Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, January 21, 1863, Image 1

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VOLUME II—NO. 288 ATLANTA, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1863 BI ADAIR & SMITH. EXCHANGE NOTICE, NO. A. Richmond, V* , Jan. 10,1883. 17HB following officer* and men have been duly *x- JL changed, anil are hat eby a; deolarad. , 1. All officer* and men oxptnred in Kentucky, Tenuea- aee, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida and Bou k Carolina np to December 10th, IMS. . S. All officer* and men captured in Miatoari, PjjDMfa Near Mexico, Arizona, Arkanaaa and Louisiana, np to January 1st, 1SGJ 3. The two foregoing section* apply not only to officer* ANDERSON, ADA1B & CO. Wholesale Grocers jtaxikm «»sDan*i t reiitbtx* JBO. W. ADAIR..... ...J. HENLY SMITH, ■DITOK8 AND PROPRIETORS. B. C. SMITH, M. D.- J. N. CARDOZO, i 19th, 1863. Two Beaaion* of Eve me TUITION PER SESSION. Primary O to* ,... COIIIUIOR MBROBiNTS 8. SOLOMON ft BROS. Daily, tlx month*. 2d Claaj 3d Clan. thoCoolideralo service, bat alto to allpeCMM i arm* or hottile array agalnat theHalted Gaily, one month The following Ladle* lmve been Appoint ed to Stay at the Wayaide Hospital. Monday: Morning—Mrs Blanchard, Mrs Everett. Evening—Miss Kale Hoge, Mrs Richard Orm. Tuesday : Morning—Miss Fannie Bi|tt, Mrs Wyly. Evening—Mrs Chisolm, Mrs A E Johnson. Wednesday : Morning—Mrs Tomlinson, Miss Lizzie Hoge. Evening—Mrs Bass, Mips ly, aevsa month*. Il&ring been engaged in teaching far several years, we (ml assured that we wUl give satisfaction to all who may fast* u* with their patronage, and give os a fair and can- did trial. St 1 ict ialthinlne s in the dls Largo of dntire, a cheerful compliance with needful regulation* ai.d propriety of de meanor and punctual attendance at all times, wilt be re* quired of each pupil. Pupils charged from time of entrance till close ef set • •ion, except in c sea of protracted sickness. For farther particular*address THUS. A. CRAVEN, or Mias 1 J in 17 tf Jonesboro’, (la. Commission Merchants, ' ADYERTUUK). Uim aqaar* of 10 lines or lata, oae laaarUos, 01; and fitly Cents far taeb mbeeqaent inaerlton lea than on* onto. authorities. . • 6. All Confederate officers and men who have been de livered at City Point np to January 6th, 1H63. 8. All C.m ederate offl era and men who hare been de livered at Vicksburg up to December 23d, 1862, and inclu ding said date. 7. All paroled Confederate officers and men receipted far at Vicksburg np to December 23d, 1861, and incladlag said date. 8. All Confederate officers and men captm ed aud paroled at Fredericksburg, Va, in December, lefii. 9. All (Confederate officer* and men captured and paroled at Goldsboro', N. 0, in December, i 862. **10. Other mlacellanoon* aud minor exchsraoi, of which |Iia ASvmMalafm / HI on wo aawlfl ha 2 ■■ I w I c fhaa* a^ “ROBERT OSLO, ’ Agent of Exchange. HOtIBRV AMD BUTTONS. JRIIDOCMBE’S ENGLISH HALF HOSE; Jrl'j W6 great gross Agate Button*. On eonaigumaat andfar sale by ANDBRBON, ADAIR A CO.. janll-tt Ocmmtattrn Merchant*. A All C.m ederate offl era and men who have been de livered at Vicksburg up to December 23d, 1862, aud tnclu- 7.” All paroled Confederate officers and men receipted far r* "" -- A ; ^ —‘ " said date. c. — ~ at Fredericksburg, V*., in December, 1*62. at Goldsboro , N. O, in December, 1862.