Southern confederacy. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1865, January 22, 1863, Image 1

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WO» 8EF0B1 SBIVATK ADVANTAGE A iiV ADAIR & SMITH. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1868. VOLUME H—NO. 289 kVHi]Ul* knitave*i»«».£ i Advertising Stkxlult of «»** Caul, Jo>iy and Intelligencer. I Kklfr or HUHkORIPTION. Only, per umo....'.. Drily, a is hodUu ojty, on* itowkly |>«r Mows....... Weekly, (even month*.. Weekly, three montU#.....„ i ‘Mai taqiindkmntMy i> adnut - ADVEKTfm.+U. •tyuarr <•< 1* Ml** Jt |M, -lie ONliM, |l , M ■rlirra leaa ' I » < <nw ler *•«*• eebta-que:. 1 . uw^rltrra leaa than oo* , l so. 3 Boa. 1 taoa. t too*. 6 i 13 m io$»«a.- '•teiarca,.. 'qaercs,.. >,n*r«*,.. •pmi,.. >|u*«e*,... .uarw,... $13 $Ul | $20 I HI II Ukxnm soLoMoi NEW FIRM. S. SOLOMON & BROS., H AH DWAKE Commission Merchants, (At the Store lately occupied b. Brail, A Solomon,) .Mr • early advertring, with tie privilege of cb*agc,wBI ■ taken It Ine following rake: one 9ipuy*. reaewsti* ears ■ month, 9 35 ot three 8yu*r.*, ., - SO ■ or oa«-fomrtb Uriamn, :... to r« one-bei' Column,................... IIP ATLANTA, OEOKCIA, I I A VIC IN WOKE and Me r«cc-ir:B* a stork of gese- JO. ral Hardwareeud Dupso iurni-lmu- Uo <li fur whole* erd retail Alto receive mi atonic ni-d rale Produce and Ororarfce, anil over, m>: flee of Mu Jamba on lite ral**« me. ,‘ •tisigniueui*, urla when drc9 3m a«- We will give pnrticalar nttentlo- to r mrignn and farniah oi>rrM|ujiiib-ut with murk, t tejurt* .i vafiiuv Work, wfth at watheat rule*, au l a-wertla* i« ocrapfia/ doaMa eolcma, will be ebargeu doobl* > to ,vo rata* i j eerlikemruh. nut mat kail on co|>, lor a a|«Citled lime, . .•liO'JrhviiuijUl -..i«Tdd ot>c, end eharfod according : hove r-‘— ■ J ir-.rttMmentaiarartan to 'em i»»u-r, and W.aaalT, wit* A a in i.0 ofiaraed U> per eenr fitly tjtee ■■.'tMioael to the re, j _ , rueet* win he liautva at. in. ;,.u eeat.'k*.f • ci. Mac* wki h* aLurged ealra Ulearner.rau-afCi - antr, Beat*. Removals, OoparlueraUipe, holloa* to l?bo- - A«., and payment demanded quarterly. uj*~ v«awi*«T AmaakoM wear ta r*in roe ta Ao- aerua. , :,cmcacut will appear to the Weekly paper un* . ae I.f .penal tenUac', Vj«« . uaeireula to be tuaartod to tu* Weekly pup ea oat* • fr-waUr Interval* ta elttier ol thr pei-crt, will hr • j-JV wjuere for every tn*er*i ■ - * ' rSto- " \m,- uajog-.aiulnlalesforiTtatP. Count;, kftd Muuiri- <i. f> be pmdtn*dv*U£ too every m,mnt,c. an a iv*ri»<uneniv for UiiariUffii- lat:JUHoor, Villlarr' .J f r.i ilonij nun a. Ward, fown, and »tb*r Public Meet tes >11! be rnaigid half price. Muriiceea ami deatfi* are |-aMjaAaa aa new*, tulOHt- - ,r- -. rrHuitce of Eaepdkt and Funeral .ovua’ien* aa t ,r .dvrrt.i "«M|. k.Iilojial *'oth-w iu !