Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, January 16, 1863, Image 1

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BY ADAIR & SMITH. VOLUME H—NO. 284 ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1863. ANDERSON, ADAIR & CO. Wholesale Grocers jMntslHKK (Srafosgsatg LOOK OUT FOB HIM. firs REWARD. fuuium* P roposals akb invitbd, »nd wm i*. recti rod unta the lit of February, 1863, for the masonry and *u;>cr- * tincture for a bridge fo. the Alabama and Mississippi Klrera Railroad, over the Tomblgbee rlror. There will bo three etone pier* and two abutment*, containing about six thoi aand piece* of first-class bridge masonry. There will be 4,0 feet of Kowe tnua bridging, including an arch-top chord draw of ninety feet in the clear. There will alao be from a mile to a mile and a half of treetle work, to Taxy •abscrlptloi* * Advertising Schedule of Confederacy and Intelligencer. TERMS or SUBSCRIPTION. Oally, per annum. .... ... *10 00 . J. HENLY SMITH, 00MH1SS10K MERCHANTS CARDOZO, EXCHANGE NOTICE, NO. *. Richbord, Ta , Jan. 10,1868. tHK following offlcei* and men bare been duly ex- . changed, and are her eby * > declared, b All officer* and men oiptnred in Ke-Ancky, Tencee- L Ooorgia, Florid* and Son h ATLANTA FEMALE INSTITUTE. T ills INSTITUTION ha* not been taken for a hospital a* repotted, and I hate the assurance oi the Po* Surgeon that it will not be taken. The exercise* will b resumed on the 2d January, aud continue fo a scholastic term of six month*. Under the pressure o the time* we are compelled fo raise the rata* of Tuition lha charges therefore will be a* follows: Oolleglate Department for *ix montUa... (36 00 Preparatory do do - SO 00 Primary do do ...... 24 00 Incidentals £ 60 Uusio and Plano rent same old prices. 0n<-half the above charge* must be paid in adTuce in every instance. doc!7-tf J. 11. MATSON, President see, Alnbama, Mississippi, on* insertion, 81; «..a HOSIERY AND BUTTONS. DOZ MEN’S ENGLISH HALF HOSE; 840 great gross Agate Button*. On cooiigument and for eSe by • ’ ' „ ’ ‘ ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00- Janll-tf OommlMion'Iseiciiants. $100 REWARD. EFT my houie, near the Junction of Marietta and I Walton street*, in this city, on the night of the 17 th vtmbor but, a negro woman—dark mulattr or copper ored. about 20 years old, medium height, weigh: about I pounds, named Patience, but calls horself Louisa.— o has a husband in the Montgomery Artillery, acting a co k. Eh* formerly belonged to John T Prior, cf ATLANTA, GEORGIA, SALT. 20 BB ?®' KANAWHA SALT, on consignment and for 7 /‘J* b F ANDERSON, AD.tltt A OO, Jna9-tr OommiHion Merchant*. H AVE IK STORE and are receiving a stock of gene ral Hardware and House Famishing floods for whole sale ard retail. Also receive on storage and sale Produce and Groceries, and every specie* or Merchandise on libo- val tmni* As* We will gijf particular attention to consignment*, and furnish correspondent with market report* when NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES. fif) BBLS. CHOICE N. O. MOLASSES, on consignment uu and for aale by , _ . ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00., Jan9-tf - . Oommtoloa Merchant*. to this city for sale, about four weeks before she 'eft.— She has a harsh voice and a scar on one of her checks — She took away many article* of clothing not belonging ta her. A reward of *60 will be paid for her delivory to me *■ in this State, and nn add!- 0. All Con ederato tffl ora and men who have been ds- Uveted at Vicksburg up to December 28 J, 1862, and lnclu- dl> g said date. 7. All paroled Confederate officer* and men receipted for at Vlckabnrg up to December 23d, 1862, and Including nod date. 8. All Confederateoffleora and men captui od and paroled at Fredericksburg, Vs., la December, It 61. 