* _ t.--. 1 " :.r~ —- —1— —!—. iheappioplate/JB.-era wilt be daly informed. ' ‘ ' finis et I1LT. - Ofj BBL8. KANAWHA BALT, an eonaigumaat and for w * da by ANDERSON. AD Ain. A CO., Jenf-tf Oommiaaion Merchant*. HV 8KLBAII EOLA1IEI. KA By (A. CHOICE N. 0. MOLABSDfi, on consignment and far aal* by ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00. Janf-tf Oommfaelsa Merchants. . . & , WAETRD. , ciili 111 IgUiUS N’-U at KaexriUa, Jfsun, a Padlar, to whom 1 MMMrfagM wAt be paid. Apply at j*3-tr ANDERSON, ADAIR * 00’8 Store P. O’CONNOR & CO., Commission Merchants. S AVE IN STORE and art rteeirjqg a «toek of geo*- rat Hardware asrd Boas* leroLhing Go df fir wool* ard retrtl Also receive oa Uurt*t and sale Produce aud Oroccriea, and every species oi Merchandise on lib* ral term*. AW Wa will give particular attention to consignment*, aud furnish correspondent with market raporta when deatred. dec2 8m Aud General Dealers in GROCERIES & COUNTRY PRODUCE, Decatur (street. ATLANTA, ... GEORGIA. AS' Prompt in order* aud remittance*. Janld-tf TO RAILROAD BRIDGE CONTRACTORS. P ROPOSALS ARE INVITED, and will be racaired until the 1st of FaBraory, 1863, for the masonry and aapae- auuctnre far a bridge lo. tbe Alabama aud. MiMlattppi Rivera Railroad, over tbe Tombigbee river. There will be three stone pier* and two abutments, containing about six Vearly advertising, with tie privilege of change, wU a taken at th* following rates: ■ a: one Square, renewable one* a month,...,...—.»..• 86 for three ihgoarea, SB NABEIRA WISH, AND A' PEW DHMIJONB, “A No. 1” Me a*, oa ana igamtat and far aal* by ANDRR80X, ADAIR A CO. MERCRA9DI8S, REAL ESTATE, BOSDS AND STOCKS, .. CKICORY..... j-.w CtUCOET, th* oaly anbaUtu • fat Coffee. amantand far aal shy th* barrel or sack ANDRR80N, AoaIR A CO. Oommfaatou Mat chants. Carnar Whltthall and Alabama Sts., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. P ARTICULAR attention paid to conaignmenta of Mer chandise entrusted to ua, and prompt remittance made far all Sooda sold the day sale* are made. nuvia-San Sunday—Mrs Dean, Mrs Hardman, Mrs Niles, Mrs Wyly, Mrs Spear. Monday—Dr Ford, Misses Hogea, Mrs Cole, Mrs Simms. Tuesday—Mrs Anderson, Mrs Chisolm, Mrs Massey, Miss V Wilson, Mrs Davis Wednesday—Mrs Brown, Mrs Fish, Mrs McDaniel, Mrs Huntington, Mrs Alexander Wallace. * vj- Thursday—Mrs Collier, Mrs Pope, Mrs ATLANTA FKHALK INSTITUTES. rpiUS INSTITUTION haa not been taken far a hospital 1 as reported, and I have the aaauranoe oi the tot Surgeon that It will not be taken. The exerdsee wAl b resumed on the 2d Monday_in January, And eenttnue fa a scholastic term of aix months.; Under the pressure o the times we are compelled to raise the rata* ef Tuitten * he charges therefore will be a* follow,: OOFFEB. lCKR PRIME COFFEE, oa Qpnrigtiment and by ANDERSON, ADAIR A OO, Oommistton Merchant.. a m faxes at w smamMOK NEW FIRM. H. M. PARKS & CO., AEOT.IO.N AES Commission Merchants, *«. J4 Alsixma 8M»et, Comer ef P’ryor, ’ A*LAE#A,.'j;,i^J^. . * - OKORGIA. K BMEU01Cfa*rtMt a ahare e t patronage and hope bf atriat attenUofi to hu*tr**J to give entire eati* LffSWOOD, liOT LOOWSOD, oa ou aigament and ANDERSON, ADAIR A U>4 Oeauatastoa Merchant* * n c v WOOS RIPLEY & WOOD, Commission Merchants. H PEA NVVE. v -> HM PEA NUTS, ea eauaignmant and or AEDEBSON, ADAIR A 00., Uu**mtt*lw» Merchant*. 