«cal Column, will bv charged 3" . .He peJUnc. be paper, under uo circumstance*, ■ o u .ncloded la a .awr.ij. - *" .n . jcdacUju r«»ia»e”. «u 0. -cade (roe. the tercge- ruONSKT AND MACHINE SSOf FOB MALE. •I'UI. UNPEB810 X k'ouuUry asd *" me eetapwlnueEt. ... nimd. r r. r | cf Tlil h _ eaeaa of the kihd ■ o'(lie Umftd.tlijr. W’e are now doli^ n targradd ; VoOUl>lo builoeaa, which would go lunpodi- ateij loto the baada ol Mir auitaaanra. Xha Buperlor ad- t tiiagm of IctyitOQ. will alwaye-ihanaa aa Incnjaaiag bn- -lueoe to avy eaieot dWLrcii. a aceoak deeituu* to inveet «i. •-fo well ta call «sd axamha. THUS WbBaXKll A CO, ...tlaacoga, July 31, UN. aagl-tC Notice--Barks Wanted. . MEDICAL CUKVEYOU 8 OFFICE, I AtL*kt*,U*i June i-0,lbt,8. ) ■ nk be t pricea Will te paid by tbrucdecatgpaa tr i large ijiiuutjtlee of tLe LHowIng D&iilib; Mem, biaiubreaLd root or Dogwood, (rootp eferred); hrantbe* and root* ol YVhlte Millow; root, trunk and bianrbt* ol Ameikan )Mplar, (cfllcd aha, tVnitc-wuod, Caaoo-wiicd aad «ull|»-Ue«M loot prUerred. Hate hark* mini to v^/wAub dried aad aecqjety pack ed. Ib«f may l« brutight to tkl* t Hicr, or *eut t-, Mr. In W. Walter, lletamcalagmi, Cuier.villo Ca.; or W. W. Duibaoi, BolanfCal Agt-i.t, Decal Or, Qa. y 1-t a. knrgean and BidhM hrtijcr, t . b. A. MAYER & SERINGER. Commission Merchants, *wi> wuoLimu tnuu la NSBCHAflill.SK, BEAL tSlilK, KODiDS AA® STOCKS, Messages of Northern (Imiraort. Aa choiring the sentiment of th» Governors of the Northern States, relative to the war and the measures of the general government for the prosecution.of the same, we givb below extracts from the annual mesrages of such Executives as have reached us : MESSAGE Ol SOV. XODB, Of OHIO. Cleveland, Ohio, Jan. 7.—The message ot Gov. Todd was delivered to tho adjourned sea- cion of the Ohio Legislature • yesterday. In iTforrence to the.yet ' uncruabed.rebellion,” ho urges the f'uilillmeut of the duty which the crisis linces upon us. No cause was sufficient to jus tify a State in taking up arms against the ueav eral Government. Even had the authorities of the General Gov- erumeht interfered with the domestic ineiitu tions of Ohio or South Carolina to the extent of introducing slavery in tun former, or excluding it from the latter, M would have bheo uo ckuau to tike up anas. This would not give the slighteat pretext for anuotl rhsuiomce. But uo suen attempt was tnkde or thought <rf, os the au'bors and leaders 9f the rebellion well knew. To bring tlicao men to the ptinishmeot they dc* eelve and to ri-stort law add order• the people Of Ohio are willing to hear any burdens that way Corner Wliitclinll »ud Al*b*m* Sts., be ATLANTA, GEORGIA. IVAKTIOTJLAK attention unit to cooviuuuuiutv of Uor* X chkudim «a( _ I nisi id to u», sad prompt tuisfe fiw aU Hood* sold the day *ale* are made. ui.vl3-Stu M W BUTCHS60H NlfiW F1KM R. M. PARKS & CO., AUCTION Commission Merchants, So. 14 Alabama MThet, Comer ofJ’jyor^^ ATLANTA, - - - - GKORGIA. R KSPECTKDU.Y tolictt a*umo f patronage wad tups ' ^ * * bosiuM* to give entire Bail*- r patron*. a a AHO06 d uooa s u mass AMOS8, UGON & CO., Wholesale Grocers COMMISSIOH MERCHANTS, Center of Whitehall and Mitchell Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, E OS the mis of frodnea, Merchandtie, Beal Kitate, Ns* groev, Ac. dde$-tf w a nmxw. u cot*. w