8. All tfonfoderate officers and men captured and paroled at Goldsboro', N. 0, in December, 1861 8110. Other miscellaneous and minor exchange,, of which theappioplatOjOffiser* will be duly informed. ROBERT OULD, JanlD (it Agent of Exchange. . A VALUABLE FAMILY RESIDENCE FOR/SALE. VfEAK the DepcJ at Covington, Ga. The house ha* 7 J_v room*, 6 Are place*, a good kitchen and 2 good negro houses. The lot contain* 6 acre*, has a good peach and apple orchard, good, never-foiling well of water, and all necessary 'outbuilding*. It Is about midway between the two Colleges, via: Masonic Female and Emory; alao, 100 acres geed forming laud n»ar by, 45 of which Is woodland, which will bs sold with tits house and lot if desired. For further particulars, apply to the uudertlgnod, or T. F. Hy*r, Gfoin^toe.^.gis, ^ CRAWljK y A BRO.. ' Franklin Building, Jan2-tf Atlanta, Georgia. MAYBE & BERIEGEE, Commission Merchants, WANTED. ( N a Rolling Milt at Knoxville, Tenn,aPudlcr, to whom 1 good wages will he paid. Apply at ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO’S Store. MADEIRA WINK. NR BBL AND A FZW DEM1JON3, "A No. 1” Ma- U delra Win*, on con lenment and for sale by J vn3-tf ANDERSON, ADAIR A. 00. CHICORY. QA BARRELS CHICORY, the only subsUtu'o for Cuffae, on consignment and for Sal e by the barrel or sack by ANDRR80N, AIMIB A CO, Jan2-tf Commission Morchauta tional reward of *60 for into rotation that will lead >o the detection of the person or persona who may have har bored hsr. F. M. FISK ; Atlanta, Ga, Dec SI, 1*62 Janldawtf ft Tabular work, with or with oat rules, and advertise aula occupying doable column, will b*e)iarg*d double I <above rates: advertisements not marked on copy for a specified time, >111 published until ordered oat, and charged according . the tboTB ram. advertisements inserted in the Dear, and Wnur, edi- hos, will he charged 68 per cent, additional to the regu- *r dally rates. feariy advertisers will he limited to the fpaee eonlract- -s lor. They will bo charged extra at regular rates for * ant*. Reals, Removals, Copartnerships, Notiocs to don 't rnaea, Ae., and payment demanded quarterly. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS BY EXPRESS. A LL Packages weishine 40 pound* and over, must bo securely strapped. All freight must be distinctly marked with full name of oonBlgnoe, and all other name* erased, or It will not bo received. Articles of a fragile nature taken at owners entlrerisk only. Freight for Macon, Savannah and Sou'h western Geor gia, will be received until 9 80 A M. There being 7 Expresses iu and ont between the hours of 4 and 7.80 P. il, we canuot receive freight after 4 p. M. Lxcept Government Freight. 8torago will be charged on all freight not called for, 48 hour* after reception. FRED. COULTER, .—- " —— Express Comgauy. MERCHANDISE, REAL ESTATE, BOHDS AND STOCKS, DISSOLUTION. T HE Co partnership here'ofore existing between 0 W Uunnicntt, and J A Taylor, under the stylo of Unn- nicatt A Taylor, it ih t day dissolved by mutual consent: The bnsines, of the late firm will be continued at the old s and by J A Taylor. AU persons indebted to them are requested to call atouceand make payment to the said J SALT I SALTX W E have efreoted the best potslblo arrangement foe_ the speedy transportation of salt from oar salt woiks at BaltviUa, Ya., to Atlanta, Ga., aud we propose to sell for cash, or exchange salt for Corn, Bacon or Pork delivered In Atlanta. AU orders, to secure attention must bo accompanied with the money or return postage. The first salt re ceived will be delivered to the first orders. Address. 