Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, January 15, 1863, Image 1

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THE fOBHC &OQ» BlfOKI fgltAfi ADVANTAGE, BY ADAIR & SMITH. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1863. 'T VOLUME H—NO. 283 £ bMtliitliii * Adnrtlitflg biUcdul# of tb« Confederacy and iBtilllgtaur. YBEMS Of BDBSOKiFTION. baxtih soxenon v amply m advaaoe. ' .VDYKRTBRNQ. one square of id tinea or lew, one Inssruon, •>; n-d illy Oonu lor «aeli subsequent Inter lion lea than one • dquare»..„ ijBS::: lAquares,... 5 Jquarts,. - . TSSSSt" * squares,... 1 mo. V moo. • mo*.,4 moo. • moo. 12 m • T 810 •18 •16 •20 •30 It) 18 16 20 25 40 18 17 21 24 80 60 16 2«, 24 28 85 55 IB 28 38 82 40 to 30 33 8(1 85 43J 65 23 2S 84 40 46 | 70 28 81 87 43 60 34 82 40 56 W 36 88 « 1 43 <0 86 » Squares,. ■vinora,. V Yearly advertising, with the privilege of change, will • token ot the following rota: ■ zt on* Sqav<i Renewable once a month 4 86 for three eqqares,............ — 60 For onc-fanriii Column,. - 60 i'or one-ball Column, 110 v or one ColamOr -JO ..I Tabular work, with or without rule*, and advertiae -it* occupying doable column, wlU bo charged donbh 11above rate*: Oliver u»en.en ts not marked on copy for a (peciOed time, • ill pabllilicd until ordered out, and charged according the above rata. advertisement* inserted in theOalLT, and W*»LV, tdl- oni, Will i.0 charged AO per cent, additional to the regu- t dally rate*. dearly advertisers will bo limited u> the space contract- r ior. Tne, will be charged vnaa at rogular rates for A anu, Rcnu, Removals, Copartnership*, Notice* to Con- i races, he., and payment demanded quarterly. (V I'uimuT Anreamma wear as rain roa ■■ Au- /*»oa. No aarcrluemt'nt will appear in the Weekly paper an tes* by special contract. IdverUsements t i to be insertej in the Weekly paper only or at Irregular Intervals in either ol the papers, will be barged gl per square for every insertion. Announcing candidate* formate, County, and Moniei- pal udloe, |6 each—to be paid in advance in every instance. All advertisement* for Charitable Institutions, Unitary sod Hire Companies, Ward, Town, and other Public Meet •out, will bo obarged half price. Marriages and death* arc published at news; but Obit uaries tribute* of Respect and Funeral .nviiations at l*icr **dT6riU«menU. . Kd|torlal Notices in Local Column, will be charged 9b • til* per line. -b» ua«w M airtuwititr.rts. to b. .ueiuded in a Mile lrobi the forego- AOAIR 4 SMITH. mmi AND MACHINE EHOF sauis. flYUE UNDERSIOffED, Prop: let or* of the Chattanooga 1 Foundry and Machino Works, propose so sell the en ure hatabUehmont, embracing Machinery, Tools,Stock on Hand, r c.—a l of which la a* ivnipjpto a-, any 'fotaXUab- mtut of the kind In the Confederacy. We are new doing a large and profitable business, which would go inimodi- atoiv Into the hand* of oar successors. The Superior ad- v.uifagea of location will always tuSUM an increasing ba dge* SO ia| Slim desired. I erauns demroca to invest uni do w«u to mil and examine. THUS WEBSTER & CO, blitUanooga, July 81,1862. aug2-tt ■ 4 *■ Notice--Barks Wanted. ’’ MCD1CAL PURVEYOR b OFFICE, I Atlanta, lit , June 2u, 1So2. | M liS tmt pries* will I* laid ty Ibounuviel^ncu fi I tags quantities of tie following BARKS: cum, branches aul root ot Dcguuod, fiuotp eferrod); branch.