r isius. INMAN, COLE & GO., GENERAL Commission Merchants, For the Purchase and Sale of Merchandise, Ri al Estate, Lite 8tock. Bonds, Stocks, Negroes, 4c. Ageucylor Va. Tobacco. A. CX)NNKIA, Late ol BlempUt*, 'l'ua. a A8 mt*blUh«l tp Montgomery,’Alatiuam.aarM-etom Aguwey ier nil kind* ol OMOaLVti AMD CHEWING 1 ituiBbl A TOBACCO, to wkkk bo wi okf mrecilutly dp -vet iKihlic ntfttnw. Ik* .1 r» aWmtny ueeuptod by wy -lie Noandmml g*o*ralrmttrnS v> XobueeoOat- -hiu ol Vlqgiidn; bat ate* a owstant «n^djr ol the uni blot gra iw of MIHAIL. Ik* kdiiliw 10* W,.a.pmmaky ? n» l M CO. W . H. HEHDERSo A U C T 1 < P ; N Uommission Merchants, Wltittball Street, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. WAnrlkni weekly. Plenum .end. ikMorse* WM. FORSYTH,. Haohine Blackemitb & Forger, UABORTX STKkJET, ^ v ATLANTA. - - - GEORGIA, Vy;« kmrewnde etore room, end win i to ell btadneO* entruVUd (Do*. Beech A Boot’* afore, Whitehall etroot covl-tl BONDS, STOCKS, SPECIE, EXCHANGE BANK BILLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, BOUGHT AND SOLD. By IL 8AL03HIN A 00, Babken, noviAOm* -' . Alabama atnet, near Whitehall. GEORGIA SALT MANUFACTURING CO. B. PHILLIPS, AGENT, MASONIC HALL, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. WANTED, the -secnUoh (4 alt work, .uttusted w turn. XGn..cml r 8—Steam Wirn lh Ml IE 111 *MTdll H I MS/ fcb. iUWlTBOTOJP. M i> k i?o r r i ^ r r 9 AlLAkU, tUOKlUAi i |JftiCfc;-hiibn^n*MMai*, 1 lint V.rir.% to lanltf A CARD. M k- UAVlD MAVZH, ffcackfhi upon him -l-n’» and sssxsra nas'^ M i Auction and icmtwr 16th. and would iii« L.CTW tip'i to Mr.D. May«rw«ia-olb.Ux** end notmaatho Anctioa office, and are iara - -Tv itAuk ■ l**pliMfj L. MATER. ad to call aad ATLANTA STEAM TANNERY. FO-B CASH, 5,000 COEDS BARK. •A- T RSNDAK80H, NOTICE. PRODUCE LOAN SUBSCRIBERS, b ujmwut* . JHL ■ .Jit-to l topii nplhtir jahscription*. Xlt* (iorara. «tn aafli MUllBBDt. Ail * f r*. m wtlh to inTMt cant t rrn Jrr a grantor anrtee to that eof&try aag eight per cent bond* of to. 9t,000,Mo LtS ^ V. aiwpraJSad to tomaibrin pronut ty- ABtkP Bond* ordered by us to tuts:riber* have arriTad and are seedy to daBvwry. “ ^ . IkirvUetow iidvre win letfihe bonds a* the^mey direct. tbJia at the rl«A cf the owaer.- Th. Oattoi of bo:* wiilba tafctu at the market price by ihoQjtocnmeat fUJEXIc AT Swaimah-lt Ccbgtohan A Sow*. Outnatn«-D Adema * Mecca—S 0 Monroe. Xewaan—J- J- . . IaO range-J race Metre-! a. ATltatwA V : K ’ D *' PHINIZY a CtAYXOB. jitft-lm Gvwcr.l Agents Produca fawn to Ha. 5j MONET TO BE MADE. HATS to ratv YS . h»r« b’hi m lrt»a aad Onai,000-DcUvr - - — ■. - 7 1 biuhet* (SiWHfttkMEg CLeYTOJi' HIGH SCHOOL. Male and Female. i EO. W. ADAIR,...:... J. HENLY gl^lTR, ■D1T0B8 ASD PBOFttflCTOlta. C. SMITH, M. &,... ... 