8RAQO, KENNEDY, PALMER, A 00. Atlanta, Ga., January 1-lm A Taylor, who is authorised too/se op the business the firm f t.o advertisement will appear in the Weekly paper on- .mb by ipfctikl contract. Advcr tlicmi at* to be inserted In the Weekly pap er only or at Irregular Interval* In either of the papers, will hi barged gl per square for every Insertion. Aanounelng candidate* for Liatc, County, and Munici pal office, |6 uoh—to be paid In advance In e very instance. All advertisement* for Charitable Institution*, Military end Fir* Companies, Word, Town, and other PuMio Meet ings, will bu charged half price. Marriage* and deaths are published as news; bat Oblt- asrtea, tribute* of Respect and tnneral invitations os ‘thor nl i iiillsriaeiiti Editorial Notice* to Local Column, will be charged 90 <nw peg line. -ho paper, under no cirowmstanoat, to b included In a ealrtet No deduction or variation will b made from the forego- Agratoa. adaik a HMniL N closing my connection with the Into firm of Hon- . nloutt A Taylor, I desire to return my -sincere -outs to the people of Atlanta lor their very liberal |an2-tf> Atlanta, Jan. ltth, taanks to the people of Atlanta lor their very liberal patronage to ns, and soliolt for my successor, Lr J A Tay lor, the same confidence and support which has heretoisru been extended to ns. 0. W. UUNNIUUTT. I N asst ming the sale proprietorship of the Drug Store, wflh which I have su long.been connected as a, part ner, I take this opportunity to return my thanks to th people oi Atlanta for the large there o. "patronage ex it. M. PARKS & CO-, AUCTION LARD, LARD, WANTED. Ighest price will be paid for batrtls Fine Leaf lard.. Jau2-tf CommlwomMercbants. LOGWOOD, 1 A BOXES EXTRACT LOGWOOD, on consignment and for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A OO.; Jan2-tf i Commission Merchants. ALSO, WANTED, 230 Empty Whisky or Lard Oil Barrels. 203 Empty Flonr Barrels Also, all kinds of Country Produce wanted, by F. M, Flfcl Jan6-lw Whitehall t Commission Merchants, No. 14 Alabama Street, Corner of-Pryor, ATLANTA, .... GEORGIA T>KaPECTTULLY solicit a share, tpatronage .irf hep. It by strict attention to business to give entire sails PEA NUTS. BUSHELS PEA HUM, on consignment and or PEASE A DAVIS. ANDERSON. ADAIR A CO. F Greene, Gi oukdiIT AND 01AGRIJXZ SBOt ttraac aantai flUlB UNDERSIGNED, Proprietor* ol the Chattanooga X Foundry and Machine Works, propose to tell the en tire eetabliuiment, embracing Machinery,ToolaStoclson band, Ac.—all of which la aa complete a. any 'Otabllah- rnent of tha kind la the Confederacy^ We are now doing a larg* and pktffitahlb btuluM*, Wturh would go immedi ately into th* hand* of our aucceuora. Tha fioparior ad vantage* of locatloa will always 1 us use an increasing bn- vloaas to any extent land, ranoo* de*irou* to Invest win do well to call and examine. TU03. W1 -3TER A 00. ubattanooga, July 81,1662. sug2-tf. —.. —„. atirutionto busluess to give entire sath ruction to their patrons. . ‘ 'duc6-tf COTTON YARNil. BALES COTTON YARNS, on couslgnment and for .ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, Communion Merchant*. CASKS RICE, for (ale by ' doc24-lgr Tss&r KOBEStTJ. LOWRY & CO., Snctcesora to Robert J Lowry. Fit ODUOB AND Commission Merchants, Johnson’s Slock, Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, - . - GKORGIA. JanMm * ' j PRASE A DAVIS. decll-tf QUININE. onn OUNCES BEST FRENCH QUININE, on canalgn- ment and for sale l.y ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, nov26-tf CommisuKa Merchants. ol this nnmbor cf acres, tally fifty consist* of- excellent branch bottom. One hundred acres of hoavy wooded lai d, has hardly a stick amiss. Thohousola not excelled in all It* appeirtments aid finish, by one country resi dence In a thousand, Six roomB, hard finished; closets, pantry, with glass doers—rooma united by folding doors, are some of the advadtages. There Is a larg" young or chard, embracing In Its catalogue, literally every fruit grown In this latitude. Bat tau.aud see the place for your selves. W< pronoun ce It a perfect gem. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Cornor of Whitehall and Mitchell Streets, rSETS BUGGY HABN1 ) sale by AI nov21-tt gnmeut and for )AUl A 00, ion MecrhanU. ATLANTA, GJEORG1A, 10R the tale of Produce,Merchandise, Beal Estate, Ne- . groe*,Ac. dd63-tf Notioe—Barks Wanted. MEDICAL PURVEYORS OFFICE, I AtlxbTS, Us, June 20,1862. J -1 HE bait price* wlU be paid by th*.undersigned for X large quauUtlee of the following BARKS: Stem, tranche* and root ol Dogwood, (root p- eferrod); tgenebee aid raota at Whit* Willow; toot, trank aud branches ol Ameilcan Poplar, (called alao WUto-wood, Canoe-woo<l and tulip-tree,) loot preferred. 1 hi so barks must be Ruefully dried and eecqyely pack- ad. They may be brougTt to this office, or sag to llr. L. W. Waller, Botanical Agent, CartorsvUle Ga.; or W. W. Durham, Botanical Agent, DenutogGa.^ jyl-tL Burgeon and Medical Purveyor, c. 8. A. Last Chance to Volunteer. a AY IN G been anthorixed by the Secretary of War to raise a battalion of Cavalry for COAST SRBV10B, 1 now extend to those deairiug to volunteer, the rare chance of so doing. Tula Is the only opportunity tu re main in Georgia, and protect onr own homes, that will be granted, soil you would get an excellent place for yoar- eelf, lose no time In giving yoar name. The cavalry branch is the hea thlost Of the service, and almost all wno are in lnfitatry are praying to bo iransferied.. AU eqnipmenffi^i usual bounty, Ac., given Anthority to raise companies »U1 be granted if application is made early. No one ao cepted without a horse. For further particulars address CAPT. F. E. BURKE, dec27-lm • Lumpkin, Georgia. DESXRABLK PROPERTY FOR BALE. 1 QA ACRES OF LAND, 16 cleared the balance heavily xA\J tlo bered, with a large, completely finished houeb containing nine rooms with rloeete and fire places; two fiiimcil nogro house*, Bnroke house, carriage house, stublo, cow Sheds ; a fine orchard, a large garden, Ac. 8ald place is situated on the public road, five mile* from Marietta and ilx from Powder Spring*—both places of r- soit in summer. For parUcuIaoi apply to R. w. Joy nor, of thu firm of Hamilton, Markley A Joyner, Atlanta, or to J- M. Springer, on the premises. declS-tf ttumr , , otwoo] ; RIPLEY & WOOD, Commission M c rchants, w ■ mux. u cole w p mux. INMAN, COLE Ac CO., GENERAL Commission Merchants, For the Purchase and Sale of Merchandise, Heal Estate, Live Stock, Bonds, Stocks, Negroes, &c. W E have ample store room, and will give personal at tention to all btulncas entrusted to ns. Office ir Beach A Root’s store, Whitehall street novl-U ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00. Commiksion Morchanti* novl6-tf FLOUR. BBL3. SUPERFINE AND EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, on consignment and for sale by - ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, tf Commission Merchant*. WLitoball Street, ATLANTA, .... GEORGIA, Yy ILL attend to baying and selling all kinds of mer- vv chandiae. AU orders for goods must be accompa nied with the cash to scour* attention. Janllly ; DRYGOODS. * ‘ 5000 YARDS CALICOES ' - xROO yards bleached Sheeting - P^ r Ladfo** and Misses Gaiters and Slippers ' U 12 dozen Men’s and Boy’s Hats And a variety of Fancy Dry Good*, for salo