The Ootton of Subscri bers will be taken at the market | lice by the Government In exchange for Brads {AGENTS AT - J S ivannah—K Hcbsraham k Soar. Columbus—D Adams Macon—N C Monroe. Newnan—J. J. Pinson. LaQrange Jeasa McLendon. Atlanta—A. P. Dealing. • - Hiiffin — R_ KUfZ. 1 * PH1NIZY- k CLAYTON. janS-lm General Agents Produce Loan for Ga. BA1LK0AU COSTRACTORS TAKE SOTICE. "QKOPOiALS are invited for the bridging, grading and _tr superstructure of that part of the Home and Bine Mountain Ba-lroad, extending from Borne, Ua, to the Ala bama line-a distance cf Z2 The bids must state the shortest possible time that the contractor can do the work bid for. Separate proposals for the delivery of eross-ties along the line wSl be received. By order of the Board of Directors of the Ga. k Ala. Company. ___ ' janS-U 'C. H. SMITH, Secretary. A “GOOD EGG,” SURE. Qt ACRES OF WELL-TIMBERED LAND FOR SALS, J O Within I even miles of Atlanta, oo the road leading to Turner k Msysan’* Ferry, with a comfortable dwelling house and MMUbgi; also, a No. 1 steam Saw Mill in fine tunnisg order, with lathe and shingle machine* at tached, with power raffle ent to run them all at the same mdTt'Srthe'dutyofaU "patriotic ‘tanners' to Mist in *c j time. All for" the fliuii .cm rf ti.OOu. Those wishing to Alf leather held iu unreaeonable pricee will he j purchase Will pleura apply to J. & M»y*on, Atlanta S- T 1 * F. W. DtLLAKL. I male Institute, or J. 8. Mayscn, on the premieee. t declT-tf F.W. DILLARD, Attn. TO RAILROAD BRIDGE CONTRACTORS. P ROPOSALS ARE INVITED, and wlU be received nniil the 1st of February, 1803, for the masonry and super- ■tiucture for a bridge fo, the Alabama and Mississippi Rivers Railroad, over the Tombigbee river. Theie will be three stone piers and two abutments, containing about six thot sand pieces of firsPclass bi Idge masonry. There will be 470 feet of Howe truss bridging, Including an arch-top chord drear of nicety feet in the clear. There wlU also be from a mile to a mile and a half of trestle work, to Tary from teu to twenty feet in height. Plans and specifications may be seen at tho Engineer’s Office in fielma. The work b to l>e completed by December 1st, 1868. Address the undersigned at Btlnia, Alabama, who wilj promptly respond to all inquiries pertaining to tills subject. doc21-4 v Chlof Eng and Sup’tA^JUtR R. . City Subscribers. We have disposed of the city rub^cription to the Confederacy, to Dr! Dozier, who will supply subscribers by carriers early in the morning. If those who may fail to receive their papers, will call at our office and leave written directions for finding their resi dences, or give the same information to Dr. Dozier or either of his sons, they will be promptly served Q Those who desire to subscribe for the Con febebacy can have it delivered at any resi dence, office, shop or canajuin the corporate iirniis.- • .1 Gcorgia Salt Manufacturing Company. The President and-Board of Directors have declared the sec *nd dividend of the Georgia Salt Manufacturing Udini i.y, as follows. Sixty-five (65) p Uuds ci per share at ten cents-per pound—tLc distribution to commence immediately. Some few counties, not having received salt, from want of proper information in regard to Agents and Depots, will address B. Phillips, in Atlanta. . . . .. i’ A. F. PLUMB, Seo’y and Treasurer, Augusta, B. Phillips, General Collecting and Dis tributing Agent in Atlanta. :jaa9-3t - -• 1 1 - - New English Goods. Just received, a large lot of Ginghams, Bleached Homespun, Irish Linen, Shirting, Silks* Hosiery, &c., and for sale by l * : - B.TIPPIN. f janl2-2t Whitehall street. ' ‘ ! Farm to Rent. J