3. N. CABDOtC, xsstouw aanim*. i put upon them. Oh as hio lias oue hundred and £Liiecn ihouahnd two hundred volunteers, sixty thousand' 0( whom ars in the field. Twelve thousand have been drafted into the service, but part of tnese eu listed aiierivaTds for three years. The remainder hare been diminished by various causes until only about two thousand four hundred have been dratted into the service. The Governor recoqi- mends a thorough reorganization ot the ntilitis, and the establishment of a school lor military instruction. The Governor also justifies the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus} advocates the passage of a law punishing resistance, and also a luw allowing soldier's to veto. Tho balance of the message is devoted to Si«'c a flairs. ■ MESSAGE OF aov. BVttXtor, OF OtLAWAUU. Gov. Burton, of Pelawbird, has sent ip message to the Legtslaiwe of -that SuitOU; begins Ly d«I>lorin^ the civil aad sangdinkry war, the depreciation of the currency, aud the otuur evt,a that have been brought about by the lawalicai madness of the Kortb and the lolly of the South, and expresses the that the General Government will lea.o the country without hope of tho restoration of the Union oy its emancipation measures. Be also condemns the emancipation scheme in unequivocal tcroisw declaring emancipated compensation unconstitutional, while it wiAtld bo paid in a depreciated if not utVeVIy worih- less medium. It woltld bo an act of injustice to the white than, who would then bn taxed to support negroes. Colonization is also denounced us a wild and visionary toheme, impracticable as it is old. It woaid produce a too raaicel change and break tip the Social system of the Sontb. The argument, that the Government has no constitutional power to appropriate public money to pay for emancipated negroes is again reiterated. Ho cannot appreciate how the rebellion is to be crashed by emancipa tion, bat takes great comfort ana hope at tne result of recent Northern elections. He then referB to bis action at the time of tho first call for troops by the President. He deolined to furnieh them because of the non existence of a militia , law conferring such authority on the Executive. He, however, issued a proclamation for the formation of Home Guards, wbioh were formed- Some of them tendered their services to the UnUcd States and were accepted. He alludes to the disarming of the State, and disbanding of others of these companies, and the arrest of soma of their members, as an arbitrary in fringement upon the rights of a loyal State. Allusion is made to the extra session of the Delaware Legislature, to consider the .ques tions which had arisen, but which adjourned without any action upon the subject. The order for the draft is spoken of and the fact that the enrollment was njado in every bam dred but one (Baltimore hundred) is pointed to with pride; lhe ‘‘unwarrantable and unconstitutional arrests of poaceful sod loyal oltiwens.” horri fies the Governor as also does the ‘'unlawful and unprecedented inferfertnea” with the voters by the introduction of armed troops into the State on the day of election who were, kept at nearly every voting place in tho State, lie can eee no possible exigency to jUeGly much action. They bad no right to comelnto the State. It was notan infringeruens npon Ute rights of tho oitixens, but a slander upos the oharacter