at wholesale sly by A SOLOMON A BROS, declT-tf. OommlssionMerchant*, PEACH BRANDY. ra BBL9. PURR PEAOH BRANDY, on consign- t and for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, novl6-tf OommUiiou Merchants. CHAMPAGNE. ) A DOZ. CHAMPAGNE WINE,. Ota consignment and ;U for sale by _ ANDERSON, ADAIR A OO, novl6-tf Commission Merchants. , FOR BALE. VERY YALUAULK FARM, containing 260 aero*, of Agency for Ya. Tobacco, A. CONNELL, 0 . ; ON consignment. A DOZEN FINE FRENCH OALF SKINS ' 26 bags Coffee ’.0 boxes Adamantine Candles 2 boxes S, erm Candles - 25 bales Cotton Yarn 2000 Jbf Copperas. For sale by . M. 8AL03HIN A CO, GluJ .1 Exchange Broker and Com Merchant, JanlO-lw* WhltehaU street. SOAP. [two HUNDRED AND FIFTY BOXES YELLOW SOAP. L 26 Boxee Toilet Soap, on consignment and for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A OO. D0V-16U Commistrion Merchants. ATLANTA, . lanlS-lj* By M. SAL08HIN A 00, Brokers, nov26-3mi* Alabama street, near WhltehaU. W. H. H ANN OK & BBOIHEB, WHOLESALE Commission Merchants, MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA, declOly GEORGIA SALT MANDFAGTUEIRSCOHj S. PHILLIPS, AGENT, I SEWING MACHINES, on consignment and for sal e fc by ANDERSON, aDAJR A 00, novI6-tl CommU.iun Merchant*. COUNTRY JEANS. A. LARGE LOT OF COUKTRY JEANS, on consign- X meat and for Ml* by ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, novl6-ti Commhwfon Merchant*. COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED. 0 BUSHELS DRIED PEELED APPLES ■" ICO bsshel* Dried Peeled Peaches T 100 bnshels good Green Apple* 10,000 pound* 'JfaUow loo bairel* good Lud . * ' •3 VtaAsaondi good Batter ,j MO bushel* good Wneat -630 bushel* good Rye ,ply to F. M. FISK, ,3-tf ni/o ■> - WhltehaU itreet, Atlanta. W . H. HENDEB80N i GO., AUCTION AND Commission Merchants, Whtteball Straat, ATLANTA GKOKG1A. AF- Auctions weekly. Plenty ol iouwi cv itorago REV. JAS. GREER, A. M., PRINCIPAL. nr<HI3 SCHOOL wlU commenbe on the second Monday of A January, 186J, In the basement of the Central Pres byterian uhurop. terms the same os in other Schools of Uke ■ Uaxacicx in Atlanta. References—lltv. Dr. Vi iU-'j, Rmr. J. L. Rogers. For testimonials see printed circular. RANAWAY, ' TJ1R0M BOYLE’S CAMP, on the S. and N. AU Railroad, JC. two negro men, UkoRGE, about 36 yearn old, weighs t66 °r 1*0 pennds, dark compli xlon, about 6 feet 8 or 8 Inches high, rather quick ipoken. NOROE or NORVAN, bright mulatto, 6 feet or over to height, .low epoken, and weighs 160 or 170 pound:, about 30 y eers old. A suitable Cf\BARRELS EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, for sale by Ov J*nl3- f FOSTER, QUEEN A Ol*. J7C HOGSHEADS PBIMBTO CHOIO*BROWN SUGAR #«J for sal* by o.i! decI8-tf FOSTER, QUEEN A 00. CA TIEECES RICK foreale by __ GY doclS-tf FOSTER, QUEEN A CO. qnrt BACKS RICE FLOUR for sale by Ow decis-tf Foster, queen a co. onn BARRELS MOLARS fed to arrive, for tale by * W decl8-tf FOSTER, QUEEN A 00. IA BARRELS APPLE BRANDY AND CORN WHISKY AY ul, [,y j ■ declS-tf FOSTER, QUEEN A 00. riMALL LOT FINE 8H0E8 AND FRENCH CALF SKIN O RooUfortatoby Orricx or Asshiamx QOAKTaaaasu Columbus, Ga. Sept. 6,1862. J mi order of Quartermaster Oeneral, I have been e D trusted with enure command or collecting the hid oi the beeves klUed for the army, for tanning, and d purchase ol leather for manufacturing. Tanner* havil Leather cn hand and wanting Hhle*,- will do well to a ora-w me with proper reference*. The army must be the tnd M k the duty afaU tannart to' assist in doing, All leather held at unreasonable prices wiil I mptSsod k. W. DILLARD, FUR SALK. 2 PRIME NEGRO MEN FOR SALE 1 Brick Mason 1 Pastry Cock and Carriage Driver and