* and root* of Whit* Willow; soot, trunk and branches ol Ameilcan Poplar, (callou also M bite-wood, Cano*-wood and tulip-tree,) root preferred. ' This, barks must be miefally dried and tecyely peck- ■id.' They may be brought to this oftcs, or self tj Mr. L. W, Writer, Botanical Agent, Can«r.vhlo 6a; or W. W Durham, Botanical Agent, Decatur, (la. GEORGE S. BLACK IE, ^Iftt Surgeon and Medical Purvey or, c. 8. A. NEW FIRM. S. SOLOMON & BROS. HARDWARE AND Commission Merchants, (At the Store lately occupied by Brady A 8olomon,) ATLANTA, GEORGIA, H AVK IN STORE and are receiving a stock of geae> ralHardwareand House Furnishing GO'diforwlmle- sule ard retail. Also receive on storage and sal* Produce and Groceries, and every specie* of Merchandise on lite ral terns. Ag~ We will give particular attention to consignments, and furnish correspondent with market report* when JEO. W. ADAIR........J. HENLY SMITH, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. B. 0. SMITH, M. D^__— j. N. cabdozo, {lOTfenew his edge, when,' where and how will MAYER & BERINGER, ; Commission Merchants, ash WBonzaanx niAixas is MERCHANDISE, REAL ESTATE, BOffDJ AND STOCKS, Corner .Whitehall and Alabama Sts., ATLANTA) GEORGIA. T) ARTICULAR attoution paid to consignment* of 1 chandise entrusted to us, and pronJpl remit made for all Good* sold the day sale* are made. nov!3-Sm Her- remittance I PABKS X W BUTCBXSCH NEW FIRM. R. M. PARKS & CO , AUCTION AND Commission Merchants; v. \ ' . i So. 14 Alabama Street, Corner of Pryor, ATLANTA, R ESPECTFULLY aoUcit a by strict attention to motion to their patrons. GEORGIA. a share f patrpnaga and hope business to give entip *aUa- a a axoss n uaos a a um AMOSS, UGON Sc CO., Wholesale Grocers AMD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Comer of Whitehall and Mitchell Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, E« of Produce, Merchandise, Beal Estate, Ne- Ageucyfor Ya. Tobacco. . A. OONNEIJL., Late of Memphis, Torn. a Ad established in Montgomery. ud*of CllOli ’, Alabama, a first-class . Middleton 4 LolUo, No, 11 Ouun stioet. Las been .eased for the purpose, where at all lime* can be kund not Miy the bat and most general assortment ol Tobacco out side of Virginia; but also a constant supply 01 the course*! *nd finest gra la of BUUAK The feciiitior lor obthning Sugar cannot l o auipassvu by any other ixium in tho Cen- •.Irrecv. ■ M-pSO-.f W . H. HBNDESSU-v AUCT1 co. O IN AND Commission Merchants, Whitehall Street, ; ATLANTA, GEORGIA. gy Auctions weekly. Plenty oi icon or storage. WM. FORSYTH, Haohine Blacksmith & Forger, MARIETTA STREET, ATLANTA, - - - GEORGIA, be flatten himself that he can give entire satie'*cli.ui it the ex ecu tin u of all work* entrusted to him. TMmeraeti P»—Steam Boiiors rvprtiro«i on short aotico. ocASm* HU1T1NGT0N, M- B. 1> JS w T I s T, s It ATLANTA, GEORGIA, r vmu»In Rawenn's now building, corner White and BuWbbr street*—Raldeace, first house to the left of OeL Tisnf.. taslU A CARD. U K. DAVID MAYXR, thankful -<r post favors and the x flJL liberal patronage heretofore boatowed upon him . toMltMpectfiuly announce to the c.tixene of Atlanta and *, eunimnding country, that he ha* aesucratld biinsell with Moors. J. Jacob, end J. Repp for the purpose Ol opening , an Auction and Commiaion Bujfr.c «. et his old *t*n<L on * Whitehall street, Atlanta, Georgia, to commence on Sep- would solicit a continuance of lav or* fc» ■ ARthose indebted to Mr.D. Mayer wiUficuthebot*e (seplO-UJ iy request- ITRR. W B lax AH. X 00 LX. W P WHS. INMAN, COLE & CO.,. GENERAL Commission Merchants, For the Purchase and 8ale of Merchaudise, Krai Estate, Live Stock, Bonds, Stocks, Ifegroes, &o. 11/'* have ample store room, and will giro personal at- VV tentfon to all bnsinees entrusted toes. Office i> Beach 4 Root’s store, Whitehall street. novt BpNDS, STOCKS, SPECIE, EXCHANGE, BANE BILLS ALL DESCRIPTIONS BOUGHT AND SOLD. By H. SALOSHIN 4 CO, Brokers, aovI6-3m« - Alabama street, near Whitehall. GEORGIA SALT MANUFACTURING CO, B. PHILLIPS, AGENT, MASONIC HALL, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. WANTED, AT THR J i ATLANTA STEAM TANNERY, FOR CASH, 5,000 CORDS