Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, January 17, 1863, Image 1

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1 vax PUBLIC rtOOB B1FOB1 PBIVaT® ASVAN1A&£ BV ADAIR & SMITH VOLUME II—NO. 285 ATLANTA, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1863. *=== ANDERSON, ADAIR & CO. Wholesale Grocers LOOK OUT FOR HIM 017'B ItEWABD. J. HENLY SMITH, iKO. W ADAIR, WILL pej $73 for the capture and delivery to me, or confinement in any jail to that I can get him, ol my gro hoy JIM, who runaway on the HUi hut.' Ho la a >gl t intilat to, 22 years old. about 5 feet 9 Inches high, uuky milt weighs about 160 pounds, has rather a Lola t pleasant conn euance—m l free—as very shiewd and COMMISSION MERCHANTS S. SOLOMON & BBOS., J. N. CABDOZO, B. 0. SMITH, M. D., WOODRUFF’S BUILDING. probably litis a for SICIIAIOS NOTICE, AO. 4. W BicanftivD, Va, Jan. 10,1668. I HE fallowing officers and men have been duly ex- A changed, and are lie' ebj s declared. 1• All officers and men aiptuied in Ke tacky Tenpes- seo, AI Obama, Mississippi, Georgia, riot 1 la and Bon k Carolina np to December 10lb, 1813 9. All officer* apd men captnrfcd In UUxmrt, Kansas, New Mo»loo, Arts jus, Atkaasaa and Loufilana, up to January 1st, 1561 3. The two fjiegoing sections apply not only to officers and men of tbeConlcderate sot Tice, but also to all perspns captured hi arms or hostile army again-t ths Ifniud Btatts, ahatever may hare been the character of the tuili- ftary o.gat izatlona to wbicb they were altacled, and ahatuT r may hare been l e terms of the paroles given by thorn. If any are in Federal prisons, they are to be immtduciely released, and delivered to toe Confederate ailMUil 6. All ConleJeiate officers and men who hare been d.- liTeiod at City Feint up to J nnuary Otu, 1663. 6. All Con ederate otfi era aud men who bare been de- iivered at Vickabnrg up to December 28J, 1863, and Inc u- di g said dale. 7. All ptroltd Confederate officers and men receipted for at Vickyburg np to iwcember 33d, 1864, and iiicloding .s'J date 8. all Onn .derateofficers aud men captu, oi and paruled at Fredericksburg, Va, in December, ltli. 9. All rfonfedcrato officers and men captured and paroled at Goldsboro, N. C, in D i-cumLor, 803. .10. O.bor miscellaneous and minor exchugej, of which iiieappioplaiep.ffi.-ers will be daly informed. liOBBKT 00LD, J.n16 6t Agent ot Exchange. a Yank.e blue jacket. I Will pay $100 for the arreet and prool to conTiit any penoo lor harbort. g him, or riding him to escape. ' V ■ JOHN M. RICK. Atlanta, Us. December 31,1863 The Mason Dally Telegraph, the Daily Rebel, Chalks- Commission Merchants. ATLANTA FENALE INSTITUTE!. '1118 INSTITUTION baa not been tokonfira hospital L as repot tod, anil 1 hare the assurance ot the l'os uooga, and the Augusta Chronicle A Sentinel, (Daily)will eica copy for two weeks, and send l-sl'a to this office, an send advertiser one copy of the yajer containing tt, decil-d :, r w3t ■ . HOSIERY AND BUTTONS. . DoZ MEN’S ENGLISH HALF'UOSK; 860 great gross Agate Buttons. On consignment andibr tale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00. jaull-tf _ Commixtion UrnLaata. SALT. 9f) BBLS. KANAWHA BALT, on consignment and for ®y a le by ANDERSON. ADil, A OtEJ jtn9-tf Commission Merchants. aur. o^u that it will not be taken.. The exercises will b resuinod on the 2d Monday in January, and oonUnue fo a scholastic term of six months.. Under the pressure o the times we are compelled to raise the rates of Tuition . he charges there Hire will be as id How.:. Collegiate Department for six months..... ...136 00 Preparatory