of the State. To prevent such occurrences in future, ha recommends the passage of an act making it a penal offenco for any person or persona to be wittin one mile of an election heldtn’Uie State, either eftaraandiog an armed force or being commanded as such, whether they be of the United States forces, or from any oth er State, or belonging to oar own every such offense to be made indictable in some proper court, and punt*h*tble with fine and impris onment. The eitluiment of home guards by the U. S. Government, to serve within the State, is also adverted to in severe terms, and upon it he desires action. T Tite rest ot the message is taken up with matters of an entirely local nature. r ptUC exereisw of this School Will commence J*nu»rj 1 II “ .•10 IStli, 18c3. Two StkMM of flvo month* i Mb. TUITION FSB 6E8‘JCtf. Efiasry 0 asm UiClash iO 4th Gist* 23 MT*ra) ye*i*, stiou to all who may _ . _ fe u» a fair and cun cUC trim. St tot faith jit oc • is the Si* horse of dates, achoorfal ikit ' contylMhe* wfibmcedA moe&ur Aad pnoctutl niton Sich pupil. efcnUtioiis »t d propriety ot < nuance et ell time*, wilt bo I de- time*, will bo re quired of etch pupil. . Pupil* chargea Uem timu of ontrauce till elite ef so,- lion, except in o see c f pruirtcled sickness.. For farther rarti-tilars addr*«s THOS. A CU.YVEK, or Miss ■ - , J -nlT tf -loucsboro’, Ua. P. O’CON NOR & CO.; Commissiou Merchants, Amt Gcutral D.-alers iu ORCCERIES & COUNTRY PRODUCE, Decatur direct. . ATLAS TA, ... GEORGIA. SUt‘ Pr*mpr ic orders autl icunttauce- . jenlLti ‘ ?iEABtr\VNOOIL” FOR KALE. XkJ £ spoek airle.S y whtn we'ray tliatwk liat c nevei Vw oOctef *fch n r:r*l property Tor fa la, It (s situa- toufuue eiul e halt :i i:es Wes: of Docjtur, ou tnoFay- *Mut$J* rCkwi. end *U talfes from Atlente. Itiklond « of ibf) «cVoi, ore y acre lyiaz bekniifolly, *na . , ..-l. Smunirar •1 eertt, ttiily fifty cuusiaU of excellent tripth tKjtiom Une huoutu't ucree of hcevy wooded l«| d,lu* fieruly a ttuk 1 lie house is nut excelled n»il ft- kpp-.'l tnfdbtuOiUfinis'!, t-y uno country rcsi- Lklico in a toonsaou, S X rcoma. h.ird finished; closets, pantry, with glors doura-riooiue nuited l>y >< Idiog door*, ere sjio. of tfie edradlugta. There ia a larg.- young or chard, emlinuing in its calulo^u 1 , literally etery frnit grunro in this latitude, tint call and ace the piece lor youietlvee. » -j pronounce it o p'rfcct gem. 8, J. tUdCKKLFuKD, V. M. c r wood RIPLEY & WOOD, Commission Merchants, WliiteLall Street, a.I ATLANTA) - - GEORGIA, 1A ILL auo- d U, 'juylng and ■elling ail kind* of mei v • cJi.unUta. All .orders for good* most be eccompe* Lied with the ceah to uccuro nttention. Janll Is WHITE & TOWERS, Wnoi.£ffilB AND RETAIL CBOCEBS Marietta street. 10,000 DOLLARS WORTH i'aiicjMiiiiuTV Goods JUST OPENED. AN IKYOIOX OF 10,000 DOLLARS WORTH CH O I C E MILLINERY GOODS Jaat received and to Its sold on commission AT WHOLESALE ONLY jant7-lw By P. O. BB88ENT, Commisiion Merchant, Whitehall street, TOBACCO WAREHOUSE ANDERSON, ADAIR & CO., Wholesale Grocers COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WOODRUFF’S BUXLDMQ. (Naar fleer,** Kollroad Sank.) ATJLANTA. GEORGIA. HOSIERY AND BUTTONS. i)-l IDOZIMLN'I CTGLIta HALF a05E; 4UfJ WOgrextiaew Agate Duiions. On cotodgamwit OP f.