GardeLcr Both young aud healthy ALSO, »" f '• TO RE.'iT, a good dwelling, with six rooms, in theiu- burbeof the city, on Peach liee street. Apply to PEASE A DAVIS Atlanta, January 1st 1562. JauS-lm. ATLANTA STEAM TANNERY. FOR CASH, 6,000 CORDS BARK. WM, FORSYTH, Machine Blacksmitli & Forger, marietta btkut. ATLANTA, - - GEORGIA, X B prepared to do aU kind, of Mill Work, Ocxuftry Wort, Horse Shoeing, and aU the Tan on* branches ot Black smith work. Having been employed in th* Mechihe ekej cf the Western A Atlantic HaUreed for the last ten yran WANTED TO HIRE BY THE MONTH. I GOOD^AOHVB-ffiKEQOOOPKR Agee* aettva negni Oirpewtfra. 2 good active negro men to work is a (tore ' —“■—***“ *— 16 v*era old - F. M. FISK, WhltehaU street. Atlanta. ■eplOtf ; DWELLING HOUSE FOR SALE. IT7\E OFFER FOR SALE a good and ccmfortable Dwel- V¥ ling House, very pleasantly located, convenient to fmaapa, containing five rooms and a haU through the oust, with good out-building , and a rich garden and good rell oi exeUent water. Poteeaaion given immediately. App y to 1-KA8U * DAVIS, Commledon Merchants, Janll-lw Peach-Tree atrcct. Jamt-tf X3L a hull mile* trom the Car Shed, oo tuning 2I0at about 43. i 45 cleared, the balance in wood*. WeU bered, and a petty goed two atory hcu:e, knenep and notice. T BATE this day bought ont the interest of Mr Er X Lawshe, in the Co-Partnership bntincss of Holbrock a Lavnke, and wUl continae the maanjactnre of Hat* and Cars, at the old stand and solicit the continuance of the old patronage J M HOLBROOK. Atlanta, Dec Si, 1862. dec2S-tf '.GROCERIES, dec. 5QQQ POUNDS TENNESSEE BACON eight per cent bonds of the |l,000,00o lH- HUNTINGTON, M. O. dentist, ATLANTA., QJSOJtGlA, OFkiCE:—In Bawaoa’s ne w building, corner WhltehaU 'and Hunter •trreto—Rosidkuov, fir.t burn* to tne toft or OoLYaneev**- Loan. We are prepared to laaue them promptly. Ah the Bond* ordered by ns for subscribers have arrived and ere ready for delivery. They wlU pleas* forward oar Receipt*, and we will send the bunds a* they may direct. We hold them at the risk of the owner*. The Cotton of Subscri bers vril 1 be taken at the market prioe by the Government to exchange for Bond*. (AGENTS AT Savannah—R Hofcenfeam A Bona. Colombo*—D Adams Macon—N O Monroe. Newnaa—J. J. Pinson. LaGrang*— Jesse McLendon. Atlanta—iA. P- Dearing. Griffin—B. King. PHIN'IZY A CLAYTflN. JanS-Im General Agents Produce Loan t* Ga. ,|A “GOOD EGG,” SURE, n X ACRES OF WELL-TIMBERED LAND FOR BALE, %} O within (even miles of Atlanta, on the road leading to Turner A jiayson’e Ferry, with a comfortable dwelling house and ont-bnilding*; also, a No. 1 Steam Saw Mill in fine fanning order, vub lathe and ahirutl© zuachioee at- tached, with power enffic ent to ran them aU at the same time. An for the small sum of $5,0<Xi. Those wishing to purchase will plane apply to J. B. Hayaon, Atlanta Fe male Institute, or J. B. Majvon, on the premise*. ■ declf-ff -- MBS. M. C. COLE. FOR BALE. 4 GOOD STORE HOUSE AND LOT, with a dwelling attached to the same, and shoe-shop house on the lot Other necessary outbuilding*, on Broad street at Stone Mountain, Ga, Dee 18th. __ J E BRACE WELL. Bxrxuncu—W B Deaton, Atlanta; T J Dean, Stone Siouatain. d«i26 lm' decIB-tf PRASE A DAVIS, Commission Merchants. ON CONSIGNMENT. SACKS VIRGINIA BALT- ? ( 60 sacks Rio* Fleur EOiSKaT J. LOWS’ Conmleelota 1 FOR SALE. HOUSE AND LOT, on Peach Tree street, 1} Ie* from the ear shed, Oentaining 6 ream* an tbcuilding*, by PEASE A DAVIS, Cun million Merchant* ta, January ?th, 1863. JaaT4m. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. [YB8IR0UB of moving to the country, I offer my \J and lot where I now Uve, for vale dec2S-lf S A DURA