BARK. B. T. HKHDRRflON, Agent. NOTICE. PRODUCE LOAN SUBSCRIBERS. S UBSCRIBERS to the Produce Loan are aarnestij re- qnested to p.y up their snbscrlpUons. Th» Govern- desires an early settlement, all persons with funds MistoU to tnTvsi aunzat render a greata service to their country than by faking eight per cent bonds of the <1,000,600 Loan. We are prepared to isene thempromptly. ALlhe Bonds ordered by n* for subscribers have mitred ready for delivery. They will pleaefbnrmrd our and we will eentlihe U.tds a* they may direct, them at Lbe risk of the owners. The Cotton of Eubscii bets will Le taken at the maiket price by the aerrernment in exchange for Bonds. (AGKNTa AT Sivancab—B Hchetsfeam 4 Sons. Culnmbns—D Adams A Macon—N 0 Monroe. Neauan—J. J. Hnson. . Ldjrange - Jesse McLendon. Atlanta—A. P. Dealing. i' Urlffin-R. Ring. janfi-lm PHIX1ZY 4 CLAI®. Gener. l Agents Produce Loan V Si ON CONSIGNMENT. • irA SACKS TIRO 151A SALT J.OU 60 sacks Klee Tlitr jscl-Iw IMI. - ROBKBT J. LOWRY 4 CO, Oxnfesfen Merchants, Johnson’s Block, Whitehall street. saiuww Vicksburg, and then he was driven from the Yazoo, back into the Mississippi. At last ac counts he was-making his way np the latter, towards Memphis. Tno first land attack up on Vicksburg, has been gloriously defeated. The great question iB, will it be attacked again ? And if the enemy is but reinforcing, agsocun omn Oar Special Vicksburg Correspondence. LETTER FROM THE~42D GEORGIA REG IMENT. Interesting ParUcutars of the Battle if the 29th Dei »m- ber—Georgians in tho Fight! Kilted and Wounded in the 42d Georgia Regi ment. - Vicksbuko, Mias, Jan. 6ih, 1863. MESSRS. EdUvks : The 42d Georgia Regi ment reached this place, .Vicksburg, on the night of the 26th December, and were ordered out to our lines, four miles above the city, the next evening,, where there bad been heavy skirmishing for three dayB previous. The en emy attacked our works on the 28th, at early dawn, and poured volley after volley, inten sified with tho thunder of ariilUry, upon us, during the entire day. The Georgia regiments, as they bad just arrived, wero held as re serves, except companies A and K, of the 42d, which were sent forward as skirmishers. The regiments, however, were shelled severe ly, the 40th aud 421 Georgia, each losing a man or two. Night put an end to the duy’s opcralions, and Ute enemy found himself nothing profit ed, and our side had little of which to boust, except that we had held our ground. Early in the morn of the 29th, the enemy appeared iu line of battle in front of Gen. L^e’s post tion on tire tight, where the 42d had been or dered to .reinforce bim. The enemy’s first advance Was oheoked by our sharp shooters; he then filed off to Gen, Darton's right, who supported Lee’s leit. About half way be- tweeu these two positions, there is a bond to oar line in a.bayou, which separated our for ces from the enemy’s. At this bend he be gan to throw a force across in flat boats, with the evident intention of attaining the road between Lee and the city. Lee promptly or dered the 42d Georgia and 28th Louisiana to leave the entrenchments,- to foil the enemy’s Object, which order was as promptly obejsa as given. At a little mound jdst in front of this bend of the bayiu, a heated contest ensued between four companies of the 4^d Georgia, and two of the 2oth Louisiana, and n large force of the enemy, which soon defeated his plan, by driving him back. The other companies of these regiments, were deployed along the road, on Lee’s left. The enemy re-occupied his former position, formed in three columns and charged our Works, whiob, no doubt, he ppoied was abandoned,'or very much weak ened, these two regiments having left them. Ia this supposition he was sadly disappointed, tor the $d and 80th