4sebmtami; v 1 CDTCDN TARNS, ou sasMigumaat aud far r ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, •Aft DVNOHS BEST PRENOH RVININE, ea caaatgn- meat end far sal* oy . ANBRISDJT.'ADAIXAOO, uev4S-M OemuAseiew Merchants. HiBTD|«- c BOOST HARBBBf, ea «*a*taam*»t amt tor 9 «l* far AD DEMON, AVAIK A 00., > ANtm* > uses n a uiu AMOS8, LWON Sc GO., Wholesale Grocers ABD C0MIS8I0N MERCHANTS, tmni «r WkltahsH si4 Mitohsll Streets, ATLANTA, OEOED1A, KMtthsaaitaf Predaaa, kmluiM, Seal Batata, Ne- Aflanta Hospital Association. The following commits have been appoint ed to cook for the Hospitals, commencing January 12 th, 18GR: Monday—Mrs Q G Howard, Mrs W Clay- ion, Mgjs Dr Simmons, Mrs J H Lovrjoy. Tuesday—Mrs Dr Alexander, Mrs Rice, Sirs Crussell, Mrs Dr Jones. Wednesday—Mrs Peok, Mrs Lawshc, Mrs Ur Grant, Mrs Jno H Seals. Thursday—Mrs Dr Young, Mrs Davis, Mrs Pur tell, Mrs P Brown. Friday—Mre E Payne, Mrs Chandler, Mrs Venable, Mrs Hoyt. Saturday—Mrs C J Pitts, Mrs Forcacre, Mrs Maffit, Mrs Fowler. Sunday—Mrs Ponder, Mrs I Winship, Mrs Dr Brown, Mrs Holcombe. mlUl UNDERSIGNED, Prgprielen of A* rhath^a^a 1 foundry and Machine Wick*, propose to a*U tltt ea- flre ealaAttthmeui, aa^cadxg MMlfaaasy, Toole. Bteffit fat baud, * c.—all of whioh is aa ouanptate re nay TMaStah- meat of the kind loth* Oonfadetaey. We are new doing a largv mu! prnfltablc tualnraa, wluoh would go ImmedT ttwy toffi the head* of uur auccerews. The Superior ad- V*angea or- localfaa will always in**** an Inert Ming ba-1 tibeea to any aaleat Seabed. Persons deaboua to Invest ■nl do wall to sail aad examine. - * THOS. WEBSTER A CO, tnkaltaaooga, July 82,1862. au*8-U. ■ SALTI SALT! W E have effected the beet possible anatgiant far the speedy transportation ef salt from oar salt woiks at Saltville, Va., to Atlanta, Gfa, and wa proas a* to sell for cash, or exchange salt far Cara, lac a* or Dark delivered in Atlanta. All orders, to secure attention must be acuoaspaaled with the money or return postage. The Brat salt re ceived wiu be delivered to* ne nrat order*. Address. SB AGO. KftMIEBT, PALMER, A 00. ATLANTA, ijnl3-lj * FOR. HIRE. fllWO LIKKLV NKOftO MEN.. App.y to PEASE A DAVIS, CommUalon Marcha&ls. Notice—Bark* Wanted. . C> MEDICAL PURVEYORS OFFICE, I ' .* AnJEia, Ga., June », IMS. f 11 HE be*t pricaa will Le paid by Iheundanlguad far 1. large qnaatUie* of lit* fulfowtag BAhALS: etaSD, branches and root of Dogwood, (root p. ofarredl; (Taarka* aad roou of Wffije Willow; root, fttuBfc and branch** Of Americas Poplar, (calked aiau White WU*A Omto*wondand tullp-iijajrootpradttvad. . Three tern must he can-fair dried aad **cqr*ly pack ed. They may be brungEt to tfaia offioa, or a*tt to Mr. L W. Waller, Botanical Agent, Oerter*rule Ga.; or W. W. Durham, Botanical Agent, Daeafar, Oa. OMQROE B. KLAP.nin, jl-tl. .. Burgaoo and Medical Purveyor, v. B. A. WRACK BRAIDT. T . PtlJRB PEACH BRANDY, au ooaaign- " * AEDEBSON, ADAIR A 00, ddeo-tf BOXES FARINA, for sale by ^ a ^ DAm. 1 Q 0ABK8 RICE, far sale by 10 deoM-lm PEASE A DAVIS. good ontbonililinga, by