A farm of 40 or 50 acres of cleared land— mostly creek bottom—situated one and a half miles irom- Rough & Ready; in Clayton county ; where A. it. Harrison has resided for several years past, can be had by a responsible tenant bp esrly application to — • G. W. ADAIR. ANDERSON, ADAIR & CO., Wholesale Grocers COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WOODRUFF’S BUILDING, (Near Georgia Railroad Bank,) .ATLANTA, GEORGIA, ATLANTA FEMALE INSTITUTE. T HIS INSTITUTION has LOt been taken for a hospital as reported, and 1 have the assurance ot the Pos Surgeon that it will not be taken. Tbo exorciaea will b resumed on the 2d Monday jn January, and continue fo a scholastic term of six months. Under the pressure o Ike ttmexweore compelled to robe the rntssof Tuitiuu 1 he charges therefore will be os follow.: Collegiate Deportment for six months. .|3Q 00 Preparatory do do 'CO 00 Primary do do 24 00 Incidental, 60 Music and Piano rent same old prices. Out -half the above charges mast be paid In advance in every instance. decl7-tf - J. R. MAYSON, President. Machinery, &c. For Sale. | WO second-hand Stationary Steam Engines and Boil- A er»-r-one IP and the other 16-horse power Also a lot of seasoned lumber— consisting of Oak, Ash, Hickory and Poplar—soluble for Carriage and Cabinet Makers. Also, a-lot of damiged Oirriage Springs. Also, a lot of rpoke and Hub Timber." Jat,6 lw J. 0. EYE, Rome, Co. SALT. 2fl BBLS. KANAWHA SALT, on consignment on J for , * J® by ANDERSON, ADAl.t k OU., Jin9-tf Commission Mere haul*. NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES. rn BBLS. CHOICE N. 0. MOLASSES, on conilgnmoot ^ and for tala by ANDERSON, ADAIR k 00, Jan9-tf Coomiiaaiou Merchants. WANTED* I N aRolUngMiUatEnqxviUe > Teun,aFndler, to whom good wages uill be paid. Apply at ANDERSON, ADAIR k CO’S Store MADEIRA WINE. -YNE BBL. AND A FEW DEMIJONS, “A No. 1” Ua- J deira IVinr, on ctn Ignment and for sale by Jm3-tr ANDERSON, ADAIR k CO. CRlbORT. * Of) BARRELS CHICORY, the only snbelitu e for C on consignment and for sol o by tbe barrel or SALT1 SALT! W E have effected the best possible arrangement for tbe speedy transportation of salt from, our salt wdiks at Saltville, Vju, to Atlanta, Go, and we propose to sell for caeb, or exchange skit for Corn, Bacon or Pork delivered la Atlanta. , . 'AU orders, to seenre attention must be accompanied with the money or return postage. The first exit re ceived will bo delivered to the first orders. Address. . _ . SEAGO, KENNEDY, PALMER, k CO Atlanta, Ga., January 1-lm -1 A BOXES STARCH, to sale by 14 PEASE* DAVIS. -I £ BOXES FARINA, for (ale by 10 PEASE A DAVIS. 1 Q CASES RICE, for salo by lO deciM-lm . PEASE A DAVIS. DECATUR ACADEMY, MALE AND FEMALE. B enjamin t. hunter, a. m, principal—The exercises cf this Acxdemy will commence on the 2d Monday of January. Rates of Tuition per annum, $13, $20, f80 and $il). The .■’cholanlic 3ear will be (l.vl.'.ed into two terms ot five months each, and pupils charged from time ol entrants to the eud of the term • < A. T. HOLMES, Pres. Board Trustees, janlO-tf MiLTON A. CANDLER, Secretary. DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. 1 O A ACRES OF LAND, 13 cleared tho balance hoavil; 1tiu bored, with a large, completely finished honsl containing nine rooms with closets and lire places; two Domed negro houses, smoke honse, carriage house, stable, cow sheds; a fine orchard, a large garden, Ac. Said place is situated on the public road, five miles from Marietta and six from Powder fprings—both placos of r suit In summer. For particulars apply to It. W. Joyuor, of the firm of Hamilton, Mnrkley £ Joyner, Atlanta, or to J. M. springer, on the promises. decl8-tf DRY GOODS. ‘5000 TARDS CALICOES "SOU yards bleached Shooting 260 pair Ladles’ and Missrs Gaiters and Slippers 12 dozon Men’s and Boy’s Hats And a variety of Fancy Dry Goods, for sale at wliolejai®- —. - - 1LUM0N A BROS, only by <teel7-tf Commission Merch.nt-, .ON CONSIGNMENT. 