Tennessee regiments, be ing tn position, reserved their fire until the column was in musket shot, when they poured such a shower of “buck and ball” into it, that it wavered the first round. While thus staggered the heavy ordnance on the heights, at the baBe of which our forces wore posted, rained each a fire upon' it, as to cause the supporting columns to halt. Thus they hesi tated, and etill their ranks were decimated by the scourging musketry fn our pits, but at last courage predominated, and on the colors moved. At this juncture, lour of- the companies of the 42d, and a portion of 28th, began it ter rific fire upon a regiment deployed to capture a battery on Lee’s left. Now an ocean of fife rilled upon-tho charging columns: the colors fell, the ranks were broken, the men swept away like chaff in a storm. Tho artillery and musketry on both sides kept up a constant thunder. Still the columns advanced, but as the ranks were mowed down, they faltered, the rear began to retreat, and Gen. Lee or dered a charge from the works. At once the enemy were scattered like sheep, and fled from the field, leaving their advance to be cap tured. Gen. Lee turned over to Gen. Smith, as a result of the day’s operations, four hundred prisoners, and five stands of colors, and re ported the field strewn with the enemy’s dead. Our victory was complete, the enemy was re pulsed at every point, ana driven from the field in utter confusion. While these things were transpiring on the right, a heavy column was precipitated on Gen. Barton’s brigade, in the centre. The 52d G». Regt- bore the brunt of ibis ouset, with great gallantry. Ihey were charged several times in the entrenchment, but sue cesstully repulsed every attack. Here au in stance of the enemy’s daring and energy may be stated, which has few parallels in modern warfare. The rifle pit occupied by the 52d was on the brink of a narrow ravine, which was supposed to fender it less accessible, but under a hmtvy fire, the enemy threw his “sap pers and miners” with their implements across (his ravine. How tong they were there before they were discovered, Is uncertain, bat they had so nearly undermined the works, that a bayonet would reach through the em bankment. Many of the corps were slain with ihtir picks and shovels in their hands. The 42d Ga. encountered the 16th Ohio, the same regiment she so signally defeated at WelJen’s Ridge, ia East Tennessee. The 16th met a more terrible slaughter in this, than ia the former engagement, owing perhaps, to ihe fact that tho guns we tjok from them be fore, were skillfully used against them this time. Many of this boasted regiment “bit' the dost” on the 29th alt., and nearly all the others, with the Colonel, were taken prison ers. It is a singular coincidence, that this' regiment should meet the 42d in the engage ments, at points about a ihuusandmilesapurc. And now, with more of their fire arms in our hands, we challenge them to meet us again alter their reorganization. The reader is ready to ask what are the fruit* of this ensanguined victory f They are important, bat may be given In a few words. The enemy was driven from the land, was permed to hii gunboats, which were anchor- ed in the Yazoo river, seven miles above it be made? Our motto is, semptrparatis.