-rsJc, by . ANFBkSnr, ABAIB A 00.. jaull-tf Ovate torten gnttogp BALT. Jtak-tf Oemujistlon UorcUknu. Cenunistb'D 3 Sfitt' ORLKAXS MOLASSES. 50 BULB. CUOICK N. O. MO LAKES, on •J’-' amt fur nle by . J«n94f ANDBRSOJf, ADAIR * COL,^ - OommUsioa Mercba WANTED. I at K^jxtIII*, Xeno, a Pndler, to whoa* ,wa H«r PAIR A CO'S Sloe*. B1AD&1RA WINE. *-\KS BBU AND A FEW DSMIJONS, “A ho. 1“ Uo yj deira Win*, on cm igntnent and to sate by J«n»4f ANDERSON, ADAIR A CO. CHICORY^ on BARBELS CtU'CORV, the only eubnitu c for C (to. tlU DU Miimm.ct hrfl fv ul, hr IV. hin.l n. on coongutnmt wd for tkia by the barrel or tack 6» ANDEBSON, AI-aIB * 00., jaa2-tf Comml-slon Men bants. Coffer. F ifiy sacks tsam oof fcrmteby aSD. JIH-tf >ent and A 00- LOaWOOD, in BOXES EXTRA OT LOGWOOD, on i-nt and for ANDERSON, ADAIR A COJ, jsni-tf CommiMlon Merchant*. Th« BPder»lgped4ra agent* furdhotal* of--p- TO B AC 0.0 From the largest and bset HAIRFXCTIJRERS ATLANTA, lanlk-ty* GEORGIA! Virginia & N. Carolina, And will keep constantly on hand a large and well assort ed itock of all grades required for the trade cf the ^ Confederate States T FOR HIRE. tWO LIKELY NKUaO MEN. FKaSb 0 * DAY{8, , tWmlertog Met clients. FOR SALE. QNfi HOUSE AND LOI good male* from tlio cir tli <1 oatbenildings, i>y Atlante, January tu,ltto3 Feach Tree street, 1*4 centaining S n oun ana PEA3K A DAVIS, P rriiilar! . chant* ... * 1m FOR SALE. 4 .SMALL FAHM, lying on thp M A IV 11 R, three and _ a holt mil** from the C*r Shed, oo t ..•ningSlOncris, 4bout da«143 cleared, the balance in woods. Woll Uu- Wtod. and a petty got d two story house, kitchen and out- Bar. ral si-rings and a first .ate well of water emfs ' M am on the premises. 1 will sell ail, or a port, of the ^ Dy eany application to thesnbscriber, abergain^ca Atlanta, Dee 81,1862. decSl-im i ran be W. H. HAiraOH & BROTHER, WHOLESALE t mulatto, 0 fret i* over tn heigh*, itev spoken, aud l* ItxD 6t llo poands, about SO jwsi Commission Merchants, MONTGOMERYi ALABAMA, dtclv ly BABAWAY, ■ BOYLE'S CAMP, on the 8. end N. Ala ttoilread, nssro.nlen, OEuKGE, about. 80 ytats old, weigh* 0 pOdoda, d*b:k cbmpl* Xfoh, about 6 feet 8 or 3 in'ches high, rather quick .poke:'. NUKOE or NOBVAN, yoer* old. A suitable ided and delivered to John '.orcmflnedjn^j^ to tbs'. JAB. H. Kobineon P.O.k.a WANTED TO HIRE DY THE MONTH. I GOOD ACTIVE KUGhO CDOTKB. 4 good ac'dvh negro Carpenters “ ' adJJrt tregro men to work in a store •CtTve negs*> bOy, 18 yen* old > F. M. FISK, Whitehall atroc: Atlanta. SCHOOL. IN the basement of the Bn\ Frcshyteriaa Cbnrcb, the ale BchooL efti the first 1 Bcdrtxfgn.d will ojen a Female . _ MondsF fa Jmmary next. A :ew boys, wilder ten yean Of age, will lie received. “ Wpt, h»lt tn advhnae. MBS. JI. a COL*. SSHT deciStf A'AS'lRt' TO FUUCHASK. IFUBCBA5B A GOOD CITY LOT, toi l rlmpruvoi cr unimproved. Also*, a PUata- • MOw 1000 acne, near some «f tho i or call on “ * s. A MCLENDON, AND AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. The attention of DEALERS Is invited to tills stock bvfora purchasing i WILLIS & YOUNG-, COLLIER’S BLOCK, WHITEHALL STREET, __ • PKA NUTS. A) HI BUSliBLS PEA NUTS, oo ooi»ignmei.t aud or ANDEKSOX, ADA1B A CO, dson-tf' r.