Atlanta, January "th, IHe» JBnOAN. COLE So CO, MIERAL V r Commission Merchants, Far the ParchuM and Sals of Merchandise, Real Saute, live Stack, Re&ds, Stocks, Eegroee, fcc. \\pt have Maple store roan, and will give personal at- V V taaMsu i* all Duataasa autraatad to ns. Office Id Daaah A RaaWa share, Whitehall street. novl-ti J1ALS AND FKNALS. B enjamin t. hunter, a m, princhpal—s exercise* of this Academy viU commesoe ou Jfaa Moaday of January. Rates of Tuition per asnoaa. M*. (I Agency for Va. Tobacco. A. CONNELL, I, i Lata of EtaaphU, Tana, i . ,i< ii A3eatahilahadin MnUarauiry, Alabama,uflrefaoiaM n AgewV fat aU kinduM BM0R1NG AND O&EW0G ViMBlJUA TOAAOOO, la which h#ttopld rrepsctfallS dk- tsc* puhhc mttantfau. Th* store formerly occupied by Rear*. Mtddlatou ALaiUa, No, 11 Onurt eueet, k** beau cased far th* pnrpow, where at aU ttntea cu be (Land not the beet aud won general assortment oi Tobacco out- •kM of Virginia; but also a constant supply oi the coarsest aad Sasat grate* &f SUGAR. The faedhttaa tor obtffiuiug eager cannot be aurpwwii.d t.j any other house in the Coe- .I.... .wv r BONDS, STOCKS, SPECIE, EXCHANGE, 1A1K BILLS OF ALL BSICBIPTI0B8, BOUGHT BID (OLD. j By M. 8AL0S1HN A 00, Brekara, W. H. HANNOH & BBOl'HEK, WHOLESALE Commission Merchants. MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA, dec10 ly DEN lit ABLE PROPERTY FOR SALK.’ 1 OA ACRKS OF LAND, 16 cleared th* halaace hearfly Are V til. bared, with a large, eompleiely Aniahed ire* containing nine rooms with closet* and lire ptocee; two Gamed negro houses, smoke house, carriage house, etoUa, cow shed*; a fine orchard, a large garden, A*. BaU place ia situated on the public road, five mile* Asa Martrti* aud tlx from Powder bpringa—both place* of r< ewt In summer. For - particular*'triply to R. W. Joyner, of the firm of Hamilton, Harkley A Joyner, Atlanta, or to J. M. springer, on the prenusee. declR tf IOIIHY JEAK8. AN n COUNTRY JftAMB, far ml* tf j, AXMKIOU, AB.AIR | CAN FRE3H MOBILE OYSTERS. L 80 barrel* Flour. 600 barrlt Corn 7 kega Lathing Nalto • - * - 20 boxes Adamantine Cam lea 600 lbs Lard, in kegs and car* 80 sacks Rye For sale by X. Q. SIMMS, Commission Merchant, JanI6 tf Whitehall street, near Confederacy Office. ykitehaU. DRY GOODE. YARD* CALIOOB8 300 yards bleached Sheeting - - j 860 pair Ladles’and Uiaa .e Gaiters and Blippsa 12 dozen Men’s and Boy’s Hats variety of Fancy Dry Goods, tor sale at wholesale - a 80LUM0N A MOB, J If Oommiasiea Merchant*, Vt 1. BJUIDXBSU'U *■ CO., AW C T 1 O N AND Commission Merchants, FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. OjT, on the 9th instant, between Whiaehall street and i J Grant’s Hospital, a leather Pocket Book, containing between one hundred and seventy-five aad two hundred dollar*—Confederate note*—principally in twt alia* and tens. The finder will receive the above reward by leaving tbe book and money at this office, or returning it to me at Grant’s Hospital. fOETDIt, QUEEN A CO. MOLABMH to arrirw. far aal* bj WANTED TO HIRE BY THE MONTH. 