— The killed and wounJed of the 42d Ga. are an follows; Company A—Wounded, privates L T Bag- won, in throat dangerously : E Suddeth, in thigh, severe in fitsb; J W Roberts, shoulder and both thighs severely. Company B—Killed, privates G W Rawlins, W 0 Riobards. Wounded, Sgt J B Mills, in side slightly; Private Johu Bennett, lungs severely. . Company D—Killed, 1st Lt Jas H Young; Wounded, private A McLeod, in forehead slightly; private C Clay, in band slightly; private DP 1 Clotfelter, in foot Blightly. Company E—•Killed, private Jas M King. Wounded, private Jas M Greene, in throat not dangerously. • * Company F—Wounded, private Thomas T. Black; private FU Chandler, in face not severely; J W Shaw, iu arm, sinco'amputa ted Company G—Killed, Corp D B McCord, private Jasper Reaves, private T P ThomaB, private N K Mayfield. Wounded, Capt W D Malcome, in leg severely; private N Hen dricks, in arm slightly; private H H Groene, in leg &lightly. Company H—Killed, private J S Williams. Company I—Killed, private 'fv F Boll.— Wounded, Sgt J DRobinBon, slightly stunned by bursting shell; private T C Gilstrap, little finger shot off; private J D Willie, in arm slightly. s hat company K, should have lost no men is miraculous, for she fired the first guns, and was in the hottest of the fight all. day. Prov* ideaco must have favored them PARUCEPS. TO RAILROAD BRIDGE CONTRACTORS. 'PROPOSALS ABB 1KYRXD. and will be received until XT the 1st of February, 186S, for the matoury and surer- structure for a bridge fo, tie Alabama and Mississippi Rivers Railroad, over the Xombigbee river. There will be three etone piers and two abutment*, containing about aix thot sand piece* of firat-clo** bridge maeoary. There will be 4T0 feet of Howe tnu* bridging, Including an arch-top chord drew of ninety feet in the clear. There will also bs from a mile to a mile and a half of trestle work, to Tary from ten to twenty feet in height. Pians and ppeerfications may be seen at the Rngiaecr’s Office In Selma. The work is to be completed by December 1st, 1663- Address the undersigned at Belma,.Alabama, who will promptly respond toallinqairlea p ertaiulng to this subject. J. C. LOPXZ. decil-4 r Chief Kng and Eup’t A 4 MURK. BrBEuT J LOWar. JOnsB LtfWBT. XTBQtlXVS 0. HARXH1H. NEW FIRM. ROBERT J. LOWRY & 00., ■ '•> - Suoressor* to Robert J LowTy.. iPRpDUCE . . and _ . Commission Merchants, Johnson’s Block* Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. iao*3iu Last Change to Volunteer. II A'VIh'Q been authorized by tho Secretary of War ta XI- r&ijio o battalion of Cavalry lor UOAdT SRRV10B, t now exteud to those desiring to volunteer the rare chance of so doing. This is tho only opportunity to mttlu iq Georg 1 a, aud protect ocr own homes, that wUl would get au oxcellent place for your- eclMo* is the 1 Georg'u, aud uted, eoit yoq woi _ ' ' *o no Sniii jp giving your name. The cavalry branch heu thl.srof the service, and almost utl yrao are iu tubatry ere praying to be tyausleriej. Bit equipments, uspal bounty, 40,given Authority to rabe companies will be granted if application ii uude.eaily. No one ac- ipted without a boise. For further particular* adarear , _ . r, , 04FT. fT'K.' BOUKK, doc27-lm *< ■ '5- i; -Lu“PklJ‘i Georgia. ' FOR SALE. A VJSRY TAU. AI.LB FARM, cpplalhlng C6Q acne, of ofwhitb about ISO acre* ero- uiioj^oed and well •i-I jeon past been butcher ^pn, ' tho acre '. __ of w hub a bout ISO acre* er^ uajOtred. Toy pt u lau-Mta* fot . v vs ry highly improved, tLr 1. and has produced 40 ousbet* ol «. . wel.-qqiercd by spruiK* end a cr. ea ¥h«te aro iwogood setilsmcntt y uthe plage; two good dwelling, and au the necessary outbuilding*—negro cab ins, stables' * It Is altuated tbree-fourtbs 01 a mile Cast Rum the pour! Hcu:o of Marietta, Cobb county, and 1* In every respect a meet desirable form. Forties dedricg to purchase, wifi do wall to examine SCHOOL FOR BOYS. RKV. JAS. GREER, A. M., PRINCIPAL. ■puis SCHOOL wtll commeebe on the second Monday of A, January, 1342,10 the basemost of the Central Fxes- iArms tho same as in other . .anuary, bytciian Uhuioh. tike •haracrer in Atlanta. References—Rer. Dr. “Set, L. Rogers. For testimonials gee priutod Schools ol ir. Wilson, circular. > .... a -. - Ornox or Assisiaxx Qo*auauasta : . f j, ii.Zil Columbus, Ga, sept.