do do 30 00 (At the Store lately occupied by-Brady A Solomon,) Primary , do do Incidental - — , — ~ t -- Music aud Plano rent same old prices. fl, ral Hardware and House FurnishingGo ds for whole- sale ard retail Alto receive on storage and sale Prodncel and Groceries, and every species of Merchandise on libe ral bairns. A8* We will give particular attention to consignments, and furnish correspondent -with mark.t report* when* desired. dec98m - On. -half the above charge* must be paid in advance in : > dec 17 tf J. K. MiXSON. President A VALUABLE FAMILY RKSlflKJflE FOR SALE N EAR the Depot at Covington, (la. Tbs house has 7 rooms, 6 tiro places, a good kitchen and 3 good negro " , g serfs, baa a good peach and er,foiling w»!i of water, and all Ids ab«ut mi.way between the ic Female aad Hmqry; also, 100 asar by, 43 of whubis woodland, he bouse and lot if desired. For ly to the under.lgnod, « r T a. i L. CRAWLEY ds BKO.. Ftauklin Bnllding, Atlanta, Georgia. • early advertising, with the privilege of change, wtjl . taken at tba following ruta*; on* ftjaare, rsntwable once a month, $ 83 . MAYER & BERIHGER' Commission Merchants, houses. The 1. apple orchard, necessary ontbi two LWk-gos, VI acres g Ml i.iijjj •I Tabular work, with or without ruiu, and advertias- ts occupying doable column, will be charged double • i • ,novc rata*' .-1 vsrtisemcnu u.t marked on copy lor a specified line, • I.. published ontil a,.lewd out, «nd charged according' -. ‘«u above rates odveru-'ornenMiasertcd in the LaiLi, and Waacsv,di-, «ffl he charged DO per sen. additional to tha regu •» -lady rales. <aar>v sdvertsecra will u. luaima to the space contract- • -or rtssy will fo- charged extra at regular rates for i vats, Reals, Removals, Copartner ships. No ticca fo C«y>.- • ocas A*., and payment demanded quarterly. ftr Taxameav Amaanaow star aa rain rua is Ad- »aua So aovuvUMancat Wib appear in the Weekly paper uu- 41 njf ipFtiol ffntrtcib • ^ . / ■ . advai twementa to fo insertedm the Weekly pap ar caty .s at irregular tuleivala in ettlirr ol tha papers, wUl be -arge-i dTper *p|it for every luasruon. Aaoosiaaiag CMididatea for Bfote, County, and Manu-j- . si >fife*,|6 each- P-fopaid in advance ia6v cry InaUncc. ail advanfaementa for Charitable IneiituUotu,Military »-J Fire Oomuauica, Ward, Town, and olhtl Public Mean oiga, will fo ehargeo half price. MarnagCs aad daalha arc pubDalims aa new; bet Utut> ■oftea rributes of Kespael usd fanera! .nviiatloni at . mar sdvarUHBsaata. Kd.torUI' Noltosa la Isuoal Oolamn, wits fo charged 8(1 • >■■ per Use. ' ’ ' . ' NOTICE TO SHIPPmRS BY EXPRESS. A LL Packages weltbfna 40 pounds and over, must bs XX. sruurely strapped. All fbhght must be distinctly marked with full name of cons (gneo, and all other names erased, will not be recelvnl. ArticRs of 4 fragile natnio taker at owners entireriak only. Freight for Macon, Savannah and Son’hwestern Geor gia, will be cceived until 9 80 A. M. Thors being 7 Expresses in and out between tbsbours of 4 mid 7.80 P M, we cannot receive freight after 4 P. M. Lueept Oovernment Freight. Sfoi.sge will’bo (barged on all freight net called for, .43 boors after reception. . FRED. COULTER, Agent South-rii Express Company. Atlas a, Jan. 1 fb, 18t8. jahlS tf MADEIRA 'WINE. / Vt»E BBL. AND A FEW DRHU0N8, “A No. I” Ma- U deira Wins, oa con Ignment and for sale by TurikU > ANDERSON, ADAIR A Ott. CHICORY. , . OlY BARBELS CHICORY, the rely snbslitn e for C.ffa*. O j on cowignmcnt and f..r si'„ by the U.rrel or sack by ANDERSON, A aIK A CO, jaai-tf Conuni-sion Me-ihauls anuTCRamnsE, real estate, bondn and