^^Dion Merchant*. COTTON YARNS. -Q BALKS COTTON’YAHNS, on consignment and to ■ale by deell-tf ANDEBSON, ADAIR A 00, Commission Merchi QUININE. OAf I OUNCES BEST FRENCH QUININE, on < AW ment and to sole by ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, DOvtO-tf ’ Commission Merchants. - sets Buaax 0 nle by nov21-t1 HARNESS. 1ARNE9B, oh cosdKnmsct and to ANDEBSON, AliAIB A CO., Commlatlon Mecrhanto. FLOUR. 150 3R, on couklaninsitt and for rale by ANDEBSON, ADAUt k CG, -* Oommiasioa Mi | PEACH BRANDY. F FTY BBLS. PURE PEACH BRANDY, on r*’ * ’ ment and to sale hy^ ANDERSON, aDAIB A 00, - noria-tf Cotnmiwion Merchant*. CHAMPAGNE. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. N. B.—LUt* or aU brands with samples aud prices, sent by mall or express, when desired. -* Jaul8-lm DECATUR ACADEMY, MALE AND FEMALE. HUNTER, A. M, PRINCIPAL—The B enjamin t. . exercise* of this Academy will commence on the 3d Monday of January. Bates of TaiUou per annum, $15, fit, $80 and $10. The Scholastic year will be divided into two terths of five months each, and pupil* charged from lime ot entrance to the end of tha term. A. T. HOLMES, Proa. E-.ard .Trustee*, JanlO-tf MiLTON A. OaKDLBU, Secretary. DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. m ACRSS OF L$NDj45 cleared the balance heartljr tin bered, with a large, completely finished booth ccntali.lug nine rodbs with rloset* and fire place*; two framed negro houssk smoko boose, carriage liuu-.e, stable, cowshed*; n fine okphtad, alaTgs garden,Ac. I 1* situated on tho pVc-ue road, fir* milas from and tin from Powder Marietta mb Powder i-prlng*—both please of r.eort te For perticulara apply to B. Y Joyner, of the unilton, lfirkley £ Joyn-r, Atlanta, or to V M. firm of Hamilton, Martk-p rpriuger, on the p;sahta docU-tf DRY GOODS. 5000 YAaJ>ii CALrGOBS $00 yard* bleached Sheeting _ 360 pair Ladiee- end Mke.e Getter* and Slippere 13 dozen Men’* sod Boy’s Beta _ And a variety of Fancy Dry 05^^r.»^ e o,ly by 8- BOtfflffiWT A BROS, doclf-tX FOR SALE. 2 PRIME NEQEO MEN FOB BALE 1 Brick Uasdh 1 paatey Cook and Cirriago Driver andCerdeter Both young and healthy ALSO, TOBE-.T, e»*od .1 wetting, with six raoma lntkeso- Imrbacf the rity.oa Peadt TVeo street. Apply 3*_ PEASt A DAYJS ' Atlanta, January Dt ISOS. jaaS-lm. OxoXiscs Omcr, Atlanta, January 18,1383. TFH1L1P KBl£3, absent without leave, will report at ** this office within five day*, cr be edvertimd a* a do- MEISAUX Of 00Y. CCRXfaf, OF PXXXBIX.VAS1A. Tiiii mosase u very brief, ani ia devoted aluiOit entirely to Sum affaire: “Pennaylvaala,” Got. C. axya, “baa fnr- nisbed more than. 200,009 men for the war; including militia under the call of 11th Sep tember, 250,000 ties. Ibe appointment of a commission to