-6,18oi. L> J order of Quarterumster Guueral, X have beeu o..- Lt trusted with euliro command ol' collecting the blue- x. the Oceves tilled for ibo army, for tauuidg, and th-. ; urctieee ot Leather for manufacturing. Tacuors havlsr Leather on band and wanting Hides, wlU do well to «£ treat ute with proper reference*. The army must bo shod, tnditieUfa duty oValt patriotic tanner* to assist in «. Join*. AlfJedUrer held at uuteawnable price* will lx mptAwed " F.W.DiLLARD, seplOU -- A. Ui . FOR SALE.' r SVIALL r.fglt. KinfootheM tWKIi, three and alMlt mires Com the Car Shed, ce- tvlntagllOacrn. bhpet 40 ct 46 cleared, the bmlaace in wood* Well ti a- lywd. aud a pvtty gped rwo ttory hour*, kitchen and out- bdiNIggs. Sdf. tal spring* *pd a first .ate well of water are on the premise*. I will sell all, ckapait,ef the •bat I*ed. By early application to the subscriber, a bargain ran be had. 7 J. G. TBAMMRL. Atlanta, Dec 81,1863 decSl-lm A dhOOD EGG,” SURE LAND FOR SALK, . on the road leadieg ... comfortable dwelling a No. 1 Meant Saw Mill ia and ah Ingle machines at- AC ACLUKS OF WBLL-TniBKKKD Ot) wllhfn (even miler of Atlanta, to farcer 4 Mayrou’s Ferry, with a c house and out-btuUings; aljo, ' fine leaning order, with lathe edf^fi inched, wd’h power suffle eat to ran them all at tha tome time. All for the unui. sum r) ^5,00... Those wlahiug t. purchase wQl please apply u J.3. Msyson, Atlanta Fe rn de Institute, or J. b. May son, on the premise*, declf-af ' FOR SALE. House and Lot in Decatur. rf'HR House has aix large, comfortable, well finished JL rocinr, each lorn. b«*.eg a fire-ionc*. All oAectial cutbnUdlugWi and good garden spot oa the place. The let contains&-*< anacreofland. if- • Voseession given Immediately. Terms cash. decJMf •- $ F MORION. ATLANTA FEMALE INSTITUTE. WHIR INSTITUTION has not been taken fir a hospital JL as repotted, and I have tha assurance 01 tho Fo* Surjem that it will not be taken. The exercises will b resumed on the 2d Uondayjq January, and continue fo a scholastic term of six months. Under the pressure 0 the times we are compelled to ralso the ratsa of Tuition Ihe charges therefore will be as follow.: Collegiate Department for six months.' |36 00 Preparatory do do SO 00 Primary do do ...... 24 00 Incidental. 60 Music and Piano rent same did prices. Ou- -half the above charge* must be paid in advance In BTerT instance. - declT-tf J. K. MAY30N, Preiident A VALUABLE FAMILY EESiDCSfrE FOE SALE. XTRAR tho Depet at Covington, Ga. The home has 7 jLN rooms, 6 firo places, a good kitchen aad 8 good nrgro nooses. The lot *on!ains 6 octet, ha* a good peach arm apple orchard, good, never-felling well of water, end ell necessary outbuildings. It is akcut mlsway hetseentha two Colleges, Y19: Masonic Female and Emory; also, 100 aores gxj farming lapd near by,46of which is woodland, whUh will he Kind with t(ie henao and lot If desired. For Eurther particulars, apply to the' nndenlgned, rr T F. Hycr, Covington, Georgia. ROBERT L. CRAWLRY 4 BRO, Frankftn Building, jan2-tf Atlanta, Georgia. SALT!SALT! NXTR have effeeted-the beat poralble arrangement for IT the *i>aedy ' transportation of salt from cur salt woika at Ssltvllle, Ya, to Atlanta, Ga., aud we propose to sell for cash, or exchange salt for Corn, Bacon or Pork delivered ia Atlanta. All order*, to secure attention must be accompanied with the money or return pottage. The first sa!t ie- ceived will be delivered t? the first orders. Address. sKAao, Kennedy, palmer; 4 co Atlanta, Go, January 1-lm LARD, LARD, WASTED. fflHS highest price will be paid for L 100 be- r- lsYine Leaf Lard., ALSO, WANTED, 2M Empty Whisky or Lord Oil Barrels. 