STOCKS, • UlSSOLUlIUN. r|'Qk Co l’artnership Olore existing L A U-.nnlcutt, and J A Taylor, under the i meats A Taylor, L ih t day disao.ved by mu T .a buafnisi o! the late firm will Le cont nn a and by J A Tay.or. AU persons indebted ri quisled to call at onco and msJjS pay rnent A Taylor, who is authorized to cjiie up tho JanS-tf Corner W bltekall surd Alabama Sts., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. rjAjmOBLA-R attention p»J to consignments of Mer- A r.handisb entrusted to fo, and prompt remittance mjbhi for all Gaodt sold the day ifrlea arelaade. Uorl3-3m itwe.n C W jJs of Huu- - p. J salt: malt: W K have offocted the beet possible arrangement for the speedy transportation of salt from uur salt woiks at Safly.Uie, Vah to Atlanta, Gu^and we propose to sell for ensb, or exchange salt for Cora, Bacon or Pork delist red in Atlanta.' All orders, to teepee attention must bs accompanied _,.w -—c-— —* 3—* 5®e .first, salt «e- srdera. Addresa r, PJXMlSR, A CO , . COFFEE.. Qatar SACKS PRIME COFFEE, on «, nsignmi-nl aud P* for sale by ANDKRSO.N, ADAIR a CO. jan3-tf Commission Merchants. N closing my connection with the late fi.m ot Huh.- . nicatt « Xayior, l desire to retails mj siucerw •auks to the people of Atlanta tor taelr veiy Ijieud stxonsge to oa, and sollolt ldr my successor, hV J Sffty- ir, the aims confidence and support wlilch'hMherJSjaaV ton ixtonded to cs C. W. MOSNlCoTT: Atlanta Ga., JahU| RICE. TIKROES NEW RICE on consignment andfor sal ANDERSON, ADAIR A OH, SITUATION WANTED. 1>Y a refuges -L> s-ivbntt yen ccu ,t4Vn the most respectable llanl sa* (n Germany, ” J i *- 1 - -- soino aiiuilar itu] by any other onn , .... make himself useful. Further particulars through this pappr. ■ hxnaiRcx to— Mfij. Wm 3 McEwen,) Miq-. Tho*Clark, >- Kingston. -tt i> Duncan, P 3L, J D octor id IP.eHz, I Ei& Morrow, Esq, f Kn0IVlU B f Greene, Greencsboro’, Ga Jidin Gillespie, Chattanooga- -- LARD, LABS, WANT* rpus highest price will be field for * 103 Fine Leaf Lard. ALSO, WANTED, . 2J0 Empty W.hisky or Lard Oil Barrels. XUJ Empty Flutir liariels' over conscription age, irho,.on account of perlonc-e in keeping bo.ks and ac- : "inking and other Ho sl ice and this country, winld prefer ible situation, bnt will be pleased JaoS-tl 0 LOGWOOD, • "I A B0XE8 EXTRACT LOGWOOD, on con.igununtnn lor sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, jau2-tf Commission Merchants.' N ass using tie sole proprietorsh p ot ike Drug 8tire, . with which I have so ling been oosnected as a piit- :r, 1 take this ippoit. uiry to return my tracks to lli people oi Atlanta for the large thue o put! t nded to us,'and solicit a continuation Of ihi promiriig tammy best e -ertlons to g ye full s to alL To my late partner, Mr, Uw.nicnit, I kindest regards and test Wishc Atlanta, Jaana-y 12,1861. CommissRon Merokants^ fio, 1$ Alabama street, Comer of Pryor, ATLANTA, .... GEORGIA. Also, aATklnds of Conntry Produce wanted,by r. Si.'iiti janfolw WhZtehail i PEA NUTS. >0U BUSHELS l’Kk NUTS, on counignment and or IMlIeby ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO., docll-tf Coinmlslion Merchants. J. A. TA1 jan!4-d4 PEABB A DAYIS. BCBXBT J hOWXX. JOHN X. 10WXT, JCSkCXLLVS O. HXBJtH iM. NEW FIRM. ROBERT J. LOWRY & CO., | Snc reasota to Robert J Lowry. PBiOliXJCE | AND .; Commission Merchants, Johnsou’s Block, Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, - GEORGIA. Jan4-3m * KBPJEjTFIJLLY. solicit a share -’I j by strict Isttvntion to besinesfi tUDNDRT AND MACHINE SHOP FOR SAI.K. JltHK UNDERSIGNED, Proprietors oi the Chattanooga A Foundry and Machine Works, propose to sell thv tm- aatablishmsnt, embrsctng'MaclUiiery, T«Js, Bto. k hand, t c.