prepare an efficient militia item is recommended. A statement follow the amount of ordnance, arms and ammo- Ae cutkm. ] j*£r Bring in your AdverOsemeiiU early jaalStf WALLACE 1 1,1 th ° ^ Bttd ther ° WUi b ® “° deUy *“ th0ir At the Store of P. A CKYdSu. * appearance. “ erntur. By cedar: i*u.7-6t M. U. WlaCJHT, MxjorCoaii mending Anecsl. HOOF FOlfiEB. WANTED, TTffE g MPIBE uigTILLEBT, lmmcdi»yy, iiiriorv Ho* Pol**, to wbUfcy harre *. P*rt» t* cmttfvctfcr iis*»fcuVBmust apply«tofy,«nher n“ Sir. I«trr t-, VTm L HStfK-dr &a tAdmrigned HIUH A LEWIS. (J* f MAYER * BXB1NGER. corner NUtabaU and Alahamo ttreeu, 100 yards Ssxoay Flanrel. on Boxes Card te. 6. Heavy uver-Coxte. 300 - * ~ Buvsatr FGR SALE. HOOD STORE HOtTBE AND LOT, w'li utuluri to nine, and ehowsbsa bmse *a the lot UUll-lw* ’ SALTI SALT: lili SACKS VIRGINIA bALT./uu reraised sad to 1** PAEK8ACO, iiarrr deel$-tf — ^ - DEHT4BTRY TkODEBICK CtDaEBhea temeeah hie office te» Ivy Xt atnat, two doors fiomMnb Sard’s err^eroc Decatur tartlet, where beta nice y fitted up,and will he glid to wck to old (r new p itt on*. janlo-lm* A saerifisd'tothe s»«ne,ecd steowsta^h— - - r ^bofodrarararary Mtto-gfagj-. •* J R BERCEWELL. Stone Mountain, tite Dee 1 _ Rerxxxxcze-W B Dcitoo, Atlsnu; T J »«n, Mountain. d«t261m TENNESSEE BASH BILLS. i ’aas’ds'jfcsr^ssytsififsf ■ar"***: vt*»» Soldier’s Transportation. rtOLDIEKS end KSCSliild going to eay pert Mfc ■ o dere. will apply to Obtain W illnun Beeco, A M - Agent of Transportation, t-n WhitiLall etteet. • DOZ. CMAMPAONE WINE,^ on ootulgnment to esle by _ niivlh-H ANDEBBOn' ADAIB A 00, JT Onmmiasion Morrbanl*. SOAP. »TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY BOXES YELLOW SOAP. JL 3ft Boxes Toilet 8:ap, on consignment ami for trio 6y nor-istf A>DEKSU>, Ann LA. A UtiH Ootamitaton Mercbaale. t 8EW4NJ MACHINES, op consignment undtoaaU bv ANDKRdON, aD^IR A UO, B-wlO-t. Commltaion I* J ' COUNTRY JEANS. A L4R0K LOT OY COUNTRY JEANS, on m<nt end tosrie by , - , . ANDERSON, ADAIR A 00, . - OommuBion Merchant*. POTlft-tf 50 1 FAMILY FLOUR, to eria by FOSTER, UCEKN A Oo. H0QEQE4D3 PRIME TO CHOIOR BROWN SUGAR deci^t* bJr Foster, queen a co. «ns 30O‘}JSI>'-* •«”*XSSSiUL . co. F08W? QUJBESf 1 * CO. BAR8EL3 APPLE BBAVUV ASD CORN WHISKY Q MALL L ET FINE SHOES AND FRENCH CALF SKIN dtolWf ^ ’ FOSTER, QUEEN * CO. GROCERIES, Ac. gQQQ FOUNDS TENFErEZS BACON KOOffi* Cirb edda dOOOffiitftllcw’” foO 2)j Star Can dies . ; 103 S>» Turp«fc'n» 8o*p aDDftj Copjtre! is She Qreen fe* d * - 60 3e Ginger 100 »t Spice 100 B* Serin r*pp«r Far til* at wfeo!et»f* by . 8.80LOMOS * BROS, Cdsuniisiott Hetchiots, at tlss store lately occupied by Brady A Bolomon. • dcclT-tf HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. of mosfag led M where I now lit*, for te’.e 8 A LITE AND. VALUABLE CITY LOT FOR SALE. \ S v -jcprvred Ird or r nxr* ou Whitahell street, eon- xX tBimngtwweadato j ecree, on which 1* c-rer ome A* • . . WA^TIfib. A DWELLING HUTTE Ruining fi« jr A tooias. i rst-Ae*ofaal*w|fa<h*B ,,- “ w * peithme# ,bc °l>- LO^Se^tf AS DERBOS AVAUL A 00. ZXSth. ac -R