203 Empty Flour Barrels Also, all kinds or Country Produce wanted, by P. U, Ilf K, janB-lw Whitehall street. V J BOXES STAROH; for srtety v- ' 14 PEASE 4 DAVIS. -I £ BOXES FARINA, for rale by ID PEAS* 4 DAVIS. 1 Q CASKS BIOS, for rale by 10 decli lm . PEASE 4 DAVIS. DEQATUB ACADEMY, . MALE AND FEMALE. YkSNJAMIN T. HUNTER, A R, PRINCIPAL—Ihe D exercise* ef thl* Acadsmy will commence on the 2d Monday cf January. Rates of Tuition per, annum, $16, $80, $80 aud •<<>. The Scholastic year will be divided into two terms ol five months each, aad pupil* charged from time of entrance to the trad ef ths terra A. X. HOLMES, Pres. Beard Trustees, JanKKf M.LTON A. OANDLEB, Secretary. DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. IflA AORES OF LAND, 15 cleared the balance heavily JL/6y tlw bered, with a large, completely finished bousb containing nine room* with closet* and fire placds; two Darned negro houses, smoke house, carriage home, atable, cow shod*; a fin* orchard, a large garden, 4c. Said place ia situated on She pnbllo road, Uve mile* from Marietta and ilx from Powder Springs—both place* ofr sort In summer. For particulars apply to R. W. Joyner, of the firm of Hamilton, MatluSy 4 Joyner, Atlanta, or to J U. ipringer, on the p.emisa*. decl8-tf DRY GOODS. 5QQQ YARDS CALICOES ' 800 yards bleached Sheeting 360 pair Ladles’ and HIssjs Gaiter* aud Slippers 12 dotea Hen’s aad Boy’s Hats Aud a variety of Fancy Dry Goods, for site at wholesale only by & fcoL'JMON 4 BROS, dcci7-tf Commission Msrchmt-, ON OON6IGNMENT. 1 n DOZEN fine FRENCH CALF SKINS AU zg bags OFea .9 boxes Aeamaatin* Candles 2 boxes S, erm Candles . 26 bales Cotton Yarn 2000 lbs Copperas. Fer sale by H. SALOSHIN 4 CO., Kxrbange Broker and Com Merchant, JanlO-lw* Whitehall street. COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED. 1(YlBUSHELS DRIED PERLBD A PILES J-UU ICO buskata Dried Peeled Peyches lOO bushels good Green Apples 10,000 pounds Tallow 100 barrels good Lard 1,000 peauds goed Butter sob bushels good Wheat 600 bushels good Bye Apply to . F. M. FISK, jknif-tf Wbltehall street, Atlanta. FDR SALE, fl PRIME NEGRO HEN FOR SALE A ISrrattlMr 1 Pastry Cook aad C;ui»ge Driver and Gardeter Both young aad heallby ALSO, TO KEaT,ammd dwaUdg, with six rooms, iathosu- bur be of ths clf^ on Peach Tree street. Apply to PEASb 4 dAVIS Atlanta, Jas nary 1st 1862. JanS-lm. A FfiW PAIR QALFfKOI BOOTS t, ' * Pt. Beys’ and Hiums Sheas S» bushels M« ,racks Family Flour 60 bnahv.s Bye 2 Famflr Curia* ea 2 Buggfo», Ao^ at HENDERSON k C'j’S, jana-tf ... B WhitahaU strtet. ns consignment aad fix sale by U H4YER 4 BERINGER, corner White:all and Alabjuao street*, 70b yard* Saxony FianieL . <>. *0 Baxes Oaadea. 5c Heavy eves-Coat*. 5*gt Piini tEa*. Pant*. norXS tf ANDERSON, ADAIR & CO., Wholesale Grocers -AND- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WOODRUFF'S BUILDING, (Near Georgia Railroad Bank,) ATLANTA, GEORGIA, HOSIERY AND BUTTONS. QfrflUOZMBVB KNOLISH HALF HOSK; 850 great gross Agate Buttons. On consignment andfor sale hy : - ANDKRSON, ADAIR 4 CO.. . . . CommiMioa Merchants. janll-tf SALT. OA BBLS. KANAWHA SALT. 03 CDuaigument and for . ANDBRSON. Alfilv 4 00., • J«n9-tf Commission Merchant*. NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES. KA BBLS. CH0I0E N. O. MOLASSES, on cca*)gtmeet and for isle by , _ ANDKRSON, ADAIR 4 00, J«9-tf Conitnission Merrhanta WANTED. I N a Rolling Hill at Knoxville, Tenn,a I’adlor, to whom good wagea dill be paid. Apply at a, aiSaib 4 CO’S Store. janS-tf ANDERSON, MADEIRA WISE. ABN BBL. AND A FEW DEMJJONS, “A No. 1” Ma- \J doiya Wine, on ccn igument and for sale by JtoS-tf ANDERSON, ADAIR 4 CO. CHICORY. - OA BARBELS CHICORY, tho only inbstitu e for CUToo, on consignment and for ail e by bf Jaai-tf _ the barrel or sack ANDERSON, A»AIU 4 CO, Communion Jlo-chan ta