—all of which Is as Complete a any titabilaL- asent M tho kind In tba Confedcre;-). W» ate now doing • large aud pioBtaoLe business, which would go immedi ately tntol lie-hinds of our successor*. Tbs Super,or ml * tnages «f kGMonjslil always muse an increasing bn- •Ibtoa to any exieqt desired, t ersons desirous to Invest to wall to call and examine. THOB WKUBTKB A UOi, > b^toaoogm, July C, 1803. angj-tt BOXES FARINA, for sale by janlO-lm* PEASE A DAVIS. COTTON YARNS. BiLICS COTTON YAHN'S, on oou.lgiiincnt and for sale by . , i .. ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO., decll-tf Commission Merchants. (..liEAUOWNOOK” FOR KALB..' W..' L -peak advisedly when we -ay that we have never I f ofierei such a rural property for sale. It Is situa ted one and a hall Riles West of Decatur, on tlioFay- road, and. six miles front Atlanta The land 1 Q OASKB RICE, for sale by JLO declaim ahum nuspx uia AUONS, LIGON Ac CO., Wholesale Grocers PEA8K A DA YU. of 260 acres, eve-y acre lying beanlifully, anu Dumber if acres, fnliy fifty consists of excellent a*ei . Q.U1NINE. r Or Ir > OUNCES BKnT FRENCH QUININE, on constgn- u\J\J nicht and for sale t.y ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00. nov2t>tf Commlseinn Merchauts. Li inch bottom Ono hundred acres of heavy wooded iald,ha8 hardly a stick amiss. Thohouseis nut excelled in mil It- app. i tments St d finish, by one country reai- A M, PRINCIPAL—lbs B enjamin t. hun: , exeiplserof thU A Monday of January. Rat $30 and $i0. Tne'Hyhols l(rms ol five moglhs eac ol entrance to the end ol -A.T..N janlO-:f M.LT(B COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner of Whitehall and Mitchell Streets, and pupils charged front time JArnTPitf. Board Trustees, HARNESS. SETS BUGGY HARNESS, on consignment aud for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO., lov21-tl Commission Mecrbants. Lost Chance to Volunteer. I I AVINU been authorized by the tecriitary of War n raise a battalion of Cavalry for CTHAgX' SER)'Ji 1 now eatond to those desiring to vpiiuaeer, the i! chancoof so doing. This is the only oppurMiity to' main us Georg.a, and pnitect our Own Lenita, twit wut giaultd, toil you would get on excellent place for yo Aflr. lose no .ime. u string your name. The cavalry tuhi dJe.-ti SUGAR. HODS. SUGAR, various grades, on consignment <tnd for sale bv ANDERSON, ADaIR A 00., i-tf Commission Morchanu. isiintt . , • ij crwoo» ; BIPLEY & WOOD, Commission Merca.;ints, ' ' Street, ATLANTA, .... GEORGIA, \A1 ILL attabd to baying and selling all kinds of mer- V’ OiaujJizo. All urdem for goods-muat be uccompa-' INMAN, COLE & CO., GENERAL Commission Merchant^ For the Ptuchase and Sale Qf Merchandise, Bral Estate, Live Stock, Bonds, Stocks, FLOUR. IRKCta AND EXTRA FAMILY* insfgnnsnt and for sals by ANDERSON, ADAIR a CO, firm of UanARoj^ fi ipringer, onlbe p. ol cdp'ied without ahorse.* For ’ DRY GOODS. YARDS CALICOES Z 300 yards bleached Sheeting \ 260 pair Ladies’ and Misszs Gaiters and Slippers 12 dozen Hen’s and Boy’s Hats variety of Fancy Dry Goods, for sale at wholesale 8. SOLOMON A BROS, tf Cdtnmiseinu Merch.nt-, PEACH BRANDY. LFTY llBLS. PURE PEACH BRANDY, oa consign ment and for Mle by ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, ivlB-tf Cou.miMion Merchants. 