1 A DOZEN FINE FRENCH CALF SKINS JlXJ 25 bagg Coffee . jUO boxes AC amantine Candles. • 2 boxes 8, erm Candles 25 bales Cotton .Yam 0300 lbs Copperas. For sale by _ M. SALOSHIN A 00, .. ^ Exchange Broker and Com Merchant, janlO-lw* Whitehall street. -AND- by jan2-tf nek ANDERSON,’ AUaIR k CO., Ocmmi^don Metchants. COFFEE. 'Y SACKS PRIME COFFEE, on consignment and to sale by ANDERSON-, ADAIR « CO. onS-tf Commission Merchants. RICE. rare J? foi JonS-l ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00. Commission Merchants. fJQ HEROES NEW BICE on consignment and for sal jan2-tf LOGWOOD, |fl BOXES EXTRACT LOU WOOD, onooralg^ntand A y for eale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO., Jan2-tf Merchants PEA. NUTS. t)00 PEA NUTS, on consignment and “ ,8 by ANDBREON, ADAIR A CO* * decll-tf Commission Merchants. COTTON YARNS. ; T - e A BALES COTTON YARNS, on consignment and to i < ^ et>7 V ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO. decll-tf Commission Merchants. ! RUININE. -: OflA OUNCES BEST FRENCH QUININE, on oensign- ment aniTlor sale by nor26-tf ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00. Commission Merchants. HARNESS. 5 SETS BUGGY HARNESS, on consignment and for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00. nov21-tl Commission Mecrhante. SUGAR. : • 1 200 HHDS. SUGAR, various grades, on consignment and for sale'by novlS-tf ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00. Commission Merchants. 150 FLOUR. BBLS. SUPERFINE AND EXTRA FAMILY FLOtJK, on consignment and for sale by AN DKKSON, ADAIR * CO. •tf Commission Merchant*. COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED. BUSHELS DRIED PEELED A PPLkS AUV/ 110 bushels Dried Peeled Peachos 1Q0 bushels good Green Apples 10,000 pounds Tallow 100 oa-reis good Lard 1,000pound* gocdBntter 600 bushels good Wheat 3oO bushels good Bye £E&V°. :r. F. M. FISK, Whitehall street, Atlanta. FOR SALK. O PRIMS NEGRO MEN FOR SALE 'U A) 1 Brick Mason 1 Pastry Cook and Cirriage Driver and Gardei er Both young and healthy , ALSO, TO RE .T, a good dwelling, with six rooms, iothesn- burbs of the city, on Peach' Tree street. Apply to PEASa A DAVIS Atlanta, January 1st 1862. Jao8-Xm. ; Copartnership Notice. Mr. Willi&m S. Carroll is admitted a co partner in our firm on and after thiB date. A. C. WYLY & GO. -1 Jannary 1, 1863. ... jsnltf A VALUABLE FAMILY RKSISCME FOB SALE. N EAR the Depot at Covington, Go. Tbs honse has 7 rooms, 6 fire places, a good kitchen and 2 good negro bourn. The lot contain* 6 acres, Los a good peach and apple orchard, good, nerer-failing well of water, and *11 necosary outbuildings. It I s about midway bet seen the two Colleges, vix : Masonic Fein lie and Emory; also, lou acre* good farming laud near by, 46 of which is woodland, which will be sold with the honse and lot if desired. For further particular-, app’y to the undesigned, or T /. liver, Covington, Georgia. } ’ ROBERT L. CRAWLET A BRO. j*n2-tf t ranklin Boildingp .. Atlanta, Georgia. LARD, LARD, WANTED. IT1HK highest price wiUbe pal'd to A. loo bai nls Fine Leaf Lard.. ALSO, WANTED, 2Xi Empty Whisky pr Lard Oil Barrels. iOJ Empty Flour Horrtls Also, aU kinds of Country Psodaee wanted, by jaafi-lw " , 1 ~ b .; FOR SALE.