COFFEE. SACKS PRIME COFFEE, on {^UBignnient aud . for sate hy ANDERSON, ADAIR 4 CO* JanS-tf Commission Merchants. RICK. TIKR0E3 NEW RICE on consignment andfor sal 1 y ANDERSON, ADAIR 4 00, JaoS-tf Commission Merchant*. LOGWOOD, " 1 A BOXES SXTRAOZ LOGWOOD, oncoDtlgnm.ntand ■kv for ula by ANDERSON; ADAIR 4 U), LOST. A LARGE-SIZED Buuet VaU»e, marked “XL F. C,” cpqtniwlen, uatca and paper* hearing the name ol to p. Callaway; afao, elothtug, knives, finks, *p- *■*, Ac., were taken Rum the Atlanta Uutel oa the night ol the Sto*L The pertoa who re tarns the Valise e nteat* wUl qSnakqs ' ’ “* pctlitf ; . A It 31Y lifctu CLATIO^S. '0R1ZRD EDITION, Juat puhlhbed: Price $3 5% JI MoPHRBSON 4 CO. FOR SALK. . GOOD SPORE HOUSE AND LOT, with a dwelling attache! to the aaue, and sheeehap hruta on the let Other n«jjea*ry (mteuDAiaga, oa Broad strwt at e H.un'sla, e*. DeclOtk lttt, J B B8ACKWBLL. BlWHU-V B Deatea, Atlanta; T J Deaa, Stwe feustaia. — . * _ . dec36 lm* HtAmtvAavxu Eiutai 1x1,1 tUaafa, 0a, /aauary 3,1S6S. J • Auaafa,0a, Jaaaary 8,1563. General Order >0. L A LL the eflear 4,0,0aad hereby erdered to report immediately for doty Ea* G. w. LIE, s ead pH rate* baWagsag <• Compaalaa D, *1 Preveat laUalLq bow absent, are J*n2-tf Commission Merchants. PEA NUTS. R()A BUSHELS PEA NUTS, on consjgnmei.t and or sale by ANDBKH0NpADATB'»-OO, U-tf Commission Merchants. COTTON YARNS. VQ bales COTTON YARNS,oh consignment and for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR 4 CO, Commission Merchants. QUININE. 9AA OUNCES REST FRENCH QUININE, on consign- mint and for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR 4 CO, horSS-tf Commission Merchants. . HARNESS. tr SETS BUGGY HARNESS, on consignment and for 0 sale by ANDKB30N, ADAIR 4 CO, nor31-tl CommiKoh Mocrlmnta. SUGAR. 200 UIIDS. SUQ4K, varloua grade*, oa coasigmiieut and for safe y ANmJRg0N> gx>AIR 4 00, novifi-tf Commission Mar chants. 150 . - FLOUR. U BBL3. SUPERFINE AND EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, on consignment and for sale by ANDKRSON, ADAIR 4 00, •tf Commission Merchants. PEACH BRANDY. TJUFTY BBLS. PURE PEACH BRANDY, on cossign- J; meat and for tslo hr ANDERSON, ADAIR * CO, 16-tf a. Commission Merchants. ' J ■ * CHAMPAGNE. 2y DOZ. CHAMPAGNE on_con*lgnmont for sale by novlfetl ANDERSON, ADAIR « CO, Commiaaiou Merchants. - “ ; . :.‘soaf. f ] WO HUNDRED AND FIFTY BOXES YELLOW SOAP. JL 26 Boxes Toilet 8cap, cm consignment and for tale ty ANDERSON, ADAJIB 4 CO, BbV-Utf Commission Merchant*. SEWIN’3 MACHINES, on consignment and for salt ANDERSON, ADAIR 4 00, 4bv noTlfi-ti COUNTRY JK ASS. A LARGE LOT OP COUNTRY JEANS, oa meat and for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR 4 CO, novl6-tX Commission Merchants. CA BARRELS EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, for sale by OU JanlJ- f FOSTER, QUEEN 4 Ou. 75 U^iHEADS PRIME TO CHOICE BROWN SUGAR deelS^f lW ^ FOSTER, QUEEN 4 CO. C/YTIERCES RICE for talo by 0V declS-U .FOSTER, QUEEN 4 CO. OftA BACKS KL* FLOUR for sale by decXS-tf FOSTER, QUEEN 4 CO. »>nn BARRELS MOLASSES to arrita, for MlC by iecXS-tf FOSTER,-QUEEN 4 00. for sale by de-U-tf FOSTER, QUEEN 4 CO. 1MALL LOT FINK SHOES AND FRENCH CALF SUN N for —In bj doc 16-tf FOSTER, QUEEN A CO. GROCKRIE81 Ac. 50QQ POUNDS TENNESSEE BACON * SCflOlM Cub Seda .. 4000 foj Tallow • ~ MO bs Star Candles 10} be Turpentine Soap ' 30' bj Coppers 1 ’ - <f ,!b 36 bs Green Tea «3 T. 6S Sr 30 dozen Broom* . ..g . e '.- Mb* CUager Wi. n-,. - - i , 100 bs Spice 130 be Grata Pepper For sale at wke’esale by S. SOLOMON 4 BROS, OommiatioB Merchants, at Ihe store lately occnpied b) Brady 4 Bdomou. . .. , ■ droll if HOUSE AID LOT FOE SALK. •pvESIKOUS of moving t ^ ESI ROUS of moving to (be country,! r lire, for sale - . S A DURAND.