'bled With the cash ti secure attention. Agency for Va. Tobacco, A.. BIVT y .j WHITE & POWERS, CHAMPAGNE. DOZ. CHAMPAGNE WINE, on consignment and for sale by . ANDERSON', ADAIR A (X>, r!6-tf Commission Morchanu. SOAP. WO HUNDRED AND FIFTY BOXES YELLOW SOAP. 23 Boxos Toilet Si ap, on consignment aod for sale by AADKRBOS, ADAIR a Co, cv l60 Commhwiou Merchants. »■ *» ■■•£_ rrr ^ 11 ■■ *" "**~*M"W »av* wur.nia>ij VUtOlSlA TOBACCt^, to wtilch {ittiBuld Hci^ctfliUy di« act pubin at lent’,.i. The -l. o, Cft-.r:ly7'CCU|Iad by •earn. SdahfMr.a A Lorttn, No, 11 Cecil .lAeei. s.u. eased for the purpose, where at aU time., st be Knnd not •a’y the best and most general assortmeui t > Tobacco oot- •ido ot Virginia; but also a constant supply a the coam.-t and nneat gra las of BUG AR The bnidjea tor obtMuing .0 boxes AJsunantine Candles 2 boxes S^errn Capdlts £6 balM Ootfch Yarn ■ Exchange Broker ul Com Merchaut, janlNlw* * Whitehall street. W. H. HANNOH & BROTHER, GEORGIA SALTMANBFAGTUElH&CO.x B. PHILLIPS, AQEVT, MASONIC HALL. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. SEWING MACHINES, oa coasign^cu: an l for salt by ANDERSON, a>,■■■.IK A CO, 1 >vl5-t CouimiMiou Morchanu. Gommission Merchants, COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED. 0 BUSHELS DRIED PEELED APPLES HO buahels Dried Peeled Reaches 100 bosaais gvyd Green Apples 10,009 pounds 'JyOjow COUNTRY JEANS. LARGE LOT CF COUNTRY JEANS, on constgi meat and for sale by ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO, vlb-tl Coumiiseion Merchants. W. H. HBNSSRSo. t CO., J&L. U O T 1 «> w AND Gommifision Merchants^ • WbUabstU Street, i ATLANTA, OKOKtilA- •ar- Aucttqas weekly Plenty •• teens cr swng». rpHlS SCHOOL will comr A January, 1563, In the by ter Ian nbuioh. senna I hike - haracter in Atlanta. Boy. J. 1. Roger*. For tea ’decxF-lm declO ly 10* barrels good Lard 1,000 pounds good Butter 600 bushels good Wheat &U0 bushels good Rye Apply to F. M. FISK, jauS-tf Whitehall street, Atlanta. C/Y BARRELS EXTRA FAMILY FLOUK, for saieby OU janlS- f FOSTER, QUEEN A Oo. HOGSHEADS PRIME TO CHOICE BROWN SUGAR decl8°-tf” jl0 b7 FOSTER. QUEEN A 00. 60S - BAHAWAY, ROM BOYLE’S GAMP, on the S. and N. Ala Railroad, TWpFWlErn watVWNOBQE, about 36 years old, weighs or UO pennds, dark comphxion, about 5 feet 8 or 9 i*v.high,ratherqulck tpoken. NOKOE or NORVAN, ,bt mulatto, 6 feet or over in height, slow spoken, and ghs 160 or 170 pounds, about 30 jeers old. A suitable Columbus, Ga, Bept. 6, lSdx. ,' : b x older oi Quartermaster General, 1 have been en- •xoated with eniue command of collecting itbiAidfc*. o. Use beeves klUed for the army, for tanning, and the porch an ol Leather for maculae luring. Tanners having Loathe.- cn hand anc wantiug Rides, will do well to ad- arose me with proper references. The army must be shod, md it .s the duty or *11 patriotic tanners to assist in so fosug. All leather held at unreasonable price-, will l« up reseed F. W. DILLARD, FOR BALK. n PRIME NEGRO HEN FOR SALE & l Bikk Mavou 1 Paltry Cook and C.rrisge Driver and Oardeter Roth young aad healthy ALfO, TD KK.-T, a good dwelling, with am rooms, in tho su btubs cf the citf. on Peach Tree street. Apply to PEASE A DAVI8 - i Atlanta, January 1st 1862. q ■ - JaaS-lm. ATLANTA * 8TBA1 TANNER^ FOR O AS H, 6,000 OOBD3 BARK. 'ER, QUEEN A CO. "decis-tr FOSTEit, qUKE' a (0. BARRELS MOLASSES t, arrive, for sale by deciK-tf FOSTER, QUEEN A CO. BARRELS APPLE BRANDY AND CORN WHI iKY tor s tie by , W-r. . ■* t ?<. g wJ , . \ - .18-tf Foster, queen a oq. MARIETTA STREET. XTA, ... GEORGIA, to Jo all kinds ol MillWotk, Con ussy tVost, oetag, and all tbs various branena* tv Btach- Having been omployevt in tbs Macui-at .