- A SMALL FAf.M. Ijingon the M k W K It, throe and . half mile* trom the Oar Shed. Co tstningkiC acres, about 40 ur43 cleared,the balance in woods. WeU tl u- behd, and a petty gw 4 two story house, kitchen and out buildings. Seri ral springs enA a first lalewell of water are on the premises. I will seU all, or a part, of the above land. Z _ , .1. By early application to tbe subscriber, a bargain can be - Atlanta, Dee 81,184). dec8i-lm A FEW PAIR CALF SKIN BOOTS f\. ■lteya’sndMlmss Ohim . ZoO bushels Me. I SO sacks FamUy Flour SO bushels Rye ■ 2-Family Carriages 2 Buggies, Ac., at HENDERSON A CiFS, janS-tf Whitehall street.! O N consignment and for sale by _ USYER A SERIKGER, corner Whitehall and Aiahomu streets, 700 yards Saxony Flxnt el. 60 Boxes Candies. 52 Heavy over-Coats. -600 Pairs Csss. Pants. nov29-t ' V FOR SALE. 4 GOOD STORE HOUSE AND LOT, with a dwelling attached to the same, and oboe-shop house on the lot t Other necessary outbuildings, on Broad street at Stone Mouulaln, Us. Dec 19th. te62, JR BRACEWELL. Rzrzuscu—W B Deaton, Atlanta; T J Dean, Stone Mountain. dec26 lm* STRAYED FROM THE SUBSCRIBER. VTEAK Atlanta, 2 weeks since, 2 cows heavy with calf; JN one red and whit* spotted, tho other m hite and black, with a white face. Any information of said cows, or their deUvery, a liberal reword wiU be paid. M.D.GAAK. Atlanta, Alabama street, Dec 30,18*2. jonl-2w IlX4DOraaTina Miutaxt Post, ) Atlanta, On, January 3,1863. j General Order f o. L A LL the officeis wed private* bjioiigtrgto Oompaules A, H, C and D, of PrOToet Battalion, now absent, ore btfeby ordered to report immediately for duty. By order. G. W. LEE, Jao4 tf Commanding Post. ARMY REGULATIONS. 1 C THO BIZ ED EDITION, just paULhtd: Price $3 6% J. MCPHERSON a CO. WHO WANTS A SUBSTITUTE! GOOD, reliable substitute can be bad by applying at dic28-tf PEACH BRANDY. CUFTY BBlS.JJURE PEACH BRANDY, oo consign- JJ ment and for sale bf~— ANDERSON", ADAJR * CO., novl6>tf f.v Commission Merchant*. CHAMPAGNE. 2|J DOZ. CHAMPAGNE WINE,.on consignment and J for sale hF* nov!6-tf ANDERSON, ADAIR A OO, Commission Merchants, __ SOAP. * A WO HUNDRED AND FIFTY BOXES YELLOW SOAP. 26 Boxes Toilet Snap, on consignment and for i alo ■ y ANDERSON, ADAIR A OU, nov-Utf Commission Merchants. SEWING MACHINES, on consignment and for salt ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, < a Commission Merchants. 4 by nov!5-ti COUNTRY JEANS. LARGE LOT OF COUNTRY JEANS, on A LAitUS 1AJL Ux O Blent and for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, Commission Merchants. RA BARRELS EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, for sale by OU JanI3- P . " FOSTER, QUEEN A Ou. to sol* by declS-tf QUEEN A OO. CT/V TIERCES RICK I OW declS-tf * JTO8T1 ER, QUEEN A OO. QfWV SACKS RICE FLOUR for sale by QVAI decl8-tf FOSTER, QUEJBs A CC. 900 BARRELS MOLASSES to arrive, for sale by decl8-tf FOSTER, QUEEN A CO. 1A BARRELS APPLE BRANDY AND CORN WHISKY AU for sale by de;18-tf FOSTER, QUEEN A CO. S MALL LIT FINK SHOES AND FRENCH CALF SKIN Boots for sole by decl8-tf FOSTER, QUEEN A CO. .GROCERIES, Abe. 50QQ POUNDS TENNESSEE BACON MOO lbs Curb Sod* 4300 ft* Tallow 500 lbs Star Candles 100 ft* Turpentine Soap <- 3031b* Copperas , 35 fts Green Tex 4 .* 30 dozen Brooms 50 fts Ginger 100 lbs Spice 100 fts Grain Pepper , For sale at wholesale hy g. SOLOMON A BROS, Commission Merchants, at the store lately occupied by Brady A Solomon. dccl7-tf FOR HIRE. fjlWO LIKELY NEGRO MEN. App.y to PEASE A DAVIS, Commission Herchau'S. FOR SALE. O NE HOC BE AND LOT; on Peach Tree street, 1% miles from the car shed, containing 5 rooms ana good outbouUdings, by PEAS B A DAVIS, OoDmissioaMerchants JtuTlm Atlanta, January 6th, 1863.