1 GOOD ACTIVE NEGRO COOPER 1 4 gpod active negyo Carpenters 3 good active negro men to work In a store 1 good active negro boy, 16 years old Apply t* F. M. FXSK, jani-tf Whitehall street, Atlanta. R. 31. FOSTER. Jaal7-tf Rarest, ATLANTA. GEOHOIA. Aff- DUction* weakly. Plasty oi tvout or atcaaga. FOR SALK. ^ 2 m PRIME NEGRO MEN FOR SALE 1 Brick Mason 1 Pastry Cook and Carriage Driver and Oardexer - Both young and healthy ALSO, TO BE jT, a good dwelling, with six room*, lath* su burba of the city, on Peach Tree Atlanta, January lat 1862. JaaB-im. A LIKELY NEGRO GIRL, 16 years old, a good house ii. servant v 8000 S>s Iron 300 bushel* Turnips 40 barrels Flour 3900 Shi best Leather in th* city. For sale by AMOBS, LIU OX A CO., Corner Whitehall and Mitchell tto, j*ul7-4t Atlanta, Georgia. 1TLHTA 8TBA1 TAMKEET. F O B CASH, 5 ; 5,000 CORDS BARK. O N consignment and tor sale by MAYER A BBRINQER, . corner Whitehall and A!ab*mo streets, . 700 yards Saxony Flantel. 60 Boxes Candles. 6a Heavy Over-Coat*. 60P Pairs Case. Panfa. agrtfcjf roa. hale. A GOOD STORE HOUSE AND LOT, with a dwelling attached to tbe same, and aboe-ahop howM oa theUA with other necessary outbuilding*, ou Bread street at Stone Mountain, Ga, Dec 19th. 1B42, J R BRACEWBLL. Bxxaxixcxi—W B Deaton, Atlanta; T J Beau, Stowe Mountain. dmES-lsa* A. French, and Mnaic on toe Piano, with several yaars’ experience in teaching, deeires r situation as OovernoM in some private lamily. Terms made ktuwn Good ref erence given. Address “Indtr,” Ryland’e Depot, Greenville county, Va, or J W S jniie, 8r., Ua*tea,.Il. C. JanS-lm NOTICE. mim L0A1IUB8CEIB1E8. VUMOEHtEBB to Uwlbodnc* Loan are earnestly x ATLANTA, tfan, either improved or unimproved. Alao, a Plante- i containing some 600 or r iroads. Address or call N. A MoLENDON, I* pay up (hair tahecripUoaa. The Govern- mwas Asatre* aa ewriu retti tmtmt AS person* vrith fund* — to iuvact «uMtot raudar arrester mnOkt to their country thus by taking eight par cant bond* of the 81,000,000 Lawn. W* are pwpurad to ireua tfan**promptly. All the Band* ajdaaal far ua far auhaertbara have arrived apd are raafar fm dwEaary. Tfaay wGl plaaaa torwatd our Raceipta, jr amd wa adU saw* J» hood* a* they may direct. We hold „ Alto at ^ rttk at *ha ewuare. The Oottoa cf Bubacri- hare wE 1 ba takaw at the mar hat price by the Government »- —-a—Tf" tor UewAe |AGEETd AT of Savannah—E Hc^tfskam A Bee*. , ' OzDXUrcx Omct, X Atlanta, January 16,1S63. / I HI LIP KRIK3, absent without leave, wiU report at tbit office within five days, or be advertised ** a de ter. By order: M H WRIGHT, Major Commanding Arsenal, i B. SOLOMON A BEOS. MurturV at th* stare lately ocaupiad Ly was. AaelT-tf TENNESSEE BANK BILLS. X WANT TO BUY ten thousand dollar* 1* OLD l«f- NBSSSE BANK MWTE8. Apply at my oflfaa, W*«d ruff’s Building, Atlanta, Georgia.* W L HIGH Soldier’s Transportation. S OLDIERS and RECRUITS going to any part, usda . dare, will apply to Captain William Bacon, IQ - Hxi»UAXTXKS Miutxxt Pog>,\ Atlanta, Ga, January 3,1863. > General Order No. L A LL the nfficeis and private* bo longing to Oompani A, B, C and D, o f Provort Battalion, now abeent, a hereby Older ed to report immediately far duty. By order. G. W. LEE, J*o4 tf Commanding Poet „ A CARD. *• l P. A 7j D YATMt, thankful xr part favor* and th* FOR SALE THIS WEEK. A TRRT desirable HOUSE, coutateiag sight gplaadt Booms, with gas aad every oowreutawce; large to fixate*t« weignborhood, aud near burtmaaa. , ^ Apply to AC. WYLY A CO. !gH r