-In p u A Allan tic Hatuieul for tha last lass FOR SALK. A SMALL FAIM. lying on the II A WR ., three and ‘ * hull mile, Horn iheCar Shed, Od tsimngXtUacrtE about 43.1 40 cleared, the balance in woods. V*eU Co hered, and a petty go* d two t lory hense, kueben and oat- t-uildiugs. Sot ml sp.tnge and a fiist .ate well of water are on the prenisea 1 wilt sell all, .r a part, of the above id.3 -HI By earl, application to thesobscjber,abar^ain ranbe ^Atlanta, Die 8L iS62 ’ “ aet8l-lm NOTICE, ‘ PRODUCE LOAN SUBSCRIBERS. NOTICE. 1 HAVE this day bought out the interest of Mr Er 1 Lavuhe, in the Co-Partnership business of Holbiock ALawahe, and will continue the manufacture of Hats and Capa, at the old stand and solicit the continuance of the old patronage J M HOLBROOK. VMALt. L /X FINK SHOES AND F.-ENCH CALF SKIN 5 Boots (bt eale by Aesifctf . FOJTER, QUEEN A CO. of the Wl ae flatters himself t£.t he cau give autu* astU ast n ia. As mestles d aU oavEa ci.iin.ied to him. Tosbm cast a PB—Bteaia fUUsit repaired .u. short notice non si* | QN consignment and for ^ corner Whitelall and A1 shame streets, 7u0 yards Saxony FlanreL . to Boxes Candid- . ■’ 5 • EfSnfifMMfr 1 MO P-L« »ga.a than by taking eagbt per cesgbomfr ef tha$I,(Xfo.*tfoi Loan. We are pattoared to iasne Iheai proogitiy. Ah the- Bonds ordered by frs for schscrlhars have affil^a at J are ready for delivtiy. TheywCl plea?* forward our Receipts, and vre will tend ikfo bonds as that may direct. Ws hold HUMTiJGTOJi, ft., li D R J> T 1 « T 4X0*1 Tallow , - 600 lbs Star Candle* 103 ffis Turpentine Snap SO sS>) Coppers i 36 lbs Orwell Tet 30 dozen Broonu 60 lbs Ginger 100 Uh Spice 100 Bis Grain Pepper yo within (eTon miles of Atlanta, on the read feadltg to Tamer a Msyaon’s Ferry, with a comfortable dwelling boose and out buildings; also, a No. 1 steam Saw MiU its fine i uniting order, with lathe aad shingle machine* to uched, wl-h power suffic ent to run them all at the same time. AU for the small sum of $6,00o. Those wishing to purchase will please apply to J. K. Mayaon, Atlanta Fe male Institute, or J. e. Mayaon, on the premises, decll-tf ' WANTED TO FUKCHA8K. r WISH TO PURCHASE A GOOD CITY LuT, line loca- L tlon, either improve! or unimproTed. Also, a Planta- on containing acme 600 or luOO acres, near some <f the •Lilroadi. Addrea* or call cn K. A. MCLENDON, | dec 16 tf Peach-Tree meet. MD LOT, with a dwelling •ho*-shop boose on the lot BHMMWMi a(ja«hed fo the same, at mt—r. — — Broad street at Stone Munmain, (fa. Dec I&th Htt J it BRA( EWELL. Rxixaxscrs—W B Deaton, Atlanta; T J Dean, St-me Mountain. d*cS31ns* A CARD. **■ MAYER, thankful .u )^>t frvers aud the ntwil paotmag- heret^fo-r. “ ert.-wtj upon him 16-reapectfulij announce to thv cAoons cf Ailartta and otj"? cv ^ In ti7» that ha has aw.a land himaslf with “Vt- esoobe and J. Kapp fur tho purpose ot opening (Ihu * U ^ Commission Besides* at fo* oM stand, on tenau street, Atlanta, G e*>rgi*, to on - * Dd wou ^ a of f* tot» In Ithcfte lad«ttod to Mr. D. Miy^ will 6lc ibt> toOi Auction offle®, ftnAm fmr&e«tnr rts.jw»«v >««U«a( laajiBEtf] D; MAYER. FOR HIBE. 11 WO LIKELY NKGaO HEN. App y to L PeabE A DAVIS, ;jt ’."via Commission Merchants. PUIN1ZY A CLAYTON. . tgeaa* PfoAooo less for Oa.' . 8. BOLOMON A BROS, COmmiuion Merchants, at the store lately occupied Ly rady A Bokanou. dccXT-tf h csted convenient to tire Lusinesi portion of. • ** • ANOERBON ADAIR A (X) FOR BALE. O NE HOUSE AND LQT, oa Peach Tree street, miles from the car shed containing 6 room* good ontbqaUdlng., by o Zi'iE’JJiisBl i Atlanta, January Wb, 1863. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALK. .Ef-IROUS of moving ti. the country, I offer ay bouse I and lot where I now live, for eale eclB-tf B A 1URAN5, SACKS VIRGINIA BALT